Pre-Internship exam #1

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personal development

clarify values and develop confidence and self-reliance necessary to solve problems. "what will I do if..." time management, adapting to rules of agency, dress, etc..

encouragements of social media

communication and community sharing of ideas networking student discussion board


relationship with practitioners help set goals future employment identify job openings write letters call colleagues for you may lead to employment

5 educational goals of an internship

1. knowledge acquisition 2. knowledge application 3. skills development 4. personal development 5. professional development

four types of goals

1. knowledge acquisition 2. performance assessment 3. personal growth 4. professional development

Two most important tasks: the placement process

1. selecting the field site 2. successfully completing the placement process based on: academic success career goals

learning goals

an end you will strive to accomplish through your participation in an internship. may change 1. behavior in a situation 2. understanding of issues 3. performance in certain skills areas

Skills development

an internship provides an excellent arena for acquiring and developing job-related skills may also improve academic skills through internships improved oral and interpersonal communication skills

knowledge application

apply theories learned in the classroom through actual practice test various theories in a field setting

setting realistic goals

consider time you spend at the site duties you'll be allowed to perform your skills and competence levels the actual location of the site in terms of distance knowledge and understanding of the workings of the CJ system in theory and practice your personality-strengths and weaknesses overall size and mission of the agency

performance assessment goals

demonstrating: understanding of the workings of the agency evaluate situation identify casual relationships observe patterns proficiencies in particular skills improve existing skills identify new ones assess skills necessary to perform job list skills you would like to develop or improve

objectives essential

determine responsibilities at the site assess overall performance discuss during supervisory meetings


develop strengths and improve weaknesses

cons of an internship

do not treat as a temporary obstacle may be haunted by it when it comes time for recommendations or pre-employment background checks i do not recommend

cautions of social media

employers are encouraged to look for blogs of future employees. previous blogging may still be accessible through a google search

What is an internship?

formal course in an academic program students are allowed to observe and participate supervisor and faculty provide guidance allow students to explore career choices

developing learning objectives for your goals

goals formulated set specific learning objectives to define how to accomplish those goals to set objectives, work with faculty and field supervisors to see if realistic attainable measurable

social networking: encouragements

has been adopted by many organizations searching linkedin or facebook may provide you with internship opportunities or connect you with others who have had an internship experience or are in the process of procuring one

professional development

help you evaluate your interest in pursuing a career in CJ. why are you studying criminal justice? career goal satisfied this area does not suit me

identify specific goals

if you do not identify specific goals, and a method for attaining them, you will not be able to articulate what you learned in the internship. help expand boundaries negotiate tasks or experiences

Feedback from others

regular meetings- to reassess formulate goals take periodic stock if accomplished- develop others make modifications take added responsibility assessing goals is crucial maybe perfect job or maybe explore other areas

the student grapevine

informal information network best placement sites strengths weaknesses

professional development goals

internship may identify a career articulating career goals will aid in testing aspirations specific goals: pursue a career in law enforcement general goals: goals may be short or long range work in an agency that provides direct service work in legal agency identify whether i want to go to law school

personal growth goals

inventory personal assets to determine strengths and weaknesses discussion these with family and friends examples of goals to become more open minded and reduce stereotyping people who are different to be more assertive and initiate interactions with those who intimidate me

Criminal justice

is a general term that denotes interdisciplinary scholarly teaching and research in the behavioral and social sciences, focusing on the social problems of crime

obvious goals

learn about the actual practice of the CJ field and the functions of the position and others at your field site apply classrooms to real world experience and contacts that will aid in the search for employment

Educational Goals

learning: viewed as a continuous process, occurring through formal and informal means

dont get discouraged

many agencies insist on a trial period before allowing an intern to function as a staff member. practice skills under supervision

finding the site that is right for you

once you decide 1. type of internship 2. where you would like to be located then: discuss with internship coordinator use of student grapevine or informal network

consider the following internship factors

post grad career goals- probation officer/work in court monetary resources- transportation, parking, wardrobe, meals, geographic location- amount of travel, scheduling, transportation, virtual programs- "commute" to work via the internet.

choosing an appropriate site

review the program and possible placements (with internship coordinator) one semester prior understand the placement process familiarize yourself with overall program submission of application materials academic requirements re: placements

why intern?

self directed learning skills knowledge and better understanding of CJ better understanding of course work answer the question of where do I fit?

specific plan necessary

tasks situations that promote learning means of assessment objectives and learning tasks

duties assigned are influenced by

time commitment skill level success of previous interns staff compliment formal and informal policies regarding interns

Pros of an internship

vehicle for job placement valuable experience insight on how to procure employment

assessment techniques

written analysis notes logs written memos reflect and provide historical perspective on the internship

methodology for assessing progress

you are a self directed learner assume responsibility for assessing progress are your learning objectives and goals realistic and attainable periodic feedback from others

knowledge acquisition

you will gain a great deal of firsthand knowledge about the CJS that cannot be learned in the classroom environment self direction is essential experiential learning "for the first time, I really know how to put a case together."

demonstrate the skills you have

you'll be allowed to get more involved in other areas of the agency

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