Preparing for Unit 2 Bible Test

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The book of the Bible which states that believers should not be alarmed at the fiery trials which come upon them is: Romans 2 Timothy Proverbs 1 Peter

1 Peter

God is not loving since He allows the presence of suffering in the world. True False


In the midst of his suffering, Job cursed God. True False


No one who faithfully serves God will experience suffering. True False


That man himself is capable of solving all his problems given enough time, wisdom, and scientific ability is the teaching of: Fatalism Optimism Determinism Hinduism Humanism


speak of the rebellion and fall of Satan

Isaiah and Ezekiel

disciple who betrayed Christ with a kiss


For those who are sick, Jesus is the divine: Comforter Physician Help Rock


Roman ruler who had the innocent Jesus beaten


Although the Roman ruler _____________declared Him innocent, Christ was beaten with _____ stripes before He was crucified.

Pilate 39

endured troubling things in a dream

Pilate's wife

The debate section of the book of Job is written in the style of Hebrew _____________.


Select the basic errors with which God charged Job's three friends: They had not spoken up soon enough, letting Job suffer in silence for seven days. They had not agreed on what was wrong, rather each took his own opinion. They had not spoken what was right about Job. They had not been correct about God's motives and involvement in Job's suffering.

They had not spoken what was right about Job. They had not been correct about God's motives and involvement in Job's suffering.

disciple who believed when he saw Jesus' wounds


Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered. True False


Job lived in the land of Uz, a region at the south of Edom and west of the great Arabian desert. True False


The Lord blessed Job with a family of seven sons and three daughters before his period of suffering. True False


The arguments God had against Job's friends included their error in not understanding God's motives in Job's suffering. True False


The word trust means to depend upon, or have confidence in, the character and word of another. True False


The world's beliefs about the presence of suffering try to offer explanations other than those offered in the Bible concerning Satan and sin. True False


When Job was willing to forgive his friends and pray for them, God was able to restore and bless Job because of his obedience. True False


Rebuked Job for saying he was righteous; advised him to repent quickly before he dies.


Hebrews 12:2: Looking unto Jesus the ________ and finisher of our________; who for the__________that was set before him endured the __________, despising the shame, and is set down at the_____________hand of the________ of God."

author faith joy cross right throne

number of servants who escaped and informed Job


murderer who was released instead of Jesus


Since God punishes only guilty people and Job was being punished, he should repent.


one of Job's three friends


one of the earliest books of the Bible written


all events are "set in stone" and can never be changed


As our High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ makes constant ___________for believers before the throne of God.


For how many days and nights did Job's three friends sit in silence when they first saw his great grief? ten twelve seven three


number of cycles in the debate section of Job


During his sufferings the Christian should be submissive, trusting, and: angry silent thankful provoked


Select possible purposes for suffering in the Christian's life: to draw a believer into closer fellowship with the Lord to work out forgiveness for wrong doing to develop and discipline the believer until he is Christlike to strengthen the Christian in his faith to bestow eternal rewards for faithfulness and obedience

to draw a believer into closer fellowship with the Lord to develop and discipline the believer until he is Christlike to strengthen the Christian in his faith to bestow eternal rewards for faithfulness and obedience

The word suffer given in the Scriptures can mean: to experience loss to go through or endure to cause to fear to stir up strife

to experience loss to go through or endure

events are caused by previous spiritual or physical conditions


The philosophy that teaches that man can use reason to solve all his problems by himself is called ____________.


How many years did Job live after his great trial of faith? 50 140 120 65


Job's friends who sat with Job in his grief were ____ . Eliphaz Bildad Zophar Elihu Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar All of above

All of the above

I ______15:57: "But ________be to ________, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Corinthians thanks God

region to the north of where Job lived in Uz


Joseph and Mary had to flee to the land of __________when Christ was a baby to protect Him from __________the king, who tried to murder the Child.

Egypt Herod

Job had sinned in demanding that the Creator of everything condescend to answer him.


The name of the younger man who spoke more wisely to Job than his other friends: Bildad Elihu Eliphaz Zophar


young man who spoke after Job's three friends


Job was suffering for some secret sin and was arrogant and foolish to plead his innocence.


Select all that apply. Job's friend(s) who came to comfort him and were later rebuked were _____ . Eliphaz Bildad Zophar Enosh

Eliphaz Bildad Zophar

Two factors characterizing the style and content of the book of Job include its limited source of knowledge and a timid Hebrew writing style. True False


When God finally intervened in the debate, He spoke to Job in a dream. True False


Select all that apply. Three major categories of attitudes the world has with respect to suffering include _____ . fatalism determinism theism humanism

Fatalism Determinism Humanism

stated that temptation leads to sin and death


wrote of the patience of Job


had a complaint similar to Job's


_____________was a patriarch who acted as priest for his household. He suffered the loss of his wealth, family, and health, but kept his faith.


prevented Paul from visiting Thessalonians


A Christian is a person in whom God has created a new: body soul spirit


God required believers in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament to be rightly related to Him. True False


disease with which Job's body was smitten by Satan


What good things that the Lord worked together in Job's sufferings will He do for every believer? took away the pain during the suffering so Job wouldn't feel it gave His servant everything he asked for deepened the spiritual character of His servant brought glory to Himself abundantly rewarded His servant for his faithfulness

deepened the spiritual character of His servant brought glory to Himself abundantly rewarded His servant for his faithfulness

interchange and discussion of ideas in a frank and open way


Hebrews declared that God must ____________His children to make them holy.


Satan accused Job of following the Lord only: out of fear of God for material gain for spiritual reasons out of a deep love for God

for material gain

Job finally concluded that: his suffering would only be temporary, and that things had to get better his friends were correct, there was sin in his life that he was being punished for God was unfair for allowing Satan to torment him for no reason he had spoken as a foolish man from a limited understanding when he questioned God

he had spoken as a foolish man from a limited understanding when he questioned God

John 42:2: "I _________that thou canst do_____________ ______________, and that no thought can be withholden from thee."

know every thing

large sea creature that man cannot tame


Select the ways suffering came to Christ from the religious leaders and Romans soldiers: caused Him to curse lied about Him spit in His face worshiped Him struck His face ridiculed Him

lied about Him spit in His face struck His face ridiculed Him

Job's suffering took place over a period of approximately how many months? seven five nine fifteen


Most of the book of Job is written in the form of: prose drama narrative poetry


The majority of the debate section of the book of Job is in the form of: prose narrative soliloquy poetry


Satan tempted God's human creation by using the root of his own downfall: lust pride rebellion deceit


Paul told Timothy that suffering in this life qualifies the believer to do: forgive with Christ live with Christ reign with Christ pardon with Christ

reign with Christ

supreme in authority; superior to all others


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