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An adolescent client reports having diarrhea before every test in school. The nurse recognizes that this client needs to focus on which dimension of health?

Emotional dimension

Which nursing actions are characteristic of the nurse's role as communicator?

Establishing and maintaining helping relationships with clients of all ages in a variety of settings

What nursing activity forms the bridge between theory and practice?

Evidence-based research

What is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity?


A nurse is interviewing a family. During the interview, the nurse gathers information about the family's environmental dimension. Which element would the nurse include in this assessment? Select all that apply.

Housing situation Local climate

The statement, "More frequent handwashing will significantly lower the rate of infection in hospitalized clients," is an example of what research component?


The nurse discussing the importance of professional nursing organizations setting standards should include which statement?

It helps identify nursing as a profession.

A person practicing nursing in the 1950s would most likely have been influenced by what trend?

Large numbers of women began to work outside the home, asserting their independence

The nurse is planning an educational visit with a client. Which must the nurse assess to identify the client's readiness to learn? Select all that apply.

Level of motivation Level of knowledge Willingness to follow the health regimen Physical and psychological abilities to carry out the plan

The nurse enters the client's room in the acute care unit immediately after the client experiences a generalized tonic-clonic type seizure in bed. What is the first action the nurse should take?

Position the client in a side-lying position

Which intervention performed by the nurse is most appropriate for assisting a client in meeting safety and security needs based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Providing the mother the phone number for the poison control center

The nurse researcher would like to gather data about the attitudes of young adults on spirituality and health care. What is the most effective form of research on this topic?

Qualitative research

When a researcher begins to form plans for a research project, the researcher must decide on the method for conducting the research. The nurse researcher that plans to emphasize collection of narrative data and the analyses would select which of the following methods of research?

Qualitative research

The nurse performs an assessment of the client and the family to have a better understanding of client and family needs. Which is an individual need?


A nurse is assisting a neurologist, who is assessing the norepinephrine (noradrenaline) level of a client who is reporting stress. Which function does norepinephrine (noradrenaline) perform?

heightens arousal and increases energy

A nurse is providing care for client who experienced a stroke. Which nursing intervention reflects the tertiary level of prevention?

provide care transition at discharge for speech therapy

A group of nurses is participating in a community health fair and is engaged in primary prevention activities. Which activities would these nurses be leading? Select all that apply.

Family planning services Accident prevention education Heart-healthy nutrition services

A community health nurse is providing care to several farming families in a rural community. Which concept would be most important for the nurse to integrate into the plans of care for these families?

Family structures may change over time.

The nurse researcher is aware that the type of variable that can be manipulated in a study is which type of variable?


A nurse researcher is involved in an experimental research study. Which component would the nurse researcher manipulate?

Independent variable

A nurse observes that the past five clients referred from a community clinic have been treated for drug and/or alcohol overdose. Based on this information, the nurse assumes that the clinic specializes in the treatment of substance use. This is an example of what type of reasoning?

Inductive reasoning

A young couple who have been married less than a year are having difficulty with adjusting to parenting. What is a contributing factor to this level of maladjustment?

Limited time in learning to be a marital partner

The nurse is giving a talk to a local community group on the harms of smoking. The nurse tells the group that a risk factor is something that increases a person's chances for illness or injury. What type of risk factor is smoking?


Which is most similar to a nursing model?

Nursing theory

While providing client care, a nurse determines that a client adheres to the health belief model. What would the nurse need to assess as a factor possibly affecting the client's response to illness?

Personality characteristics

Which scenario is the best example of the nurse acting as an advocate?

Writing legislation for insurance coverage for screening colonoscopies

The nurse is caring for an 85-year-old client hospitalized for dehydration. The nurse notices that the client is shivering and takes the client's temperature. The nurse notes an oral temperature of 97.8°F (36.6°C). The client also reports being "chilly." Which nursing action is most appropriate?

Offer the client an extra blanket.

The nurse is conducting a home assessment and suggests that the client's family remove scatter rugs from the home and increase the lighting. Which basic human need is being addressed by the nurse's suggestions?

Safety and security

The client is admitted with a gastrointestinal bleed. The health care provider ordered a colonoscopy. Which level of care encompasses this procedure?


A client has been admitted to the hospital for treatment of pancreatitis secondary to alcoholism. The client states that it is nearly impossible to quit drinking because of the deep entrenchment of alcohol use in the client's circle of friends and line of work. As well, the client claims to have thought that drinking only beer and foregoing hard alcohol would prevent health problems. This client is exhibiting health consequences rooted in which human dimensions?

Sociocultural and intellectual

Which aspect of the nursing research process addresses a client's understanding of the potential risks and benefits of the study?

Undergoing the informed consent process with the client

When providing holistic care to a client, the nurse recognizes that which behaviors are necessary? Select all that apply.

Understand and respect each person's definition of health. Understand and respect each person's responses to illness.

The nurse is addressing primary prevention with a group of college students. Which promotional statement by the nurse would be the best example of a developmentally appropriate discussion?

Use of condoms can help prevent sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy.

The nurse assesses a client who is postoperative day 1 following a total abdominal hysterectomy. Assessment data includes blood pressure (BP) 150/88 mm Hg, heart rate (HR) 100 beats/min, respiratory rate (RR) 22 breaths/min with a pain scale of 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. The abdominal dressing is clean, dry, and intact. The client's prescriptions indicate ambulation today. Which is the priority nursing action?

Medicate the client for pain as prescribed by the health care provider.

A client comes to the health center for a follow-up visit. Assessment reveals that the client is experiencing problems ambulating and moving about due to degenerative joint disease; in addition, the client is feeling isolated due to the limitations in mobility. The client also reports feeling anxious about the future related to the mobility issues and being unable to fulfill the role as the major provider. Which need would the nurse identify as the priority?


Which is a characteristic of nursing practiced from early civilization to the 16th century?

Most early civilizations believed that illness had supernatural causes.

A group of nursing students has attended a presentation about the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA). Which statement by the group indicates that they have understood the information presented?

The organization provides programs of current professional interest.

A group of concepts and the relationships among them is what?


What have the models of health promotion and illness prevention been used for?

To help health care providers understand health-related behaviors.

Which types of knowledge are subjective? (Select all that apply.)

Traditional knowledge Authoritative knowledge

The nursing process is:

a critical thinking method used by nurses to provide nursing care that is individualized and holistic.

A conceptual framework is defined as:

a set of concepts and propositions.

When admitting an adolescent to the hospital, the nurse anticipates that the client will respond to questions about the client's health beliefs based primarily on the client's:

age and developmental stage.

A client has a Staphylococcus infection in a decubitus ulcer. In this case, Staphylococcus is the:


The registered nurse is teaching a community health class about illness prevention. Which statement reflects understanding of this concept?

"It is important to enroll in a smoking cessation class."

The nurse and a student are discussing entry into the profession of nursing. Which statement should the nurse use to describe a diploma program?

"It is obtained by a 36-month program at a hospital."

Which could be considered an example of a qualitative research project?

A PhD nursing student is collecting data on how Somali immigrants perceive the care they receive in one community clinic. The nursing student is taping and analyzing interviews with clients that have been in the country and community 2 years or less and who have sought care at least once at this clinic.

Which scenario accurately depicts the influence of one's religious beliefs?

A client who practices Orthodox Judaism will not eat pork.

The nurse is planning care for several clients in an outpatient clinic. Which client requires follow-up care due to a chronic condition?

A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who is wheezing and coughing

Which scenario is the best example of a nurse in the role of counselor?

A nurse allowing a crying client to verbalize fears of death

A community health nurse has noticed a large number of women in the community are not getting regular mammograms. This is a rural community with limited access to health care. Which action would be the most appropriate for the nurse to pursue to promote compliance in getting annual mammograms?

Arrange for a mobile mammography unit to come to the community several days a month.

The nurse is performing care for a client in the end stage of cancer. How can the nurse best facilitate the client and family's ability to cope? Select all that apply.

Assist the client with activities of daily living (ADLs). Assist the client and family with the preparation for end-of-life. Refer the client and family to hospice services.

Which nursing activity reflects care given on the tertiary level of healthcare delivery?

Assisting with transplant surgery

A client with a lump in the breast calls the healthcare provider to schedule an appointment for an evaluation. Based on the client's actions, what stage of illness is the client demonstrating?

Assuming the sick role

The nurse is discussing the recommended entry level for professional nursing practices. Which is the most accurate statement by the nurse?

BSN is the recommended entry level by national nursing organizations."

A nurse working with clients in a community is aware that which is a true statement related to environmental factors in that community?

Barriers to accessing health care within a community may include lack of transportation.

What is a misconception about chronic disease?

Chronic illnesses cannot be prevented.

The community offers health care provider offices, a county health department, a community hospital, an assisted living facility, two nursing homes, and hospice. The nurse recognizes that these agencies represent which type of community factor?

Community healthcare structure

A group of objects with relationships is which?


The nurse is educating a client with diabetes on how to better control blood sugar levels and recognize the symptoms associated with both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The client is frequently admitted to the hospital due to elevated blood sugars. This education is an example of which level of health promotion?


A nurse observes that a client who has pneumonia is in the recovery and rehabilitation stage of the illness. Which statement describes the client response that the nurse would expect at this stage of the illness?

The client gives up the dependent role.

In conjunction with the client, the nurse has set the following client outcomes. Which client outcome reflects Maslow's level of self-esteem needs?

The client will verbalize feelings of increased confidence in performing a finger-stick blood sugar.

During World War II, nurses were actively recruited and enlisted in the military. What effect did this have on the nursing profession?

caused a civilian nursing shortage

A nurse is assessing a client with stress-related problems. Which factor influences responses to stressors?

social support

All members of the health care team are encouraged to read and contribute to the individual plans of care for their clients. Which health care provider develops the plan of care?

the RN

Although all of the following are nursing responsibilities, which one would be expected of a nurse with a baccalaureate degree?

using research findings to improve practice

The nurse understands that for nursing to be considered a profession, many things need to be in place. Which element is not part of those considerations?

Multidisciplinary approach

A family that consists of two homosexual parents and three children living in the same house is an example of which type of family?


What was the focus of nursing research during the first half of the twentieth century,?

Nursing education

If a nurse describes a study of people and the nursing profession including studies of education, policy development, ethics, and nursing history, then what is the nurse defining?T

Nursing research

Which activity systematically inquires about the problems encountered in nursing practice and into the modalities of client care?

Nursing research

Nursing, as a profession, has long held the belief that providing nursing care to an individual client means providing nursing care to the entire family. What does this mean when put into a holistic framework of client care?

Active participation by individuals and families in health promotion is integral to this framework of client care.

An abstract idea or object that relates to other abstract ideas or objects is which?


A nursing theory differs from a theoretical framework in which way?

Concepts and propositions are more specific

The nurse is planning interventions to promote the health of a family with young children. Which family task does the nurse need to consider when planning interventions?

Coping with loss of energy and privacy

The process of considering an idea as a whole and then dividing it into smaller, more specific ideas is which?

Deductive reasoning

Which theorist supports the developmental framework of family assessment?


A couple with adolescent children is most likely to focus on which developmental task?

Strengthening the marital relationship

A nurse working on a busy acute care unit is planning care for a group of clients. Which nursing action best exemplifies the primary focus of the nurse's role?

The nurse comforts a client who received bad results from a diagnostic test.

An older adult client who has been hospitalized due to a stroke is about to be discharged from a rehabilitation center where the client had to relearn how to perform activities of daily living, including feeding and dressing. The client has often voiced a desire to be as active as possible. The client now expresses a strong desire to go home. The nurse recognizes that these statements made by the client indicate that the client is:

giving up the dependent role.

The nurse instructor has completed a session detailing major factors differentiating exacerbations from remissions. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students point out which factor(s) can contribute to exacerbations? Select all that apply.

immune system is functioning poorly sleep has been disrupted due to family issues client is facing a potential eviction

From 1900 to 1940, research in nursing focused on:

nursing education and teaching.

The focus of nursing is always on which of the four common concepts in nursing theory?


What are common sources of stress in family members due to a hospitalization of a family member? Select all that apply.

Alterations in roles Economic problems Alterations in lifestyle Decrease in social interactions

A nursing student's parents are both health care providers. The nursing instructor may feel the student has

Been socialized in healthcare

The nurse is aware that basic client needs must be met before a client can focus on higher ones. According to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, which example would be the highest priority for a client after physiologic needs have been met?

Grab bars are installed in a client bathroom to facilitate safe showering

A nurse is taking care of a client who has a new, permanent colostomy. The nurse is talking with the client about the new appliance and asking how the client feels about managing it. Which client response indicates understanding of the relationship between self-concept and health?

I am developing a set of realistic expectations to help me manage my overall health and quality of life."

The epidemiology nurse finds a lower occurrence of influenza cases in a section of a large metropolitan city. Further research reveals higher influenza immunization rates in that section of the city. The nurse determines which probable cause for this occurrence?

Immunization has become a community norm.

The nurse is working in an acute care setting and performs primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Which activity performed by the nurse is classified as tertiary prevention?

Instructing a client on how to use crutches

Which behaviors are necessary for a person to successfully adapt to a chronic illness? Select all that apply.

Learn to live as normally as possible Maintain a positive self-concept Maintain a sense of hope

Which individual provided community-based care and founded public health nursing?

Lillian Wald

The nurse is holding a cholesterol screening at a local pharmacy this Saturday morning. What level(s) of health promotion is this screening an example of?


A nurse is planning to participate in a research project and is looking for information about what is already known about the topic. The nurse is involved in which step of the research process?

Scientific literature review

Who established the first public health service for the sick and poor?

Lillian Wald

A nurse is working as part of a group to address factors within the community affecting the health of the families in that community. Which area would the nurse identify as playing a role in contributing to altered health status? Select all that apply.

Limited number of institutions providing health care Small number of recreational opportunities for adults and children Overlapping of industrial zones with residential zones

Consultation and diagnostic tests are included in which level of health care?

Secondary care

A mammogram represents which level of prevention?

Secondary prevention

What is the central theme of Florence Nightingale's nursing theory?

Meeting the personal needs of the client within the environment.

The scientific process and nursing research have the same methodologies for investigating and solving problems. Place the steps of the scientific process and nursing research in order. Use all options.

identifying what one needs to know or is curious about deciding the approach to seeking the answer devising a plan implementing the plan assessing the outcomes

Which action by the nurse best represents the evaluative portion of the nursing process?

assessing a client's blood pressure after teaching stress reduction techniques

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