Presidency of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

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What was the Sedition Act?

prohibited speaking out against the government, punishable by fine or jail/prison

What does States' Rights mean?

"States Rights" is the idea that a state could choose to follow a federal law, or to not follow it ("nullify" it), if they thought it was unconstitutional

What did Thomas Jefferson say in his Inaugural Address?

"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." He called for unity and protection of rights,

What does v. mean in the name of a court case?

"versus"; shows the two opposing sides

What were the four purposes of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

(1) to find an all water route to the Pacific; (2) to make contact with the Native Americans; (3) to make maps of the Louisiana Territory and beyond; and (4) to learn about/bring back samples of plants, animals, and minerals

What was the result of Marbury's suit?

-No judgeship for Marbury -the law creating his judgeship was declared unconstitutional -case was the beginning of concept of "judicial review" making the Judicial Branch an equal branch of government

Which of our Bill of Rights rights did the Alien/Sedition Acts violate?

1st amendment rights to speech, press, assembly

What was the Louisiana Purchase?

A land buy that more than doubled land size of the U.S.

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts intended to do?

A. and S. Acts were said to protect U.S. but really were designed to crush opposition to/criticism of gov.

Who was the 3rd V.P. of the U.S.?

Aaron Burr until he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, then George Clinton

What was Adams' position on going to war with France?

Adams did not want war with France

After the XYZ Affair, what did Adams ask Congress to approve?

Adams got Congress to approve a bigger navy and a peacetime army

How many terms did Adams serve? Why?

Adams only served one term b/c own party was divided and Demo. Republican had gained strength b/c of the Alien and Sedition Acts

Why did Adams support the Alien/Sedition Acts?

Adams supported the A.S. Acts b/c he was fearful of criticism of himself and the gov.

What political party was Jefferson a member of?

Democratic Republican

Which party believed in strict construction of the Constitution (the federal gov. should have less power)?

Democratic Republicans

What party supported states' rights and nullification during the late 1700's?

Democratic Republicans were for states' rights and nullification

What were the two political parties in 1796?

Democratic Republicans, Federalists

Which party believed in loose construction of the Constitution (the federal gov. should have more power)?


What were the two political parties in the Election of 1800?

Federalists Democratic Republicans

What were the parties' positions on the National Bank?

Federalists for national bank Demo. Repub. against national bank

What were the 2 parties' views on tariffs?

Federalists supported high tariffs Dem. Repubs. supported no tariffs or lower tariffs

What were the parties' positions on the Alien Sedition Acts?

Federalists supported the A. & S. Acts Dem. Republicans were against the A. & S. Acts

What were the views of the different parties on Foreign Affairs?

Federalists: for England/neutrality Democratic Republicans: for France

Who owned the Louisiana Territory when it was purchased by the US?


Why did France sell the Louisiana Territory?

French needed money to fight the British

What was the issue in the XYZ Affair?

French wanted a bribe to have peace talks with the United States

Who was the Secretary of State under Jefferson?

James Madison

Who put pressure on Congress to repeal Alien/Sedition Acts?

Jefferson, Madison, VA, KY

Who was the 2nd president of the U.S.? What was his party?

John Adams; Federalist

What was the Alien Act?

Law that said (1) Pres. could expel any foreigner thought to be a threat and (2) 14 year waiting period to become a citizen/or to vote

Why did Marbury v. Madison occur?

Marbury wanted to be a judge, Jefferson did not deliver the official papers

Who was Marbury in Marbury v. Madison?

Marbury was appointed a federal judge by Adams just before Adams left office, but never became a judge. Jefferson didn't want a Federalist judge so he told Madison not to deliver the official papers making Marbury a judge.

What was "nullification"?

Nullification is the concept that a state could ignore a law passed by Congress if it considered the law unconstitutional. Associated with States Rights.

Who sent Lewis and Clark on their expedition? Who funded them?

President Jefferson sent them to explore the Louisiana Territory and Congress funded them

What result did the Alien/ Sedition Acts have?

The A. and S. Acts alienated many people from Adams and the Federalist Party and brought more support to the Democratic Republicans

What is the concept of judicial review?

The concept that the Supreme Court can declare a law (which is an act of Congress) unconstitutional

How was the XYZ Affair resolved?

There was no war over XYZ Affair b/c Adams wants to follow Washington's advice and stay neutral

Why did Adams and Jefferson have problems?

They were from two different parties and often disagreed

Who was the 2nd V.P. and what was his party?

Thomas Jefferson -- Democratic Republican

Who was the 3rd President of the U.S.? What was his party?

Thomas Jefferson; Democratic-Republican

What was the capital of the United States under Jefferson?

Washington D.C. (8th Grade trip!!)

Why was Pike's Expedition important?

Westward expansion, trade, knowledge of the Southwest

What was significant about Jefferson's first inauguration?

first inauguration in Washington D.C.

Significance of Election of 1800?

first peaceful transfer of power between political parties

Why was the XYZ Affair called the XYZ Affair?

letters were substituted for "secret" agents' names = XYZ

What were the Kentucky/Virginia Resolutions?

said the Alien/Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and therefore they (the two states) would "nullify" or not enforce them. This gave states power not fed. gov.

Where did Pike explore?

the Southwest part of the U.S. then, and what is now present day Colorado

Who heard the Marbury v. Madison case?

the Supreme Court heard Marbury v. Madison

What was the result of the Election of 1800?

tie between Jefferson and Burr; went to House of Reps.=multiple ties; Jefferson won

Why did Jefferson want New Orleans?

to secure trade through the port and along the Mississippi River

Where did Lewis and Clark explore?

up the Missiouri River, across the Great Plains, across the Rockies, down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean and back

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