Pretest Ch. 31 & 33

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The soft palate consists of three pairs of muscles


There is a major maxillary gland as well as several minor submaxillary glands


Each of the following is true about the uvula EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

It is a tubercle located within the soft palate.

Each of the following is true of the parotid gland EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

It is located within the mental foramen.

Contraction of each of the following muscles forces food down toward the esophagus EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Stylopharyngeal muscle

The sublingual caruncle is the opening for which salivary ducts

Submandibular Major Sublingual

The shape of the hyoid bone resembles a


The action of the orbicularis oris is to close and compress the lips.


The glands of von Ebner are purely serous glands.


The vertical fold of tissue in front of and behind each palatine tonsil is the

All of the above

The glossopalatine glands are located in the hard palate posterior to the rugae. They are purely serous glands.

Both statements are false.

The labial glands are primarily located on the labial gingiva. These purely serous glands provide watery lubrication for all labial areas.

Both statements are false.

The lingual salivary glands are classified as major salivary glands and divided into several groups. The anterior lingual glands, found near the tip of the tongue, are mostly serous in nature.

Both statements are false.

The parotid gland produces the most salivary volume of the major glands. It produces about 60% to 65% of salivary volume.

Both statements are false.

The palatine glands are responsible for taste perception because they contain special taste-enhancing cells.

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

During speech the soft palate moves both forward and backward. The backward movement is accomplished by the levator veli palatini.

The first statement is false; the second statement is true.

Muscles of the oral pharynx seal off the nasal cavity from the oral cavity. This action also narrows the space between the two palatine tonsils.

The first statement is false; the second statement is true.

The levator veli palatini elevates the posterior end of the soft palate. It joins the tensor veli palatini in tensing the soft palate.

The first statement is true; the second statement is false

Pharyngeal elevator muscles elevate and dilate the pharynx. These actions are necessary to prevent food from entering the esophagus.

The first statement is true; the second statement is false.

Each of the following is a muscle of the suprahyoid group EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


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