Principles of Design

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Differences in values, colors, textures, shapes, and other elements. It creates visual excitement and adds interest to the work. If all the art elements - value for example - are the same, the result is monotonous and unexciting.


One of the most important aspects of well-designed art and can be planned by the artist although sometimes it can occur spontaneously. It has a cohesive quality that makes an artwork feel complete and finished however, if you took away one element, the composition wouldn't suffer.


One of the most important aspects of well-designed art and is planned by the artist. It provides the cohesive quality that makes an artwork feel complete and finished. When all the elements in a work look as though they belong together - and when taking one away would make the composition fall apart.


The distribution of visual weight in a work of art. In painting, it is the visual equilibrium of the elements that causes the total image to appear settled. It can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical in a work of art.


This principle refers to a way of combining visual elements to achieve intricate and complex relationships. It is a technique used by artists who wish to increase the visual interest of their work.


This principle refers to the size of an object (a whole) in relationship to another object (another whole).


Used by artists to create dominance and focus in their work. Artists can force color, value, shape, or other art elements to achieve dominance. Various kinds of contrast can be used to draw a viewer into a center of interest.


Used by artists to direct a viewer through their work, often to a focal area. It can direct the viewer along lines and edges; also by way of shapes and colors within the artwork. It can use repetition of colors, shapes, or lines. Variety is essential to keep it exciting and active, and to avoid monotony. It works to create the visual equivalent of a musical beat.


Uses the art elements in planned or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings or sculptures. It often occurs in nature and artists use similar repeated motifs to create this in their work. It increases visual excitement by enriching surface interest.

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