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Which of the following most accurately describes the practice of ghost authorship?

It is a situation where the individual who wrote the manuscript is not listed as an author.

Which of the following most accurately describes good mentoring practice?

Encouraging trainees to receive mentoring from a collection of individuals.

Which of the following is true regarding research misconduct?

Federal funding agencies typically rely on an institution to make the initial response to an allegation of research misconduct.

The main focus of NIH's conflict of interest policy is:

Financial conflicts of interest

Which of the following is true regarding authors who seek to publish the same content in multiple papers?

If the same content is used in multiple papers, it is essential that this information be properly disclosed to journal editors and other relevant entities.

Which type of inappropriate practice most likely occurred if a researcher takes credit for someone else's idea and does not acknowledge the original source?


Which of the following represents plagiarism?

Presenting someone else's ideas or words and claiming them as one's own.

Reviewers have a responsibility to promote ethical peer review by:

Preserving the confidentiality of the submission.

Which of the following is true about the management of conflicts of interest?

Management plans are often created to reduce the impact of conflicts of interest.

According to the U.S. Federal Research Misconduct Policy, falsification involves:

Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data.

Which of the following statements is true concerning data selection?

Establishing a data selection strategy prior to collecting data decreases the chance of a biased outcome.

Which type of research misconduct most likely occurred if someone intentionally removes data points from the data set in order to generate a deceptive conclusion?


Unless the subject matter is considered common knowledge, citations are necessary when writing about:

Ideas, methodologies, or data from other authors and also your own previously published ideas, methodologies, or data.

Which of the following is true regarding industry-sponsored research?

Industry sponsors of research may seek to place restrictions on the disclosure of research results

Which of the following most accurately describes an institutional conflict of interest?

It occurs when an institution's financial or non-financial interests could interfere with its research activities.

Which of the following most accurately describes a conflict of commitment?

It occurs when outside activities interfere with obligations to one's primary employer.

The reuse of one's previously published material in a new journal article is most appropriate if:

The author informs all the relevant parties and obtains permission to do so.

Which of the following is a key reason why international collaborations can be challenging?

The collaborators may have different disciplinary and cultural backgrounds and practices.

Which of the following most accurately describes the responsibilities of a trainee in the mentoring relationship?

The trainee must take an active role in the relationship and clearly communicate needs and expectations.

If researchers allow their moral or other personal beliefs to influence their objectivity, this is most likely an example of:

A conflict of conscience

Which of the following statements is true regarding the responsibilities of a reviewer?

A reviewer's conflict of interest should be disclosed to the journal editor or grant agency.

Which of the following is a responsibility of each author?

Confirming that data have been accurately presented in the paper.

What is the most appropriate course of action for a trainee who has a problem with a mentor?

After trying to communicate directly with the mentor, the trainee should seek advice from a senior person that the trainee trusts.

A reviewer's main responsibility is to:

Behave professionally.

Which of the following statements is true regarding authorship practices?

Both within and between disciplines, practices differ with regard to who should be included as an author, and in what order they should be listed

What are the three main goals of data lifecycle management (DLM)?

Confidentiality, availability, and integrity

Which of the following is true regarding data acquisition?

Data acquisition should follow a detailed collection plan that is set in advance.

Which of the following is true regarding data analysis?

Data analysis methods should usually be specified in advance before a study begins.

What is the main function of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 as it relates to academic institutions?

It allows institutions to have control over the intellectual property from federally-funded research

Which of the following statements about mentoring is true?

Mentors can provide valuable advice to trainees regarding career decisions and contacts with leaders in their field of research.

If a researcher creates the idea for a project and is not listed in the preferred author order position on resulting publications, is this considered to be research misconduct under federal policy?

No; instead it is a type of authorship dispute.

When authors summarize the work of others, they typically should:

Provide a condensed (shorter) version of the original material.

The defining characteristic of a mentor is someone who:

Takes a sincere interest in the growth and development of a trainee.

Which of the following is the most appropriate step to take if authors believe that their manuscript was reviewed unfairly?

The author can contact the editor with their concerns.

What is the most appropriate process for research collaborators to use in determining which journal they should submit their work to?

The research team should discuss the issue early on and while the project is ongoing

The main reason that grant proposal reviewers with a conflict of interest should remove themselves from the review process is because:

Their removal lessens the chance that bias will affect the review process​.

According to federal research misconduct policies, what is the maximum number of consecutive words that one can use before it is classified as an instance of plagiarism?

There is no official, federal standard for the number of consecutive words that can be used.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the regulations that govern research?

U.S. funded research collaborations are often governed by U.S. regulations no matter where the research takes place.

In the research context, the term validity most commonly refers to:

Whether operationalized terms actually measure what they purport to measure.

The primary way to determine whether an idea constitutes "common knowledge" is:

Whether there is an expectation that the readers and the author would be very familiar with the material.

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