Private Security test 2 study set

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The average shoplifter is caught with stolen merchandise in their possession worth approximately (dollar amount)


The three basic surveillance methods are loose, close, and

A combination of the two

An individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area- this is NOT a random location

Active Shooter

The characteristics of shoplifters that typically work alone are ________.

Amateur shoplifters

Believe that (a) all forms of institutional globalization designed to maximize business profits should be opposed and (b) government institutions are unnecessary and harmful to society

Anarchist Extremists

An aspect of retail security that involves managing and protecting both physical property and information storage capacity

Asset protection

The key to any collaboration effort:


__________ attacks have the potential to disrupt power, water, and communication


Those actions that appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government

Domestic Terrorism

Patterns of abusive behavior used to gain or maintain power and control over others in a relationship

Domestic Violence

Shrinkage has a variety of sources, and the most common (44%) is attributed to ________.

Employee theft

The first step an individual should do when there is an active shooter:

Evacuate if possible

Groups that want to bring about change through violent revolution rather than through established political processes

Extreme Left Wing Terrorist

Groups that are fiercely nationalistic, anti-global, suspicious of centralized federal authority, and reverent of individual liberty

Extreme right-wing Terrorist

True or False: Active shooters are adversaries or assailants with an objective to kill as many people as possible at a random location.


True or False: Activities such as downsizing, outsourcing, and others aimed at organizational restructuring can cause tension in the workplace and always leads to workplace violence.


True or False: Intimidation is not an act of workplace violence.


True or False: More often than not, an incident of workplace violence is gang related.


True or False: The first level of defense when faced with an active shooter is to attempt to incapacitate the shooter.


Include billing schemes, payroll schemes, register disbursement schemes, expense reimbursement schemes and check tampering. Salespersons can charge a customer one amount, ringing up a receipt for less and pocketing the difference.

Fraudulent disbursements

Provide operational capabilities that blend the activities and intelligence sharing efforts of enforcement agencies at various levels and focus on securing critical infrastructure and key resources, and advancing federal, state, local, and private-sector CIKR protection efforts.

Fusion centers

The most common form of vandalism on business properties


A person of any citizenship who has lived and/or operated primarily in a specific country or its territories who advocates, is engaged in, or is preparing to engage in ideologically motivated terrorist activities (including providing support to terrorism) in furtherance of political or social objectives promoted by a foreign terrorist organization, but is acting independently of direction by a foreign terrorist organization.

Homegrown Violent Extremists

A concerted national effort to protect the nation and ensure that it is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.

Homeland Security

Where are Canvass interviews are conducted

In areas surrounding the location where criminal acts are committed

Another term for employee theft is _________________theft.


The key to prevention of domestic violence is early ________.


The unauthorized taking and carrying away of the personal property of another by an individual who intends to permanently deprive the owner of its possession.


Promotes the concept of crime prevention; to enhance communication; and to encourage joint cooperation between law enforcement agencies, corporate security, and private security organizations to reduce the opportunity of crime primarily in the area in and around El Paso, Texas.

Law Enforcement and Private Security Organization (LEAPS)

Security professionals who identify a bomb or reported bomb should immediately notify ________.

Local Law Enforcement

Any method used by individuals or organizations to increase the likelihood of preventing and controlling a loss of business or profits from an adverse event

Loss prevention

Focusing on those people believed to present the greatest risk of committing crime based on traits and characteristics of known criminals. The technique uses what is known about crime and criminals to more efficiently and accurately identify potential criminals.

Offender profiling

The activity of theft or fraud conducted with the intent to convert illegally obtained merchandise, cargo, cash, or a cash equivalent into financial gain (not personal use). This includes theft or fraud and involves multiple items, over multiple occurrences, or in multiple stores, or in multiple jurisdictions, by two or more persons, or an individual acting in dual roles.

Organized retail crime

The criminal acquisition of sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords, by acting like trustworthy entities. It occurs when a victim is contacted via email and tricked into revealing personal or confidential information that the scammer can use illicitly or fraudulently


The vast majority of the nation's critical infrastructure is owned and operated by the _______________sector


Private sector investigators are more likely to be more ________ than public law enforcement.


Groups that seek to engage in battle with the purported enemies of God and other evildoers, impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists), and forcibly insert religion into the political sphere

Religious terrorist

Groups or individuals that obsessively focus on very specific or narrowly defined causes

Single-issue terrorist

The preferred method of ________ is to use a building that provides an unobstructed view of the area or person being observed


Activities that involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.


The continual process of compiling and examining all available information concerning activities, which could target and threaten an organization's facility.

Threat analysis

Processes, devices, or something else that is used continuously in the operation of the business.It includes processes, lists of customers, and discount codes.

Trade Secrets

A destructive program that masquerades as a legitimate file or application to gain entry to a computer (or, more recently, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, or gaming device).

Trojan Horse

True or False: Security professionals should coordinate with local law enforcement and emergency responders prior to an actual emergency.


An assessment conducted on a range of different organizations, from small businesses to large regional infrastructures that is performed on a variety of systems, including information technology, energy supply, water supply, transportation and communication systems.

Vulnerability analysis

Any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other disruptive behavior, ranging from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide that occurs at the workplace

Workplace Violence

A shopper's ________, not the shopper's race or gender, is by far the single strongest predictor of whether he or she is likely to steal


A form of protection provided by law to the authors of original works of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual efforts . This protection is available to both published and unpublished works.


Includes the assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, considered so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would weaken a country's physical and economic security, public health and/or safety, or any combination of these.

critical infrastructure

Involves criminal activity carried out via the internet. Within this basket of crimes are cyber fraud and identity theft, downloading illegal music files, and online bank theft. It also includes many nonmonetary offenses, ranging from cyberterrorism to distributing destructive worms and viruses

cyber crime

Use of the Internet for terrorist activities, including large-scale acts of deliberate disruption of computer networks. Terrorist organizations are capable of launching cyberattacks against the networks of both government and critical infrastructure, and electric grids.

cyber terrorism

One of the most frequent attacks seen on the Internet is an effort to flood computer systems with emails, logons, requests, or other types of intrusions. These attacks are typically targeted at web servers, but they can also be used on other systems, such as mail servers and name servers.

denial of service

A witness's sworn out-of-court testimony, used by prosecutors, plaintiffs, and defense attorneys to gather information during the discovery process.


The process in which prosecutors in criminal court must provide the defendant with copies of all the materials and evidence that the prosecution intends to use at trial. This process extends from the time the case begins to the time of trial.


The intentional use of deception and deceit to obtain goods illegally. Fraud involves many individual acts, ranging from identity theft to forgery.


Secretly getting access to another person or organization's computer network in order to steal information, cause damage, or disrupt communication


The theft of someone else's personal information—name, credit card number, or other identifying information—to obtain money, credit, or other things of value

identity theft

The theft of information by legal or illegal means. It entails obtaining confidential information from other companies such as strategic plans or pricing policies, with the intent to use the information to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace

industrial espionage

Information that has been processed, evaluated, analyzed, or interpreted to give it meaning within a particular context. The term also describes information that is acquired, exploited, and protected by the activities of law enforcement and security organizations to decide upon and support their investigations.


Conducted to learn the truth about the details of the crime from a suspect .


Conducted to gather information that is relevant to the investigation, and include (a) finding who, what, when, where, how, and why things events unfolded; and (b) assessing the credibility of the source of the information.


Include critical resources whose destruction could create a local disaster or significantly damage the nation's morale or confidence. They include symbolic and historical attractions, like prominent national, state, or local monuments and icons

key assets

Publicly or privately controlled resources essential to the operation of the economy and government. Example includes oil processing plants, banks, telecommunications and power grids

key resources

Stands for malicious software—software programs that are designed to damage or do other unwanted actions to a computer system. Examples include viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware.


Includes signals such as facial expressions, voice tone and pitch, body language, and the distance maintained between people who are communicating. Nonverbal messages allow people to modify what they said in words, convey information about their emotional state, provide feedback to the other person, and regulate the flow of communication.

nonverbal communication

Wireless, no-contact tracking labels attached to objects. The tags use radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data and contain electronically stored information.

radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags

A type of malware that once installed on a victim's computer via the Internet both locks the device and also generates a pop-up window, Web page, or email warning and demands payment be made in order for the system to be unlocked


When a sales associate gets an item off the rack, processes the refund for the sale amount, and then puts the money on a gift card which is largely untraceable

refund fraud

Retail loss prevention and/or asset protection, and generally describes the process of reducing theft and shrinkage in a retail organization. It involves the process in which goods are securely sold to the public for both the consumer and store proprietor, preventing theft or harm.

retail security

The losses that occur during the merchandise production-distribution-sales process. It is a reduction in inventories not accounted for through sales or other legitimate activity, and represents the difference between the physical inventory that is actually available for sale and what the records say should be available for sale

retail shrinkage

The act of using force, violence, or threat of force or violence to steal. Victims of robberies may suffer actual physical harm or psychological distress; they are put in fear.


The theft of merchandise from commercial public display areas by a person posing as a legitimate customer


The embezzlement of cash before it is recorded on the company's books, typically when the customer pays an employee in cash for goods or services.


An interoperable utility environment that includes the energy markets and consumer services. It adds a market dimension to the power grid, allowing customers who periodically generate more energy than they need to be suppliers, among other benefits

smart grid

Entails gaining access to sensitive information or access privileges by building inappropriate trust relationships with insiders

social engineering

Internet-based communities in which users interact with each other online on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest

social media

The covert observation of individuals, places, or objects for the purpose of gathering information or intelligence. Surveillance techniques are used to identify criminal activity associated with terrorism, organized crime, drug and contraband trafficking, and serious crimes


Describe the process of taking on a covert role to gain needed information unavailable by other means. During an undercover operation the investigator conceals his or her true identity but not his or her presence, giving the impression they are ready to join in an illegal group or activity

undercover operations

Any deliberate act that damages or defaces property. Common vandalism targets for retailers include store lights, signs or windows, and placing graffiti on walls or other surfaces.


The people who suffer an injury or loss


Committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of the person's occupation. The term covers the full range of crimes committed by business and government professionals within the scope of their job of the jobs held by subordinates, including bribery, exploitation, fraud, chiseling, embezzlement, and other crimes involving business enterprise

white collar crime

Anyone having direct knowledge of criminal activities


A type of computer virus or malware. Worms consume a computer's memory; and cause it to not function correctly. Computer worm's replicate, and cause havoc by taking up all of the computer's available memory or hard disk space


The best protection employers can offer toward workplace violence is a(n) _________ ____________________ policy

zero tolerance

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