Procedures I final Part 2

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The use of a grid during shoulder radiography will result in higher patient dose over nongrid procedures. Select one: True False


Which of the following projections of the wrist will best demonstrate the wrist joint and intercarpal spaces? Select one: a. AP b. PA c. Gaynor-Hart d. 30° PA oblique

A. AP correct

Which special projection of the wrist is ideal for demonstrating possible calcification in the dorsal aspect of the carpals? Select one: a. Carpal bridge b. Carpal canal c. Ulnar deviation d. Lateral wrist

A. Carpal Bridge

A radiograph of a PA oblique of the hand reveals that the midshaft of the fourth and fifth metacarpals is superimposed. What specific positioning error has been committed? Select one: a. Excessive rotation of the hand and/or wrist laterally b. Insufficient rotation of the hand and/or wrist laterally c. Incorrect CR angulation d. Fingers of the hand are not parallel to IR

A. Excessive rotation of the hand and/or wrist laterally

Which of the following shoulder projections best demonstrates the glenoid cavity in profile? Select one: a. Grashey method b. Clements modification c. Garth method d. AP shoulder, neutral rotation

A. Grashey method

The technologist most often ____ manual, analog exposure factors for a patient with severe ascites. Select one: a. increases b. does not change c. decreases d. switches to automatic exposure control (AEC) instead of

A. Increases

In which region or compartment is the spleen located? Select one: a. Intraperitoneum b. Retroperitoneum c. Infraperitoneum d. Extraperitoneum

A. Intraperitoneum

The most inferior positioning landmark on the abdomen/pelvis is the: Select one: a. ischial tuberosity. b. symphysis pubis. c. anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). d. iliac crest.

A. Ischial tuberosity

Which of the following structures helps stabilize and support the small intestine? Select one: a. Mesentery b. Viscera c. Peritoneum d. Omentum

A. Mesentery

A patient arrives in radiology with a metal foreign body in the palm of the hand. Which of the following hand routines should be performed on this patient to confirm the location of the foreign body? Select one: a. PA and lateral in extension projections b. PA and lateral in flexion projections c. PA and fan lateral projections d. PA and Gaynor-Hart method

A. PA and lateral in extension projections

A patient enters the ED in severe pain with a possible dislocation of the elbow. The patient has the elbow flexed more than 90°. Which one of the following routines should be performed to confirm the diagnosis? Select one: a. Partially flexed AP and limited lateral projections b. Jones method and limited lateral projection c. Coyle method and limited lateral projection d. Lateral elbow only

A. Partially flexed AP and limited lateral projections

Why is it important to keep the phalanges parallel to the IR for a PA oblique projection of the hand? Select one: a. Prevents foreshortening of phalanges and obscuring of interphalangeal joints. b. Prevents foreshortening of radiocarpal joint. c. Opens up the carpometacarpal joints. d. Demonstrates the sesamoid bones near the first interphalangeal joint.

A. Prevents foreshortening of planages and obscuring of interphalangeal joints

In which of the four major quadrants of the abdomen would the gallbladder be found? Select one: a. Right upper quadrant b. Left upper quadrant c. Right lower quadrant d. Left lower quadrant


A radiograph of an AP clavicle reveals that the sternal extremity is partially collimated off. What should the technologist do? Select one: a. Repeat the AP projection and correct collimation. b. Make sure the sternal extremity is included on the AP axial projection. c. Only repeat it if the patient's pain/symptoms involve the sternal extremity. d. Ask the radiologist whether he or she wants the projection repeated.

A. Repeat the AP projection and correct collimation

Which of the following abdominal regions would contain the right colic (hepatic) flexure? Select one: a. Right lateral lumbar b. Right inguinal c. Right hypochondriac d. Epigastric

A. Right Lateral lumbar

The first carpometacarpal joint is classified as a ____ joint. Select one: a. saddle b. ginglymus c. plane d. trochoidal

A. Saddle

What is the best method to control involuntary motion during abdominal radiography? Select one: a. Short exposure time b. Second breath hold c. Careful breathing instructions to patient d. Use of small focal spot

A. Short exposure time

Which aspect of the small intestine is considered the shortest? Select one: a. Duodenum b. Jejunum c. Cecum d. Ileum

A. duodenum

The radiocarpal (wrist) joint possesses a(n) ____ type of joint movement. Select one: a. ellipsoidal b. ginglymus c. plane d. pivot

A. ellipsoidal

The prominent protuberance found on the anterior aspect of the ilium is the: Select one: a. ischial tuberosity. b. anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). c. symphysis pubis. d. iliac crest.


At what level should the central ray (CR) be placed for a left lateral decubitus projection of the abdomen? Select one: a. Iliac crest b. 2 inches (5 cm) above iliac crest c. ASIS d. Umbilicus

B. 2" above crest

What CR centering should be used for a dorsal decubitus projection of the abdomen (if the diaphragm is to be included)? Select one: a. At level of umbilicus b. 2 inches (5 cm) above iliac crest c. At level of iliac crest d. Place bottom of image receptor at level of ASIS.

B. 2" above crest

Where is the CR centered for the AP oblique (Grashey method) position for the glenoid cavity? Select one: a. Acromion b. 2 inches (5 cm) medial and inferior to the superolateral border of shoulder c. Coracoid process d. 1 inch (2.5 cm) superior to the coracoid process

B. 2" medial and inferior to the superolateral border of the shoulder

A radiograph of the PA scaphoid projection reveals extensive superimposition of the scaphoid and adjacent carpals. Which of the following factors can lead to this problem? Select one: a. Elevation of the hand and wrist b. Insufficient ulnar deviation c. Insufficient CR angle distally d. Slight flexion of the phalanges

B. Insufficient ulnar deviation

Where must the CR be centered for an AP supine projection of the abdomen as part of the acute abdominal series? Select one: a. 2 inches (5 cm) above iliac crest b. Level of iliac crest c. Level of umbilicus d. Level of axilla

B. Level of iliac crest

How should the humeral epicondyles be aligned for a lateral projection of the elbow? Select one: a. Parallel to image receptor b. Perpendicular to image receptor c. 45° to image receptor d. 30° to image receptor

B. Perpendicular to image receptor

Why is the right kidney usually lower in the abdomen than the left kidney? Select one: a. Presence of right colic flexure b. Presence of the liver c. Presence of the stomach d. Presence of right suprarenal gland

B. Presence of the liver

In which region or compartment of the abdomen is the pancreas located? Select one: a. Intraperitoneal b. Retroperitoneal c. Infraperitoneal d. Extraperitoneal

B. Retroperitoneal

What type of respiration should be employed prior to exposure for the anteroposterior (AP) kidneys, ureter, and bladder (KUB) abdomen projection? Select one: a. Inspiration b. Expiration c. Shallow breathing during exposure d. Either inspiration or expiration

B. expiration

Fracture of base of first metacarpal

Bennett's Fracture

Transverse fracture through fifth metacarpal neck

Boxer's fracture

Where is the CR centered for the AP erect projection of the abdomen? Select one: a. Level of iliac crest b. Xiphoid process c. 2 inches (5 cm) above iliac crest d. 2 inches (5 cm) below iliac crest

C. 2" above crest

How much rotation of the humeral epicondyles is required for the AP medial oblique projection of the elbow? Select one: a. 30° b. 90° c. 45° Correct d. 20°

C. 45 Degrees

Which radiographic landmark is most reliable to evaluate the posteroanterior (PA) projection of the abdomen for rotation? Select one: a. Xiphoid process b. Symphysis pubis c. Ala of ilium (wings) d. ASIS

C. Ala of ilium (wings)

Why is the left lateral decubitus preferred over the right lateral decubitus abdomen for an acute abdomen series? Select one: a. It is more comfortable for the patient. b. Any intraperitoneal air will be visualized along the spleen. c. Any intraperitoneal air will be visualized along the lower liver margin. Correct d. It allows any gas in the large intestine to move toward the liver.

C. Any air will be visualized along the lower liver margin

Ileus is the formal term for: Select one: a. perforated bowel. b. bleeding in the abdomen. c. bowel obstruction. d. free air in the peritoneal cavity.

C. Bowel Obstruction

The technologist most often ____ manual, analog exposure factors for the patient with a large ileus. Select one: a. increases b. does not change c. decreases d. switches to AEC instead of

C. Decreases

Another term for osteoarthritis is: Select one: a. rheumatoid arthritis. b. bursitis. c. degenerative joint disease. d. osteoporosis.

C. Degenerative joint disease

To ensure that the inferior margin of the abdomen is included on a KUB radiograph, the technologist should palpate the: Select one: a. iliac crest. b. ASIS. c. greater trochanter or symphysis pubis. d. inferior costal margin.

C. Greater Trochanter or pubis

A ginglymus joint can also be referred to as a _____ joint. Select one: a. trochoid b. saddle c. hinge d. pivot

C. Hinge

A patient enters the ED with a midshaft humeral fracture. The AP projection taken on the cart demonstrates another fracture near the surgical neck of the humerus. The patient is unable to stand or rotate the humerus because of the extent of the trauma. What other projection should be taken for this patient? Select one: a. Scapular Y lateral-AP oblique projection b. Apical oblique projection c. Horizontal beam transthoracic lateral projection for humerus d. Rotational lateral projection for humerus

C. Horizontal beam transthoracic lateral projection for humerus

A radiograph of an AP oblique (Grashey method) projection for the glenoid cavity reveals that the anterior and posterior rims of the glenoid process are not superimposed. Which of the following modifications should produce a more acceptable image? Select one: a. Angle CR 5° to 10° caudad. b. Angle CR 5° to 10° cephalad. c. Increase rotation of the body toward the IR. d. Abduct the arm slightly.

C. Increase rotation of the body toward the IR

A radiograph of an AP axial projection of the clavicle demonstrates that the clavicle is within the midaspect of the lung apices. What should the technologist do to correct this error? Select one: a. Do nothing; this is an acceptable AP axial clavicle projection. b. Increase the caudad CR angle during repeat exposure. c. Increase the cephalic CR angle during repeat exposure. d. Make the exposure upon complete inspiration.

C. Increase the cephalic CR angle during repeat exposure

Which one of the following projections/positions should NOT be performed for a possible shoulder dislocation? Select one: a. AP axial oblique (Garth method) b. Transthoracic lateral (Lawrence method) c. Inferosuperior axial (Clements modification) d. Scapular Y

C. Inferosuperior axial (Clements modification)

What is the name of the double-walled tissue that lines the abdominopelvic cavity? Select one: a. Mesentery b. Omentum c. Peritoneum d. Viscera

C. Peritoneum

Which of the following actions will lead to the proximal radius crossing over the ulna? Select one: a. Supination of the hand b. Placing epicondyles parallel to the image receptor c. Pronation of the hand d. External rotation of the elbow

C. Pronation of the hand

Which of the following muscles should be demonstrated on a properly exposed abdomen projection on an average-size patient? Select one: a. Latissimus dorsi b. Erector spinae c. Psoas major Correct d. Quadratus lumborum

C. Psoas major

The AP oblique-bilateral hands projection ("ball-catcher's position") is performed to evaluate for early signs of: Select one: a. gout. b. osteoporosis. c. rheumatoid arthritis. d. bursitis.

C. Rheumatoid Arthritis

The xiphoid process is at the vertebral level of: Select one: a. L2-3. b. T2-3. c. T9-10. d. T5-6.

C. T9-10

A patient enters the emergency department (ED) with a Smith fracture. Which region of the upper limb must be radiographed to demonstrate this injury? Select one: a. Trapezium b. Elbow c. Wrist and forearm d. Hand

C. Wrist and forearm

What additional maneuver must be added to the inferosuperior axial shoulder (Lawrence method) projection to best demonstrate a possible Hill-Sachs defect? Select one: a. Increase medial CR angulation. b. Angle the CR 10° to 15° downward or posteriorly in addition to the medial angle. c. Perform exaggerated external rotation of the affected upper limb. d. Increase abduction of the affected upper limb.

C. perform exaggerated external rotation of the affected upper limb

Fracture of distal radius with posterior displacement

Colle's Fracture

A patient enters the ED with multiple injuries. The physician is concerned about a dislocation of the left proximal humerus. The patient is unable to stand. Which of the following routines is advisable to best demonstrate this condition? Select one: a. AP shoulder and inferosuperior axial projection b. AP shoulder and 35° to 45° AP oblique (Grashey method) c. AP shoulder and Neer projection d. AP shoulder and recumbent AP oblique (scapular Y) projection

D. AP Shoulder and recumbent AP oblique (scapular Y) projection

Which of the following projections can be performed using an orthostatic (breathing) technique? Select one: a. Scapular Y lateral projection b. Inferosuperior axiolateral projection c. AP clavicle d. AP scapula

D. AP scapula

Which term describes an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen? Select one: a. Adynamic ileus b. Volvulus c. Intussusception d. Ascites

D. Ascites

To ensure that the diaphragm is included on the erect abdomen projection, the top of the image receptor should be at the approximate level of the: Select one: a. inferior costal margin. b. jugular notch. c. xiphoid process. d. axilla.

D. Axilla

The iliac crest corresponds with the ____ vertebral level. Select one: a. L1 b. L2-3 c. T12 d. L4-5

D. L4-5

A radiograph of the elbow demonstrates the radius directly superimposed over the ulna and the coronoid process in profile. Which projection of the elbow has been performed? Select one: a. AP b. Lateral c. Lateral (external) rotation oblique d. Medial (internal) rotation oblique

D. Medial (internal) rotation oblique

Why is it recommended that the PA oblique (with medial rotation) projection be performed rather than the PA oblique (with lateral rotation) for the second digit of the hand? Select one: a. Minimizes optimal immunomodulating dose (OID). b. Is more comfortable for the patient. c. Opens up joints better. d. Minimizes object image-receptor distance (OID).

D. Minimizes OID

A radiograph for an AP projection with external rotation of the proximal humerus reveals that the greater tubercle is profiled laterally. What should be changed to improve this image for a repeat exposure? Select one: a. Rotate epicondyles so they are perpendicular to the image receptor. b. Move the patient obliquely 10° to 15° toward the affected side. c. Rotate the arm to place palm of the patient's hand against the thigh. d. Positioning is acceptable; do not repeat it.

D. Positioning is acceptable; do not repeat

Which of the following structures is part of the lymphatic system? Select one: a. Suprarenal glands b. Inferior vena cava c. Kidneys d. Spleen

D. Spleen

Which of the following best demonstrates the coracoacromial arch? Select one: a. Neer method b. West Point method c. Fisk method d. Garth method

Neer method

All of the joints of the shoulder girdle are diarthrodial. Select one: True False


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