Program planning

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What adaption to exercise to a resistance training program that may lead to increases in energy enzyme and substrate concentration within the muscle



Higher training volume with moderate to high loads.

What is the target heart rate of a 35 year old client with a reading heart rate of 70 beats per minute who is assigned to training at an exercise intensity of 85%?

168 beats per minute is correct because the variables for using the Karvonen method are available in the question. According to this method, target heart rate = (heart rate reserve x exercise intensity) + resting heart rate = ((220-35-70) x 0.85) + 70 = 168 beats per minute. The Karvonen method is considered to provide more accurate target heart rates than simply using the percentage of age predicted maximum heart rate.

What would the target Heart rate be for a 32 year old male who is wanting to train at 90% effort?

169 beats per minute is correct because this is 90 percent of this client's age predicted maximum heart rate. Age predicted maximum heart rate is discovered by subtracting age from 220 (220-32 = 188 beats per minute). This number is then multiplied by the effort to determine the target heart rate (188 x 0.9 = 169 beats per minute).

What repetition load scheme would a client want to use to improve strength?

4 repetitions at 90% of 1RM the appropriate load for improving muscular strength is 80% (or more) of 1RM (less load for beginners) with six repetitions or fewer. Muscular strength training is characterized by the highest loads and a low volume of repetitions. To continue to improve muscular strength, small increases in training load will allow a progression in overload.

As a result of consistent resistance training force production in which muscles will decrease during movement?

Antagonist muscle is correct because co-contraction, or contraction of both the agonist and antagonist muscles, decreases as a chronic adaptation of resistance training. Co-contraction refers to the simultaneous activation of both the agonist and antagonist during a motor task. This decreased co-contraction would decrease the antagonist torque that must be overcome by the agonist muscle during movement.

Performance goal

Based entirely on a client executing a desired action. They are more difficult to achieve than process goals

Process goal

Behavior. They have a high amount of personal control and are easier to achieve than an outcome or performance goal.

What will decrease in response to an acute bout of exercise?

Blood pH is correct because when energy expenditure is increased during aerobic exercise, some energy will be provided by the glycolytic energy system. This energy system results in lactate and hydrogen ions as the end products, increasing the acidity of the blood (and decreasing the pH). It is important for the personal trainer to understand the difference between an acute response to exercise and a chronic adaptation.

What increases the hematocrit of the blood during acute aerobic exercise?

Decreased plasma volume This movement of plasma into the intercellular space decreases blood volume slightly. As the number of red blood cells does not change, the same number of red blood cells in less blood will increase hematocrit (concentration of red blood cells in blood). This increases the efficiency of the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood during aerobic exercise.

What increase the hemotacrit of the blood during acute aerobic exercise?

Decreased plasma volume This movement of plasma into the intercellular space decreases blood volume slightly. As the number of red blood cells does not change, the same number of red blood cells in less blood will increase hematocrit (concentration of red blood cells in blood). This increases the efficiency of the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood during aerobic exercise.

What is considered an assistance exercise?

Dumbbell chest fly is correct because although it uses a relatively large muscle group, the pectorals major and minor, it only involves movement of the shoulder joint. Assistance exercises are those that are single-joint exercises and recruit a small amount of muscle mass. Other examples of assistance exercises include biceps curls, triceps press-downs or calf raises.

What system in the body is responsible for the strength differences between Male and Female?

Endocrine because of the differences in testosterone and estrogen. Males have approximately 10 times the testosterone, a major muscle-building hormone, as females. Therefore, males tend to have significantly larger muscle mass, which accounts for the absolute strength difference between the genders.

Why does chronic resistance training result in the altered response of the hormone Epinephrine to a single bout of resistance exercise ?

Epinephrine because chronic training increases the number of receptors for the hormone on the muscle tissue. This results in an amplified effect of epinephrine even if the concentration of this hormone is unchanged compared to pre-training levels. Chronic resistance training increases the sensitivity of epinephrine by upregulating the hormone receptors.

Muscular strength

Example 4 repetitions at 90% of 1rm Characterized by the highest loads and low volume of repetitions Six or fewer reps with multiple sets ( 3 or more per exercise).

Muscular power

Example 50% 1rm for 4 repetitions One to six repetitions at thirty to seventy percent of one repetition maximum

Assistance exercise

Example dumbbell chest fly Single joint exercises and recruit a small amount of muscle mass. Other examples are bicep curls, tricep press downs or calf raises.

What metabolic action increases in response to chronic aerobic training

Fat utilization because the adaptations that enhance the ability to produce ATP aerobically facilitate increased fatty acid use for energy during sub-maximal exercise. These adaptations include increased oxygen delivery, oxygen use by the mitochondria, and aerobic enzyme activity. This is reflected in decreases in the respiratory quotient during sub-maximal exercise.

What is the correct sequence of training phases in order to achieve maximal power generating capacity?

Hypertrophy, muscular strength, and muscular power To achieve maximal strength a period of training that targets hypertrophy should precede training that targets maximal strength; and to achieve maximal power as the target outcome, one needs to first develop maximal strength levels. Sequencing the training emphasis is critical to achieving specific training outcomes. A periodic shifting of the training goal in sequence avoids stagnation and encourages physiological and performance adaptations.

What is one endocrine response that occurs in reaction to a bout of exercise?

Increase in glucagon secretion, decrease in insulin secretion an increase in glucagon secretion stimulates a conversion of glycogen to glucose to increase the glucose available to be transported into cells. Therefore, the increased transport of glucose to cells provided by insulin is not needed as much. Increased glucagon release also enhances fat breakdown in tissues and increases plasma fatty acids to be used in exercise metabolism.

Increase in muscle hypertrophy are due to what factors?

Increase in myofibril size, Increase in protein synthesis, and increase in myofibril number these all occur as a result of chronic resistance training. The increased in myofibril number is thought to be the result of the splitting of existing myofibrils into "daughter" myofibrils. This increase in cross-sectional area is associated with an increase in the number of actin and myosin filaments, which are the contractile proteins in muscle resulting in improved strength and power.

When training aerobically for the last four weeks what adaptation would one expect to occur within his musculature?

Increased oxidative enzyme activity The metabolism to produce ATP aerobically occurs within the skeletal muscles. Increased oxidative enzyme activity will allow the aerobic metabolism to produce energy at a higher rate and allow the body to rely more heavily on aerobic metabolism compared to anaerobic metabolism. This will decrease lactate formation and prevent fatigue.

What accounts for the increase in initial blood volume during the first few weeks of an aerobic training program?

Increased plasma volume this has been shown to occur within twenty-four hours. However, the accompanying increase in red blood cell volume takes a few weeks. It is these two components that, when combined, account for the increase in blood volume in response to beginning an aerobic training program.

Which aerobic exercise variable directly effects the level of cortisol secretion from the adrenal cortex?

Intensity because plasma levels of cortisol have been shown to actually decrease with low-intensity exercise, and moderate- to high-intensity exercise will increase these levels. Cortisol will stimulate the conversion of protein for use in the glycolytic energy system, maintain normal blood sugar levels and promote the use of fat as an energy source. It is a catabolic hormone.

Why should older adults perform resistance training to aid in cardiovascular disease prevention?

It refuses body fat, decreases resting blood pressure, improves blood lipid profile, and enhances blood lipid profile, and enhances blood vessel health.

What is likely to occur first when a client no longer participates in resistance exercise?

Loss of fast-twitch cross-sectional area because the strength and power losses from resistance exercise detraining are due to muscle mass loss and changes in neuromuscular function. This muscle atrophy of skeletal muscle occurs faster in the fast-twitch muscle fiber. The detraining process, however, is relatively slow and it may take a client months to reach their pre-training state.

What endocrine adaptations occur as a result from chronic aerobic exercise?

Lowered increase glycogen release, Lowered decrease of insulin release, and lowered increase epinephrine release aerobic endurance training generally leads to a blunted response in hormone release at the same level of absolute sub-maximal exercise. These changes are short-lived, however, and can deteriorate in as little as seventy-two hours with no exercise. In addition, cortisol and growth hormone release is stunted at sub-maximal exercise.

Muscular endurance

More repetitions

An advanced client wants to improve his muscular power. What load and religion scheme should he use?

Muscular power 50% of 1RM for 4 repetitions this load and repetition scheme goes along with recommendations for improving muscular power in advanced clients. Improving muscular power is the primary training goal when increasing sports performance is desired. One to six repetitions at thirty to seventy percent of one-repetition maximum is the recommended repetition and load range for increases in muscular power in an advanced client.

What accounts for increase in strength for the first two months of beginning a resistance training program?

Neural factors improvement in skill in performing the resistance exercises causes increases in motor unit recruitment and firing rate. This is based on the differences in strength and muscle mass increases observed early in a training program and evidence of increased electromyography amplitude during maximal contractions. After two months, further increases in strength are believed to be due to increased muscle size.

What is the minimum number of training sessions that a client needs to maintain strength and power levels?

One to two per week is correct because this amount of training is enough to maintain improvements in strength and power. These one to two sessions must, however, train each body part at least once for maintenance to occur. In clients that have very low strength levels or training statuses, this may even be enough of a stimulus to continue adaptation.

Why would an increased heart rate not be a common marker for aerobic insurance over reaching or overtraining?

Over training usually causes for a decreased appetite. Decreased strength gains, sleep disturbances, and loss of interest in training.

What variable of an aerobic exercise performance will remain the same or even slightly regress during sub maximal exercise but will improve during maximal exercise as a result of chronic aerobic training?

Oxygen consumption increased maximal oxygen consumption and improved exercise economy are adaptations of chronic aerobic exercise. Improving exercise economy indicates that less biological work needs to be performed to achieve the same amount of external work. This would result in a lowered energy output, or decreased oxygen consumption.


Oxygen required to function at rest. 3.5 ml/ kg/ min of oxygen consumption.

What decreases in response to increasing intensity of aerobic exercise?

Proportion of fat utilization as exercise intensity increases a greater proportion of energy will be derived from carbohydrate. This is an indication of the need for a greater rate of energy production (which carbohydrate provides) and an increased reliance on the anaerobic energy pathways. This is not to say that the amount of fat used as energy decreases (in fact it increases) but the relative amount compared to carbohydrate decreases.

What system in the body changes the least in response to chronic aerobic training?

Respiratory system this system has such a large capacity to respond to exercise. In addition, for most individuals, this system is not a limiting factor for performance. The adaptations that occur with the respiratory system have to do with the energy cost and endurance of the breathing muscles.

What order should these groups of exercises be performed?

Snatch, front squat , bench press, deadlift, bicep curl, is correct because this exercise order places power exercises before core exercises, and assistance exercises last. In addition, the core exercises alternate between lower and upper body. Exercise order should factor in the goals of the client, the type of exercise and the fatigue-generating potential of the exercise.

What general training principal refers to training a client in away that produces a targeted change in result.

Specificity the targeting of specific muscle groups, energy systems, movement velocities and muscle action types all produce unique results. The personal trainer must select exercises and training methods that will lead to the specific adaptation identified by the goal. For example, to increase muscle mass a personal trainer will choose primarily multi-joint exercises with large muscle recruitment with slow movement velocities and a high volume of training.

A back squat can be classified as what types of exercise?

Stuctural, multi joint, and core The back squat uses two or more primary joints, engages large muscle groups and loads the axial skeleton. The back squat is an exercise that could be a primary exercise in a training program because it can help clients achieve their specific training goals. The back squat can be used to improve muscular endurance, hypertrophy or muscular strength.

What hormones increase in concentration in response to a session of resistance training exercise?

Testosterone, growth hormone, and Epinephrine these hormones, in addition to others, react to stress. An example of stress is resistance exercise. These hormones have an even greater response when the resistance training is higher volume (higher number of sets and repetitions) with short rest periods (one minute or less) and uses large muscle mass exercises. An example would be performing back squats for 4 sets of 10 repetitions with one minute of rest between sets. This example is likely to result in a significant hormonal response.

What is the largest change to aerobic training?

The cross-sectional area of the type I fibers may increase as a result, but only slightly. The largest change in response to aerobic training is a shift in fiber type distribution to a larger percentage of more oxidative fibers.

What is determined by exercise intensity when designing aerobic endurance training programs?

Training duration and training frequency In designing aerobic endurance training programs the intensity level required to reach the client's goal must be ascertained before the frequency and duration of exercise sessions are determined. In general, the higher the intensity, the lower the duration and frequency of the aerobic endurance training sessions. Regulating and monitoring exercise intensity are key to prescribing the correct aerobic endurance training program and preventing over- or under-training.

What is the primary directive for assigning loads to a personal training client?

Training goal to achieve maximal strength a period of training that targets Hypertrophy should precede training that targets maximal strength; and to achieve maximal power as the target outcome, one needs to first develop maximal strength levels. Sequencing the training emphasis is critical to achieving specific training outcomes. A periodic shifting of the training goal in sequence avoids stagnation and encourages physiological and performance adaptations.

What is the primary determanint for assigning training frequency to a client?

Training status This factor, along with fitness level, is the most influential consideration when assigning frequency. Those with less training experience and/or lower fitness levels will not be able to handle large amounts of stress and require more rest between workouts. Novices or beginners should resistance train 2 or 3 times per week, intermediate clients can resistance train 3 full body days or 4 days if split, and advanced clients can resistance train 4 to 6 times per week and may even perform multiple sessions in one day.

What could be understood by the personal trainer by asking a prospective client wether they participate in a resistance training program and the consistency, frequency and intensity and the type of resistance trading they preform?

Training status because using the answers from these questions a personal trainer can establish the client's general classification of resistance training experience. Understanding training status can aid a personal trainer in designing a training program for the client. Exercise selection and initial training volume and intensity can be assigned based on training status.

This shift in muscle fiber type occurs as a result of repeated resistance training?

Type IIx to type IIa is correct because this occurs due to the change in the myosin heavy-chain composition of the muscle cell. This change is often observed after only a few training sessions. Therefore, resistance training can affect not only the quantity of muscle tissue, but the quality as well.

What is the cause of decrease in total peripheral resistance observed in response to acute aerobic exercise?

Vasodilation this occurs in order to supply the working muscles with needed oxygen. During exercise, a greater proportion of blood is shunted to the exercising skeletal musculature where it is needed. At the same time, blood flow to the other, non-essential, areas of the body is decreased.

Using longer rest periods with core exercises, and shorter periods with the assistance exercises is an example of what kind of variation?

Within-session variation this type of variation involves altering one or more training variables during a workout. Other examples of this type of variation can include altering the intensities of different exercises and the use of cluster sets. Within-session variation is typically not needed for beginner clients, but can be a useful method of introducing training variety to intermediate or advanced lifters.

A trainer has assigned hypertrophy to a client to optimize muscle size before assigning muscular strength training to maximize strength. What type of variation did the trainer use?

Within-session variation This type of variation involves altering one or more training variables during a workout. Other examples of this type of variation can include altering the intensities of different exercises and the use of cluster sets. Within-session variation is typically not needed for beginner clients, but can be a useful method of introducing training variety to intermediate or advanced lifters.

What is a role of cortisol, and Epinephirne?

epinephrine is responsible for this function in response to aerobic exercise. Epinephrine is released by the adrenal medulla, whereas cortisol is released from the adrenal cortex. Cortisol is the only hormone that plays a direct role in aerobic metabolism to be released from the endocrine gland.

Client goal and type of exercise are factors in determining order for a clients training session because?

one method of ordering exercises is by descending order of priority for the client's goals, and another is to perform power exercises before core exercises and finally assistance exercises. The fatigue-generating potential of the exercise is also a factor in exercise order. Therefore, exercises can also be placed in descending order of velocity, complexity and muscle mass engaged.

What is sequenced variation?

using the adaptations stimulated by one period of training to exert a powerful effect on the next period of training. This can result in a summation of training effect and make the training program incrementally more effective. Sequenced variation is also seen when strength gains are optimized in order for muscular power training to be more effective.

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