Prolog Part 1

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In Prolog, a program consists of:

All of the above

Facts declare things that:

Are always true

In Prolog, a fact is:

Clause that has a head and an empty body

Which of the following are clauses in Prolog?

Fact, Rule, Question

Rules are clauses with a body but without a head.


In rules, goals could be separated by commas.


Consider the following relation: loves(john, ann). loves(ted, mary). loves(marc, liza). loves(ann, ted). loves(liza, marc). Select all possible answers to the following question (finding some of them might require typing a semicolon and backtracking): ?-loves(X, Y), loves (Y,X).

X = marc Y = liza, X = liza Y = marc

Consider the following relation: loves(john, ann). loves(ted, mary). loves(marc, liza). male(john). What is the answer to the following question: ?-loves(X, mary), male (X).


Consider the following relation: loves(john, mary). loves(ted, mary). loves(marc, mary). What is the answer to the following question: ?-loves(X, liza).


A variables scope

is in the clause in which it appears.

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