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AZ L '

'tab to transient' feature: L & apostrophe (') key functions. The L key will navigate the cursor to the next transient in the clip while the apostrophe (') will navigate the cursor to the previous transient in the clip.

Move between bars in Time Base Ruler

* in num pad

count off

- set up menu has the countoff settings - toggle count off with number 8


-CMMD + space -3

AZ m /

. The M & forward slash (/) keys also nudge the cursor or edit selection but the nudge amount is one value higher than what is selected in the edit window toolbar. For example, if you set the nudge amount to 100 samples, the M & forward slash (/) keys will nudge by 1000 samples instead.

Jump to marker with the number you choose

.+number of marker+. (on numpad)

Move back and forward

1 and 2 or , and . ( < / > )

Common Actions that cant be undone

1. Deleting tracks 2. Closing a session 3. Clearing audio from clip list 4. Destructive recording. The levels of undo can be changed in the Preferences menu/ Editing. You can go to window>Undo History> and see all the editing steps operation which you can do multiple undo, re dos, clear, etc.

Rules for Moving Clips in Slip Mode

1. When audio clips partially overlap, the audio on top trims the audio underneath. 2.When a smaller clip is completly covered by a larger clip, the smaller clip is cleared from track with no warning, although this action can be undone. 3.when a smaller clip is placed inside a larger one, the smaller clip will trim the larger clip it covers.

Metronome on/off


Count on/off




Horizontal and Vertical Zoom Control

Allows you to adjust track waveform and MIDI view without using the Zoomer tool. The midi zoom buttons do not affect tracks in clip view.

Adjusting Track Size

Amplitude Scale Area: Ruler, Midi keyboard on the right between track header and track clips. Track Height Selector: Downward arrow at the left of the track header on the top left. Place where you see the color of the track.

No scrolling

Can be turned off by choosing options>scrolling. This will prevent any scrolling of the edit window,

Memory Locations Window.

Can be used to view markers and other memory locations that you have stored. You can access it through the window menu. You can delete markers by option-clicking them in the memory location window. You can edit them by control-clicking them in the memory location window. You can also create selection by shift-clicking them.

Select playback points with any tool

Click on any Ruler in the Timeline display.

Amplitude Zoom

Cmmd + option + [ or ]


Command + Control-click on control

Trim clip to a selection (it will trim around selection)

Command + t



New track


Quick Punch

Command+Shift+P or Numpad 6 to enable it. This will let you start recording and stop recording with the 3 or command + space

STRIP SILENCE (Strip Silence is a great starting off point when you've done some recording. It's a fast way to split a long single recording into individual takes since all silence in your recording is removed automatically. Using this shortcut saves you, even more, time by avoiding the menu navigation)


Clip Gain

Control+Shift+Hyphen (-)

Storing and Recalling Zoom Presets

Directly beneath the Zoom buttons are five buttons numbered 1 through 5. These are the zoom presets, which are used to store and recall commonly used zoom magnifications. Each zoom preset can be updated to store a zoom setting of your choice. Custom presets are saved with your session. To save presets use either zoomer tool or zoom buttons. Set the screen as you like it. While pressing command click one of the five preset buttons and select save zoom preset on pop-up menu.

Color Track Change

Double click the track header.

Full track view

Double click zoomer tool

Timeline Selections

Dragging selector tool and can also be created using the timeline selection fields in the transport window or the timeline selection in.out points in the main timebase ruler.

AZ track height


Page Scrolling

Each time the playback cursor reaches the edge of the page it will readjust to move the edit widnow and show location in real time.

Create Markers

Enter key on the Numpad. Or use the function key plus enter/return. (fn + return)

Cycle through tools including smart tool selection.


Quantize (Event Operation Window)

Events- Event Operation - Input quantize. You can also get here by holding option + 0

AZ fades


Connecting MIDI Device

For basic recording you can connect the MIdi out into the MIDI in the interface and then for monitoring and playback purposes, you can connect the MIDI out port into the MIDI in on the keyboard (if it has the capability) or monitors. Connecting s MIDI device to Protools with a USB cable provides both MIDI input and MIDI output for the device.

To reverse trim tool

Hold Option

Temporarily turn off Grid mode to use Slip mode

Hold command key while moving the selection.

Add/Add All

Import compatible files or clips without copying them to the audio files folder. They wont be converted either to the correct speed or pitch.

Removing Files

It removes the clip from the session; However will remain in the hard drive.

Global Modifiers

Keys you can add to most key command that will modify that parameter globally in the session. Parameters: 1. Automation 2.Monitor Mode 3.Playist enable 4.Record, solo, mute 5.Record, solo safe 6.Clear up meters 7.Inserts 8. I/O buses, sends. 9. volume/peak indicator 10. External edits pr timeline selections 11. Track Heigh Option + Parameter = selection of all tracks Shift + Option + Parameter = Only apply to selected tracks.

Timeline Selection Fields

Located in the expanded transport bar where you can select the start, end and length points without using the timeline ruler selector.

Edit Selections

Made by grabber tool or selector tool. You can adjust them also by using the fields n the edit window (the fields are located in the counter area) . When timeline and edits selections enabled, an edit selection is also made whenever you select an area on a timebase ruler. Double-clicking with selector tool will select an entire clip; triple-clicking will select the entire track.

Tab Cursor Move and Selections

Move forward through clip boundaries = tab Move back = Tab + Option Move forward and sect= Tab + Shift Move back and select= Tab + option + shift


Musical Instrument Digital Interface

Nudge Function

Nudging a clip is similar to moving a clip in grid mode. Nudging will always move the selected clip or clips without moving adjacent clips regardless of the edit mode.

Time Operations

Option + 1 (numpad)

Tempo Operations

Option + 2 (numpad)

Event Operations

Option + 3 (numpad)

Real time Properties

Option + 4 (numpad)

Toggle Tab to Transient Points

Option + Command + Tab

Create Work Space

Option + I

Recall previous work space

Option + J

Set same height in all tracks.

Option + selecttion parameter of heigh or amplitude size of one track. It will aplly globably because option is a global modier

Record Enable Multiple Tracks

Option click on record enable of the track.

Link Track and Edit Selection

Option for sharing edit selections among tracks by selecting or deselecting the desired tracks. This option allows you to copy a selection to additional tracks. Remove the selecting from individual tracks, and move a selection among tracks by selecting or deselecting tracks as needed. By enabling the link track and edit selection, tracks that receive and edit selection will become selected automatically without having to click on he track.

Switching between AZ focus

Option+Command and Numeric Keypad 1(Edit), 2(Region List), 3(Groups).

Loop Recording

Option+L or Numpad 5

Click Track

Option>Click enable click options or enabled metronome button in transport bar. Then create a click track in the track menu. number 7 will also enable button. In the click, II insert there's controls for the downbeat and the upbeat.

AZ Up and down between tracks

P and ; (:) key

Deleting Files

Permanently deleted from the Hard Drive. Cannot be undone.

Paste immediately after clip after command + c

Press Tab button after copy command, not in tab to transient mode.

Adjust track height continuously

Press and hold command while adjusting the height while click and draging track.

Configuring the Grid

Protools allows you to set a timing Grid, based on an interval of your choosing. Grid boundaries can be based on frames, bar beats values, minutes or seconds or a specified number of samples. You do this in the grid Value Pop-Up menu. The follow main time scale will sync the time based ruler with the grid configuration eveeytime you change the ruler.

Manual Tempo mode

Protools will ignore events in the tempo ruler. In this mode tempo can be ajusted directly by typing into thje current tempo field in the transport window.

Work Space

Provides powerful search, navigation, file info, and audio compatibilities. You can import files by dragging them into the session. If they need to be converted the new file will be copied to the audio files of your session. However if its compatible then the audio files will only be referenced and not copied.

Sample Based Operations

Recorded information is tied to fixed pointss in time relative to the beginning of the session. In Protools clips are represented on sample based tracks. They are absolute time locations. So the audio clips wont be affected by the sessions tempo changes. Audio tracks can also be set to tick-based operations to perform especialized functions such as tempo matching for Elastic Audio.

Tick-Based Operations

Recorded information od tied to a specific beat or bar locations in the arrangement. Their absolute location adjusts on sessions tempo. Ticked based operations are relative in time and are measured by bars/beats/ticks.

Play back Cursor colors

Red when any track is record enabled Blue when is only playback

Using Revert to Saved

Restores the last saved session.

Jump to start of Session


Using Restore Last Selection.

Selections are not stored in the undo history queue. Protools provides a different command that enables you to restore your last edit selection or timeline selection. command + option + z

Loop Playback

Shift + Command + L or 4

Split Stereo

Stereo Info separeted between two mono tracks

Interleaved Stereo

Stereo file within one track

Instrument Track

Stores both midi and audio information.

AZ horizontal zoom

T and R

Edit Cursor

The edit cursor is a flashing line that appears when you click the selector tool in a track. The blinking edit cursor indicated the starting point for any editing task that you perform. By making a selection with the edit cursor you define an area for protools to perform the desired editing task.

Playback cursor not visible in edit window

The playback cursor will appear in the Main Timebase Ruler either left or right depending on what area is visible on the edit window.

Tempo Ruler Enabled

The tempo map can be toggled on and off as needed. To use the tempo map, ensure that the tempo ruler enabled (conductor track) button is activated in the transport bar or edit window.

Tabbing to Transient Points

This function is extremely useful for finding the initial peak or modulation in an audio waveform, saving you time and trouble when locating the exact starting point of a sound or louder transition. When enabled press tab key to move right through transients. Or option + Tab to move left. In order to select multiple transients you can also press shift (right) or option + shift to go back while tabbing.

Scrolling: After Playback

This option scrolls the screen to the point where playback ends. Use this option to locate an area that needs editing by auditioning your tracks.

Link timeline and edit selection

Timeline and edit selection can be linked, so they always match when enabled.

Midi Clips View

Track header below solo mutes toggles. You can toggle the view you prefer. You can aslo control + (-) to flip through note view and velocity view.

Midi Track

Tracks that only stores MIdi information.

Convert/Convert All

Use these buttons to convert files or clips that are not directly compatible with the session files. Will also copy into new files that match the session parameters with the correct speed, length, and pitch.

Copy/Copy All

Use to import compatible files and force copy them into the session.; This button will change to convert if the file is not compatible.

Insertion Follows PLayback

When enabled playback starts and stops in the place you chose to stop, When not enabled playback starts always in the same place.

Zoom Toggle

When enabled the edit window displays the stored zoom state, as specidief in the zoom toggle preferences. When the zoom toggle in disabled the edit window reverts to the pre-zoom toggle view.

Tap Tempo

You can also use the Tap Tempo function in the tempo change dialog box. With the BPM value selected, tap the T key on your computer at the desired tempo.

Change Track Order

You can do this in edit window by dragging the tracks and it will affect also mix window. You can do it also by dragging the channel strips (from the top colored are, OR THE NAMEPLATE) in the mix window affecting the edit window. You can drag the tracks on the track list.

F keys

You can enable the use of these shortcuts by disabling F keys on your mac with the same shortcuts. If you don't do that you can instead use the function key + f key to use short cuts.

Grabber Tool Edit Selections

You can use grabber tool to make edit selection by clicking on the clip. If you hold shift it will select multiple clips. If you want to make specific selections then you must use the selector tool. When MIDI and Instruemnts tracks are set to Note view, the Grabber tool selects individual MIDI noted or note ranges. In order to seect MIDI clips, you must set the track in clip view, and then click on it.

Combo Editing Mode/ Snap to grid

You can use slip/shuffle/spot mode while also using grid to make a selection. To activate this you must shift-click on grid while the other mode is selected.

Importing Video

You must enabled the Avid Video Engine for Pro Tools. This is done in the set up in the playback engine.

Zooming In on a Range

Zoomer tool must be selected. After that you need to command + drag into the area you wanna zoom in. (Option will zoom out)

Separate Selected Region

cmmd + E

Fades Dialog Box

cmmd + F ( You must select the clip first). Also the smart tool bottom corner will bring up the fade tool

Create group

cmmd + G

Heal separation

cmmd + H

Horizontal Zoom

cmmd + [ or ]

Record Safe

cmmd + click on the track record enable button. This will prevent any recordings on the track

Import audio

cmmd + shift + I

Stop recording

cmmd + {.} This will discard the recording destructively

Transport Window

command + 1 (num pad)

Session Set Up

command + 2 ( numpad)

Session Timer

command + 3 (numpad)

Mixer View

command + =

Lock Clips

command + L

Clear Command

command + b

Remove selection while retaining other selections

command + click

Select multiple non adjacent tracks

command + click

Lock shuffle mode

command + click on shuffle mode

Duplicate command

command + d

Move to trash

command + delete

Bounce (online)

command + option + B

Delete Trash

command + shift + delete

New Track Dialog Navigation

command + up and down arrow = Type of track cmmd + side arrows = mono or stereo cmmd + option = sample or ticks

Rename Tracks

command + up and down arrows.

Cut Command

command + x


command 4 (numpad)

Memory Locations for markers

command 5 (numpad)

Beat Detective

command 8 (numpad)

Midi Editor

control + =

zoom toggle

control + E after doing the selection. Unless AZ focus is on

Create Playlist

control + \

Create duplicate playlist

control + command + \

Restoring from Session Backups

file> Open Session > Session File back ups Select the back up you want, select the file > save as.


fn + Return - Absolute Value: Sample based and the marker will be absolute to the time - Bar/Beat: Tick- based and it will maintaina relative position with respect to the bars and beats int he session adjuting its location with tempo.

Shuffle Edit Mode

fn + f1 Will always cause the audio region you are moving to become butted up against another clip, or the beginning of the track. You can't just drop it anywhere. The insertion and placement of individual MIDI notes are not affected on shuffle mode.

Select and change between pencil tools

fn + f10

Slip Edit Mode

fn + f2 Slip mode allows you to place an audio clip anywhere you wish, independent of any grid or time code values.

Spot Edit Mode

fn + f3 When you move an audio clip, or pull an audio file out of the audio clip list (on the right side of the edit window) a dialog box will pop up asking you to enter the location for the clip. Once you input that it will drop it precisely there for you.

Grid Edit Mode

fn + f4 Grid Mode works like a lot of MIDI sequencers. Everything snaps to a user defined grid or quantization value. Best for loops and beats. You use when you need the clips to stay perfectly on time. If you click f4 one more time it will change from grid to real grid. In absolute grid mode moving any clip snaps the clip start to the Grid. In relative Grid, mode clips are moved and trimmed by grid units. If a clip starts point falls between grid lines the clip will move in Grid increments, preserving its offset to the grid. You can temporally suspend grid mode and switch to slip mode by holding command.

Change between zoom modes

fn + f5

Change between trim tool

fn + f6

Change between selector tool

fn + f7

Change between grabber tool

fn + f8

Select Scrubber tool

fn + f9

AZ trim to the left


Playback cursor

non blinking line that moves across the screen during playback and indicates where the current playback point is.

Midi Event List

option + =

Repeat Clip

option + r

Select multiple adjacent tracks

shift + click

export consolidated files

shift + cmmd + k

Clear Unused clips (This is a two step process to first find any unused clips and then clear them from the session.)

shift + command + U shift + command + B

Extend selection to the end of the session. Select everything on one or multiple tracks from the location of the cursor to the end of the session

shift + option + return

Playback session half speed

shift + space

disable all groups

shift command G

consolidate track (rendering)

shift option + 3

Nudging Selections or clips

use < > keys. or + and - in num pad. If you hold shift while using num pad u can move the selection area without having to reselect.

Scrub Tool/Pencil toggle when selector tool is chosen or smart tool.

when in smart tool or selector tool, you can hold down control and it will automaticcaly toggle scrubber tool in audio and pencil tool in MIDI.

Cycle between edit modes

~ or ` (Same key)

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