PRX301 - P2

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Which of the elements defined within the taglib element of taglib descriptor file are required. Select the two correct answers

A. tlib-version B.short-name

Which of these is a correct fragment within the web-app element of deployment descriptor. Select the two correct answer

A.<error-page> <error-code>404</error-code> <location>/error.jsp</location> </error-page> D. <error-page> <exception-type>mypackage.MyException</exception-type> <location>/error.jsp</location> </error-page>

Which of the follwing are mandatory elements within the filter element. Select two correct answers.

A.filter-name D.filter-class

A database transaction must be ___


________ is a technology that allows a server-side script to create dynamic content that is sent to the client's browser


When selecting elements, the method of using the complete path is referred to as the ________ path, and it is useful for selecting specific elements.


What are some CSS limitations when used with XML

Adding functionality , Reordering and sorting , Generation of text

How is an empty XML element defined?

All of the above

How is an empty element field defined

All of the above

Which of the following is represented as a node in the tree a DOM parser creates?

All of the above

The HttpServletRequest has methods by which you can find out about incoming information such as:

All of the others

With an extensible Schema definition you cannot:

All the above

Which statement(s) about Servlet Life Cycle is(are) correct? (Choose one)

All the others

Who created it, when?

Also a creation of W3C - first developed in 2001. | Current version: XML 1.0 and XML 1.1

Property documentElement of DOMDocument object return

An object representing the root element if the XML document

Which best describe void?

An operator

Which of the following files is the correct name and location of deployment descriptor of a web application. Assume that the web application is rooted at \doc-root. Select the one correct answer

C. \doc-root\WEB-INF\web.xml

Which of the following is a valid VBScript conversion function


Which of the following is not a valid HTTP/1.1 method. Select the one correct answer

COMPARE method

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS (acronym)

Select the BEST case to Use Entity Beans? (Choose one)

At any given time, only one client has access to the bean instance.

What does ACID standfor

Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable

Which of the following statement is correct? (choose one)

Authorization means determining whether one has access to a particular resource or not.

What does method characters() of ContentHandler interface receive events for?

Character data

Name the http method used to send resources to the server. Select the one correct answer

B. PUT method

In ejb-jar.xml file, <persistence-type> element value is _________________

Bean or Container

Disadvantages of DTD are

(i)DTDs are not extensible (ii)DTDs are not in to support for namespaces (iii)there is no provision for inheritance from one DTDs to another

What happens when you try to access a JSP

- Browser sends HTTP request to web server

- JSP engine loads the JSP page from disk and converts it into a servlet content.

- JSP engine compiles the servlet

See the snipset below and choose one answer


See the snipset below and choose one answer: <xsl:value-of select="floor(-2.3)"/>


With XPath expressions, _______ are used to select the descendants of an element.

// (double forward slashes)

What is the value of i after the following statements? i = 2; i--; i--;


Google Chrome supports XML, XSLT, XPath from version _____.


What gets printed when the following is compiled. Select the one correct answer.<% int y = 0; %> <% int z = 0; %> <% for(int x=0;x<3;x++) { %> <% z++;++y;%> <% }%> <% if(z<y) {%> <%= z%> <% } else {%> <%= z - 1%> <% }%>


What is the result of the statement 17 % 5?


What is the value of num after the following statement is performed? num = Math.round( 2.45 );


Apple Safari supports XML and XSLT from version _____.


Firefox supports XML, XSLT, and XPath from version _____.


What gets printed when the following expression is evaluated? Select the one correct answer. ${(1==2) ? 4 : 5}


Internet Explorer supports XML, XSLT, and XPath from version ____.


In Xpath, how many type of nodes in the tree


Comment in XML document is given by

<!-- -->

For declaring a child element 'message' to occur zero or more times inside the 'note' element, identify the correct

<!ELEMENT element-name (child-name*)>

For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which syntax is correct

<![CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]]>

For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which syntax is correct?

<![CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]]>

Example JSP scriptlet

<% for () {} %>

Which of the following is legal JSP syntax to print the value of i. Select the one correct answer

<%int i = 1;%> <%= i %>

What is the correct declaration syntax for the version of an XML document

<? xml version="1.0"/?>

What is the correct declaration syntax for the version of XML document

<?xml version="1.0"?>

To use the external DTD we have the syntax

<?xml version="A.0" standalone="no"?><! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT SYSTEM "order.dtd"?>

Which of the following XML code snippets is/are correct?

<BOOK> <AUTHOR> abc...</AUTHOR> </BOOK># Which statements are true? | The DTD specifies ... + The DTD contains the list of tags allowed within the XML document, and their types and attributes.

To bind the HTML element <INPUT> Type in text with the datasource " dsoCustomer" we use

<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" DATASRC=" #dsoCustomer" >

Which of the following selections is the proper way to apply this CSS rule: .blue { color: blue }

<P CLASS = "blue">

The \n,\t, \r escape sequences do not affect HTML rendering unless they are used between which tags?


Setting an element's position to relative is done within which of the following


Which of the following are valid tags?


Which of the following XML documents will NOT get successfully validated against the DTD below


You can name the schema using the name attribute like

<schema name="schema1">

What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called "xxx.js"?

<script src="xxx.js">

Which of the following xml fragments correctly define a security constraint in web.xml? (Choose one)


What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet file named mystyle.css?

<style src="mystyle.css">

An attributes can be accessed in the way similar to the elements. Notice ____ in front of the attribute name


What are the four annotations used to annotation most methods to specify which operation to invoke


Annotation for ..


Which of the following defines what is meant by a valid document?

A document which conforms to the rules of a DTD

The Filter property should be in which of the following formats?

ColumnName = FilterText

Schemas can be documented in human readable format by using


xmlDoc.async= 'false' mean:

Complete document must be loaded before futher processing

Unlike most other markup languages, including HTML, XML allows you to do what?

Create new tags

Implements the method of ErrorHandler, EntityResolver, DTDHandler


The ______________ is the container-generated implementation of the remote interface

EJB Object

Which of these is legal return type of the doStartTag method defined in a class that extends TagSupport class?


XSL stands for

EXtensible Stylesheet Language

Which of the following statements is not true?

Entities that appear anywhere in an XML document are referred to as Parameter entities

A session bean being used by a client can also be used by another client.


All XML markup tags must have an attribute.


An object with page scope exists in every JSP of a particular Web application.


XML is

Free and Extensible

Which HTTP method gets invoked when a user clicks on a link? Select the one correct answer

GET method

XML is a Complement to


________ is a markup language for describing how content is rendered and _______ is a markup language for describing structured data—content is separated from presentation.


Which of the following method can be used to add cookies to a servlet response?

HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie cookie)

The simplest way to reference a DHTML element is by its ________ attribute


XML document can be viewed in

IE 6.0

What does the following HTML document do? <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>DHTML Event Model - ONLOAD</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var value = 0; function startTimer(){ window.setInterval( "updateTime()", 1000 ); } function updateTime(){ value++; pText.innerText = value; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY ONLOAD = "startTimer()"> <P><A ID = "pText">0</A></P> </BODY> </HTML>

It counts the number of seconds elapsed viewing the page

In EJB 2.0, ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file must be placed in ___________ folder.


An attribute contains a

Name/value pair

Select the BEST case to use message-driven bean?(Choose one)

Need to avoid tying up server resources andneed the applications to process messages asynchronously

According to Bohm and Jacopini, which of the following does not follow structured programming?

Nested building blocks

Can we use the annotation @PrePassivate for more than one method in a Entity bean?


Which of these is true about deployment descriptors? Select one correct answer

None of the others

What is wrong with the following VBScript code? 1 If (s = t) Then 2 u = s + t 3 ElseIf (s > t) Then 4 u = r 5 Else 6 u = n 7 End If


Which of the following is false

Objects do not have the property of information hiding.

Study the statements about web.xml file: 1) The deployment descriptor file is called web.xml, and it must be located in the WEB-INF directory.2) web.xml is in XML (extended markup language) format. Its root element is <web>.

Only statement 1 is true

An XPath _________ is similiar to a programming if...then conditional statement that allows you to select elements based upon certain criteria.


Which of the following nodes in a DOM tree are always leaf nodes (nodes with no children)?

Processing Instruction Notation CDATA Section

Which are the types of messaging domains? (choose 2)


What are the two main purposes of Transaction Support

Recovery, Concurrency

Every method of the remote interface must throw a __________________


XML is a subset of


Consider the following statements: Statement A: You can point at a single document by using a hyperlink in HTML. Statement B: HTML links are multidirectional. which of the following is correct about the above statements?

Statement A is True, and Statement B is False.

Name the http method that sends the same response as the request. Select the one correct answer

TRACE method

Which of the following is not a type of DTD?

Table based

Which of the following is true?

Text qualifiers encapsulate the data in a field

Which of the following is true statement about the JavaServer Page life cycle?(Choose one)

The _jspService() method is called from the generated servlet's service() method

Which is NOT the BEST case to use Enterprise Java Beans? (Choose one)

The applications are small or medium size.

What does #REQUIRED attributes mean

The attribute value must be included in the element

What is the effect of executing the following JSP statement, assuming a class with name Employee exists in classes package. <%@ page import = "classes.Employee" %> <jsp:useBean id="employee" class="classes.Employee" scope="session"/> <jsp:setProperty name="employee" property="*"/>

The code sets the values of all properties of employee bean to matrching parameters in request object

Which of these are true. Select the two correct answers

The default value of isThreadSafe attribute of page directive is true .When isThreadSafe attribute of page directive is set to true, a thread is created for each request for the page

Which of the following is true regarding the following code? MsgBox( "VBScript is fun!", , "Results" )

The function should be preceded by the keyword Call

Which of the following statements related to the TranformerFactoty class and its methods are false?

The getFeature(String name) method permits the user to set values for specific attributes

Giving a local function variable the same name as a global variable will result in which of the following

The local variable will "hide" the global variable

The main difference between the blendTrans filters and the revealTrans filters is _________.

The revealTrans filter has more transition effects than the blendTrans filter

In CSS, when a style is applied to an element containing other elements inside it

The style is applied to the element and all the other elements contained in it

<!ELEMENT Circle EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Circle radius CDATA "20"> The following code indicates that the circle is defined as an empty element,with the radius attribute having a default value of 20 and type CDATA.


A JSP expression is used to insert values directly into the output.


All major browsers have support of XML and XSLT.


An Xpath expression describes the location of an element or attribute in our XML document


Besides testing the values of elements, you can also use predicates to check the values of attributes.


There is NO LIMIT to the number of XPath statements that can be combined into one.


To be a servlet, a class should extend HttpServlet and override doGet or doPost, depending on whether the data is being sent by GET or by POST.


XML parser checks for validity and well formed ness?


In simple Type Built into XML schema Boolean type holds

True, False, 1,0

An XML based web application to process audio files which are binary in nature needs to be written.


Microsoft XML Schema Data types for Hexadecimal digits representating octates


JSP1.2 vs. JSP2.0

Version 2.0 incorporated the expression language, which makes your life a lot easier. Otherwise you | have to go through the get property and set property

Which is NOT the role of EJB Deployer?

Write the code that calls on components supplied by bean providers

What are some features of XSD

Written in XML , Support data-types

Deployment properties are stored in a _______________________ file.



XML has __________ predefined tags


XML is a _______________ to HTML


XML is a software and hardware __________ tool for carrying information

data transmissions

XML is the most common tool for __________ between all sorts of applications


XML tags are __________ by the author of the XML document


XML tags are _____________ sensitive

There is a way of describing XML data, how?

XML uses a DTD to describe the data, XML uses a description node to describe data


XML validated against a DTD is __________ XML

structure, store, transport

XML was created to _______, ________, and ________ information

eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation

XSLT (acronym)

displayed by a browser

XSLT can be used to transform XML into HTML, before it is __________

Simple type Built into Schema " data' represent a data in


In JavaScript, capital letters are different from lowercase letters?


An XPath predicate is contained within _________, and comes _______ the parent element of what will be tested.

[ ] , after

raw XML

__________ files can be viewed in all major browsers

XML (definition)

a set of rules for encoding documents in machine-readable form

markup language

a system of symbols (tags) and rules embedded in a document that govern its structure (content) and format (appearance)

Which of the following is not a valid PARAM setting for TDC controls?

a) <PARAM NAME = CLASSID: CLSID:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83>

An element declaration has the following syntax:

a. <!ELEMENT element-name category

In which of the following Authentication mechanism, the browser transmits the username and password to the server without any encryption? (Choose one)

a. HTTP BASIC Authentication

Which act as a proxy to an EJB?

a. Remote instance

XML uses

a. an XML Schema to describe the data

XSL ________ how the XML document should be displayed!

a. describes

Consider the following HTML code. Which method of MyFirstServlet will be invoked when you click on the url shown by the page?

a. doGet

XML Schema

an XML-based alternative to DTD

Property documentElement of DOMDocument object return

an object representing the root element if the XML document

XML Can be used to

b. Create new language.

XSL stands for:

b. EXtensible Stylesheet Language

A stateful session bean must commit a transaction before a business method

b. False

XML is a Complement to


Which Java technology provides a unified interface to multiple naming and directory services?


Can we use the annotation @PrePassivate for more than one method in a Entity bean?

b. No

Which statement is correct about the Java Persistence API support for the SQL queries?

b. The result of a SQL query is not limited to entities

Which is true about the relationship "A keyboard has 101 keys"?

b. This is a one-to-may relationship

Post request put form data in the ___ of the HTTP request


To refer to a particular location or element in the array, we specify the name of the array and the ________ of the particular element in the array.

c) position number

PCDATA means:

c. parsed character data

Script-level variables have ________ duration.

d) static

Stylesheet can do have ____ variables with the same name.

d. several

The ____ method is called by the container before the servlet instance is killed


Which of the following is not a property of the wave filter?


Which of these is not correct about the filter-mapping element of web-app. Select the one correct answer

dispatcher element can be declared zero to three times in the filter-mapping element

What does XML stand for?

eXtensible Markup Language

Are comments processed by the processor?


Parameter entities use ampersand (&) and semicolon (;) as delimiters?


Which of the following are declared correctly?

for (var i=0;i<100;++i ) { statement; }

dash, period, colon

for XML best naming practices, what three characters should you avoid?

Initializing an array directly involves using the ________ control structure.

for loop

Which of the following is true?

for loops increment after the body statement is performed and while loops increment in either condition or body

Which of the following is not a JavaScript selection structure


The ________ property of the wave filter determines how many waves will be applied in the affected area


Which of the following methods would you use to convert a list of Unicode values into a string containing the corresponding characters


Modules in JavaScript are called ________.


If the HTML form game has a text field named point in it, what is the proper way to set the text associated with point to 10?

game.point.value = "10"

Which of the following statements is correct

if ( studentGrade >= 60 ) document.write( "Passed" );

closing tag

in XML, all elements must have a ____________

Which of the following is example of JSP directive? Select one correct answer.


___________________ includes a static file in a JSP file, parsing the file's JSP elements

include directive

# Can a simple type (from XML Schema ) have children


In order for elements to be floated, position must be

not absolute

With in a context-param element of deployment descriptor, which of the following element is required?


Specifies that the attribute cannot be used?


The web clients interact with a servlet using a ___/____ pattern

request/response pattern

The _________ attribute lets you chose specific child elements when working with the xsl:apply-templates element.


Which of the following is not a border property


The value a in the following statement is called the ________ and the value b is called the ________. face = Math.floor( a + Math.random() * b );

shifting value, scaling factor

The value a in the following statement is called the ________ and the value b is called the ________. face = Math.floor( a + Math.random() * b );

shifting value, scaling factor | See More

Which of the following is a legal function call for the function definition provided below? function square( y ) { return y * y; }


Which method is used to search for a substring?


Which of the following is not a JavaScript keyword


The ________ multiple selection structure is used to handle multiple decisions making and can be used to replace multiple if and if/else statements


A default value is the value that is assigned automatically to the element when there is no other value specified


An XML Schema defines how many child elements can appear in an XML document?


By default the white space in elements is not truncated.


Each XML document can be represented as a tree structure


Elements, attributes and entities can be declared in any order


For each element type associated with a sequence element, there must be an element in the XML instance in the same order


The appendChild() method links a node to the current node.


XML allows data exchange as it has no formatting instructions


XML declaration informs the processing agent about the version of XML being


XML documents are stored with xml extension


XML offers a standard way to add markup to documents


XML tags are case sensitive



these provide additional information about an element

root element

this element encloses all other elements and is therefore the sole parent of them all

The do-do methods in a servlet should throws what exception

throws ServletException

Match the xml data againts its corresponding data type in Schema? <start>05:30:10.5</start>


right click the page, View Source

to view raw XML on a webpage you must __________ and select __________

Which of the following methods does the JavaScript Boolean object not possess


W3C DOM uses both tree and object model concepts:


XML DOM - defines a standard set of objects for XML documents only


XSLT takes two things as input: an XSLT stylesheet and an xml input document


Xpath can be thought of as a query language like SQL


If the string passed to parseInt contains a floating-point numeric value, parseInt will ________.

truncate the floating-point part

The xml-stylesheet element has which two attributes?

type & href

What are the four key elements of a wsdl file

types, messages, port type, binding,

What is the major difference between Servlet 2.5 and Servlet 3.0


In the attribute-type the value which is pre-defined is indicated by:


<?xml version="1.0">

xml declaration

Which top level XSLT elements is used to define a variable in a stylesheet or template and to assign it a value


Is it legal to have an element and a complex type with the same name ?


Which of the statements regarding the following code are correct? public void doPost(HttpServletRequestreq, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException{res.getWriter().print("Hello ");RequestDispatcherrd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/test.jsp");rd.include(req, res);res.getWriter().print("World");}

"Hello" and "World" both will be a part of the output.

Given the following deployment descriptor:<web-app> context-param><param-name>jdbcDriver</param-name><param-value>sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver</param-value></context-param><servlet><servlet-name>InitParams</servlet-name><servlet-class>InitParamsServlet</servlet-class></servlet> ..</web-app>What is the outcome of running the following servlet? (Choose one.)public class InitParamsServlet extends HttpServlet { protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {ServletContextsc = this.getServletContext(); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write("Initialization Parameter is: " + sc.getInitParameter("jdbcDriver")); }}

"Initialization Parameter is: null" returned to the requester

What is the result of attempting to access the following JSP page?<html><body><%! public String methodA() { return methodB();}%><%! public String methodB() { return "JAD Final Test";}%><h2><%= methodA() %></h2></body></html>

"JAD Final Test" is output to the resulting web page

A textual object is a well formed XML document if

(i) Taken as a whole it matches the production labeled document. (ii) Each of the parsed entity which is referenced directly or indirectly within the document can be well formed

When working with XPath expressions, the ability to combine multiple expressions into one can be done by _________.

(vertical bar aka "pipe")

In an XPath expression, the wildcard _________ can select every child element at once because it automatically matches everything possible.

* (asterisks symbol)

In an XPath expression, if you put _______ where an element would normally go, you can select the parent element.

.. (2 periods)

With XML Schemas, the senders can ________ the data in a way that the receiver will understand


External style sheets are saved with the ________ extension.


XSLT files must be save with _______ extension.


Which of the following unabbreviated XPath expressions is the same as the abbreviated XPath expression below?/book/chapter[4]/paragraph[2]/sentence[1]


What gets printed when the following expression is evaluated? Select the one correct answer. ${12 % 4}


total2 += theArray[ element ]; g)

0 to the array length - 1

Which number gets printed when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the one correct answers.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %><c:set var="j" value="4,3,2,1"/><c:forEach items="${j}" var="item" varStatus="status"><c:if test="${status.first}"><c:out value="${status.index}" default="abc"/></c:if></c:forEach>


What will the browser display if the following script is executed? < SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" > var theArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]; modifyArray( theArray[ 3 ] ); document.write( theArray.join( " " ) ); function modifyArray( i ) { i = 11; } </SCRIPT>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What are the 4 types of cardinality

1..1 , 1.. , ..1 and ..

What would the browser display if it executed the following script? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> for ( var count = 0; count < 10; ++count ) { if ( count == 5 ) continue; } document.writeln( count ); </SCRIPT>


What is the evaluation of the following expression? ((3+ (5 + 4) * 7) + 4) / 5


What is the value of num after the following statement is performed? num = 2 * Math.pow( 2, 3 );


Which numbers gets printed when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the two correct answers. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <c:set var="j" value="4,3,2,1"/> <c:forEach items="${j}" var="item" begin="1" end="2"> <c:out value="${item}" default="abc"/> </c:forEach>

2 3

What would the browser display if it executed the following script? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> for ( var count = 1; count <= 10; ++count ) { if ( count == 5 ) break; } document.writeln( count ); </SCRIPT>


How many numbers are printed, when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the one correct answer.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <c:forEach var="item" begin="0" end="10" step="2"> ${item} </c:forEach>


What would the browser display if it executed the following script? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var total = 0; stop: { // labeled compound statement for ( var i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { for ( var j = 0; j < 2 ; ++j ) { if ( i == 2 ) break stop; total++; } total++; } total++; } total++; document.writeln( total ); </SCRIPT>


In simple type built into XML schema type flat has single precision of ________ floating point

8 bit

Opera supports XML, XSLT, and XPath from version _____.


Which of these is a valid comment in XML?

<!- -This data should be hidden

Which of the following Document type definitions will validate the below XML document successfully ?

<!ELEMENT root EMPTY><!ATTLIST root rootattr CDATA #FIXED "value">,<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)>,<!ELEMENT root ANY><!ATTLIST root rootattr CDATA "value">

Which syntax is correct for JSP Scriptlets?

<% code %>

Example JSP scriptlet Declaration

<%! ... %>

Which syntax is correct for JSP Declarations?

<%! code %>

Example JSP expression. This expression is evaluated and turned into a string

<%= string %>

You can set a page to be an error page either through web.xml or by adding a page directive _____

<%@page errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>

The VBScript operator for inequality is which of the following


Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

<?xml version="A.0"?

Which of the following entries in an XML document will cause an application reading the document to use null values for the field named "customerAddress"?

<customerAddress xsd:nill="true"/>

Which of these is a correct fragment within the web-app element of deployment descriptor. Select the one correct answer.

<error-page> <exception-type> mypackage.MyException</exception-type> <location> /error.jsp</location> </error-page>

To compose a schema with the same target namespace you can use

<include schemaLocation="..." />

Which of the following correctly represents the following JSP statement. Select the one correct answer. <%=x%>


A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement <jsp:useBean id="fruit" class="Fruit"/>Which of the following statements may be used to print the value of color property of the bean?. Select the one correct answer.

<jsp:getProperty name="fruit" property="color"/>

Which of the following is a valid standard action that can be used by a jsp page to import content generated by another JSP file named another.jsp?

<jsp:include page='another.jsp'/>

A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement

<jsp:setProperty name="fruit" property="color" value="white"/>

A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement <jsp:useBean id="fruit" class="Fruit"/> Which statement may be used to set the color property of the bean

<jsp:setProperty name="fruit" property="color" value="white"/>

You want to use a bean that is stored in com/enthu/GUI.ser file. Which of following statements correctly defines the tag that accesses the bean?

<jsp:useBean id="pref" beanName="com.enthu.GUI" type="com.enthu.GUI"/>

Which of these is a correct example of specifying a listener element resented by MyClass class. Assume myServlet element is defined correctly. Select the one correct answer

<listener> <listener-class>MyClass</listener-class></listener>

Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?


Which is the correct way to use the union operator

<xsl:apply-templates select='/CD/Artist | /Tape/Artist' />

Which of the following set of statements will you use to process all the child nodes of the root node?

<xsl:template match= "/"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:template>

To match the root node in XMLT transform the syntax will be

<xsl:template match=" /">

If we wanted to find book elements in an XML document, we would set the match attribute to a simple XPath expression: book, and the code would look like this:

<xsl:template match="book">

Which of the following is not a valid equality or relational operator?


Annotation for 1..*


Annotation for 1..1


The _____ annotation can be used to bind template parameters to a resource class field


___, ____ annotations are used to specify data format to be sent out or recieved

@Produces, @Consumes

Which of the following statements are correct about the status of the Http response. Select the one correct answer.

A status of 200 to 299 signifies that the request was successful.

Which of these are legal return types of the doEndTag method defined in a class that extends TagSupport class. Select the two correct answers.


A user types the URL . Which HTTP request gets generated. Select the one correct answer

A. GET method

Which of the following are correct statements? Select the two correct answers

A.The getRequestDispatcher method of ServletContext class takes the full path of the servlet, whereas the getRequestDispatcher method of HttpServletRequest class takes the path of the servlet relative to the ServletContext C.The getRequestDispatcher(String URL) is defined in both ServletContext and HttpServletRequest method

Which element of the servlet element in the deployment descriptor is used to specify the parameters for the ServletConfig object. Select the one correct answer.

B. init-param

The ______________ supplies business components, or enterprise beans.

Bean provider

Which statement is correct about Bean-managed persistent (BMP)?

Bean-managed persistent persisted by the developer, who write the code for the database access calls

The ________ parses and translates all inbound and outbound messages going to and from a business.

BizTalk Server.

What does the keyword SYSTEM indicate in the following code? <!DOCTYPE Book SYSTEM "book.dtd">

Book.dtd is an internal DTD

Consider the following statements: Statement A: XML is a text-based markup language that enables you to store data in a structured format by using meaningful tags. Statement B: XML allows you to format data as per the requirements of the application.Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.

Which of the following represents the XML equivalent of this statement <%@ include file="a.jsp"%> . Select the one correct statement

C. <jsp:directive.include file="a.jsp"/>

A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement <jsp:usebean id="fruit" class="Fruit"/> What happens when the following statement is executed. Select the one correct answer. <jsp:setProperty name="fruit" property="*"/>

C. All the properties of the fruit bean are assigned the values of input parameters of the JSP page that have the same name

Which three digit error codes represent an error in request from client? Select the one correct answer

C. Codes starting from 400

Consider the following XML document: <?xml version="1.0"?> <ORDERDETAILS> <PRODUCT ID="P001" NAME="Mini Bus" PRICE="75"><ORDER ID="O001"> <SHIP_ADD>10 NEWSLAND ESTATE, NY</SHIP_ADD> <QUANTITY>30</QUANTITY> </ORDER> <ORDER ID="O002"> <SHIP_ADD>11 NEWSLAND ESTATE, NY</SHIP_ADD> <QUANTITY>50</QUANTITY></ORDER> </PRODUCT> </ORDERDETAILS> Which of the following code snippets will you use to display the product of price and quantity

Choose D

What does CGI stand for

Common gateway interface

A ___________________________ in EJB is an object that is deploy on any EJB Server


Which statement is correct about Container-managed persistent (CMP)?

Container-managed persistent persisted by the Enterprise Java Beans container

The instantiation of a session bean is done by the ____________________ while the management of the lifetime of the bean is done by the ___________________________.

Container/EJB server

Which one of the following sets of interfaces are part of the SAX2 API?

ContentHandler, ErrorHandler, and DTDHandler

A variable that your webpage can store on or retrieve from the users computer is known as


XML Can be used to

Create new language

Which of the following is not a keyword used for default settings in an! ATTLIST element?


John, an XML developer, uses DOM to define the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated. He wants to use XML DOM objects to traverse, read, and manipulate the structure and content of an XML document. John wants to represent the complete document map, which contains all the information in an XML document. He also wants to create an instance of the DOMDocument object to be able to work with any XML document. Which one of the following objects should John use?


The DOM specification describes how strings are to be manipulated by the DOM by defining the datatype _______. It is encoded using _______ encoding scheme

DOMString, Unicode

Document Type Definition

DTD (acronym)

Which of the following cannot be a part of a SOAP message?

DTD Processing Instruction

Which of the following statements does not correctly identify the limitations of DTDs ?

DTD can be changed programatically using the DocumentType interface in DOM

In SAX, to provide customized DTD handling, application need to implement


In SAX, to provide customized DTD handling, application need to implement :


Which of the following statements about namespaces and DTDs are false?

DTDs for a document with namespace qualified elements cannot be written since DTDs do not support namespaces

What does DDL stand for

Data Definition Language

XSL is BEST described as a

Declarative language

Which of the following XML based technologies can be considered as XML metadata?

Document Type Definition, XML Schema

The default scripting language for Netscape and Internet Explorer is ________


Default Fetch Behavior for Many-To-One


Default Fetch Behavior for One-To-One


Whats so great about XML?

Easy data exchange & High speed on network

Which of the following statements about XSL formatting objects are false ?

Elements in XSL-FO objects map to the boxes on the page in a one to one fashion

Which Statement about xml is true?

Elements may nest but not overlap

Which of the following is/are optional in the creation of an XML file?


HTML code:<B> Customer </B><p>Michelle Abraham <br> Salmonella Apartments<br> Programmer<br></p>Peter is asked to represent the information given in the HTML code snippet above in XML. He represents the information as follows: <CUSTOMER> <NAME> Michelle Abraham <ADDRESS> Salmonella Apartments </NAME> </ADDRESS> PROFESSION> Programmer </PROFESSION> </CUSTOMER> Identify the error in the above code and suggest a solution for the same.

Error on line: <NAME> Michelle Abraham <ADDRESS> Salmonella Apartments </NAME> </ADDRESS> . Solution: The closing tag of the Name element should be written before the ADDRESS element.

What is XML

Extensible Markup Language: an application- and platform-independent way to represent data

The acronym XSLT stands for __________.

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations

The ________ attribute of the ________ element specifies another element that is identified by its ________ attribute


The ________ attribute of the ________ element specifies another element that is identified by its ________ attribute.


What would the browser display if the following code is executed in a script? var grade = 59 if ( grade >= 60 ) document.writeln( "Passed." ); else document.write( "Failed. " ); document.writeln( "You must take this course again." );


Use the ___ request when no data is sent


what is the purpose of HTML

HTML - designed to display data, with focus on how data looks

Which of the following statements w.r.t XLinks and HTML links are true ?

HTML links cannot be used for multi directional navigation, XLinks can be used to link documents without modifying the documents to include the links

________ is a markup language for describing how content is rendered and ________ is a markup language for describing structured data—content is separated from presentation.


Any class that extends ____ is a servlet


Name the class that includes the getSession method that is used to get the HttpSession object.


Which class that includes the getSession method that is used to get the HttpSession object?


The method getWriter returns an object of type PrintWriter. This class has println methods to generate output. Which of these classes define the getWriter method? Select the one correct answer.


Which of the following is false?

In any flowchart, control structure (sequence, if, if/else, switch, while, do/while or for) can be replaced by 2 rectangle (actions) in sequence

Which of the following is false?

In any flowchart, control structure (sequence, if, if/else, switch, while, do/while or for) can be replaced by 2 rectangle (actions) in sequence.

Which of the following is indicated by URL, which is used on the Internet?

Information resources(sources) on the Internet

________ are declared in each individual HTML element using the keyword STYLE.

Inline styles

The VBScript ________ function has the same purpose as JavaScript's window.prompt method


Identify correct statement about a WAR file.(Choose one)

It contains web components such as servlets as well as EJBs.

What does the ScriptEngine function do?

It returns the type script being used

What would the function cube return, assuming it is called with the line cube(3). function cube(y); { return y y y; }

JavaScript runtime error

See the snipset below and choose one answer: <xsl:for-each select="LIST//TITLE">...</xsl:for-each>

Match all <TITLE> elements one or more level deep in the <LIST> element

A _____ _____ is used to receive a message from a queue

Message Listener

Which statement is correct about Message-Driven Beans exception handling?

Message-Driven Beans cannot send any exceptions back to clients

Which statement is correct about Message-Driven Beans?(Choose one)

Message-Driven Beans stateless

In DOM, a node can have

More than one children nodes

Allow to validate documents that use markup from multiple namespaces?

Namespace support

Is the following attribute valid? <!ATTLIST Test4 an_attribute ID #FIXED "value">


Is the following JSP code legal? Select the one correct statement. <%@page info="test page" session="false"%> <%@page session="false"%>

No. This code will generate syntax errors

Which of the following schema fragments is the same as the DTD fragment below ? <!ELEMENT myElement EMPTY>

None of the above

What is wrong with the following line of code? <P><FONT SIZE='5'>This is a test.</FONT></P>


What gets printed when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the one correct answer.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <c:set var="item" value="2"/> <c:if test="${var==1}" var="result" scope="session"> <c:out value="${result}"/> </c:if>

Nothing gets printed.

________ fires when the right mouse button is clicked.


What would the browser display if the following script was executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> for( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) document.write("O"); </SCRIPT>


How many numbers gets printed when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the one correct answer.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <c:set var="item" value="2"/> <c:choose> <c:when test="${item>0}"> <c:out value="1"/> </c:when> <c:when test="${item==2}"> <c:out value="2"/> </c:when> <c:when test="${item<2}"> <c:out value="3"/> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <c:out value="4"/> </c:otherwise> </c:choose>

One number gets printed.

Identify the correct statements

PCDATA means that the element contains data that is to be parsed by a parser. + #CDATA means that the element contains character data that is not to be parsed

Use the ____ request when sending data to the server


You do not want the user to see the data and the format being passed to your server when the user tries to submit the information for registering with your site. Which HTTP method would you use? (Comment: You can set some hidden parameters such as server location, in the page when the user loads it. Such parameters mean nothing to the user and are generally not displayed. However, determined users can still view them using "View Source" for the page).


Which of the following statements regarding processing instructions are true ?

Processing instructions can be used as a mechanism for extending schemas that cannot otherwise be modified, The target for a processing instruction must be a valid XML name

SAX uses :

Push parsing machenic for processing

Which of these is not a valid value for dispatcher element of filter-mapping. Select the one correct answer.


What are the two prevailing styles of web services


Which of the following is NOT done with JavaScript

RGB Colors

The XSLT processor begins at the ______ element when looking for template matches.


When you are using the absolute path to locate an element, your expression must start with the _________ element of your XML document.


A county library uses an XML based application to query an XML database of books maintained


An XML based application maintains a very large configuration file in XML format.


____ is a java api for xml parsing


What are two types of XML Parsers


The sendRedirect method defined in the HttpServlet class is equivalent to invoking the setStatus method with the following parameter and a Location header in the URL. Select one correct answer.


The sendRedirect method defined in the HttpServlet class is equivalent to invoking the setStatus method with the following parameter and a Location header in the URL. Select the one correct answer


Which interface and method should be used to retrieve a servlet initialization parameter value? (Choose one)

ServletConfig : getInitParameter(String name)

Consider the following statements: Statement A: Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) provides a fast and convenient way to bind between XML schemas and Java representations, making it easy for Java developers to incorporate XML data and processing functions in Java applications. Statement B: JAXB provides methods for unmarshalling (writing) XML instance documents into Java content trees, and then marshalling (reading) Java content trees back into XML instance documents.

Statement A is True, and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements: Statement A: The xjc schema compiler, also called the binding compiler, is an important part of a JAXB implementation. The compiler binds a source XML schema to a set of schema-derived program elements. The binding is described by an XML-based binding language in a binding file. The binding compiler produces a set of packages containing Java source files and JAXB property files. Statement B: In most cases, the default bindings generated by the binding compiler are sufficient. However, there are cases where you might want to modify the default bindings (for example, you might want to provide more meaningful package names than are generated by default), you can use the following syntax: xjc schema_file.xsd ""g package_name

Statement A is True, and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements: Statement A: You can use the <!ATTLIST> statement in a DTD to declare an attribute for an element. Statement B: A single <!ATTLIST> statement can be used to declare multiple attributes for an element.Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

Statement A is True, and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements: Statement A: XML stand for eXtensible Markup Language. Statement B: CSS stand for Creative Style Sheets.Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

Statement A is True, and statement B is False.

Identify the correct statements:

Tags from multiple namespaces can be mixed. + XSL uses the prefix 'xsl:' for elements in the XSL namespace

Which of the following statement is correct. Select the one correct answer

The HttpServletResponse defines constants like SC_NOT_FOUND that may be used as a parameter to setStatus method

What gets printed when the following JSP code is invoked in a browser? Select one correct answer. <%= if(Math.random() < 0.5) %> hello<%= } else { %> hi<%= } %>

The JSP file will not compile

Which of the following is false

The Sort property automatically displays the new order of the data

What are characteristics of XML documents

The documents are self-describing | The documents are a hierarchy of nested objects

Which of the following is true?

The dropShadow filter does not have a direction attribute

Which of the following is the proper method to apply the fliph filter to the following H1 element? <H1 ID = "test">This is a test</H1>

The filter cannot be applied to this element.

Which of the following statements are true for <jsp:usebean>. Select the two correct answers.

The id attribute must be defined for <jsp:usebean>. The <jsp:usebean> must include either type or class attribute or both.

Which of the following is true about Data Integrity?

The information/data is not tampered with, in transit from host to client.

Which of the following is true?

The invert filter applies a negative image effect

What is the effect of the join statement in the following code?

The join method will create a string from the values in theArray1

Which of these is true about deployment descriptors. Select the one correct answer

The order of elements in deployment descriptor is not important. The elements can follow any order

Consider the following HTML document. 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 2 <HTML> 3 <HEAD> 4 <TITLE>Object Model</TITLE> 5 6 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> 7 function start() 8 { 9 alert( pText.innerText ); 10 pText.innerText = "Thanks for coming."; 11 } 12 </SCRIPT> 13 14 </HEAD> 15 16 <BODY ONLOAD = start()> 17 18 <P ID = "pText">Welcome to our Web page!</P> 19 20 </BODY> 21 </HTML> Which of the following selections a true statement?

The pText object does not have an innerText attribute

A JSP page called test.jsp is passed a parameter name in the URL using http://localhost/Final/test.jsp?name=John. The test.jsp contains the following code.<% String myName=request.getParameter("name");%><% String test= "Welcome " + myName; %><%=test%>What is the output?

The page display "Welcome John"

Which of the following is true?

The shadow filter property can be set to exactly 8 different values

What will happen when a servlet makes the following call within its doGet() method? getServletContext().setAttribute("userid", userid);

The userid attribute is placed in application scope.

The resolveEntity method of EntityResolver interface allow the application

To resolve external entity

Which of the following are correct. Select the one correct answer

To use the character %> inside a scriptlet, you may use %\> instead.

Select the word to replace ???to make the diagram about messaging domain correct


Every XSLT file must include the root element: xsl:stylesheet .


HTTP is a "stateless" protocol: each time a client retrieves a Web page, it opens a separate connection to the Web server, and the server does not automatically maintain contextual information about a client.


In designating an element in an XML structure, if you wanted to refer to one of the sub elements, you will have to create a string of child elements from the root to the desired child element.


Internet Explorer will skip white-space text node that are generated between nodes (e.g. new-line characters), while Mozilla will not.


JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology enables you to mix regular, static HTML with dynamically generated content from servlets. You simply write the regular HTML in the normal manner, using familiar Web-page-building tools


Message-Driven Bean does not have a home interface, local home interface, remote interface, or a local interface.


UDDI stands for which of the following

Universal Description Discovery and Integration

What does UDDI stand for

Universal Description, Discovery and Integration

A University wants to unify all their applications from the various departments in order

Use an XSLT stylesheet to convert the incoming or outgoing XML document into the format used within the division

The ONERROR event is used to handle all of these except

User errors.

A .................... manages the threading for the servlets and JSPs and provides the necessary interface with the Web server

Web Container

A ____ _____ allows you to build app that is interoperable applications

Web Service

What does WSDL stand for

Web service Description Lanaguage

Which of these is true about include directive. Select the one correct answer

When using the include directive, the JSP container treats the file to be included as if it was part of the original file

Which is the BEST case use Container-managed persistent (CMP)?

When you require some kind of special bean, like multi-tables, that cannot be completely realized with a single bean


With XML, __________ are not allowed

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

With __________ you can add display information to an XML document

____ is a text based language


SOAP uses ___ and ____



XML attribute values must be __________

plain text format

XML data is stored in __________


XML documents do not carry information about how to __________ the data

root element

XML documents must contain a ______________


XML elements must be properly __________

Which of the following resources can be signed using an XML signature?

XML encoded data specific section of an XML file Binary encoded data

xml, variation

XML name cannot start with the letters __________ or any __________ of them

Which of the following statements about XML signatures are true ?

XML signatures have support for non-repudiation of the data that they sign, XML signatures can be used for XML data authentication


XML stores a new line as __________

well formed

XML with correct syntax is __________ XML

The _______ of an identifier for a variable or function is the portion of the program in which the identifier can be referenced.

a) scope

Which of the following are correct JSP expressions

a. <%= new Date() %>

Which of the following statement is a correct JSP directive?(Choose one)

a. <%@ tagliburi="" prefix="util" %>

A JSP page needs to generate an XML file. Which attribute of page directive may be used to specify that the JSP page is generating an XML file?

a. <%@page contentType ="text/xml">

Which of the following is equivalent <%! ? (Choose one)

a. <jsp:declaration

What is a correct way of referring to a stylesheet called "mystyle.xsl"?

a. <link type="text/xsl" href="mystyle.xsl" />

Which of the following xml fragments correctly define a security constraint in web.xml? (Choose one)

a. <security-constraint>a. <web-resource-collection>a. <web-resource-name>Info</web-resource-name>a. <url-pattern>/info/*</url-pattern>a. <http-method>GET</http-method>a. </web-resource-collection>a. <user-data-constraint>a. <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>a. </user-data-constraint>a. </security-constraint>

Which statement is true about EJB 3.0 stateful session beans and stateless session beans?

a. Both can have multiple remote and local business interfaces

Which is NOT Enterprise Beans?

a. Business Beans

XML is

a. Free and Extensible

Which of the following methods can be used to add cookies to a servlet response?

a. HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie cookie)

________ can validate your XML against a DTD.

a. Internet Explorer 5.0

The Java Persistent API defines the Query interface. Which statement is true about the Query.executeUpdate method ?

a. It must always be executed within a transaction

Which statement is true about the EJB 3.0 stateful session beans?

a. Its conversational state is retained across method invocations and transactions

Which statement is NOT true about JMS?

a. JMS does NOT depend on MOM (Messaging-Oriented Middleware) products

Which statement about JMS is true?

a. JMS supports Publish/Subcribe

Which is the CORRECT statement about JMS?

a. JMS uses JNDI to find destination

Which is NOT associated with the business tier in a JEE (J2EE) web-based application?

a. JSP

A developer wants to achieve the following two behaviors for an EJB 3.0 session bean:(1) If the client calls a business method with a transaction context, the container will invoke the enterprise bean's method in the client's transaction context.(2) If the client calls a business method without a transaction context, the container will throw the javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRequiredException.Which transaction attribute should be used?


Which statement describe about Message-Driven Beans is correct? (Choose one)

a. Message-Driven Beans are stateful

Study the statements:1) The context path contains a special directory called WEB-INF, which contains the deployment descriptor file, web.xml. 2) A client application may directly access resources in WEB-INF or its subdirectories through HTTP.

a. Only statement 1 is true

Study the statements:<question>1) The context path contains a special directory called WEB-INF, which contains the deployment descriptor file, web.xml.<question>2) A client application may directly access resources in WEB-INF or its subdirectories through HTTP.

a. Only statement 1 is true

Which HTTP method is used in FORM based Authentication?


See the extract from web.xml of web application "mywebapp" on server named myserver, runs on port 8080: <servlet-mapping><servlet-name>ServletA</servlet-name><url-pattern>/</url-pattern></servlet-mapping><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>ServletB</servlet-name><url-pattern>/bservlet.html</url-pattern></servlet-mapping><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>ServletC</servlet-name><url-pattern>*.servletC</url-pattern></servlet-mapping><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>ServletD</servlet-name><url-pattern>/dservlet/*</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>Given that a user enters the following into her browser, which (if any) of the mapped servlets will execute? (Choose one.) http://myserver:8080/mywebapp/Bservlet.html

a. ServletA

Which interface can you use to retrieve a resource that belongs to the current web application?

a. ServletContext

Which interface you CANNOT use to obtain a RequestDispatcher Object?

a. ServletContext

Which of the following statements is true? (Choose one)

a. Session data is shared across multiple webapps in the same webserver/servlet container.

_________________ provides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a Web site and to store information about that user.

a. Session management

Which statements are BEST describe prefix attribute of <%@ taglib prefix=...%>directive of JSP file?

a. Specifies the relative or absolute URI of the tag library descriptor.

Which element defined within the taglib element of taglib descriptor file is required? Select one correct answer.

a. Tag

Which statements are BEST describe name attribute of <jsp:setProperty name=.... /> action?

a. The ID of the JavaBean for which a property (or properties) will be set.

Which statements are BEST describe id attribute of <jsp:useBean id=..... /> Action?

a. The name used to manipulate the Java object with actions <jsp:setProperty> and <jsp:getProperty>. A variable of this name is also declared for use in JSP scripting elements. The name specified here is case sensitive.

Which is NOT belonging to basic three types of EJB?

a. Transfer object

Which of the following elements defines the properties of an attribute that a tag needs?

a. attribute

XML Schema is designed to

a. be self-descriptive

Given a stateless session bean with container-managed transaction demarcation, from which method can a developer access another enterprise bean?

a. business method from the business interface

Which of the following methods will be invoked if the doStartTag() method of a tag returns Tag.SKIP_BODY?

a. doEndTag()

Which method of ReportGeneratorServlet will be called when the user clicks on the URL shown by the following HTML. Assume that ReportGeneratorServlet does not override the service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) method of the HttpServlet class. (Choose one)

a. doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse);

a++; is the same as which of the following


________ makes it now possible for data manipulation to be shared by the server and the client.

all of the above

11 The ONFOCUS event fires when ________.

an element is clicked.

The ONBLUR event is associated with ________

an element losing focus.

an excellent XML tutorial can be found here

Which of the following axes can be used together to reference all the nodes in any XML document ?

ancestor, descendant, self, following, preceding

What is the value of s1 after the following code is executed? var s1 = "deitel and associates" s1 = s1.slice( 6 )

and associates

child element

any element located within the root element

Which of the following is INCORRECT statement about implicit objects and scope?

application can't be used to access other web application resources

When processing an output XML, "new line" symbols

are converted to single LF symbol

Identifiers which have static duration ________.

are globally accessible to the script

Functions are invoked by writing the name of the function, followed by the function's ________ in closed parenthesis


Which of the following is the proper method to access the length of the array arr[]?


_________ are data structures consisting of related data items (sometimes called collections of data items)


<!ELEMENT trial (targets+, source,title+,message*,#PCDATA)> The above example declares that the element trial must contain:

at least one 'target', exactly one 'source', at least one 'title', zero or one 'message', and some other parsed character data.

multiple values, tree structures, expandable

attributes cannot contain __________ or __________ and are not easily __________

How can we make attributes have multiple values:

attributes cannot have multiple values

The CSS specification gives precedence to ________.

author styles over user styles


b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

++test[ 7 ];

b) 4

Which statements are BEST describe prefix attribute of <%@ taglib prefix=...%>directive of JSP file?

b. Specifies the required prefix that distinguishes custom tags from built-in tags. The prefix names jsp, jspx, java, javax, servlet, sun and sunw are reserved.

The xsl:choose element is used for the purpose of selection between the several possibilities.

b. True

XML is the mother of

b. WAP and WML

Which is NOT provided by the EJB tier in a multitier JEE (J2EE) application?

b. XML Parsing

Elements are the main building blocks of both

b. XML and HTML documents

Which directory is legal location for the deployment descriptor file? Note that all paths are shown as from the root of the web application directory.


CDATA means:

b. character data

Given that a servlet has been mapped to /account/. Identity the HttpServletRequest methods that will return the /account segement for the URI: /myapp/account/.

b. getServletPath

Entities are expanded when a document is parsed by an XML

b. parser

Templates are been ordered according to their ________ which can be specified with the priority attributte.

b. priority

Which of the following defines the class name of a tag in a TLD?

b. tag-class

What should be the return type of the method using @PrePassivate?

b. void

var value = theArray1.join( " " );

c) The join method will create a string from the values in theArray1.

Elements with only character data are declared with


If the DTD is included in your XML source file, it should be wrapped in a DOCTYPE definition with the following syntax:

c. <!DOCTYPE root-element [element-declarations]>

Which of the following are valid iteration mechanisms in jsp?

c. <% int i = 0;for(;i<5; i++){ %>"Hello World";<% i++;}%>

Which of the following constitute valid ways of importing Java classes into JSP page source?

c. <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

Which is not a correct name for an XML element?

c. <first name>

Which of the following deployment descriptor snippets would you use to declare the use of a tag library?

c. <taglib> c. <taglib-uri></taglib-uri>c. <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/ourlib.tld</taglib-location>c. </taglib>

Which is a valid PostConstruct method in a message-driven bean class?

c. @PostConstruct c. private void init() {}

Which is a valid PostConstruct method in a message-driven bean class?

c. @PostConstruct private void init() {}

How is an empty XML element defined?

c. All of the above.

Which statements are BEST describe taglib directive of JSP file?

c. Allows programmers to include their own new tags in the form of tag libraries. These libraries can be used to encapsulate functionality and simplify the coding of a JSP.

What do you need to create a EJB3 session bean?

c. Annotate the session bean with @Stateful or @Stateless

The requirement for an online shopping application are: It must support millions of customers. The invocations must be transactional. The shopping cart must be persistent. Which technology is required to support these requirements?

c. EJB

Which Statement about xml is true?

c. Elements may nest but not overlap

Which type of JEE (or J2EE) component is used to store business data persistently?

c. Entity Bean

Which statement is true about the use of a persist operation in a transaction of an Entity Beans

c. If a user persists a new entity with an existing primary key the transaction will fail

Which is true about JEE ( or J2EE)?

c. JEE includes servlet APIs and EJB APIs

Which statement describe about JMS is NOT true?

c. JMS use JNDI to locate the destination

EJB 3.0 specifications are first implemented in ________

c. Java EE 5

Which statements are BEST describe <jsp:getProperty> Action?

c. Sets a property in the specified JavaBean instance. A special feature of this action is automatic matching of request parameters to bean properties of the same name.

A developer must implement a "shopping cart" object for a web-based application. The shopping cart must be able to maintain the state of the cart, but the state is not stored persistently. Which JEE (J2EE) technology is suited to this goal?

c. Stateful session beans

Which of the following XML based markup languages provides a protocol for business transactions on the Internet?


Every switch structure must have ________ labels which are separated by the keyword break.


If we want to select the supplier attribute of it's parent element, chips, our expression would be__________.



d) 9

Which VBScript function returns an integer indicating the variant subtype?

d) VarType

Which statement about an entity instance lifecycle is correct?

d. A managed entity instance is the instance associated with a persistence context.

A Java developer needs to be able to send email, containing XML attachments, using SMTP. Which JEE (J2EE) technology provides this capability?

d. JavaMail

_____ in XSL do allow the element to be processed for multiple times, each time producing different result.

d. Modes

What is the purpose of JNDI?

d. To access various directory services using a single interface

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) started to develop XSL because there was a need for:

d. XML-based Stylesheet Language

Entities are variables used to define

d. common text

A _____ function returns number of nodes present in an argument node-set.

d. count

What does XSL stand for?

d. eXtensible Stylesheet Language

A DTD can be declared inline in your XML document, or as an

d. external reference

Which of these axes which are used in XSL?

d. grand-parent

The ____ instruction do enables the conditional processing.

d. xsl:if

In SAX, to provide customized DTD handling, application need to implement :


Describing an object in terms of behaviors without concern for how those behaviors are actually implemented is called ___

data abstraction

The statement on line 1 ________ the array while the statement on line 2 ________ the array. 1 var c; 2 c = new Array( 12 );

declares, allocates

In a switch structure, the ________ case clause is used to process exceptional conditions and is usually listed last.


An object's methods and attributes are accessed by writing the name of the object followed by the ________.

dot operator

What does XSL stand for?

eXtensible Stylesheet Language

A JSP page has the following page directives:<%@page isErrorPage='false' %> <%@page errorPage='/jsp/myerror.jsp' %> Which of the following implicit object is NOT available to the jsp page?


Identifiers that represent local variables in a function ________.

exist while the function in which they are declared is still active

#REQUIRED specifies that an element is required in all XML documents that use the DTD.


DOM 2 doesn't provide mechanism for interrogating and modifying the namespace for a document.


DTDs are made up of three blocks of declarations and the DOCTYPE declaration


External DTDs use the keyword URL to specify the location of the DTD?


Is this statement true or false. The deployment descriptor of a web application must have the name web.xml . In the same way the tag library descriptor file must be called taglib.xml


SAX support random access


SAX support random access:


The default value for the minOccurs attribute in Schema is 0


Tree model is applied to static documents?


What is the effect of evaluation of following expression? Select the one correct answer. ${(5*5) ne 25}


When implementing a tag, if the tag just includes the body verbatim, or if it does not include the body, then the tag handler class must extend the BodyTagSupport class. Is this statement true of false.


XML is transformed only via XSLT?


Which of the following will evaluate to false

false && false

Which of the following will not evaluate to true?

false || false

The character is referred to as a________.

field delimiter

Which is the proper method to set the mask color?

filter: mask( color = #CCFFFF )

Which of the following settings can be altered to change the darkness of the font


Which of the following is declared correctly and will not result in an error assuming x = 2 and y = 30?

for ( var j = x; j <= 80 * y; j += 5 / x )

How does a "for" loop start?

for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)

When creating our XPath statement, each element is separated by a _________.

forward slash

Which of the following is not one of Bohm and Jacopini's three control structures

goto-less structure

Which of these axes which are used in XSL?


Servlet output is usually ___


Which of these represent the correct path for the core JSTL library in JSTL version 1.1? Select the one correct answer

Which of the following JSP variable is not available within a JSP expression? Select one correct answer


Which of the following JSP variables are not available within a JSP expression. Select the one correct answer.


single quotes, &quot;data&quot;

if an attribute value itself contains double quotes you can use __________ or __________

A JSP page uses the java.util.ArrayList class many times. Instead of referring the class by its complete package name each time, we want to just use ArrayList. Which attribute of page directive must be specified to achieve this. Select the one correct answer


other elements, text, attributes, a mix

in XML, an element can contain _________, __________, __________, or __________

Which of the following are examples of JSP directive. Select the two correct answers.(?)(not checked yet)

include, taglibrary, page

Which of the following methods would you use to search a character for a specific string?


_____ method is called when the servlet starts


What are the five principal methods to manage the servlets life cycle

init, service, destroy, getServletConfig, getServletInfo

What are the three JSP Servlet Methods


During the redesign of a legacy system, it is decided to use XML as the data exchange format between


Which of the following statements correctly describe the differences between key/keyref and ID/IDREF ?

key/keyref allows the key to be defined for a set of elements while ID/IDREF allows keys to be defined only for the entire document, key/keyref can be used with elements and attributes, while ID/IDREF can only be used with attributes

The servlet container is responsible for the ____ of the servlet


________ and ________ run slower when they are applied to large arrays

linear search, bubble sort

The ________ attribute added to the ________ element uses your knowledge of XPath to find information in your XML document.

match & xsl:template

In the following line, the word writeln is a ________ which performs a task or action in the script.


The "prepackaged" functions that belong to JavaScript objects such as Math.pow and Math.round are often called ________.


If the attribute minOccurs is specified but the attribute maxOccurs is not, what is the default value of the latter ?


Which of the following value pairs for the parameters minOccurs and maxOccurs can be used to indicate the cardinality operator "?"

minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1"

Which of the following are valid combinations of minOccurs and maxOccurs for any element in a xsd:all group ?

minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 minOccurs = 0 maxOccurs = 1

A JSP file uses a tag as <myTaglib:myTag>. The myTag element here should be defined in the tag library descriptor file in the tag element using which element. Select the one correct answer


How do you find the client's browser name?


With reference to the snippet of code given below, choose the correct syntax to complete the second line in order to create a XML Document Object var sample sample = ________________________

new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM")

Which of these are not the valid XML DOM relationships


Can you have external entities in an attribute of type CDATA


Where on the browser will the command window.status( "text" ) display output?

on the status bar

What is the value of s3 after the following code is executed? var s1 = one, s2 = two, s3 = three; s1.concat(s2) s3 = s1;


Onclick is equivalent to which two events in sequence

onmousedown and onmouseup

The ALL value represents all of the cascade ____. For example: @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL})


Which package contains the interface that provides methods to parse XML documents

org.xml.sax package

An xsl:numbers do inserts a formatted numbers into the ____


Which is detected when the mouse moves over a link?

overMouse event

What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold?

p {font-weight:bold;}

The ________ is the distance between the content inside an element and the edge of the element.


Name the default value of the scope atribute of <jsp:usebean>.


Name the default value of the scope attribute of <jsp:useBean>


Name the implicit variable available to JSP pages that may be used to access all the other implicit objects


XML DSOs has the property for the number of pages of data the recordset contains


Consider the following HTML document. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Frames collection</TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET ROWS = "100, *"> <FRAME SRC = "top.html" NAME = "first"> <FRAME SRC = "" NAME = "second"> </FRAMESET> </HTML> Which of the following is the proper way to access the frame "second" from the script of an outside document?

parent.frames( " second" )

The format for writing an element-related predicate is:

parent[child some test here]

PCDATA means:

parsed character data

The values of an attribute of type ID is unique

per document instance;

The ________ property of the wave filter shifts the effect in space


If an element's position is declared as absolute then ________

positioning is set according to the margins of its parent element

The ____________________class makes every entity bean different.

primary key

A JavaBeans component has the following field

public void setEnabled( boolean enabled) public booleangetEnabled()

In JavaScript, all objects and Arrays are passed to functions by ________


What does the srcElement event property contain

reference to the element that fired the event

An Entity bean must be capable of forming ____


CSS positions can be either absolute or ________.


The ____________ interface is a Java interface that enumerates the business methods exposes by the enterprise bean class.


The _______ method is used to remove the attribute node.


The ______ method can be used to remove the specified node


Elements which have absolute position are automatically ________ the text flow.

removed from

Which of the following best describes the visual effect that alpha is used for

replacing text colors

The _______ of an identifier for a variable or function is the portion of the program in which the identifier can be referenced


Which of the following is not required for counter-controlled repetition


A program in which all statements are executed one after the other in the order in which they are written exhibit ________.

sequential execution

___ method is called to process request


JSP pages have access to implicit objects that are exposed automatically. Name the implicit object that is of type HttpSession.


Name the method defined in the HttpServletResponse class that may be used to set the content type. Select the one correct answer.


The third parameter in the addPoint method ________.

sets the height of the point source

The VBScript '&' operator is used for ________.

string concatenation

Which of the following XPath function calls will return the value 10 when invoked ?


If you "import" a stylesheet, the templates in it have lower precedence than those in the current stylesheet.



the internal DTD subset is read before the external DTD

When the TDC is bound to an element, the element's DATASRC attribute should be set to ________.

the name of the TDC object preceded by a #

DTD (document type definition)

the purpose of this is to define the structure of an XML document

&lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &apos;, &quot;

these are the five predefined entity references

An XML Schema defines whether an element is empty or can include text.


DOM considers all items present in XML document as node?


Each XML document can be represented as a tree structure?


For each element type associated with a sequence element, there must be an element in the XML instance in the same order?


Is it easier to process XML than HTML


Is the following statement true or false. URL rewriting may be used when a browser is disabled. In URL encoding the session id is included as part of the URL.


The ContentHandler class provides implementations for the core interface of SAX:


The item() method of XMLDOMNodeList and XMLDOMNamedNodeMap return the node present at specified index


The xsl:element generates the elements in at time of processing


What is the effect of evaluation of following expression? Select the one correct answer. ${'cat' gt 'cap'}


XML developer has to ensure the uniqueness of the element names and attributes in a document?


What would the browser display if this script was executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var c = new Array(8) for( var i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) c[i] = i; document.write(c[8]) </SCRIPT>


What would the browser display if this script was executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var c = new Array(8); for( var i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) c[i] = i; document.write(c[8]); </SCRIPT>


With XML Schemas, the senders can ________ the data in a way that the receiver will

understand ...

The JAXB _____ method is used to read from a URL and convert it from XML to Java String


Call-by- ________ is the method of passing a copy of the argument's value to a function.


In JavaScript, numbers and boolean values are passed to functions by ____


Which of the following elements is not valid inside a group element in an XBRL document?


Which of the following is the proper method to dynamically allocate memory to an array of 100 elements

var c = new Array( 100 );

Which of the following is the proper method to dynamically allocate memory to an array of 100 elements?

var c = new Array( 100 );

You define an array using

var myarray = new Array();

Which of the following is an illegal array initialization statement

var n = new Array( 5 ); n = [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array?

var txt = new Array("tim","shaq","kobe")

Which of the following is not a VBScript sub-typ


The XSLT root element has which two required attributes?

version & xmlns:xsl

What should be the return type of the method using @PrePassivate?


The root of the deployment descriptor is named as


There are differences between Internet Explorer's DOM and Mozilla's DOM. The most important difference is that how they handle

white-space text nodes

Which property would you use to redirect visitor to another page?


Which of these is the command to enable error handling on a Web page


How do you put a message in the browser's status bar?

window.status = "put your message here"


with __________ you can transform an XML document into HTML

To divide the value of the seventh element of array a by 2 and assign the result to the variable x, we would write ________.

x = a[ 6 ] / 2

What would the browser display if the following code is executed in a script? var x = 11, y = 14; if ( x > 13 ) if ( y > 13 ) document.writeln( "x and y are > 13" ); else document.writeln( "x is <= 13" );

x is <= 13

What are the predefined attributes

xml:lang, xml:space

XML Schema file extension is what


What schema groups should a group of elements be defined under in order to allow them all to appear in any sequence in a document instance?


Which of the following XML Schema elements can be used to make schemas more readable ?

xsd:annotation xsd:appInfo

Assuming that the xsd prefix is mapped to the namespace URI for XML schema, what is the type


The ________ element lets you decide when and where your template elements are used.


The ________ element generates the markup for an element of the specified name in the output HTML


The standard for of an XSLT element is:


The _________ element uses the select attribute to chose elements and obtain their contents.


Which top level XSLT element is used to define a variable in a stylesheet or template and to assign it a value


Consider the contents of 2 jsp files:<!-- In File : test.jsp --><html><body><% String s = "Hello"; %>//1 insert LOC here.<%=s%></body></html><!-- In File : test2.jsp --><% s = s+" world"; %>What can be inserted at //1 so that it prints "Hello world" when test.jsp is requested?

<jsp:include page="test2.jsp"/>

_______________ sends a request to an object and includes the result in a JSP file


Which of the following correctly represents the following JSP statement. Select the one correct answer. <%x=1;%>


Which of the following represents a correct syntax for usebean. Select the two correct answers

<jsp:usebean id="fruit type ="String"/> <jsp:usebean id="fruit type ="String" beanName="Fruit"/>

If a ______________is being used then all the operations need to be written by the developer to a persistent API.

Bean-Managed persistent entity bean

A small retailer maintains inventory data in an XML document. This inventory data is read by an application.

DOM Parser

Which of the following statements regarding the differences between DOM and SAX are false ?

DOM is ideally suited than SAX for handling large documents, that may need to be searched efficiently, If random access to an XML document is desired, SAX is better suited than DOM

____ are small java classes that process HTTP request and return HTTP responses


___ types of relationships can exist between entity beans


What does SAX stand for

Simple API for XML

What is the full form of SAX?

Simple API for XML

SOAP stands for

Simple Object Access Protocol

What does SOAP stand for

Simple Object Access Protocol.

The following paragraph describes the differences between XML and HTML but there are some FEATURES are NOT correct. Please find out them. XML features Defined set of tags designed for web display Format drivenEnd tags required for well-formed documents Quotes required around attributes values Slash required in empty tags HTML features User definable tags Content driven End tags not required Quotes not required Slash not required

It should be swap between "Defined set of tags designed for web display" and "Format driven" of XML to "User definable tags" and "Content driven" of HTML

What is the significance of the following CSS rule? LI, EM { color: red;c font-weight: bold }

It will apply the specified style to text enclosed by either LI or EM tags.

What is the significance of the following CSS rule? LI, EM { color: red;cfont-weight: bold }

It will apply the specified style to text enclosed by either LI or EM tags.

What is the significance of the line? LI EM { color: red; font-weight: bold }

It will apply the specified style to text enclosed by the EM tags which are within LI tags.

The properties that characterize transactions are known as ACID properties.


The xs:enumeration tag is used to define a valid value for an attribute.


XML parser checks for validity and well-formed ness?


XML vocabulary is used for specifying formatting


XSLT does not physically change an XML document- just how it is displayed.


XSLT is used style and transform XML documents.


Xslt's styles can be applied to XML elements selectively based on the element's attribute value.


Which of the following is the best description of the characters() method?

It is a method of the SAX ContentHandler interface to receive notifications on the presence of character data.

What makes XML Unique

It is a standard that lets users create their own tags to structure and store data

Which of the following statements about XSL formatting objects are true ?

It is possible to perform conditional formatting using XSL FO, It is possible to render a page with multi column layouts using XSL FO, Formatting objects can be used to describe the layout of a rendered page

What does the following CSS rule do? .note { font-size: 1.5em }

It multiplies all text object font sizes with CLASS = "note" by 1.5

What is the effect of the following line of code? window.event.returnValue = true;

It returns a true value to signal the browser to continue its default event-handling action.

What does the ScriptEngine function do

It returns the type script being used.

What will value contain after the following code is executed assuming that Colors is a valid TDC control? value = Colors.recordset;

It will contain the current indexed item of the datasource

What makes XML more powerful than HTML?

Its ability to adapt to new uses

____ allows you to map xml context to and from java objects


____ allows you to randomly access stuff in the document unlike SAX


Microsoft's version of scripting that uses the Java syntax is called


Microsoft's version of scripting that uses the Java syntax is called ________.


What does JAX-RS standfor

Java API for XML and RESTful services

What does JAXB stand for

Java Architecture for xml binding

The word sequence in the term sequence structure refers to the sequence of ________

JavaScript instructions in a script

________ was originally created by ________.

JavaScript, Netscape

How do you find the largest number of 6 and 8?


_____ in XSL do allow the element to be processed for multiple times, each time producing different result.


In XPath, you reference an element by using it's __________.


Which of the following represents an abstraction of an unordered collection of nodes in DOM?


JAX-WS supports which type of web service


Which of the following statements regarding messaging with SOAP are true?

SOAP is a protocol agnostic methodology of transmitting data to other SOAP enabled applications

Which one of the following is the root element of all XML Schema documents?


_____ can be used to validate xml documents


See the snipset below and choose one answer: <xsl:template match="BOOK*position()!=2+"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:template>

Select all BOOK elements that are not the second child of their parents

The xsl:template is used to

Define a template that can be applied to a node to produce desired output

<?xml version="1.0"?> <script> <![CDATA [function matchwo(a,b) { if (a < b && a < 0) then { return 1 } } ]]>

Executes without any error

XPath can locate any type of information in an XML document with one line of code that returns a value when executed and is referred to as a(n) ________.


What is the format of DTDs ?

Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF);

What is XML?

Extensible Markup Language

XSLT is:

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation

Consider the following XML document and the attached stylesheet. What is the result of applying


In an XPath expression, the element to the right of the double period will have its parent selected.


The xsl:value-of element can only be used to retrieve the value of the xml elements; attributes must be retrieved with the xsl:attrib-value element.


Unlike XML documents, XSLT documents do not need to include an XML declaration statement at the top of each XSLT document.


Using the xsl:prefix before every XSL element is recommended by NOT required.


xml:stylesheet is a special declaration for linking XML documents wit XSLT stylesheets, and it must be placed before your xml declaration to successfully link your XML file to your XSLT code.


Which of the following statements regarding XLinks are FALSE?

XLinks can be used to connect only two resources

Extensible Markup Language

XML (acronyn)

what is the purpose of XML

XML - designed to transport and store data, with focus on what data is

letters, numbers, other characters

XML names can contain __________, __________, and __________


XML names cannot contain __________

number, punctuation character

XML names cannot start with a __________ or a __________

A developer is working on a project that includes both EJB 2.1 and EJB 3.0 session beans. A lot of business logic has been implemented and tested in these EJB 2.1 session beans. Some EJB 3.0 session beans need to access this business logic. Which design approach can achieve this requirement?

c. No need to modify existing EJB 2.1 session beans. Use the @EJB annotation to inject a reference to the EJB 2.1 home interface into the EJB 3.0 bean class.

Which is NOT represented in a UML class diagram?

c. The interaction between objects in sequential order

Which is NOT a correct statement about entity beans?

c. They are used to implement business processes

Which is NOT true about stateless session beans?

c. They are used to represent data stored in a RDBMS

Following is the code for doGet() and doPost() method of TestServlet. Which of the statement is correct? image

c. This will work for HTTP GET as well as POST requests.

The xsl:attribute do generates the elements in the time of processing.

c. True

XML is a _______ Recommendation

c. W3C

XSL consists of three parts. Which are?

c. XSLT, Xpath, XSL-FO

You can also use a DTD to verify your own

c. data

You need to make sure that the response stream of your web application is secure. Which factor will you look at? (Choose one)

c. data integrity

With DTD, each of your XML files can carry a ________ of its own format with it.

c. description

Which of these is legal attribute of page directive?.

c. errorPage

The character is referred to as a________ |.

c. field delimiter

VBScript is ________

case sensitive like JavaScript

Which of the following abbreviated XPath expressions is equivalent to the following unabbreviated XPath expression ?child::chapter[attribute::number and attribute::title]

chapter[@number and @title]

Method characters() of ContentHandler interface receives events for

character data

In VBScript, the unit of object-oriented programming is the ________.


Which of the following is NOT a valid attribute for a useBean tag?


treaming pull parsing refers to a programming model in which _

client application calls methods on an XML parsing library when it needs to interact with an XML infoset

Which statements are BEST describe errorPage attribute of <%@ page errorPage=….%> directive?

a. Any exceptions in the current page that are not caught are sent to the error page for processing. The error page implicit object exception references the original exception.

Review the following scenario; then identify which security mechanisms would be important to fulfill the requirement. (Choose one.) An online magazine company wishes to protect part of its website content, to make that part available only to users who pay a monthly subscription. The company wants to keep client, network, and server processing overheads down: Theft of content is unlikely to be an issue, as is abuse of user IDs and passwords through network snooping.

a. Authorization and Authentication

Which statement is true about both stateful and stateless session beans about bean instances?

a. Bean instances are NOT require to survive container crashes

Which statement is true about EJB 3.0 stateful session beans and stateless session beans? (Choose one)

a. Both can have multiple remote and local business interfaces

Which of the following task may happen in the translation phase of JSP page? (Choose one)

a. Creation of the servlet class corresponding to the JSP file.

What is the consequence of attempting to access the following JSP page? <question><html><question><body><question><%! <question> public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {<question> out.write("A");<question> }<question> %><question><% out.write("B"); %><question></body><question></html>

a. Duplicate method compilation error.

What is the consequence of attempting to access the following JSP page?<question><html><question><body><question><%!<question> public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {<question> out.write("A");<question> }<question> %><question><% out.write("B"); %><question></body><question></html>

a. Duplicate method compilation error.

Which class type must be implicitly or explicitly denoted in the persistence.xml descriptor as managed persistence classes to be included within a persistence unit?

a. Entity classes

Which statements are BEST describe prefix attribute of <%@ taglib prefix=…%>directive of JSP file?

a. Specifies the relative or absolute URI of the tag library descriptor.

Which statements are BEST describe property attribute of <jsp:setProperty property=.... /> Action?

a. The ID of the JavaBean for which a property (or properties) will be set.

Which statements are BEST describe property attribute of <jsp:setProperty property=…. /> Action?

a. The ID of the JavaBean for which a property (or properties) will be set.

Which statement is correct about Java EE client of a message-driven beans?

a. The client can use JNDI to obtain a reference to a message destination

Consider the following java code://in file package com.bookstore;public class Book{private long isbn; public Book(){ isbn = 0; }public long getIsbn(){ return isbn; }public void setIsbn(long value){ this.isbn = value; }}Code for browse.jsp:<jsp:useBean class="com.bookstore.Book" id="newbook" />LINE 1 : <jsp:setProperty name="newbook" property="isbn" value="1000"/> Which of the following statements are correct?

a. The isbn property of newbook will be set to 1000.

A JSP page called test.jsp is passed a parameter name in the URL using http://localhost/Final/test.jsp?name=John. The test.jsp contains the following code.<% String myName=request.getParameter("name");%><% String test= "Welcome " + myName; %><%=test%>What is the output?

a. The page display "Welcome John"

Which statement is true about management of an EJB's resources?

a. The reference to home object is obtained through JNDI to improve maintainability and flexibility.

"Position" function do returns the number equal to context position

a. True

Each page has its own instances of the page-scope implicit objects.

a. True

GET requests and POST requests can both be used to send form data to a web server.

a. True

HTTP is a "stateless" protocol: each time a client retrieves a Web page, it opens a separate connection to the Web server, and the server does not automatically maintain contextual information about a client.

a. True

HttpSession objects have a built-in data structure that lets you store any number of keys and associated values.

a. True

JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology enables you to mix regular, static HTML with dynamically generated content from servlets. You simply write the regular HTML in the normal manner, using familiar Web-page-building tools.

a. True

Objects with application scope are part of a particular Web application.

a. True

Servlet methods are executed automatically.

a. True

The HttpSession method getAttribute returns the object associated with a particular name.

a. True

The following statement is true or false? "If the isThreadSafe attribute of the page directive is true, then the generated servlet implements the SingleThreadModel interface."

a. True

The following statement is true or false? <question>â€oeIf the isThreadSafe attribute of the page directive is true, then the generated servlet implements the SingleThreadModel interface.â€

a. True

The same servlet class can be declared using different logical names in the deployment descriptor.

a. True

The xsl:element generates the elements in at time of processing.

a. True

To read the cookies that come back from the client, you call getCookies on the HttpServletRequest.

a. True

Which is NOT a technique that can be used to implement 'sessions' if the client browser does not support cookies?

a. Using Http headers.

A .................... manages the threading for the servlets and JSPs and provides the necessary interface with the Web server.

a. Web Container

What is the implementation specification of EJB 3 session bean classes?

a. a session bean class must be marked with @Stateless or @Stateful

Which is NOT a scope of implicit objects of JSP file?

a. application

Attributes provide _______ about elements.

a. extra information

Identify the method used to get an object available in a session.(Choose one)

a. getAttribute of HttpSession

Which statement is true about EJB 3.0 containers?

a. javax.naming.initialContext is guaranteed to provide a JNDI name space

It defines the document structure with a list of _______.

a. legal elements

________ is the well-known host name that refers to your own computer.

a. localhost

Which of the following lines of code, in the doPost() method of a servlet, uses the URL rewriting approach to maintaining sessions? (Choose one)

a. out.println("<a href=' "+response.encodeURL("/servlet/XServlet")+" '>Click here</a>"));

An xsl:numbers do inserts a formated numbers into the ______ .

a. output

Which of the following statement correctly store an object associated with a name at a place where all the servlets/jsps of the same webapp participating in a session can access it? Assume that request, response, name, value etc. are references to objects of appropriate types.(Choose one)

a. request.getSession().setAttribute(name, value);

You have to send a gif image to the client as a response to a request. Which of the following calls will you have to make? (Choose one)

a. response.setContentType("image/gif");

JSP __________ let you insert arbitrary code into the servlet's _jspService method (which is called by service).

a. scriptlets

Which of the elements defined within the taglib element of taglib descriptor file are required? Select one correct answer.

a. taglib-location

CDATA is text that _____ be parsed by a parser.

a. will not

a++; is the same as which of the following ?


The keywords Property Let and Property Set are used for ________.

accessing Private class variables

Which is NOT the main type of JSP constructs that you embed in a page?


A _____ instruction do contains the template, which is been applied to each node selected with the select attribute.

b. xsl:for-each

Value of the local variable is bounded to which element.

b. xsl:when

To specify how whitespace characters should be handled, we would use the whitespace


Servlets are deployed in a Servlet ____


A JSP page needs to generate an XML file. Which attribute of page directive may be used to specify that the JSP page is generating an XML file.


To construct a relative path expression to select every count element, what would the correct expression look like?


Which of the following XSLT functions returns the number of nodes present in the nodeset, passed as an argument


To construct a relative XPath expression to select every count element that has a book ancestor, you would use the code:


If you wanted to select every cost element that had a book parent, you would use a relative expression like this:


The VBScript '+' operator is used for ________.

both a and b

Which of the following is the proper method to access the length of the array arr[]?

c) arr.length

1 _________ are data structures consisting of related data items (sometimes called collections of data items).

c) arrays

2 c = new Array( 12 );

c) declares, allocates

10 Which of the following is an illegal array initialization statement?

c) var n = new Array( 5 );

To divide the value of the seventh element of array a by 2 and assign the result to the variable x, we would write ________.

c) x = a[ 6 ] / 2

Which of the following XSLT functions can be used to return a nodeset with the current context node?


The StAX cursor API represents _______________.

cursor with which you can walk an XML document from beginning to end.

What does the value string contain after the following code is executed? var string = "Good luck on the test"; string = string.charAt( 3 );


Which browsers can view the visual effects created by filters and transitions

d) Netscape

23 Giving a local function variable the same name as a global variable will result in which of the following?

d) The local variable will "hide" the global variable.

13 In JavaScript, all objects and Arrays are passed to functions by ________.

d) reference

When the TDC is bound to an element, the element's DATASRC attribute should be set to ________.

d) the name of the TDC object preceded by a The binding of TDC to a table requires setting the DATASRC property in the ________ | a) table element

Which of the following is the proper method to dynamically allocate memory to an array of 100 elements?

d) var c = new Array( 100 );

Which of these characters cannot be used as entity references in XML?

d. $

___ method is called before servlet process ends


Method hasChildNodes of XMLDOMNode mean

determine if a given node has child nodes or not

Which of the following flowchart symbols indicates that a decision is to be made?


The VBScript control structures behave ________ to their JavaScript counterparts and the VBScript control structure syntax is ________ the JavaScript syntax

differently, different than

Which of the following is not a property of the glow filter


Which of the following is not a property of the glow filter?


The technique of developing and maintaining a large program by constructing it from small, simple pieces is called ________.

divide and conquer

which of the following is a JavaScript repetition structure


Which of the following methods will be invoked if the doStartTag() method of a tag returns Tag.SKIP_BODY?


What are the two methods that are considered to be the entry point to a servlet

doGet(), doPost()

For XML document to be valid

document need to be well formed & valid

Give the content of books.xml file in the picture.To display the title of book, the following javascript is developed: <script language="javascript"> function fnLoadXML() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"GET", "books.xml", false); xmlhttp.send(); xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML; var arrTitle=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title"); for (i=0; i<arrTitle.length; i++) { ??? document.write("<br>"); } }</script>


The exception-type element specifies an exception type and is used to handle exceptions generated from a servlet. Which element of the deployment descriptor includes the exception-type as a sub-element. Select the one correct answer


The exception-type element specifies an exception type and is used to handle exceptions generated from a servlet. Which element of the deployment descriptor includes the exception-type as a sub-element? Do not include the element in enclosing parenthesis


Which of these are legal attributes of page directive. Select the two correct answers

errorPage . session

With the ________, scripts can respond to a user moving the mouse, scrolling up or down the screen or entering keystrokes.

event model

With the ________, scripts can respond to a user moving the mouse, scrolling up or down the screen or entering keystrokes

event model.

The style of programming in which the user interacts with a GUI component is called ________ programming


The method used most often for executing SQL statements is ____


A descendant having a new namespace cannot override the namespace defined by the parrent element?


Browser has the ability distinguish duplicate element names in an XML document?


Characters like ">" and "&" can be used in PCDATA sections?


Struts2 flow of controler (5 things)

filter dispatcher, web.xml, intercepterors, actions, resulting JSP

The TDC Filter property allows you to ________.

filter out all records that do not have a cell matching the text you specify

The outermost layer of the box model is the ___


JAXB ___ method takes a string and converts it into xml


Well formed XML document means

must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements

Can you define list of lists in XML Schema ?


Is the text node a direct child of the enclosing element in XPath


Can you retrict the content of an XML element to take only values from an enumeration list (using DTDs)


Do you have child nodes of type entity references (internal or external) from XPath's perspective


Is the DOCTYPE declaration compulsory ?


Is the following attribute valid? <!ATTLIST Test4 an_attribute ID #FIXED "value">


is the following element declaration valid in XML Schema


Which of the following selections does not follow the rules of operator precedence. Assume that the operators on the left are evaluated first.

parentheses, subtraction, modulus

Which of the following selections does not follow the rules of operator precedence? Assume that the operators on the left are evaluated first

parentheses, subtraction, modulus

Restricts string types using regular expressions?


Which of the following is NOT a type of popup box


Call-by- ________ is the method of passing the argument's actual location in memory to a function.


The TDC method Reset is used for _____

refreshing the display

Which of the following statement correctly store an object associated with a name at a place where all the servlets/jsps of the same webapp participating in a session can access it? Assume that request, response, name, value etc. are references to objects of appropriate types.(Choose one)

request.getSession().setAttribute(name, value);

The use of a DTD in XML development is

required when validating XML documents

If the string passed to parseInt contains text characters, parseInt will ________.

return NaN

Name the element within the tag element that defines the name of the class that implements the functionality of tag. Select the one correct answer


The @ character is referred to as a______

text qualifier

text style sheets use which of the following MIME types?


What is the "Document Type Declaration" ?

the DOCTYPE declaration

Valid XML document means (most appropriate)

the XML document has DTD associated with it & it complies with that DTD

DTD includes the specifications about the markup that can be used within the document, the specifications consists of all EXCEPT

the browser name

The JavaScript keyword this always refers to ______

the element in which the statement resides

A JSP page will not have access to session implicit variable if:

the session attribute of page directive is set to false

The word top in the term top-down stepwise refinement refers to which of the following

the single statement that completely represents the program

<?xml version=" A.0" standalone=" yes" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

the standalone is wrong

Which element of the deployment descriptor of a web application includes the welcome-file-list element as a subelement. Select the one correct answer.(?)(not checked yet)


All variables declared in function definitions are ________.

local variables

Which of the following values of minOccurs and maxOccurs respectively represent the cardinality operator "+" ?

1, unbounded

A schema describes

(i) grammer (ii) vocabulary (iii) structure (iv) datatype of XML document

What would the browser display if the following script is executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var count = 5, total = 0; while ( count > -1 ) { total = total - 10; count = count - 1; } document.write(total); </SCRIPT>



-DOM loads the entire document into memory

Microsoft XML Schema Data Type " boolean" has values


Whenever you need to select an element and use a predicate on that same element, you will need to use a ______ to access that element's value.

. (period)

A program in which all statements are executed one after the other in the order in which they are written exhibit ________.


Name the location of compiled class files within a war file? Select the one correct answer


What gets printed when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the one correct answer.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <c:set var="item" value="2"/> <c:forEach var="item" begin="0" end="0" step="2"><c:out value="${item}" default="abc"/></c:forEach>


What is output to the web page on the second access to the same instance of the following JSP? <html><body><% int x = 0; %><%= x++ %></body> </html>


What is output to the web page on the second access to the same instance of the following JSP?<html><body><%! int x = 0; %><%= x++ %></body> </html>


In the following statement, the range of the variable element is ________. for ( var element in theArray ) total2 += theArray[ element ];

0 to the array length - 1

What gets printed when the following expression is evaluated? Select the one correct answer. ${4 div 5}


What would the browser output if the following script is executed? < SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" > var array = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]; for ( var i in array ) { for ( var j in array[ i ] ) document.write( array[ i ][ j ] + " " ); document.writeln("<BR>"); } < /SCRIPT >

1 2 3 1 2 3

Which of the following values correctly represent the default values of the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes respectively ?


What would the browser display if it executed the following script? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var total = 0; nextLoop: for ( var i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { for ( var j = 0; j < 2 ; ++j ) { if ( i < 2 ) continue nextLoop; total++; } total++; } total++; document.writeln( total ); </SCRIPT>


What is the value of i after the following statements? i = 2; i += 25


What is the evaluation of the following expression? ((3+ ( 5 + 4 ) * 7 ) + 4 ) / 5


Which numbers gets printed when the following JSTL code fragment is executed? Select the two correct answers.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <c:set var="j" value="4,3,2,1"/> <c:forEach items="${j}" var="item" begin="1" end="2" varStatus="status"> <c:out value="${status.count}" default="abc"/> </c:forEach>

2 3

MC: How many comparisons will a linear search function makes before finding a match if the search key has a value of 3 and the array x has the values: x[ 0 ] = 0 x[ 1 ] = 2 x[ 2 ] = 1 x[ 3 ] = 4 x[ 4 ] = 3 x[ 5 ] = 3


What are characteristics of HTML tags

HTML tags are predefined with a set meaning

Considering the following XML document, what is the result of count(//*): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <employee id="45"> <name>John</name> <salary>$100,000</salary> </employee> </root>


What is the value of num assuming that all 12 elements of array test are initialized to 3? ++test[ 7 ]; var num = test[ 7 ];


What would the browser display if the following script was executed and the user entered 5 at both prompts? 1 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> 2 var firstNumber = window.prompt("Enter an integer", 0); 3 var secondNumber = window.prompt("Enter an integer",0); 4 var thirdNumber; 5 thirdNumber = firstNumber + secondNumber; 6 document.write( thirdNumber ); 7 </SCRIPT>


What would the browser display if the following script is executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var count = 0, total = 0; while ( count <= 5 ) { total = total + 10; count = count + 1; } document.write(total); </SCRIPT>


How many indicators are present in Schema?


Consider the following code selections. Assume count is initialized to 7 and num is initialized to 0

7, 0

What would the browser display if this script was executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var c = new Array(8) for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) c[i] = i; document.write(c[9]) </SCRIPT>


What would the browser display if this script was executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var c = new Array(8); for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) c[i] = i; document.write(c[9]) </SCRIPT>


Which of these characters can be included within the text in an XML document in literal form?

; -

Which of these characters can be included within the text in an XML document in literal form?

; : -

The syntax for parameter entity is


Which of these is a valid comment in XML?

<!- -This data should be hidden <FIRSTNAME>Joe</FIRSTNAME> <LASTNAME>Johnson</LASTNAME> - ->

To add the attribute named Type to the <customer> tag the syntax will be

<customer Type=" exelent" >

The _________________ is the overall application architect. This party is responsible for understanding how various components fit together and writes the applications that combine components

Application Assembler

Which of the following statement is the correct syntax for declaring an external DTD?

<!DOCTYPE rootelement SYSTEM [element and attribute declarations]>

Identify the correct syntax for declaring an internal DTD

<!DOCTYPE rootelement [element and attribute declarations]>

Which of the following are tags is used to define rules for an element?


Which of the following are valid iteration mechanisms in jsp?

<% int i = 0; for(;i<5; i++) { %> "Hello World"; <% i++; } %>

Assume that you need to write a JSP page that adds numbers from one to ten, and then print the output.<% int sum = 0;for(j = 0; j < 10; j++) { %>// XXX --- Add j to sum<% } %>// YYY --- Display the sum Which statement when placed at the location XXX can be used to compute the sum. Select the one correct statement

<% sum = sum + j; %>

Now consider the same JSP example as last question. What must be added at the location YYY to print the sum of ten numbers. Select the one correct statement

<%= sum %>

Your jsp page uses classes from java.util package. Which of the following statement would allow you to import the package? (Choose one)

<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>

The page directive is used to convey information about the page to JSP container. Which statement is legal page directive. Select one correct statement

<%@ page info="test page" session="false"%>

The page directive is used to convey information about the page to JSP container. Which of these are legal syntax of page directive. Select the two correct statement

<%@ page info="test page" session="false"%> <%@ page session="true" %>

Which of the following XML documents are NOT well formed ?

<?xml version="1.0"?><root attr1="val1" attr2="" attr1="test"><root/></root> </root>, <?xml version="1.0"?><root attr1="1value" attr2=""><root> 5 is < than 4 </root> </root>

What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version

<?xml version="A.0"?>

Which of the following lines can be used in an XML document named Test.xml to associate it with a stylesheet named Test.css

<?xml-stylesheet href="Test.css" type="text/css"?>

Which of these is the correct syntax to link an XSL file to an XML document?

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="candidate.xsl"?>

Which of the following is the correct processing instruction that specifies an XSL document (myXSL.xsl) to be used to transform an XML document.

<?xml:stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href="myXSL.xsl">

Which of the following code snippet of HTML document are correct structured?


Which of the following is not a valid PARAM setting for TDC controls?

<PARAM NAME = CLASSID: CLSID:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83>

To create a data island we use the _____________HTML element


Which of the following elements are used for error handling and are child elements of <web-app> of a deployment descriptor?


Which of the following XML documents are well-formed

<firstElement>some text goes here</firstElement><secondElement> another text goes here</secondElement>

A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement <jsp:usebean id="fruit" class="Fruit"/> Which of the following statements may be used to print the value of color property of the bean. Select the one correct answer

<jsp:getProperty name="fruit" property="color"/>

Which of the following code snippets would you use to specify a default declaration of a namespace

<schema xmlns:xs="">

You want to create an attribute named "baseprice" with a default value of 200 for the "product" element. The attribute should accept integer values. Which of the following statements will you use to declare the attribute

<xsd:attribute name="baseprice" default= "200" type="xsd:integer"/>

You want to create an attribute named "baseprice" with a default value of 200 for the "product" element. The attribute should accept integer values. Which of the following statements will you use to declare the attribute?

<xsd:attribute name="baseprice" default= 200 type="xsd:integer"/>

To create a choise in XML schemas, we use the

<xsd:choise> element

Which of the following XML Schema element definitions are equivalent to the element definition below ? <xsd:element name="myElement" type="xsd:anyType" />

<xsd:element name="myElement" />

Which one of the following statements can be used to process the element TICKETID, having the TICKET element as its ancestor

<xsl:for-each match = "TICKET[TICKETID]" >

The data about employees is stored in an XML document. The data is to be presented in a browser window in the ascending order of BASICPAY and descending order of EMPLOYEECODE. Which of the following code snippets should be used in the XSLT style sheet to sort the employee data?

<xsl:sort select="BASICPAY" data-type="number" order="ascending"/> <xsl:sort select="EMPLOYEECODE" data-type="text" order="descending"/>

To select the id attribute's value from the code: <student id="1">Jack</student>, you would use the following code:

<xsl:value-of select="@id" />

At the end of your XPath expression, add the symbol _________ plus the name of the attribute you wish to select.


Annotation for *..1


___ annotation is used to specify URI of the resource


Regarding URL rewriting for session support, which of the following is true?

Every URL that the client uses must include jsessionid.

Which of the elements defined within the taglib element of taglib descriptor file are required. Select the two correct answers

A. name D.tag-class

What are some Features of XSLT

Add/remove elements and attributes

What does the "sequence" element of XSD indicate?

All the elements specified within this element must compulsorily appear in the XML document, and they must appear in the specified order

Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes a "linkbase" ?

An XML document, which contains inbound or third party links is called a linkbase


An XML element that contains parsed character data

<!-- WELCOME.xml --> <?xml version = "1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE WELCOME SYSTEM "hello.dtd"> The following code indicates that the DTD is:

An external DTD

The keyword termed as the shorthand for mixed content containing all declared elements is


Which is NOT EJB container?

Apache Tomcat 5.5

All Biztalk documents have the root element ________.


Fill in the blanks. A tag handler class must implement the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag interface. This is accomplished by extending the class TagSupport or another class named in one of the options below. Select the one correct answer.


<!DOCTYPE Book SYSTEM "book.dtd">

Book.dtd is an external DTD

What does the keyword SYSTEM indicate in the following code? <?xml version ="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Book SYSTEM "book.dtd">

Book.dtd is an external DTD

Study the statements:1) URL rewriting may be used when a browser is disabled cookies. 2) In URL encoding the session id is included as part of the URL. Which is the correct option?

Both 1 and 2 are true

Which of the following classes define the methods setStatus(...) and sendError(...) used to send an HTTP error back to the browser?

Both are defined in HttpServletResponse

Consider the following statements: Statement A: A namespace is a method of preventing conflicts between elements having the same names. Statement B: A namespace URI is the same as a Web URI. Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.

Consider the following statements: Statement A: XML enables you to store data in a structured format by allowing you to create customized tags. Statement B: XML documents can be easily interpreted by target systems. Which of the following is correct about the above statements

Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE APTECH [ <!ELEMENT APTECH (CLASS1


What are 2 styling options for XML?

CSS and XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation)

Which of the following statements relating to cascading style sheets and formatting objects is FALSE ?

CSS is an XML syntax that can be used to describe the appearance of particular elements in an XML document, Cascading style sheets can only be applied to non XML documents.

________ allow you to specify the style of your page elements (spacing, margins, etc.) separately from the structure of your document

Cascading Style Sheets

Nebula communications Inc is currently in the process of optimizing their database driven XML based web

Change the application's parser to SAX instead of DOM

Method characters() of ContentHandler interface receives events for

Character data

Identify the type of content of the PRODUCT element in the following XML code fragment. <PRODDET> <PRODUCT> <PRODID="P001"></PRODID><font face="fnt__2013101081549_0" size="14" color="#000000" letterspacing="0" kerning="1"> <PRODDESC>Baby Food </PRODDESC><font face="fnt__2013101081549_0" size="14" color="#000000" letterspacing="0" kerning="1"> <PRICEPERUNIT> 12 </PRICEPERUNIT> </PRODUCT> </PRODDET>


XML is more advantageous to use than a fixed-length database system because

D. All of the above

SAX is

D. An XML parser

Which of these are legal return types of the doAfterBody method defined in a class that extends TagSupport class. Select the two correct answers


Which of these are legal return types of the doStartTag method defined in a class that extends TagSupport class. Select the two correct answers


To Bind the HTML elements with DSO we use _________ attribute


The ________ attribute is added to a TABLE element's opening tag to bind a data island to a table


Method hasChildNodes of XMLDOMNode mean

Determine if a given node has child nodes or not

The XML DOM object is

Entity Reference

Which is the CORRECT statement?

Entity beans represent persistent state objects (things that don't go away when the user goes away)

Which of the following statement is true about the Entity class?

Entity class must be declared as top level class

A valid SOAP message should contain which of the following XML elements ?

Envelope, Body

The most common way to assign a value to a variable is by using what?

Equals sign

For what reason does the following JSP fail to translate and compile? <html><body><%! int x; %><%=x ; %></body></html>

Error in JSP Expression

John is an XML programmer. He writes the following code to represent the items of a toy company: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--PRODUCTDATA is the root element--> <PRODUCTDATA> <PRODUCT PRODID="P001"> <PRODUCTNAME>Barbie Doll</PRODUCTNAME> <DESCRIPTION> The price of this toy is < 200</DESCRIPTION> <PRICE>$20.00</PRICE> <QUANTITY>12</QUANTITY> </PRODUCT> </PRODUCTDATA> Identify the error in the above code and suggest a solution for the same.

Error on line: <PRODUCT PRODID="P001"> Solution: He should use quotP001; instead of "P001".

The xsl:if is used to

Evaluate a condition expression against the content of the xml file

What type of method does SAX use to process XML documents?


The HttpServlet extends _____


Which of the following is NOT a valid CSS selector?

HEAD selectors


HTML is a about displaying information, while XML is about _____________ data (transport and storage)

Which one of the following XLink attributes allows you to specify the target of a link?


JSP pages have access to implicit objects that are exposed automatically. One such object that is available is request. The request object is an instance of which class?


XMLDOMNode implements the interface



Identify what the statement indicates

A Java bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement <jsp:usebean id="fruit" class="Fruit"/> What is the effect of the following statement. <jsp:setproperty name="fruit" property="color"/> Select the one correct answer.

If there is a non-null request parameter with name color, then its value gets assigned to color property of Java Bean fruit.

What is the significance of the '+' sign in the code given below? <!ELEMENT BOOK (AUTHOR+)>

Indicates that AUTHOR tag must occur at least once inside the BOOK element

Which of the following functions searches a string for a substring and returns an index of the found substring if it is found


Which of the following programs support XML or XML applications

Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape D.7

The Document Object Model

Is an XML parser

In a B2B organization, it is required to exchange XML messages conforming to a single vocabulary

Is the parser at the receiving end a validating parser? Does the parser handle XML Schemas or DTDs? Does the document instance override the internal DTD subset?

What does the following statement do? <SPAN ID = "colorName" STYLE = "font-family: monospace" DATASRC = "#Colors" DATAFLD = "ColorName"></SPAN><BR>

It assigns the TDC control named Colors to a span element for display purposes

Identify correct statement about a WAR file.(Choose one)

It contains web components such as servlets as well as EJBs

What does the Option Explicit statement do

It does not allow the programmer to use variables without declaring them first.

what does the Option Explicit statement do

It does not allow the programmer to use variables without declaring them first.

The binding of TDC to a table requires setting the DATASRC property in the ________

table element

Which is the correct sequence?

Jsp page is translated -->jsp page is complied-->jspInit is called ->_jspService is called -->jspDestroy is called

What organization presented the first version of Starndardized Generalized Markup

Language (SGML) in 1980?

Default Fetch Behavior for Many-To-Many


Default Fetch Behavior for One-To-Many


Select the correct JMS programming model.

Locate the JMS Driver->Create a JMS connection->Create a JMS session->Locate the JMS destination->Create a JMS producer or a JMS consumer->Send or receive message.

Method getElementsByTagName return a node of list which will be stored as

MLDOMNodeList object

Which of the following DOM interfaces could be used to filter a set of nodes from a tree based on some criteria?


What is wrong with the following VBScript code? 1 Select Case x 2 Case 1 3 Call MsgBox("1") 4 Case 2 5 Call MsgBox("2") 6 Case Else 7 Call MsgBox("?") 8 End Select


What would the browser display if the following script was executed? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) document.write("X"); </SCRIPT>

Nothing, the script would generate an error

When using HTML forms which of the folowing is true for POST method? Select the one correct answer.

POST method sends data in the body of the request.

________ is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms


SAX uses

Push parsing machenic for processing

Xpath expressions can be created using _________ paths, so that instead of starting at the root element, you can simply reference the element from within the path structure and go from there.


What does REST stand for

Representational State Transfer

By starting at the _______ element, we can select any element in the XML document by carefully creating a chain of children elements.


The sendError method defined in the HttpServlet class is equivalent to invoking the setStatus method with the following parameter. Select the one correct answer


Consider the following statements: Statement A: XSLT is a superset of the CSS functionality. Statement B: XSLT is an application of XML.Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

Statement A is False, and statement B is True.

A DTD is written for the above XML document such that the above XML document is validated successfully

The DTD needs to declare xml:space as an attribute of the root element

What gets printed when the following JSP code is invoked in a browser. Select the one correct answer. <%= if(Math.random() < 0.5) %> hello<%= } else { %> hi <%= } %>

The JSP file will not compile.

Which of the following is true regarding VBScript classes?

The Property Let method is used for non-object subtypes

Consider the following HTML document. 1 <HTML> 2 <HEAD> 3 <TITLE>Children Collection</TITLE> 4 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> 5 </SCRIPT> 6 </HEAD> 7 <BODY> 8 <P></P> 9 </BODY> 10 </HTML> Select the true statement.

The SCRIPT element is a direct child of the HEAD element.

Which of the following is true?

The TDC handles creating table cells for output

Which of the following is false?

The TDC outputs an interface like Microsoft Excel.

stop processing

The W3C XML specification states that a program should __________ an XML document if it finds an error

What is the effect of the join statement in the following code? var theArray1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], theArray2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]; var value = theArray1.join( " " );

The join method will create a string from the values in theArray1.

A JSP file that uses a tag library must declare the tag library first. The tag library is defined using the taglib directive - <%= taglib uri="..." prefix="..."%> Which of the following specifies the correct purpose of prefix attribute. Select the one correct answer.

The prefix attribute is used in front of a tagname of a tag defined within the tag library.

Which of the following is true regarding Function procedures

The procedure can return a value by assigning a value to the Function procedure name

A JSP page called test.jsp is passed a parameter name in the URL using http://localhost/test.jsp?name="John". The test.jsp contains the following code. <%! String myName=request.getParameter();%><% String test= "welcome" + myName; %><%= test%>

The program gives a syntax error because of the statement <%! String myName=request.getParameter();%>

What is the significance of the second function argument in the following line window.setInterval( "run()", 100 );

The value sets how often to run the function

Consider the following script. What is wrong with the following code? 1 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> 2 var firstNumber, 3 secondNumber; 4 thirdNumber; 5 6 thirdNumber = 7 parseInt( window.prompt( "Enter an integer", 0 ) ); 8 document.write( thirdNumber ); 9 </SCRIPT>

The word var must be placed before thirdNumber in line 4

What does the following statement do? Math.floor( Math.random() * 12 );

This creates a random number from 0 up to but not including 12.

A ____________ is a group of operations, which appear as one large operation during execution.


Which of the following string functions returns a string that does not contain any leading or trailing space characters


Message-driven beans do not have any return value.


Which of the following statements regarding WSDL are true ?

WSDL can be used to indicate the operations that are considered valid and supported for a given service, To specify where a particular service is implemented

What are the types of errors handled defined by the SAX ErrorHandler interface?

Warning, Error, Fatal-Error

Which of the following is true regarding VBScript arrays?

VBScript arrays can be dynamically allocated

Which VBScript function returns an integer indicating the variant subtype?


XML is a _______ Recommendation



W3C recommends using __________ instead of CSS

XML is the mother of


XSL processors do parses the XML source and tries to find out the matching _______ rule.

b. template

Which statement is true?

When isThreadSafe attribute of page directive is set to true, a thread is created for each request for the pag

The CascadeType is defined as a Java ___


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) started to develop XSL because there was a need for

XML-based Stylesheet Language

Most DOM objects such as XMLDOMAttribute, XMLDOMElement, XMLDOMEntity, XMLDOMComment etc have several common methods and properties since they are inherited from a common object. Which object is it?


Method getElementsByTagName return a node of list which will be stored as

XMLDOMNodeList object

is an XML-related technology that is used to find elements, attributes, and other information in your XML document.


______ and ______ are both new XML-related technologies that extend or borrow from XPath.

XPointer & XQuery


XSLT is far more __________ than CSS

The attribute used to define a new namespace is


Can you nest attribute groups inside other attribute groups


Is it possible to share aHttpSession object between a Java Server Page and Enterprise Java Bean?

Yes, you can pass the HttpSession as parameter to an EJB method, only if all objects in session are serializable

metadata, data itself

__________ should be stored as attributes, and the __________ should be stored as elements

The line window.alert("Hello world") will display output in ________.

a dialog box

What will value contain after the following code is executed? var value = new Date(); value = value.valueOf();

a large integer representing the number of milliseconds between midnight January 1, 1970 and the current date

What does the value string contain after the following code is executed? var string = "Good luck on the test"; string ="")

a link to with the text "Good luck on the test"

Initializing an array directly involves using the ________ control structure.

a) for loop


a) undefined

Call-by- ________ is the method of passing a copy of the argument's value to a function

a) value

What is the result of attempting to access the following JSP page?<question><html><question><body><question><%! public String methodA() {<question> return methodB();<question>}<question>%><question><%! public String methodB() {<question> return "JAD Final Test";<question>}<question>%><question><h2><%= methodA() %></h2><question></body><question></html>

a. "JAD Final Test" is output to the resulting web page.

If the DTD is external to your XML source file, it should be wrapped in a DOCTYPE definition with the following syntax:

a. <!DOCTYPE root-element SYSTEM "filename">

Which of the following is a correct JSP declaration for a variable of class java.util.Date?

a. <%! Date d = new Date(); %>

Select the correct directive statement insert into the first line of following lines of code (1 insert code here):

a. <%@page import='java.util.*' %>

A bean present in the page and identified as 'mybean' has a property named 'name'. Which of the following is a correct way to print the value of this property?

a. <jsp:getProperty name="mybean" property="name"/>

Which of the following is a valid standard action that can be used by a jsp page to import content generated by another JSP file named another.jsp?

a. <jsp:include page='another.jsp'/>

Action _______has the ability to match request parameters to properties of the same name in a bean by specifying "*" for attribute property.

a. <jsp:setProperty>

Which of the following techniques would correctly put a bean into application scope? (You can assume that any necessary page directives are present and correct elsewhere in the JSP page.)(Choose one.)

a. <jsp:useBean id="app1" class="webcert.ch07.examp0701.AddressBean" scope="application" />

Which of the following element are required for a valid <taglib> tag in web.xml?(Choose one)

a. <taglib_uri>

An attributes can be accessed in the way similar to the elements. Notice ____ in front of the attribute name.

a. @

Which option can be used to predefine Java Persistence queries for easy use?

a. @NamedQuery annotation

Which statement about entity manager is true?

a. A container-managed entity manager must be a JTA entity manager.

In a DTD, Attributes are declared with an _______ declaration


A developer is working on a project that includes both EJB 2.1 and EJB 3.0 session beans. A lot of business logic has been implemented and tested in these EJB 2.1 session beans. Some EJB 3.0 session beans need to access this business logic. Which design approach can achieve this requirement?

a. Add adapted home interfaces to EJB 3.0 session beans to make EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.1 session beans interoperable.

<html><body><form action="loginPage.jsp">Login ID:<input type= "text" name="loginID"><br>Password:<input type="password" name="password"><br><input type="submit" value="Login"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></form></body><html> Study the above html code. Assume that user clicks button Reset. What is the correct statement?

a. All inputs are cleared.

Which statements are BEST describe errorPage attribute of <%@ page errorPage=....%> directive?

a. Any exceptions in the current page that are not caught are sent to the error page for processing. The error page implicit object exception references the original exception.

Each object has ________ or data and ________ or behavior

attributes, methods

Local variables have ________ duration


For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which syntax is correct?

b. <![CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]]>

Which of these is a correct fragment within the web-app element of deployment descriptor? Select the one correct answer

b. <error-page> <exception-type> mypackage.MyException</exception-type> <location> /error.jsp</location> </error-page>

Which of the following correctly represents the following JSP statement? Select one correct answer. <%=x%>

b. <jsp:expression>x</jsp:expression>

If you want to send an entity object as the pass by value through a remote interface, which of the following statements are valid? (Choose one)

b. @Entity b. public class Employees implements Serializable{b. ...b. }

If you want to send an entity object as the pass by value through a remote interface, which of the following statements are valid? (Choose one)

b. @Entity public class Employees implements Serializable{...}

Which of the following lines of code are correct?

b. @Entity public class Employees{... }

In a DTD, Attributes are declared with an _______ declaration


Which statement describe about Message-Driven Beans is correct? (Choose one)

b. An EJB 3.0 message-driven beans can itself be the client of another message-driven beans

How can you ensure the continuity of the session while using HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method when cookies are not supported by the client?

b. By enconding the redirect path with HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL() method.

Which is disadvantage of using JEE ( or J2EE) server-side technologies in a web-based application?

b. Complexity

Which is disadvantage of using JEE (or J2EE) server-side technologies in a web-based application?

b. Complexity

Which security mechanism proves that data has not been tampered with during its transit through the network?

b. Data integrity

DTD is:

b. Document Type Definition

Which statements are BEST describe <jsp:include> Action?

b. Dynamically includes another resource in a JSP. As the JSP executes, the referenced resource is included and processed.

Which Java technology provides a standard API for publish-subscribe messaging model?

b. JMS

Which statement describe about JMS is NOT true?

b. JMS enhances access to email services

Which component can use a container-managed entity manager with an extended persistent context?

b. Only stateful session beans

Which is true about RMI?

b. RMI allows objects to be send from one computer to another

The sendRedirect method defined in the HttpServlet class is equivalent to invoking the setStatus method with they following parameter and a Location header in the URL. Select one correct answer.


Which statements are BEST describe isErrorPage attribute of <%@ page isErrorPage=....%> directive?

b. Specifies if the current page is an error page that will be invoked in response to an error on another page. If the attribute value is true, the implicit object exception is created and references the original exception that occurred.

Which is true about JDBC?

b. The JDBC API is included in J2SE

Which statements are BEST describe page implicit object of jsp file?

b. This java.lang.Object object represents the this reference for the current JSP instance.

DTD defines the document structure with a list of legal elements.

b. True

The Copy and _______ constructs are used for the nodes copying.

b. copy-of

To send binary outptut in a response, the following method of HttpServletResponse may be used to get the appropriate Writer/Stream object.

b. getOutputStream

Parameter entities can appear in

dtd file

The ________ of a variable is the period during which it exists in memory


In schema, the ALL element requires that

each element in the group must occur at most once

The question mark (?) operator indicates

either zero or one occurrence

The question mark (?) operator indicates

either zero or one occurrence.

______and _______methods do not apply to stateless session beans.


# Which of the following can be declared as a direct child of a XML Schema element ?

element + attribute

How a data source is displayed by the browser depends on the ________.

element that the data source is bound to

Which of the following is the proper method to apply a transition effect

element.filters( "blendTrans" ).apply();

The default model for complex type, in XML schemas for element is


The format for writing an attribute-related predicate is:

element[@element's attribute some test here]

Which of the following XSLT functions can be used to generate a string that can be used as the value of an ID type attribute?


The ________ method can be used to display the value of the specified attribute.


The ________ method returns a node list that contains all elements with the specified tag name in the same order as they appear in the source document.


To send binary output in a response, the following method of HttpServletResponse may be used to get the appropriate Writer/Stream object. Select the one correct answer.


____ method is called so that the servlet can access information about the servlet container


____ method is called so that the servlet container can access information about the servlet


To send text output in a response, the following method of HttpServletResponse may be used to get the appropriate Writer/Stream object. Select the one correct answer.


Which of the following contradicts the notion of structured programming?


not truncated

in XML, the white-space in a document is __________

reserved words

in an XML name there are no __________

Attribute standalone="no" should be included in XML declaration if a document:

has an external DTD

A web application is located in "helloapp" directory. Which directory should it's deployment descriptor be in?


How do you write a conditional statement for executing some statements only if "i" is NOT equal to 5?

if (i != 5)

How do you write a conditional statement for executing some statements only if "i" is equal to 5?

if (i==5)


it is the advice of w3schools to use tags rather than __________

What are characteristics of XML tags

lets the developers create | -XML needs to be well formed and validated

________ and ________ run slower when they are applied to large arrays.

linear search, bubble sort

Each attribute, element and text in the XML document represents a

node in the tree

Kind of Parsers are

non-validating and validating

Servlets do ___ have a main() method


In order for elements to be floated, position must be ________.

not absolute

When using the width, height and overflow properties of an element, position must be

not absolute

When using the width, height and overflow properties of an element, position must be ________

not absolute

What would the browser display if the following code was executed in a script? var product = 0; while ( product <= 25 ); product = 2 + product;

nothing, the script would result in an error

create() method of entity bean home interface returns _____________


In the following line, the word document is a ________ which resides in the computer's memory and contains information used by the script. document.writeln("Hello World");


Which of these is not a valid top level element in web-app


Function definitions often contain ________ which are considered to be local variables and correspond with the arguments in the function call.


Two styles of soap binding:

rpc and document style

JavaScript lines end with what?


avaScript lines end with what?


What type of loop is shown in the script below? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var gradeValue = 0, total = 0, grade = 0; while ( gradeValue != - 1 ) { total = total + gradeValue; grade = window.prompt("Enter Integer Grade, -1 to Quit:", "0"); gradeValue = parseInt( grade ); } </SCRIPT>

sentinel controlled

The first two parameters in the addPoint method ________.

sets the point source of the light

The last parameter in the addPoint method ________.

sets the strength percentage

Stylesheet can do have ____ variables with the same name


which of the following SAX2 methods is used by a non validating parser to report that an entity reference is not resolved


The above line is parsed using a SAX2 parser. What is the sequence of events passed by the parser to the handler ?


A ____________ session bean is a bean that holds conversations that span a single method call.


RESTful WS place a emphasizes on ____ communication


Script-level variables have ________ duration.


Web server responses can be ____ or ____

static or dynamic

The ________ property of the wave filter determines the wave's amplitude


TThe java sort method uses ________ to sort the array passed to it

string comparison

Element content cannot have attributes.


You must use a parser to read an XML document


Each relationship can be either ___ or __

unidirectional or bidirectional

The ONLOAD event fires ________.

whenever an element finishes loading successfully

What is the underscore character used for in VBScript?

It is used as a line continuation character

Which of the following is true regarding the DHTML mask filter:

It is used to create images with transparent foregrounds

What is stored inside the variable value after the following line of code is executed? var value = navigator.appVersion

It stores a string representing the version of the browser and other information.

Event ________ fires constantly whenever the mouse is in motion


Which of the following statements regarding filters and transitions is false

They are applied on a client computer at run time by the server

What will value contain after the following code is executed assuming that Colors is a valid TDC control? value = Colors.recordset;

a) It will contain the current indexed item of the datasource

The chroma filter is used to ________.

apply transparency effects dynamically

The CSS specification gives precedence to

author styles over user styles

Describing an object in terms of behaviors without concern for how those behaviors are actually implemented is called ___

b) data abstraction

Which of the following settings for a background image can be modified to create a "watermark" effect where scrolling will not move the image from its set position


If you used the ONMOUSEMOVE event to capture mouse events over an image, which of the following event properties would you use to capture the location of the mouse cursor relative to the image boundaries

offsetX / offsetY

What does the following statement do? <SPAN ID = "colorName" STYLE = "font-family: monospace" DATASRC = "#Colors" DATAFLD = "ColorName"></SPAN><BR>

c) It assigns the TDC control named Colors to a span element for display purposes

Which of these is the proper function that stops a windows timer


The all collection is a property of the ________ object


Which of the following is the proper way to dynamically access the background color from within the script?

Which of the following is the proper way to dynamically access the border width from within the script?

Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser contains a ________ that executes VBScript code


The outermost layer of the box model is the


The ________ object contains information about the Web browser that is viewing the page.


Event bubbling is _______.

the process of child elements passing events to their parent elements

Which of the following is not a property of the blur filter

( add, direction, strength) All of these are properties of the blur filter.

Which of the following is false?

Filters and transitions cannot be adjusted dynamically.

When the mouse moves over an element which of the following is triggered


________ makes it now possible for data manipulation to be shared by the server and the client.

d) all of the above

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