P.S 3: Verbs ( when you learn new verb look in the dictionary)

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A List of Linking Verbs

The most common linking verb is the verb to be. Other common ones relate to the five senses (to look, to feel, to smell, to sound, and to taste). Here is a list of common linking verbs: to be (In all its forms, e.g., am, is, are, was, were, will be, was being, has been.) to appear to be to become to feel to look to seem to smell to sound to taste


a noun can function within a sentence as subject, direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, or subject complement.

Object Complement

answer the question what? after D.O Engineers find plans essential. Engineers find plans what = essential.

linking Verb


Types of Verbs

1. MAIN Verb (principal verb) 2.Auxliary verb ( HELPING) - (is/has/do/did) 3.Modal Auxlary Verbs - ( can/could/will/shall/may/can/must...) EX: sita will come sita may come. They must eat 4.Linking verb. 5.Stative & Dynamic (Action verb) 6.Regular & Irregular verbs. 7.Transitive & Intransitive Verbs 8.Finite verbs 9.Non Finite verbs they can give more meaning to main verb

State Verb (Tell about the Present state, Past state, future state only and they limited to state ) State & Dynamic (Action verb) https://www.gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/verbs/stative-verbs/

A stative verb expresses a state rather than an action. A stative verb typically relates to a state of being, a thought, or an emotion. Stative: Be,have,own,Doubt,Love,Hate Dynamic:Push,walk,Eat,Hit,Beat,Scold For example: I am at home. She believes in fairies. He feels elated. He is/was/will be at home He has/had/will have a car I have some money He owns a house in delhi. Rahul pushed rashmi, They do not eat rice

What Is a Subject Complement? (with Examples)

A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and describes or identifies the subject. (Note: A linking verb is a verb used to link a subject to the new identity or description. Common examples are to be, to become, to appear, to feel, to look, to smell, and to taste.)

Transitive Verb T.V has 2 objects - a D.O and an I.O an I.O indicates the person/thing that receives the D.O jane is giving me an apple. jane is giving what > an apple. jane is giving an apple who> me. common verbs: bring,buy,give,make,offer,pass,sell,show,whish david is buying jane a ring

A transitive verb is one that acts on something (i.e., it has a direct object). It requires a D.O to complete sentence ( What/whom) For example: kick,saw,want,push,buy,throw etc. I saw the dog. (Here, the direct object is the dog.) Lee ate the pie. (Here, the direct object is the pie.) The postman will give Sarah the letter. (Here, the direct object is the letter.) Note: The direct object of a transitive verb can be found by finding the verb and asking "what?" For example, "saw what?" (answer: the dog); "ate what T.V has subject + Verb + Object Mark is writing a letter. 1. say the subject & verb followed by the question what or whohm? if answer is the D.O > the verb is T.Verb. if there is no D.O > theverb is I.Verb Example: 1.David is eating a sandwich David is eating what or whom ? a sandwich. 2. Mark is sleeping. Mark is sleeping. what or whom> no d.o

To Be Verbs, Linking verbs, helping verbs, main verbs, action verbs

He is a boy He is eating the food Note: There is no action verb in a 1st sentence and it is used as the main verb and is used as linking verb action verb exists in 2 senetence 'is' used as helping verb and 'eating' used as main verb/action verb. I am good am: the main verb I am playing football am: helping verb, playing: action verb Future Continious: He will be at home -- will be : main verb He will be playing football -- will be: linking verb and playing : main verb

Indirect Object

Answer the question to whom;to what; for whom; after an action verb. Angela bought soo and gloria lunch -Angela bough what = lunch (D.O) -Angela bouht lunch to whom = soo and gloria

Direct Object

Answer the question what or whom? after an action verb


Have they signed a contract ? Has a contract been signed?

Regular verbs

Standard patteren in its inflection Love,Loved,Loved Ask,Asked,Asked Play,played,played

Active voice

Subject do the action subject is agent object receive the action receiver major focus is agent

Gerund (verb+ing) Function as noun(person,place,thing,or idea) use verb + ing In sentence as subject Reading is a good habit. Playing football is good for health.

1. Mark remembers locking the car The order of 2 actions is the opposite: action 1: Mark locks the car action 2. Mark remembers( Mark recalls) verb (remember) + Gerun =to recall an action that happened before the thought. First, we do the action & then we remember the action. 2. Mark remembered brushing teeth after breakfast. order of Actions: action 1. Mark brushed his teeth after b.f. actin 2. Mark now he remembered.

Infinitive ( to + verb) use to + verb In sentence as subject to + Read is a good habit. to + Play football is good for health..

1. Mark remembers to lock the car There are 2 actions in this sentence order of two actions: action 1. Mark remembers ( thought) action 2. locks the car verb (remember) + infinitive = do not forget to do an action that happened after the thought /remember. =do not forget to lock the car First, we remember(think) then we do the action. 2. Mark remembered to call his mother = did not forget to call his mother


1. What a person or thing does (Action) 2. What is done to a person or thing 3. What a person or thing is: 4. A verb is a word that is used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence. An action verb is only a verb that expresses physical or mental action and nothing else. https://www.grammar-monster.com/lessons/verbs.htm

Linking verb / Copular verb Its not stative verbs Tells about the subject like stative verbs. Not limited to state and tell about change in state. Tells about the change in the state of the subject.

Be,Have,Appear,Seeems,turn,sound,look,feel,get,became. He is/was/will be at home. He has/had/will have a car. He appears / looks intelligent He seems selfish It sounds good. you are being rude I am having a good day The leaves are turning yellow. Linking verbs help to identify or describe the subject further. To be, to become and to seem are three verbs that always act as linking verbs. Linking Verbs help to identify or describe the subject. A linking verb is a verb which connects a subject to its predicate without expressing an action. A linking verb is used to re-identify or describes its subject. He is a monster. He looks Stunning. The word, phrase, or clause which follows a linking verb to re-identify or describe the subject is called the subject complement. The verb to be (in its various forms, e.g., am, are, is, was, were, will be, has been, have been). The "sense" verbs (e.g., to feel, to look, to smell, to taste, to sound). The "status" verbs (e.g., to appear, to become, to continue, to grow, to seem, to turn


Complement is the term used for a word (or words) which are needed to complete the meaning of an expression. Most phrases and clauses will include a complement of some kind. If you can't remove it from your sentence, then it's likely to be a complement. This is how complements differ from adjuncts. Adjuncts are optional as they are usually just descriptive. Complements are not optional. They are essential to ensure understanding.

Usage Rules: G/I forms are used in the subject, object in a sentence. (Subject = Noun,Pronoun,Verb) Any action as a noun, verb as noun Usage Rules: In Subject: we can use both G and Infinitive In Object: 1. Use Infinitive after the D.O and I.O s referring to a noun/pronoun. 2. Use Gerunds after Prepositions 3. Which verbs are followed by G/I only G: Enjoy, Escape only I: Decide, Promise Either of two (No Sence change): love,continue Either of two(Scence change): stop,remember I enjoyed swimming I escaped falling He decided to go home He loves playing/to play He continued to work/working in office

Examples: Playing footbal is good for the health. to play football is good for the health. He throws a stone on me to hurt me. He throws a stone (D.O) where? > on me (I.O) He throws a stone on me which purpose? > after I.O use infinitive They forced rahul to win the match Payal requested him not to take risk DId you suggest him to go home? Gerund Examples: I met him after coming from office. He is scared of going there. I am looking forward to meeting you. Phrasal verb: am looking forward to look into,break down,look down to I am thingking about meeting you. He threw a stong on me for hurting me.

subject complement

John is brilliant. (The adjective brilliant is a predicate adjective not a predicate nominative. Of note, predicate adjectives and predicate nominatives are classified as subject complements, but they are not the same.) A subject complement either renames or describes the subject, and therefore is usually a noun, pronoun, or adjective. Subject complements occur when there is a linking verb within the sentence (often a linking verb is a form of the verb to be). The man is a good father. (father = noun which renames the subject) The man seems kind. (kind = adjective which describes the subject)

Main Verb It descirbes the action of the subject Helping/Auxiliary verb describes the state of the subject in Present/past/future tenses

Mainverbs: Dance,Sing,think,read,write,play,miss,feel. Helping verbs in Present tense: is,am,are,has,have,has been,have been,do,does,can ,should,must etc. Helping verbs in Past tense: was/were/did/had/had been/could/could have/should have/must have etc Future: will/will have/will have to etc. Examples: Anjali is playing guitar i was listening to music. He will become a doctore Aman is talking with sam. He is an m.l.a ashish is in delhi.

Irregular Verbs

No standard patteren ,not followed ed patteren. Begin began begun Drive drove driven

Modal Auxiliary/Helping verbs: https://www.tesol-direct.com/tesol-resources/english-grammar-guide/modal-auxiliary-verbs/

Possibility: May,might,could... Ability: can,colud, could have Permission:May,could Condition:would,would have strong possibility: Must etc

Passive voice of different tenses

Pr.Simple: i do it it is done pa.Simple: i did it it was done F.Simple: i will do it it will be done. PR.Con: i am doing it it is being done. PA.CON: i was doing it it was being done. F.CON: i will doing it it will being done PR.Perf: i have done it it has been done PA.Perf: i had done it it has been done F.Perf: i will have dont it it will have been done

predicate nominative Predicate Noun: https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/predicate_nominative.htm

The sea is dangerous. (The adjective dangerous is a predicate adjective not a predicate nominative.) The sea is a danger. (The noun a danger is a predicate nominative.) John was a policeman. A dog is man's best friend. (A predicate nominative can also be a noun phrase, i.e., a noun made up of more than one word.) She will be the fairy. (A linking verb can consist of more than one word.) I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody . (Actor Marlon Brando as Terry Malloy in the 1954 film "On the Waterfront") (A linking verb can include auxiliary verbs too.)

Verb Forms - BE Base form - be ( hona), Go, Eat 1.Present (v1) - is,am,are , Go,Eat 2. Past (v2) - was, were, Went, Ate 3. Past participle (v3) - Been, Gone, Eaten 4. Present participle (v4) - Being Going, Eating 5. Perfect participle (v5) - Having Been Having gone,Having eate 6. Future - will be (v6) 7.Infinitive - to be 8.Gerund - Being

There are mainly three forms of verbs 1.Base Form 2.Past Form 3.Past Participle Form Let's take the example of verb sing. The base form of sing is sing The past form of sing the past participle form of sing . Apart from this 3 main forms. There are two others forms. 4. s/es form It is used when subject is third person like 'he,she,it' Base Form + 's/es'. Example sing becomes sings here. Note the word 's' at the end 5. 'ing' form It is used when the work is continuing while we we are talking about it. Base Form + 'ing' gives this form. Example sing becomes singing

Verbs Quality

Verbs have two unique quality that no other parts of speech has. The first quality of verbs : They change depending on Subject. The second quality of verb : They change depending on time of speech.

Passive voice if we begin a sentence with agent or subject that the action is performed on. john slept well john lives far away. this type of sentence can not be changed to passive voice

be is to show receiver focus in receiver aka object 1. agent is less important 2. agent is unknown 3.agent is clear and obvious, immediately we know about agent. 4.

Passive voice of other structures

do > be done 1. be goint to > be going to be done I am going to do it it is going to be done 2. have to > have to be done I have to do it it has to be done 3.Used to > used to be done i used to do it it is used to be done 4. modals( can,may etc) i can do it it can be done

Expressions containg Gerund

doing > being done I avoid seeing him He avoids being seen i don't mind teaching her She does't mind being taught.

predicative adjective

http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-predicate-adjectives.html http://www.softschools.com/examples/grammar/predicate_adjectives_examples/84/ If the information following the verb gives more information about the subject-telling you which one, what kind, or how many-then you have found a predicate adjective.

Action verb

http://pediaa.com/difference-between-action-and-linking-verbs/ https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/linking_verbs.htm An action verb is a word that expresses an action. It can indicate an activity, process, momentary action or a physical condition. Action verbs specifically refer to the action performed by the subject of a sentence. Action verbs are also known as dynamic verbs. both physical and mental actions. Run, eat, think, walk, giggle, bark, scratch, push, kill, sleep and type are some examples of action verbs.

The Verb 'to be'

https://sites.google.com/site/englishgrammarguide/Home/the-verb-to-be https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/be The verb to be is the most irregular verb in the English language. It is normally a linking verb showing the existence or the condition of the subject. It can also be used as an auxiliary verb when forming the passive voice. The forms of the verb to be in English are as follows: Infinitive to be Present am, is, are Past was, were Present Participle being Past Participle been Present Subjunctive be Past Subjunctive were Imperative be

Intransitive verb

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpL2o3jjfoA A sentence with i.v has only subject & a verb. the subject is doing action. jane is sleeping; John is smiling. 1. I.Verbs often describe physical behavior or movement. example: Jane is laughing; Sara is waliking;the door opened; Prepositional phrases 0r adverbial phrases are often after an i.verb Sarah is walking to the office. ( to the office is a prepositional phrase and it is preposition of place) sarah is walking what or whom > no D.O sarah is walking where > to office (pre.Phrase) The door opened slowly. The door opened what /whome > No D.O The door opened how> slowly ( Adv) common examples of I.V> only exists as i.v> arrive,die,fall,go,laugh,sleep,smile,stay Also exist as T.V> close,eat,open,play,run,sit,stand,walk. i am eating; i am eating a sandwich; mark is playing football;

if preposition exists between verb and object : preposition remain after verb in passive voice

they talked about the issue the issue was talked about.

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