PSC 105WI Exam #2 Study Guide

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Article 1, Vesting Clause

"All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Under current federal rules, individuals may donate a maximum of ____ to any single candidate and up to _____ to a political action committee.

$2,700; $5,000

Reasons early mass papers worked

(Printing press increased popularity) cheap, available, entertaining

Federalist on the Presidency—What characterizes an energetic executive and why?

*The president's unity and duration in office Energetic being good government/ powerful executive

Which of the following best describes the men who wrote the Constitution?

- All maintained a national point of view. - All were educated at elite institutions. - Each of them was experienced at government.

Which of the following ideas made the elite principles of the United States' government different from most other countries in 1787?

- Human rights - The consent of the governed -Equal rights

Which theory has been suggested to explain the rise in income inequality in the United States?

- The decline of the manufacturing sector -A rise in the number of two wage families -Unskilled labor overseas

According to pluralism, the basic function(s) of interests groups is to

- help reduce potentially divisive conflicts in society -enhance well being by helping people overcome the sense of powerlessness -link individuals and the government

Political Scientist Russell Dalton has found that newer "dealigned" voters are frequently

- informed on political issues. - concerned with politics generally. - willing to consider candidates from either party.

Masses are dangerous vulnerable to appeals of

- intolerance -class antagonisms -racial hared

The great threat to U.S. security right now is ___________________.

- nuclear attack from a rogue state -cyber-attack - asymmetric warfare by a terrorist group

Increased trade with less developed economies that have large numbers of low-wage workers has the effect of

- pressuring Americans to keep wages lower. - creating global competition for American workers. - encouraging companies to move production offshore.

For the elites, the president's function is to

- propose policy initiatives. - mobilize influence within the system. -supervise the management of the government and the economy.

The role of committee and subcommittee chairpersons is to

- select which bills are considered. -select which issues will receive public hearings. -establish the agenda.

A legislator's most relevant constituents are

- the major donors within their districts. -the people in their district who voted for them. - active and resourceful elites in their district.

The powers granted the federal government under the Constitution that had been lacking under the Articles of Confederation were

- the regulation of commerce - the ability to levy taxes. - the power to create a navy.

What is the effect of relying on stare decisis and the current precedent?

-It gives stability to the law. -It prevents every decision from becoming new law. -It restrains judicial activists.

Which of the following is an example of Congress' power to constrain the president as leader of the executive branch?

-The power of the purse - The power to abolish executive department -The power to deny appointments

Which of the following contributed to elite willingness to reform the American system in the 1930s?

-The rise of communism in Russia - Assignation of President McKinley - The rise of fascism in Germany

Which of the following contributed to elite willingness to reform the American system in the 1930s?

-The rise of fascism in Germany - The rise of communism in Russia -Assassination of President McKinley

Over time, power has continued to shift to Washington due to

-a broad interpretation of the "necessary and proper" clause. - the establishment of a national system of civil rights. -the growth of federal grants-in-aid to state and local governments.

The New Deal is best characterized as

-a reform of the capitalist system - a series of provisions adopted suddenly. - using Keynesian economics to protect the economy

The Founding Fathers of the United States believed that direct democracy and "unrestrained" majorities would result in

-attacks on unpopular or despised individuals and groups. -threats to individual liberty. -the abuse of minorities.

The Founding Fathers intentionally insulated the courts from popular majorities and elections in order to

-avoid the tyranny of the majority. - have an independent judiciary. - allow them to judge responsibly, without political or partisan considerations.

The purpose of Operation Iraqi Freedom was to

-eliminate Iraqi WMDs. -end the oppressive and genocidal regime of Saddam Hussein. - -prevent Iraq from harboring terrorist groups.

Key demographic and turnout rates

-older population votes more -blacks/whites vote more than Hispanics/Asians -women vote more than men -college graduates vote more than any other education level

Third parties fail in American politics due to

-only focus on a single issue - ballot access issues. -a lack of an organized effort to focus on elections -the winner take all electoral system

In the contemporary sense of the term, liberalism believes in

-strong government protection of civil rights and freedom from government intervention in social affairs. - an active, power government in economic affairs that regulates the market -strong government to ensure that all states comply with federal law.all

In the contemporary sense of the term, conservatism includes

-the classical liberal values of free markets, limited government, and the individual self-reliance in economic affairs. -the classical conservative belief in the value of tradition, law, family, and faith. -the belief that humans are imperfect and flawed.

The debate over President Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 involved

-the question of whether Congress has the power to coerce states by threatening to withhold funds. - the question of whether Congress can treat states differently than other employers in regards to health insurance. - the question of whether Congress has the power to "make" people buy health insurance.

"Capping entitlements" is widely recognized by economists as the only way to rein in future federal spending, but

-there is little agreement on what those caps should be. - few in Washington want to take on senior citizen lobbyists. -many members of Congress receive campaign money from AARP.

The Founding Fathers of the United States believed that direct democracy and "unrestrained" majorities would result in _________________________.

-threats to individual liberty. - the abuse of minorities. - attacks on unpopular or despised individuals and groups.

Article 6, 12th Amendment

...instead of casting two votes for President, each elector must pick a President AND a Vice President on his or her ballot.

Reasons for rise in # of interest groups

1 decline of party interest and increase in Interest group interest 2 Interest Groups are reformed government- more points of access for citizens

Alexander Hamilton- Federalist 73

1. Congress shouldnt be allowed to adjust pay for Pres 2. defends pres Veto by pointing to the necessity of holding legis authority in check 3. points out congress can over throw veto with two-thirds rule

Alexander Hamilton- Federalist 70

1. Unified Exec (1 guy) 2. Makes pres accountable 3. Need strong exec to fight tyranny in every branch 4. Loved VETO 5. Energetic 6. affirms 4 year term 7. affirms monetary support influences: English monarchy (King & Parliament)

Alexander Hamilton- Federalist 72

1. defends provision allowing pres to be reelected unlimited amount of times 2. having diff pres year after year causes too much disruption in Exec branch 3. would also diminish "inducements to good behavior" since pres wouldnt be worried about reelection 4. prevents US from seeing highly experienced Pres

Alexander Hamilton- Federalist 71

1. duration of office for Pres. 2. defends const. provision for pres term of 4 years from perspective of energy 3. enable pres to pursue policy he feels best

Article 2, All

1. over the Executive Branch. or in other words, the President. 2. The Executive Branch's job is to enforce laws and this job is primarily left up to the President. -several requirements to run for the Office of President: *you must be a natural born citizen of the United States. *you must be at least 35 years *third, you must have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. *requirements are the same for the Vice President. 3. Several powers given to him in the Constitution. *Commander-in-Chief of the military *has the power to make treaties which are agreements between the United States and other countries. *power to appoint many government workers. *gets to appoint Ambassadors, Judges, and other Federal Officials. *must also give a State of the Union address to Congress once a year. 4. Article 1 gives the President many powers but it also outlines how the President can be punished. If the President fails to fulfill his duties, or commits a serious crime, he can be impeached by Congress

James Madison- Federalist 45

1. powers granted to the national government by the Constitution do not threaten the powers left to the states. 2.state governments will lose some importance/ sovereignty as a result of the Const. However, this is essential to the preservation of the union, which he asserts is essential to the public good. 3. points to the history of confederations and feudal states to support his claim that the federal government will to "prove fatal to the state governments." Then lists several reasons for why the state govs will cont to have significant power and relevance under the Constitution. He argues that, if anything, it is the federal government that is at greatest risk of being rendered feeble, as under the Articles. The Constitution corrects that problem by offering the federal government greater powers. (Think marijuana legalization) 4. asserts that the powers granted to the federal government are not really "new powers" so much as an "invigoration" of the "original powers" granted to it by the Articles. The Constitution does not expand these powers. It just "substitutes a more effectual mode of administering them."

James Madison- Federalist 39

1.Some people claim that the Convention destroyed the federal aspect of the government by taking away too much power from the states 2. Those people believe the framers established a national form of government, one in which the citizens' are acted upon directly (as citizens of the nation instead of citizens of the states) 3.But, the proposed govt contains both national and federal characteristics. 4. The principle of federalism (division of power between the states and the national government) is reflected in the suggested method of ratification. The delegates to the ratifying conventions will vote as citizens of their states, not as citizens of the nation. 5. federal form is also reflected in the structure of the Senate in which the states are equally represented. 6. Madison concludes that the government in its structure is both national and federal; in the operation of its powers, it is nation; in the extent of its power, it is federal.

The number of civil and criminal cases begun in the nation's courts each year is about

10 million

Public goods for

100% ofth public agrees that the good is great inportance

Deuninionization refers to the fact that the percentage of workers in the American workforce who are members of a union has dropped; at their peak some fifty years ago unions counted for nearly 35% of workforce, today only about ___________% are unionized


Deunionization refers to the fact that the percentage of workers in the American workforce who are members of a union has dropped; at their peak some fifty years ago unions counted for nearly 35% of the workforce, today only about _________ are unionized.

12 percent

The portion of the federal budget that is non-entitlement and non-defense is approximately

12 percent

The U.S. military is currently deployed in at least ______ countries around the world.


The Republican "revolution" under Newt Gingrich brought control of Congress to the GOP in


Differences in Vesting Clauses between Article I and II

1: legislative powers are given to the house and the senate 2:executive powers vested in the president of the us (2 words missing: here, granted) therefore the president may have powers beyond what is stated

gave 18yr olds right to vote

26th amendment

The portion of African-American families living below the poverty line in 2013 was about

27.1 percent

In 2010, the median pay package of a corporate CEO was __________ greater than the average worker's pay.

343 times

What are interest group often called in Cali

3rd house

Since 1789, U.S. forces have participated in military actions overseas on more than 200 occasions, but Congress declared war only _____ times.


The United Nations Security Council has ________ members with permanent veto power.


Third-party candidates for president can receive public funding only if they received at least _____ percent of the vote in the previous presidential race.


In the US, the top 20% of income recipients earns ___________ % of all income.


nonprofit group that also engages in issue advocacy and is allowed to spend up to half of its revenue for political purposes is called


The number of governments in the United States below the federal level is approximately


the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 mandated a balanced federal budget, but what changed to allow congress to ignore it


Roughly what percent of incumbents are re-elected to their public office?


Roughly what percentage of incumbents are re-elected to their public office?


Selective Incentive

A benefit that a group can offer to potential members in exchange for participation as a way to encourage that involvement.

National Committee

A committee of officials who oversee the operation of their party nationwide.

Latent Interest

A concern shared by a group of people on which they have not yet chosen to act collectively.

Help America Vote Act of 2022

A federal law meant to reduce barriers to election participation.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965

A federal law that made it a priority of the national government to enforce provisions of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, leading to major improvements in voting rights for blacks, minorities, and the poor.

Constituent service (casework)

A form of "retail" politics. Members of congress win votes and campaign contributors one at a time by helping people on a personal level.

electoral competitive model

A form of election in which parties seeking vo

Which of the following is not an advantage incumbents have in seeking reelection?

A great voting record

Political Machine

A local organization that controls the city or county government to such an extent that it can reward whole neighborhoods, wards, precincts, or other groups with benefits such as jobs and government programs in return for supporting the party's candidates.

Median Voter Theorem

A mathematical result showing that the voter with ideological preference in the middle of the ranking of voters must be satisfied and approve of a majority-rule winning outcome.

Plurality Rule

A method for determining an election's winner in which the candidate who received the most votes wins.

The Valence Model

A model of voter decision-making similar to the Retrospective Voting Model in that it focuses on the competence and skills of candidates. Valence, however, focuses on leadership qualities, like strength of character and charisma.

The Spatial Model

A model of voter decision-making that considers issues or ideology to be the most important factors in influencing someone's vote. It's called spatial because researchers depict voters and politicians as existing in a common space of competition.

The Partisan Model

A model of voter decision-making that emphasizes that party identification is a deep psychological attachment and that a voter's partisanship shapes his/her perception of facts/issues. Voters filter through their partisanship and come to biased conclusions.

The Retrospective Voting Model

A model of voter decision-making that emphasizes the many ways in which voters rely on politicians' past performance to make judgements on their competence for office.

The Directional Model

A model of voter decision-making that focuses on issues and ideology, but offers a different interpretation of decisions than the Spatial Model. It states that voters look mainly for what direction a candidate/party will shift policy on the political spectrum (left, right).


A political activity conducted by groups whose principle organizational purpose is the pursuit of a non-political goal.

New Deal Party System

A political alliance between southern Democrats, big-city Democrats, rural voters, and African Americans that endured for decades following FDR's election in 1932.

Special donor

A potential participant for whom the cost of participation is low or the benefits are high.

Signing statements

A president signs a bill but adds a statement regarding its interpretation, sometimes objecting to included provisions or adding details when the law is unclear.

Duverger's Law

A regularity that only two parties tend to compete for control of the government in countries that have single-member, plurality electoral systems.

Smoke-filled Room

A situation in which party elites make important decisions away from the scrutiny or influence of other members.

what is the 501(c)(4)

A social welfare organization under the IRS as long as they don't spend a majority of their money on politics they can raise and spend unlimited and undisclosed amounts of money to influence the political process through independent expenditures


A specialized working group used to focus on specific policy issues.

Pluralism is defined as _______________________.

A system of government where many groups compete and bargain to determine public policy

Pluralism is defined as

A system of government where many groups compete and bargain to determine public policy.


A two-part process in which the House investigates and votes on whether to impeach an executive or judicial officer, followed by a trial in the Senate.

Australian Ballot

A type of ballot that lists all candidates running for each office and allows voters to cast their votes secretly and for specific, individual candidates.


A type of organization regulated by the FEC that can spend unlimited sums of money to advocate for the election or defeat of a candidate but is prohibited from contributing directly to campaigns/parties.

Political Action Committee (PAC)

A type of organization regulated by the Federal Election Commission that raises money from donors to support the election campaigns of federal political candidates.

Confidence Vote

A vote held in a parliamentary system that, if it fails, brings on an election and possibly a new set of party leaders.

The largest interest group currently in existence in the US is


Associated Press

American multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York City that operates as a cooperative, unincorporated association

political party

An Organization that tries to win control of government by electing people to office who carry the party lable.


An election held to vote directly on a ballot question that was proposed by a group.


An election in which citizens vote directly on whether to overturn a bill or constitutional amendment that has been passed by the legislature.

Intermediate Scrutiny

An intermediate standard used by the SC to determine whether a law is compatible with the Constitution. A law subject to this standard is considered constitutional if it advances "an important gov't objective" and is "substantially related" to the objective.

Who believes in loyalty to their king/ruler?

Ancient Greeks

Which great leader was instrumental in changing Egypt's stance on Israel?

Anwar al-Sadat

who helped pave the way for the successful Camp David Accords?

Anwar al-Sadat


Any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber.

Interest Group

Any group that is not a political party that is organized to influence the government.

Which of the following is not one of the three most prestigious committees of the Senate?

Armed Forces

Rules of restraint

Because justices are not popularly elected, the Supreme Court should move cautiously and avoid direct confrontation with legislative and executive authority.

Media are more likely to cover an event that has which set of characteristics?

Bizarre, dramatic, and sensational

_____organizations dominate interest group politics.


Block grant programs

By which the federal government provides funds for use by the states and cities for broad purposes, such as law enforcement and community development, with state and local officials deciding on specific programs or projects.

Categorical grants

By which the federal government specifies individual projects or programs in cities and states.

Hard Money

Campaign funds that are given directly to candidates or parties to support a particular candidate and thus are subject to FEC regulations.

Soft Money

Campaign funds that are given to parties or other orgs to support voter mobilization or education and not subject to FEC regulations.

Myth of the policy mandate

Candidates think that their positions were what brought electoral victory, when it was most likely some other factor, such as personality or weariness with the opponent.

Progressive Tax

Captures a larger share of the income of higher-income workers than of lower-income workers.

Regressive Tax

Captures a larger share of the income of lower-income workers than of higher-income workers.

The president is the_______ of the world's largest bureaucracy, with 2.6 million people working under him/her.

Chief executive

Types of Primaries

Closed- (cannot vote unless member of the party, accessible to public) Open- (split between parties in booth/ not public) Blanket- (voters can vote different parties for each position) (least common)

The tacit approval of white supremacy in the South and the concession of the federal support for civil rights were a result of the

Compromise of 1877.

Appellate courts

Concerned with or dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed.

The experience of the last three presidents shows it is easier for the president to "get things done" when

Congress is controlled by the president's party.


Consists of the secretaries of the 15 executive departments and the vice president, with the president at its head. They do not hold meetings to decide important policy questions, but they hold meetings only to help sell their views.

Leadership PAC's

Contributors increase their influence with the leadership, and the congressional leaders increase their influence with members by distributing PAC money to supporters in Congress, thus making it more likely to be elected to leadership and key committee chair positions.

unified government

Control of the executive and legislative branches by the same political party.

Conventional / Unconventional acts

Conventional Acts- take place inside the system Unconventional Acts- take place outside of the system - boycotts, riots, protests

Lawrence vs Texas

Declared Sodamey laws were unconstitutional and extended right to privacy to LBGTQ individuals. Overturned Hartwick vs Bowers.

Roe vs. wade

Declared that woman had the right to abortion because of the right to privacy. Gave woman total autonomy over pregnancy for the first trimester.

What is the irony of democracy?

Democracy depends on elites governing wisely with little or no input from the masses.

Jews are among the ____ Party's most loyal constituent groups.


The executive department of the federal government that is the most heavily lobbies is the

Department of Defense

To bork

Describes the blocking of qualified nominees on political grounds.

Pork/pork barrel project/

Describes the efforts of senators and representatives to "bring home the bacon" - to award federally funded roads, parks, post offices, and redevelopment projects to cities; research grants to universities; weapons contracts to local plants; and other "goodies" to each year's appropriations bills.

Brown vs. Board of Education

Determined that the forced segregation of schools was unconstitutional. Declared Separate but equal is inherently unequal.


Developed a "responsible party" model of the U.S. political system that viewed the parties as principal instruments of popular control of government.

Federal mandates

Direct orders to state and local governments to perform a particular activity or service to comply with federal laws and performance of their functions.

All U.S. intelligence agencies are under the direction of the _________.

Director of National Intelligence

Most "pork" or additional federal money brought to a Congressmen district is done by_______ on bills.


________________ is a very important factor in developing tolerance and respect for civil liberties.


The most important factors in predicting who engages in behaviors that increase political knowledge is

Education Economic class

Short-sighted and self-interested behavior that undermines popular support for the political system can be called

Elite distemper

Short-sighted and self-interested behavior that undermines popular support for the political system can be called elite________________________.

Elite distemper


Endorse candidates, Contribute money. Super pacs Run ads.

Interest Group

Engages in politics on behalf members

What is the MOST important core value for liberals?


Which is not a consensus value in American democracy?

Equality of outcome

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

Established a bureaucracy whose membership should be based on expertise or merit.


Establishing the context for an issue in such a way as to emphasize certain aspects over others.

The idea that internal executive branch communications are not for public or congressional scrutiny is called .

Executive privilege

Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat on the bus was one of the last but most publicly visible and famous acts of protest in the civil rights movement


despite the problems that terrorist organizations represent, the democracies of Europe do not make membership illegal because of their emphasis of freedom


in the United States, corporate income is taxed heavier than individual income


under due process of law, alleged criminals can be tried more than once for the same crime if new evidence becomes available


FCC regulation applies to what

FCC regulation applies only to the over-the-air broadcast media. It does not apply to cable television, the Internet, or satellite radio.

US v. Nixon

Facts of the Case: A grand jury returned indictments against seven of President Richard Nixon's closest aides in the Watergate affair. The special prosecutor appointed by Nixon and the defendants sought audio tapes of conversations recorded by Nixon in the Oval Office. Nixon asserted that he was immune from the subpoena claiming "executive privilege," which is the right to withhold information from other government branches to preserve confidential communications within the executive branch or to secure the national interest. Decided together with Nixon v. United States. Question: Is the President's right to safeguard certain information, using his "executive privilege" confidentiality power, entirely immune from judicial review? Conclusion: No. The Court held that neither the doctrine of separation of powers, nor the generalized need for confidentiality of high-level communications, without more, can sustain an absolute, unqualified, presidential privilege. The Court granted that there was a limited executive privilege in areas of military or diplomatic affairs, but gave preference to "the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of justice." Therefore, the president must obey the subpoena and produce the tapes and documents. Nixon resigned shortly after the release of the tapes.

Myers v. US

Facts of the Case: An 1876 law provided that postmasters of the first, second, and third classes shall be appointed and may be removed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. President Woodrow Wilson removed Myers, a postmaster first class, without seeking Senate approval. Question: Did the Act unconstitutionally restrict the President's power to remove appointed officials? Conclusion: Yes. After tracing legislative debate of the First Congress in 1789 which dealt with the interpretation of the President's appointment power, Chief Justice Taft concluded that the power to remove appointed officers is vested in the President alone. According to Taft, to deny the President that power would not allow him to "discharge his own constitutional duty of seeing that the laws be faithfully executed."

Youngtown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer

Facts of the Case: In April of 1952, during the Korean War, President Truman issued an executive order directing Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer to seize and operate most of the nation's steel mills. This was done in order to avert the expected effects of a strike by the United Steelworkers of America. Question: Did the President have the constitutional authority to seize and operate the steel mills? Conclusion: In a 6-to-3 decision, the Court held that the President did not have the authority to issue such an order. The Court found that there was no congressional statute that authorized the President to take possession of private property. The Court also held that the President's military power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces did not extend to labor disputes. The Court argued that "the President's power to see that the laws are faithfully executed refutes the idea that he is to be a lawmaker."

INS v. Chadha

Facts of the Case: In one section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Congress authorized either House of Congress to invalidate and suspend deportation rulings of the United States Attorney General. Chadha had stayed in the U.S. past his visa deadline. Though Chadha conceded that he was deportable, an immigration judge suspended his deportation. The House of Representatives voted without debate or recorded vote to deport Chadha. This case was decided together with United States House of Representatives v. Chadha and United States Senate v. Chadha. Question: Did the Immigration and Nationality Act, which allowed a one-House veto of executive actions, violate the separation of powers doctrine? Conclusion: The Court held that the particular section of the Act in question did violate the Constitution. Recounting the debates of the Constitutional Convention over issues of bicameralism and separation of powers, Chief Justice Burger concluded that even though the Act would have enhanced governmental efficiency, it violated the "explicit constitutional standards" regarding lawmaking and congressional authority.

US v. Curtiss-Wright Corp

Facts of the case: Curtiss-Wright was charged with conspiring to sell fifteen machine guns to Bolivia, which was engaged in an armed conflict in the Chaco. This violated a Joint Resolution of Congress and a proclamation issued by President Roosevelt. Question: Did Congress in its Joint Resolution unconstitutionally delegate legislative power to the President? Conclusion: The Court agreed that the President was allowed much room to operate in executing the Joint Resolution; it found no constitutional violation. Making important distinctions between internal and foreign affairs, Justice Sutherland argued because "the President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation," Congress may provide the President with a special degree of discretion in external matters which would not be afforded domestically.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Facts of the case: In 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax. Question: The case presented two questions: Did Congress have the authority to establish the bank? Did the Maryland law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers? Conclusion: In a unanimous decision, the Court held that Congress had the power to incorporate the bank and that Maryland could not tax instruments of the national government employed in the execution of constitutional powers. Writing for the Court, Chief Justice Marshall noted that Congress possessed unenumerated powers not explicitly outlined in the Constitution. Marshall also held that while the states retained the power of taxation, "the constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme. . .they control the constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them."

Schecter Poultry Corp. v. US (we had two separate readings on this, one concerns Commerce Clause the other delegation of powers)

Facts of the case: Section 3 of the National Industrial Recovery Act empowered the President to implement industrial codes to regulate weekly employment hours, wages, and minimum ages of employees. The codes had standing as penal statutes. Question: Did Congress unconstitutionally delegate legislative power to the President? Conclusion: The Court held that Section 3 was "without precedent" and violated the Constitution. The law did not establish rules or standards to evaluate industrial activity. In other words, it did not make codes, but simply empowered the President to do so. A unanimous Court found this to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority.

Americans who identify as liberal or conservative remain ideologically consistent in their policy views.


Lincoln had as his primary concern the ending of the practice of slavery. True of False?


Public opinion surveys show that more than half of Americans do not know each state has two Senators and cannot name their Representative in the House. True or False?


The Federal Reserve Act was passed to prevent an economic crisis or another Great Depression. True or False?


The majority of Americans support civil liberties, such as mass demonstrations for an unpopular cause that Americans oppose. True or False?


The masses are likely to understand what the meaning of liberalism or conservatism is.


The term "circulation of elites" refers to elites moving from one position to another. True or false?


Unfunded mandates

Federal mandates that have no federal monies to cover the costs and costs are forced onto states and localities.

The _____________________ is the basis for the extension of the Bill of Rights to all states.

Fourteenth Amendment

Accurately explain two exceptions to the fourth amendment warrant requirement

Fourth amendment protest people from unreasonable searches and seizures. Forces government to obtain a warrant to protect citizens from governmental abuse. two exceptions: stop and frisk, open corn field doctrine.

The "Necessary and Proper" Clause

Frequently referred to as the elastic clause because it has been stretched so dramatically over the nation's history.


From here on...


General election you get money from the goverment but you only use that money.


Generally means belief in a strong government to provide economic security and protection for civil rights, combined with freedom from government intervention in personal conduct. Seeking to cure society's imperfections.

Which U.S. President received the largest approval ratings increase due to the "rally around the flag" effect?

George W. Bush

what recent supreme court case concerns partisan gerrymandering

Gill v. Whitford


Given command of all regular troops and militia.

who argued that totalitarian governments are inherently aggressive?

Hannah Arendt

All the sitting Justices went to elite Ivy League colleges, and four of the nine attended


District courts

Hear criminal cases prosecuted by the U.S Department of Justice, as well as civil cases.

After the supreme court decision that effectively reversed Florida's recount order in the Presidential election of 2000, congress passed___ in 2003, requiring states to introduce ***computerized voting system***

Help Americans Vote Act

__________ base their view on the classical liberal perception that human rights are universal, and powerful nations, such as the United States, are morally obligated to spread individual and human rights.


The ___________________ brought about the end of racial exclusions for all minority groups.

Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1965


Includes classical liberal values of free markets, limited government, and individual self-reliance in economic affairs, combined with a classical conservative belief in the value of tradition, law, family, and faith. Seeking to maintain what actually does work in society. Sees humans as imperfect and flawed creatures.

Social Motives

Individual look at action from an ethical standpoint.


Interest group compete, Everyone's voice is helped.

Article 1 Section 9

International slave trade Habeas corpus means that you can't be held in jail without facing legitimate charges of some kind it's a way for a legislature to act like judge and jury, convicting and punishing people without benefit of trial Tax Constitution ensure that those exports wouldn't be taxed by the national government ( cash crops like cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo) This clause is designed to ensure that all states are treated fairly by the national government. This clause is critically important, granting Congress (and only Congress) the "power of the purse"—that is, control over government spending. Here the Framers of the Constitution sought to ensure that the United States would never develop a formal aristocracy such as that which ruled Britain.

______are alliances of leaders from executive agencies, congressional committees, and private business and industry.

Iron Triangles

What theory explains the success of interest groups in achieving their specific goals by influencing gov't at the expense of the common good

Iron triangle


Items determined by past decisions of Congress that represent committees in future budgets.

What philosopher theorized that every person was given certain rights that the government could not legally take away?

John Locke

Discussion constitutional protection of John Scopes vs. Tennessee.

John scopes was a high school teacher who refused to teach Theology or study of the genesis chapter in the Bible. Instead he taught the theory of evolution, and was arrested by Tennessee. Supreme Court ruled this violated establishment clause of the first amendment because the state of Tennessee was establishing a religion.

Which president expanded the role of the federal government with additional welfare programs and entitlements with his "Great Society"


The largest ethnic minority group in the United States today is


in 2014, which political ideology had a larger proportion of the US population than ever previously recorded in Gallup Poll?


Cloture vote

Limits debate.

Article 1, Section 9

Limits on Legislative Power- Clause 1: The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. Clause 2: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

Article 1, Section 10

Limits on States- No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and sil[p.360]ver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Inside lobbying

Lobbying that involves direct contact with policymakers.

Federalist 45—Madison offers about 5 reasons as to why people should not fret about the federal nature of the Constitution, you should know the gist of this piece

Madison argues that the strength of the federal government under the proposed constitution does not pose a danger to the individual states, a major concern of the anti-federalists. *5 reasons not to fret about the federal nature of the constitution 1. Union needs its powers; 2. The tendency of federal systems is that they tend toward dissolution; they tend to dissolve 3. States make up the federal government; The makeup of gov is federal in nature 4. More people in that state then there would ever be in the national government; more state employees than federal government 5. The states do most of the governing "power of the states are numerous and indefinite" 6. All you have with the constitution is an invigorated form of what existed under the Articles of Confederation

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Mam who was 1/8 black tried to ride in white section of railroad cart. Declared Separate was equal and set up foundation for Jim Crow laws.

Miranda vs Arizona

Man incriminated himself without being told it was in the constitution that an individual does not have to self incriminate. Created Miranda rights "all things you say can and will be used against you In a court of law, you have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you"

Corporate power is generally wielded by the ____________ of the nations large industrial corporations and financial institutions.


Which of the following is not a threat to democracy?

Mass activism

Super Pacs

May raise as much money from individuals as they want' and have no limits on spending the amount coordinate.

In the 2014 supreme court case____, the Court ruled that there was no evidence that making campaign contributions to large numbers of candidates led to the donor controlling the candidates. The Court therefore ruled that restrictions on this activity were not justified

McCutcheon et al v. Federal Election Commission

What phenomenon explains the success of the political info than ever before yet we have less variety of political views?

Media Consolidation (conglomeration)

Which court case ended segregation for Hispanics in public schools?

Mendez v. Westminster School District

what young black man was killed in Missouri by police who started BLM?

Micheal Brown

Most american describe themselves as

Moderates who have shades of both ideologies

what kind of presidential primary does CA operate

Modified or semi-closed primary

Which of the following is seen as a benefit for enacting term limits?

More competitive open-seat elections

Speaker of the house

Moves Legislation.

who was the symbol of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa?

Nelson Mandela

which group of voters has the fastest growing share of the CA electorate

No party preference/Decline to state (NPP)

Political Action Committee (PAC)

Non-party organizations that solicit voluntary contributions to disburse to political candidates.

Divided government

One party in the White House and the other controlling the House and Senate.


Organizations independent of parties and candidates (unregulated by FEC); cannot advocate publicly for or against specific parties, candidates, or policies.

Interest Group

Organized groups that have the most direct day-to-day influence over government.

social Movements

Overcome the free ride problem through a sense of moral obligation to others.

what is the fundraising arm of an interest group called


Citizens United permitted individuals and organizations to form committees, called ___, which can raise unlimited amounts of money to run political advertising


what act attempted to regulate the content of material transmitted over the Internet, but the law was overruled by the Supreme Court in 1997.

Part of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, known as the Communications Decency Act

what is the impact of increasing polarization between the parties in the United States?

Party endorsements have a larger impact on public opinion


Party in the electorate (pie),Party organization (po), party in government (pig)

Semi - closed election

Party's members and independents

Article 1, Section 7

Passage of Bills- Clause 1: All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Clause 2: Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law,[p.136]be presented to the President of the United States; If he approves he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return in which Case it shall not be a Law. Clause 3: Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitation prescribed in the Case of a Bill.


People who claim to be independents but consistently favor one party over antother.


Persuading elected officials or bureaucrats of your position.

Political Entrepreneurs

Pick up to the slack for the rest of us.

which Supreme Court decision upheld racial segregation as constitutional

Plessy v. Ferguson

_____is the term describing the increasing ideological separation between Democratic and Republican Party voters. Answer 1:


_____________ are those who rely on either liberal or conservative principles in evaluating candidates and issues.

Policy voters

__ refers to a set of beliefs and values that, as a whole, form a general philosophy about government.

Political Ideology

"Go native"

Political heads yield to the pressure of political appointees who have the knowledge, skills, and experience with little or no supervision, and they become their captives instead of taking control.

what is the instruments through which citizens and government influence each other.

Political parties

Which of the following is responsible for acting as a check on the elite system in the United States?

Popular elections


Porcedures avaliable in some states by which state laws or constitustional amenments proposed by the legislative are subbmitted to the voters for approvle or rejection.

Party Leader

Presidents are recognized leaders of their party.


Procedures available in some states for citizens to put proposed laws and consitutional amendments on the ballot for voter approvle or rejection

John Locke's principle of natural law includes the rights to life, liberty, and ____________________.


Near vs. Minnesota

Racist publisher started Saturday press, then started accusing government of corruption. Government sued him and he took case to Supreme Court. Supreme Court declared that Prior restrains on publication violated freedom of the press

New federalism

Refers to efforts to return power and responsibility to states and communities. President LBJ's Great Society programs focused most of government on national concerns and gave less and less power to states and communities.

"Home style"

Refers to the activities of senators and representatives in promoting their images among their constituents.


Refers to the vast bulk of the executive branch of government, whether at the federal, state, or local level.


Relies on the development of formal rules for implementing legislation.

This prevents the government from censoring the news presented by the media regardless of content.

Reporter's privilege

Chief of state

Represents the nation in receiving foreign rulers, but it is mostly a symbolic function: the president is the living symbol of the nation.

Winner-take-all system

Requires a majority vote, or more than fifty percent. Gives parties an overriding incentive to broaden their appeal to a plurality or majority of voters.

The Senate confirmation process has become increasingly politicized since the 1987 nomination and rejection of

Robert bork

which US President famously campaigned on (and failed) to keep a promise not to raise taxes

Ronald Regan

"A text should not be construed strictly, and it should not be construed leniently; it should be construed reasonably, to contain all that it fairly means"


Article 1, Section 8

Scope of Legislative Power - The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Politicians focus on which of the following?

Seeking office

what is a public interest group?

Sierra Club

what issue led to the demise of the Whig Party



Social groups change their party alignment. Whenever an election is won or lost, political pundits will speculate on the possibility of a party realignment.

Protection of sources

Sources must be revealed if it helps the public greater good

The Anti-Federalists were a coalition of

Southern plantation owners.

ear marks

Special provisions for expenditures tucked inside larger appropriations bills.

what constitutional protection was at issue in Standing Bear vs General Crook in 1879 and why?

Standing bear and tribe were forced to move to Indian territory where 1/3 starved or died because of disease. Standing Bear took the remaining back to original reservation and were arrested by government for breaking law. Standing bear filed a writ of habeus corpus stating that he was being held unlawfully and that it violated the constitution article 1 section 9 that allowed individuals to not be held unlawfully. They tried to argue that native Americans were not citizens or people. But were found in violation of article 1 section 9. Standing bear was released and Native Americans were considered People for the first time.

Which type of organization provides soft money since Citizens United

Super PACs

can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money promoting or attacking candidates.


Push Polling

Surveys or polls in which respondents are given information before answering an opinion question when the information is given with the intent of influencing the opinions expressed.

Aaron Burr not only shot Alexander Hamilton but had a long list of sedition activities in trying to undermine the nation


Cold War is an example of a proxy war


Nancy Pelosi was the first woman to be speaker of the house


Since the end of WWII, militarism and expansionism are no longer considered to be virtuous qualities in leaders


soft money refers to contributions given to a political party rather than a specific candidate


terrorism goals are to make governments look weak & inept and to prepare the way for revolution


terrorists typically feel that society has cheated them


the exclusionary rule holds that when evidence has been illegally obtained, it may not be used in court


the mission of NETWARCOM is to encompass electronic warfare psychological operations, and operational security


If we legalize pot, many people fear that it will lead to more addicts and relaxed moral standards


what is the primary political new source for most Americans


Original intent (originalism)

Takes the values of the Founders as expressed in the text of the Constitution and applies them to current conditions. Some argue that the words in the document must be given their historical meaning, and that meaning must restrain courts as well as legislative and executive branches of government.


Technical experts that are needed to carry out the intent of elected officials with the increasing complexity and sophistication of technology.

______________ occurs when the masses have feelings of distrust, powerlessness, and disaffection stemming from television's emphasis on the negative in politics.

Television malaise

Media Monopoly

Television, Newspapers, Radio

The ____________ guarantees the states considerable governing power.

Tenth Amendment

John Marshall's argument for judicial review included which of the following?

The Courts are sworn to uphold the Constitution.

because of his ruthless methods and questionable ethics, what was Tom DeLay's nickname?

The Hammer

Which of the following was a major change that occurred in the political landscape of the 1890s in the United States?

The Populist Party came into being and then merged with the Democratic Party.

which region of the country provides staunchest support for the rep party

The South/ the mountain west

Political entrepreneurship

The ability and desire to sell oneself as a candidate, to raise money from political contributors, to organize and motivate others to work on your campaign, and to communicate to others personally, in small groups and large audiences, and most important, through the media.

Line-item veto

The ability to veto some spending items in a bill while accepting others.

Judicial activism

The belief that one should shape constitutional meaning to fit its estimate of the needs of contemporary society.


The decline in the attractiveness of both parties.

Budget implementation

The development of procedures and activities to carry out policies legislated by Congress.

Social Capital

The existence of organizations, clubs, and social venues that allow for citizens to interact regularly and create bonds of social trust.

Federal Election Commission (FEC)

The federal agency that regulates campaign donations to and spending by candidates for Congress and the Presidency.

Describe two constitutionally protected tactic of the Civil Rights movement and give historical examples

The first amendment outlines the right to speech, press, and assemble. Two tactics are boycotts and sit-ins both are protected by the first amendment because of right to assemble. two historical examples are Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins and the Montgomery bus boycotts.

Strict Scrutiny

The highest-level standard used by the Supreme Court to determine whether a law is compatible with the Constitution. A law subject to this standard is usually unconstitutional unless it advances a "compelling state interest" and represents the least intrusive means.

Stare decisis

The issue has already been decided in earlier cases and the decision stands.


The legal right to vote, see suffrage.


The legal right to vote; see franchise.

Rational Basis Test

The lowest-level standard used by the SC to determine whether a law is compatible with the Constitution. A law subject to this standard is assumed Constitutional as long as its goals are clearly linked to its means.

National Party Convention

The meeting where a party formally nominates its presidential candidate.

Cooperative federalism

The nation and states jointly exercised responsibilities for welfare, health, highways, education, and criminal justice. Marble cake pattern.

responsible party

The notion that a political party will take clear and distinct stands on the issue and enact them as policy once elected to office.

Paradox of Voting

The notion that people still vote even though the individual costs of voting likely outweigh the individual benefits.

Judicial Review

The power of the Supreme Court to decide if laws are upheld with the Constitution.

Which of the following is not a power reserved to the states?

The power to coin money

Presidential power over the bureaucracy comes from all but which of the following?

The power to dissolve executive agencies

Head of government

The president functions as the chief of the executive branch, the pinnacle of the vast system of federal government including the military, wielding power and making decisions that can affect the lives of millions.

Chief Legislator

The president has principle responsibility for the initiation of national policy, and the most of the bills considered by Congress originate in the executive branch.

Chief Diplomat

The president leads the world's most powerful democracy and, has principal responsibility for formulating U.S foreign policy.


The president's most powerful weapon in dealing with Congress, especially a Congress controlled by the opposition. Even the threat of this enhances the president's bargaining power.

Popular Sovereignty

The principle that the authority to make decisions on behalf of society belongs to the people.


The process by which rights and liberties established by the Bill of Rights are applied to state and local governments via the Fourteenth Amendment.


The psychological process of shaping people's perceptions of a particulat issue, figure, or policy.

Executive privilege

The right of the president to keep confidential communications from other branches of government

political efficacy

The sense that an individual can affect what government does.

what is it called when people give an interviewer the response they think the interviewer wants to hear

The social desirability bias


The spread of religious values and outlooks.

Dual federalism

The states and the nation divide most governmental functions. This was the pattern during the nation's first 100 years. Layer cake pattern.

Party Discipline

The tendency for members of a legislative party to vote as a bloc.

Gatekeeping Bias

The tendency for the media, or a specific outlet, not to report stories of a particular nature.

Coverage Bias

The tendency for the media, or a specific outlet, to give less attention (airtime, space, etc.) to stories of a certain nature or aspects of them.

Statement Bias

The tendency for the media, or a specific outlet, to interject opinions into the coverage of an issue.

median voter

The voter at the exact middle of the political issue spectrum.

Representational federalism

There is no constitutional protection for state power other than the states role in electing the members of Congress and the president.

Circuit courts of appeals

These do not hold trials or accept new evidence but consider only the record of the trial courts and oral or written arguments submitted by attorneys. Little discretion in hearing appeals because they are appellate courts.

Party voters (ideologues)

These voters are likely to rely on either liberal or conservative principles in evaluating candidates and issues and generally favor one party over the other.

Group benefits voters

These voters are those who evaluate parties and candidates by expected favorable or unfavorable treatment for specific social groups or interests.

Policy voters (issues voters)

These voters base their decisions on the key issues of greatest importance to them, such as taxation, abortion, or the environment.

Retrospective voters

These voters base their judgement on their perception of the condition of the nation, usually meaning the economy.

Candidate image voters

These voters cast their ballots based on a candidate's image as projected through the media - charm, confidence, sincerity, humor, or attractiveness.

Which of the following is true about all U.S. presidents since World War II?

They have all ordered the military into hostilities.

Iron Triangles

Three major power bases: the executive agency administering the program, the congressional subcommittee charged with overseeing it, and the most interested groups, those generally affected by the agency.

Plea bargain

To make special arrangements for criminal defendants to plead guilty in exchange for reduced charges.

what kind of primary elections for state official are utilized in CA?

Top 2 primary system

Americans are more patriotic than the citizens of most other countries. True or False?


Another name for the "necessary and proper clause regarding Congressional power is the elastic clause. True or False?


Bill Gates would be considered an elite in the US. True or false


Democrats are in major urban areas while republicans are in more rural areas


Democrats are the plurality party in Cali


Elite Theory states that economic elites are distinctly powerful in shaping government policy. True or False?


Elites are defined as anyone who participates in decisions that allocates resources for society. True or false?


Elites typically exclude individuals who are lower or middle class. True or False?


Increasing numbers of voters identify not with either major party, but as independents.


Interest groups are influential due to their ability to mobilize financial resources. T or F?


Living in a female head of household is the strongest predictor of poverty in the US. True or False?


The expectations of a president far exceed the president's power to meet them. T or F ?


The majority of court cases begin and end in the state court system. T or F?


The proliferation of single-issue groups is largely attributed to the decline of political parties. T or F?


The single most powerful person in the entire Congress is the {Speaker of the House} T or F ?


Tinker vs. Demoines

Two students wore black armbands to school in protest of the Vietnam war and they were suspended. They took this Supreme Court which ruled that the black armbands were protected symbolic speech because of their political association. Gave rights to students for first time.

technical, ownership, content (technical- very basic and noncontroversial) (ownership- prevents monopolies) (content- media is owned by the public airways and cannot be used as a weapon, not enforced anymore)

Types of media regulation

what tool does the US government use to broaden the definition of who is a terrorist and grant broad powers to the attorney general?

USA Patriot Act

What Supreme Court case rendered the Defense of Marriage Act insignificant?

United States v. Winsor

Dark Money

Unregulated and undisclosed

Primary election

Used by parties to select their candidates for the general election.

The greatest, but least used, power the president has in the legislative process is the


open election

Voters may choose which primary to vote in privately. The choice does not register the voter whith the party.

Which of the following is seen as a "myth" when it comes to understanding voter behavior?

Voters vote based on policy positions.

Congress's attempt to limit the military authority of the president in 1973 was the

War powers act

"Revolving doors" refers to

Washington insiders who frequently change jobs.

Which of the following is not one of the three most powerful committees of the House of Representatives?

Ways and Means

_____is the total value of a person's assets, such as stocks, bonds, houses, etc, less debt


Grassroots Lobbying

When interest groups mobilize their group members to directly contact and lobby public officials.


When senators wish to talk a bill to death. Permits a minority to tie up the business of the Senate and prevent it from voting on a bill.

Which of the following are true regarding Congressional ethnic composition?

Whites are overrepresented and Hispanics are underrepresented.

The election of which president ushered in a new era in U.S. Elite philosophy because it threatened the status of the current elite class?

Woodrow Wilson

closed election

You have to be affiliated with a party. Party members only.

Private Goods

You have to pay for the good to enjoy it.

Special media access to government

Zimmel court case ruled that the media is not to have any special access to the government

Runoff election

a "second-round" election in which voters choose between the top two candidates from the first round

right of rebuttal

a Federal Communications Commission regulation giving individuals the right to have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or television broadcast (page 278)


a candidate running for re-election to a position that he or she already holds


a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office

Political ideology

a cohesive set of beliefs that forms a general philosophy about the role of government

by definition terrorism included everything except

a goal of shoring up existing regimes

Interests group

a group that tries to achieve goals without government assistance


a lawsuit.

Grassroots politics

a lobbying campaign in which a group mobilizes its membership to contact government officials in support of the group's position

Issue network

a loose network of elected leaders, public officials, activists, and interest groups drawn together by a specific policy issue


a meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates, plan strategy, and make decisions regarding legislative matters

Simple random sample (or probability sample)

a method used by pollsters to select a representative sample in which every individual in the population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent


a movement away from the major political parties; a decline in partisan attachment


a movement away from the major political parties; a decline in partisan attachment (page 348)

Proportional representation

a multiple-member district system that allows each political party representation in proportion to its percentage of the total vote

Party platform

a party document, written at a national convention, that contains party philosophy, principles, and policy positions


a party document, written at a national convention, that contains party philosophy, principles, and positions on issues


a party document, written at a national convention, that contains party philosophy, principles, and positions on issues (page 337)


a person designated to act for or represent another or others

Two-party system

a political system in which only two parties have a realistic opportunity to compete effectively for control

Random digit dialing

a polling method in which respondents are selected at random from a list of 10-digit telephone numbers, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample

Political Action committee (PAC)

a private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns

Ballot Initiative

a proposed law or policy change that is placed on the ballot by citizens or interest groups for a popular vote

The checks and balances system is designed to make majority rule across all branches of government______________.

a protection from unjust and self-seeking minorities

General Election

a regularly scheduled election involving most districts in the nation or state, in which voters select officeholders; in the United States, general elections for national office and most state and local offices are held on the first Tuesday in November in even-numbered years (every four years for presidential elections)

Bandwagon effect

a shift in electoral support to the candidate whom public opinion polls report as the front-runner


a small group selected by researchers to represent the most important characteristics of an entire population

Alexander Hamilton recognized that the US would require ____________ to ensure the confidence of financial elites.

a sound financial basis


a strategy by which organized interests seek to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on government officials

The Constitution limits the power of government because the Founders viewed government as

a threat to freedom and liberty

Plurality system

a type of electoral system in which, to win a seat in the parliament or other representative body, a candidate need only receive the most votes in the election, not necessarily a majority of the votes cas

Equality of opportunity

a widely shared American ideal that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to reach their fullest potential

In the United States, the top one-fifth (or 20 percent) of income recipients earns

about half (~50 percent) of all income.

The use of drones like the Predator and Reaper to remotely kill people in foreign countries, including United States citizens who are suspected of terrorist activities, was

accelerated by the Barack Obama administration.

Outside lobbying

activities by interest group leaders that seek to mobilize constituents and others outside the policy making community to contact or pressure policy makers.

Traditional political participation

activities designed to influence government, including voting and face-to-face activities such as volunteering for a campaign or working on behalf of a candidate or political organization

Digital political participation

activities designed to influence politics using the Internet, including visiting a candidate's website, organizing events online, and signing an online petition

The 2010 Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, known as Dodd-Frank, after its authors,

added considerable flexibility to regulation.

The power of bureaucracies grows with

advances in technology

The single best predictor of sustained political activity is


The main sources of media power are ...

agenda setting, selection bias, framing, and priming.

which of the following is a brief filed in court?

amicus curiae

What is a closed primary?

an election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled for a period of time prior to Election Day

Majority-minority district

an electoral district, such as a congressional district, in which the majority of the constituents belong to racial or ethnic minorities

Super PAC

an independent political action committee that may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates

Party Identification

an individual voter's psychological ties to one party or another

Membership association

an organized group in which members play a substantial role, sitting on committees and engaging in group projects

Citizens base their opinion on..

an over reliance on cues from the political elite and on news they have on;y skimmed or scanned

The USA PATRIOT Act was passed in Congress by

an overwhelming majority in both parties.

Article 6, 10th Amendment

any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.

In recent decades, when nominees to the Supreme Court are questioned at the Senate confirmation hearing, they generally

are respectful but try to avoid answering specific questions.


association with small government

"Capital gains" or income from investments, is taxed

at a lower rate than income from employment.

Values (beliefs)

basic principles that shape a person's opinions about political issues and events

According to the Gallup poll, ____________ is considered the greatest threat to American democracy by the masses.

big business

President Reagan's plan for new federalism included the consolidation of categorical grants into

block grants.


bold headlines, brings readers attention where the media wants it to be

Equal time rule

broadcasters must provide candidates seeking the same political office equal time to communicate their messages to the public.

For the first time in the House of Representatives, the 113th Congress saw

business people outnumber lawyers

PACs are organizations established

by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their member into political campaigns

priming involves

calling attention to some matters while ignoring others when evaluating political officials

Which term describes a war that generates violence and destruction well beyond a nations intention?

catalytic war

Penny Press

cheap, tabloid-style newspaper produced in the nineteenth century, when mass production of inexpensive newspapers first became possible due to the steam-powered printing press; a penny press newspaper cost one cent compared with other papers, which cost more than five cents

The president of the United States has two primary jobs: head of government and

chief of state.

Public Opinion

citizens' attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events


citizens' faith and trust in government and their belief that they can understand and influence political affairs

a party caucus is a

closed meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislative matters.

Political Ideology

complex set of beliefs and values that, as a whole, for a general philosophy about the government

Midterm elections

congressional elections that do not coincide with a presidential election; also called off-year elections

Generally, the ideology that believes in limited government, individual liberty, and free markets is called


National Convention

convened by the Republican National Committee or the Democratic National Committee to nominate official candidates for president and vice president in the upcoming election, establish party rules, and adopt the party's platform

national convention

convened by the Republican National Committee or the Democratic National Committee to nominate official candidates for president and vice president in the upcoming election, establish party rules, and adopt the party's platform (page 337)

In a free-market economy, most key economic decisions are made by

corporate elites

Interest groups mostly protect

corporations in order to preserve their profits.


counts votes and make deals to secure votes.

What is the process called of obtaining ideas, fundraising contributions or soliciting policy support by enlisting on-line a large group of people?


The decline in the number of people identifying with either party is referred to as


Since the 1960s there has been a ____ in mass trust of the government.


when are you voting in a presidential primary, who are you voting for?

delegates to the party's national convention

what form of government is most vulnerable to terrorism


Online media, by representing a wider range of political views than traditional news sources, have created

democratic press

The avoidance of nuclear war through the idea that rational elites would avoid mutual destruction is called


which of these historical forces helped give rise to a climate conducive to terrorism?

direct military confrontations became more dangerous in the nuclear age

The media's socialization function is to

dissipate elite preferences and values to the masses.

which of the following categories make up the plurality of interest groups?

economic and corporate groups

What did Locke think would bring an end to human conflict and war in society?

economic development and security

the hallmark of democracy


Primary elections

elections held to select a party's candidate for the general election

When do children develop an emotional attachment to political concepts, such as liberty, democracy, and respect for others?

elementary school

The __________ of society are the most willing to apply democratic values in specific situations.


The administrative procedure act and negotiated rule making act play important roles in opening up the bureaucratic process to interest group influences by...

encouraging federal agencies to consult affect interests or stakeholders

Terrorists captured in Afghanistan and Iraq are held under the status of

enemy combatant.

many experts see digital media as a catalyst for____ the democratic process


The federal courts have established ____ as a critical factor in establishing the boundaries of legislative districts

equal populations

which of the following values or outcomes would likely be oppose by MOST americans?

equality of income

What is not a consensus value in American Democracy

equality of outcome

Article 6, Supremacy Clause

establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions

iron triangles

executive branches, legislative committees, and interest groups

When a president signs a bill into law he often includes a signing statement, which

explains his understanding of the law.

In the early years of the Republic, political parties were seen as

factions that represented a threat to the social order of the country.

fairness doctrine although not enforced today required what

fairness doctrine required that broadcasters that aired programs on controversial issues provide time for opposing views.

Most people acquire their initial orientation through


linked fate phenomenon

filter through which black americans who share a race evaluate info through that

Importance of New York Sun

first newspaper, brought popularity to printed news

1960 Presidential Debate

first televised Presidential debate, Nixon vs Kennedy, Kennedy looks young and youthful while Nixon looks old and sick, helps Kennedy win

Which is not one of Max Weber's characteristics of a bureaucracy?


The argument over the role of the EPA in regulating the practice of "fracking" is an example of the competing demands

for cheap energy and the cost to the environment

What is the first and most influence on?

formation of individual values

state legislators routinely seek to influence electoral outcomes by manipulating


3 important forces that play role in shaping opinions in the market place of ideas are

gov't, private groups, and the new media

The federal government expanded its control over states and communities through the use of


After 36 years of dominating U.S. political life, the Republican Party lost power after ____ began.

great depression

In recent decades, party control of the House and Senate

has seen both houses change party leadership

Nationally, same-sex marriage currently

has strong popular support.

Lobbying firms will hire former members of Congress or former White House aides because they

have personal contacts with decision makers.

In 2003, Californias voted out Governor Gray Davis. This election was unusual because...

he lost in a rare recall effort

what is not true about Aaron Burr?

he served as governor of Florida

Preeminent power and dominance by one nation on the global system is referred to as


Constituent service, or casework, is a form of retail politics where politicians

help people on a personal level.

Common criteria for newsworthy items

high impact, familiar, up to date

When President Obama committed U. S. forces to assisting the overthrow of Dictator Muammar Qaddafi, it demonstrated again

how Congress is reluctant to invoke the War Powers Act.


identification with or support of a particular party or cause


identification with or support of a particular party or cause (page 329)

when can government outlaw religious practices?

if the religion poses a threat to society

In democratic nations, the first function of elections is to

illustrate a symbolic show of input from the masses.

The only way to remove a federal court judge is through


Power in the United States requires an elite member to be

in an institutional position.

over the past 2 decades, interest groups expenditures in California have


PACs give most of their money to


In MOST congressional election,___ outspend___

incumbents outspend challengers

The federal government finances itself primarily from

individual income tax and social security payroll taxes.

what does Alex de Tocqueville argue is detrimental to a sense of social and civic duty and thus diminishes the life of the community?


polls not only measure public opinion; but they also _______ public opinion


what is the most widespread and important category of selective benefits offered to group member

informational benefits

legislative items placed on the ballot so people can vote on them directly, bypassing the state's legislature are known as


Most Congressmen sacrifice local ties and succumb to the attractions of Washington's______social lifestyle.

inside the beltway

The NAACP was created with the goal of the

integration of blacks into the existing society.

what was accomplished by the 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act

it expanded the definition of the organization and individuals that must register to lobby

what made the Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case so controversial?

it said corporations have the same First Amendment rights that individuals do

To appeal to the majority of voters, a political party will have to ________________.

launch an extensive media campaign.

The majority of the Founders at the Constitutional Convention had training in which professional field?


Griswold vs Connecticut

law stated that anyone using contraceptives would be arrested and fined. The case declared States ban on the use of contraceptives violated the right to marital privacy and could not be enforced against married people.

The Democratic Party relies more heavily on __________________ for funding than the Republican Party

lawyers and unions

Pluralism treats business elites as

leaders of just another interest group.

describes a question on the ballot asking citizens to give the state permission to repeal an existing law

legislative referendum

Which groups exhibits the lowest level of political participation?

less educated

In contrast to tradition, the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren was known for its

liberal bloc

Which of the following is generally considered a core US value?


The Constitution sets up a system where the role of the masses is

limited and indirect.

war in which adversaries choose not to use the most potent weapons available to them?

limited war

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was an attempt to

loosen restrictions on media ownership

Elites respond to interest group protests by

making symbolic gestures to pacify active protestors.

Corporate power is generally wielded by the ______________ of the nation's large industrial corporations and financial institutions.

managers //* =[+

When choosing members of his cabinet, the president

may choose anyone he wants.

media have played a central role in what major events...

media have played a central role in the civil rights movement, the ending of American involvement in the Vietnam War, the Watergate investigation, and the U.S. decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

The original party system in the United States pitted the Federalists, supported by ____ against the Jeffersonian Republicans, supported by ____.

merchants; agricultural interests

When a congressional election is held that does not coincide with a presidential election, it is called a(n)

midterm election

Desegregation was accomplished through the use of_____________.

military force.

Soft money

money contributed directly to political parties and other organizations for political activities, such as voter mobilization drives, that is not regulated by federal campaign spending laws

Based on most polls, the people have

more confidence and trust in the state and local governments than in the federal government.

Since 1803, the federal courts have struck down ________ laws of Congress.

more than 100

if you consider yourself moderate, you are like

most Americans

Regarding homosexuality, a 2009 public opinion poll indicated that

most said it was not "morally wrong" or "not a moral issue."

Third parties are least likely to achieve electoral success in which types of elections?


Which of the following factors have studies indicated likely matters least in generating long-term support for a presidential candidate?

national debate performance

Held every 4 years and attended by delegates from all 50 states

national party convention


news and information that is manipulated or slanted to affect its interpretation and influence public opinion

Niche journalism

news reporting devoted to a targeted portion (subset) of a journalism market sector or for a portion of readers/viewers based on content or ideological presentation

Niche Journalism

news reporting devoted to a targeted portion of a journalism market sector or for a portion or readers/viewers based on content or ideological presentation

The news media deciding what news stories and who should be in the news is _________.


Most voters have _______ information about many of the specific policy issues upon which to base their voting choices.


Most voters have _________ information about many of the specific policy issues upon which to base their voting choices.


In the case of Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court ruled that

no limits can be placed on candidates' expenditures of their own funds, since such spending is considered free speech

527 committee

nonprofit independent groups that receive and disburse funds to influence the nomination, election, or defeat of candidates as long as their activities are not coordinated with the candidate campaigns. Named after Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, which defines and grants tax-exempt status to nonprofit advocacy groups

527 committees

nonprofit independent groups that receive and disburse funds to influence the nomination, election, or defeat of candidates as long as their activities are not coordinated with the candidate campaigns. Named after Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, which defines and grants tax-exempt status to nonprofit advocacy groups (page 338)

Bias in interest group representation

not everyone has a voice, normally wealthier do

Jacksonian democracy was concerned with

opening the elite

Political parties & why we have 2

organized groups that attempt to influence the government by electing their members to important government offices p 329

Presentment Clause in Article I

outlines federal legislative procedure by which bills originating in Congress become federal law in the United States

Third parties

parties that organize to compete against the two major American political parties

Party Activists

partisans who contribute time, energy, and effort to support their party and its candidates

The most accurate predictor of vote choice is

party identification

The most accurate predictor of vote choice is ______________________.

party identification

The term ______ refers to the number of parties competing for power, the organization of the parties, the dominant form of campaigning, the main division between the parties, the balance of power between and within party coalitions, social and institutional bases, and the issues and policies around which completion is organized.

party system

Congress can restrain the bureaucracy through

passing legislation that changes regulations

Political Values/Beliefs

person's basic orientation to politics

As more voters identify as independents, ____________ of candidates have become central to many.

personal characteristics

As more voters identify as independents, _______________ of candidates have become central to many.

personal characteristics

Traditionally female-dominated occupations, such as nursing and teaching, are known as

pink-collar jobs.

The majority of criminal cases are decided by

plea bargain

a bias in the interest group system that favors the wealthy is a criticism of which theory of the gov't


the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the gov't; the outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation


what is the vote necessary to win most American political elections

plurality (most votes)

political socialization is the process through which

political beliefs and values formed

primary elections are held to select

political party's presidential candidate for the general election

501 (c)(4) committee

politically active nonprofits; under federal law, these nonprofits can spend unlimited amounts on political campaigns and not disclose their donors as long as their activities are not coordinated with the candidate campaigns and political activities are not their primary purpose


politically active nonprofits; under federal law, these nonprofits can spend unlimited amounts on political campaigns and not disclose their donors as long as their activities are not coordinated with the candidate campaigns and political activities are not their primary purpose (page 338)

Sampling error (margin of error)

polling error that arises based on the small size of the sample

Selection bias (surveys)

polling error that arises when the sample is not representative of the population being studied, which creates errors in overrepresenting or underrepresenting some opinions

Free media refers to

positive new and feature coverage by the media themselves

social conservatism

preservation of traditional values and beliefs (social traditional issue views)

The Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade on the notion of a Constitutional right to



process of preparing the public to bring specific criteria to mind when evaluating a politician or issue


process of preparing the public to bring specific criteria to mind when evaluating a politician or issue (page 273)

when newspapers 1st emerged they were motivated primarily by

profit seeking

John Locke's principal of natural law includes the rights to life, liberty and


Third parties would be more successful under which of the following election systems?

proportion represenatation

what is the system of voting where the seats of the legislature are assigned to parties based on the percentage of the popular vote that each party receives?


Voting strictly based on perceived economic conditions and holding those incumbents responsible is

prospective voting

Voting strictly based on perceived economic conditions and holding those incumbents responsible is ____________________.

prospective voting

The president's function for the masses is to

provide a vicarious means of taking political action.

what is the first and foremost part of a lobbyist's job

providing info to lawmakers about their interest and the legislation at hand

Vesting Clauses

provisions in Article I, Section 1; Article II, Section 1, Clause 1; and Article III, Section 1 of the United States Constitution that vest the United States' legislative power in the Congress, the executive power in the President, and judicial power in the federal judiciary. The Constitution thus explicitly creates a separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government of the United States.

which of the following media forms could be considered essentially a headline service

radio news

the most accurate public opinion polls utilize

random sampling

The idea that a country should act abroad only when it is necessary to protect a clearly defined national interest is


Parties are important in the electoral process for

recruiting and nominating candidates for office.

Gender Gap

refers to a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views between women and men

Hard Money

regulated and disclosed

The term for multiple elites that compete and are largely independent of each other is

relative autonomy

What type of democracy is exhibited by the current US government?


Which type of democracy is exhibited by the current United States government?


In response to the 2001 terrorist attacks, the elite in the United States responded by enacting the PATRIOT Act, which

restricted freedom in the name of protecting democracy.

In response to the 2001 terrorist attacks, the elite in the United States responded by enacting the PATRIOT act which __________________.

restricted freedom in the name of protecting democracy.

The term describes elites moving from one power position to another among the private and public sectors.

revolving door

Red lion Broadcasting Company v. FCC, confirmed the FCC's regulation called

right of rebuttal

limits 3rd parties

s single-member districts and plurality voting limit the electoral prospects of third parties.

terrorism embraces all except

satisfying a love of violence

Public opinion polls

scientific instruments for measuring public opinion

Straight-ticket voting

selecting candidates from the same political party for all offices on the ballot

Solidary benefits

selective benefits of group membership that emphasize friendship, networking, and consciousness-raising

in the nomination process, a party

selects a single candidate to run for an elective office.

Federal judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the


Cooperative federalism describes the

sharing of power between the federal and state government.

During his impeachment proceedings, changes in approval ratings for President Clinton were

significant -- his approval rating went up dramatically.

which particular segment of conservatives is most oppose to immigration

social conservatives

Agents of socialization

social institutions, including families and schools, that help to shape individuals' basic political beliefs and values

Voters are less knowledgeable about __________ politics, though they can exercise more direct influence over its policies.

state and local

Sub-elites are

state and local elites.


state and local elites.

Over the past two centuries of American history, which of the following has been the MOST persistent barrier to increased suffrage for disenfranchised groups?

state laws

Only the ________ has/have the power to amend the U.S. Constitution.


Socioeconomic status

status in society based on level of education, income, and occupational prestige

socioeconomic status

status in society based on level of education, income, and occupational prestige (page 301)

Party machines

strong party organizations in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American cities; these machines were led by often corrupt "bosses" who controlled party nominations and patronage

Mass support for fundamental democratic values, such as freedom of speech, is best characterized as


Mass support for fundamental democratic values, such as freedom of speech, is best characterized as


A state w/ roughly similar number of registered democrats and republicans

swing state

Public opinion

symbolizes citizen's attitudes about political issues, leaders, events, values

Federal budget surpluses ended after 2001 because of

tax cuts, which reduced government revenues.

What is the most popular mass media worldwide?


The relative autonomy of elites means

that each segment of the elite is relatively independent of the others and is able to pursue its own interests.

states that adopt smoking bans provide an ex of gov't policy

that shared public opinion

what protects citizens in the US against the abuse of police power?

the 4th amendment

The US Supreme Court ruled that independent expenditures by corporations and unions could not be restricted. This case is known as

the Citizens United case.

America's money supply is controlled by

the Federal Reserve System.

The term "global cop" refers to

the United States as first responder to any global problem.

When civil rights issues come up for a popular vote (in states with initiative and referendum) the result is that

the anti-civil rights side regularly wins

When civil rights issues come up for a popular vote (in states with initiative and referendum), the result is tha

the anti-civil rights side regularly wins.


the apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one racial or ethnic group or political party

The idea that regulated industries come to benefit from government regulation and regulators begin to represent the regulated is known as

the capture theory.

Divided government

the condition in American government wherein the presidency is controlled by one party while the opposing party controls one or both houses of Congress

The largest number of PACs come from

the corporate sector

Party polarization

the division between the two major parties on most policy issues, with members of each party unified around their party's positions with little crossover

Social desirability effect

the effect that results when respondents in a survey report what they expect the interviewer wishes to hear rather than what they believe

Digital Divide

the gap in access to the Internet among demographic groups based on education, income, age, geographic location, and race/ethnicity

Political socialization

the induction of individuals into the political culture; learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based

Segregation did not end simply because the Supreme Court ordered it, because

the intent of the Court was not shared by local policy-making officials.

what makes it hard for governments to hide the truth or censor the news?

the internet

The government institution most strongly supported by Americans is

the military

Early Voting

the option in some states to cast a vote at a polling place or by mail before the election

Same day registration

the option in some states to register on the day of the election, at the polling place, rather than in advance of the election

Media monopoly

the ownership and control of the media by a few large corporations

Majority party

the party that holds the majority of legislative seats in either the House or the Senate

Minority party

the party that holds the minority of legislative seats in either the House or the Senate

Electoral realignment

the point in history when a new party supplants the ruling party, becoming in turn the dominant political force; in the United States, this has tended to occur roughly every 30 years

electoral realignment

the point in history when a new party supplants the ruling party, becoming in turn the dominant political force; in the United States, this has tended to occur roughly every 30 years (page 355)

Agenda setting

the power of the media to bring public attention to particular issues and problems


the power of the media to influence how events and issues are interpreted

The presidency's real power is

the power to persuade others in the political system.


the practice of referring a proposed law passed by a legislature to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection

Electoral College

the presidential electors from each state who meet after the general election to cast ballots for president and vice president


the process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity


the process by which political parties select their candidates for election to public office


the process of redrawing election districts and redistributing legislative representatives; this happens every 10 years, to reflect shifts in population or in response to legal challenges in existing districts


the resources available to higher officials, usually opportunities to make partisan appointments to offices and to confer grants, licenses, or special favors to supporters


the right to vote; also called franchise

Iron Triangle

the stable, cooperative relationship that often develops among a congressional committee, an administrative agency, and one or more supportive interest groups; not all of these relationships are triangular, but the iron triangle is the most typical


the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government; the outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation

Single-issue interest groups are effective because

their members are very committed to the cause

Elite theory, or elitism, is the basic notion that within the government

there are a few individuals with power who make all decisions.

Elite theory, or elitism, is the basic notion that within the government, ________________

there are few with power who control all decisions.

Experienced legislators are more likely to vote for unpopular bills because

they know their constituents aren't likely to respond.

In the elite model of public policymaking, opinion making is performed by

think tanks.

Significance of private media in the US

this media is not regulated and can act as it wants

Free riders

those who enjoy the benefits of collective goods but did not participate in acquiring or providing them

The greatest gift a lobbyist can offer is

to mobilize voters on behalf of a candidate


today this term refers to those who generally support social and political reform, governmental intervention in the economy, more economic equality, expansion of federal social services, and greater concern for consumers and the environment


today this term refers to those who generally support the social and economic status quo and are suspicious of efforts to introduce new political formulas and economic arrangements; conservatives believe that a large and powerful government poses a threat to citizens' freedom

what has NOT been instrumental in pushing candidates for public office away from the parties and into the arms of interest groups in Cali

top 2 primary elections, term limits, and non-partisan elections at the local level

what is against the moral code of the United States


Business conservatives

traditional small-gov't republicans

Representative government is based on consent of the governed within a given country, state, or local jurisdiction. True or False?


The United States focuses on equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome. True or False?


Yellow Journalism

type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers

What did the McCain-Feingold bill attempt to outlaw?

unregulated "soft money" raised by political parties and that could be used to support candidates

Soft Money

unregulated and disclosed

Soft money

unregulated money give to parties for general use. This is used in the form of issues adds.

The Supreme Court response to elite repression in cases such as the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II or the prosecution of communists advocating the overthrow of the American government in the 1950s was to

uphold these acts as constitutional.

Prospective voting

voting based on the imagined future performance of a candidate or political party

Retrospective voting

voting based on the past performance of a candidate or political party

members of interest groups are most likely to be


Hyper pluralism

when too many groups or factions are so strong that a government is unable to function

under the legal concept of Affirmative Action, all of these groups can and have requested preferential treatment based on past discrimination except

white men

The main goal of a party is to

win elections

The main goal of a party is to

win elections.

which group won suffrage in 1920


Reasons why US turnout is lower than other countries

work hours, older population, feel as if vote doesn't matter

The Supreme Court technically MUST hear writs of appeal. If four or more justices agree to hear the case, they may issue a

writ of certiorari.

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