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Health education

"any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups, and skills needed to make quality health educations."

Health education

"comprises of consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge and developing which are conducive to individual and community health"

1. Social diagnosis 2. epidemiologic diagnosis 3. behavior and environmental diagnosis 4. education and Organizational diagnosis 5. administrative and policy diagnosis 6. implementation 7. process evaluation 8. impact evaluation 9. outcome evaluation

9 phases of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model

direct reinforcement vicarious through self-management

According to the Social Learning Theory, reinforcement can be accomplished in one of three ways:

Staff education

Amidst all these mandates and requirements that the nurse as a health educator faces is the need to be knowledgeable about the principles of teaching and learning. Hence, the nurse needs to know not only the subject matter but also her role in the teaching-learning process and the nature of the learner.

social cognitive theory

Bandura named the theory as ________________________ to emphasize the cognitive aspect of learning which explains human behavior by citing three factors which are in continuous interaction resulting in a process of reciprocal determinism or triadic reciprocal causality namely: 1. personal factors in the form of cognition, affect and biological events, 2. behavior and, 3. environmental influences.


Emphasizes that cognition plays a critical role in people's capability to construct reality, self regulate, encode information, and perform behaviors.


Factor of biopsychosocial model (BPS) that is concerned with the functioning of the different organs systems of the body and its coping and adaptive mechanisms like immunity level, genetic susceptibility or predisposition


Factor of biopsychosocial model (BPS) that is related to perceptions, thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behaviors

Social factors

Factor of biopsychosocial model (BPS) that is related to socioeconomic status, cultural beliefs and practices, poverty, technology, environmental influences and conditions


HEALTH PROMOTION THEORY (REVISED) is widely used in the field of _____________.

1. individual characteristics and experiences 2. behavior specific cognitions and effect 3. behavioral outcome 4. activity related effect 5. commitment to a plan of action



Health Education "comprises of consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge and developing which are conducive to individual and community health" is defined by?

Joint Committee on Health Education and Promotion Terminology of 2001

Health Education is "any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups, and skills needed to make quality health educations." is defined by?

Nola J. Pender

Health Promotion Theory was developed by?


Is the single most important aspect of the sense of self that determines one's effort to change behavior according to BANDURA. It is equated with self confidence in one's ability to successfully perform a specific type of action.

The Code of Ethics for Health Educators, Association for the Advancement of Health Education

Its purpose is to contribute to health and well-being by promoting lifestyles, community actions and conditions that make it possible to live healthful lives". is a definition of health education provided by?

Teacher clarity Teacher style - a blend of form or content - the teaching persona - a pleasant speaking voice - the use of a variety of teaching strategies, jokes, humor - good timing



Policy, regulatory, and organizational constricts in education and environmental development. This component was added in 1999 by Green and Kreuter.


Predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling constructs in educational diagnosis and evaluation. This was developed by green, et. al. in 1980.

1. Encourage interaction between the teacher and the learner 2. Elicit cooperation among the students to do collaborative learning 3. Students should engage in active learning 4. Giving prompt feedback 5. Emphasizing time on task 6. Communicating higher expectations 7.Respecting the diverse talents and ways of learning



Social learning theory is the result of separate research by _________ and __________.

Promote Enhance Maintain

The Health Educators role are as follows:

Bastable, 2003

The recent developments in the field of health care have served to highlight the important role of education in" helping the patients and their families assume responsibility for self-care management".

Cues to Action

These are events which can activate a person's "readiness to act" and stimulate an observable behavior. Some examples of external strategies to activate "READINESS" are the information sought delivered in print with educational materials or though any electronic mass media, reminders by powerful "OTHERS" or perhaps of influence, persuasive communication, personal experience and one-to-one counseling.


This model was developed in 1987 and revised by PENDER in 1996 to increase the utility of its predictions and interventions

teacher learner subject-matter

Three pillars of teaching-learning process:


Trends in Health Education shifts in payer coverage, emphasis on managed care and earlier hospital discharge, and the issue on reimbursement for health services provided require more intensive patient education to allow the patient and family a more independent, compliant and confident management of care.


Trends in Health Education the federal government t formulation national goals and objectives directed towards the development of effective health education programs which will create awareness of health risks and encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles.


Trends in Health Education that is related to demographic trends like aging of the population requires on self-reliance and maintenance of a healthy life status over an extended lifespan particularly dealing with degenerative diseases and disabilities; lifestyle-related diseases which are the major causes of morbidity and mortality are highly preventable and will need more intensive health education efforts


__________ component address criteria for policy, implementation and evaluation as influenced by the diagnoses in the PRECEDE phases.


___________ component identify priorities and objectives

The Teaching of Health Education

a comprehensive health education curriculum consists of planned learning experiences which will help students achieve desirable attitudes and practices related to critical health issues.

perceived severity

a person's opinion of how serious the condition is

perceived susceptibility

a person's opinion of the chances of getting a certain condition

perceived benefits

a person's opinion of the effectiveness of some advised action to reduce the risk or seriousness of the impact

perceived barriers

a person's opinion pf the concrete and psychological costs of this advised action.

Patient education

a process of assisting people to learn health-related behaviors (knowledge, skills, attitudes, values) which can be incorporated into their everyday lives.

efficacy expectations

are feelings of competency


are the values that people place on an expected outcome. They more highly valued the expected outcome, the more likely the person will perform the needed behavior to yield that outcome


deals with how the individual perceives the health threats and the state of emotional control, discipline, and motivation to stay healthy. Psychosocial factors can cause a biological effect by predisposing the patient to risk factors and risk taking behaviors.


emphasizes "actualizing health potential" and increasing the level of well being using approach behaviors rather than avoidance of disease that is why it has been classified as a health promotion model rather than disease prevention model

Green & Kreuter, 1999

health education is defined as "any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary action conducive to health".

outcome expectations

if a person believes that the outcome of the behavior is not great or good enough in terms of benefits, he/she may not attempt the behavior in spite the feeling of competence or efficacy expectations

health educator

is "a professionally prepared individual who serves in a variety of roles and is specifically trained to use appropriate educational strategies and methods to facilitate the development of policies, procedures, interventions and systems conducive to the health of individual groups and communities


is a change in behavior (knowledge, sills and attitudes) that can occur at any time or in any place as a result of exposure to environmental stimuli.


is a deliberate intervention involving the planning and implementation of instructional activities and experiences to meet the intended learner outcomes based on the teaching plan.

Health education

is a process concerned with designing,implementing and evaluating educational programs thatenable families,groups,organizations and communities to play active roles in achieving, protecting and sustaining health.

The Education Process

is a systematic, sequential, planned course of action with teaching and learning as its two major interdependent functions and the teacher and learner as the key players involved (Bastable, 2003).


is an action by which knowledge, skills and attitudes are consciously or unconsciously acquired and behavior is altered which can be seen or observed.

The biopsychosocial model (BPS)

is an approach that states that human experience of health or illness is greatly affected or determined by the interplay or interrelatedness of the following factors


is concerned with the individua's perception of his/her ability to deal with the health threats or health problems and the barriers posed by the society or the environment towards the attainment of health and healthy lifestyle.

Health education

is defined as the set of philosophies and methodologies that educate the general public, healthcare practitioners, and communities about anything related to health. It draws from disciplines that include biology, environmental science, ecology, psychology, physical science, and medical science.


is just one aspect of teaching which involves communicating information about a specific skill (cognitive, affective or psychomotor). It is sometimes used interchangeably with teaching.


refers to the ability of humans to think and, therefore, to expect certain results in certain situations.

behavioral capability

refers to the knowledge and skills necessary to do a behavior which influences actions. If individuals are to be able to perform specific behaviors. They must first know what the behaviors are and how to perform them.


seeks to explain the cause of illness or disease as a result of the breakdown in the physical or physiological functioning of the body


was based on the epidemiological perspective on health promotion to combat the leading causes of death.


was one of the first models originally introduced by a group of psychologist in 1950's to find out why people refused to use available preventive services, such as chest x-rays for tuberculosis screening and immunization for influenza.

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