PSY-010 Exam 2

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Research indicates that educational homogamy is typical in marriages A) In the United States B) Between partners who attend college C) Between partners from the same cultural background D) Between older individuals


Successful couples A) Are always happy B) Strive for improvement C) Are always fulfilled with the relationship D) None of the above


The cycle that consists of the phases and stages over the life span is A) Marriage B) Family life cycle C) Human development D) None of the above


The most notable changes in middle adulthood are A) Emotional B) Physical C) Mental D) Psychological


To have more family time, some couples A) Call in sick often B) Scale back C) Quit their job D) Do not change their current routine


Typically women take on A) Volunteer work B) More family responsibilities than men C) Cooking responsibilities D) None of the above


What happens in the first ____ of marriage is important in predicting marital satisfaction over the long run. A) 1 year B) 2 years C) 3 years D) 4 years


When someone chooses someone to spend their life with, A) Where they live is important B) Compatibility is essential C) Discussion about children is essential D) Feeling comfortable with the families is important


Women represent a disproportionate percentage of the poor; this is known as A) Gender B) Feminization of poverty C) Mental illness D) None of the above


The most important motives for working are A) Personal fulfillment and satisfaction B) Desire to improve the family's standard of living C) Financial necessity D) B and C


The period of time between the last child leaving home and parents retiring is called the A) Empty nest period B) Postpartum period C) Postparental period D) A and C


The text identifies destructive communication as involving all of the following except: A) Hurtful B) Critical in a cold, unfeeling way C) Negative comments D) Walking away


What is true about marital adjustment tasks? A) They can be defined as the process of modifying, adapting, and altering individual and couple patterns. B) They involve areas of concern in marriage in which adjustments must be made. C) Couples discover that they must make adjustments to live together harmoniously. D) B and C


When elderly people are incapable of caring for themselves A) Alternate living arrangements must be made B) Members of the family need to consult with the elderly parent C) The place of residence needs to be chosen with great care D) All of the above


Widowhood can be seen as A) A dynamic process B) A time of personal growth C) Moving into an unknown future D) A and B


Exchange theory involves A) Cost-benefit analysis B) Process of filtering and weeding out C) A process in which a nurturant person would seek out a succorant mate D) A process in which a dominant mate would select a submissive mate


Many families go into debt because of A) Excessive and unwise use of credit cards B) Family crisis such as medical expenses C) Loss of a job D) All of the above


Religious homogamy A) Is associated with higher levels of marital happiness and stability B) Has no effect on marital happiness or stability C) Indicates family pressure D) None of the above


The families that are the most in debt are not the poor but rather the middle class. A) True B) False


The filtering process is A) A process by which mates are sorted by filtering out ineligibles according to various standards B) A process that starts with a small field of eligibles C) Not practiced by most people D) None of the above


Throughout life, which of the following is important for maintaining healthy relationships in a family? A) Social support B) Education C) Having a specific viewpoint D) None of the above


Which is NOT true about meeting one another's need for love and affection? A) Marital rituals B) Words that express warmth C) Appreciation D) Endearment


According to numerous studies, one of the most important requirements in a successful marriage is A) Economic stability B) Good communication C) A supportive family D) Adequate housing


Commitment A) Is not frightening B) Is the bedrock on which every enduring family is built C) Plays a small role in a relationship D) None of the above


Ego resiliency is A) The period between the last child leaving home and parents retiring B) The generalized capacity for flexible and resourceful adaptation to stressors C) An opportunity for change and growth D) The fact that people differ in their capacity for growth


Homogamy is A) The selection of a partner who is different from oneself B) The selection of a partner who is similar to oneself C) The capability of living together D) Desired qualities


Many dual-earner families A) Feel stressed B) Are healthy and thriving C) Are overly focused on money D) Find their situation to be good for their relationship


One of the most important predictors of life satisfaction in elderly individuals is A) Family living nearby B) Good health C) Financial security D) Housing


Potential problems can often be A) Pointed out by friends B) Seen before the marriage C) Learned through a survey quiz D) None of the above


What is true about problems in relationships? A) They indicate a need for counseling. B) They indicate a need for an attorney. C) They are normal. D) None of the above


A hierarchy of human needs ascending from physiological to psychological is part of _____________'s theory. A) Freud B) Cacioppo C) Maslow D) None of the above


A major challenge for couples and families is A) Having enough money B) Long work weeks C) Spending enough time together D) Technology


Altruistic love is A) A love based on common concerns and interests, companionship, and respect for the partner's personality and character B) A term used to describe love as a combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment C) Unselfish concern for the welfare of another D) All of the above


Another factor contributing to a successful marriage is A) Sharing household chores B) Each member of the couple working C) Sharing spirituality, morality, and values D) Sharing a conservative viewpoint


Companionate love is A) Rational, reasonable love B) Sexual, sensuous love C) A type of love characterized by warmth, affection, and commitment D) Friendship


In recent years, the arrival of a first child is viewed as A) A gift B) A surprise C) A period of stress and transition D) A crisis


Middle-aged adults caught between caring for their children and their elderly parents are known as A) Reverse parents B) Parents' parents C) Sandwich generation D) Primary caregivers


Noncontingent reinforcement is A) Acceptance of another person as he or she is B) Friendship C) Unconditional approval of another person D) Good communication


One strategy for meeting financial needs is to use A) A financial advisor B) The envelope system C) A budget D) A credit/debit card


Premarital and marital enrichment programs A) Focus on communication skills B) May be offered in various places, including community centers and colleges C) Both of the above D) Neither of the above


Some middle-aged individuals are called to take on which role? A) Parents B) Political positions C) Caretakers D) None of the above


Spouses whose marriages are successful A) Have strict boundaries B) Have written contracts C) Are adaptable and flexible D) Go with the flow


Stress during childrearing will be greater if the parents A) Do not agree on the raising of the child B) Are older C) Are young and immature D) Have not taken childbirth classes


The strongest predictor of relationship persistence is A) Trust B) Communication C) Commitment D) Sex


There are four criteria of a successful marriage. Which one is not one of the criteria? A) Durability B) Fulfillment of needs C) Romance D) Approximation of ideals


A couple's idea of love may change over the years in what way? A) Less emphasis on romance B) More emphasis on friendship, trust, cooperation, dependability, and acceptance C) Less sex D) A and B


A growing number of poor families are A) Homeless B) Living on the street C) Living or staying in temporary shelters D) All of the above


A major stress for families in maintaining family life involves A) The chores of daily living B) Providing shelter C) Caring for children D) All of the above


Among the causes of poverty are A) Political decisions B) Racism C) Sexism D) All of the above


An engagement A) Involves the giving of a ring, usually a diamond B) Is a stage between courtship and marriage C) Involves showing intent and making a formal announcement D) B and C


Human beings differ in terms of their A) Needs B) Preferences C) Habits D) All of the above


In U.S. culture, the rite of passage from single to married involves A) Engagement B) Wedding ceremony C) Wedding reception D) All of the above


Middle age is a time of heaviest responsibilities A) At work B) In the family C) In the community D) All of the above


One measure of marital success is whether the marriage makes a sufficient contribution to individual needs, including which of the following? A) Sexual needs B) Social needs C) Psychological needs D) All of the above


One of the most basic human needs in a relationship is A) Being fed B) Being accepted C) Being appreciated D) B and C


Parents who are employed have less time to spend A) With their children B) Doing household chores C) On cooking, so they use take-out more often D) All of the above


People regret their choices of a partner because A) Of a number of reasons B) They live in a fantasy world C) They look for the wrong qualities D) All of the above


Poverty guidelines are used to determine whether a family qualifies for A) Subsidized housing B) Child care assistance C) Medicaid D) All of the above


Poverty is associated with A) Poor school performance B) Higher rate of school dropout C) Lower performance in math and reading D) All of the above


Research on individual traits focuses on A) Physical traits B) Personality traits C) Mental health D) All of the above


Romantic love is A) a term used by Tennov to describe intense, wildly emotional highs and lows of being in love B) Love of self; selfish, self-centered love C) Showering the person with flowers, candy, and romantic dinners D) A profoundly tender or passionate affection for another person, characterized by intense feelings and emotion


Some people make the wrong choice of mate because they A) Want to please their parents and succumb to the pressure to marry B) Choose not to do counseling C) Confuse sex with love D) A and C


Stressful jobs A) May include periods of separation from the family B) Make it impossible for parents to spend quality time with family C) May not give enough raises D) A and B


Successful couples A) Are aware of the value of time B) Attempt to maximize their use of time C) Are protective and thoughtful of meaningful and rewarding time together D) All of the above


Successful marriage requires A) A sincere desire to make the marriage work B) Solid investments C) Willingness to expend time D) A and C


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