PSY 101 Final

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61. The ___________ monitors brain waves and can be used to teach people how to produce alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation.

d. electroencephalograph

53. People with panic attacks tend to:

d. misinterpret bodily cues and view them as threats

34. Seligman (1996) suggested that when things go wrong, we sometimes develop inappropriate attributional styles towards the causes of failure. Which of the following was not proposed by him?

d. negative or positive

2. Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of __________ in the brain.

d. norepinephrine

82. Perl's ideas about conflicting personality elements owe much to _______________.

d. psychodynamic theory

27. Prefrontal lobotomy was pioneered by ____________.

a.Antonio Egas Moniz

15. Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform?

a. belonging to a collectivist society

9. According to the study conducted by Sprecher and Felmlee in 2008, U.S. women are more willing than U.S. men to marry someone who ____________.

a. is not good-looking

29. Nadar was at work when he suddenly felt as if he was choking, was going numb, and was having the chills. He most likely is suffering from a ___________.

a. panic disorder

97. The core of generalized anxiety disorder appears to be __________________.

a. pervasive worrying about numerous stressors

7. In the context of humanitarian reform movements during the 18th century, which of the following happened when Philippe Pinel, a physician, unchained the patients at La Salpêtrière in Paris?

a. Patients profited from kindness and freedom.

26. Jack's therapist Susan wants him to recall significant points about his recent appraisal to help him cope with his work effectively. In this scenario, Susan is using _______________.

b. cognitive therapy

80. A man witnessed an explosion in which a coworker died, and soon after, he lost his vision. Despite many neurological tests, doctors could not find any organic basis for the man's loss of eyesight. The man is most likely suffering from ______________.

b. conversion disorder

13. Elena was curious if what someone says corresponds with how they actually behave. Which of the following was not a factor discussed by your text?

b. how the attitude was formed

28. Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapists?

d. They may help clients become aware of the circumstances in which maladaptive behaviors occur.

70. Which of the following statements is true of attribution theory?

d. We are biased toward making dispositional attributions when when we explain other people's behavior.

56. behavior therapy __________________ to directly promote desired behavior changes.

d. applies principles of learning

88. In the contest of specific phobias, _____________ is the fear of tight or enclosed places.

d. claustrophobia

94. In cognitive-dissonance theory, ___________ is the tendency of people to seek explanations for their own behavior in such a way that unpleasant undertakings seem worth it.

d. effort justification

30. According to the social-cognitive perspective, aggressive skills are mainly acquired by ______________.

d. observation of other people acting aggressively

60. In the context of sources of prejudice, when people view those who belong to their own groups more favorably than those who do not, they are involved in ____________.

c. social categorization

21. Which of the following statements is true of social facilitation?

d. It is the process by which a person's performance is increased when other members of a group engage in similar behavior.

76. According to Lauren (2018) and Layton and Smith (2017) which of the following factors is not a reason is not a reason as to why prejudiced people select their targets?

d. Lack of familiarity

22. During the political debate, Jan suddenly realized that the only news shows that she watches are liberal and similar to her own. She cannot recall the last time she watched a conservative talk show. Jan is exhibiting ____________.

d. Selective exposure

1. Hudson was pretty depressed because, after receiving some world news updates on his cell phone, he believed that the world was a violent place. His friends were surprised by his mood because Hudson worked with wonderful people at his place of worship. According to Beck, what type of cognitive error is this?

c. selective perception

73. After surviving the horrific car accident, Jesus has experienced intense fear and avoids driving a car. He most likely is suffering from _____________.

d. post-traumatic stress disorder

91. _____________________ is a subfield of social psychology that studies the ways in which we form and modify impressions of others.

c. Social perception

33. Enduring behavioral and cognitive tendencies that are learned and expressed by evaluating particular people, places, or things with favor or disfavor are known as _____________.

c. attitudes

48. A young man is having trouble getting along with his roommate. Sometimes, his roommate does not speak for days. On other days, he speaks rapidly without stopping. He is often abrasive and aggressive. The roommate is showing symptoms of ___________.

c. bipolar disorder

49. While returning home from his office, Luke was robbed by two men in his neighborhood. After the incident, Luke realized that many people had been watching the incident, yet no one had tried to help him fight or catch the culprits. This unwillingness of the people to aid Like is an example of the ______________.

c. bystander effect

57. Lisa has been invited to a party. Immediately after receiving the invitation, she meets with her friends to decide what to wear for the party. Though she does not like to dress elaborately, she agrees to dress elaborately because her friends have planned to do so. In this scenario, Lisa's behavior demonstrates _______________.

c. conformity

40. Harry is least interested in music. He tells his friends that playing a musical instrument is a waste of time. However, on several occasions, Harry's friends have noticed that he plays the guitar like a professional. When his friends question him on such occasions, Harry replies, "I am Joe and playing the guitar is my passion." In this scenario, Harry exhibits ___________.

c. dissociative identity disorder

63. The strong tendency to view one's successes as stemming from internal factors and one's failures as stemming from external factors is called the _________.

c. fundamental attribution error

23. Prejudices act as cognitive filters through which people view the social world. People tend to thing of people as "familiar" or "foreign," or "good" or "bad." Their feelings and reactions toward others may be biased by these perceptions. This source of prejudice is referred to as _________________.

c. information processing

17. Peter and Kirsten share a warm relationship and count on each other for emotional support without sexual feelings for each other. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, this demonstrates ______________.

c. intimacy

86. Kim and her family were involved in a road accident. Kim was the only survivor. Her son and husband were declared dead. When Kim returned home, she started having dreams about people dying in tragic accidents. These nightmares left Kim with a rapid heart rate and feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Kim is most likely suffering from ________________.

c. post-traumatic stress disorder

37. Jill was surprised at how much her therapists challenged her beliefs concerning her social anxiety. Her therapists kept having her make counter-arguments against many of the thoughts she had that pertained to her anxiety. Jill's therapist is practicing what approach?

d. rational emotive behavior therapy

74. Loya, who is suffering from depression after her boyfriend left her, consults a therapist. During their sessions, she often talks to her therapist in a manner similar to how she spoke to her ex-boyfriend. This best exemplifies __________________.

d. transference

32. In the context of the different behavior-therapy methods, which of the following is true of modeling?

a. It relies on observational learning.

3. Unlike client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy ________________.

a. is directive in nature

81. Sean's client, Jacob, had quickly become unusually close to him, almost as if they were brothers. The term for this according to psychoanalytic therapy is what?

a. transference

99. When effective, Alcoholics Anonymous is characterized by all of the following except for which statement?

b. Members engage in intense individual therapy

43. Which of the following is a similarity between client-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy?

a. Like client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection.

67. People are said to ____________________ when they change their behavior to adhere to social norms.

a. conform

24. _____________ is one of the three components in Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love.

b. Commitment

14. Sternberg's consummate love is made up of ______________________.

b. Intimacy, desire, and commitment

71. Which of the following statements about suicide are correct?

c. Extracting a promise not to commit suicide before calling or visiting a helping professional seems to prevent some suicides.

68. Schizophrenia is characterized by ______________.

c. disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood

65. In psychoanalysis, what is the name of the term for a client spilling forth their psychic energy that had been repressed by conflicts?

d. Catharsis

79. Which of the following statements is true of groupthink?

d. External threat heightens the cohesiveness of the group and is a source of stress.

16. Compared to client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy ____________.

a. is more direct and challenging

62. _____________________ are excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, or heights.

b. Specific phobias

55. Which of the following statements is true of somatoform disorders?

b. Tendencies toward perfectionism and rumination, which are found among many people with somatoform disorders, are thought to be at least partly heritable.

4. In the context of evidence-based practices, which of the following treatments would be most effective in treating depression, developmental disabilities, and bed-wetting?

b. behavior therapy

5. In the context of humanistic therapies, __________ encourages self-exploration and self-expression, and aims to provide insight into the parts of us that we have disowned so that we can feel whole.

b. client-centered therapy

66. In the experiment on social influence conducted by Solomon Asch, the discomfort faced by the participants in the study was caused by ______________.

b. the pressure to conform

46. Which of the following is true of the attraction-similarity hypothesis?

c. It theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction.

51. In the context of group decision making, which of the following is true of the majority-wins scheme?

d. It is the most commonly used social decision scheme

42. _____________ is an unselfish concern for the welfare of others.

a. Altruism

18. Which of the following is a difference between humanistic forms of therapy and behavior therapy?

a. Humanistic forms of therapy tend to focus on what people think and feel, whereas behavior therapists tend to focus on what people do.

89. Which of the following best describes attitude?

a. It is an enduring mental representation of a person, place, or thing that typically evokes an emotional response and related behavior

87. A reason people tend to have partners from the same background is ________________.

b. propinquity

58. __________________ is the tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas-- a reflection of the defense mechanism of repression.

a. Resistance

6. ______________ believe that we are not likely to act aggressively unless we believe that aggression is appropriate under the circumstances and likely to be reinforced.

a. Social-cognitive theorists

31. People with _________ are preoccupied with exaggerated or imagined physical defects; continuous hair pulling, and compulsive skin-picking.

a. body dysmorphic disorder

93. On a(n) _________________ level, prejudice is linked to expectations that members of the target group will behave poorly, say, in the workplace, or engage in criminal behavior or terrorism.

a. cognitive

83. As it relates to attitude formation, the ____________ perspective proposed that we are motivated to understand the environment so that they can make predictions and exercise some control over it.

a. cognitive appraisal

44. Even though Hannah could no longer use her left hand she did not seem overly concerned about it. Her family physician was at a loss because she could not find any medical reason as to why she could not move her hand. Hannah most likely suffers from a(n) _________________.

a. conversion disorder

72. Jenny is obsessed with collecting chocolate wrappers. She picks up wrappers from the road and stacks them at her house. Over the years, these wrappers have piled up to such an extent that Jenny is left with only a narrow pathway that leads from the entrance of her house to her bedroom. Although Jenny has been advised by many to rid of the clutter, she refuses to do so. Jenny is most likely suffering from ___________________.

b. hoarding disorder

78. Graham likes to collect car parts. His house is full of car parts and there is hardly any free space. It has become difficult for him to navigate around the house. He justifies his actions by saying, "You never know when you might need these." Graham is suffering from _____________.

b. hoarding disorder

77. Norbert, a musician, wanted to produce his own solo album under a budget $50,000. However, when he changed the pr

b. polarization

19. According to Gestalt therapy, which of the following statements is true?

c. People should disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection.

84. Alex wants to be physically fit. As he cannot workout effectively at his home, he goes to a gym with his friends. At the gym, he works out better when his friends work out along with him. In the context of group behavior, this is the result of _________________.

c. social facilitation

41. Which of the following is a physical symptom of anxiety disorders?

d. a racing heart

10. ________________ was originated by Fritz Perls.

b. Gestalt therapy

11. Asch's study using line judgements was able to demonstrate __________________.

d. the effects of social conformity

98. Tom is a World War II war hero who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression. In 1954, he was sent to an institution for treatment. He was successfully cured and he reentered society to lead a normal life. He was most likely admitted to a(n) ___________________.

b. mental hospital

38. Which of the following statements is true of acute stress disorder?

c. People with acute stress disorder can go on to experience post-traumatic stress disorder.

20. Jazmin, a young hispanic woman, is very hesitant to seek therapeutic help for her depression. According to your text, which of the following is not a common reason for her to not seek out therapy?

b. Awareness that therapy typically does not help

59. Mary and Ted, who are in a relationship, are working with a therapist to strengthen the communication between them and to express their insecurities about the relationship. Mary and Ted are most likely participating in ______________.

b. couple therapy.

100. According to Durlez and Stangor & Crandall, _________________ is a source of prejudice.

b. social conflict

54. On a(n) _________________ level, prejudice is associated with negative feelings such as fear, dislike, or hatred.

c. emotional

39. Which of the following statements is true of the biological views that explain the origins of anxiety disorders?

d. A predisposition toward anxiety, in the form of a highly reactive autonomic nervous system, can be inherited.

47. Which of the following is not an advantage of group therapy?

d. Group members who are overly shy do better in these settings.

95. Behaviors or mental processes are suggestive of psychological disorders when they meet some combination of the following criteria. Which of following is not one of the criteria?

d. The individual's behavior is socially acceptable

12. In the context of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud considered _________________ the "royal road" to the unconscious."

a. dreams

69. Sheena's brother was recently killed in a road accident. He was run over by a car driven by a drunk driver. A group of college students who belonged to an organization that protested against driving under the influence of alcohol asked her to sign a petition and donate to the cause. Sheena was glad to help them because she was still grieving her brother's death. This scenario demonstrates how the ______________ of Sheena's attitude influence her behavior.

a. accessibility

64. Rishi complains of sever stomach pain and believes that he has stomach cancer. He is taken to the hospital where the doctor prescribes some tests. Rishi's reports are normal and he did not have medical problem. However, he insists that he has stomach cancer. Rishi is suffering from __________.

a. illness anxiety disorder

75. What are the names of the two terms your text discusses with regard to why we typically develop romantic relationships with people who are similar to us?

a. propinquity and reciprocity

25. In the context of psychodynamic therapies, when the superego floods an individual with excessive guilt, _______________.

b. defenses are established

35. In the context of origins of dissociative disorders, both psychodynamic and learning theories suggest that:

b. dissociative disorders help people keep disturbing memories or ideas out of mind.

45. In the context of group behavior, _____________ is the concern that others are assessing one's behavior.

b. evaluation apprehension

90. Jessie, who suffers from episodes of depression, shares her personal experiences with a few people with similar problems. They meet every week under the supervision of a therapist to discuss their problems. In which of the following therapies is Jessie must likely participating>

b. group therapy

85. People with _____________ insist that they are suffering from a serious physical malady, even though no medical evidence of it can be found.

b. illness anxiety disorder

8. Chuck could not get over the fear of the windows in his house being unlocked, so every night after work he checked the locks 21 consecutive times to ensure they were properly locked. Chuck must likely suffers from ______________.

b. obsessive-complusive disorder

36. Lisa, a high school student, is suspicious of her classmates. She does not trust them and keeps a distance from everyone at school. Lisa is most likely suffering from ____________.

b. paranoid personality disorder

92. In collectivist cultures that stress interdependence, such as Asian cultures, people are more likely to attribute another person's behavior to that person's

b. social roles and obligations

52. _________________ is characterized by feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal or at least six months' duration.

c. Post-traumatic stress disorder

96. _______________ is the best-known form of psychosurgery that is used with people with sever psychological disorders.

c. Prefrontal lobotomy

50. Keisha takes care to look smart and attractive for her job interview. She knows that her interviewers will evaluate her based on her first impression she creates. In this scenario, the impression created by Keisha is an example of the _________________.

c. Primacy effect

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