Psy 101 Test #3

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Acquiring the new behavior through control

selective attention

Acts as a filter

decay theory

The act of forgetting something as the memory fades with time. Learning new things can cause this.

Explicit Memory:

Very Clear specific memory "Declarative Memory" Puled into conscience memory. Episodic and Semantic

Prefrontal cortex

Working memory important for retrieval process.

positive punishment

addition of something unpleasant (Spanking)

inattentional blindness

failure to detect stimuli that are in plain sight when our attention is focused elsewhere

partial reinforcement

reinforcing a response only part of the time. Only when it wants to.

continuous reinforcement

reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs

elaborative rehearsal

the linking of new information to material that is already known


Episode that happened in your life and you know the time, place, your feelings, and everything about it.

Classical Conditioning is exactly the same as Operant Conditioning.


Edward Tolman's learning experiment demonstrated that reinforcement is absolutely necessary for latent learning to occur.


Food is a secondary reinforcer.


Latent learning occurs without awareness and regardless of reinforcement; it is not evident until there is a need to use it.


Money is a primary reinforcer.


Once a conditioned response has been learned (i.e,. salivating to the sound of a bell), it will last forever.


Shaping is a process of classical conditioning whereby an organism is reinforced for each successive approximation of behavior that resembles the desired behavior.



Formation of implicit memory

short-term memory

Holds information we are currently consciously aware of. "Working Memory" Capacity: 1.5-2 seconds/ 7 +- 2, increase by chunking. Encoding: VERBAL, changing info into sounds. VISUAL, according to the sounds you make an image for yourself. Duration: 20-30 seconds.

procedural memory

House habits, motor skills/abilities.

1. (Name: NS, US, UR, CS, CR) Prior to conditioning, Pavlov's dogs did not respond to the sound of the bell. After repeated pairings of the bell with the food, the dogs began to salivate to the sound of the bell.

NS: Bell US: Food UR: Salivation CS: Bell CR: Salivation

4. On Halloween night, two-year-old Jodie answered the doorbell and encountered a scary monster with ten flashing eyes. Jodie screamed in fear and ran away. For the next year Jodie screamed and hid in the corner of her bedroom whenever the doorbell rang.

NS: Doorbell US: Monster UR: Scared CS: Doorbell CR: Scared

2. Before each of his chemotherapy sessions, Allen, a young cancer patient, eats a bowl of ice cream. The chemotherapy makes Allen nauseous. Now just seeing the bowl of ice cream makes him feel queasy.

NS: Ice Cream US: Chemo UR: Queasy CS: Ice Cream CR: Queasy

3. After swimming in a lake near his home one day, Frank discovered two slimy, blood-sucking leeches attached to his leg. He was revolted by the experience of touching the slimy bodies and pulling them off his leg. Now every time he drives by the lake, he shudders in disgust.

NS: Lake US: Leeches UR: Disgust CS: Lake CR: Disgust

5. Growing up, Sara's little sister, Leah, had the annoying habit of screaming at the top of her lungs every time she stepped into her bathwater. Leah's screams always made Sara wince and cover her ears. Now, years later, Sara still winces every time she hears running water

NS: Running Water US: Screaming UR: Winces CS: Running Water CR: Winces

A child is put into "time out" for misbehaving.

Negative Punishment

A dog is banished to his doghouse after soiling the living room carpet.

Negative Punishment

A prisoner loses TV privileges for one week for a rule violation.

Negative Punishment

Suspending a basketball player from play time for committing a flagrant foul.

Negative Punishment

A child completes her homework in order to take away her 1-week grounding period.

Negative Reinforcement

A rat presses a lever to terminate a shock or a loud tone.

Negative Reinforcement

Receiving a city utility discount for participating in a recycling program.

Positive reinforcement

method of loci

Visualizing items to be remembered in different locations in a mental image of a spatial layout

The STM system is also called _________________ because information that one is consciously thinking about and processing is temporarily stored here.


Sleep's role in memory

What helps long term memory stay. Has the same patterns of neural activity in the hippocampus.

What are the three forms of learning?

classical conditioning, operant conditioning, Cognitive (Latent) learning

A dog is given verbal praise each time he learns to perform a behavior that the owner is trying to teach it. This is an example of operant conditioning.



encoding failure, storage decay, retrieval failure

Example of Emotional Memory

hearing/ smelling something that reminds you of someone that passed. Afraid of geese so whenever by them I freak out.

Latent learning

hidden learning that exists and is only shown when asked.

unconditioned stimulus (US)

in classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers a response.No learning needed

Emotional Memory

learned emotional responses to various stimuli and don't know when or why this happens.

rote rehearsal

learning by simple repetition

retrograde amnesia

loss of memory from the point of some injury or trauma backwards, or loss of memory for the past


memory aids. Example: PEMDAS for math

shaping (operant)

molding something/someone to behave or learn what operant behavior is.


operant behavior will increase in the future.

Albert Bandura's observational experiment demonstrated that even though all the children in his study learned the model's aggressive behavior towards the Bobo doll, they performed differently depending on whether the model whom they saw was rewarded or punished.


Gamblers have a difficult time extinguishing their gambling behavior because of the partial reinforcement effect


Example of Procedural Memory.

Taking Notes Riding a Bike Learning to drive,talk, eat

secondary or conditioned reinforcers

reinforcers that are learned by association, usually via classical conditioning

negative punishment

remove something pleasant. (Removal of TV)

positive reinforcement

rewarding stimulus is presented ti increase likelihood of behavior

primary reinforcer

stimulus that is naturally rewarding, such as food or water

self-reference effect

tendency to better remember information relevant to ourselves


the diminishing of a conditioned response

spontaneous recovery

the reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred


Creating new explicit memories, memory consolidation, spatial memory processing.

example of semantic memory

Capital of Arizona what H2O stands for.


Changes in the environment

Implicit Memory

"Non declarative Memory" Not clearly stated Easier stated through demonstration (Procedural and Emotional)

The capacity of STM is ___________±___________ items. To increase the capacity, one can ___________________ pieces of information together into meaningful units.


retrieval cues failure

No cues to prime memory.


Place where general thoughts, facts, or info are placed. Don't remember time and place.

At a party, a husband frowns when his wife flirts with a colleague.

Positive Punishment

Scolding a child for playing in the street.

Positive Punishment

A professor gives extra credit to students with perfect attendance.

Positive Reinforcement

A hospital patient is allowed extra visiting time after eating a complete meal.

Positive reinforcement


Implicit memory formation; emotional memory foundation.

unconditioned response (UR)

In classical conditioning, the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US), such as salivation when food is in the mouth. No learning needed.

long-term potentiation

Increased efficiency of neural communication.

negative reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. (Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.)

The _______________________memory system theoretically can store information for a lifetime.


Biology of Memory

LTP: long lasting change in structure or function of a synapse.

operant conditioning

Learning based on the consequences of responding in the environment.

Temporal Lobes

Memory Storage for spatial information

Visual Cortex

Memory Storage for vision

cerebral cortex

Memory Storage throughout

Auditory Cortex

Memory storage for hearing

Police pulling drivers over and giving prizes for buckling up.

Positive reinforcement

What is the difference between Classical and Operant conditioning?

Operant: Involuntary, association through learning to link different stimuli, strengthening though repeated pairing of stimuli. Classical: Voluntary, association through linking behavior with consequences, strengthening through pairing of behavior with consequences.

Deeper-level processing relies on characteristics related to patterns, like rhymes (____________) and meaning (______________), and generally results in longer-lasting and easier-to-retrieve memories. Structural encoding only provides shallow processing and are easily forgotten.


long-term memory

Portion of memory that is more/less permanent Capacity: unlimited Duration: up to a lifetime Encoding: Stored in terms of meaning

A soccer player rolls her eyes at a teammate who delivered a bad pass

Positive Punishment

Example of Episodic Memory

Remembering your first day of school/work Seeing My cousin give birth on/during the solar eclipse in 201.7

_________________ acts as a "filter" to transfer information from sensory registers to STM.


What are the factors in influencing acquisition CR?

Spacing of pairs Number of CS+UCS pairings (times u do it) Nature of it is the same every time

stimulus generalization

When CS changes a little

cocktail party phenomenon

You need selective attention to filter out what not needed to be heard so you can hear your friend talking.


a behavior caused by a stimulus


a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur

stimulus discrimination

a learned ability to differentiate among similar products

conditioned response (CR)

a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

conditioned stimulus (CS)

a stimulus that elicits a response only after learning has taken place. What triggers the NS

flashbulb memory

a vivid memory of an emotionally significant moment or event. Not always exact.

hierarchical structures

arranging info to match the meaning

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