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Learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it is called _____ learning. A. Primary B. Conditioned C. Partial D. Latent

D. Latent

LSD affects which neurotransmitter?


A neuron is best described as a____. A. Molecule B. Cell C. Sheath D. Synapse

B. Cell

Tabetha has a mental picture of the layout of her house, also called a ________, so when she comes home late at night she can navigate through the rooms without turning on a light. A. Fixed ratio map B. Cognitive map C. Latent map D. Fixed interval map

B. Cognitive map

Feeling pain, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, and being aware of our thoughts and emotions are all examples of ________ stimuli. A. Hypnotic B. Internal C. Psychoactive D. External

B. Internal

What is a major criticism of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? A. It is humanistic B. It is subjective C. It only accounts for the objective world D. It does not take gender differenced into account

B. It is subjective

Texture gradient refers to the fact that texture appears to become A. More detailed in the distance B. Less detailed in the distance C. More detailed as brightened increases D. Less detailed when it is brighter

B. Less detailed in the distance

Who was the first African American to receive a PhD in psychology in the United States? A. Carl Rogers B. Naomi Weisstein C. Francis Cecil Sumner D. Noam Chomsky

C. Francis Cecil Sumner

A year after serving a classroom shooting accident, Kim-Li still responds with terror at the sight of toys guns and to the sound of balloons popping. This reaction best illustrates A. Operant conditioning B. Discrimination C. Generalization D. An unconditioned response

C. Generalization

Terri Schiavo went into cardiac arrest and her brain was deprived of oxygen, leaving only her brainstem functioning. Which of the following functions could Schiavo still accomplish? A. Hear someone talking to her B. Feel someone touching her hand C. Groan and move her eyes D. Speak in simple words

C. Groan and move her eyes

Niaz's car breaks down, and he is convinced that it was a predictable event even though there was no way of knowing it would happen. This exemplifies ________. A. Representational bias B. Anchoring bias C. Hindsight bias D. Availability heuristic

C. Hindsight bias

An infant sucking is a good example of a(n) ________. A. Mood B. Emotion C. Instinct D. Habit

C. Instinct

Classical and operant conditioning are forms of ________ learning.

Associative Learning

On average, how much sleep does a young adult need each night? A. 8-10 hours B. 7-9 hours C. 9-11 hours D. 10-13 hours

B. 7-9 hours

Kimya stares at a bright light and then looks away. After she looks away, she perceives a spot. What is this spot? A. Night blindness B. Afterimage C. Blind spot D. Preimage

B. Afterimage

After suffering a brain injury in a motorcycle accident, Christopher cannot form new memories. He can, however, remember events before the accident. Christopher's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates A. The misinformation effect B. Anterograde amnesia C. Retroactive interference D. Retrograde amnesia

B. Anterograde amnesia

Height and Weight are positively related. This means that A. There is no relationship between height and weight B. As height increases, typically weight increases C. Usually, the taller someone is, the thinner they are. D. Usually, the shorter someone is, the heavier they are.

B. As height increases, typically weight increases

Why is psychology considered a social science? A.Because psychology is not considered a hard science. B. Behavior is biological, and our behavior is influenced by our interactions with others. C. Because psychologists study groups and how groups interact. D. Behavior is unpredictable, so scientists study it.

B. Behavior is biological, and our behavior is influenced by our interactions with others.

The possible range for a correlation coefficient is ________ A. Between 0 and +100 B. Between -1 and +1 C. Between 0 and +1 D. Between -1 and 0

B. Between -1 and +1

According to attachment theory, which of the following is not needed for healthy attachment? A. Caregiver and child must engage in mutually enjoyable interactions B. Caregiver must be responsive to a child's religious preference C. Caregiver must be responsive to a child's emotional needs D. Caregiver must be responsive to a child's physical needs

B. Caregiver must be responsive to a child's religious preference

If a test measures what it is supposed to measure, it is _________.


Diabetes is a(n)_____ disorder because insulin is a ________. A. Endocrine; hormone B. Neurological; neurotransmitter C. endocrine; neurotransmitter D. neurological; hormone

A. Endocrine; hormone

After suffering an accidental brain injury, Kira has difficulty walking in a smooth and coordinated manner. She has probably suffered damage to her A. Cerebellum B. Amygdala C. Hypothalamus D. Hippocampus

A. Cerebellum

_________ allows people to experience the world as three- dimensional. A. Depth perception B. Feature analysis C. Attention D. Perceptual constancy

A. Depth Perception

Lucy wants to study changes in cognitive skills, moral reasoning, and social behavior across the lifespan. Lucy should specialize in ________ psychology. A. Developmental B. Personality C. Cognitive D. Social

A. Developmental

Which of the following questions would be more likely to produce divergent thinking? A. "How many uses can you think of for a stapler?" B. "What is a stapler?" C. "How do you spell stapler?" D. "What does a stapler look like?"

A. "How many uses can you think of for a stapler?"

After Nadia learned that penguins can't fly, she had to modify her existing concept of birds. This best illustrates the process of A. Accommodation B. Conservation C. Assimilation D. Egocentrism

A. Accommodation

________ research uses past records or data sets to investigate research questions or to look for patterns or relationships. A. Archival B. Survey C. Correlation D. Experimental

A. Archival

Sarit is at a bar full of music, chatter, and laughter. He gets involved in an interesting conversation with a woman named Mona, and he tunes out all the background noise. Sarit's friend, Karen, taps him on the shoulder and asks what song just played on the jukebox. Sarit says he doesn't know, even though he is sitting right next to the jukebox and is familiar with popular music. This illustrates the role that ________ plays in what is sensed versus what is perceived. A. Attention B. Mood C. Habit D. Friendship

A. Attention

What was the primary conclusion of Stanley Milgram's obedience research? A. Average people will harm others if told to do so by an authority figure. B. What we sense and what we perceive vary according to culture, race, and gender. C. Everyday behavior can be explained by instincts developed in our ancestral population. D. Our mothers have an enormous impact on our personality.

A. Average people will harm others if told to do so by an authority figure.

What can you do to realign your biological clock with the external world when you work a rotating shift? A. Expose yourself to bright light while working. B. Surround yourself with darkness while working. C. Take a break every hour to exercise for five minutes. D. Take regular naps throughout the day

A. Expose yourself to bright light while working.

________ dysphoria is a diagnostic category in DSM-5 for individuals who do not identify with the cultural expectations associated with their biological sex A. Gender B. Homosexual C. Bisexual D. Sex

A. Gender

The endocrine system consist of _____. A. Glands B. Interneurons C. Myelin Sheaths D. Neural networks

A. Glands

The right hemisphere of Julie's Brian is better than her left hemisphere at recognizing facial expressions of emotion. This best illustrates____ A. Lateralization B. Plasticity C. Brain Fissures D. Neurogenesis

A. Lateralization

Compared with the children of authoritarian parents, the children of authoritative parents are A. More likely to develop a sense of self-esteem and more likely to demonstrate social competence. B. Less likely to develop a sense of self-esteem and less likely to demonstrate social competence. C. Less likely to develop a sense of self-esteem and more likely to demonstrate social competence. D. More likely to develop a sense of self-esteem and less likely to demonstrate social competence.

A. More likely to develop a sense of self-esteem and more likely to demonstrate social competence.

Cataplexy is a symptom that sometimes occurs with ________. A. Narcolepsy B. Night terrors C. Insomnia D. Restless leg syndrome

A. Narcolepsy

The ______ connects the brain and the spinal cord. A. Pons B. Medulla C. Cerebellum D. Corpus Callosum

A. Pons

Jessica hears her alarm go off at 6:00 A.M., and, once again, it has interrupted a good dream. Jessica was most likely in _________________ sleep. A. REM B. Stage 2 C. Stage 1 D. Stage 3


The happier Judie is, the more readily she recalls positive life experiences. This best illustrates that emotional states can become A. Retrieval cues B. A primacy effect C. Flashbulb memories D. Procedural memories

A. Retrieval cues

A(n) ________ is a chamber that isolates the subject from the external environment. A. Skinner Box B. Gestaltlaten C. Iterm-4solate D. Waston Manipulator

A. Skinner box

What is a limitation that affects the generalizability of research results? A. Small sample sizes B. Control Groups C. Random assignments D. Operational Definitions

A. Small sample sizes

A correlation coefficient represents two things: ________and ________. A. strength; direction of the relationship B. direction of the relationship; expectant functionality C. the experimental group; control group D. a representative sample; strength

A. Strength; direction of the relationship

Emily is a doctoral student in psychology. She plans to use ________ to complete her doctoral paper, asking individuals to self-report important information about how their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs differ over a 10-year period. A. Surveys B. Assessments C. Case studies D. Naturalistic observations

A. Surveys

Which of the following statements about olfactory receptors is false? A. They are bulb-like structures at the tip of the frontal lobe where the olfactory nerves begin. B. They are cells. C. They are located in a mucous membrane at the top of the nose. D. They have small, hair-like extensions.

A. They are bulb-like structures at the tip of the frontal lobe where there olfactory nerves begin.

Sensations and information are received by our brains, filtered through emotions and memories, and processed to become ________. A. Thoughts B. Chemical C. Actions D. Subconscious

A. Thoughts

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which reinforcement schedule? A. Variable ratio B. Fixed interval C. Fixed ratio D. Variable interval

A. Variable ratio

Ethics need to be considered when ________ scientific research. A. designing, conducting, and reviewing B. designing and reviewing C. conducting and reviewing D. reviewing and publishing

A. designing, conducting, and reviewing

Chuck was in a car accident. He wishes he could put it behind him, but every night he has dreams about it, and every time he sees a car he remembers how he felt that day. Which category of memory failure associated with the seven sins of memory is exemplified? A. intrusion B. imposition C. forgetting D. distortion

A. intrusion

If you believe you will win the hot dog eating competition, then you have a sense of ________, and you are more likely to enter the hot dog eating competition. A. self-efficacy B. instinct C.fulfillment C.extrinsic motivation

A. self-efficacy

Who proposed observational learning? (First & Last name)

Albert Bandura

Sandra strongly believes that attending daycare is detrimental to children's development so she decides to write her psychology term paper on this topic. She does a literature search and finds several sources supporting her opinion, but she finds that the majority of research indicates that children attending daycare experience healthy development. She writes a paper using the sources that find negative associations with daycare attendance. This is an example of ________. A. Observer Bias B. Confirmation Bias C. Confounding Variable D. Correlation Research

B. Confirmation Bias

Agatha Harkness-Smythe is determined to ban guns in the United States. This is a controversial topic and social scientists have debated whether the ownership of guns by citizens increases or decreases crime. Agatha could go the library and look up studies on the linkage between guns and crime rates. Instead, Agatha just reads the local newspaper and only cuts out articles about robberies in which the "bad guy" used a firearm. Agatha is demonstrating A. Mindlessness B. Confirmation bias C. Stereotype threat D. Functional fixedness

B. Confirmation bias

Specific normative events are also called ________. A. Averages B. Developmental milestones C. Benchmarks D. Age-related standards

B. Developmental milestones

Although B. F. Skinner and John B. Watson refused to believe that thoughts and expectations play a role in learning, ________ suggested a cognitive aspect to learning. A. Rosalie Rayner B. Edward C. Tolman C. Little Albert D. Ivan Pavlov

B. Edward C. Tolman

The only way to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables is to conduct a(n) A. Study B. Experiment C. Survey D. Detailed literature search

B. Experiment

Correlation means the same thing as causation. A. True B. False

B. False

Dorothy knows songs and rhymes by memory. She can name most colors and numbers, she can even write the letters of her name. Assuming she reached these cognitive and language development milestones at the average age, about how old is Dorothy? A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Two

B. Four

Which field of psychology includes the following concepts: figure-ground relationship, law of continuity, and principle of closure? A. Pacinian B. Gestalt C. Somatosensory D. Biometric

B. Gestalt

The Limbic Hippocampus_____ A. Regulates hunger and thirst B. Helps process explicit memories for storage. C. Coordinates body movement and balance. D. Plays a central role in fear and rage.

B. Helps process explicit memories for storage.

Which aspect of the scientific method occurs first? A. Experiment B. Hypothesis C. Observation D. Data Collection

B. Hypothesis

The word ____ is both a morpheme and a phoneme. A. Bob B. I C. You D. Thump

B. I

When people say you never forget how to ride a bike, they are referring to ________ memory, also called non-declarative memory. A. Explicit B. Implicit C. Semantic D. Sensory

B. Implicit

Knowing what a dinosaur is because you looked through a book with pictures of dinosaurs and watched the film Jurassic Park is an example of a natural concept that was developed through ________ experience. A. Direct B. Indirect C. Pratical D. Theoretical

B. Indirect

Oona wants to conduct research on personnel management, workplace environment, and what type of environment results in high levels of employee productivity and efficiency. Oona should conduct research in the area of ________ psychology. A. Gestalt B. Industrual-organizational C. Biological D. Social

B. Industrual-organizational

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the case study of Phineas Gage's accident, which led to brain injury? A. Injury to the brain causes changes in behavior, but specific brain areas are not linked to specific behaviors. B. Injury to the brain causes changes in behavior, and specific brain areas are linked to particular behaviors. C. Injury to the frontal lobe does not affect behavior. D. Frontal lobe injury causes people to be incapable of controlling their emotional impulses.

B. Injury to the brain causes changes in behavior, and specific brain areas are linked to particular behaviors.

Soon after birth, a nurse almost drops Osei. He spreads his arms, pulls them back in, then cries. This is an examples of _______. A. Stranger anxiety B. Moro reflex C. Preoperational stage D. Egocentrism

B. Moro reflex

Karen's years of experience navigating the streets of a very large city as a taxi driver have resulted in charges in her brain's spatial memory centers that support her detailed street location memory. This best illustrates the value of.. A. Reuptake B. Neuroplasticity C. Refractory periods D. Echolocation

B. Neuroplasticity

Which nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain? A. Linear B. Optic C. Photoreceptors D. Cornea

B. Optic

If your ________ is activated, you will feel relatively at relaxed. A. Spinal Cord B. Parasympathetic nervous system C. Sympathetic nervous system D. Somatic nervous system

B. Parasympathetic Nervous system

_______ asserts that our genes set the boundaries within our genes to determine where within those boundaries we will fall. A. Evolutionary psychology B. Range of reaction C. Behavioral genetics D. Environmental psychology

B. Range of reaction

Ilayda assumes that her professors spend their free time reading books and engaging in intellectual conversation, because the idea of them spending their time playing volleyball or visiting an amusement park does not fit in with her stereotypes of professors. This exemplifies ________. A. Confirmation bias B. Representational bias C. Availability heuristic D. Stereotype bias

B. Representational bias

Samara meets a nurse. She immediately assumes he is able to help care for sick people, works long hours, and dispenses advice about illness because her ________ schema suggests that nurses behave this way. A. Script B. Role C. Event D. Artificial

B. Role

What is the tendency for an individual to have better memory for information that relates to oneself in comparison to material that has less personal relevance? A. Stroop effect B. Self- reference effect C. Atkinson-Shiffrin model D. Sensory model

B. Self- reference effect

Remembering what the word summer means requires ________________ memory while remembering what you did on July 4th, 1996, requires _________________memory. A. Episodic; semantic B. Semantic; episodic C. Procedural; episodic D. Episodic; semantic

B. Semantic; episodic

Mel is an adult who can take care of his basic needs, but he requires oversight while he paints and someone to check on his living conditions daily. Which subtype of intellectual disability describes Mel? A. Mild B. Sever C. Profound D. Moderate

B. Sever

The ________ response cycle includes four phases including excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. A. Hormone B. Sexual C. Luteal D. Leptin

B. Sexual

What sleeping disorder is characterized by pauses in breathing that last at least 10 seconds during sleep? A. Insomnia B. Sleep apnea C. Night terrors D. Narcolepsy

B. Sleep apnea

Which of the following senses is not routed through the thalamus? A. Taste B. Smell C. Audition D. Vision

B. Smell

Some people believe, incorrectly, that ____________ can be sent to consumers, prompting them to buy a product without their being aware of receiving such messages. A. Below threshold perceptions B. Subliminal messages C. Inductive perceptions D. Selective perceptions

B. Subliminal messages

Flavor arises from: A. Taste only B. Taste and smell C. Taste and texture D. Taste and sight

B. Taste and smell

The easier it is for people to remember an instance in which they were betrayed by a friend, the more they expect such an event to recur. This best illustrates the impact of A. Framing B. The availability heuristic C. Confirmation bias D. An algorithm

B. The availability heuristic

Individuals suffering from congenital analgesia have a shorter life span due to ____. A. Their high suicide rate B. Their injuries and secondary infections of injured sites. C. Their inability to tolerate the slightest change in pressure or temperature. D. Their brain's inability to process pain medicine.

B. Their injuries and secondary infections of injured sites.

Lisa puts five quarters into the parking meter every time she goes downtown. However, when asked, Lisa cannot say if the head on a quarter is facing left or right. This may be an example of ________, because Lisa never paid attention to the picture in the first place. A. enigmatic processing B. encoding failure C. effortful processing D. effortless processing

B. encoding failure

According to the biopsychosocial model, what determines health? A.primarily biology; individual psychology and social factors are sometimes relevant B. interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors C. applying biological principles to the psychology of a healthy social life D. successful application of biopsychological principles to social life

B. interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors

Jeremy has Parkinson's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects motor skills. In addition to motor symptoms, Jeremy has noticed changes in his mood, and he feels the need to smoke more cigarettes than he used to. It is likely that Jeremy's ________ is producing less ________ than it needs to. A. motor cortex; acetylcholine B. substantia nigra; dopamine C. motor cortex; dopamine D. substantia nigra; acetylcholine

B. substantia nigra; dopamine

Katarina runs into an old friend at a party. She knows she should remember the friend's name, but regardless of how hard she tries, she cannot recall it. Katarina is experiencing A. encoding failure. B. tip-of-the tongue phenomenon. C. anterograde amnesia. D. interference.

B. tip-of-the tongue phenomenon.

Cues that require two ears are referred to as binocular whereas cues that require two ears are referred to as ______


What is Prader-Willi syndrome? A. larger individuals have an ideal body weight, or set point, that is resistant to change and smaller individuals do not B. an eating disorder characterized by an individual maintaining body weight that is well below average through starvation and/or excessive exercise C. A genetic disorder that results in persistent feelings of intense hunger and reduced rates of metabolism D. Smaller individuals have an ideal body weight, or set point, that is resistant to change and larger individuals do not

C. A genetic disorder that results in persistent feelings of intense hunger and reduced rates of metabolism

Early maturing girls _________. A. More confident B. More likely to go to college C. At a higher risk of depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders D. Less likely to drop out of college

C. At a higher risk of depression, substance abuse and eating disorders

According to Erik Erikson, a sense of _________ is formed during infancy by appropriate experiences with responsive caregivers. A. Object permanence B. Identity C. Basic trust D. Initiative

C. Basic trust

Penelope studies how the structure and function of the nervous system is related to behavior. She is a ________. A. Humanist B. Developmental Psychologist C. Biopsychologist D. Social Psychologist

C. Biopsychologist

Ashya wants to focus on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior. What area of psychology should she work in? A. Cognitive Psy B. Organizational Psy C. Clinical Psy D. Social Psy

C. Clinical Psy

Hearing aids might be effective for treating A. Ménière's disease B. Interaural time differences C. Conductive hearing loss D. Sensorineural hearing loss

C. Conductive hearing loss

A(n) ________ is a variable that affects both variables of interest and may falsely give the impression of a cause-and-effect relationship. A. Independent Variable B. Dependent Variable C. Cofounding Variable D. Control Variable

C. Confounding Variable

When studying personality traits, someone who is hardworking, dependable, and organized will score high on the ________ trait. A. Agreeableness B. Extroversion C. Conscientiousness D. Neuroticism

C. Conscientiousness

Because this problem has only one correct answer, it calls for A. Creativity B. A heuristic C. Convergent thinking D. Divergent thinking

C. Convergent thinking

Melatonin release is stimulated by ________ and inhibited by ________. A. Light; darkness B. Twilight; gloom C. Darkness; light D. Pulsing light; steady light

C. Darkness; light

Theorists who view development as ________ believe that development takes place in unique stages. A. Continuous B. Progressive C. Discontinuous D. Regressive

C. Discontinuous

Marta is pursuing a graduate degree in psychology. As part of her program she must write a long research paper based on the data she spent the last year gathering. What is the long research paper called? A. PhD B. PsyD C. Dissertation D. Postdoctoral

C. Dissertation

Which of the following exemplifies the empirical method? A. Dr. Hysock-Witham decides to start her course later because so many students arrive late. B. A student writes a letter to his professor requesting a change in course policy. C. Dr. Sarkeesian observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates. D. A student in a psychology class writes his term paper on whether or not fish feel pain.

C. Dr. Sarkeesian observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates.

Dr. Gomez believes that behavior is motivated by the desire to reduce internal tension caused by unmet biological needs that "push" us to behave in certain ways. Dr. Gomez's views are most consistent with the ________ theory of motivation. A. Incentive B. Arousal C. Drive- reduction D. James- Lange

C. Drive- reduction

Why is REM sleep often called paradoxical sleep? A. REM sleep serves no identifiable purpose B. The person's REM dreams often include ideas and actions that the person would not express or do when awake. C. During REM sleep, the sleeper's skeletal muscles are relaxed while the nervous system is highly aroused D. Because of the observation of rapid eye movements if sleepers stage.

C. During REM sleep, the sleepers skeletal muscles are relaxed while the nervous system is highly aroused

Jory, a six year old, is picking out a card for his mother's birthday. He picks the card with a picture of Lightning McQueen, reasoning that since he loves Cars his mother does to. What does this exemplify? A. Pretend play B. Conservation C. Egocentrism D. Reversibility

C. Egocentrism

I am trying to learn the names of all 50 states. While I am actively remembering and recalling this information, it is considered ________. A. Sensory Memory B. Implicit Memory C. Explicit Memory D. Procedural Memory

C. Explicit Memory

Luis works part-time after school to earn money so he can afford a secondhand motorcycle. Luis is working because of ________ motivation. A. Emotion B. Habit C. Extrinsic D. Emotion

C. Extrinsic

Grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon are all examples of ________ motor skills. A. Gross B. Hand C. Fine D. Manipulative

C. Fine

________ research studies the same groups of participants over time. A. Correlation B. Cross-Sectional C. Longitudinal D. Archival

C. Longitudinal

By motivating us to satisfy our physical needs, hunger and thirst serve to A. Control species-typical behavior. B. Reduce an incentive C. Maintain homeostasis. D. Control arousal desires.

C. Maintain homeostasis.

In the following sentence, identify the extrinsic motivation. Kit, who lives with her father, maintains a 3.5 grade average in order to keep her phone, visits her mother every weekend because she wants to, and joins the high school basketball team because she enjoys the sport. A. Visiting her mother B. Joining the wrestling team C. Maintaining a 3.5 grade average D. Living with her father

C. Maintaining a 3.5 grade average

Gonzalo is attempting to open his car door using the auto lock button on his keychain. He pushes the button twice, but his car door does not open. He continues to push the button even though it is likely that the auto lock feature has stopped working, and he will need to open the door manually with his key. This illustrates a ________. A. Hindsight bias B. Confirmation bias C. Mental set D. Functional fixedness

C. Mental set

Neurons that enable people to throw a baseball by relaying messages from their central nervous system to their sketetal muscles are called A. Glial cells B. Interneurons C. Motor neurons D. Sensory Neurons

C. Motor Neurons

All of the students in Dr. Thomas's psychology class did a great job on the assignment and turned in their papers on time. Therefore, Dr. Thomas dropped the next assignment. This is an example of A. Positive Reinforcement B. Positive Punishment C. Negative Reinforcement D. Negative Punishment

C. Negative Reinforcement

Dave's boss told him that he doesn't have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave's boss is using ________. A. Negative punishment B. Positive Reinforcement C. Negative Reinforcement D. Positive Punishment

C. Negative reinforcement

If you show an adult a toy, and then hide it behind a curtain, the adult knows that the toy still exists. However, infants act as if a hidden object no longer exists. What does this exemplify? A. Article Blindness B. Perpetuation C.Object Performance D. Developmental Theory

C. Object Performance

Edmund wants to identify relatively consistent patterns of thought and behavior, measure these traits, and determine how these traits interact in a particular context to determine how a person will behave in any given situation. Edmund wants to conduct research in the area of ________. A. Perception B. Social Psychology C. Personality D. Cognition

C. Personality

Paulo was robbed at gunpoint by a group of strangers. Police officers later asked him to describe in writing what he had seen and heard during the robbery. Which measure of memory retention was being used? A. Relearning B. Rehearsal C. Recall D. Recognition

C. Recall

Cells that are triggered by specific stimuli such as light, vibrations, sounds, touch, or chemicals substances are called A. Ossicles B. Ganglion cells C. Sensory receptors D. Bipolar cells

C. Sensory receptors

Which of the following is a reason that Gestalt psychology did not become more popular in the United States? A. European psychology is not as rigorous as American psychology. B. The proponents were Nazis C. The rise of behaviorism overshadowed Gestalt psychology. D. The theories were not based on measurable data.

C. The rise of behaviorism overshadowed Gestalt psychology.

Why are olfaction and gustation called chemical senses? A. Neither one has sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. B. We cannot use these senses without the presence of specific chemicals in the body. C. They have sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. D. They are unrelated to biological senses.

C. They have sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe.

What do structuralism, Gestalt psychology, and Sigmund Freud all have in common? A. They were all concerned with the nature of evil during the Nazi regime B. They were all concerned with the nature of evil during the Nazi regime C. They were all concerned with describing and understanding the inner experience. D. They were all concerned with describing and understanding animal behavior.

C. They were all concerned with describing and understanding the inner experience.

"If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated." This is a statement of ________. A. Generalization B. Conditioned response C. Thorndike's Law of Effect D. Classical Conditioning

C. Thorndike's Law of Effect

Harold catches fish throughout the day at unpredictable intervals. Which reinforcement schedule is this? A. Fixed Ratio B. Variable Interval C. Fixed Interval D. Variable Ratio

C. Variable Interval

Damage to the ______________ disrupts one's ability to comprehend language, but it leaves one's ability to produce words intact. A. Amygdala B. Occipital lobe C. Wernicke's Area D. Broca's area

C. Wernicke's area

When Benito was five he cut his leg on some glass and needed stiches. Years later, his mother tells him the scar came from being bit by a dog. Now, when people ask about his scar he distinctly remembers the dog biting him. This is an example of the ________. A. levels of processing theory B. equipotentiality hypothesis C. misinformation effect paradigm D. Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm

C. misinformation effect paradigm

Otto is so driven to become a school psychologist that he spends every night studying. This sentence describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal, also called ________. A. habit B. dysphoria C. motivation D. instinct

C. motivation

Which of the following experiments involves the use of operant conditioning? A. determining how long it takes someone to learn how to fish if he is only allowed to watch other people fishing B. blindfolding someone and timing him to see how long it takes him to estimate the size of a room C. rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily D. pairing a puff of air to the eye with seeing the color red in order to find out how many repetitions it will take for someone to blink when he sees the color red

C. rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily

Who described the collective unconscious? (F&L name)

Carl Jung

_________ includes perception, learning, problem solving, judgment, and memory.


You are babysitting three-year-old Sarina. You want to reward Sarina for finishing her peas at dinner, so you take the juice that is in her short, thick cup and pour it into a tall, thin cup, and you say, "I'm giving you more yummy juice for finishing your peas." According to Piaget, you are taking advantage of Sarina's lack of _________.


A collection of culturally specific standards that govern the types and frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable is a _____.

Cultural display rule

Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relationship between two variables? A. -.50 B. +.25 C. +.80 D. -.90

D. -.90

To remember that a wagon, a baseball, and a doll were items on her Christmas shopping list, Julia formed a vivid mental image of an oversize doll pulling a bright red wagon loaded with baseballs. Julia's strategy best illustrates the use of A. The spacing effect B. The Serial position effect C. Implicit memory D. A mnemonic device

D. A mnemonic Device

What are the benefits to meditation? A. Reduction of anxiety B. Lowering of blood pressure C. Pain management D. All of the above

D. All of the above

To find Tabasco sauce in a large grocery store, you could systematically search every shelf in every store aisle. This best illustrates problem solving by means of A. Belief perseverance B. Framing C. The availability heuristic D. An algorithm

D. An algorithm

The encoding of information directly into long-term storage without the aid of working memory best illustrates A. Iconic memory B. Chunking C. The spacing effect D. Automatic processing

D. Automatic processing

Illnesses such as diabetes and stomach cancer kill more than twice the number of Americans than murder or car accidents. However, Zale sees car accidents as more dangerous because he often hears about car accident fatalities on the nightly news, and he doesn't know anyone with diabetes or stomach cancer. Therefore, Zale takes more precautions against car accidents. This exemplifies ________. A. Functional Fixedness B. Hindsight bias C. Algorithm D. Availability heuristic

D. Availability heuristic

Most people are awake during the day and asleep at night because their _______ cycles are aligned with the outside world. A. Rhythm B. Melatonin C. External D. Circadian

D. Circadian

Children in the ________ stage can use abstract thinking to problem solve, look at alternative solutions, and test these solutions. A. Sensorimotor B. Formal Operational C. Preoperational D. Concrete operational

D. Concrete operational

Pavlov noticed that dogs began salivating at the mere sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. For the dogs, the sight of this person was a(n) A. Unconditioned Stimulus B. Operant Stimulus C. Spontaneous Recovery D. Conditioned stimulus

D. Conditioned stimulus

The _______ group does not get the experimental treatment. A. Independent B. Alternate experimental C. Dependent D. Control

D. Control

University students who focus on innovation and generating novel ideas in their studies rather than on simply meeting deadlines and securing good grades are especially likely to demonstrate A. Practical intelligence B. Emotional intelligence C. Existential intelligence D. Creative intelligence

D. Creative intelligence

Alcohol is a A. Opiate B. Stimulant C. Hallucinogen D. Depressant

D. Depressant

Jules is participating in the Strange Situation experiment. When his mother returns, he freezes, and then behaves erratically. In fact, he runs away from his mother. What kind of attachment is this? A. Secure B. Avoidant C. Resistant D. Disorganized

D. Disorganized

Mentally rehearsing the glossary definitions of unfamiliar terms in order to remember them for a later test illustrates A. Echoic memory B. The serial position effect C. Implicit memory D. Effortful processing

D. Effortful processing

The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by A. Kohlberg's moral development theory B. Piaget's cognitive development theory C. The Harlows' attachment theory D. Erikson's psychosocial development theory

D. Erikson's psychosocial development theory

Seeing the light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friend are all examples of ________ stimuli. A. Epidermal B. Peripheral C. External D. Conscious

D. External

Carl mows the yard of his elderly neighbor each week for $20. What type of motivation is this? A. Drive B. Intrinsic C. Arousal D. Extrinsic

D. Extrinsic

The facial ________ hypothesis states that facial expressions are capable of influencing our emotions. A. Mediation B. Response C. Reaction D. Feedback

D. Feedback

William James was the..... A. First Psychoanalyst B. Father of psychology C. Author of the first psychology textbook D. First American psychologist

D. First American Psychologist

Which portion of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in making plans and formulating moral judgements? A. Temporal Lobes B. Parietal lobes C. Occipital lobes D. Frontal lobes

D. Frontal lobes

Max needs to put a nail in the wall to hang a picture and does not have a hammer. He thinks he cannot hang the picture because he doesn't recognize that he has other items available that would serve the same purpose. Max's problem is A. Divergent thinking B. An algorithm C. Confirmation bias D. Functional fixedness

D. Functional fixedness

When Brady is hot he sweats. When Brady is cold, he gets goose bumps on his skin so he will warm up more quickly. This is an example of how the body tries to achieve ________. A. Circadian rhythms B. Heterostasis C. Internal-external stimulus D. Homeostasis

D. Homeostasis

Elaina has been diagnosed with a small brain tumor. She first went to see her doctor after experiencing symptoms such as feeling very cold, almost fainting, a reduced appetite, and reduced sexual desire. Which of the following structures is her tumor most likely affecting? A. Broca's area B. Thalamus C. Substantia nigra D. Hypothalamus

D. Hypothalamus

Which of the following exemplifies a personality trait? A. Greg eats a cupcake B. James has blue eyes C. Marsha has three children D. Ida is charming

D. Ida is charming

Once children reach the preschool stage (ages 3-6 years), they are capable of originating activities and asserting control over their world through social interactions and play. What is the primary developmental task of this stage? A. Intimacy vs. isolation B. Autonomy vs. Shame/doubt C. Generatively vs. stagnation D. Initiative vs. guilt

D. Initiative vs. guilt

Cici firmly believes that every child deserves a loving parent. She becomes a foster parent because she knows that it is the right thing to do. Cici becomes a foster parent because of ________ motivation. A. Extra B. Instinct C. Extrinsic D. Intrinsic

D. Intrinsic

In a ________ dream, people become aware that they are dreaming and can control the dream's content. A. REM B. K-Complex C. Theta Wave D. Lucid

D. Lucid

Two lines appear to be different length, though in reality they are the same length. This is known as the _______ illusion. A. Meissner B. Merkel C. Meniere D.Muller-lyer

D. Muller- Lyer

Research shows that receiving some sort of extrinsic reinforcement for engaging in behaviors that we enjoy leads to those behaviors ________. A. Providing twice as much enjoyment B. Creating an attraction/repulsion complex C. Motivating us to engage in different behaviors D. No longer providing that same enjoyment

D. No longer providing that same enjoyment

Researchers must_______________________ important concepts in their studies so others would have a clear understanding of exactly how those concepts were defined. A. Randomly assign B. Randomly select C. Generalize D. Operationalize

D. Operationalize

Jarrud thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him. Kohlberg would suggest that Jarrud demonstrates a(n) ________ morality. A. Conventional B. Unconventional C. Postconventional D. Preconventional

D. Preconventional

During her evening Spanish language exam, Janica so easily remembers the French vocabulary she studied that morning that she finds it difficult to recall the Spanish vocabulary she rehearsed that afternoon. Her difficulty best illustrates A. Source amnesia B. The misinformation effect C. Retroactive interference D. Proactive Interference

D. Proactive interference

What allows Nancy to run without watching her feet and hit a baseball without focusing on the bat? A. Gustation B. Thermoception C. Somatosensation D. Proprioception

D. Proprioception

We more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay more closely resembles our ________ of a bird. A. Heuristic B. Fixation C. Algorithm D. Prototype

D. Prototype

Dr. Bogdarian noticed that one of her students addresses her with the word mother instead of the word professor or doctor. Dr. Bogdarian applies the principles of ________, and hypothesizes the student misspeaks because he is unconsciously associating her with his mother. A. Structuralism B. Functionalism C. Gestalt Psychology D. Psychoanalytic Theory

D. Psychoanalytic Theory

Kicking your leg when your knee is tapped and quickly pulling your hand back when you accidently touch a hot stove are both examples of ________. A. Learning B. Instincts C. Associations D. Reflexes

D. Reflexes

In a ________________ sample, the percentages of characteristics such as sex, age, and ethnicity are close to those percentages in the larger population. A. Correlation B. Random C. Statistical D.Representative

D. Representative

To fully appreciate all of the colors in a rainbow, you would need to use all of the following structures except your A. Fovea B. Cones C. Retina D. Rods

D. Rods

In teaching her son to play basketball, Mrs. Richards initially reinforces him with praise for simply dribbling while standing still, then only for walking while dribbling, and finally only for running while dribbling. She is using a procedure known as A. Generalization B. Spontaneous recovery C. Partial reinforcement D. Shaping

D. Shaping

________ is another word for sleepwalking. A. Narcolepsy B. Cataplexy C. Insomnia D. Somnambulismi

D. Somnambulismi

Long after her conditioned fear of dogs had been extinguished, Marcy experienced an unexpected surge of nervousness when first shown her cousin's new cocker spaniel. Her unexpected nervousness best illustrates A. Discrimination B. Observational Learning C. An unconditional response D. Spontaneous Recovery

D. Spontaneous Recovery

Dozens of people witness a purse snatching. One of the eyewitnesses loudly yells "the man with the blue shirt did it." Later, when questioned by police, several other eyewitnesses remember the purse snatcher wearing a blue shirt, even though the purse snatcher was a woman in flowered dress. This is an example of ________: the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories. A. Sexism B. Reconstruction C. Reconstruction D. Suggestibility

D. Suggestibility

Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin will thereby increase the concentration of serotonin molecules in the ____. A. Glial cells B. Axon terminals C. Endocrine glands D. Synaptic gaps

D. Synaptic gaps

2-year-old Katie is just learning to talk. She points at the refrigerator and says, "Milk me want." Katie has not yet learned A. The lexicon B. Phonemes C. Semantics D. Syntax

D. Syntax

Which of the following statements about the vestibular sense is false? A. The vestibular sense helps us maintain a sense of balance. B. Kinesthesia interacts with information provided by the vestibular system. C. Proprioception interacts with information provided by the vestibular system. D. The vestibular sense is divided into olfaction, gustation, and audition.

D. The vestibular sense is divided into olfaction, gustation, and audition.

The principle that performance increases with arousal only up to a point, beyond which performance decreases is A. Homeostasis B. The James-Lange theory C. The facial feedback theory D. The Yerkes-Dodson law

D. The yerkes-dodson law

Felipe looks over his presentation, and he notices that some of the words are written in bold and some are written in italic. His ability to remember these differences is an example of ________ encoding. A. Sensory B. Semantic C. Acoustic D. Visual

D. Visual

A person's participation in a research project must be A. Public B. Random C. Rewarded D. Voluntary

D. Voluntary

Motivation describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal. What is the motivation in the following sentence? Giorgio works part-time at a diner so he can afford to attend culinary school because he wants to become a chef, even though he is in debt. A. Being in debt B. Attending Culinary school C. Working part-time at a diner D. Wanting to become a chef

D. Wanting to become a chef

Which of the following is the best example of a habit? A. unexpectedly running into your friend at the supermarket B. spontaneously stopping to get a milkshake on the way home from work C. surprising your grandmother with a visit on Saturday D. chewing on your hair to relieve stress

D. chewing on your hair to relieve stress

A public opinion poll was administered to 50 people before the election of President Barack Obama. Polls taken before election night showed 50% of the people polled believed Barack Obama would be elected president. After the election results, the same people were asked if they believed Barack Obama would be elected president, and this time 75% of the people said yes. This may be an example of ________ bias. A. transient B. stereotypical C. egocentric D. hindsight

D. hindsight

Which experiment involves the use of classical conditioning? A. blindfolding someone and timing him to see how long he takes to find a button hidden in a room B. determining how long it takes a person to learn how to knit if he is only allowed to watch YouTube videos of people knitting C. rewarding a boy for finishing his vegetables with ice cream and counting how many nights of reinforcement are required before he voluntarily eats his vegetables D. knowing that a student fears exams, the instructor wears a bright red shirt only on exam day, every exam day, to see how long it is before the red shirt becomes an object of fear to the student

D. knowing that a student fears exams, the instructor wears a bright red shirt only on exam day, every exam day, to see how long it is before the red shirt becomes an object of fear to the student

What are some of the symptoms of severe sleep deprivation? A. Hallucinations B. Irritability C. Impaired judgment D. Memory lapse E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are different names for the same disorder. True/False


Psychological research has clear guidelines for ethical treatment of human participants, but not for animals used in research. (T/F)


An inability to form semantic memories would most likely result from damage to which part of the brain?


Who developed the theory of multiple intelligences? (F&L name)

Howard Gardner

The body's biological clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) area which is part of the


The _________ variable is controlled by the experimenter, while the _________ variable represents the information collected and statistically analyzed by the experimenter.

Independent (1st) Dependent (2nd)

Who was the person mainly responsible for research in classical conditioning? (F&L name)

Ivan Pavlov

__________ _________ - is when you take away a pleasant stimulus to stop behavior.

Negative Punishment

Esme is playing with her infant daughter Kaitlyn. She covers a stuffed animal with a blanket and then pulls the blanket away. Kaitlyn appears surprised every time the blanket is removed. Then one day, she grabs the blanket and pulls it away before Esme does. According to Piaget's theory, Kaitlyn has developed ________.

Object permanence

If a test consistently produces the same result, it is


______ happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor whereas _____ is the way that information is interpreted in consciously experienced.

Sensation; Perception

A type of box into which Skinner placed animals to condition them is called a(n)

Skinner box

Smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking certain drugs during pregnancy is likely to expose unborn children to harmful ______.


When a person stops using a drug, he or she may experience symptoms that are opposite of the effects of the drug. This is referred to as


The limbic system structure that regulates appetite is called _________.


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