PSY 235 URI Final Capone

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The Gestalt tradition emphasized the idea that...

"the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Which situation best describes the actions of the superego?

A married man always chooses not to cheat on his wife because he religious beliefs deem adultery an immoral act.

According to Skinner, personality is a result of what?

A set of conditioned responses to the environment.

Which of the following influence whether or not a model's behavior will be repeated by an observer?

All of these.

Who referred to personality as the "dynamic organization with in the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought"?


The American Paradox refers to the discrepancy between...

Americans' material wealth that co-occurs with social recession and psychological depression.

Which of the following is NOT one of Gardner's multiple intelligences?

Conscientious intelligence.

Maslow called basic biological necessities such as food, water, sex, and shelter, and the need for safety...


The roots of modern personality psychology can be traced to developments in the 19th century biological sciences based on the work of...


One of the first scientists to explore possible genetic links for personality, who tried to separate the effects of genetics and environment by looking at adopted twins, and who began the eugenics movement, was...

Francis Galton

Philosopher Martin Buber called the dialogue in which each human confirms the other person as being of unique value...


According to Allport, what is the method by which personality should be studied?


In what ways does Eysenck link his dimension of introversion to biology?

Introverts are innately at higher level of central nervous system arousal.

Which of the following statements best describes positive psychology?

It is a movement that is primarily concerned with positive aspects of humans (such as creativity and hope) and less oriented toward negative aspects (such as hate and aggression).

Which of the following describes one possible strength of the trait and skills approach to personality?

It simplifies personality to a small number of basic dimensions.

Which of the following arguments points to non-genetic factors in the incidence of schizophrenia?

Many identical twins of schizophrenia do not develop the disease.

The theorist known for his theory of self monitoring is...

Mark Snyder.

Of the following, which make up Eysneck's "big three"?

Neuroticism, extroversion, and psychoticism.

Which of the following are among the social issues Adler believed everyone had to address?

Occupational tasks, societal tasks, and love tasks.

Which of the following traits is least well-defined?


Which of the following influence is the most important in influencing self-efficacy?

Our own performance experiences.

Of the following reinforcement schedules, which of the most effective in terms of creating a behavior that is resistant to extinction?

Partial reinforcement.

Which of the following statement is true of the unconscious?

Personality psychology struggles to understand how and to what extent the unconscious plays a role in behavior.

The existentialist/humanistic approach to personality is most similar to which of the following?

Psychoanalytic approaches.

Marissa is given a stack of cards naming various characteristics and asked to sort them into piles on a dimension such as "least characteristic" to "most characteristic" of herself. She is taking a(n)...


According to Rotter, which of the following affect behavior?

Reinforcement values and outcome expectancies.

What is the technique of "free association"?

Spontaneous and free-flowing association of thoughts and feelings.

If you suffered from arachnophobia (extreme fear of spiders), you might be a legitimate method of treatment?

Systematic desensitization.

Which of the following is not a biological measure?


Which of the following is NOT a type of projective test?

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

Which of the following is NOT a division of the psyche, according to Jung?

The paraconscious.

What do sociobiologists study?

The reasons for the evolution if animal social behaviors.

Social learning theory refers to what?

The theory that proposes that habits are built up in terms of hierarchy of secondary drives.

Which of the following in NOT characteristic of a peak experience?

There is a heightened sense of anxiety.

Of the eight perspectives discussed in your text, which of the following is not true?

Very few of the perspectives are still regarded as useful.

Which of the following is NOT one of the central tenets of Gestalt psychology?

When presented with information, we strive to ignore things that we have not experienced before.

According to personal construct theory, how do people view reality?

Within a framework that is personally constructed in terms of their personal relationship with the world.

The frustration-aggression hypothesis is best illustrated by which of the following?

You are hungry, and you decide to eat come leftovers from last night; when you go to the kitchen, you see that your sister left them out all night and that they are now moldy, so you yell at her.

If a researcher is interested in determining the degree of association between intelligence and grades in school, then the most appropriate research method to use is...

a correlational design.

According to Freud, a deep unconscious conflict for women centers on...

a repressed wish to possess a penis.

According to en existentialist like Victor Frankl, an existential struggle can lead to...

a triumph of human spirit.

Individuals with an internal locus of control are more likely to be...

achievement-oriented and high achievers.

You are driving on the highway and a careless driver cuts you off, nearly causing a wreck. As if that were not enough, she then yells obscenities at you from her car and shakes her fist. Rogers would say that the most adaptive things for you to do would be to...

acknowledge your anger but not act aggressively, instead try to be understanding and compassionate.

A field dependent person is more sensitive to____________ than a field independent person.

all of these.

Humanism emphasizes...

all of these.

Although Hull believed in the importance of environmental reinforcements for learning, he...

also believed that the internal state of the organism was important.

The term temperament as used in personality psychology, refers to...

an individual's characteristic emotional and motivational nature.

Rollo May sees __________ as being a fundamental aspect of human existence...


According to Maslow, self-actualized people...

are all of these.

Maslow views "higher needs" as...

arising from within the individual.

Horney believed that what women really wanted was...

autonomy and control.

The central idea behind the concept of operant conditioning is that...

behavior is changed by manipulating it's consequences.

Personal dispositions that greatly influence behavior are termed ___________ dispositions.


If you were to enter a school organized by philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, you would likely see...

children doing all sorts of activities, each learning in his or her own way.

Nonshared environmental variance refers to the aspects of the environment that...

children raised in the same home experience differently.

People low in ____________ see the world in more absolute and simple terms.

cognitive complexity.

Schemas are...

cognitive structures that organize knowledge and expectations about one's environment.

Patrice thinks she is a failure. According to her assessment, her grades are bad, she is overweight, and she is unattractive. She also says she doesn't have any friends. In reality, Patrice does have friends, her grades are fine, and she is an attractive, slightly plump, young woman. Horney would say that Patrice is over-identifying with her...

despised self.

Wording of items is sometimes reversed to...

determine whether those scoring the test are paying attention.

After little Albert was conditioned to fear the rat, he...

did all the above.

Freud refers to ___________ as the "royal road" to understanding the unconscious.


Our abilities to categorize stimuli are severely challenged when we...

encounter objects that are dissimilar from past experiences.

Individuals with attention-deficit disorder (ADD)...

experience all of these.

The two traits that Jung discussed were...

extroversion and introversion.

A superiority complex is often a reaction to...

feelings of inferiority.

When a conditioned response occurs in response to a stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus, this is called...


Reliability refers to the ability of a scale to...

give consistent results.

Erikson's theory of development focuses on the idea that...

growth involves stages in which we resolve conflicts throughout life.

Rogers believed that people have an inherent tendency toward...


According to Rogers, a healthy person...

has a broad self-concept and is open to many feelings and experiences.

The greatest strength of experimental designs-a strength that other research approaches lack-is that they...

have the ability to show cause-and-effect relationships.

Advances in the field of biological science have...

helped researchers to think more clearly about what personality is.

Behavioral genomics is the study of...

how genes affect behavior.

Maslow stated that psychoanalysis and behaviorism were the first two "forces" and that _________ was the "third force".


Freud went to Paris to study with the famous nueropathologist J.M. Charcot, who was studying...


The ________ operates under the "pleasure principle," while the _________ operated under the "reality principle."

id; ego

Brian is struggling with himself. He's always been a good student, but lately he grades have been slipping a little bit. He feels like he has nothing in common with those who were once close friends, and yet he doesn't seem to "fit in" with any other crowd. He will be finishing his degree in history next year, but lately, he's been wondering whether he really wants to be a historian (and he feels silly that he's wasted so much valuable time on something that he might not even want to do for the rest of his life). His girlfriend want to get married after graduation, and he had planned to give her ring over winter break; however lately he's been feeling like marriage should wait. He wants to have time to explore the world and "discover" himself before settling down. Brian seems to have a(n)...

identity crisis.

Personality psychology that is focused on the study of individual cases is termed...


A current controversy that is relevant to the idea of repression deals with...

implantation of false memories by therapists.

Margaret Mead's view on the role of culture in personality was influenced by her findings of several different cultures that...

in some cultures, both the males and females had the characteristics that our culture identifies as "masculine or feminine."

If we ask everyone in the class to describe the personalities of everyone else they know in the class, and then use the data to form a theory about personality of college students, we are using...


A relational perspective suggests that...

initial patterns of self-other relations influence our self-concepts and social relations later in life.

Lewin's "field theory" focused on all of the internal and external forces that act on an individual, which he called__________.

life space.

Erich Fromm would argue that...

love requires knowledge, effort, and experience.

Jenny is not a particularly happy toddler. She is easily frightened, and seems to be easily irritated. Her mother reports that she's not a lot of trouble, however, she spends most of her time playing quietly by herself or watching TV; in fact, her mother often has to encourage her to play with the other children in her daycare group. Describe Jenny on each of the following temperamental dimensions: 1.) activity; 2.) emotionality; 3.) sociability.

low; high; low

Freud believed that dreams had to aspects: they're...

manifest and latent content.

When a behavior is learned after seeing another person perform the behavior, this is called...


When a person is faced with an approach-avoidance conflict, as described by Dollard and Miller, the inability to satisfy these conflicts leads to...

neurotic behavior.

Chris is two years older and well-adjusted. His attachment to his mother is healthy, and he is a happy child. Mahler would say that he is a _______ child.

normal symbiotic.

In psychoanalytic theory, the id has _________ as a main goal.

obtaining pleasure.

Individuals with an optimistic explanatory style...

often see neutral events as positive, and find the "silver lining" in bad situations.

Individuals who have a relatively more active right hemisphere (compared to what is typical) are more likely to...

overreact to a negative stimulus.

The studies of child-rearing precursors of dependency and aggression in children (as studied by Sears) show that...

parents' reports of how much they punished the child were related to the child's dependency and aggression.

Kelly's person construct theory posits that...

people actively endeavor to make sense of their worlds.

A phenomenological approach to personality states that...

people's perceptions and subjective realities are important and should be studied.

A major study done at the University of Minnesota examining identical twins raised apart has found...

personality is mostly located in genes, regardless of the environment.

Jena is a bright student, but she can't see it. Last week, she got a B on her history test and was depressed for the rest of the afternoon. Her friends tried to cheer her up by offering to study with her next time, and reminding her that she'd done better than any of them, but it didn't help. In fact, Jena isn't just insecure about her scholastic abilities, but she also thinks she's ugly, fat, and without talent (the reality is that her looks are average, her weight is average, and she's a talented saxophone player). Jena's explanatory style is...


The idea that people's perceptions or subjective realities are considered to be valid data for investigation is termed a _________ perspective.


Archetypes are...

powerful emotional symbols rooted in our human history.

In Freud's usage, a "defense mechanism" has the effect of...

protecting the person's consciousness from threatening material.

Cattell used ___________ to organize adjectives into trait-categories.


The behavioral activation system is responsible for...

regulating our response rewards.

Freudian theory would likely interpret a dream in which someone tries over and over (but fails) to scale a mountain to reach a friend as indicating...

secret lust for that friend.

The most common type of personality test is...

self report.

Little Evelyn was caught stealing by her mother. As she tried to defend herself, she said, "I didn't mean to do it! My 'evil twin' took over." Evelyn is invoking the ________ archetype.


According to Erich Fromm, love is...

something that enables us to overcome our isolation from others but still maintain our individual integrity.

"Temperament" refers to...

stables individual differences in emotional reactivity.

Tropisms are...

tendencies to seek out specific types of environments.

Suppose you complete a personality questionnaire where scores usually range from 1-35, and you receive a score of "10". Suppose you then take the test again, the next day and receive a score of "9.5." This questionnaire appears to have...

test-retest reliability.

An early supporter of psychological testing (and where much testing is conducted) was...

the U.S. armed forces.

In his studies with rhesus monkeys, Harlow found that infant monkeys became attached to...

the cloth mothers, regardless of whether these mothers provided food.

Darwin's evolutionary theory influenced the development of the field of personality psychology through...

the idea that people are subject to the laws of nature, like other animals.

In basic terms, existentialism is an area of philosophy concerned with...

the meaning of human existence.

Freudian theory uses the term "libido" to refer to...

the psychic energy that is the basis of drive or motivation.

A useful way to address the "problem" that personalities tend to change to some degree over time is...

to look for consistent patterns of response which indicate underlying personality stability.

"Heidi is aggressive and extroverted." This statement describes Heidi in terms of...


In Pavlov's early classical conditioning experiments, food was the _______, and a bell, which was originally a neutral stimulus, became a(n) ______ when paired with the food.

unconditioned stimulus; conditioned stimulus.

Validity refers to...

whether a test measures what is is supposed to measure.

In a society that lost cultural traditions to standardized Big Mac hamburgers, and replaced religious concerns about helping others with self-indulgent trips to visit Mickey Mouse, existential/humanists predict that people...

would be susceptible to the appeals of totalitarian government.

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