PSY 240 Chapter 6

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Prevalence estimates of dissociative identity disorder are around _____.

1 to 6 percent

Which of the following are criteria for dissociative identity disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Alterations in affect, behavior consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and/or sensory-motor functioning Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events and important personal information Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states

Tonya has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. She sometimes displays other personalities with names such as Ralph, Geraldine, and Twinkle. The other personalities are known as ___________.


For people with dissociative identity disorder, when other personalities are in control they may experience complete _______________.


People with dissociative identity disorder claim to have significant periods of _______________.


Male relatives of people with multiple, excessive health complaints also have higher than usual rates of which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Antisocial personality disorder Alcoholism

Which of the following symptoms are associated with dissociative amnesia? (Select all that apply.)

Are typically aware that there are large gaps in their memory of themselves Cannot remember their personal identities Cannot remember important facts about their lives

Which of the following factors contribute to somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders? (Select all that apply.)

Assume serious illnesses are common Misinterpret any physical changes in themselves Pay more attention to physical symptoms

Which of the following are criteria for functional neurological symptom disorder (conversion disorder)? (Select all that apply.)

At least one of the symptoms affects voluntary or sensory function with or without impairment of consciousness. Deficit is associated with clinically significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Deficit is not better explained by another recognized medical or DSM disorder.

According to the cognitive perspective, which of the following factors play a role in somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders? (Select all that apply.)

Believe they are unable to tolerate pain Dysfunctional beliefs about illness Believe they are vulnerable to wide range of physical illnesses

Cognitive therapies for somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorder help people learn to interpret their physical symptoms appropriately and to avoid ______ physical symptoms.


People who develop dissociative identity disorder self-report which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Childhood physical abuse Childhood sexual abuse

Freud named conversion disorder because he stated that stress brought about by unconscious conflicts was ______ into physical symptoms that could be treated.


Liam suffers from an illness anxiety disorder. Because of this, he may be prone to periods of anxiety and ___________________.


People with somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder may be prone to periods of _______________ and ________________.

Depression Anxiety

Convincing people with somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders that they need psychological treatment is _______________.


With ________ disorders, different parts of an individual's identity, memories, or consciousness split off from one another.


Which of the following meet the criteria for depersonalization/derealization disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Experiences not attributable to direct physiological effects of a substance Experiences of unreality or detachment with respect to surroundings Experiences of unreality, detachment, or being an outside observer

In ______ disorder, people show a pattern of falsifying symptoms that are either physical, psychological, or a combination of both.


True or false: Behavioral therapies for somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorder help people learn to interpret their physical symptoms appropriately.


True or false: Most mental health professionals are reluctant to give a diagnosis of DID because they lack formal training in this area.


True or false: Psychodynamic therapies focus on determining the reinforcements individuals receive for their symptoms and health complaints and eliminating these reinforcements.


True or false: Psychodynamic treatment for conversion disorder focuses on relieving the person's anxiety around the initial trauma that caused the symptoms.


Which of the following are the most common causes of dissociation? (Select all that apply.)

Fatigue Stress

Which of the following are traumas experienced by people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Having been victims of torture Human trafficking Government "mind experiments"

Which of the following are consequences of experiencing multiple somatic symptoms? (Select all that apply.)

High blood pressure High cholesterol Early death

Which of the following are criteria for illness anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.)

High level of anxiety about health Preoccupation with having a serious illness Excessive health-related behaviors

Which of the following are criteria of somatic symptom disorder? (Select all that apply.)

High level of anxiety about health or symptoms Symptoms result in significant disruption of daily life. Excessive time devoted to the somatic symptoms

Which of the following symptoms are exhibited by children with dissociative identity disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Hypervigilance Flashbacks Exaggerated startle response

________ is sometimes used in the treatment of dissociative identity disorder.


Which of the following are consequences of experiencing multiple somatic symptoms? (Select all that apply.)

Impaired sleep Disability Low income

Which of the following are consequences of experiencing multiple somatic symptoms? (Select all that apply.)

Impaired sleep Low income Disability

All of the following are true about retrograde amnesia except

It entails the inability to remember new information.

Which of the following are characteristics of depersonalization/derealization disorder? (Select all that apply.)

It is diagnosed when episodes are so frequent and distressing that they interfere with everyday functioning. Once it manifests, people often have chronic experiences of depersonalization/derealization. Individuals often report a history of childhood emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.

All of the following are characteristics of psychogenic amnesia except

It may be caused by factors such as disease and drug use.

Which of the following reasons have been discussed as issues with making a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder? (Select all that apply.)

It was only first included in the DSM in 1980. DID was rarely diagnosed before 1980. The diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia became more specific.

Which of the following are traumas experienced by people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Kidnapping Natural disasters War

People who seriously abuse alcohol much of their lives can develop a more global retrograde amnesia known as _____.

Korsakoff's syndrome

Which ethnic group appears to be diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder more frequently?


Which of the following are true about the controversy around dissociative disorders? (Select all that apply.)

Less than one-fourth of U.S. and Canadian psychiatrists believe there is strong empirical evidence supporting the validity of this diagnosis. Symptoms may be induced through hypnotic suggestion. Skeptics of dissociative disorders argue they are artificially created.

Which of the following statements about dissociative identity disorder is true?

Many now believe that the cause of dissociative identity disorder is that these individuals were subjected to emotional or physical trauma.

Factitious disorders are also referred to as ______________________.

Munchausen's syndrome

The disorder that is caused by brain injury resulting from disease, drugs, accidents, or surgery is called _____.

Organic amnesia

Which of the following are common symptoms of conversion disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Paralysis Mutism Seizures

Which of the following are true about the difficulties in diagnosing amnesias? (Select all that apply.)

People committing crimes may be inebriated, which can cause amnesic blackouts. Amnesias may be faked to escape punishment for crimes committed during the "amnesic period." True amnesias can occur in conjunction with the commission of a crime.

Mickey is an alter of Sam, who has dissociative identity disorder. Mickey is a cutter and has attempted suicide several times. Mickey is a __________________ personality.


The ___________________ personality is a type of alter that inflicts punishment on the other personalities.


Which of the following symptoms are consistent with a diagnosis of somatic symptom disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Person may avoid a wide range of activities. Person may insist on medical procedures, including surgeries. Person assumes the worst: cancer, stroke, or heart attack.

Which of the following symptoms are consistent with a diagnosis of somatic symptom disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Person may insist on medical procedures, including surgeries. Person may avoid a wide range of activities. Person assumes the worst: cancer, stroke, or heart attack.

Which of the following problems are exhibited by children with dissociative identity disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Prone to antisocial behavior Erratic school performance Alcohol abuse at an early age

A type of alter for someone with dissociative identity disorder is one who offers advice to the other personalities. This personality is known as a ________________ personality.


Morris is an alter of Gerard, who has dissociative identity disorder. Morris is constantly helping the other personalities out and giving advice. Morris is know as a _____________________ personality.


Samantha desperately wanted to have a child but was told by doctors that she could not. Several months later, she told her husband that she was pregnant and maintained that belief, even though lab and physical exam results showed she was not pregnant. Samantha has a condition known as _____________________.


When a woman believes that she is pregnant but physical examination and laboratory tests confirm she is not, this is a condition known as ____________________.


Dr. Winston was treating a patient who had conversion disorder symptoms. He felt that the symptoms unconsciously symbolized the specific concerns or memories that his patient had repressed. Dr. Winston is a _______ therapist.


Therapists who view conversion symptoms as the result of the transfer of the psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms come from the _______ perspective.


_______ amnesia arises in the absence of any brain injury or disease and is thought to have psychological causes.


_______ may be the result of using dissociations against intolerable memories or stressors.

Psychogenic amnesia

_______________________ may be the result of using dissociations against intolerable memories or stressors.

Psychogenic amnesia

The name conversion disorder presumes that _______________ distress, often a traumatic event, is "converted" into _________________ symptoms.

Psychological Physical

When is the diagnosis of somatic symptom disorder easier? (Select all that apply.)

Psychological factors leading to the development of the symptoms can be identified clearly. Physical examination proves that the symptoms cannot be physiologically possible.

_____ amnesia is the inability to remember information from the past.


What type of amnesia is most associated with Korsakoff's syndrome?

Retrograde amnesia

All of the following are characteristics of organic amnesia, EXCEPT:

Seldom involves anterograde amnesia

The primary forms of dissociative amnesia are _____. (Select all that apply.)

Selective Localized Generalized

________________ behavior is common among people with dissociative identity disorder.


Which of the following can cause a dissociative disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Sexual abuse during childhood A traumatic event during childhood Physical abuse during childhood

Which theory of dissociative identity disorder argues that the alternate personalities are created by patients who adopt the idea of dissociative identity disorder as an explanation that fits their lives?

Sociocognitive model

Which of the following are symptoms of somatic symptom disorder noted in the text? (Select all that apply.)

Spends a great deal of energy thinking about their physical symptoms Seeks medical care for their distressing physical symptoms Spends a great deal of time thinking about their physical symptoms

Which of the following are criteria for dissociative amnesia? (Select all that apply.)

Symptoms that cause significant distress or impairment Not better explained by DID, PTSD, acute stress disorder, or somatization disorder Inability to recall important autobiographical information

Which of the following sometimes occurs when a person with dissociative identity disorder experiences a traumatic event as a child? (Select all that apply.)

The host personality escapes into the protection of psychological oblivion. They develop a child alter. They develop an alter who acts as a big brother or big sister.

Turner has committed a murder in the commission of a robbery. He claims no knowledge of the murder or the crime and is amnesic regarding it. Authorities are trying to ascertain if he is feigning amnesia to escape punishment. What are the difficulties in attempting to prove the presence or feigning of Turner's amnesia? (Select all that apply.)

There is no clear-cut way to differentiate true amnesia from feigned amnesia. Hypnosis to assist Turner in remembering the crime may create memories through the power of suggestion.

Which of the following is true of the behavioral therapist view of conversion disorder? (Select all that apply.)

They emphasize the role of conversion symptoms in alleviating distress by removing the individual from difficult environments. They emphasize the role of conversion symptoms in allowing patients to avoid unwanted responsibilities or situations.

Which of the following is true of the behavioral therapist view of conversion disorder? (Select all that apply.)

They emphasize the role of conversion symptoms in alleviating distress by removing the individual from difficult environments. They emphasize the role of conversion symptoms in allowing patients to avoid unwanted responsibilities or situations.

True or false: Most of the controversy surrounding evidence of dissociative identity disorder centers around the accuracy of repressed memories and the suggestibility of clients presenting with symptoms.


True or false: One difficulty in diagnosing somatic symptom disorders is the possibility that an individual has a real physical problem that is difficult to detect or diagnose.


True or false: Psychogenic amnesia arises in the absence of a brain injury or diseases and is thought to have psychological causes.


True or false: Treating people with somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder is often difficult because they may continue to insist that they are physically ill.


Dissociative identity disorder is diagnosed most frequently in which of the following countries?

United States

The vast majority of people with dissociative identity disorder are ____________________.

adult women

Jackson witnessed a brutal stabbing of a young man by a gang leader whom the neighborhood knew to be violent and retaliative. The next morning, when he awakened, he discovered he was blind. According to the behavioral view, Jackson's blindness _____.

allowed him to avoid testifying in court as to what he saw

A form of organic amnesia that involves the inability to remember new information is known as _____.

anterograde amnesia

In treating conversion disorder, behavioral therapists attempt to help their clients focus on relieving their _____________ around the initial trauma and on reducing any ______________ the clients are receiving from the conversion symptoms.

anxiety benefits

People with dissociative amnesia _______________________.

are unable to remember information about an event or set of events in their lives

Neurological models of conversion disorder suggest that conversion symptoms _____.

arise when sensory and motor areas of the brain are impaired by anxiety

Dissociative symptoms may be part of the syndrome __________________.

ataque de nervios

In treating somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder, behavioral therapists _____.

attempt to determine the reinforcements individuals receive for their health complaints

Research indicates that the ability and tendency to dissociate as a coping mechanism in dissociative identity disorder may, to some extent ___________________________.

biologically determined

Children _____.

can have conversion disorder

Justin has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. One of his personalities was Phoebe, who was 6 years old. As Justin aged, Phoebe did not. Phoebe is known as a _______________.

child alter

Research indicates that dissociative experiences are commonly reported by survivors of _____.

childhood sexual abuse

A factor that is often associated with the development of dissociative identity disorder is _______________________.

childhood trauma

Controversy over the diagnosis of dissociative amnesia increased in response to ___________________________________.

claims that some survivors of childhood sexual abuse repressed their memories of the abuse for years

A reason that someone with dissociative identity disorder is often taken for treatment is because they _______________________________.

commit self-destructive behavior

The essential feature of ________________ disorder is that the individual loses neurologic functioning in a part of his or her body, and it is not due to an underlying medical condition.


Harry had been studying for weeks for his medical college admission test. He knew he had to succeed because his family was counting on him to do well after going into debt paying for his education. He felt an inordinate amount of pressure and had an extremely fitful night of sleep the night before the exam. When he awakened the next morning, Harry discovered that he could not see. He was blind! Harry most likely was experiencing a common symptom of ___________________.

conversion disorder

People with ________________________ / ____________________ disorder feel detached from their own mental processes or body.

depersonalization derealization

One day Max was walking around the city, minding his own business, when suddenly he found himself looking down at himself from the marquee of a movie theater. It seemed unreal and weird. His hands began to shake as a result of the experience. Since then, he has had one experience like that after another, never completely feeling like he was back in his own body. Max's symptoms meet the criteria for _____________________________________.

depersonalization/derealization disorder

People with ______ feel detached from their own mental processes or body.


Treating people with conversion disorder is often _______________.

difficult because they do not think there is anything wrong with them psychologically

With ___________________, different parts of an individual's identity, memories, or consciousness split off from one another. Which of the following are symptoms of somatic symptom


Maureen was driving her car when an elderly man stepped directly in front her moving vehicle and was killed. Although she was not injured, Maureen started to wander the streets aimlessly until she was picked up by the police and brought to a hospital. She had no knowledge of the accident or who she was. Maureen's symptoms fit the criteria for ______________________.

dissociative amnesia

Matthew, a maintenance man for the local school, woke up one morning in a town 500 miles from where he lived. He had no knowledge of his past, including his identity, and started a new life as a construction worker. Matthew is experiencing __________________.

dissociative fugue

When an individual travels to a new place and assumes a new identity with no memory of his or her previous identity, he or she is experiencing _____________________.

dissociative fugue

The disorder in which it appears that the individual has developed more than one personality with its associated sense of self is ________________________ disorder.

dissociative identity

Eve White, Eve Black, and Jane were alters of person who suffered from ________________________.

dissociative identity disorder

Toni often has blackouts. This is when Tony emerges. Tony is arrogant, assertive, and angry most of the time, whereas Toni is sweet, loving, and happy. Tony smokes, Toni does not. Toni has above average intelligence, Tony has average intelligence. Toni's disorder meets the criteria for _______________________.

dissociative identity disorder

The essential feature of conversion disorder is that the individual _____________.

experiences a change in neurologic functioning not due to a medical condition

Gabriel ran hard against a wall until he dislocated his shoulder, bit his lip until it bled, tore his clothing in various areas, and rolled in the dirt. He then went to the ER and told them he was attacked and beaten. He complained of a massive headache, abdominal pain, and shoulder pain. Gabriel meets the criteria for _____________________.

factitious disorder

Factitious disorder imposed on another was formerly known as __________________________.

factitious disorder by proxy

When parents fake or even create illnesses in their children in order to gain attention, they meet the criteria for _____________________________.

factitious disorder imposed on another

The most common causes of dissociation are probably ____________ and _____________.

fatigue stress

Multiple health complaints and excessive health concerns run in families, primarily among _____.

female relatives

In treating somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder, psychodynamic therapists _________.

focus on providing insight about the connections between emotions and physical symptoms

In treating conversion disorder, behavioral therapists attempt to help their clients _____.

focus on relieving their anxiety around the initial trauma

Franklin went to his doctor because when he awakened in the morning, he was paralyzed on his left side. After exhaustive medical testing, Franklin's doctor could not find anything physically wrong. Franklin had witnessed a house fire the day before at which people were trapped inside screaming as they were dying. Franklin's symptoms meet the criteria of ___________________________.

functional neurological symptom disorder

In the DSM-5, conversion disorder was renamed _____.

functional neurological symptom disorder

All of the following statements about amnesia are true EXCEPT

generalized retrograde amnesias for entire pasts and identities appear to be fairly common.

Michael had been studying for weeks for his medical college admission test. He knew he had to succeed because his family was counting on him to do well after going into debt paying for his education. He felt an inordinate amount of pressure and had an extremely fitful night of sleep the night before the exam. When he awakened the next morning, Michael discovered that his writing hand was paralyzed. Michael most likely was experiencing a dramatic conversion symptom known as ____________________.

glove anesthesia

One particularly dramatic conversion symptom is ______, in which the person loses all feeling in one hand.

glove anesthesia

Non Believers in repressed memories _________________.

have raised questions about the methods and conclusions of repressed memory studies

In treating somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder, cognitive therapists _____.

help people learn to interpret their physical symptoms appropriately and to avoid catastrophizing physical symptoms

For amnesic individuals, psychotherapy involves ___________________________.

helping patients recall and understand traumas that contributed to their dissociations

Hilgard did experiments on the ______________________ phenomenon in which it appeared that someone was watching and recording events in peoples' lives without their awareness.

hidden observer

The _____________________ phenomenon occurs when the conscious registers and stores information into memory without being aware that the information has been processed.

hidden observer

Cognitive-behavioral therapies for somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders focus on ___________________ and __________________ beliefs and misinterpretations of physical sensations.

identifying challenging

Cognitive-behavioral therapies for somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders focus on _____.

identifying and challenging beliefs and misinterpretations of physical sensations

People with ___________________ disorder worry that they will develop or have a serious illness but do not always experience severe physical symptoms.

illness anxiety

Connor is concerned about bowel rumbling in his gastrointestinal tract. He often feels bloated and is sure he has a mass in his abdomen. He is convinced he has abdominal cancer. He has had numerous diagnostic tests, all of which were negative. Connor may be suffering from _____.

illness anxiety disorder

The average age of onset for depersonalization/derealization disorder tends to be ________________________

in early adulthood, around age 23.

The treatment goal for dissociative identity disorder is to ___________________________.

integrate all the alter personalities into one coherent personality

Factitious disorder differs from malingering in that individuals with factitious disorder _____.

intentionally create their symptoms to gain medical attention

Believers in repressed memories argue that the clinical evidence for dissociative or psychogenic amnesia _______________.

is ample

If psychological factors leading to the development of the symptoms can be identified clearly, then the diagnosis of somatic symptom disorder _____.

is easier

Donahue does not want to go to school and take a test he did not prepare for. He splashes warm water on his face, sticks the thermometer under hot water, and shows it to his mother to make her think he has a fever. Donahue _____.

is malingering

Differentiating true amnesias from feigned ones ____________________________.

is virtually impossible

Corporal Johnson planted explosives around the enemy camp. He then set them off and witnessed the deaths of many men, women, and children. He was horrified at the carnage. The next morning, when he awakened, he was blind. Curiously, he did not seem overly concerned about this blindness. This lack of concern is known as __________________.

la belle indifference

During the world wars, conversion symptoms were quite common among the soldiers. Often soldiers would become inexplicably blind or paralyzed and unable to return to the front. Many seemed unconcerned about their blindness or paralysis, a phenomenon known as _____.

la belle indifference

Maureen was driving her car when an elderly man stepped directly in front of her moving vehicle. Unable to stop in time, Maureen struck and killed the elderly gentleman. She had no recollection of the accident or the elderly gentleman. Maureen's symptoms fit the criteria for _____.

localized (selective) amnesia

Employees who deliberately feign sickness to get out of going to work are __________________.


People who are _____________________ fake a symptom or a disorder in order to avoid an unwanted situation or to gain something.


A difficulty in diagnosing somatic symptom disorder is that the individual ________________.

may have a real physical disorder that is difficult to detect

Individuals with dissociative amnesia or fugue _________________________.

may recover on their own

Evidence from some family history studies suggests that dissociative identity disorder _____.

may run in some families

When children have conversion disorder, their symptoms often ______________.

mimic those of someone they are close to who has a real illness

Evidence of the reluctance of professionals to diagnose dissociative identity disorder is that ___________________.

most people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder have previously been diagnosed with at least three other disorders

Somatic symptom disorder involves _____.

multiple and recurrent bodily symptoms

Psychodynamic therapy for conversion disorder focuses _____.

on the expression of painful emotions and on insights into the relationship between these and the conversion symptoms

All of the following statements are true about dissociative identity disorder except

people who develop dissociative identity disorder tend to fixate on past trauma and replay the events over and over in their mind

In the DSM-5, conversion disorder was renamed functional neurological symptom disorder because _____ and _____ objected to the presumption that psychological distress was converted into physical symptoms.

physicians patients

Somatic symptoms and illness anxiety disorder may be a part of ___________________________.

post-traumatic stress disorder

Somatic symptoms and illness anxiety disorder may be a part of ___________________ stress disorder


When individuals have symptoms that tend to reduce anxiety, they are, according to Freud, the recipients of __________________.

primary gain

Henrietta puts Ipecac in her daughter's drinks every day. Her daughter is constantly vomiting and is generally sick most days. Neighbors visit Henrietta and provide comfort and support. Henrietta is experiencing _____.

secondary gain

Conversion symptoms may result from spontaneous _____________________.

self -hypnosis

One theory regarding the cause of dissociative identity disorder is the ___________________.

self-hypnosis theory

The final outcome in the story of Eve White was that _____.

she integrated all her personalities into one entity and led a healthy, normal life

Like conversion disorder, __________________ disorder involves the expression of psychological issues through bodily symptoms without any known medical condition or the effects of a substance.

somatic symptom

Minerva has been complaining about numerous aches and pains. She has constant feelings of weakness and is often fatigued. Numerous diagnostic tests have been negative. Despite this, Minerva seeks constant treatment for her ailments. Minerva is probably suffering from _________________________.

somatic symptom disorder

According to general consensus, the cause of the dissociative disorders is __________________________________ that leads people to experience the splitting apart of their conscious experiences.

some type of traumatic event, usually during childhood,

Dissociative symptoms and ataque de nervios overlap in most symptoms except

suicidal thoughts.

One problem in diagnosing amnesia is ____________________.

the possibility that the amnesia is being faked

An important influence on the diagnostic trends in dissociative identity disorder was ___________________.

the publication of influential papers describing persons with DID

People with conversion disorder are difficult to treat because _______________.

they do not think that there is anything wrong with them psychologically

Psychogenic amnesia may be the result of _________________________.

using dissociations against intolerable memories or stressors.

Generalized retrograde amnesias for people's entire pasts and identities appear to be _________________.

very rare

In dissociative identity disorder, a type of alter is the child alter, _______________________.

who is a child who never ages with the individual

In dissociative identity disorder, a type of alter is the child alter, __________________________________.

who is a child who never ages with the individual

People with illness anxiety disorder __________.

worry that they will develop or have a serious illness

People with illness anxiety disorder ________________.

worry that they will develop or have a serious illness

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