PSY 265 Exam 2

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Weak Self- Efficacy

- Limit their Experiences - Avoid Setting High Goals - Don't allow for opportunities to Increase Self- Efficacy feelings

Social Judgement Theory

- Emphasizes an Individual's ability to perceive & make a judgment on an attitude - The Judgements we have toward a persuasive attitude always come before an attitude change - This theory assumes that when our emotions are excited about a particular topic that these emotions will affect our attitudes

Some things that can Affect the Persuasive ability of an Individual

- Merchandise at eye level sells best - Ads Using Animals, Babies, Or Sex Appeal are more effective - Merchandise placed at the end of a supermarket aisle or near checkouts is more likely to be purchased - Bundle Pricing

Key Elements to David Rosenhan's Study

- Examine Difficulty People have Shedding the Mentally Ill Label - To Pretend to be Mentally Ill & Try to gain admittance into Various Psychiatric Institutions - Important Because People became Aware of the basis for diagnosis might not be correct. - Showed in certain situation that label became Self-Limiting and Self-Confirming - Study confirmed that the hospital couldn't distinguish mentally sane from the Insane

Festinger &Carlsmith's Classic Experiment

- Hired students to do Dull task - Pd $1 & $20 to lie to prospective students that it was fun - those pd $1 inferred they liked the task or they wouldn't have said it was enjoyable (Insufficient Justification) - Conclude that Dissonance is Inevitable with Choice

Zimbardo's Prison Study

- 24 Male College Students - 11 Assigned Guards - 9 Prisoners - Significant because it showed notorious example of the unexpected effects that can occur when Psychological Experiments into Human Nature are Performed.


- A Negative Judgement/Opinion formed about a Group that is not based on Knowledge, Reason, or Facts. - Developed by & through our Social Groups, if our social group shows prejudice toward a specific Group, you will behave accordingly

Fishbein &Azjen's Theory of Planned Behavior

- Attitudes toward specific Behaviors provide the best Predictor of Behavior - Behaviors are determined RATIONALLY - Attitude=Subjective Norms= Behavioral Intention= behavior -Behavioral Intentions are best Predictions of Behavior - Perceptions of whether others will approve/disapprove of Behavior - Our perceptions of our ability to perform the behavior (Self-Efficacy) our attitudes toward a particular behavior

How do we Cope with Cognitive Dissonance?

- By adding a New Cognition or come up with a Justification that supports our Behavior - When we Minimize Importance of Dissonant Information - We Modify Behavior/Attitudes to be more Consistent

Kind of Social Groups

- Primary Group: Close-Knit, intimate Relationships - Secondary Group: Can be Small/Large, mostly impersonal, usually Short Term - Reference Group: We look to for guidance in order to Evaluate our Behaviors & Attitudes

Process of Social Cognition

- Social Psychology leaned on Cognitive concepts - People need to have accurate information about abilities - Vulnerable to host Faulty Judgements

Strong Self-Efficacy

- Strong Set of Goals - Put more effort & Resources - Have More Success - Self-Efficacy Feeling Increase

Sherif's Robber's Cave Experiment

- Study the Development of Group relations among the boys under carefully Controlled Conditions - As little Interference as possible from personal Neuroses - Background Influences or Prior Experience - Boys picked through long and thorough procedure - Prejudice could be brought about through competition of resources

2 Aspects of Persuasion

- To get a person to do great deal of thinking about Message (Central) - Focus on Simple, but compelling cues that are Peripheral to Message (Peripheral)


- Typically part of any Prejudice Attitude - Cognitive Frameworks we work from to process information into workable elements - When we come across new Information we have a tendency to fit it into a stereotype which perpetuates the attitudes - As we grow we hear & learn stereotypes about Genders


- Well Established Mental Set that predisposes a person to evaluate something Favorably or Unfavorably

6 Concepts of Social Judgment Theory

1. Anchor- A point of Reference when making Judgements 2. Assimilation Effects- Changes in judgements towards a reference point 3. Contrast Effects- Changes in judgements away from a reference point 4. Latitude of Acceptance- Statements within our realm of Acceptance 5. Latitude of Rejection- Statements we find as Unacceptable 6. Latitude of Noncommitment- Statements that are neither acceptable nor unacceptable

Social Group

A collection of people with Shared goals, Degree of Interdependence & Communication.


A motivational State that is aroused whenever a person feels their freedom to choose is limited.

Self- Efficacy

A person's evaluation of his/her ability to reach a GOAL or PERFORM a certain Behavior

Bona Fide Pipeline

A technique that uses priming to measure Implicit Racial Attitudes

Glass Ceiling

Barriers based on Attitudinal or Organizational Bias that prevent qualified Females from advancing to top-level positions

How are Attitudes structured?

By Cognitive Consistency Theories meaning Uncomfortable feelings associated with Dissonance & Inconsistency pressures us to Change

How are attitudes formed?

By the Learning Theory, Learning Feelings , thoughts, & Actions associated with new Information

Glass Cliff Effect

Choosing women for leadership positions that are risky, precarious, or when the outcome is more likely to result in failure.

Sleeper Effect

Comes when the effects of a persuasive communication increase with the passage of time

Learned Helplessness

Depression is produced when we believe events are independent of Behavior, Exposure to uncontrollable events produces helplessness because of expectation events are independent of Behavior. DIFFICULT TO EXTINGUISH

Relationship between Self-Esteem and Gender Differences

Gender Differences in Self Esteem begin to emerge during puberty.

How is Reactance related to Control?

If we believe External Forces reduce our ability to reach goals, we act to regain control.

Modern Racism

More Subtle belief than Blatant feeling of Superiority. Consists primarily of thinking minorities are seeking & Receiving more benefits than they deserve & a denial that discrimination affects their outcomes

LaPiere's Study On Attitudes Showed us?

Showed us that there is difficulty of predicting Actual Behavior from Reported Attitudes

Self- Perception Theory (Daryl Bem)

People often come to know attitudes by inferring them from Self Observations. "I Do Therefore I Must Be"

Explain how Deindividuation, Self-Consciousness, & Disinhibition are all related to the Self-Perception Theory

Reduced Private Self-Consciousness leads to Disinhibition, through Deindividuation.


Refers to hiring based on group membership. It can concern a numerically infrequent presence of members of a particular category

Difference Between Self-Efficacy & Self-Esteem

Self- Efficacy is the evaluation a person has of his/her ability to reach a goal or perform a certain behavior; Self-Esteem is a person's overall attitude toward him/herself.

Difference Social & Personal Identity

Social- When we consider ourselves as members Personal- when we think of the self as a unique individual

Social Categorization

The idea that Cognitive Process used by all humans to simplify their Social Environment might be involved in Prejudice has long been acknowledged - The Perceptual Classification of Individuals into Discrete categories or Groups - Ingroup Similarities and Outgroup differences


To Prevail on a person to do something.

Ultimate Attribution Error

Tying of positive feeling to our own Group and the Negative feeling to the other group

How & When do we behave according to the Social Comparison Theory?

We behave according to this theory when we are uncertain of our abilities, there is no objective standard, when there are similar others available for comparison, & when information is central to Defining our Self.

Cognitive Dissonance

We encounter inconsistent information or behaving Incongruent with our cognitions causes us to experience a disturbing Internal State.

Social Comparison Theory

We seek to learn about our own traits by comparing ourselves without an objective standard.

Social Identity Theory

When we think ourselves as of specific groups.

Sleeper Effect's relationship with Attitudes

With the Passage of time we forget our attitude toward the message & only remember the message itself, leading to changes in attitudes

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