PSY 269 (Chapter 6-10)

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A friend asks, "Why is there such a strong connection between alcohol abuse and suicide risk?" Based on the best available research, you reply:

"No one knows for sure."

If a person had bulimia nervosa and engaged in frequent binges, about how many of his or her binges per week would a friend of this person expect to witness?


In the United States, the elderly account for approximately ____ of all suicides.

18 percent

How long does delirium tremens (the DTs) last?

2 or 3 days

One study showed that of people at high risk for committing suicide who contact a suicide crisis hotline, approximately _____ later commit suicide.

2 percent

What is the average length of time for the treatment of major depressive disorder using electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

2 to 4 weeks

Approximately what percentage of smokers are eventually able to stop?

50 percent

The elderly are _____ as likely as adolescents to complete suicide.

50 times

What does the most recent research tell us about genetic factors involved in the development of bipolar disorder?

A number of genetic abnormalities probably combine to help bring about bipolar disorder.

Which statement is NOT true about anorexia nervosa?

About 35 percent of people who experience anorexia nervosa are male.

If current trends concerning the body images of African American women and non-Hispanic white American women continue, one would expect that in the future:

African American women would show increasing body image dissatisfaction.

You are analyzing the suicide rates of African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. The MOST accurate conclusion from the data is:

African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans have roughly equal suicide rates.

"Alcoholism is a disease. You are an alcoholic for life, and you must stop drinking." The treatment favored by the person/group being quoted MOST likely is:

Alcoholics Anonymous.

What group is MOST at risk for suicide?

American Indian males

Which statement is accurate?

Anorexic behavior recurs in about one-third of recovered patients.

Which statement is TRUE regarding treatment of bulimia nervosa?

Antidepressant drugs used in combination with psychotherapy are more effective than either treatment alone.

Which statement is the MOST important reason for the decline in the use of electroconvulsive therapy since the 1950s?

Antidepressant drugs were developed.

Which statement about cannabis use is TRUE?

At high doses, cannabis can cause intoxication; at very high doses, it can cause hallucinations.

_____ is often given to people who are trying to stop consuming alcohol.


Which statement BEST describes the effects of compensatory behaviors that people with bulimia use in controlling their weight?

Engaging in repeated vomiting leads to more frequent and intense binges due to the inability to feel sated.

Studies have reported that adolescent girls who spend increased time on Facebook are more likely to have a negative body image and to display signs of eating disorders. Which aspect of Facebook MOST likely accounts for this association?

Facebook is an image-driven platform.

What is the primary difference between suicide prevention centers and online suicide-focused forums?

Forums are not seeking to provide help to suicidal individuals, whereas suicide prevention centers are.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the prevalence of bipolar disorder?

It affects millions of people in the United States, between 1 and 2.6 percent of all adults.

Which is TRUE regarding treatments for binge-eating disorders?

It has evolved from the treatment provided to those with bulimia nervosa.

A combination of alcohol abuse and a vitamin B deficiency can lead to:

Korsakoff's syndrome.

A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out that the person had never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. This patient is MOST likely suffering from:

Korsakoff's syndrome.

Which statement BEST describes eating disorders in men?

Male eating disorders are often linked to the requirements and pressures of a job or a sport.

Which statement about suicide is TRUE?

Many apparent accidents are probably suicides.

Pat and Kelly each have five of the same cocktail. Pat gets very drunk. Kelly does not. Which factor would MOST likely account for this difference?

Pat is a woman, and Kelly is a man.

People who do not have anorexia and are placed on a starvation diet show many of the food preoccupations of people with anorexia nervosa. Which conclusions can be drawn from this finding?

Preoccupation with food is likely the result of starvation, rather than the underlying cause of anorexia.

Which statement BEST represents the relationship between binge-eating disorder and being overweight or obese?

Roughly half of people with binge-eating disorder become overweight or obese.

Severe unipolar depression is less common in adults older than age 65. What is one possible reason for this, according to the text?

Severe depression is associated with health problems that could prevent affected adults from living to an old age.

The psychodynamic theory of depression based on the notion that a set of unconscious processes become engaged when a person experiences a loss was developed by:

Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham.

Which statement is TRUE regarding suicide as a mental disorder?

Suicidal behavior is not classified as a mental disorder in DSM-5, but it represents psychological dysfunction.

How are the interpersonal theory of suicide and the sociocultural view of suicide different?

The interpersonal theory describes perceived burdensomeness as a factor in suicide.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the social contagion effect?

The suicide of a close relative or friend increases your risk of committing suicide.

Which statement is TRUE regarding patients with depression who receive couple therapy?

They are more likely than those in individual therapy to be more satisfied with their marriage after treatment.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the leading theories designed to explain suicide?

They are not supported by a significant body of research.

Which statement about women with bulimia nervosa is accurate?

They generally maintain their normal weight, with some fluctuations.

_____ as many women attempt suicide as men, yet men succeed at more than _____ times the rate of women.

Three times; three times

A classmate is arrested on your college campus. How likely is it that the person had been drinking alcohol?

Very likely; more than 80 percent of all campus arrests are associated with drinking.

Which statement is NOT true regarding gender and suicide?

Women succeed at committing suicide more often than men do.

An example of a sedative-hypnotic is:

a benzodiazepine.

Thomas hides away in his room and consumes several cartons of ice cream and a couple of boxes of doughnuts in a span of thirty minutes. He felt unable to stop eating until everything was gone, then was overwhelmed with shame at the amount he had consumed. He then goes back to what he was doing before. Thomas most likely has:

a binge-eating disorder.

A family system that places an unhealthy importance on appearance might include which of the following?

a father who repeatedly jokes about his son's "scrawny" legs and tells him he should start lifting weights to "look more like a man"

Family pedigree, twin, and gene studies have been used to look for a predisposition for unipolar depression. These studies have found:

a higher than chance rate of depression among the families of depressed patients.

Structural abnormalities noted in people with bipolar depression include:

a smaller-than-normal hippocampus.

The developmental psychopathology perspective of depression can be characterized as:

a view that ties together many of the factors that are included in other theories.

The top two leading causes of death among teenagers are:

accidents and suicide.

Diana looks at a digital photograph of herself and adjusts the size until she thinks the picture matches how she looks. She is MOST likely participating in an assessment of her:

accuracy in estimating body size.

Which professions put one at GREATEST risk for an eating disorder?

actors and certain athletes

When is bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa most likely to begin?

after a period of intense dieting that has been successful and has earned praise from others

River's mood has become flat. He feels no pleasure, no matter what he is doing. What does this exemplify?


Which type of medication has been used to help reduce binges and vomiting in persons with bulimia nervosa?


At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Do you have a gun? Is it loaded, and do you know how to use it?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention do these questions BEST represent?

assessing suicide potential

Sheryl views events as beyond her control, yet constantly asks herself why this is so. This is an example of:


While Kelsey is microwaving her lunch in the break room at work, two coworkers come into the break room and start laughing shortly after entering the room. Kelsey thinks, "I know they are talking about me. They know I'm a disaster and a complete mess." This represents:

automatic thoughts.

If the psychodynamic explanation for suicide is correct, then suicide rates should:

be lower among those persons who experienced symbolic loss as children.

Talking rapidly, dressing flamboyantly, and getting involved in dangerous activities are _____ symptoms of mania.


Death ignorers primarily differ from other categories of people who attempt suicide in that they:

believe death will not end their existence.

A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives, and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia, is experiencing:

binge-eating/purging-type anorexia nervosa.

Unlike unipolar depression, bipolar disorders appear to be best explained by focusing largely on:

biological factors.

Sawyer had been up for 72 hours during which he went on a painting spree. After finishing a few canvas paintings, he was driven to do something even bigger and better, so he painted a mural on his bedroom wall. Eventually Sawyer's energy level began to drop. At some point, he lost all motivation and began staying in bed for most of the day. Sawyer would MOST likely be diagnosed with:

bipolar I disorder.

Someone who experiences four or more alternations between mild mania and major depression within a one-year time span would be classified as having:

bipolar II rapid cycling.

How can exercise can help alleviate depression?

by producing social interactions

Which of the following is a legal stimulant?


Mario felt awake and alive as though he could conquer the world. He MOST likely used:


The clinician who would be MOST likely to ask, "Do you believe you will always feel like this in all situations?", is a(n):

cognitive-behavioral clinician.

An acquaintance of yours uses Ecstasy and says, "Wow! I was totally energized and tripping. It was like LSD and meth combined." Your acquaintance's experience with Ecstasy was:

common; the drug has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties.

Cocaine abusers on an inpatient ward earn rewards—and eventual release from the program—if they produce periodic urine samples that are free of the drug. The program they are in is a form of:

contingency management.

Which brain structure or region is NOT part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression?

corpus callosum

A therapist is treating a client for cocaine abuse. As part of the treatment, the therapist addresses the stresses that commonly lead to relapse. This therapist is MOST likely providing:

culturally sensitive treatment.

The disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms is called:

cyclothymic disorder.

Ernest Hemingway was a physically strong, proud man who developed great concerns about his failing body. Depressed about his progressive illness, he intentionally ended his life. Shneidman would classify Hemingway as a:

death initiator.

Which assumption is shared by both the cognitive-behavioral perspective and the family-social perspective regarding the roots of depression?

depression as a product of the social rewards a person receives from others

Which aspect of religion is MOST closely linked to suicide?


A friend says, "If I don't get an A in this class, I'll never be a psychologist." This is an example of:

dichotomous thinking.

Studies examining the effectiveness of gender-sensitive programs for treating substance abuse have shown that substance abusers of different genders have:

different physical and psychological reactions to drugs.

The MOST common cognitive disturbance seen in individuals with anorexia nervosa is a:

distorted body image.

If a person says, "I must be perfect in every way. I'll be a better person if I deprive myself of food," that person is engaging in:

distorted thinking.

A person with a gambling disorder is more likely to gamble when he or she is:


Which neurotransmitter system does cocaine have the GREATEST effect on?


A person constantly weeping is displaying a(n) _____ symptom of depression.


When answering the telephone of a suicide hotline, the first step for the counselor is to:

establish a positive relationship.

Compared with the general public, people with eating disorders are more likely to:

experience depression.

Tom is a behavioral therapist for patients with bulimia. He treats one of his patients, David, by exposing him to situations that usually cause binge episodes and then preventing him from binge eating. This technique is called:

exposure and response prevention.

A man with muscle dysmorphia is MOST likely to:

feel that he is scrawny despite the fact that he is not.

Which of the following is NOT a physical symptom of depression?

feeling sad and dejected

If you were assessing a person for suicide potential, which would be the MOST critical to notice because it is likely related to suicide risk?

feelings of hopelessness

A pattern of abnormalities—head and facial deformities, heart defects, and intellectual development disorder—characterizes someone with:

fetal alcohol syndrome.

If a study demonstrated that depression is caused by concerns about one's weight, that finding would provide strong evidence:

for the body dissatisfaction explanation.

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Will you promise me that you will call again if you ever feel like killing yourself?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention does this question BEST represent?

formulating a plan

Which method of killing oneself is used in more than half of all male suicides?


The perceptual distortions that some drugs produce are called:


The MOST powerful form of cannabis is:


As a political protest, two activists leap from a bridge in a highly publicized double suicide. Those MOST at risk for modeling these suicides are people who:

have a history of emotional problems.

Despite concerns regarding the use of methadone maintenance programs, those in favor of such programs commonly argue that they:

help reduce the spread of HIV and hepatitis C.

Which of these was used as a cough medicine before its addictive properties became known?


Tomas killed himself in a way that is being described as an altruistic suicide. He is MOST likely to have lived in a country that:

honors those who kill themselves for a higher good.

Biochemical explanations for bipolar disorder focus on all of the following EXCEPT:

hormonal functioning.

In which case is someone MOST likely to develop an eating disorder?

if the person has an identical twin with anorexia nervosa

Melanie has been out with friends and using drugs. Despite being obviously uncoordinated and under the influence, she wants to drive her car. Her condition is an example of:


Among teenagers who attempt suicide, _____ succeed the first time, and _____ will try again.

less than 1 percent; approximately half

Research indicates that the students MOST likely to binge drink:

live in a sorority or fraternity house.

Cluster suicides may involve high suicide rates among teenagers who:

live on certain American Indian reservations.

Your aunt says, "I know I'm depressed, and I think and worry about my depression constantly; however, I never actually do anything about it." She is:

making ruminative responses.

Suicide prevention centers:

may deliver services over the phone using paraprofessionals.

Which of these is a side effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

memory loss

What term describes the behaviors of people who attempt suicide after observing or reading about someone else who has done so?


What mental disorders have been found to contribute to the greatest number of suicides?

mood disorders

A wounded veteran of the U.S. Civil War suffering from "soldiers' disease" MOST likely was suffering from:

morphine dependence.

The currently accepted view of eating disorders is that the cause is:


Which type of eating disorder is found almost exclusively in men?

muscle dysmorphia

ECT has changed has changed over the years so that patients now receive:

muscle relaxants before the procedure.

EMTs responding to an emergency call find a person who has injected an overdose of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid. The BEST opioid antagonist to use in this situation is:


Drugs that bind to endorphin receptor sites and make it impossible for opioids to have their usual effect are known as:

narcotic antagonists.

All the opioid drugs are known collectively as:


Individuals with anorexia nervosa often have which psychological problem?

obsessive thoughts

At lunch, Vincent, a patient in therapy, eats exactly 23 almonds, which he chews exactly 23 times each. This is a symptom of anorexia nervosa related to:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The psychological disorder that anorexia nervosa MOST resembles is:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Where would one be MOST likely to see the sentence, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"?

on a pro-anorexia Web site

The drug that, when misused, would MOST quickly result in dependence or addiction would be:


Since immediately after the birth of her son, Aubree has experienced a period of sadness that interferes with her ability to take care of him. She has never felt this way before, and this sadness has now been going on for several weeks. With which type of major depression would Aubree MOST likely be diagnosed?


Historically, peripartum depression has been labeled:

postpartum depression.

The frequent vomiting and chronic diarrhea occasioned by bulimia nervosa may lead to the loss of which important bodily nutrient?


What is the most common long-term outcome of dieting to lose weight?

regaining the weight

Cora has just been prescribed lithium. In the initial period of its use, Cora should expect:

regular blood and laboratory test monitoring.

As part of his substance abuse treatment, Fred documents each time he uses the substance and develops strategies to avoid using the substance. He is MOST likely receiving:

relapse-prevention training.

Joey is obsessed with weightlifting. Even though he is extremely muscled, Joey still believes he's scrawny and starts taking steroids. Joey has:

reverse anorexia.

The mood and thoughts of suicidal people are MOST often characterized as:

sad and hopeless.

The levels of _____ are low in many people with depression as well as in those with eating disorders.


Which of these are neurotransmitters associated with unipolar depression?

serotonin and norepinephrine

People with little sense of "belongingness," who live alone and experience frequent conflicts with others, and who believe they have limited social support are experiencing:

social isolation.

If one found that the average weight and size of cheerleaders had declined significantly over the years, and that those who aspired to be cheerleaders had a high level of eating disorders, that would be evidence for a _____ cause of eating disorders.


Dr. Alberto focuses on social relationships and connections with other people in understanding the suicide of an individual. Dr. Alberto seems to accept a _____ position.


Isabella moves into a facility where she will undergo individual and group therapy while living, working, and socializing in a drug-free environment. This is an example of what kind of therapy?


Julian finally admits to himself that he has a problem with drinking, so looks into Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for treatment. He finds that AA offers peer support along with moral and spiritual guidelines to help people overcome alcoholism. This treatment model is an example of what kind of approach?


The type of clinician who would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about the quality of mutual support you receive from your marriage," is a:

sociocultural clinician.

Emile Durkheim's theory of suicide fits into the:

sociocultural model.

A clinician who looks at the influence of race, living conditions, marital status, and roles on the development of depression would MOST likely subscribe to which theoretical orientation?

sociocultural theoretical orientation

Which person is MOST likely to have bulimia based on the descriptions provided?

someone who repeatedly gorges on food and as a result spends an excessive amount of time working out

A person is on many different medications to manage their many chronic conditions. The person often mismanages these medications, which eventually leads to their death. This death would probably be considered a:

subintentional death.

Which of these would NOT be considered a drug?


What is the MOST common outcome for individuals treated for anorexia nervosa?

sustained restoration of weight and medical improvements

Probably the WORST thing a person who has "partied hard" with alcohol could do right after drinking would be to:

take some barbiturates to fall asleep.

Assume that a recent local suicide attempt was clearly a case of modeling. The person who would MOST likely model another's suicide would be a(n):


A woman who has just given birth is anxious, has trouble sleeping, and feels sad. These symptoms diminish over the next couple of weeks. What she has experienced is MOST likely:

the "baby blues," something experienced by more than half of new mothers.

Family pedigree, twin, and gene studies have been used to look for a predisposition for unipolar depression. These studies are indicative of which theoretical framework?

the biological framework

You would expect to see the biggest impact of lithium on which part of the neuron?

the firing of the receiving neuron

Quent recently quit using heroin. He won't eat, has a high fever, and has been vomiting frequently. Quent is MOST likely how far along in the withdrawal process?

the first two to three days

What is the part of the brain MOST closely associated with the control of eating and body weight?

the hypothalamus

If a person taking lithium began experiencing nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, tremors, and seizures, one would suspect that:

the person is experiencing lithium intoxication.

The chief danger of LSD use is:

the possibility of very powerful, sometimes negative, reactions.

Mendon began by taking one amphetamine a day to control his appetite. After a month or so, the one pill did not work as well but two pills did. This is an example of:


Ian felt a great burst of energy after taking a substance at a rave. He also experienced some badly distorted visual events. Ian MOST likely:

took Ecstasy.

Women are at least _____ as likely as men to have episodes of severe unipolar depression.


Treatment for suicide attempters:

typically involves medical and psychological care.

Bulimia is always characterized by:

uncontrollable overeating.

Which statement BEST describes the changes in the rate of opioid addiction in the United States over the past 30 to 40 years?

up-and-down shifts throughout the years, with rates currently being high

Compared with women, men who attempt suicide tend to:

use more violent methods.

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