PSY 314 Exam 2 Pt. 1 (Drugs of Abuse + Emotions + Hunger)

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Each amygdala is

A cluster of many nuclei.

The structure in which the emotional significance of sensory signals is learned and retained is believed to be the


Large bilateral lesions of the lateral hypothalamus produce

Aphagia. Adipsia.

Many self-stimulation sites

Are part of the mesotelencephalic dopamine system

Both galanin and neuropeptide Y

Are peptides. Increase eating.

People who engage in cycles of fasting, bingeing, and purging are said to suffer from

Bulimia nervosa.

LSD and the other classical hallucinogens produce behavioral effects

By acting as serotonin agonists. That mimic the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. (a+c)

Which of the following drugs has effects like those of amphetamine?


___ is a stimulant


Which of the following can trigger schizophrenic episodes at high doses?

Cocaine and amphetamine

Dopamine agonist is to dopamine antagonist as

Cocaine is to reserpine

According to the text, addicts are drug users who

Continue to use a drug despite the drug's adverse effects on their health and social life, and despite their efforts to stop.

Each facial expression __________ on the left side of the face.

Develops sooner

According to the James-Lange theory, different emotional stimuli induce __________ patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.


Psychedelic drugs include the classical hallucinogens and ketamine and phencyclidine, which are classified as

Dissociative anesthetics

A state of decreased sensitivity to a drug as a result of previous exposure to the drug is called

Drug tolerance

Drug sensitization is the opposite of

Drug tolerance

The amygdala appears to be involved in the __________ component of memory, whereas the cerebellum appears to be involved in the __________ component.

Emotional; sensorimotor

According to the James-Lange theory, the

Experience of emotion is produced by the brain's perception of the body's reactions to emotional stimuli.

Most of the body's energy reserves are stored in the form of


During the fasting phase, most of the energy used by muscles is derived from

Free fatty acids released from adipose tissue.

Negative feedback systems in the body tend to maintain


Set-point negative-feedback systems are one way of maintaining


The amygdala is thought to activate the appropriate sympathetic and behavioral responses to threat via the __________, respectively.

Hypothalamus and PAG

Many hunger and satiety peptides have receptors in the


VMH lesions in rats

Increase lipogenesis. Increase insulin release. Reduce lipolysis.

Evidence suggests that the hyperphagia of rats with large bilateral VMH lesions may result from

Increases in insulin release.

The ability of drug-related cues to induce craving and relapse increases as a period of abstinence increases. This is called

Incubation of drug craving.

Modern approaches to the study of drug addiction are concerned with modeling

Initial drug taking. Habitual drug taking. Drug craving and relapse.

According to the dominant hypothalamic theory of eating in the 1950s and 1960s, hunger is to satiety as the

LH is to the VMH.

Many early studies of intracranial self-stimulation focused on the stimulation of the

Lateral hypothalamus or septum

Papez attributed emotion to activity in what became known as the

Limbic system

As a consequence of digestion, three different forms of energy are delivered to the body:

Lipids, amino acids, and glucose.

Which of the following is not one of Ekman and Friesen's primary emotional expressions? lust fear happiness disgust sadness


The amygdala is thought to play a role in

Memory for the emotional significance of experiences.

Evidence that the nucleus accumbens is involved in drug addiction comes from reports that

Microinjection of addictive drugs into the nucleus accumbens can lead to the development of conditioned place preferences. Lesions to the nucleus accumbens reduce the rewarding effects of systemically administered drugs. Animals will self-administer microinjections of addictive drugs directly into the nucleus accumbens.

All set-point systems are __________ systems.

Negative feedback

Depression, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, constipation, difficulties in sleeping, and difficulties in concentrating are common ____ withdrawal symptoms.


Laboratory animals have frequently been shown to self-administer microinjections of addictive drugs directly into the

Nucleus accumbens

As compulsive drug taking develops, control of drug taking is thought to shift from the

Nucleus accumbens in the ventral striatum to the dorsal striatum

Many of the dopaminergic neurons with cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area synapse in the

Nucleus accumbens.

After the termination of exposure to some drugs, there are withdrawal effects that are usually

Opposite to the initial effects of the drug.

The anticipated pleasure associated with an action is its _____________, whereas the actual pleasure experienced is its_____________.

Positive incentive value; hedonic value

According to the incentive-sensitization theory of drug addiction, as an addict habitually consumes the drug, the

Positive-incentive value of taking the drug increases Hedonic value of taking the drug decreases.

Many researchers believe that a major cause of drug relapse is

Priming Stress Drug-related cues

Patients with bilateral amygdalar damage tend to have particular difficulty

Recognizing facial expressions of fear.

Cocaine hydrochloride

Reduces the reuptake of dopamine from synapses by blocking dopamine transporters. Is a dopamine antagonist. (a+b)

Although causal effects have not yet been proven, the well-established correlation between heavy marijuana use and ____________ is cause for concern.


An ideal placebo is a control drug that produces the same __________ effects as the drug that is being tested


Drugs that tend to increase neural and behavioral activity are classified as


Mutant ob/ob mice

Tend to be fat.

The results of Ekman and Friesen's (1971) study of an isolated New Guinea tribe suggested that

The facial expressions that are associated with particular human emotions are the same in all cultures.

Much of what we believe about the biopsychology of drug addiction is based on the study of drug self-administration in laboratory animals, but there is a major concern:

The housing and testing conditions have been unnatural Most of the research has been based on stimulant self-administration (b+c)

Olds and Milner argued that the brain circuits that support intracranial self-stimulation are the same ones that mediate

The pleasurable effects of natural rewarding stimuli such as food, water, and sex.

According to the positive-incentive theory, the main cause of hunger in food-replete environments is

The presence or anticipation of food.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory, different emotional stimuli induce __________ patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.

The same

Recent research suggests that dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is more related to

The wanting of a drug than the liking of the drug.

Recent research suggests that during the transition from initial drug taking to habitual drug taking

There are impairments in the function of prefrontal cortex. The control of drug taking is shifted to the dorsal striatum. The control of drug taking is shifted from the nucleus accumbens.

Studies of electrical intracranial self-stimulation have influenced the development of biopsychological theories of addiction by indicating that

There are particular areas of the brain that mediate the experience of pleasure

Ekman and Friesen (1975) analyzed hundreds of films and photographs of people experiencing various emotions. On the basis of their analysis, they concluded that

There are six primary facial expressions of emotion. Many facial expressions of emotion are mixtures of the six primary expressions. (a+b)

Drug tolerance is a shift in the dose-response curve

To the right

Chronic use of which drug has been linked to bronchitis, emphysema, cancer, stroke, and heart attack?


Insulin promotes the

Use of glucose as a metabolic fuel. Conversion of glucose to fat.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory, emotional experience and emotional expression

are parallel processes. have no direct causal relation. are independently triggered by the same emotional stimuli.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are often viewed as variants of the same disorder because

both anorexic patients and bulimic patients have distorted body images. many patients straddle the two diagnoses. both anorexia and bulimia are correlated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. both disorders display the same pattern of distribution in the general population.

According to the lipostatic theory,

each person has a body-fat set point. maintaining fat levels in the body at homeostatic levels is a major factor in the long-term regulation of food intake.

People who suffer from anorexia nervosa

eat little. have usually followed strict diets in the past. often perceive their bodies as fat despite their emaciated appearance.

Exercise programs have proven to be relatively ineffective in promoting weight loss. This result is likely attributable to the fact that

the majority of the body's calorie expenditure is dedicated to maintaining the physiological processes of the body rather than fueling behavior. after exercising many people consume extra drinks and food that offset their calorie loss.

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