PSY 3604 #3 Ch. 10

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Using a cognitive perspective, which of the following statements typifies the type of maladaptive schema someone with dependent personality disorder might hold? "Trust no one." "I can function only if I have access to somebody competent." "Relationships are messy and should be avoided." "I can't delegate these tasks. I am the only one at work that can do this correctly."

"I can function only if I have access to somebody competent."

What percentage of persons living in the United States has a diagnosable personality disorder? 5 to 7 percent 2 to 3 percent 13 to 15 percent 10 to 12 percent

10 to 12 percent

The heritability of schizoid personality disorder has been found to be around __________. 30 percent 55 percent 25 percent 70 percent

55 percent

The number of antisocial behaviors exhibited in childhood is the single best predictor of an adult diagnosis of __________. NSSI ADHD BPD ASPD


Which culture would be expected to have the lowest rates of women diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder? Northern European African Hispanic Asian


Which child exhibits behaviors that might be predictive of an antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) as an adult? Craig, who at age 7 had few friends and was described as aloof and distant Andrew, who as a preschooler was easily overwhelmed, did not like preschool, and exhibited sensitivity to textures, noise, and temperature Philip, a child known to have periodic temper tantrum "meltdowns" during his preschool years but was generally compliant with adults Ben, who at age 6 was described as hyperactive, hostile, and defiant with authority figures

Ben, who at age 6 was described as hyperactive, hostile, and defiant with authority figures

Hannah has been diagnosed with a personality disorder. She has a tendency to be dramatic, emotional, and erratic. What DSM cluster does Hannah's pattern of behaviors fall under? Cluster A Cluster C Cluster B Cluster D

Cluster B

Which personality cluster is the most common, with a prevalence rate of around 7 percent? Cluster B Cluster D Cluster A Cluster C

Cluster C

Which of the following is true about nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI)? When people engage in NSSI, they are usually doing it because they want to kill themselves. Only people who have borderline personality disorder report engaging in NSSI. It is relatively common, with about 17 percent of adolescents reporting lifetime NSSI. When people engage in NSSI, they are usually doing it to get attention.

It is relatively common, with about 17 percent of adolescents reporting lifetime NSSI.

Which of the following reasons best summarizes why histrionic personality disorder was one of the four diagnoses recommended for exclusion from the DSM-5? Several criteria for the diagnosis involve maladaptive variants of female-traits. There is some evidence for a genetic link with antisocial personality disorder. There is evidence that it may be over diagnosed in women compared to men. It is very highly comorbid with borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, and dependent personality disorder diagnoses, suggesting it may not be a unique diagnosis.

It is very highly comorbid with borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, and dependent personality disorder diagnoses, suggesting it may not be a unique diagnosis.

The DSM-5 task force proposed numerous revisions to personality disorders, including the use of a hybrid dimensional-categorical model, which would have contained both categorical and dimensional components. Which of the following best reflects the changes that were actually reflected in the DSM-5? A new diagnosis of hybrid personality disorder was added to the DSM-5, making 11 personality disorders in total. No changes were accepted officially, and personality disorders in the DSM-5 are identical to those in the DSM-IV-TR. Unlike the DSM-IV-TR, the DSM-5 includes a hybrid dimensional-categorical model that clinicians are now required to use. Several proposed revisions were rejected, but the DSM-5 retained only six of the original 10 personality disorder types.

No changes were accepted officially, and personality disorders in the DSM-5 are identical to those in the DSM-IV-TR.

Which of the following best describes why the DSM-5 task force proposed removing the cluster organization of personality disorders? People with personality disorders only experience mild difficulties in everyday life. There are too many overlapping features across personality disorder clusters. The clusters were too difficult to understand. There are too many unique features within personality disorder clusters.

There are too many overlapping features across personality disorder clusters.

Patrick's biggest problem is that he has difficulties getting along with others. Although he shows no signs of obvious mental illness, he has longstanding problems with his sense of self and seems unable to function effectively or meet the demands of adult life. Patrick's behavior patterns are most suggestive of a diagnosis of __________. bipolar disorder schizophrenia a personality disorder generalized anxiety disorder

a personality disorder

The goal of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in the treatment of borderline personality disorder is for the patient to __________. come to terms with the loss of the object and consolidate better introjects accept negative affect without resorting to self-destructive or other maladaptive behaviors strategize ways of reconceptualizing past hurts develop healthy eating and exercise patterns as a means of coping with negative affect

accept negative affect without resorting to self-destructive or other maladaptive behaviors

For persons with severe personality disorders, treatment may be most effective in settings or situations where __________. the patient has the opportunity to disengage from the treatment process when it becomes too confrontational acting-out behaviors can be contained acting-out behaviors can be fully expressed as a means of tension reduction other patients with similar problems participate in the treatment and can identify and confront the person about his or her maladaptive behavior

acting-out behaviors can be contained

Which of the following dimensions developed from Hare's checklist reflects traits such as lack of remorse or guilt, callousness/lack of empathy, shallow affect, and a failure to accept responsibility for one's behavior? affective antisocial lifestyle interpersonal


Rachel, who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), is well-known by her peers for her intense emotional responses to various environmental triggers. She recovers slowly from upsets, and her behavior is characterized by drastic and rapid shifts from one emotion to another. This observed behavior pattern is called __________. transient emotional lability event-related dissociation rapid-cycling mood affective instability

affective instability

Research findings across cultures reveal that the five-factor personality traits __________. are common only to cultures that are highly industrialized are common to all cultures with the exception of those cultures inhabiting island countries are common to both Western and non-Western cultures, except African and Asian cultures are common to both Western and non-Western cultures, including African and Asian cultures

are common to both Western and non-Western cultures, including African and Asian cultures

Persons with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) __________. often experience transient psychotic thinking tend to engage in rituals focused on order and cleanliness are different from individuals diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder in that those with OCPD do not have true obsessions or compulsive rituals engage in obsessions and compulsions in order to reduce feelings of anxiety

are different from individuals diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder in that those with OCPD do not have true obsessions or compulsive rituals

Some studies suggest that treatment success may be most promising for __________ personality disorders. dependent and histrionic avoidant and dependent narcissistic and borderline avoidant and schizoid

avoidant and dependent

Symptoms of paranoid personality disorder are often found with individuals who chronically abuse __________. cocaine benzodiazepines heroin marijuana


Misdiagnosis is more common with personality disorders than with other psychological disorders. This may occur because with personality disorders, __________. criteria are defined by inferred traits or consistent patterns of behavior rather than by more objective behavioral standards an entity is not fully accepted by many clinicians criteria are much more specific and limited than other diagnostic categories behavioral deviance is harder to detect as the behaviors are more subtle and individuals are less debilitated by a personality than what is found with other disorders

criteria are defined by inferred traits or consistent patterns of behavior rather than by more objective behavioral standards

Carrie becomes frantic when her husband goes out of town for a business trip. She is very passive and submissive in her marriage and seems incapable of making independent decisions. Based on these observations, what diagnosis best represents Carrie's behaviors? avoidant personality disorder histrionic personality disorder dependent personality disorder borderline personality disorder

dependent personality disorder

Robert Hare's 20-item Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) provides clinicians with a way to __________. assess the potential of violence with incarcerated persons reporting high levels of psychopathy diagnose psychopathy on the basis of the Cleckley criteria identify children at risk for developing psychopathy monitor the risk of suicidal behavior in psychopathy

diagnose psychopathy on the basis of the Cleckley criteria

Studies that are designed to establish the prevalence (number of cases) of a particular disorder in a very large sample of people living in the community are called __________ studies. longitudinal cross-sequential cross-sectional epidemiological


When experiencing high levels of stress, individuals with paranoid personality disorder may __________. exhibit hypomanic behaviors experience transient psychotic symptoms lasting from a few minutes to several hours dissociate and be unaware of their surroundings report vivid visual and auditory hallucinations lasting for up to 1 month

experience transient psychotic symptoms lasting from a few minutes to several hours

Studies have identified overlap between avoidant personality disorder and __________, leading some investigators to conclude that avoidant personality disorder may simply be a somewhat more severe manifestation of the other. schizoid personality disorder generalized social phobia panic disorder generalized anxiety disorder

generalized social phobia

In a prospective study designed to examine factors associated with illness onset, __________. treatment is administered to groups of people who have been given a psychiatric diagnosis. The people are followed in order to monitor treatment effectiveness groups of people given a particular diagnosis are observed over time to monitor the change in the level of severity of problems groups of people are observed before a disorder appears and are followed over a period of time to see which individuals develop problems groups of people are observed after a disorder appears and are followed over a period of time to observe changes in the individuals over time

groups of people are observed before a disorder appears and are followed over a period of time to see which individuals develop problems

Schizoid and avoidant personality disorders are similar in that, in the case of both diagnoses, people are socially isolated. However, they are different in that the person with a diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder __________, whereas the person diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder __________. enjoys work that is solitary and analytical; prefers working in settings that involve contact with others has little desire to form close relationships; wants interpersonal contact but is hypersensitive to criticism is extremely suspicious of the motives of others; can appear too trusting and open with others often reports a childhood history of abuse; often reports a childhood history of neglect

has little desire to form close relationships; wants interpersonal contact but is hypersensitive to criticism

The diagnosis of __________ personality disorder has historically been associated with women, even though some criteria include traits that are more commonly observed in men than in women (e.g., low self-consciousness). schizotypal histrionic narcissistic avoidant


Individuals diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder show high levels of __________ and score low on __________ when personality traits are assessed using the five-factor model. introversion; neuroticism introversion; facets associated with openness to experience and conscientiousness neuroticism; two facets associated with agreeableness neuroticism; introversion

introversion; facets associated with openness to experience and conscientiousness

In comparing the criteria for antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) with that of an earlier diagnosis of psychopathy, it has been agreed that the two diagnoses have a lot of overlap. However, the diagnosis of ASPD __________, whereas the diagnosis of psychopathy __________. is more inclusive and reflects a lot of criminality; is narrower and much more focused on personality structure considers cognitive structures underlying observed behaviors; limits its focus to observable behaviors is narrower and much more focused on personality structure; is more inclusive and reflects a lot of criminality limits its focus to observable behaviors; considers cognitive structures underlying observed behaviors

is more inclusive and reflects a lot of criminality; is narrower and much more focused on personality structure

Most temperamental and personality traits have been found to have a(n) __________. high heritability undetermined heritability low heritability moderate heritability

moderate heritability

In Western cultures, personal ambition and success are encouraged and reinforced. Consequently, the percentage of persons diagnosed with __________ personality disorder is higher than in other, non-Western cultures. borderline paranoid narcissistic antisocial


Which of the traits identified in the five-factor model is comprised of the following six facets: anxiety, angry-hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsiveness, and vulnerability? agreeableness extraversion conscientiousness neuroticism


Demetrius always questions the loyalty of his friends and is suspicious of the motives of others. He is quick to hold a grudge and is easily angered. Demetrius's behavior is most consistent with a diagnosis of __________ personality disorder. histrionic avoidant schizoid paranoid


Which of the following causal factors has been identified as contributing to the development of grandiose narcissism? parental overvaluation intrusive parenting childhood abuse childhood neglect

parental overvaluation

It has been suggested that individuals with personality disorders are less responsive to psychological treatment because __________. people with personality disorders have rigid, ingrained personality traits that often lead to poor therapeutic relationships insurance companies are often not willing to reimburse for treatment with a personality disorder diagnosis. Consequently, treatment is frequently too brief in duration to impact patients' lives symptoms of despair and hopelessness, which are key issues for personality disorder patients, interfere with the momentum needed to make treatment an effective experience people with personality disorders are so flexible in their traits that it becomes difficult for the therapist to pinpoint treatment goals

people with personality disorders have rigid, ingrained personality traits that often lead to poor therapeutic relationships

The five-factor model uses a dimensional approach in evaluating personality disorders. A dimensional approach to evaluating personality assumes that __________. personality (and personality disorder) traits fall along a continuum of intensity not all aspects of personality (and personality disorder) can be categorized using the Big Five typology personality features (and those of personality disorder) are considered to be distinct and separate traits and behaviors that define personality disorder can be scientifically verified

personality (and personality disorder) traits fall along a continuum of intensity

Henry has a personality disorder. His psychotherapist has suggested that Henry developed his personality disorder during early childhood as the result of excessive gratification of his impulses by his parents. Henry's therapist has explained the development of Henry's disorder using a __________ theoretical perspective. trait-based learning-based habit pattern cognitive psychodynamic


Which clinical condition appears to be the single best predictor of violence and recidivism of convicted and imprisoned persons? morally deficient temperament antisocial personality disorder sociopathic personality psychopathy


For both borderline and dependent personality disorders, fear of abandonment is prominent as a clinical feature. However, the borderline personality __________, while the dependent personality __________. becomes immobilized with fear; quickly fills the void with family or other close relationships is able to quickly find new relationships; may enter a protracted period of mourning is quick to engage in another relationship or may turn to family for support; may voice suicidal ideation if a new source of support is not readily available reacts with feelings of emptiness or rage if abandonment occurs; is submissive and urgently seeks out a new relationship to fill the void

reacts with feelings of emptiness or rage if abandonment occurs; is submissive and urgently seeks out a new relationship to fill the void

Studies evaluating psychiatric patients and college students diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder have shown a deficit in the ability to track a moving target visually. This deficit is also found in individuals diagnosed with __________. dissociative identity disorder schizophrenia schizoid personality disorder bipolar disorder


Frances is a college student majoring in Classics and Greek language. She earns good grades and works part-time. Frances is known to practice white magic. She participates in rituals and spell-casting. She can often be heard talking in Elvish in an attempt to connect with characters from Lord of the Rings. Frances's behavior is most consistent with a diagnosis of __________. dissociative identity disorder schizoid histrionic personality disorder obsessive-compulsive personality disorder schizotypal personality disorder

schizotypal personality disorder

The primary goal of Kernberg's transference-focused psychotherapy is __________. healing the negative introjects that borderline personalities have incorporated into their core selves strengthening the weak egos of persons with borderline personality disorder, with a particular focus on adapting their primitive defense mechanism of splitting uncovering unconscious urges that may be fueling acting-out behaviors helping patients with borderline personality disorder develop skills for tolerating negative affect

strengthening the weak egos of persons with borderline personality disorder, with a particular focus on adapting their primitive defense mechanism of splitting

In a study looking at successful and unsuccessful psychopaths living in a community, __________ showed greater heart rate reactivity under stress than other groups evaluated. unemployed controls the control group successful psychopaths unsuccessful psychopaths

successful psychopaths

Which component of psychopathy would you expect to decrease with age? callousness egocentrism exploitative affect the antisocial behavioral dimension

the antisocial behavioral dimension

Since World War II, there has been an increase in the prevalence of emotional and impulsive behavior. It is hypothesized that this change could be the result of __________. a growing reliance on devices such as computers for communication, which has resulted in less face-to-face contact between human beings the increased breakdown of the family and other traditional social structures an increase in immigration worldwide an increase in the worldwide population

the increased breakdown of the family and other traditional social structures

When Patrick and colleagues (1993) compared the fear-potentiated startle of psychopathic and non-psychopathic prisoners while viewing pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral slides, they found that __________. the psychopathic prisoners did not show the startle effect, although non-psychopathic prisoners did no differences existed between the two groups in terms of amount of response to the stimulus the non-psychopathic prisoners did not show the startle effect, although psychopathic prisoners did the non-psychopathic prisoners showed slightly more of the startle effect compared to the psychopathic prisoners

the psychopathic prisoners did not show the startle effect, although non-psychopathic prisoners did

Emily tells her therapist that her husband is dishonest, conceited, arrogant, and demanding but also frequently expresses feelings of shame and self-doubt. Based on these behaviors, Emily's therapist feels that her client is married to a __________. manic narcissist dysthymic narcissist vulnerable narcissist grandiose narcissist

vulnerable narcissist

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