PSY LC Trait and whatnot

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Al is applying for a new job with a large company. As part of the application process, Al will need to take a personality test. The test has 10 scales including a scale that assesses depressive tendencies. Al is most likely taking the:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

According to the text, psychology's concern with people's sense of self dates back at least to:

William James.

Card players who attribute their wins to their own skill and their losses to bad luck best illustrate:

a self-serving bias.

Kira has an extremely clean dorm room. She keeps no clutter on her desk, she awakens very early to keep up with her schoolwork, and her car is spotless. The Big Five personality trait she exhibits the MOST is _____.


According to the text, people are often most overconfident when they are most _____.


The perception that you control your own fate is known as:

internal locus of control.

Martin Seligman strapped dogs into a harness and repeatedly shocked them. The dogs could not avoid the shocks. Later, placed in a situation where they COULD escape the shocks, the dogs cowered as if without hope. This passive resignation is known as:

learned helplessness.

Seth is young man who considers himself to very successful, and who enjoys the finer things in life. He makes a lot of money, and spends it on clothes, cars, gambling, and women. Most psychologists would agree that Seth seems to display a high level of:


Personality inventories are to _____ scoring as projective tests are to subjective scoring.


The Big Five personality factors include conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, _____, and extraversion.


The question "Are we more like J.R. Tolkien's Sam Gamgee or Luigi Pirandello's Lamberto Laudisi?" relates to the:

personality-situation controversy.

Albert Bandura's social-cognitive perspective highlights the importance of:

reciprocal determinism.

You imagine the self you want to be: a great athlete, well loved, and well educated. You also imagine the self you fear becoming: a homeless person, lonely, and unemployed. These visions reflect the concept of possible _____.


When you noticed that you had spilled coffee on your new shirt, you overestimated that other people at the meeting would notice. Your reaction best illustrates the _____ effect.


Your girlfriend asks you to see the tarot card reader at the carnival. The "psychic" tells you that you have many abilities, much to offer others, and enjoy the company of your girlfriend. You girlfriend is amazed, but you are not because this reading best illustrates:

the Barnum effect.

Your friend is giving a speech tomorrow and is worried because she just got an unflattering haircut. She is convinced everyone will stare at her bangs and will discuss her unattractive hair. Her overestimation of people's reactions is known as:

the spotlight effect.

Which of the following is NOT a biological influence on the biopsychosocial approach to the study of personality?

unconscious thought processes

The inconsistency of behaviors also makes personality test scores _____ predictors of behaviors.


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