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The endocrine system is composed of many parts of the body.


The neuron is the basis for neural communication.


How does the sociocultural perspective relate to your development as a person?

Your friends and family influence you, but ultimately you control your thoughts and actions.

What is NOT a physiological reaction to stress? Select all that apply.

immunity temporarily boosts breathing increases ✔ emotions spiral out of control ✔ permanent amnesia kicks in levels of cortisol increase ✔ adrenaline decreases

What is the difference between behaviorism and humanistic psychology?

Behaviorism focuses on observable actions only and humanism focuses on the whole person.

Compare behaviorism and cognitive psychology and choose the statements that are accurate for both subfields in psychology.

Behaviorists intend to consider feelings but often forget to ask subjects how they felt. ✔ Cognitive psychology involves memory and other methods to recall information. ✔ Behaviorism focuses on observable actions only. ✔ Cognitive psychology focuses on people's thoughts, desires, and motives.


Biology and Sensory Processes

What do negative values and expectations for fear of failure have in common?

Both involve negative emotions and outlooks which cause goals to not be met.

Wundt's pendulum experiment concluded that people need time to shift between one stimulus and another. How does Wundt's experiment apply to you and me?

Contestants on a game show may not push the buzzer at the exact instant they happen to hear the correct answer. Kids who play freeze tag may not be able to freeze at the exact moment they hear the word "freeze." ✔ All are examples. It takes a few seconds to step on the car brakes after seeing the brake lights on the car in front of you.

What is the difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal research?

Each study requires a different amount of time involved.

Why is it important for humans to have awareness and choices?

✔ All choices are good reasons for having awareness and choice. People can choose their own purpose in life. People can make better decisions. People can be more aware of their surroundings.

___________ are responsible for converting sensory messages into neural impulses.


UNIT 1 Quiz 2

Research and Methods

Why is a survey better than a case study to find out people's preferences for choosing one video game system over another?

Surveys allow many people to report their personal opinions.



Several of your friends play basketball at the park on the weekends. Your buddy, Tai-Yii, is a good player, but he happens to let the ball slip by accident when he attempts to dribble. After the dribbling mess-up, Tai-Yii goes back to the sideline and continues to practice his dribbling over and over again. How would a cognitive psychologist interpret Tai-Yii's repeated dribbling attempts?

Tai-Yii is motivated to dribble perfectly and knows that practice makes perfect.

A researcher wants to find out the values and opinions of a group of high school freshmen. What is the best method to use?

Take a survey.

What would a developmental psychologist say about a young adult woman who throws a temper tantrum?

Tantrums are not developmentally normal for young adults.

You cheated on a test and you know it was the wrong thing to do. According to the psychoanalytic theory, what helped you know this?

The ego and superego.

What makes the id different from the superego?

The id is part of the unconscious mind, and the superego is always conscious.

How can people use sensory processes in a practical way?

They can be used to persuade people. They can be used to influence a person's perception. They can be used to calm you down by listening to soothing music. ✔ all of the above

What is the purpose of using the Scientific Method? Select all that apply.

This method allows people to collect opinions for personal use. ✔ This method allows people to separate fact from fiction. This method prevents false information from circulating. ✔ This method allows people to conduct orderly research. ✔ This method allows people to make new discoveries.

A hypothesis allows you to predict the potential outcome of your research experiment.


Almost fifty percent of psychologists practice therapy.


Goals are more likely to happen if you first believe in or have a desire to perform the task.


Humanists felt strongly against comparing people to animals.


Not having the amount of money you need or are accustomed to will create huge feelings of stress.


Ms. Cox assigned a five-page English essay to her class, and one student sat in the back looking completely dreadful. "I don't care about this d**b assignment. Why do we have to do it? It's pointless!" she spoke angrily. What is this student expressing?

a negative value reaction

Visualizing a school play and how you'd deliver your lines perfectly is _____.

a way to cope with stress

A researcher wants to find out if adults who watch violent television shows will behave more aggressively. Name the dependent variable.


When must a psychological researcher debrief human test subjects?

at the end of every experiment

Which is a major area of study in psychology?


What is NOT a major field in psychology?

behaviorism ✔ totalism sociocultural psychoanalytic

Talking to a friend _____.

can help you see past the emotions of a stressful situation

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that often develops after the teens, usually occurring in a person's twenties. Which mental health professional is the best recommendation for a friend who confides to you that she fears she might have schizophrenia?

clinical psychologist

Identify the major functions of the endocrine system. Select all that apply.

cognitive functions body movements ✔ metabolism balance ✔ puberty ✔ body temperature

What abilities can you develop by studying psychology? Select all that apply.

control tactics for behavior to benefit the good of society ✔ more tolerance for people's views ✔ consideration of someone else's perspective in conversation ✔ greater patience and empathy

Transduction allow your body to experience its senses by _____.

converting the sensory messages into neural impulses

If your parents were going through a divorce and you needed to talk to someone, who would be the best professional to see?

counseling psychologist

A researcher wants to find out if teens have higher rates of depression if they experiment with drugs. What is the dependent variable?


When do you need informed consent?

in any experiment, so people know they can quit at any time

A researcher wants to find out if children who read mystery novels will display fear after the book is finished. Name the independent variable.

mystery novels

What are NOT some emotional reactions to stress?

noticing your heart racing

A researcher wants to study monkeys in their natural habitat, out in the wild. What type of qualitative research method is best to use?


Colette burned her finger on a plate that just came out of the microwave. The instant she touched the plate, she felt the painful burn. Which part of the brain allows her to have these sensations?

parietal lobe

What are some feelings that you'll likely experience if you expect to succeed? Select all that apply.

uncertainty ✔ excitement hesitation ✔ desire for focus ✔ anticipation ✔ happiness

Roco was asked to fold a basket of laundry. He complied but did a sloppy job of folding the pants and shirts. He didn't feel it was his choice to do this task, and he wanted the ordeal over. What type of goal orientation did Roco display toward folding laundry?

work-avoidant goal

Which is NOT a true statement about goals? Select all that apply.

✔ Accomplishing goals means you are mature. Accomplishment come from the completion of a goal. ✔ Goals are mostly for the purpose of learning. Goals are measurable.

What can be said about two numbers that have either a positive or negative correlation?

A relationship exists and should be examined.

Match the vocabulary terms to the correct definitions. 1. apathy 2. competent 3. expectations 4. autonomy 5. stress

1. Trudy doesn't care about doing well in school. 2. Javier knows he is able to build a birdhouse. 3. fear of failure or success 4. Alfonzo likes to make choices on his own 5. Quincy feels anxious and distressed about a test.

Match the following items. 1. perspective 2. discipline 3. introspection 4. zone of proximal development 5. clinical

1. a specific way of thinking or view 2. a branch of knowledge 3. to look within yourself 4. the gap between a person's current level of development and the potential development that can be achieved 5. concerned with the treatment of disease

Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions. 1. population 2. qualitative 3. variable 4. mean 5. median 6. mode 7. debrief 8. ethics

1. a whole group of people 2. research that explores the "why" and "how" of situations 3. something that is likely to change 4. sum of all numbers divided by the total number of scores; the average 5. the middle number in a set of ordered numbers 6. the number that occurs most often in a given set of numbers 7. revealing and explaining all aspects of an experiment to a participant 8. rules of conduct; moral principles

Match the vocabulary terms to the correct definitions. 1. retina 2. cochlea 3. taste buds 4. transduction 5. umami

1. changes light rays into neural impulses 2. contains receptors for hearing 3. the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour and bitter flavors. 4. a physical stimulus is converted into nerve impulses 5. sometimes called the fifth sense; associated with monosodium glutamate and high-protein foods

Match the following items. 1. behaviorism 2. psychoanalysis 3. cognitive psychology 4. discipline 5. Gestalt 6. perspective 7. abnormal

1. considers actions and behavior only 2. explores consciousness and unconsciousness 3. considers thoughts, desires, and motives 4. a branch of knowledge 5. considers patterns 6. a specific way of thinking or view 7. unusual; different from the expected

Match the following items. 1. empathy 2. perception 3. cognition 4. humanism 5. psychiatrist 6. clinical 7. educational psychologist

1. identifying with someone's situation or feelings 2. a personal view of a situation; ability to understand the senses 3. a person's ability to think 4. a person should be considered as a whole, not in parts 5. mental health professional who attended medical school 6. concerned with the treatment of disease 7. concerned with the way humans learn inside the school setting

A researcher wants to find out how much anxiety seniors in American high schools experience while taking the AP English examination. Match the parts of the experiment to their appropriate terms. 1. the AP English examination 2. anxiety 3. seniors 4. American high schools

1. independent variable 2. dependent variable 3. sample 4. population

Match the vocabulary terms to the correct definitions. 1. ear drum 2. cochlea 3. retina 4. lens 5. odor molecules

1. location where sound waves strike 2. contains receptors for hearing 3. changes light rays into neural impulses 4. changes shapes to help you focus 5. stimulates the neurons in your olfactory epithelium

What does the story of Baby Albert demonstrate?

Ethics of appropriateness have changed over the decades.

Your body is in transduction only after you see the object you're looking at.


Which theory says that human behavior is purposeful?

Goal Theory

What is NOT true of goals?

Goals are mostly for the purpose of learning.

Why did humanists not like behaviorism?

Humanists felt that behaviorism reduced people to mere animals.

Which organization approves the experiment plans coming from a college?

Institutional Review Board

Which organization requires colleges to submit plans for any experiment that is about to be conducted?

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

UNIT 1 Quiz 1

Introduction to Psychology

What is the significance of the scientific method?

It allows you to determine fact from opinion. Consistency and organization can always be expected. It gives you a standard process for conducting research. ✔ all of the above

How do expectations relate to future schooling?

It's important to choose classes where you believe you are able to do the assignments.

Who is considered the leader of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

What is a useful benefit of psychology?

Psychology gives insights into what other people do and think.

After school, you watch your friend Katie run to a truck as soon as she hears the truck's music playing. Later, you find out the truck is the ice cream vendor's vehicle. How would a behaviorist interpret Katie's running to the truck?

Katie has been conditioned to the music and has associated the musical truck with serving ice cream.


Motivation, Emotion, and Stress

According to Gestalt psychology, why do our minds fill in the gaps for information we don't know?

Our minds naturally seek order and patterns to find answers.

What first made Pavlov interested in studying dogs and their salivation responses?

Pavlov noticed that the dogs salivated at the sight of a lab worker, even though the worker didn't have food to feed them.

What is NOT something a humanist would believe about people?

People have purpose and intent. ✔ People can be analyzed into basic parts. People are more than just observable parts. People have control over their lives.

Which are true statements about psychoanalysis and psychophysics?

Psychoanalysis considers the role of the conscious mind. Psychoanalysis involves therapy and personal exploration. ✔ All statements are true. Psychophysics experiments with the five senses.

What is the major difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

Psychologists cannot prescribe medication will psychiatrists can.

For a smell to begin the process of registering in your brain, first you must _____.

inhale odor molecules into the nasal cavity ✔ all answers can work transduce scent chemicals have a scent to inhale

God prefers us to be _________ motivated when we give.


Rachelle had an important algebra test coming up. She wanted to do well, but knew that learning the concepts was very important if she hoped to do well in future math classes. She spent a lot of time studying because she wanted to learn everything she could. What type of goal orientation does Rachelle display toward studying algebra?

learning goal

Tori was about to take a test for her food handler license. She wanted to do well, and knew that what she learned would help out with any future job in the food industry. She spent a lot of time studying because she wanted to learn everything she could. What type of goal orientation does Tori display toward studying for her license?

learning goal

A negative correlation _____.

means that as one variable goes up and the other goes down

Gestalt psychology focuses on _____.

people's abilities to recognize patterns

Psychophysics is the study of _____.

people's reactions and perceptions to stimuli

What is NOT an ethical concern that psychological researchers must consider?

privacy and confidentiality of personal information for up to ten years

What is the correct order in which these theories emerged, from earliest to latest?

psychodynamic, behaviorism, humanistic, cognitivism

Which is an autonomic body function?. Select all that apply.

raising your hand in class ✔ getting sweaty palms when nervous bending over to pick up a book you dropped ✔ salivating at the thought of a hamburger squinting in the sunlight

What is the main responsibility of the endocrine system?

regulate hormones

What feeling would you likely experience if you negatively valued a task or goal?

resistance anger dread ✔ all of the above

You are a junior in high school and have always been fascinated with bridges. You think it would be great to build bridges for a living but have no idea that you should study engineering in college to accomplish this goal. You've decided that it's time to talk to someone who can help you plan for college and give you guidance and the information you need. Who should you talk to?

school psychologist

During times of emergency in a public place, people act differently when there are several people than when there are just a few. If you had fallen and badly injured yourself, the surrounding masses of people are less likely to help you than if just one or two people were present. This is called the bystander effect. Which type of psychologist would be most interested in studying why people in crowds are less likely to help a bloody, injured person needing help?

social psychologist

What are the two elements needed for neural communication to happen?

sodium and potassium

The bell curve is a normal distribution. It's a _____ distribution.


Which two senses are considered "chemical senses"?

taste and smell

Hellen Keller was stricken with scarlet fever as an infant and ended up blind and with no hearing. Her ability to speak didn't occur until she was nearly adult. What area of the brain was severely affected by the scarlet fever?

temporal lobe

Select the statements that are true.

✔ Psychology is a part of your daily life. Psychology is focused on understanding animals. ✔ Psychology helps me relate to people. Psychology is not useful as a Christian. ✔ Psychology can contribute to better health.

Select the statements that are false.

✔ Psychology is focused on understanding animals. Psychology is a part of your daily life. Psychology helps me relate to people. ✔ Psychology is not useful as a Christian. Psychology can contribute to better health.

What are reasons you would need to be debriefed after an experiment? Select all that apply.

✔ You took a placebo pill or any type of medication. You were a bystander on the street watching. ✔ You simply participated in an experiment. You never participated in the experiment after all. ✔ You were deceived during the experiment to give a reaction. ✔ Your mood and feelings were manipulated.

What physiological reactions happen due to stress? Select all that apply.

✔ immunity temporarily boosts permanent amnesia kicks in emotions spiral out of control adrenaline decreases ✔ breathing increases ✔ levels of cortisol increase

What does motivated behavior require? Select all that apply.

✔ persistence pure intent help from others ✔ a goal ✔ effort stringent rules to follow ✔ intensity

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