psy351 chapter 3 & 4

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Dr. Phelps is working with a client who she suspects is using unconscious psychological defense mechanisms to avoid dealing with some unpleasant realities in his life. Dr. Phelps knows that she cannot assess these mechanisms directly, so which of the following should she do?

Ask the client to take a projective test like the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). -Rejoinder: Researchers and clinicians often use projective tests to assess the use of defense mechanisms, because they operate below a person's level of awareness. Projective tests are designed to assess what is happening in a person's unconscious. Examples of projective tests include the TAT and the Rorschach Inkblot test.

Why is REM sleep referred to as paradoxical sleep?

Because the brain is very much awake even though the body is relaxed in bed. -Rejoinder: The brain activity of a person in a REM sleep stage can look very similar to the brain activity of that same person when he or she is wide awake. As such, REM is a paradoxical sleep stage because the brain is very much awake even though the body stays relaxed in bed.

Dr. Menapace is working with clients using traditional Freudian psychoanalysis. What would he say is the primary goal of the therapy he provides?

To help the client bring his or her unconscious material into awareness so that it can be dealt with Rationale Freud felt that the heart of most of his patients' problems lied in unconscious conflicts that were unresolved. Psychoanalysis was developed to help bring those conflicts into the conscious where they could be rationally examined and addressed.

Edith is not surprised when her husband Archie comes home from work in a bad mood. She knows him to be a generally angry person, and she's learned to deal with his moods over the years. According to Freud's model, what kind of joke might Edith tell Archie in order to decrease his overall anger?

a hostile joke -Rejoinder: Freud felt that a hostile joke could provide a safe outlet for the aggressive feelings that an angry person is experiencing. This ability to rechannel aggressive impulses is related to his Freud's concept of catharsis, and this model of hostile humor has received mixed support in the research literature.

dream symbol

abstract representation of unconscious anxiety

Which of the following is a reasonable statement regarding the strengths of Freud's psychoanalytic theory? a. It is extremely amenable to scientific testing and validation. b. It was among the first theory to organize many loosely related ideas into a coherent theory. c. It is based on objective observations of people rather than subjective interpretations of events. d. Freud's reporting was based on verifiable events rather than his own reporting of conversations with his patients.


13-year old Mahalia would like to have the new baseball glove that she sees on a shelf at the sporting goods store, but she doesn't have the $70 that it costs. Looking around she feels confident that she could slip the glove into her backpack and leave without being detected, but she knows that this would be very wrong. She also knows that her parents would be furious with her if they found out that she had stolen the glove. In psychoanalytic theory, Mahalia is being restrained from stealing the glove by her a. preconscious. b. id. c. superego. d. ego.


According to the sociocognitive theory of hypnosis, all but which of the following factors contribute to hypnotic phenomena? a. motivation b. expectancy c. extraversion d. concentration


Why would projective tests be an effective way to assess the extent to which people use unconscious defense mechanisms in their lives? a. In terms of the various methods of personality assessment, projective tests are consistently the most reliable when administered multiple times. b. Projective tests have very definitive "right" answers to them, and thus it is easier to interpret their results based on correct or incorrect responding. c. Projective tests are believed to assess what is happening in a person's unconscious, and so it could tap into defense mechanisms as they are employed. d. With regard to different styles of personality assessment, projective tests are recognized as having the highest levels of overall validity.


A criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic model is that he relied on _______ in order to support his theory.

case studies


channeling our impulses to nonthreatening objects

Datrell has been having difficulties in his marriage in recent months, and his sex life with his spouse has decreased to almost no activity. He finds that he has been experiencing some sexual attraction to one of his psychotherapy clients, though he knows that acting on those feelings would be unprofessional and unethical. How would Freud describe Datrell's attraction to his client?

countertransference -When a therapist displaces his or her feelings for another individual onto the client, this is called countertransference. In the example used in this question, Datrell would be well advised to seek out his own psychotherapist to address the issues leading to this countertransference.


deep hypnosis where a person is partly conscious and partly in an altered state

REM sleep

deep state of relaxation where the eyes move rapidly with lids closed


defense mechanism associated with power and success


defense mechanism that lowers anxiety by failing to acknowledge reality


defense mechanism that protects from anxiety by attributing unacceptable thoughts and feelings to someone else

As young Jared, who is only 4 years old, moves through his later childhood years and on into adolescence, the defense mechanisms he uses will undergo a shift. According to research into developmental differences, Jared will move from relying more on ________ to using more instances of _______.

denial; projection -Rejoinder: Research finds that younger children are more likely to use the defense mechanism of denial, which allows them to simply avoid accepting that negative thoughts, feelings, or impulses even exist. As we move toward adolescent years, projection become more prominent as we attribute our own unconscious noise onto others.

neurotic anxiety

vague feelings of anxiety sparked by the sensation that unacceptable unconscious thoughts are about to burst through the awareness barrier and express themselves in consciousness


theory developed by Freud that focuses on uncovering unconscious material

In which theory of hypnosis is the concept of a "hidden observer" the most salient?

Neodissociation theory -Rejoinder: Neodissociation theory of hypnosis suggests that the hypnotized part of a person's conscious enters an altered state of awareness, but that the other part remains aware of what is going on during the session. This second part can act as a "hidden observer" that informs the altered part of the self how to behave in any given moment.

paradoxical sleep

state where the body is relaxed while the mind is active

defense mechanism

technique used to reduce anxiety and keep threatening material out of awareness


the death or aggressive instinct


the ego channels threatening unconscious impulses into socially acceptable actions -only successful defense mechanism

How many inkblot cards are contained in the Rorschach test?

10 -Rorschach developed the inkblot test that contains 10 inkblots, sometimes in different colors, that require a client to tell what he or she sees in the images. Scoring methods for the test have been developed, but the reliability and validity of this and other projective tests have been questioned.

An examination of the relevant research into the figures that appear in dreams finds that approximately ___% of the people in women's dreams are male, while ___% of those in men's dreams are male.

50% in women's dreams 65% in men's dreams -Rejoinder: Despite popular misconception that men have a very large number of sexual dreams about women, the research finds that men tend to dream about other men more than women. These dreams are not necessarily sexual, however, and sometimes involve aggressive or hostile interactions with other men. Freud might have explained this as being related to an incomplete resolution of the Oedipus complex.

Why would it be accurate to say that Freud's theory was one of, if not the, most influential theory in the history of psychology?

Because even those who disagree with his work have had to address how their theories differ from his. -Though many people disagree passionately with Freud's theory, there is no doubt that his work had enormous influence over the field. Entire theoretical approaches have been developed simply to counter Freud's model. Even though these people did not like what Freud had to say, they were strongly influenced by his work.

The case of Anna O. (whose real name was later revealed to be Bertha Pappenheim) set the direction for a majority of Freud's career. Which clinician worked with Anna O. and later consulted with Freud on the case?

Joseph Breuer -Breuer was using techniques of hypnosis to help Pappenheim, and along with Freud, he later published a book called Studies in Hysteria that was based largely on this work.

If you were to remove all defense mechanisms that Freud proposed and leave only the one that is the foundation of his theory of psychoanalysis, which mechanism would remain?

Repression -Rejoinder: Freud's daughter eventually identified ten defense mechanisms that were associated with her father's theory, and also added five of her own. The cornerstone of this part of Freud's theory, however, was repression. It was an important part of virtually every aspect of his model.

Morgan is very receptive to entering a hypnotic state with her therapist and they regularly use this technique in their sessions. With this information in mind, what can we also assume about Morgan?

She would be open to hypnosis with another hypnotherapist. -Rejoinder: How responsive people are to hypnotic suggestions is a fairly stable individual difference. People who are highly responsive to one hypnotist's suggestions will probably be responsive to another hypnotist. Moreover, how responsive you are to hypnotic suggestions today is an excellent predictor of how responsive you will be years from now.

Henry Murray developed the Thematic Apperception test. What is a client required to do during this procedure?

Tell a story about an ambiguous picture. -Murray's TAT required a client to look at a vague picture and tell a story about what is happening in the image. Most of the pictures contain people, the facial expressions, and nature of the relationships of those people is intentionally unclear.

Na'chelle notices that many of the movies starring Bruce Willis involve the actor portraying a character who kills a lot of people. "That man just can't seem to kill enough bad guys," she says. In Freud's model, Bruce Willis might be described as having a high level of unconscious death instinct, which is also called

Thanatos -Freud believed that there are two contradictory unconscious instincts. The libido is the life or sexual instinct, while Thanatos is the aggressive or death instinct.

Biographers generally note that Freud's conception of the ______ complex reflected his warm and loving relationship with his own mother as well as his cold and distant relationship with his father.

The Oedipus complex (or Electra complex for girls) notes that a child develops a marked attraction to the parent of the opposite sex, while developing a sense of unconscious resentment toward the same sex parent. In normal cases, this complex ends when the child identifies with the same sex parent, thus quieting the desire to possess the other parent.

What did Freud feel explained the hysterical symptoms that he often observed in his adult patients?

Traumatic sexual experiences from early childhood. -Freud found that patients under hypnosis frequently reported repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse that was highly traumatic. He came to believe that these experiences led to their hysterical adult symptoms.


an active effort by the ego to push threatening material out of consciousness or to keep that material from ever reaching consciousness -"the cornerstone on which the whole structure of psychoanalysis rests" -Freud


attribute an unconscious impulse to other people instead of to ourselves


by considering something in a strictly intellectual, unemotional manner—we can bring previously difficult thoughts into consciousness without anxiety

Why would it be accurate to say that Freud's theory was one of, if not the, most influential theory in the history of psychology? a. Almost every psychologist studied in an extensive survey report that Freud's was the first theory that they were taught in graduate school. b. The concept of ego defense mechanisms, first suggested by Freud, are found in virtually every theory of personality to come along since. c. Because even those who disagree with his work have had to address how their theories differ from his. d. The research behind Freud's theory has been successfully replicated over and over again.


According to Freud, one of the first indications that psychoanalytic therapy is working is when the client shows signs of developing a. sublimation. b. neurosis. c. transference. d. resistance


structural model

division of personality into the id, ego, and superego


drives or instincts strong internal forces that freud thought motivated human behaviour

moral anxiety

ever-present feeling of shame and guilt for failing to meet unrealistic standards

Lucia is going to use hypnosis to help her get through a particular task that she dreads. Based on the textbook's discussion of the practical uses of hypnosis, which of the following is Lucia going to do face?

going to the dentist to have some repairs done -Rejoinder: There are several practical uses of hypnosis, but they may be different than many people think. It is used for helping people have dental work done without painkillers, can help investigators recover details of a crime, and helps with a variety of problems in therapy, including chronic pain.

reaction formation

hiding from threatening unconscious ideas or urges by acting in a manner opposite to our unconscious desires

Sigmund Freud identified a kind of humor called tendentious jokes, which were believed to give insight into the psyche of both the joke teller as well as the person who laughs. He believed that there were two kinds of such jokes—those that dealt with ______ and those that addressed _______.

hostility; sex -Rejoinder: Remember that unconscious aggressive and sexual impulses made up the foundation of Freud's psychoanalytic theory. He felt that these themes frequently permeated our nighttime dreams, so it is not surprising that he also felt that they were an important part of the jokes that people tell.

pleasure principle

idea that one's actions are intended to bring about immediate personal satisfaction

Brentley wants to tell his friend a joke that has a sexual overtone to it, and to increase the perceived funniness of the joke, Brentley wants to take advantage of the concept of incongruity. In which setting should Brentley tell his risqué joke?

in a church just before mass -Rejoinder: The concept of incongruity points to the idea that a joke might be seen as funnier when its content is inconsistent with what we expect. While one might expect sexual humor in a bar, club, or adult store, one certainly would not expect it sitting in a religious setting. This "surprise" factor may serve to enhance the perceived funniness of the joke.

defensive style

individual pattern of using defense mechanisms to lower anxiety

projective test

instrument used to assess unconscious material by responding to ambiguous stimuli

Freud identified two major categories of instincts

libido & Thanatos


life or sexual instinct


part of personality concerned with immediate gratification of needs


part of personality that contains material that cannot easily be brought into awareness


part of personality that contains thoughts easily brought into awareness


part of personality that contains thoughts we are currently aware of


part of personality that represents society's values


part of personality that tries to satisfy personal impulses while considering the realities of the world

topographic model

personality structure in which personality is divided into three different levels of awareness

In Freud's estimation, the id is the part of the personality that operates on the_____________ principle.

pleasure -The id is a totally unconscious part of the personality that is present at birth. It instinctively seeks pleasure or seeks to avoid pain. Freud referred to this as the pleasure principle.

If you are asked what television show you watched last night, you can probably retrieve that information with very little effort; however, you were probably not thinking of the program before you were asked about it. This information was stored in your

preconscious In the Freudian model, the body of information that is not immediately the subject of your attention but is available with some effort is called the preconscious. He noted that this information comes immediately before one becomes aware of it.

If you were to administer a projective test to a client, what would you be most likely to do as the test began?

present the client with ambiguous stimuli and ask her or him to interpret them -resent the client with ambiguous stimuli and ask her or him to interpret them.

free association

procedure in psychoanalysis where patients say whatever comes into their mind


refusing to accept that certain facts exist


release of tension or anxiety

recurrent dream

repeated scenario that occurs during sleep for several nights in a row

psychosexual stages of development

sequence of growth phases characterized by primary erogenous zones and desires

Lawrence goes to see a psychotherapist who was trained in the Freudian model. If Lawrence describes his dreams to this clinician, he can expect that the response will involve an interpretation that uses _________ symbols.

sexual -Rejoinder: In the traditional psychoanalytic model of Sigmund Freud, dreams were frequently interested for their use of sexual symbols. This became a bone of contention for some of the people with whom Freud worked, who eventually asked whether this emphasis on sexuality was truly necessary or useful.

unconscious preoccupation

sleeping state where unresolved conflicts are beneath a person's awareness


trait that enables a person to become highly involved in sensory and imaginative experiences


trance-like response where a person experiences an altered state of consciousness

Broderick was very close to his grandmother, who died many years ago. Now in psychotherapy. Broderick chose an older woman to be his clinician and tends to interact with her in ways that mirror the relationship he had with his grandmother. In psychoanalytic theory, this is referred to as


tendentious joke

type of humor that provides insight into the unconscious of those participating

Though many credit Freud with a groundbreaking theory, some argue that he was not the first to come up with some very important concepts. Researchers find that several books between 1870 and 1880 included the word __________ in the title, casting doubt on the belief that Freud was the first to propose this notion

unconscious -The idea that we are impacted in a very meaningful way by impulses, conflicts, or issues that lie outside of our awareness—in the unconscious—is often attributed to Freud. But some argue that he was not the first to conceive of this idea.

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