PSY366 Chapters 8-9

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Marshall was in a car accident and suffered damage to his _____ hypothalamus. Damage to this area has caused an increase in his food intake. ventromedial ventra-latero lateromedial lateral


As a baby, Jackson had very _____ parents. They fed him when he was upset and not hungry and changed him even when he was hungry but not wet. authoritarian effective ineffective authoritative


These types of parents give their child food when the child is anxious rather than hungry, and comfort the child when the child is tired rather than anxious. effective parents ineffective parents confused parents synchronous parents

ineffective parents

The idea that the body is completely separate from the mind is known as: empiricism. psychodynamism. mind-body dualism. cognitive-behavioral duality.

mind-body dualism.

Insomnia plagues _____ percent of the U.S. population each year. 25 30 45 55


Munchausen syndrome is also known as _____ disorder. factitious conversion somatic symptom illness anxiety


Between _____ percent of all people experience illness anxiety disorder. 1 and 4 2 and 4 1 and 3 1 and 5

1 and 5

The ratio of men to women who have illness anxiety disorder is: 2 to 1. 1 to 2. 1 to 1. 1 to 3.

1 to 1.

As many as _____ percent of close female relatives of women with somatization pattern also develop it. 50 40 30 20


Sunita has bulimia nervosa. Her weight is MOST likely to be: within a normal range, with little fluctuation within that range. within a normal range, although it may fluctuate markedly within that range. drastically below the normal range. drastically above the normal range.

within a normal range, although it may fluctuate markedly within that range.

Similar to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa most commonly occurs among: men. teenagers. women. adults.


According to the text, the onset of bulimia nervosa normally occurs between _____ years of age. 10 and 15 15 and 20 21 and 25 25 and 30

15 and 20

Repeated instances of binge eating are required in order for bulimia nervosa to be diagnosed; in fact, the textbook suggests that those who suffer from this disorder may binge up to _____ times per week. 7 14 24 30


Up to _____ percent of victims die of symptoms related to Munchausen syndrome by proxy. 15 20 35 30


A widely publicized 1995 study found that _____ percent of non-Hispanic white American teens and _____ percent of African American teens were dissatisfied with their weight and body shape. 50; 20 60; 30 75; 50 90; 70

90; 70

Being body shamed has been reported by _____ percent of adolescent girls and _____ percent of teen boys. 94; 64 52; 50 75; 25 65; 42

94; 64

Gerald is a high-powered executive who is always on the move. He is ambitious, driven, and competitive. He is also impatient, cynical, and angry. His interactions with the world seem to produce continual stress. His doctor told him that he needs to slow down, or he might develop coronary heart disease. Gerald has Type _____ personality style. A B C D


Harold works as a florist and leads a relaxing life. He gets along well with everyone and is never concerned about time. He doesn't stress about the unimportant things, so his heart is in great health. Harold has a Type _____ personality style. B D C A


_____-type anorexia nervosa involves excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, as well as vomiting after each meal. Binge-purge Recurrent Bingeing Restricting


_____-type anorexia nervosa involves excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, as well as vomiting after each meal. Restricting Bingeing Binge-purge Recurrent


A myocardial infarction is referred to as: hypertension. a brain attack. dyslipidemia. a heart attack.

a heart attack.

_____ and other stress hormones apparently contribute to poorer immune system functioning. Insulin Serotonin Dopamine Cortisol


In the United States, _____ Americans display more somatic reactions in the face of stress than do other populations. Italian Hispanic African Asian


Individuals in _____ countries seem to display the greatest number of somatic reactions. Latin American Western Middle-Eastern Asian

Latin American

_____ is viewed as a crime and as a carefully planned form of child abuse. Factitious Somatic symptom disorder Conversion Munchausen syndrome by proxy

Munchausen syndrome by proxy

Jennifer, who used to be a nurse, appears to be a devoted and doting mother. Her child has been sick 18 times in the last 30 days and misses a lot of school. Jennifer is constantly taking her child to the doctor. When her child spends time away from Jennifer, the child feels better. A factitious disorder that Jennifer might have that is causing her child to become ill is: conversion disorder. Munchausen syndrome. Munchausen syndrome by proxy. somatic symptom disorder.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Mary has always been a sickly child. Her caring and devoted mother is always by her side. One week, Mary's mother leaves town to visit an old friend, and suddenly Mary starts to feel better. But, as soon as her mother returns, Mary starts to exhibit a host of unexplained symptoms yet again. Based on this observation, Mary's doctor worries that Mary's mother might have: .conversion disorder. factitious disorder. Munchausen syndrome. Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Charlene, a former nurse, always complains about being sick. She has no children and few friends to care for her, so she spends a great deal of time in the hospital. Even though the hospital staff are very kind to her, she seems to hold a grudge against the doctors. In reality, Charlene has been making herself sick for years. Based on this information, it is likely that Charlene suffers from: somatic symptom disorder. conversion disorder. factitious disorder imposed on another. Munchausen syndrome.

Munchausen syndrome.

Nadia, a former laboratory technician, always complains about being sick. She received extensive treatment for a medical problem as a child. In reality, Nadia has been making herself sick for years. Based on this information, it is likely that Nadia suffers from: factitious disorder imposed on another. Munchausen syndrome. somatic symptom disorder. conversion disorder.

Munchausen syndrome.

Marlon, a 22-year-old college student, has recently started making himself vomit after every other meal so that he will lose weight and become more slender. After doing this for three weeks, he shares this with his friend Duane, to which Duane responds, "Man, I never thought of you as bulimic!" Would a therapist classify Marlon as "bulimic"? No, because only women suffer from bulimia nervosa. No, because Marlon is not drastically underweight; only after he has lost 20 percent of his normal body weight can he be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. No, because the binge-purge cycles of bulimia nervosa must be present for at least three months in order to be diagnosed. No, because the symptoms of bulimia nervosa must appear prior to the age of 15 for this diagnosis to be made.

No, because the binge-purge cycles of bulimia nervosa must be present for at least three months in order to be diagnosed.

_____ claimed that the mind, or soul, is separate from the body. Rene Descartes Sigmund Freud John Locke Baruch Spinoza

Rene Descartes

Michelle abuses laxatives so that she will have chronic diarrhea and then spends excessive time at the doctor complaining of her symptoms and getting medical tests. Which of these is probably NOT true about Michelle? She probably has little knowledge about medicine. She has worked as a nurse or lab technician. She may carry a grudge against the medical profession. She will go to extremes to create the presence of illness.

She probably has little knowledge about medicine.

Anorexia nervosa has been shown to be increasing in frequency in all parts of the world EXCEPT: North America. Japan. Europe. South America.

South America.

_____ percent of the population suffer(s) from chronic insomnia that lasts for months or years. One Five Eight Ten


Arvin has suffered from depression for several years since graduating college. Why would his therapist worry that previous depressive episodes might have set the stage for future eating disorders? People with eating disorders are consistently helped by the same drugs that reduce depression. The depression-related brain circuit of many people with eating disorders shows abnormalities that are similar to those of people with depression. A similar number of people with an eating disorder qualify for a diagnosis of depression as people in the general population. Close relatives of people with eating disorders and those without have similar rates of depressive disorders.

The depression-related brain circuit of many people with eating disorders shows abnormalities that are similar to those of people with depression.

In this personality pattern, persons are more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time. Type D personality style Type C personality style Type B personality style Type A personality style

Type B personality style

Vera and Wendy both suffer from eating disorders. Vera has anorexia nervosa while Wendy has bulimia nervosa. Who is MOST likely to be helped by cognitive-behavioral therapy? Cognitive-behavioral therapy will not help either girl. Vera and Wendy are equally likely to be helped a great deal. Wendy Vera


Vera and Wendy both suffer from eating disorders. Vera has anorexia nervosa while Wendy has bulimia nervosa. Who is MOST likely to be helped by cognitive-behavioral therapy? Vera Wendy Vera and Wendy are equally likely to be helped a great deal. Cognitive-behavioral therapy will not help either girl.


If Katie is similar to 90 percent of individuals with hypertension, her condition is likely caused by: psychological factors. physiological factors. a combination of physiological and psychological factors. essential hypertension.

a combination of physiological and psychological factors.

Research has consistently found that _____ is the BEST approach for achieving both immediate and sustained recovery from anorexia nervosa. medication therapy family therapy cognitive-behavioral therapy a combination of therapeutic approaches

a combination of therapeutic approaches

The relationship between stress and physical illness is now understood to be: primarily biological. primarily psychological. primarily sociocultural. a complex interaction of several factors.

a complex interaction of several factors.

Alan saw his neurologist because he developed numbness that began sharply at his wrist and extended evenly right up to the fingertips. His neurologist, who was aware that neither ulnar nor radial nerve damage would cause even distribution of numbness in his fingers, figured out that Alan had: a conversion disorder. Munchausen syndrome. Munchausen syndrome by proxy. somatic symptom disorder.

a conversion disorder.

In the somatization pattern of somatic symptom disorder, individuals experience: symptoms of which the primary feature is pain. a large and varied number of bodily symptoms. bodily symptoms that do not particularly disrupt their lives. symptoms that are focused on sensory experiences.

a large and varied number of bodily symptoms.

Nguyen had a heart attack, which is also referred to as: dyslipidemia. a stroke. hypertension. a myocardial infarction.

a myocardial infarction.

Lia has just been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and is discussing it with her therapist. Throughout her sessions, she describes how her older sister was also diagnosed with bulimia two years ago, and how her parents tended to plan every aspect of her life in order to accommodate her flourishing modeling career. A cognitive-behavioral therapist would MOST likely attribute Lia's development of bulimia nervosa to: her ineffective and enmeshed parents. her modeling career and society's ultra-thin ideal. a need to control some aspect of her life. her predisposition to the disorder since her sister has it as well.

a need to control some aspect of her life.

Chase is experiencing a narrowing of the muscles surrounding his skull, commonly known as: hypertension. a migraine headache. a tension headache. an ulcer.

a tension headache.

Secondary gain is derived when somatic symptoms: keep internal conflicts out of awareness. allow individuals to avoid unpleasant activities. bring rewards to the sufferer. are used to communicate unpleasant emotions.

allow individuals to avoid unpleasant activities.

Young newlywed Deanna has struggled with anorexia nervosa for more than a year. Her husband thinks that if Deanna becomes pregnant, she will have to eat more. However, Deanna cannot become pregnant because her menstrual cycles have stopped. This condition is known as: dysmenorrhea. menopause. lanugo. amenorrhea.


Shane does not exercise, has hypertension, smokes cigarettes, and often angrily blows up at others when he is under a lot of pressure. Which of his behaviors is a psychosocial risk factor for coronary heart disease? lack of exercise smoking hypertension anger


This psychological disorder is marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme weight loss. anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa binge-eating disorder eating-purging disorder

anorexia nervosa

Quinn intensely fears gaining weight. He restricts his food intake, and his body perception is distorted. Quinn MOST likely suffers from: binge-eating disorder. binge-purge syndrome. bulimia nervosa. anorexia nervosa.

anorexia nervosa.

Tessa has always been slightly overweight. She was generally liked by her peers and was very social in high school. Recently, Tessa's father took a new job, and Tessa had to move to another state and enroll in a new high school. Soon after the move, she became depressed and withdrawn and had difficulty making new friends. Tessa is MOST at risk for developing: bipolar disorder. anorexia nervosa. schizophrenia. amenorrhea.

anorexia nervosa.

Zeekal has recently been hospitalized. She is severely underweight, her body temperature is low, her heart rate is below normal, and her feet are swollen. All of Zeekal's physiological symptoms could be associated with: conversion disorder. bulimia nervosa. illness anxiety disorder. anorexia nervosa.

anorexia nervosa.

Both Devon and Marissa are concerned about their weight. Devon has begun restricting her diet, only eating one small meal a day. Marissa on the other hand, eats several meals a day; however, she sometimes will binge and then exercise obsessively and purge. Devon MOST likely has _____ nervosa, while Marissa MOST likely has _____. bulimia; anorexia nervosa restricting-type anorexia; purging-type anorexia nervosa anorexia; bulimia nervosa anorexia; binge-eating disorder

anorexia; bulimia nervosa

All of these are among the psychological treatments for high blood pressure EXCEPT: relaxation training. antihypertensive medication. meditation. biofeedback.

antihypertensive medication.

Dr. Sang is a researcher studying the use of an electromyography (EMG) and its effectiveness in the treatment of different disorders. In her research she found that biofeedback training has helped in the treatment of all of the following EXCEPT: heart rate irregularities. anxiety. asthma. stuttering.


Ulcers: are lesions that form in the wall of the stomach or the duodenum. are caused by a blocking of the coronary arteries. are marked by pain at the back or front of the head or back of the neck. cause the body's airways to narrow.

are lesions that form in the wall of the stomach or the duodenum.

Jim developed conversion blindness but rarely bumps into anything, even in unfamiliar environments. This is evidence that Jim has: hyperopia. myopia. at least some vision, even if he is unaware of it. legal blindness.

at least some vision, even if he is unaware of it.

People with binge-eating disorder, like people who suffer from other forms of eating disorders, are: not susceptible to other issues, such as depression. most often men. in early adulthood when the disorder develops. at risk for relapse.

at risk for relapse.

Clients with illness anxiety disorder improve using all of the following therapies EXCEPT: antidepressant drugs. exposure. avatar. response prevention.


Due to her unexplained paralysis, Elizabeth could no longer work at the job she loathed. The secondary gain derived from her symptoms allows her to: communicate unpleasant emotions. acquire rewards for her symptoms. avoid unpleasant activities. keep internal conflicts out of awareness.

avoid unpleasant activities.

The main goal for people with anorexia nervosa is to _____, and _____ is their motivation to do so. become thin; fear look good; looking good become thin; looking good look good; receiving compliments

become thin; fear

Dr. Spencer is investigating the cognitive effects that eating disorders have on young women. After conducting three dozen interviews focused on the differences between eating disorders, she is least likely to conclude that those suffering from bulimia tend to be more concerned with _____ than people with anorexia are. having intimate relationships pleasing others becoming overweight being attractive to others

becoming overweight

The field of treatment that combines psychological and physical approaches to treat or prevent medical problems is known as: behavioral medicine. cognitive medicine. paramedicine. biofeedback.

behavioral medicine.

In a classic study, ulcer patients who were given relaxation, self-instruction, and assertiveness training along with medication were found to have _____ than patients who received medication only. more symptoms better long-term outcomes more anxiety more discomfort

better long-term outcomes

Which of the eating disorders has the LEAST successful long-term recovery after treatment? anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa binge-eating disorder These disorders have equal rates of successful long-term recovery after treatment.

binge-eating disorder

Bernice is 26 years old, weighs about 250 pounds, and is extremely dissatisfied with her body. She finds herself stuck in a pattern of, at least four times a week, secretly and within minutes devouring several dozen doughnuts, even if she's not all that hungry. After consuming the doughnuts, Bernice feels shame and disgust at what she has just done. Bernice would MOST likely be diagnosed with: anorexia nervosa. bulimia nervosa. binge-eating disorder. depression.

binge-eating disorder.

Both Erica and Fanny have eating disorders. Both girls tend to eat rapidly, eat large amounts without physical hunger, and eat alone because of embarrassment. Erica follows her eating binges by inducing vomiting, whereas Fanny does not. Fanny MOST likely suffers from: restricting-type anorexia nervosa. binge-purging disorder. binge-eating disorder. anorexia nervosa.

binge-eating disorder.

Xavier engages in repeated eating binges during which he feels no control over his eating. He does not perform compensatory behaviors, and as a result of his frequent binges, he has become obese. Xavier MOST likely suffers from: bulimia nervosa. anorexia nervosa. binge-eating disorder. binge-purge syndrome.

binge-eating disorder.

Sometimes, Edna vomits her meal soon after she eats. At other times, she takes an excessive amount of diuretics and laxatives. Edna MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa. binge-eating binge-eating/purging-type restricting-type bulimia-type


Sometimes, Edna vomits her meal soon after she eats. At other times, she takes an excessive amount of diuretics and laxatives. Edna MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa. restricting-type bulimia-type binge-eating/purging-type binge-eating


Geizelle is a freshman in college. She heard about the "Freshman Fifteen," the tendency for college freshman to gain weight during the school term. Afraid of gaining the weight, but unable to control her food intake, Geizelle began purging after each meal. Unfortunately, this only made her hungrier so she eats more only to purge again. Geizelle's behavior is indicative of: restrictive-type anorexia nervosa. obsessive-compulsive disorder. anorexia nervosa. binge-purge syndrome.

binge-purge syndrome.

Some studies indicate that Hispanic American female adolescents and young adults engage in disordered eating behaviors (particularly _____) and express body dissatisfaction at rates about equal to those of non-Hispanic white American women. excessive exercising behavior restricting-type behavior purging behavior binging behavior

binging behavior

During a session with her therapist, Samera uses electrical signals from her body to control her heart rate and muscle tension. Which intervention is the therapist utilizing? biofeedback meditation relaxation training hypnosis


All of the following are classified as eating disorders EXCEPT: anorexia nervosa. bulimia nervosa. body dysmorphic disorder. binge-eating disorder.

body dysmorphic disorder.

Dr. Wesson treats patients who complain of headaches on one side of their head that cause immense pain. Dr. Wesson believes these headaches occur in two phases and are caused by: both narrowing and expansion of the blood vessels. expansion of the blood vessels. hypertension. a narrowing of the muscles surrounding the skull.

both narrowing and expansion of the blood vessels.

Becky is 19 years old and in her second year of college. Recently, she has become obsessed with exercise. Becky has discovered that she can eat as much as she wants of whatever she wants in biweekly binges as long as she exercises excessively. When she does this, she does not gain any weight and she is finding that it helps with her looks. In fact, she loves all the compliments she's receiving from her friends about how great she looks these days. Becky would MOST likely be diagnosed with: anorexia nervosa. bulimia nervosa. restricting/purging-type anorexia nervosa. binge-eating disorder.

bulimia nervosa.

Gregg has recently been hospitalized for an eating disorder, and his therapist prescribes an antidepressant. Gregg MOST likely has: muscle dysmorphobia (reverse anorexia nervosa). anorexia nervosa, restricting-type. anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type. bulimia nervosa.

bulimia nervosa.

Meredith's friends are always surprised by how thin she always seems to stay, but her friends have never been concerned about her being unhealthily thin. She always seems to eat a lot whenever she goes out with them and people always seem to ask her "where she puts all that food." Her friends have never heard her talk about going to the gym, and after she finishes eating she always seems to excuse herself to the bathroom. Meredith's friends are starting to suspect that she has: binge-eating disorder. bulimia nervosa. body dysmorphic disorder. anorexia nervosa.

bulimia nervosa.

Raheim, a corporate executive, has hypertension. His very demanding position causes him immense stress and emotional turmoil. Stress and his emotions: can lead to hypotension. can impact the course of his medical condition. cannot affect his medical condition. can circumvent new health risks.

can impact the course of his medical condition.

Jessica was arrested for overmedicating her child. She had been making him sick for weeks and had come to know hospital staff very well, who complimented her for being such a doting and nurturing mother. Jessica's behavior is best explained by Munchausen syndrome by proxy, and the law views her actions as a crime, a carefully planned form of: sexual abuse. child abuse. battery. neglect.

child abuse.

Hypertension is a state of: chronic high blood pressure. chronic aches of the head or neck. arterial blockage. chronic difficulty sleeping.

chronic high blood pressure.

Behaviorists believe that illness fears are acquired through: genetic heritability. classical conditioning. misattribution of bodily cues. exposure and response prevention.

classical conditioning.

When pain patients replace thoughts such as "Oh no, I can't take this pain" with coping self-statements, it teaches them a new: suggestible state. cognitive response to their illness. behavioral response to their illness. way to use feedback from machines to gain control over the pain.

cognitive response to their illness.

Casey receives a lot of sympathy and attention for her conversion blindness. Which theorist would predict that Casey is more likely to remain blind as long as she receives sympathy and attention? multicultural biological cognitive-behavioral psychodynamic


Dr. Sparks informed the parents of 10-year-old Chase that he is prone to developing physical symptoms because he is less able to verbally express his emotions. Based on his perspective, one can assume that Dr. Sparks MOST likely endorses the _____ model. cognitive-behavioral psychodynamic multicultural biological


This type of therapist views illness anxiety disorder as a case of misinterpreted bodily cues. multicultural cognitive-behavioral biological psychodynamic


At a recent multidisciplinary psychology conference, a leading researcher spoke on using the multidimensional risk perspective to explain eating disorders, identifying _____ such as ineffective parenting and _____ factors such as ego deficiency. societal pressures; cognitive-behavioral racial and ethnic factors; biological societal pressures; psychodynamic cognitive-behavioral factors; psychodynamic

cognitive-behavioral factors; psychodynamic

Which of these is NOT among the common psychological interventions for treating physical disorders? relaxation training hypnosis cognitive-behavioral therapy biofeedback

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Reseema is undergoing treatment for anorexia nervosa. As part of her therapy, she has worked on discovering her core pathology and monitoring her feelings of hunger and her food intake. Reseema's treatment program is MOST likely: a nutritional rehabilitation program. cognitive-behaviorally based. solution-focused. psychodynamic.

cognitive-behaviorally based.

Cognitive-behavioral medicine is the field that: studies the links between psychosocial stress, the immune system, and health. combines psychological and physical approaches to treat or prevent medical problems. uses physical approaches to treat or prevent medical problems. uses psychological approaches to treat or prevent medical problems.

combines psychological and physical approaches to treat or prevent medical problems.

Dr. Ortiz is a psychotherapist who uses hypnosis to treat many of his patients. During his practice he has found that hypnosis seems to be particularly helpful in: aiding psychotherapy. treating skin diseases. inducing the relaxation response. controlling pain.

controlling pain.

Mattie developed paralysis in her legs following a boating accident. However, none of the medical tests that were performed could explain why she could not feel sensation in her legs. Mattie would MOST likely be diagnosed with _____ disorder. conversion somatic symptom illness anxiety factitious


Casey is worried about dying from a serious illness such as coronary heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, or stroke. Based on current trends, which condition is Casey at greatest risk of dying from? coronary heart disease stroke type 2 diabetes breast cancer

coronary heart disease

Jose had bypass surgery to open up the vessels leading to his coronary arteries. Which traditional psychophysiological disorder does Jose likely have? coronary heart disease insomnia migraine headaches hypertension

coronary heart disease

The textbook reports that the leading cause of death among men and women is: diabetes. hypertension. coronary heart disease. asthma.

coronary heart disease.

Lindsey, who lives in poverty, often finds herself becoming ill. This is likely due to her body's release of corticosteroids, including _____ and other stress hormones, which affect the activity of lymphocytes. insulin serotonin norepinephrine cortisol


Relaxation and biofeedback training are NOT helpful in the treatment of this physical ailment. high blood pressure headaches diabetes asthma


Bindi suffers from anorexia nervosa. Bindi is MOST likely to experience: distorted views of her weight and body. a dissociation of memory. loss of contact with reality. an impulse control issue.

distorted views of her weight and body.

For females, the biggest jump in body dissatisfaction occurs when girls transition from: childhood to early adolescence. early adolescence to mid-adolescence. mid-adolescence to late adolescence. late adolescence to early adulthood.

early adolescence to mid-adolescence.

When does the onset of factitious disorder typically occur? childhood adolescence early adulthood late adulthood

early adulthood

Illness anxiety disorder MOST often starts in: late adulthood. early adulthood. early adolescence. early childhood.

early adulthood.

According to Hilde Bruch, _____ parents accurately attend to their children's biological and emotional needs, giving them food when they are crying from hunger and comfort when they are crying out of fear. authoritative ineffective uninvolved effective


As a baby, Ilya had very _____ parents. They fed him when he was hungry, changed him when he was wet, and comforted him when he was upset. authoritative permissive effective ineffective


Unlike the other eating disorders, binge-eating disorder does NOT necessarily begin with: a distorted body image. efforts at extreme dieting. feelings of depression or anxiety. a preoccupation with food and weight.

efforts at extreme dieting.

In addition to perceptual disturbances that help produce disordered eating, Hilde Bruch identified _____ as contributing to eating disorders. ego deficiencies substance abuse depression disturbed sibling relationships

ego deficiencies

Hannah has never really gotten along with her mother. This may be one reason that she has never developed an adequate sense of control and independence. According to Hilde Bruch, this would be an example of: multidimensional risk factors. ego deficiencies. perceptual disturbances. psychodynamic disturbances.

ego deficiencies.

This method of biofeedback provides feedback about the level of muscular tension in the body. electromyograph transcranial magnetic stimulation electroencephalography electrocardiogram


Dr. Walker uses a number of techniques to try to eliminate the physical symptoms of conversion disorders. Which of these would he LEAST likely use? education reinforcement empathy cognitive restructuring


Persephone comes from a family in which everyone is overly involved in the lives of the others. Although everyone is affectionate and loyal, they tend to cling to each other. As a teen, she feels that her desire for independence is somehow harming the family's sense of closeness and harmony. Her family displays an _____ family pattern. effective overconcerned ineffective enmeshed


Corbin and Willow are fraternal twins attending the same university. They have made a pact to get healthy, motivate each other, and stay in shape. In order to achieve their weight goals, Corbin is more likely to _____, and Willow is more likely to _____. exercise; diet diet; diet exercise; exercise diet; exercise

exercise; diet

Demi is a patient with bulimia nervosa. In several of her therapy sessions, Demi's therapist has required her to eat a slice of cake and then prevented her from vomiting, to show that eating can be harmless. Demi's therapist is using the _____ approach. psychodynamic exposure and response prevention interpersonal psychotherapy cognitive-behavioral

exposure and response prevention

Brandon suffers from bulimia nervosa and has sought the help of a therapist. His psychologist, who ascribes to the cognitive-behavioral model, gives him instructions to eat specific types and amounts of food, but to resist the urge to make himself vomit. The hope is that Brandon will come to see that eating can be a healthy and constructive behavior that requires no undoing. Brandon's psychologist is using a technique called: systematic desensitization. behavior self-control therapy. relapse prevention. exposure and response prevention.

exposure and response prevention.

Binges are usually preceded by all of the following feelings EXCEPT: extreme self-blame. powerlessness. irritability. unrealness.

extreme self-blame.

Mona spent a lot of time in hospitals as a child. As an adult, she wishes to remain in a sick role although she is healthy, and therefore she often takes medicines to make herself sick. She would MOST likely be diagnosed with _____ disorder. factitious hysterical somatoform somatization pain


This disorder involves an individual feigning or inducing physical symptoms, typically for the purpose of assuming the role of a sick person. factitious disorder somatic symptom disorder hysterical somatic symptom disorder illness anxiety disorder

factitious disorder

Lisa purposefully injures herself to cause bruises on her extremities. Then she goes to her doctor and complains of unexplained bruising. Her behavior is most consistent with: conversion disorder. somatic symptom disorder. illness anxiety disorder. factitious disorder.

factitious disorder.

Marley has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. As part of her treatment, Marley has been correcting her eating patterns, addressing many of the psychological and situational factors that underlie her eating disorder. She is also regularly taking medication. In addition to these interventions, Marley might also benefit from _____ therapy. solution-focused psychodynamic gestalt family


Jamie has insomnia. Which of these is she LEAST likely to complain about? having difficulty functioning at work feeling very sleepy during the day feeling as though she is almost constantly awake feeling very active during the day

feeling very active during the day

Heather meditates regularly and reports feeling all of these common experiences EXCEPT feeling more: fixated on stressors. peaceful. engaged. creative.

fixated on stressors.

Elizabeth has anorexia nervosa and enjoys planning her meals down to the smallest detail. She often gives her friends cooking advice after fantasizing about food. Elizabeth's preoccupation with food is likely the result of: prior gluttony. food deprivation. a stressful childhood. biological causes.

food deprivation.

Dr. Chen has her patients discuss their emotions and journal about their feelings, and she finds that it improves their _____ while helping their psychological functioning. anxiety depression health anger


Which of these is NOT an immediate goal of treatment for individuals with anorexia nervosa? helping them regain their lost weight helping them eat normally again helping to make family changes within the dysfunctional system helping them recover from malnourishment

helping to make family changes within the dysfunctional system

Lita suffers from chronic high blood pressure, which greatly increases her likelihood for stroke, heart disease, and kidney problems. Another name for her condition is: arteriosclerosis. coronary arterial disease. hypotension. hypertension.


At Saint-Luc Hospital in Brussels, Dr. Fabienne Roelants uses which procedure to prepare patients for thyroid procedures? biofeedback stress inoculation training relaxation training hypnosis


In _____, the client is guided into a sleeplike, suggestible state during which they can be directed to act in unusual ways, feel unusual sensations, remember seemingly forgotten events, or forget remembered events. hypnosis biofeedback relaxation training meditation


People with illness anxiety disorder, previously known as _____, are chronically anxious about their health and are convinced that they have or are developing a serious medical illness, despite the absence of somatic symptoms. hypochondriasis hysterical disorder Munchausen conversion disorders


In this disorder, people mistakenly fear that minor changes in their physical functioning indicate a serious disease. Munchausen syndrome somatic symptom disorder Munchausen syndrome by proxy illness anxiety disorder

illness anxiety disorder

In addition to repeated episodes of bingeing, followed by compensatory behaviors lasting three months, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) also requires _____ to qualify for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. restriction of certain types of food excessive laxative use inappropriate influence of weight and shape on appraisal of oneself disordered thinking

inappropriate influence of weight and shape on appraisal of oneself

Joseph chain smokes and stays up all night overindulging on comfort foods. His body often responds with insulin spikes. Which of these is NOT among the behavioral changes that indirectly affect the immune system? poor nutritional habits smoking poor sleeping increased insulin production

increased insulin production

Primary gain is derived when somatic symptoms: keep internal conflicts out of awareness. allow individuals to avoid unpleasant activities. are used to communicate unpleasant emotions. bring rewards to the sufferer.

keep internal conflicts out of awareness.

During a boating accident, Chontelle watched helplessly as her father drowned after saving her. She awoke in the hospital with little recollection of the event, but she was blind with no neurological basis for her symptoms. She likely derived primary gain from her symptoms to: bring rewards to her. allow her to communicate unpleasant emotions. allow her to avoid unpleasant activities. keep internal conflicts surrounding the accident out of her awareness.

keep internal conflicts surrounding the accident out of her awareness.

Kerry has had hypertension for several years, which increases the likelihood that he will develop: high cholesterol. headaches. obesity. kidney problems.

kidney problems.

Abigail has recently been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and has entered into a residential treatment facility to receive treatment. Upon her physical evaluation, the attending doctor noticed Abigail had developed _____, a fine silky hair covering Abigail's torso, face, and arms. lanugo andropause menopause amenorrhea


Leon was in a car accident and suffered damage to his _____ hypothalamus. Damage to this area has caused a decrease in his food intake. ventromedial lateral lateromedial ventral


When researchers stimulated the _____ during laboratory experimentation, eating behaviors were activated. lateral hippocampus ventromedial hippocampus lateral hypothalamus ventromedial hypothalamus

lateral hypothalamus

Lee lies to his doctors about feeling ill because he is trying to acquire disability compensation. Lee is BEST described as: having Munchausen. malingering. having somatization disorder. having a factitious disorder.


Samantha was intentionally faking symptoms of mental illness in order to collect disability. This is known as: somatization disorder. factitious disorder. hysterical somatoform disorder. malingering.


A therapist has taught her client to turn his concentration inward, to achieve a slightly changed state of consciousness, and to ignore all stressors temporarily. Which intervention is the client using? relaxation training hypnosis meditation biofeedback


Keith uses a mantra to help him turn his concentration inward, practicing a technique called: meditation. biofeedback. relaxation training. self-instruction training.


Aretha suffers from very severe headaches that occur on the right side of her head. Sometimes, they make her feel dizzy and nauseated, and sometimes she even vomits. Aretha suffers from _____ headaches. tension muscle contraction dehydration migraine


A physician during the Renaissance would be most likely to feel that addressing emotional concerns was work for priests and philosophers because the mind and body are totally separate. This position demonstrates the concept of: the mind-body relationship. holistic health. the unconscious. mind-body dualism.

mind-body dualism.

Most of today's theorists and researchers use a _____ to explain eating disorders, identifying several key factors that place a person at risk for these disorders. biological perspective psychodynamic perspective multifactor perspective multidimensional risk perspective

multidimensional risk perspective

Physicians do NOT suspect conversion disorder or somatic symptom disorder when the symptoms include: no apparent medical cause. bodily ailments that excessively impact the person. no anxiety about developing a serious illness. inconsistency with known diseases.

no anxiety about developing a serious illness.

Which American demographic has the highest prevalence of anorexia nervosa? non-Hispanic white Asian American Hispanic American African American

non-Hispanic white

Jason, who has encountered traumatic stressors in the past, has a stress response whenever he encounters cues of the trauma. A cascade of physiological events affecting his sympathetic nervous system occurs, including excessive activity of the neurotransmitter _____, which contributes to slowdowns of his immune system and makes him vulnerable to physical illness. serotonin norepinephrine dopamine GABA


Many people with anorexia nervosa display _____ patterns. For example, they may set rigid rules for food preparation or even cut food into specific shapes. anxiety-related obsessive-compulsive schizophrenic depressive


People with illness anxiety disorder typically receive the same therapies as are used to treat: generalized anxiety disorder. obsessive-compulsive disorder. major depressive disorder. panic disorder.

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hector has a very rigid plan for his food preparation. First, he washes each vegetable thoroughly in water. Then, he slices each vegetable thinly and divides the slices into four equal amounts. When he eats one portion, he lines each strip up so they are all even. Hector's behavior is not uncommon for a person suffering from anorexia nervosa, because he will sometimes display: depressive patterns. anxiety. impulse control patterns. obsessive-compulsive patterns.

obsessive-compulsive patterns.

In Munchausen syndrome by proxy: employers intentionally make an employee sick. parents intentionally make their child sick. children intentionally make their parents sick. a person intentionally ingests poison to become sick.

parents intentionally make their child sick.

Medical treatments continue to dominate the treatment of: physical illness. resilient personalities. Type A behavior pattern. adjustment disorders.

physical illness.

Suzanne has bulimia nervosa. During a binge, Suzanne is LEAST likely to eat: pretzels. cakes. ice cream. doughnuts.


Which gain do people derive when bodily symptoms keep their internal conflicts out of awareness? financial tertiary secondary primary


Jane has hypertension, whereas Tanya has a conversion disorder. Both conditions have somatic symptoms, but Tanya's condition is accounted for primarily by: self-induced behaviors. psychological factors. environmental factors. biological factors.

psychological factors.

Psychophysiological disorders are different from the factitious, conversion, and illness anxiety disorders in that the latter disorders are accounted for primarily by: environmental factors. biological factors. self-induced behaviors. psychological factors.

psychological factors.

People with conversion and somatic symptom disorders usually seek this form of treatment as a last resort. hospitalization pharmacology surgery psychotherapy


The LEAST common treatment choice for individuals with conversion disorders is: hospitalization. pharmacology. surgery. psychotherapy.


Unlike people with factitious disorder, those with conversion disorder do NOT: purposely produce their symptoms. have a real disorder. become distressed about their bodily symptoms. have an actual medical problem.

purposely produce their symptoms.

In a classic study, electromyography (EMG) feedback was used to treat 16 patients who had facial pain caused in part by tension in their jaw muscles. In an EMG procedure, electrodes were attached to the muscles so that the contractions were detected and converted into an audible tone. After listening to feedback repeatedly, the 16 patients learned how to: gain control over their voluntary activities. lose control over their voluntary body activities. achieve a slightly changed state of consciousness. relax their muscles at will.

relax their muscles at will.

A therapist teaches his client Firas to identify individual muscle groups, tense them, release the tension, and ultimately relax his whole body. Which intervention is the therapist utilizing? biofeedback meditation relaxation training hypnosis

relaxation training

Lisa spends 20 minutes a day in a quiet space where she tenses and relaxes her muscles, so that over time she will be able to relax her muscles at will. Lisa is practicing: biofeedback. meditation. exposure and response prevention. relaxation training.

relaxation training.

When Frederika first began to develop anorexia nervosa, she stopped eating cakes and cookies. Then, she stopped eating pastas, meats, and fruits. Now, she only eats green vegetables, such as celery and spinach. Frederika MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa. restricting-type bulimia-type binge-eating/purging-type binge-eating type


In behavioral weight-restoration approaches, patients are given _____ whenever they eat properly or gain weight. praise more food punishments rewards


The symptoms of illness anxiety disorder tend to _____ over the years. remain consistent drop dramatically rise and fall level off

rise and fall

In _____, therapists teach people to identify and eventually rid themselves of unpleasant thoughts that emerge during pain episodes. meditation hypnosis self-instruction training relaxation training

self-instruction training

Willow suffers from bulimia nervosa. After a binge episode, she tends to feel a sense of: pleasure. calm. shame. manic elation.


Janice, who has asthma, is MOST likely to complain of: shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. pain at the back or front of her head. paralyzing pain on one side of her head. burning sensations in her stomach.

shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

Researchers believe that a major factor in the current increase in mass psychogenic illnesses is: advancements in medical diagnosis. social media. better health care throughout the world. more people having access to health insurance.

social media.

Cado is preoccupied with the fact that he has headaches, chest pain, nausea, numbness, and problems maintaining an erection. He feels anxious and depressed, and he goes from doctor to doctor trying to get relief. Cado MOST likely has: Munchausen syndrome. Munchausen by proxy. illness anxiety disorder. somatic symptom disorder.

somatic symptom disorder.

Tabatha began having severe pains after healing from minor injuries sustained in a car accident. She had severe pain in her chest and ribs, but doctors could not figure out the source or understand the severity of her pain. Tabatha's likely diagnosis is: malingering. somatic symptom disorder. illness anxiety disorder. Munchausen by proxy.

somatic symptom disorder.

Relaxation training is useful in the treatment of all of the following EXCEPT: stress related illnesses. anxiety disorders. phobias. somatic symptom disorders.

somatic symptom disorders.

For years, Blake has suffered from a list of unrelated symptoms. He started experiencing erectile dysfunction in his early twenties, followed by repeated bouts of chest pain. Shortly after this, he began having weekly episodes of diarrhea. Most recently, double-blindness has been added to his list of ailments. Blake has gone from doctor to doctor, and none of them has ever found a physical cause for his illnesses. His newest doctor thinks he might suffer from Briquet's syndrome, which is also known as _____ pattern. conversion factitious somatization predominant pain


When people with bulimia nervosa have a binge episode, they are the LEAST likely to eat: steak. ice cream. sandwiches. cookies.


Dr. Steve teaches his patients to relax their muscles, focus their attention inward, and use EMG feedback when treating his patients with hypertension. He is using all of the following psychological treatments EXCEPT: meditation. stress inoculation training. biofeedback. relaxation training.

stress inoculation training.

Felicia uses coping self-statements when she is in pain. This technique is called: stress inoculation training. biofeedback. meditation. relaxation training.

stress inoculation training.

Training that teaches people to rid themselves of unpleasant thoughts during pain episodes is called: stress inoculation. meditation. biofeedback. exposure and response prevention.

stress inoculation.

Mindfulness meditators pay attention to all of the following EXCEPT: sensations. stressors. thoughts. feelings.


Studies have found that the various psychological interventions for physical problems: vary greatly in effectiveness. tend to be equally effective. are not helpful for changing Type A patterns. do not reduce risk for coronary heart disease.

tend to be equally effective.

Eartha suffers from very painful headaches. Her doctor told her that they're caused by the tightening of the muscles surrounding the skull. Eartha suffers from _____ headaches. light-induced tension dehydration migraine


Kim, a freshman-year college student, has been participating in a weekly group program designed to prevent the onset of eating disorders, utilizing role playing and behavioral exercises to challenge the ultra-thin woman's body ideal in Western society. She has also participated in skill-building exercises and social support training. Kim is MOST likely part of: motivational interviewing. exposure and response prevention. maintenance therapy. the Body Project.

the Body Project.

Activating this area of the hypothalamus reduces feelings of hunger. the lateral hypothalamus the insula hypothalamus the ventromedial hypothalamus the suprachiasmatic nucleus

the ventromedial hypothalamus

Michael is a college wrestler who is keeping a very strict diet in order to make the lower weight class. His coach warned him that studies of human participants placed on very strict diets often develop unhealthy tendencies: towards feelings of being satiated. to starve. to purge. to binge.

to binge.

Dr. Michaels is giving his patient a sleep study that consists of a polysomnographic examination. Which type of activity is he NOT likely to assess? brain vestibular cardiac lung


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