PSYC 220/221 final 1

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Approximately ________% of scores fall between the mean and a z score of -1.


Which of the following would make the best subject query for a database search?


What's the scale of measurement? annual income




What is the value of Σ X^2 for the scores 2, 4, and 5?


Ideas for research can come from reading a magazine.


What's the scale of measurement? religious affiliation




A population of N = 6 scores has Σ X = 42. What is the population mean?

µ = 7

In the formula Ŷ = a + b (X), a is the:



the average of a set of numbers from a sample

What's the scale of measurement? SAT score (400-1600)


A population of N = 10 scores has µ = 21 and σ = 3. What is the population variance?


A population has SS = 100 and σ 2 = 4. What is the value of Σ( X - µ) for the population?


A population has SS = 100 and σ^2 = 4. What is the value of Σ( X - µ) for the population?


A textbook is a primary source.


The Greek letter "mu" is used for:

the population

A sample of n = 5 scores has a standard deviation of s = 5. What is the value of SS, the sum of the squared deviations for this sample?


A population has SS = 100 and σ^2 = 5. How many scores are in the population?


All the possible samples of n = 4 scores are selected from a population with µ = 20. If the average for all of the sample means is calculated, which value will be obtained?


The Belmont Report's 3 ethical principles are:

Beneficence Justice Respect

Why do deviation scores have to be squared before calculating the standard deviation?

If deviation scores are not squared, then the average distance from the mean will always equal 0.

One sample is selected to represent scores in treatment 1 and a second sample is used to represent scores in treatment 2. Which set of sample statistics would present the clearest picture of a real difference between the two treatments?

M1 = 36, M2 = 40, and both variances = 6

Here is a set of scores: 5, 3, 3, 7, 7, 5, 7, 6 Figure out all three measures of central tendency: MEAN, MEDIAN, and MODE.

Mean: 5.375 Median: 5.5 Mode: 7

What happens when you when you convert an entire distribution of raw scores into z-scores?

You just re-label the x-axis.

What's the scale of measurement? gender (cisgender man, cisgender woman, transgender man, transgender woman, genderqueer)


For a research study examining how participant gender influences support for equality in society, participant gender is an example of which kind of variable?

quasi-independent variable

On an exam with a mean of µ = 80, a person scores X = 90. Which of the following values for the standard deviation would position this person highest within the class?

σ = 2

On an exam with µ = 52, a person scores X = 56. Which value for the standard deviation would give this person the highest position in the class distribution?

σ = 2

Tom scores an X = 43 on an exam with a mean of µ = 52. Tom's score is associated with a z-score of -1.80. What is the value for the exam standard deviation?

σ = 5

The formula for calculating the raw score from a z score is:

X = z( σ) + µ

The statistic SD is used for:

a sample

The primary cause of research fraud is ____.

competitive pressure

The set of people we actually get data from


A blog entry discussing someone's research is an example of a ____ source.


Do you believe the relationship between cell phone behavior and consumption of fast food is orthogonal?

complex wording

Compute the interquartile range for the following scores that represent a continuous variable: 1, 2, 2, 2 4, 5, 10, 12


When you've got a hunch about something, what method of knowing are you using?


Studies involving deception ____.

should not be done if the deception involves concealing possible harm

In the formula Ŷ = a + b (X), b is the:


Basic research is intended to answer practical problems.


Figure out the MEDIAN of the following set of numbers: 9, 10, 6, 10, 19, 8, 12, 4


A population is normally distributed with µ = 145 and σ = 20. Which is the percentile rank for X = 171?



predicted outcome variable

Which symbol below identifies the sample variance?


Restaurants should not have to be inspected each month.

negative wording

Debriefing is ____.

more effective the sooner it is delivered

Otis is a brown bear living on the Alaskan coast. He won the fat bear week competition in 2016 and 2017. His weight is estimated to be 900 lb. The estimated population parameters for weight of male brown bears are: μ = 858, σ = 50 (that's the mean and standard deviation, respectively) What is the z-score for Otis's weight relative to this population?


What is the mode for the following sample of n = 11 scores? Scores: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7


When calculating the standard deviation, it is customary to round to _____ decimal point(s).


What is the mode for the population of scores presented in the frequency distribution table below? X f 5 1 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 2

2 and 4

A Pearson correlation coefficient is calculated for 48 individuals. What value of df should be used to determine statistical significance in hypothesis testing?


In a STANDARD NORMAL DISTRIBUTION, approximately ________% of scores fall within 2 standard deviations from the mean


Based on the following set of scores, what score is most likely an outlier? 18, 99, 14, 16, 31, 43, 12, 14, 13, 51, 12


A population of N = 5 scores has a mean of µ = 20 and a standard deviation of σ = 4. Which of the following is the correct interpretation of the standard deviation?

The average distance of scores from the mean of µ = 20 is 4 points.

Calculating a mean to summarize a data set is an example of ______.

descriptive statistics.

What is indicated by a positive value for a correlation?

increases in X tend to be accompanied by increases in Y

What's it called when you select one participant at a time to observe?

individual sampling

Which of these distributions has the smallest standard deviation?

the skinniest one

Inferential statistics

used to make conclusions about an entire population, based on data from a sample

You have a correlation of r = .25, and your sample size was 44. Calculate the t value.


For the linear equation Y = 2 X + 4, if X increases by 1 point, how much will Y increase?

2 points

Research that presents no more than minimal risk to participants and involves no intervention and no deception is an example of what type of research?

Category II

A researcher conducts a research study to examine how a new treatment for anxiety compares in efficacy to a standard therapy. This researcher assigns clinically anxious participants to either a new treatment or standard treatment for six months, and then observes anxiety levels following. The researcher finds that the new treatment group has an average anxiety score of M = 50 with a standard deviation of s = 5 following treatment, whereas the standard treatment group has an average anxiety score of M = 60 with a standard deviation of s = 6. Which statement below is consistent with how these results would be reported in an APA style journal article?

Clinically anxious individuals who received a new treatment displayed less anxiety levels (M = 50.00, SD = 5.00) than clinically anxious individuals who received a standard treatment (M = 60.00, SD = 6.00).

A researcher has pairs of college student participants play a card game in the laboratory. However, the game is rigged to ensure that one participant experiences a long losing streak so that the researcher can observe how the losing students behave when they are frustrated. For this study, what kind of behavioral observation is being used?

Contrived observation

How does convenience sampling compare to probability sampling?

Convenience sampling is a faster process.

A football player who knows that his performance will be better if he wears his lucky shirt is using the method of faith.


A problem with primary sources is that they may provide an incomplete or misinterpreted description of a research study or a research result.


Applied research is intended to answer theoretical questions.


Humans who participate in a research study are properly called research subjects.


Pseudoscience is based on objective, empirical evidence.


The most complete coverage of existing journals is provided by full-text databases.


Using a hypothesis to predict how people will behave demonstrates the use of induction.


You have dinner reservations at 7:30 at a restaurant that is 30 minutes away and it is already 7:20, leading you to conclude that you are going to be late. This is an example of using the empirical method.


One sample with n = 4 scores has a mean of M = 12, and a second sample with n = 6 scores has a mean of M = 8. If the two samples are combined, what is the mean for the combined set of scores?

M = 9.6

If sample variance were to be computed by dividing SS by n, then the average value of the sample variances from all the possible random samples would consistently _____ the population variance.


In which circumstance is the computational formula preferred over the definitional formula when computing SS, the sum of the squared deviations, for a population?

when the population mean is not a whole number

PsycINFO provides broader coverage of journals than PsycARTICLES.


Research participants must be informed of all relevant aspects of the study, including any risks or dangers that may be involved.


The method of intuition can be valuable when making ethical or moral decisions by doing what "feels" right.


The review of the literature in an introduction of a research article should form the foundation for the study.


What is the most relevant question you should ask when reading a method section?

Would different participants produce different results?

Under which circumstance is a score that is 15 points above the mean an extreme score relatively far from the mean?

when the population standard deviation is much smaller than 15

If the variance for a sample is computed and it is found to be rather large, the numbers in the sample are:

widely spread out around the mean.

Passive deception refers to ____.

withholding information from participants

A set of scores ranges from a high of X = 45 to a low of X = 11. If these scores were placed in an appropriately designed grouped frequency distribution table, which of the following would be the bottom interval in the table?


What is the median for the following set of scores? Scores: 1, 5, 11, 12, 20


Suppose your doctor congratulates you for having a blood serum cholesterol level that is 3 standard deviations below average (that's your z-score). If the population mean for your age and sex is 190 mg/dL and the SD is 25 mg/dL, what is your raw cholesterol level? (just type a number, no words or letters)


In a population of N = 10 scores obtained for a discrete variable for which 0 is not a possible score, the smallest score is X = 8 and the largest is X = 20. What is the range for this population?


What is the value of SS (sum of squared deviations) for the following population? Population: 1, 1, 1, 5


What is the value of Σ( X - 1)^2 for the scores 1, 3, and 4?


A population distribution has σ = 6. What position in this distribution is identified by a z-score of z = +2.33?

14 points above the mean

Which set of scores below has the smallest standard deviation?

145, 143, 145, 147

What is the value of Σ( X + 2) for the scores 1, 2, 1, and 3?


Suppose the correlation between height and weight for adults is r = +0.40. Which proportion (or percent) of the variability in weight can be explained by its relationship with height?


What is the total number of scores for the distribution shown in the following table? X f 4 7 3 5 2 4 1 2


A sample of n = 5 scores has a mean of M = 7. After one score is removed from the sample, the mean for the remaining scores is found to be M = 6. What was the score that was removed?

X = 11

You roll a 6-sided die and the result is a 5. What is the probability that your next roll will be a 5?


If the following seven scores are ranked from smallest (#1) to largest, which rank should be assigned to a score of X = 6? Scores: 1, 1, 3, 6, 6, 6, 9


The sum of the squared deviation scores is SS = 50 for a population of N = 10 scores. What is the variance for this population?


Counting how many times a behavior occurs in a specified period of time: which method for quantifying observations is this?


In a histogram, what does the y-axis represent?

frequency percent percentage proportion probability

A major goal of research is to ____ from a small group of participants included in a study to the larger group from which they came.


Simple random sampling is least likely to ____.

guarantee that the sample will be representative and unbiased

When you identify a gap in the literature, you ____.

have found a potential research idea

Researchers often use a coding system to associate data with a particular participant during the course of a research study in order to ____.

help protect confidentiality

Which type(s) of frequency distribution graph(s) should be used for data that come from an interval scale of measurement?

histograms or polygons

One responsibility of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to ensure that ____.

human participants will be kept safe in research

The population is usually:


What's the first thing to do when starting a research study?

identify an idea and search the literature to form the research question

In a recent experiment, participants played one of three versions of a video game: prosocial, neutral, or antisocial. After playing the prosocial version, participants were more likely to helps others on a different task. In this study, the version of the game given to the participants was the _____.

independent variable.

Suppose we have a set of sample data and we compute the standard deviation to be 5.50. This means that the numbers in the sample generally deviate:

5.50 units from the mean.

What is the percentile rank for a score of 4 in the frequency distribution table below? X f 6 4 5 5 4 1 3 3 2 6 1 1


Otis is a brown bear living on the Alaskan coast. He won the fat bear week competition in 2016 and 2017. His age was estimated to be 24 years as of 2020. The estimated population parameters for age of male brown bears are: μ = 9.13, σ = 2.18 (that's the mean and standard deviation, respectively) What is the z-score for Otis's age relative to this population?[just type in a number, no words. report to 2 decimal places.]


In a frequency distribution graph with negative skew, scores with the highest frequencies are _____ of the distribution.

on the right side

A datum is different from data as a term in that a datum refers to _____.

one score.

A set of n = 25 pairs of scores ( X and Y values) in a research study has a Pearson correlation of r = 0.80. What percentage of the variance for the Y scores is predicted by its relationship with X?


For a sample with M = 66, a score of X = 55.5 corresponds to z = -1.50. What is the sample standard deviation?


For the following grouped frequency distribution table of exam scores, how many students had scores higher than X = 54? X f 60-64 3 55-59 4 50-54 5 45-49 2 40-44 1


Your sample data set has 4 scores in it. You calculate SS = 28. What is the variance?


Which statement below must be false regarding a distribution of scores?

75% of the scores are above the median

For the following data, N = _____. X f 4 2 3 3 2 1 1 2


What is the range for the following set of scores obtained for a discrete variable for which 0 is not a possible score? Scores: 5, 7, 9, 13

8 points

Figure out the MEDIAN of the following set of numbers: 19, 7, 14, 6, 9, 13, 15, 1, 1


There's some distribution of scores on... whatever the hell, something... I dunno, I'm tired and running out of examples... Anyway, the mean is 500, the sample size is 18, and the variance is 81. What's the standard deviation?


What the variance for the following sample of n = 3 scores? Scores: 1, 4, 7


Using the z-score for Jada that you calculated in the previous question, now you want to find out what percentage of students at Emerald Tech have GPAs BELOW hers. Use the Unit Normal Table (Appendix B in the stats textbook) to look that up. Remember, you're using looking for a z-score in column A, so that you can find the corresponding proportion in column B. Report your answer as a percentage (not proportion) and report to 2 decimal places. For example: 12.34%


Which study below would be a considered a Category I study by the IRB?

A study involving observations of behavior in a public place

According to the principle of clinical equipoise, it is unacceptable to conduct a study comparing two treatments when ____.

one treatment is known to be more effective than the other

Essay questions on an exam are examples of ____ items.


Dr. Harmony is a social psychologist. In one study she measures relationship satisfaction in couples by observing non-verbal behavior (e.g., smiling, mimicking partner actions). For that study, non-verbal behavior is an example of a(n) _____.

operational definition.

A tenet of the scientific method is that _____ allow researchers to examine mental processes and behavior in an empirical, scientific manner.

operational definitions

A systematic sample does not qualify as a true random sample because ____.

the selections are not independent of each other

What additional information is obtained by measuring two individuals on an interval scale compared to an ordinal scale?

the size of the difference

What do you get from an interval scale that you don't get from an ordinal scale?

the size of the differences

What's a disadvantage of full-text databases?

they contain only a fraction of the publications in an area

What's the point of making a list of behaviors (behavioral categories) before starting an observational study?

to improve the reliability of the measurements

The Nuremberg Code is about the ethics of:

treatment of human participants

What are people doing when they adopt a negativistic subject role?

trying to act in a manner such that their data are in contrast to the hypothesis

A bimodal distribution has:

two modes

You're working on calculating a correlation between number of dinosaur fossils in an area and number of times an Australian paleontologist exclaims "Crikey!" This is archival research; you're watching many old documentary videos of fossil digs by this paleontologist all over the world, and cross-referencing their exclamations with maps showing dinosaur fossil locations. So far you've worked out that SP = 14, SSx = 49, and SSy = 16. What is the value of Pearson's correlation coefficient, r?


A person's phone bills for the last three months were $20, $75, and $55, respectively. What was the mean average amount for the three phone bills?


Which z-score corresponds to a score that is above the mean by 2 standard deviations?


Which of the following correlation coefficients shows the STRONGEST relationship between two variables?


For a population with µ = 84 and σ = 4, what is the z-score corresponding to X = 80?


A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = -1.20. Which proportion of the distribution is on the right-hand side of the line?


You have r2 = .01, and df = 98. Calculate the t value.


For the following grouped frequency distribution table of exam scores, how many students had scores lower than X = 75? X f 95-99 6 90-94 3 85-89 4 80-84 5 75-79 2 70-74 1


Imagine you're a kid again, and you have just finished trick-or-treating for Halloween. You only went to a few neighbors' houses, so you don't have THAT much candy. In your bag, you have: 4 Snickers, 4 Skittles, 2 Milk Duds, 2 Butterfingers, 3 Nerds, and 1 box of raisins. If you reach in the bag and grab one piece of candy at random, what is the probability you will get a Snickers? [yes, the raisins count as candy for the sake of this question.]


For any distribution, what is the z-score corresponding to the mean?


∑( X - M) is always equal to:


For the linear equation Y = 2 X - 3, which of the following points will not be on the line?

0, 3

Which proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail above z = +1.50?


According to guidelines published by Cohen (1988), a correlation value of ________ is considered small, ________ is medium, and _______ is strong.

0.10; 0.30; 0.50+

A vertical line is drawn through a normal distribution at z = +0.80. Which proportion of the distribution is on the right-hand side of the line?


John drives to work each morning, and the trip takes an average of µ = 38 minutes. The distribution of driving times is normal with a standard deviation of σ = 5 minutes. For a randomly selected morning, which is the probability that John's drive to work will take less than 35 minutes?


Which proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = +1.40?


Which proportion of a normal distribution is located between z = 0 and z = +1.50?


Intelligent quotient (IQ) scores form a normal distribution with µ = 100 and σ = 15. Individuals with IQ scores between 90 and 110 are classified as average. Which proportion of the population is average?


A perfect linear relationship will yield a Pearson's r value of:

1.00 or -1.00

Janet has a GPA of 3.6 She attends Garnet University, for which the population parameters are: μ = 3.0, σ = 0.5 Calculate the z-score for Janet's GPA at Garnet University. (just type in a number, no words. report to 2 decimal places.)


Leah has a GPA of 3.4 She attends Feldspar College, for which the population parameters are: μ = 2.5, σ = 0.6 Calculate the z-score for Leah's GPA at Feldspar College. (just type in a number, no words. report to 2 decimal places.)


A set of scores ranges from a low of X = 25 to a high of X = 33 and has a mean of 29. Which of the following is the most likely value for the standard deviation for these scores?

2 points

A sample consists of n = 16 scores. How many of the scores are used to calculate the range?

2 scores

If the following nine scores are ranked from smallest (#1) to largest, which rank should be assigned to a score of X = 1? Scores: 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 6, 6, 9


You order a Hawaiian pizza for delivery. When it shows up, you notice there are a LOT of pineapples pieces on it. For some reason you count them all up. There are 100 pieces of pineapple. You call up the store to thank them for such a delicious pizza. The guy on the phone says that on average their Hawaiian pizzas have 75 pieces of pineapple, and that the standard deviation is 10. What's the z-score for how many pineapple pieces you got, relative to the population of Hawaiian pizzas from this store?


What is the variance for the following population of scores? Scores: 2, 5, 6, 3


Leah and Janet are both friends with Jada, who is an undergraduate student at Emerald Tech. Jada's GPA is 3.85, and the Emerald Tech population parameters are: μ = 3.2, σ = 0.25. What is the z-score for Jada's GPA?


1995 data from over 1,000 colleges published in U.S. News & World Report were used to predict the percent of alumni who donate to a college from the average SAT score of students attending the college. The resulting regression equation was Ŷ = -29.29 + 0.05( X). Using the regression equation, what would you predict to be the percent of alumni who will donate to a college whose students' average SAT score is 1020?


For the scores shown in the following stem and leaf display, what is the highest score in the distribution? Stem and Leaf Display 4 159 3 098 2 89103 1 39


Penny is figuring the regression line for some data but needs help in first figuring the predicted value of Y. She knows that the slope is 3 and the intercept is 4. What is the predicted Y value for an X score of 7?


What is the value of SS (sum of squared deviations) for the following sample? Scores: 2, 4, 5, 9


2% of scores fall between the z scores ________ and ________.

2; 3

A sample of n = 15 scores has M = 20 and s^2 = 9. What is the sample standard deviation?


You have a correlation of r = .30, and your sample size was 102. Calculate the t value.


Finally, you want to know what is the GPA that 67% of Emerald Tech students' GPAs are lower than. Or put differently, what GPA is higher than 75% of the students? Use the Unit Normal table to look up .67 for "proportion in body" and get the corresponding z-score. THEN you'll have to convert that z-score back into a GPA by using the population mean and SD from two questions ago. Report you answer to 2 decimal places. Just write the number, no words. for example: 3.14.


One more lookup question. No story to go with it. z-score of -0.51. Yep, that's a negative z-score. You want to know what percentage of the standard normal distribution is to the LEFT of that z-score. Use the Unit Normal Table to figure that out. (I told you a few slides ago how to do this.) Report you answer as a percentage, to 2 decimal places. For example: 12.34%


A population is normally distributed with a mean of µ = 145 and σ = 20. Which is the percentile rank for X = 136?


In a grouped frequency distribution table, one interval is listed as 35-39. If the scores represent a continuous variable, what are the real limits for this interval?

34.5 and 39.5

Rasheed and Xavier are examining the GRE math scores of the 25 graduate students in their statistics class to see the variability. They found the variance to be 1296. What is the standard deviation?


What is the value of Σ( X + 1)^2 for the scores 0, 1, 2, 4?


A population of scores has µ = 44. In this population, a score of X = 40 corresponds to z = -1.00. What is the population standard deviation?


A sample of n = 12 scores ranges from a high of X = 7 to a low of X = 4. If these scores are placed in a frequency distribution table, how many X values will be listed in the first column?


Continuing from the previous question: based on your regression analysis, how many hot pockets will your brother eat for dinner tonight if he and his boyfriend talked on the phone 3 times today?


For the following distribution of quiz scores, how many individuals had a score of X = 4? X f 6 1 5 6 4 4 3 4 2 2 1 2


What is the median for the population of scores presented in the frequency distribution table below? X f 5 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1


Which of the following is not an appropriate interval width to use when constructing a grouped frequency distribution table.

4 points

A population of N = 10 scores has a standard deviation of σ = 2. What is the value of SS, the sum of the squared deviations, for this population?


A sample of n = 6 scores has SS = 40. If these same scores were a population, then the SS for the population would be _____.


A doctor is measuring children's heights to the nearest inch and obtains scores such as 40, 41, 42, and so on. What are the real limits for a score of X = 42?

41.5 and 42.5

Which statement below is consistent with computing a weighted average of two individual samples?

A computed weighted average will always be closer to the mean average of the larger sample than the mean average of the smaller sample.

Consider a population that has a score of X = 15 associated with a z-score of +1.50. What does this z-score indicate about the location of X = 15?

A score of X = 15 is 1.5 standard deviations above the mean.

Which of the following statements pertaining to skewed and normal distributions is correct?

A skewed distribution tends to have one tail, and a normal distribution tends to have two tails.

Which example violates the ethical guidelines concerning deception?

Administering shocks without giving participants advanced warning and obtaining consent

Which of the following is true for most distributions?

Around 70% of the scores will be located within one standard deviation of the mean.

Which statement accurately describes the proportions in the body of a normal distribution?

Body proportions are always ≥ .50

For the following grouped frequency distribution table of exam scores, what is the lowest score on the exam? X f 90-99 3 80-89 1 70-79 2 60-69 3 50-59 4

Cannot be determined

A researcher describes the unique characteristics of an individual research participant and uses the participant's real first name when writing about her study. Which ethical principle is being compromised?


A researcher recruits a sample of 25 preschool children for a research study by posting an announcement in a local daycare center describing the study and offering a $10 payment for participation. What kind of sampling is the researcher using?

Convenience sampling

A researcher analyzes data from archival records to see if there is a relationship between age and voting participation.


Premise 1: Some librarians wear skirts. Premise 2: Some women wear skirts. Conclusion: Some librarians are women. Is this a valid logical conclusion?

Definitely not

Premise 1: Some space robots wear skirts. Premise 2: Some women wear skirts. Conclusion: Some space robots are women. Is this a valid logical conclusion?

Definitely not

What are the three major categories of research methods?

Descriptive/Observational, Correlational, Experimental

If some dude runs up to you and is all like, "I just calculated a correlation of 1.24!!!"What's the most truthful response to him?

Dude, you're an idiot.

What is indicated by a Pearson correlation of r = +1.00 between X and Y?

Each time X increases, there is a perfectly predictable increase in Y.

Last week Tim obtained a score of X = 54 on a math exam with µ = 60 and σ = 8. He also scored X = 49 on an English exam with µ = 55 and σ = 3, and he scored X = 31 on a psychology exam with µ = 37 and σ = 4. For which class should Tim expect the worst grade relative to his peers?


State-backed Russian hackers randomly assign some people on Facebook to receive disinformation ads about the coronavirus being made in a lab (in reality, it wasn't), and other people to receive disinformation ads about Black Lives Matter being a violent terrorist organization (in reality, it isn't). Then they wait until after the 2020 election and count the number of people in both groups who voted for the presidential incumbent (the desired outcome for the hackers), to see if one disinformation campaign was more effective than the other. This will inform Russia's next attempt at interfering in U.S. elections.


Write the words for describing the process of the scientific method.

Hypothesize, operationalize, measure, evaluate, revise/replicate/report

What is the most relevant question you should ask when reading an introduction?

Is the literature review up to date?

Deception is in direct contradiction with which element of the ethical guidelines?

Informed consent

What is a concern with simple random sampling without replacement?

It does not produce independent selections.

Which of the following is true of the scientific method?

It is a circular process that leads to a tentative answer.

Which statement below is true?

It is possible for a distribution of scores to have two modes.

In an observational research study, what's the point of habituation?

It reduced the influence of the observer's presence on peoples' behaviors (reactivity).

Below are some statements about POPULATIONS. Which is true?

It usually is challenging or even impossible to obtain data from every person in a population.

A sample with M = 85 and s = 12 is transformed into z-scores. After the transformation, what are the values for the mean and standard deviation for the sample of z-scores?

M = 0 and s = 1

After 2 points are subtracted from every score in a sample of size n = 4, the new sample mean is found to be M = 18. What was the mean for the original sample?

M = 20

For a sample of n = 20 scores, X = 25 corresponds to z = -1.20 and X = 40 corresponds to z = +1.80. What are the values for the sample mean and standard deviation?

M = 31 and s = 5

After every score in a sample of n = 5 is multiplied by 2, the mean is calculated and found to be M = 8. What was the mean of the original sample?

M = 4

A score that is 3 points lower than the sample mean has a z-score of z = -0.25, and a score of X = 44 has a z-score of -0.75. What is the sample mean?

M = 53

For a sample with s = 9, a score of X = 67 corresponds to z = +1.00. What is the sample mean?

M = 58

A sample of n = 6 scores has a mean of M = 5. One person with a score of X = 19 is added to the distribution. What is the mean for the new set of scores?

M = 7

In a sample of n = 6 scores the largest score is X = 10, and the mean is M = 6. If the largest score is changed from X = 10 to X = 22, then what is the value of the new mean?

M = 8

If a set of exam scores forms a negatively skewed distribution, what can you likely conclude about the students' scores?

Most of the students had relatively high scores.

A population with a mean of µ = 9 has Σ X = 54. How many scores are in the population?

N = 6

Bird watching is most similar to what type of research?

Naturalistic observation

A researcher recruits participants for an experiment by posting an announcement in the psychology department asking for volunteers. What kind of sampling is being used?


University students are surveyed about whether or not they intend to vote in an upcoming election.


Which form of deception is permitted in psychological research?

Observing participants who don't know they are being observed

An economist is analyzing data on household incomes in her area for the year 2019. Which of the following results is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE?

Over half of the households had incomes below the MEDIAN.

Which kind of sampling requires such extensive knowledge of the population that the researcher could list every individual in the population?


Which statement accurately describes the proportions in the tails of a normal distribution?

Proportions in both tails are the same.

A researcher would like to select a sample of 50 people so that five different age groups are equally represented in the sample. Assuming that the researcher does not know the entire list of people in the population, which sampling technique should be used?

Quota sampling

Last semester you took a class that had both a final exam and a final paper. The final exam was out of 100 points, you scored 82, the class mean was 80, and the class SD was 4. The final paper was out of 150 points, you scored 120, the class mean was 110, and the class SD was 10. Calculate your z-scores for the exam and the paper, to be able to directly compare how well you did on the exam versus the paper. Choose your conclusion from the options below. (hint if you're getting stuck: when we've been calculating z-scores, have we ever had to use the maximum point value for anything? if not, then it's not relevant here either!)

Relative to the rest of the students, you did better on the paper than the exam.

A set of n = 10 pairs of scores has Σ X = 20, Σ Y = 30, and Σ XY = 74. What is the value of SP for these data?

SP = 14

What are the values for SS and variance for the following sample of n = 4 scores? Scores: 1, 3, 0, 4

SS = 10 and variance = 3.33

Science is empirical. What does that mean?

Scientific answers are based on direct observation.

For a group of graduating college seniors, a researcher records each student's rank in his/her high school graduating class and the student's rank in the college graduating class. Which correlation should be used to measure the relationship between these two variables?

Spearman correlation

For the regression equation Ŷ = -2 X + 6, what can be determined about the correlation between X and Y?

The correlation will be negative.

Which of the following is a consequence of increasing variability?

The distance from one score to another tends to increase, and a single score tends to provide a less accurate representation of the entire distribution.

Last week Sarah had exams in her math and Spanish classes. On the math exam, the mean was µ = 40 with σ = 5, and Sarah had a score of X = 45. On the Spanish exam, the mean was µ = 60 with σ = 8, and Sarah had a score of X = 68. For which class should Sarah expect the better grade relative to her peers in each class?

The grades should be the same because the two exam scores are in the same location.

Which of the following is not a unique advantage of the interquartile range as measure of variability?

The interquartile range can be used for data measured with a ratio scale of measurement.

The standard deviation (SD) is most commonly used to get a sense of how far the typical score of a distribution differs from the mean. In computing the SD, why is it necessary to square the deviations from the mean for each score?

The mean of the unsquared deviations balances out to zero due to negative and positive values.

Which of the following shows a negative relationship between two variables?

The more exercise children get from age 2 to 7, the lower their chance of having cancer by age 65.

What's the deal with the "ceiling effect" problem?

The scores are already so high that there is no chance of measuring improvement.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between accessible populations and target populations?

The target population is also sometimes known simply as the population.

Which statement below is not true regarding standardized distributions?

The values for the mean and standard deviation for a standardized distribution match those values obtained in the original distribution.

Which statement below is correct regarding a grouped frequency distribution table?

The ∑x cannot be determined.

If the scientific method is being used to evaluate a hypothesis predicting a specific relationship between two variables, then it is essential that both variables can be measured.


You flip a fair coin 8 times and record the outcome each time. H = heads, and T = tails. Which of the following has the highest probability of occurring?

They all have the same probability of occurring.

What do you think is probably the correlation between the amount of coffee people drink in one day and the amount of sleep they get?

They are negatively correlated

How will participants change their normal behavior if they respond to demand characteristics by adopting "the good subject role?"

They will attempt to produce the data that they think you want.

A sample has a mean of M = 50. If one new person is added to this sample, what effect will this have on the sample mean?

This cannot be determined from the information provided.

In the scientific method, the actual research study is not done until after the researcher has formed a hypothesis and made a specific prediction.


A good hypothesis should make a statement about the existence of a relationship, a difference, or a treatment effect.


A literature search is successfully ended when you stop uncovering new leads.


Which of the following statements is consistent with a research study conducted with the correlational method?

Two variables are measured, and there is only one group of participants.

Which of these is NOT an empirical question? To what extent is there a relationship between age and frequency of attending religious events? What makes a life meaningful? Do gun restrictions reduce gun violence? What's the highest number of hot dogs a human eat in an hour?

What makes a life meaningful?

Barbara scores X = 120 on a social work licensure exam for the state of Minnesota that has a mean of µ = 113 and a standard deviation of σ = 4. She moves to Wisconsin, and the state of Wisconsin is trying to determine which score she should receive on their licensure exam that has a mean of µ = 100 and standard deviation of σ = 8. Which score should Barbara receive on the Wisconsin licensure exam?

X = 114

Using z-scores, a population with µ = 37 and σ = 6 is standardized so that the new mean is µ = 50 and σ = 10. After the standardization, one individual has a score of X = 55. What was this individual's score in the original distribution?

X = 40

For a sample with M = 50 and s = 12, what is the X value corresponding to z = -0.25?

X = 47

Scores on the SAT form a normal distribution with a mean of µ = 500 and standard deviation of σ = 100. If the state college only accepts students who score in the top 60% on the SAT, what is the minimum score needed to be accepted?

X = 475

A distribution with µ = 55 and σ = 6 is being standardized so that the new mean and standard deviation will be µ = 50 and σ = 10. When the distribution is standardized, which value will be obtained for a score of X = 58 from the original distribution?

X = 55

For a population with µ = 65 and σ = 4, what is the X value corresponding to z = -2.25?

X = 56

A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 60 with σ = 8. For this population, which is the X value that corresponds to the third quartile?

X = 65.36

A sample has M = 71 and s = 3. In this sample, what is the X value corresponding to z = +1.33?

X = 75

A population is normally distributed with µ = 90 and σ = 8. For this population, which is the 29 th percentile?

X = 85.60

Betsy is currently completing a school teaching placement in order to become an elementary school teacher. One component of the placement includes evaluations from teachers at the school. Evaluations of student teachers are normally distributed with µ = 100 and σ = 12. Betsy is informed that she must score within the interquartile range of this distribution on her evaluations in order to be certified as an elementary school teacher. Which scores encompass the range that Betsy may score to successfully become certified as an elementary school teacher?

X = 92 and X = 108

For a population with µ = 100 and σ = 20, what is the X value corresponding to z = -0.25?

X = 95

To avoid having her hours cut back at work, Bridgett must avoid performing in the lowest 40% of the distribution of workers at her job. Specifically, typical amount of items manufactured at her job form a normal distribution with µ = 100 and σ = 4. Bridgett needs to manufacture more than _____ items in order to avoid having her hours cut back at work.

X = 99

You're trying to use simple linear regression to predict the number of hot pockets your brother will eat for dinner, based on the number of times he talked to his boyfriend on the phone today. You know if he hasn't talked to his boyfriend at ALL that day, he'll eat 10 hot pockets. And you've worked out that for every phone call with his boyfriend, your brother eats 2 fewer hot pockets for dinner. What's the formula for your regression line?

Y = 10 - 2X

The following X and Y scores from a research study produced SS X = 2 and SP = 8. What is the regression equation for predicting Y? X Y 1 2 2 3 3 10

Y = 4X - 3

The following X and Y scores from a research study produced SS X = 2 and SP = 8. What is the regression equation for predicting Y? X Y 1 2 2 3 3 10 ​

Y = 4X - 3

Which type(s) of frequency distribution graph(s) should be used for data that come from a nominal scale of measurement?

bar graphs

A researcher measures IQ and weight for a group of college students. Which kind of correlation is likely to be obtained for these two variables?

a correlation near 0

A researcher surveys a sample of n = 10 adults and asks them to indicate their favorite day of the week. If the data were organized in a frequency distribution table, what would be included in the first column?

a list of days of the week

In N = 25 games last season, the college basketball team averaged µ = 83 points with a standard deviation of σ = 8. In their final game of the season, the team scored 78 points. Based on this information, the number of points scored in the final game was _____.

a little below average.

Say you give two tests to a bunch of people. People who score HIGH on the first test tend to score LOW on the second test. What have you found?

a negative relationship between the two measures


a number indicating the probability that we would have gotten a certain pattern of results just due to chance


a number representing the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables

The relationship between a statistic and a sample is the same as the relationship between _____.

a parameter and a population.

A researcher measures driving distance from college and weekly cost of gas for a group of commuting college students. Which kind of correlation is likely to be obtained for these two variables?

a positive correlation

Say you give two tests to a bunch of people. People who score high on the first test also tend to score high on the second test. What have you found?

a positive relationship between the two measures

Say you give two tests to a bunch of people. People who score low on the first test also tend to score low on the second test. What have you found?

a positive relationship between the two measures

Z-scores are useful with regard to inferential statistics primarily because they offer a tool by which to determine whether _____.

a sample is noticeably different from a population.

The main distinction between an interval and ratio scale of measurement is that _____.

a score of 0 on a ratio scale represents the complete absence of that variable.

What is the meaning of a z-score of -1?

a score that's below the mean by 1 standard deviation

A researcher surveys a sample of n = 200 college students and asks each person to identify their favorite movie. Which kind of graph should be used to present these results?

bar graph

After recording the final grade (A, B, C, D, F) for each individual in a class of N = 26 students, the professor would like to display the grade distribution in a frequency distribution graph. Which kind of graph should be used?

bar graph


about how far spread out from the mean are the numbers in a set of sample data; a number indicating generally how far the numbers in a set are spread out from the mean of that set

A z-score of z = 1.00 indicates a position in a distribution that is _____.

above the mean by a distance equal to 1 standard deviation

A(n) ____ is a brief summary of a psychology article.


You're searching PsycINFO. After you've scanned through a list of titles to determine which articles might be relevant to your research question, you should then read the ____ of each article to determine whether to keep it in your literature review.


The group of individuals from which researchers actually select participants for research studies is called the ____ population.


A refutable hypothesis must ____.

allow for the possibility that the observations will not support the hypothesis

One characteristic of random sampling with replacement is that it ____.

allows for the same individual to be selected more than once

A z-score distribution ________ has a mean of ________.

always; 0


an inferential statistical test used to see if two sample means are more different than we'd expect due to chance

A sport psychologist, Dr. Freethrow, starts a research study to see the extent to which playing competitive versus cooperative sports makes a difference on children's anxiety levels in school. This study can best be classified as ____ research.


Do video games such as Grand Theft Auto increase aggression among children and young adults?

applied research

Dr. Compliance does research on why people with schizophrenia sometimes don't take their medication. This is an example of:

applied research

How can a city increase recycling by residents?

applied research

Which strategies are best for rural communities coping with natural disasters?

applied research

What's the word for an external factor which might influence or distort research measurements?


The Milgram study involved ____.

asking participants to administer what appeared to be severe shocks to other people

A set of n = 20 pairs of X and Y scores has SS X = 10, SS Y = 40, and SP = 30. What is the slope for the regression equation for predicting Y from X?

b = 3.00

Dr. Foushée is a developmental psychologist. She's reading a scientific journal article about how knowledge of animals is organized in children's minds. She develops a new research study to further test the claims made in the article. This study can be classified as ____ research.


Does memory process visual images and sound simultaneously?

basic research

How do neurons generate neurotransmitters?

basic research

Is extraversion related to sensation seeking?

basic research

What modality of measurement is it when you count the number of times a suspect looks at he clock when being interviewed by a police officer about a possible crime?


Which position in a distribution corresponds to a z-score of z = -1.00?

below the mean by 1 standard deviation

If the individuals in a sample have characteristics that are noticeably different from the individuals in the population, then the sample is said to be ____.


You're driving around and you're like, "dang people seem angrier when they're driving (vs. walking)" and you wonder about reasons behind that. This is an example of getting research ideas from ____.

casual observation

Alright, so an educational software company hires you to research the effectiveness of their new reading app, and your plan is to measure students' reading skill both before and after they use the app. But all the students in your study are already REALLY good readers. What problem are you going to have?

ceiling effect

Which of the following actions will always change the value of the mean?

changing the value of one score

The workers in a factory are organized into five-person teams. When conducting a work-environment survey, a researcher randomly selected 10 teams to obtain a total sample of 50 workers. The researcher used ____ sampling.


Dr. DIY has created a new way to measure self-efficacy, and she finds that people who score high on her measure also score high on an existing standardized measure of the same construct. What's it called when this happens?

concurrent validity

There's a type of validity that usually needs multiple research studies over a long period of time. Which is it?


What do we call a variable that can't be observed or measured directly but is nevertheless useful for describing and explaining behavior?


You run a study in which you measure how long participants spend trying to solve an impossible problem-solving task before they give up. You're treating the amount of time as a measure of perseverance. In this example, perseverance is an example of a(n) _____.


The amount of time that it takes a person to solve a problem is an example of a(n) _____ variable.


Which kind of variable requires the use of real limits?


A researcher who brings dating couples into the laboratory to be observed while they are solving a problem is most likely using ____.

contrived observation

The most commonly used sampling method in psychological research is probably ____ sampling.


What is the type of validity for which a researcher needs to create two different measures of the same variable?


Percentile ranks are closely tied to which of the following terms?

cumulative percentages

Part of the scientific method is using a general hypothesis to make a testable predication. What kind of reasoning is that?


___________ are cues to participants about how they're expected to behave in a study.

demand characteristics

A statistics instructor is interested in determining the average SAT score of students in her class. The instructor finds that, on average, students in her statistics class scored a 1160 on their SATs. Is this statement an example of a descriptive or an inferential statistic?


Suppose a research study is only investigating one variable. Which of the three major types of research methods must it be using?


The Pearson correlation is calculated for a sample of n = 20 individuals. If a hypothesis test is used to determine whether the correlation is significant, which df value would be used for the t statistic?

df = 18

One responsibility of the IACUC is to ensure that ____.

discomfort is minimized in nonhuman subjects in research

If it is impossible to divide the existing categories of a variable, then it is an example of a(n) _____ variable.


The number of absences for each student within a psychology class is an example of a _____ variable.


Dr. N. Sight has developed a new intelligence test for school children. But she's worried the test might be measuring reading ability rather than intelligence. In order to demonstrate that the test is really measuring intelligence and not reading ability, Dr. Sight demonstrate ____validity.


One kind of validity is all about showing that we're really measuring just one construct, rather than two constructs combined. Which one is that?

divergent validity

A researcher is interested in examining whether self-affirming oneself leads to decreased anxiety in response to threatening information. The researcher conducts a research study in which an individual is self-affirmed prior to receiving threatening information. Researchers know that on average individuals tend to have anxiety levels of µ = 10 with a standard deviation of σ = 2 when presented with this threatening information. If a self-affirmed individual has an anxiety level of X = 5 following the threatening message, it is reasonable to conclude that self-affirmation ______.

does have an influence on anxiety levels following threatening information.

A researcher is interested in whether a new reading technique influences the reading ability of elementary school children. The researcher knows that average reading ability among a population of third graders is µ = 3 with a standard deviation of σ = 1. If the researcher administers the new reading technique to a third grader who subsequently scores X = 4, it can be concluded that the new reading technique _____.

does not have an influence on reading ability.

I enjoy studying and spending time with friends on weekends.


I would describe myself as attractive and intelligent.


The scatter plot for a set of X and Y values shows the data points clustered in a nearly perfect circle. For these data, which is the most likely value for the Pearson correlation?

either a positive or negative correlation near 0

Optical illusions show one problem with the ____ method of acquiring knowledge.


A nurse uses a scale to get your weight. They're gathering information by using the ____.

empirical method

Which of the following is necessary in order to obtain a random sample?

ensure that each person in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample

The primary advantage of a stratified random sample is that it ____.

ensures that group sizes will be adequate for statistical analysis

Because sample variances are computed by dividing SS by n - 1, the average value of the sample variances from all possible random samples consistently _____ the population variance.


Sarah is conducting a research study in which one group of participants consume one cup of coffee, whereas another group of participants consume two cups of coffee. Then, she assesses attention levels of these participants following coffee consumption. This is an example of a(n) _____ research study.


The Tuskegee study involved ____.

failing to provide treatment for men with syphilis

Which type of subject role is most desirable for a research study?

faithful subject role

You plant two different types of flowers in your backyard, and observe how often hummingbirds visit each type of flower.

field experiment

You're the president of the psychology club, and over the next month you send out three emails to members asking for volunteers for an event next semester, with each email using a different color font (red, blue, green). You count how many replies you get to each email.

field experiment

The size of a sample is:


The Nuremberg Code was developed ____.

following war crime trials after World War II in the 1940s

Dr. Nguyen has gathered a massive amount of data from heart rate monitors that participants have worn as they go about their lives. She looked at the patterns that emerged from this set of data, and based on those patterns she developed a new theory. Which type of reasoning is Dr. Nguyen using?


Using observations of a small number of humans to Making a general statement about human behavior based on observations of a few people. What kind of reasoning is that?


Two researchers are observing children at play, making ratings on a behavioral scale. Their ratings are mostly in agreement with each other. What kind of reliability is that?

inter-rater reliability

Sam is a researcher measuring individuals' attitudes toward police officers. Individuals respond to a survey question that asks them to choose the number (0-4) that best characterizes their attitudes toward police officers using the provided response options: 0 = Extremely negative attitude, 1 = Negative attitude, 2 = Neutral attitude, 3 = Positive attitude, 4 = Extremely positive attitude. In this example, attitudes toward police officers are being measured using a(n) _____ scale of measurement.


What's the scale of measurement? IQ score


What's the scale of measurement? time of day (1pm, 2pm, 3pm, etc.)


A line graph can be used to graphically represent mean or median values for a data set when the values of a variable are measured using either a(n) _____ scale of measurement.

interval or ratio

If a set of scores is displayed using a smooth curve, which scale of measurement was used to measure the scores?

interval or ratio

It is only appropriate and possible to calculate the variance and standard deviation as measures of variability for variables measured using a(n) _____ scale of measurement.

interval or ratio

After assessing two individuals' intelligence levels using a questionnaire, a researcher can conclude that Tom's intelligence score is 4 points higher than Bill's. The observations that serve as the basis for this conclusion must come from a(n) _____.

interval scale of measurement.

Which scale(s) of measurement let you use the most common statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, and t-test? [check all that apply]

interval, ratio

Your uncle is at a horse race and he's all like, "I've got a good feeling about that horse" and he bets a ton of money on the horse. What method of knowing did he use?


Administering a survey by telephone ____.

is subject to interviewer bias

Which of the following is true about an operational definition?

it is not the same as the construct itself

What makes a measurement VALID?

it measures what you intend it to measure

What would be the dependent variable in an experiment comparing the effectiveness of two different teaching methods for improving the social skills of autistic children?

levels of improvement in social skills among autistic children.

Are you in favor of the boss's whim to cut lunchtime to 30 minutes?


Do you support the legislation that would unfairly tax hard-working farmers?


A RATIONAL explanation is based on ____.

logical deductions

Inferential statistics allow researchers to _____.

make predictions and generalizations about populations.

Using the scientific method, we test a prediction by ____.

making systematic, planned observations

Fraud involves ____.

making up data to fit the hypothesis

A researcher may decide to transform original scores into a distribution with a pre-determined mean and standard deviation other than the z-score distribution because the z-score distribution _____.

often contains decimals and negative values.

Experimental research

manipulating one variable and measuring another variable in order to see if the first one CAUSES changes in the second one (e.g., randomly assigning half of the students to read feedback, and the half to not read feedback, and seeing if their grades are different after 2 weeks); The type of research in which you have to worry about confounding variables (for internal validity).

Last week, Sarah had exams in her math and Spanish classes. On the math exam, the mean was µ = 30 with σ = 5, and Sarah had a score of X = 45. On the Spanish exam, the mean was µ = 60 with σ = 8, and Sarah had a score of X = 68. For which class should Sarah expect the better grade relative to her peers in each class?


Correlational research

measuring two variables in order to figure out the relationship between them (e.g., do students with higher grades tend to read feedback on Blackboard more often?); The kind of research you are doing for your group project in this class.

For a data set that is skewed due to outliers, what is the most appropriate statistic of central tendency to use?


Which section of a research article can help you to develop ideas for studies by changing the characteristics of the participants or modifying the procedures for your own study?


You want to know the weather outside so you ask Alexa (an A.I.) and it tells you info from the local weather station. What method of knowing did you use?

method of authority

A birdwatcher puts several types of seed in her backyard to see which type attracts the most birds. Which method of acquiring knowledge is she using?

method of empiricism

Which of the following best describes the Pearson correlation for these data? X Y 2 5 5 1 3 4 4 2 ​


Professors should not be required to take daily attendance.

negative wording

A sample of scores has a mean of M = 26, a median of 28, and a mode of 29. What is the most likely shape for the sample distribution?

negatively skewed

What is the shape of the frequency distribution for the following set of data? X f 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1

negatively skewed

A frequency distribution graph represents frequencies associated with scores for a variable with vertical bars that have space between them. Which scale of measurement was used to measure this variable?


A professor teaching intro psychology makes a list of students classified by their major (e.g., psychology, political science, engineering, history). Which scale of measurement is being used to classify the students?


The mode is the only measure of central tendency that is appropriate to utilize for a variable measured with which scale of measurement?


If a distribution of scores is shown in a bar graph, the scores were measured using a(n) _____ scale of measurement.

nominal or ordinal

What are the 4 scales of measurement?

nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio

A quasi-independent variable is most similar to and consistent with which of the following terms?

non-equivalent groups research study

Descriptive statistics

numbers or figures that summarize a set of data from a sample

Observation, followed by hypothesis, followed by more observation. What's going on?

scientific method

You want to study sleepiness in students. You decide to measure it by counting the number of times someone yawns during a 50 minute class. By making such a decision about measurement, you are __________ sleepiness.


A talent game show host separates contestants into high, medium, and low singing skill groups. What scale of measurement are they using?


The participants in a research study self-report their sleep quality levels by choosing the response option that best characterizes their average sleep quality per night from the following response options: 1 = extremely low sleep quality, 2 = very low sleep quality, 3 = low sleep quality, 4 = extremely high sleep quality. Which measurement scale is being used to classify sleep quality?


What's the scale of measurement? outcome of a horse race (1st, 2nd, 3rd)


What's the scale of measurement? time of day (morning, afternoon, evening)


Which scale(s) of measurement let you sort values in a meaningful order? [check all that apply]

ordinal, interval, ratio

Why is experimenter bias a threat to validity?

outcome measurements may be distorted by the artifact

A researcher tests their new treatment for sleep disorder among an individual that has a sleep disorder. The researcher knows that individuals diagnosed with sleep disorder tend to have sleep quality scores that form a normal distribution with µ = 40 and σ = 6. The researcher finds that this individual has a sleep quality score of X = 53 following treatment. Which is the probability that a score this large or larger would be obtained if the new treatment had no effect?

p = 0.0150

What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score less than z = -1.55 from a normal distribution?

p = 0.0606

Maddie teaches a class in which grades on an exam are normally distributed with a mean of µ = 100 and σ = 10. For retention purposes, Maddie is required to report the probability that a randomly selected score will have a value between X = 85 and X = 90. Which probability should Maddie include on her report?

p = 0.0919

A normal distribution has µ = 20 and σ = 4. Which is the probability of randomly selecting a score greater than X = 25 from this distribution?

p = 0.1056

What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score greater than z = +1.25 from a normal distribution?

p = 0.1056

A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 100 with σ = 20. If one score is randomly selected from this distribution, which is the probability that the score will be less than X = 78?

p = 0.1357

What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score greater than z = -0.75 from a normal distribution?

p = 0.7734

A normal distribution has a mean of µ = 90 with σ = 8. If one score is randomly selected from this distribution, which is the probability that the score will have a value between X = 80 and X = 102?

p = 0.8914

What is the probability of randomly selecting a z-score less than z = +2.25 from a normal distribution?

p = 0.9878

A class consists of 10 male students and 30 female students. If one student is randomly selected from the class, what is the probability of selecting a male student?

p = 10/40

If you could somehow magically know the mean monthly cost of ramen noodles for all college students in the entire world, that mean would be an example of a _____.


A researcher who wanted to observe behaviors in a private social club would probably need to use ____.

participant observation

A scientist runs a study in which a bunch of college students solve word search puzzles after drinking different kinds of beer. In the study, the students are referred to as ____.


Milgram's obedience study is ethically questionable because the ____.

participants were potentially psychologically harmed

A researcher who deliberately omits informing participants about the true intent of a questionnaire is committing ____.

passive deception

What's one limitation for the rational method?

people are generally not very good at reasoning

The APA ethical guidelines ____.

permit research using either active or passive deception

What modality of measurement is it when you use an fMRI to measure brain activity while participants watch an emotional movie?


Dr. Ziser conducts an experiment on life satisfaction using participants above the age of 80. All people above the age of 80 would make up the ____.


In psychology, it's usually impossible to get totally complete data from this


The parameters mu and sigma are used to describe this


The set of people that we're really interested in making conclusions about:


Dr. T. Vee is studying the television watching habits of American adolescents by using an anonymous survey given to 100 participants. Based on survey results, Dr. Vee will make an inference about the television-viewing habits of all American adolescents. The entire group of American adolescents is an example of a _____.


The results from a research study indicate that adolescents who watch more violent content on television also tend to engage in more violent behavior than their peers. The correlation between amount of television violence consumed and amount of violent behavior is an example of a _____ correlation.


What is the shape of the distribution for the following set of data? Scores: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5

positively skewed

Which term is used to describe the shape of a frequency distribution graph in which most scores pile up on the left-hand side of the graph and taper off to the right?

positively skewed

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can happen to combat veterans. You wonder about the most effective treatments for PTSD. This is an example of getting research ideas from ____.

practical problems

In the equation for a regression line, the intercept is the:

predicted value for Y when X is equal to 0.

Dr. Rho Mance sent out a new questionnaire to measure relationship satisfaction, then later had the same participants come into the lab with their partner for an interview. Dr. Mance observed that people who had scored high on the questionnaire also tended to display more physical contact with their partners during the interview. Assuming that more physical contact is associated with higher relationship satisfaction, this study is a demonstration of ____ validity.


So a kid takes a test of impulse control, and from looking at the kid's score, researchers can make a pretty accurate prediction about how well the kid will control their impulses in class. What kind of validity is that?


Dr. H. I. Strung has created a new way to measure anxiety and it turns out that people who score high on Dr. Strung's measure show more anxious behavior than people who score low on the measure. What's it called when this happens?

predictive validity


predictor variable

A ____ source contains original research reports.


Which of the following statements is true?

primary sources contain descriptions of research by those who conducted it

What's the point of an operational definition?

provide a definition and a method for measuring a hypothetical construct

A researcher wants to obtain a sample of 30 preschool children consisting of 10 two-year-old children, 10 three-year-old, and 10 four-year-old children. Assuming that the children are obtained from local daycare centers, this researcher should use ____ sampling.


Assuming that SS Y is constant in a research study, which of the following correlations would have the largest SS residual?

r = -0.10

For which of the following Pearson correlations would the data points be clustered most closely around a straight line?

r = -0.70

A set of n = 15 pairs of scores ( X and Y values) produces a correlation of r = 0.40. If each of the X values are multiplied by 2 and the correlation is computed for the new scores, which value will be obtained for the new correlation?

r = 0.40

A set of n = 15 pairs of scores ( X and Y values) has SS X = 4, SS Y = 25, and SP = 6. What is the Pearson correlation for these data?

r = 0.60

In a research report's introduction section there is a review of previous literature. That review is an example of a ____ source.


You read an article that summarizes findings from several different empirical reports. Which type of source is this an example of?


What scale of measurement is being used when a researcher measures the amount of car accidents that participants have been involved in during their lifetime?


What's the scale of measurement? elevation (feet above sea level)


What's the scale of measurement? reaction time (ms)


What's the scale of measurement? years of work experience


This dude and his cousin go to an amusement park. The dude goes to get some corndogs or whatever, and his cousin goes to ride a big-ass roller coaster that has a height restriction. The ride attendant measures the cousin's height and says he's tall enough to ride. Dude gets back with the snacks and his cousin says how great the roller coaster was. The dude's like, "awesome, I should be able to ride it too because I'm taller than my cousin." How did the dude reach this conclusion?

rational method

You tell your aunt that you hate seafood, and she's like, "Oh you must've gotten food poisoning from it some time." (because she believes that food poisoning can make people dislike a food). You aunt is using the:

rational method

________ is the problem of participants changing their behavior because they know they're being observed.


Transforming a set of scores into a standardized distribution of z-scores consists of graphically _____ the scores.


When a measurement includes a big error component, it will have very low ____.


For a sample, a score that is 12 points above the mean has a z-score of z = 1.20. What is the sample standard deviation?

s = 10

A population of N = 5 scores has a variance of σ 2 = 24. If the scores were from a sample, what value would be obtained for the sample variance?

s^2 = 30

A population of N = 5 scores has a variance of σ^2 = 24. If the scores were from a sample, what value would be obtained for the sample variance?

s^2 = 30

The sum of the squared deviation scores is SS = 20 for a sample of n = 6 scores. What is the variance for this sample?

s^2 = 4

A set of 5 scores has SS = 20. If the scores are from a sample, the sample variance is ____. If the scores comprise a population, the population variance is ____.

s^2 = 5; σ^2 = 4.

A distribution of scores has no mode and the same median and mean values. This indicates that the _____.

same frequencies of individuals scored for every possible X value in the distribution.

Dr. Tumblr investigated social media use of American college students using an anonymous survey. 500 surveys were completed and returned. Based on this, Dr. Tumblr finds that students spend an average of 2 hours each day using social media. The set of students who returned surveys is an example of a _____.


Dr. Ziser conducts an experiment on life satisfaction using participants above the age of 80. Because she cannot include all people above the age of 80, she will select what is known as a ____.


The numbers that we actually work with for data analysis are from this


The statistics M and SD are used to describe this


A cause of difference between sample and population means is:

sampling error

Suppose the average ACT score for the whole class of new first-year college students in the United States is 21. But if you randomly select fifteen such students and calculate the average ACT score from just those guys, it probably won't be exactly 21. This is consistent with the concept of _____.

sampling error.

What's a difference between science and pseudoscience?

science is based on hypotheses that are testable and refutable

What does it mean to say that science is objective?

scientific answers are not influenced by researcher bias

Although it is possible to obtain a sample with characteristics that are very different from the population through random sampling, it is more likely that a nonrepresentative sample is the result of ____.

selection bias

What modality of measurement is it when you use an anonymous questionnaire to ask students how often they've texted during class?


Which of the following characteristics tends to increase the likelihood that a clear difference between two sample means is detected statistically?

small variances within each sample

Dr. Meridian has created a 50-question test to measure creativity, and she has had a group of participants complete the test. Now she's gotta figure out the reliability of the test, so what she does is, for each participant, calculate a correlation between their score on the first 25 questions and their score on the last 25 questions. What kind of reliability is Dr. Meridian measuring?

split-half reliability

Which of the following produces the value for r^2, which is used as a measure of effect size in an independent measures t-test?

squaring the point-biserial correlation for the same data

In order to determine if 10 points below the mean on an exam is an extreme negative score, the _____ needs to be known.

standard deviation

The ________ is equal to the square root of the ________.

standard deviation; variance

One way to reduce experimenter bias is to ____.

standardize the experiment

A characteristic, usually a numerical value, which describes a sample is called a _____.


Dr. Whats-his-face surveys 25 first-year students at a local college, asking them how much weight they lost or gained in their first semester. He then calculates the average change in weight. The average is an example of a ______.


A researcher would like to describe and compare the attitudes of four different ethnic groups of students at a local state college. To obtain participants for the study while ensuring sufficient numbers of participants from each of the ethnic groups, the researcher should probably use ____ sampling.

stratified random

Quota sampling produces the same advantages for convenience sampling that ____ sampling produces for probability sampling.

stratified random

The technique of quota sampling is most similar to ____ sampling.

stratified random

You put a bird bath in your backyard, and you count how many birds use it each day.

structured observation

You walk around wearing a weird funny hat that says "ask about my research" and you count the number of people who ask about your research.

structured observation

Descriptive/Observational research

studying individual variables simply in order to describe them (e.g., what % of students read feedback on Blackboard?); Archival research is one example of this category of research

What's the most common type of query used to search the PsycINFO database?

subject word

A scientist runs a study in which a bunch of rats run through a maze after eating different types of cheese. The rats are referred to as research ____.


One way to detect fraud in research is to ____.

submit the article for peer review

For the following scores, which action will increase the range? Scores: 2, 6, 11, 15

subtract 1 point from the score X = 2

What does SS stand for (in the context of statistics)?

sum of squared deviations from the mean

A researcher obtains a Pearson correlation of r = 0.60 for a sample of n = 6 pairs of X and Y scores. If the researcher tests the significance of the correlation, which value will be obtained for the t statistic?

t = 1.50

If you wanted to test whether those two mean temperatures were really different from each other (more than we'd expect due to chance variation), what inferential statistical test do you think you'd use?


Although a research question usually concerns the ____, the actual research participants are selected from the ____.

target population; accessible population

A baseball player always wears the same socks to each game, because she believes they're lucky socks and it's become a personal tradition for her. What method of knowing is she using?


When you "know" that you don't want to ride a roller coaster, even when everyone else says it's fun, your decision is based on the method of ____.


What's it called when you try to see how reliable a measure is by giving the measure to the same people twice and comparing their scores across the two instances of measurement? ______ reliability


So you gave a particular test to a group of people a week ago, then gave the same test to them today. You see that peoples' scores are nearly identical across the two instances of testing. What kind of reliability is that?

test-retest reliability

What does the [2-tailed] null hypothesis predict for a correlation?

that population correlation coefficient (rho) is zero

What additional information is obtained by measuring two individuals on an ordinal scale compared to a nominal scale?

the direction of the difference

Consider the mathematical expressions of (Σ X)^2 and Σ X^2. A valid generalization is that _____.

the first equation typically will yield a higher computed value.

Consider the mathematical expressions of Σ( X + 2) and Σ( X + 2)^2. A valid generalization is that _____.

the first equation typically will yield a lower computed value.

Keith conducts a research study to examine how mental fatigue influences frustration levels. He has one group of participants complete a mentally exhausting problem-solving task for ten minutes, and a second group of participants complete an easy crossword puzzle for ten minutes. Then, he observes participant reactions to being prevented from achieving a desired goal on a second unrelated task as a measure of frustration levels. In this research study, the experimental condition is _____.

the group of participants who complete the mentally exhausting problem-solving task.

Which of the following is a description of DATA (rather than a datum)?

the individual scores of 15 participants on a problem-solving task

A cluster sample usually does not qualify as a true random sample because ____.

the individuals within each group are usually not independent

A researcher is measuring the amount of time needed to solve a set of anagrams for a sample of n = 15 students. However, one of the participants fails to solve the problems so the researcher has an undetermined score. What is the best measure of central tendency for these data?

the median

An introductory to psychology professor has students report their major on the first day of classes. Then, the professor decides to determine the major that is most representative of the students in their class. Which measure of central tendency should they utilize?

the mode

The major advantage of a simple random sample is that it ensures that ____.

the selection procedure is unbiased although its outcome may be biased

Marty is a principal who needs to contact the highest performing 15% of students in his school's current graduating class about an opportunity to join the school's academic honor society. At his school, students' grade point averages is a normally distributed variable. Marty should contact students who have a grade point average that correspond with a z-score greater than or equal to _____.

z = +1.04

For a population with a standard deviation of σ = 5, what is the z-score corresponding to a score that is 9 points above the mean?

z = +1.80

For a population with µ = 40 and σ = 8, what is the z-score corresponding to X = 34?

z = -0.75

Tiffany is a manager who needs to fire the worst performing 3% of employees. At her organization, employee performance is a normally distributed variable. Tiffany should fire employees who have a performance score that correspond with a z-score less than or equal to _____.

z = -1.88.

If an entire population with µ = 60 and σ = 8 is transformed into z-scores, then the distribution of z-scores will have a mean of _____ and a standard deviation of _____.

µ = 0; σ = 1

What is the mean for the population of scores presented in the frequency distribution table below? X f 8 3 7 3 6 0 5 2 4 1 3 2 2 2 1 3

µ = 4.50

A population of scores has µ = 10 and σ = 2. If every score in the population is multiplied by 4, then what are the new values for the mean and standard deviation?

µ = 40 and σ = 8

Mark is provided a score of X = 57 that corresponds with a z-score of z = 1.60 to describe his performance on a graduate entrance exam. The graduate entrance exam has a standard deviation of σ = 10. What is the mean average for this graduate entrance exam?

µ = 41

In a population with σ = 5, a score of X = 46 corresponds to a z-score of z = +0.40. What is the population mean?

µ = 44

A person scores X = 65 on an exam. Which set of parameters would give this person the worst grade on the exam relative to others?

µ = 70 and σ = 5

A set of N = 4 scores has a mean of µ = 11. If 12 points are subtracted from one of the scores, what is the new value for the population mean?

µ = 8

In a population of scores, X = 83 corresponds to z = -0.50 and X = 93 corresponds to z = +2.00. What are the values for the population mean and standard deviation?

µ = 85 and σ = 4

A population of N = 5 scores has a mean of µ = 8. If one score with a value of X = 4 is removed from the population, what is the value for the new mean?

µ = 9

A set of X and Y scores has M X = 4, SS X = 10, M Y = 5, SS Y = 40, and SP = 20. Which is the regression equation for predicting Y from X?

Ŷ = 2X - 3

A linear regression equation has b = 3 and a = - 6. What is the predicted value of Y for X = 4?

Ŷ = 6

You are instructed to subtract 2 points from each score, square each of these resulting values, and then find the sum of these squared values. How would this set of instructions be expressed in summation notation?

Σ(X - 2^)2

You are instructed to square each score and subtract four points from the sum of these squared scores. How would this set of instructions be expressed in summation notation?

Σ(X^2) - 4

A researcher conducts a hypothesis test to examine the hypothesis that stress is positively associated with greater impulsive decision-making. Which statement below is consistent with the null hypothesis for this hypothesis test?

ρ ≤ 0

Which of the following symbols identifies the population standard deviation?


A population has µ = 50. Which value of σ would make X = 55 an extreme value out in the tail of the population distribution?

σ = 1

Which of the following values for the population standard deviation would cause a score located above the mean average to have the most extreme position in the distribution?

σ = 1

On an exam with a mean of µ = 70, a person scores X = 60. Which of the following values for the standard deviation would position this person highest within the class?

σ = 15

On an exam with µ = 52, a person has a score of X = 44. Which value for the standard deviation would give this person the highest position in the class distribution?

σ = 8

The distribution of z-scores corresponding with a population of scores always has a variance of _____.

σ^2 = 1.

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