PSYC 292- Mini Quiz #2

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Which of the following is an example of synesthesia?

Envisioning bright fireworks whenever you hear Mozart (Section: 5.1 Sensory Processing and the Somatosensory SystemLearning Objective: Not alignedBloom's Level: 5. Evaluating)

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the anterior pituitary to release which hormones?

FSH and LH

The onion-like receptor found in skin that selectively responds to vibration and pressure is the

Pacinian corpuscle. (Section: 5.1 Sensory Processing and the Somatosensory SystemLearning Objective: 5.1.2 Describe several different types of receptors in the skin and the stimuli they detect.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

The _______ seems to be important in the initiation of movement sequences.

SMA (Section: 5.3 Movement and the Motor SystemLearning Objective: 5.3.4 Discuss the interaction of various cortical and subcortical brain regions in regulating behavior.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

When an individual is born with only one sex chromosome (and has the phenotype XO), they typically exhibit traits of and are diagnosed with:

Turner's syndrome

Some flowers attract bees by releasing _______ into the air.

allomones (Section: 8.1 Hormones Act in a Great Variety of Ways throughout the BodyLearning Objective: 8.1.1 Distinguish the different classes of chemical signaling, from neurotransmitters to hormones and pheromones.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

Parkinson's disease is linked to

degeneration of dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra. (Section: 5.3 Movement and the Motor SystemLearning Objective: 5.3.5 Describe the behavioral symptoms and underlying pathology of two major motor disorders.Bloom's Level: 2. Understanding)

Glands that secrete their products outside the body are referred to as _______ glands.

exocrine (Section: 8.1 Hormones Act in a Great Variety of Ways throughout the BodyLearning Objective: 8.1.1 Distinguish the different classes of chemical signaling, from neurotransmitters to hormones and pheromones.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

During sexual differentiation, the müllerian ducts develop into ___ sex organs, while the wolffian ducts develop into ___ sex organs.

female; male

The hormone _______ controls the milk letdown reflex and plays a role in formation of social bonds.

oxytocin (Section: 8.1 Hormones Act in a Great Variety of Ways throughout the BodyLearning Objective: 8.1.5 Give examples of the interaction of hormonal and neuronal communication in controlling behavior.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

Nociceptors collect information in response to ___, whereas proprioceptors collect information in response to ___.

pain; body position (Section: 8.1 Hormones Act in a Great Variety of Ways throughout the BodyLearning Objective: 8.1.4 Explain how the brain regulates circulating levels of hormone.Bloom's Level: 2. Understanding)

S1 (primary somatosensory cortex) is located in the

postcentral gyrus (Section: 5.1 Sensory Processing and the Somatosensory SystemLearning Objective: 5.1.4 Describe the neural pathway for the system reporting touch information from the body.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

The Coolidge effect is the:

resumption of sexual activity by a male animal when exposed to a novel female (Section: 8.2 Reproductive Behavior Is Regulated by the BrainLearning Objective: 8.2.1 Discuss the sequence of mating behaviors in animals and the role of hormones in regulating those behaviors.Bloom's Level: 3. Applying)

Neuronal and hormonal communication processes both involve:

specialized receptor molecules. (Section: 8.1 Hormones Act in a Great Variety of Ways throughout the BodyLearning Objective: 8.1.1 Distinguish the different classes of chemical signaling, from neurotransmitters to hormones and pheromones.Bloom's Level: 2. Understanding)

Receptors that show little or no adaptation to maintained stimulation are called _______ receptors.

tonic (Section: 5.1 Sensory Processing and the Somatosensory System Learning Objective: 5.1.3 Relate the concepts of receptive fields and sensory adaptation.Bloom's Level: 1. Remembering)

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