PSYC 358 MT 2

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guiding principles (tooby & cosmides) for human motivation

- "Neural circuitry... evolved as a means of solving problems that our ancestors faced over the course of human evolutionary history." - "Evolved psychology is defined by functional specialization." Motives must logically be defined in terms of... - Evolved psychological mechanisms (not subjective needs). - Specific "problems" pertaining to survival / reproduction. Motives as "motivational system" -Exquisitely designed regulatory systems permeate the human body, producing functional outcomes by entraining processes at all level of organization, from gene activation and protein synthesis to organ function to behavior. -Specific motivational systems evolved to regulate specific kinds of behavioral interactions with specific kinds of things in the external environment (including other people), as a means of solving specific kinds of problems pertaining to survival / reproduction.

evolved navigation theory

- Fitness costs associated with falling. - Fitness benefits associated with biased assessment of the "difficulty" of navigating places in which the risk of falling is high. implications 1. over-estimation of distances along vertical edges 2. over-estimation of vertical height, especially when looking down cognitive biases -> behavioural decisions -> fitness explanation -adapted cognition doesn't equal accurate cognition

sexual strategies theory

- Long-term and short-term mating strategies. - Sex differences. - Cautiousness / eagerness. - Monogamy / promiscuity. -LT = focusing more on resources and psychological energy on finding and maintaining a long term committed relationships -ST = having lots of ST mating relationships with lots of diffferent people -sexually monogamous vs sexually promiscuous -there are costs involved in engagement of diff sex philosophies -men in general are indicating of desired sex partners in the next several decades of their lives -men want more than one sexual partner than women

female flirting

- Sexual attraction to, and flirting with, "good dads" and "sexy cads." - Variation across the menstrual cycle. STUDY -Give women an opportunity to engage in flirty behaviour with men to perceive to be good cads or sexy dads -Brought in undergrad women that were normal menstruating -In one session interact with one guy that is a twin and the other guy that was the other twin (cover story); however, it was the same guy, two weeks apart for the menstrual cycle -Set up video tape and coded for women's behavior -One of the sessions, the guy playing "one twin" was intentionally displaying sexiness behaviours, being irresponsible and charismatic -Other session, the twin the guy was intentionally acting as responsive, giving, family oriented, socially reserved, and generous Results: -Low fertility phase, they were finding good dad as desirable (how sexually attractive) -High fertility they were finding sexy cad as especially desirable -Non verbal and verbal behaviour -Higher numbers representing behaviours that come across as flirty -Low fertility: was not flirting especially more with either or -High fertility: flirting way more when interacting with sexy cad -Women more able to conceive, looking for guys with good genes -Women more generally (not women just in long-term relationship)

implication for interpersonal attraction

- When threat of infection is psychologically salient, people show a stronger preference for more symmetrical faces. - This effect is especially strong when judging opposite-sex faces. - When threat of infection is psychologically salient, people show a stronger preference for physically attractive leaders.

problems of survival

-Combatting the hostile forces of nature Psychological adaptations that helped to: - Obtain beneficial things (shelter, food) - Avoid costly things (disease, predators, falling)

women & men mate preferences

-Intelligence & personalityMen and women both value highly (although perhaps for somewhat different reasons -both men and women say they really want who has a good sense of humour BUT women say: I want someone who can make me laugh, men: I want someone to laugh at my jokes

why and when women might seek multiple mates

-Multiple mates as an alternative to finding the perfect mate. Problem: Few mates have it all. Potential solution: 1.Multiple mates. 2.Long-term relationship with a "good dad" 3.Covert short-term mating with a "sexy cad". Sexy cad: not stick around but is good looking, can't count on Good dad: provide resources and be around If can't have it all, then solution would be have multiple partners. Produce sexy children with good genes and not tell good dad who is willing to stick around Implications... - Female interest in "extra-pair mating." - Especially if long-term partner is not so sexually attractive. - Especially when most likely to conceive.

perceptions of the future and female sexual attitudes

-Women indicated higher ideal number of future sexual partners (compared to control conditions). -Primarily among women who perceived selves to have weak immune systems Also: This effect occurred only among women STUDY Manipulate what a future will hold Measure having multiple mate Randomly assigned ppl to 3 diff conditions -In each condition presented with reading material on what to anticipate in the future -On one material, one was growing disease in America, other two were -One control was focusing on -economic threat Other control was a threat to students Measure assessing interest in having multiple mates Results: -in condition in more diverse set of emerging diseases that posed threat in future compared to other conditions women indicated having more potential sexual partners -Particularly in women who perceive themselves as crummy immune systems -Results only in women and not among men

minimum acceptable level of intelligence

-divergence when u want to have sex with -men don't care about intelligence -women cares about intelligence if they have sex with them -men tend to be more eager

evolutionary lens model of mate preferences

-out there in the world, the things I am perceiving, there are anything that I mightpotentially interact with that I cant perceive directly but I wanna know something about -durability (based on superficial cues - if it costs more, then it is better quality) -^these are perceptible cues that I can infer them -another example: crisp juicy apples I want to eat them, so I need perceptible cues -1st part on left (so it starts that in the context of mating, from the genes eye view, our genes what us to select a mate who has at some global level, high mate quality (extent to which this particular person will help me reproduce) -3rd trait - provisioning ability: ability to provide offspring Middle part -I will perceive an inference from these cues

implication for emotion (disgust

-tend to be sensitive to disgust in 1st trimester bc that's hwen developing embyro is most vulnerable OR women themselves are vulnerable to diseases themselves

Error management and womens' (mis)perceptions of mens' commitment to a long-term relationship...

-there are plenty of eager guys so I have plenty of other opportunities - smaller fitness costs -biggest cost if they not committed but u judge them committed for long term Research on womens' (mis)perceptions of mens' commitment: (Haselton & Buss, 2000) Because women are risk-averse in mating contexts... - Women under-estimate mens' commitment to a long-term relationship.

research on categorization of racially ambiguous faces

-they create a manipulation in which led people to temporarily imagine the situation in which natural resources were scarce v abundant v neutral -they found that extent to which there was a tendency to categorize racially ambiious faces as out group faces -that tendency (bias) was especially strong during resource scarcity Other contextual factors that increase likelihood of perceiving a racially ambiguous face as one of "them": - If the face has an angry expression. - If it's a man's face. - If the perceiver just generally feels more vulnerable to harm.

female fertility and preference for creative intelligence

-they found that women are especially likely creative intelligence -paternity is always in doubt -example of how the preferences that prioratization -finding is specific short term mate preferences

why men benefit from commitment and marriage

1)increased odds of succeeding in attracting a mate 2) increased ability to attract more desirable mate 3) increased paternity certainty 4) increased usrival of his children 5) increased reproductive success of children accrued through paternal investment 6) increased social status 7) added coalitional allies

context effects on ST mating

1. individual differencs • women who pursue ST have different perceptions of benefits compared tot hose who didn't • women who tend to pursue ST difference perceptions of contexts likely to promote ST mating o having regular partner who gets fired his job, suffers a decrease in salsry o cite problems w/ current partner • desire for commitment - women in ST ok w/ no commitment 2) can a short term sexual strategy perceived by others • sexually unrestricted women do tend to show more dramatic shifts in provocativeness of dress at ovulation - pursing ST mating strategy • masculinity - women tend to have more masculine facial appearance + gchildhood gender noncomformity • men wo tend to pursue a ST strageyy allocate more tttention to physically attractive women 3.father absence and stepfather presence • absence of father - pursuit of ST strategy • step father presence may be critical in promoting early sexual maturation in girls • bio - more daughter guarding 4)transitions across life • causal sex related to developmental stage; teens more like to do it for experimentation • after divorce - causal dating 5)sex ratio • deficit of eligible men relative to women • more men than women die; men shift ot brief encounters; bc many women sexually available • surplus of men - LT mating strategy marked by stable marriages + fewer divorces - + polyandry • surplus of women -ST 6)mate value, masculinity, body type personality • mate value correlated w/ reported sexual history • high mate value - have sexual intercourse at earlier age + greater # of sex partners , invitations etc • men w/ high shoulder- hip ratio more likely ^ • men w/ mesomorphic build tend to have higher reproductive success • women w/ low WHR tend to have ST , but no link to perceived mate value • dark triad - naricsismm, psychopathy, Machiavellianism in exploitaive ST strategies - booty call

adaptive benefits to women of ST mating

1. resource hypothesis • resource accrual, can get meat//goods services thru ST mating • protection men typically provide protection to their mates and children • enhancement hypothesis - elevate social standing thru gain of access to social circle 2.genetic benefit hypothesis • enhanced fertility - ST mate provide fertility backup if primary cant • superior genes too (sexy son hypothesis • woma w/ diff genes enhancing the genetic diversity of her children 3.mate switching hypothesis • ST to cope w adptive problems such as abuse, declines in value/ resources • Trading up for higher quality mate for lt goals hypothesis • Use ST as means toassess and evaluate prospective LT mates • Clarify qualities she dsires in LT mate • Women dislike if 1) any signals man is already in existing elationship 2 ) attribute of promiscuity 5.Mate manipulation hypothesis • Manipulating mate - getting revenge or increase commitment of regular mate 6.good genes • St mating - women place great premimum on physical attratives + desirability to other women , choosing symmetrical men • Women prefer masculine facial architecture • 1) increase attraction to men w/ symmetrical features 2) facial masculinity, body masculinility, vocal masculinity 3) tall 5) display creative intelligence, muscular 6) increased preference for men who display social presence + aggressiveness/social dominance • women who rate partners low on sexual attractiveness experience greater desire for extrapair partner

context effects on women's mat preference

1.Effects of womens personal resources on mate preferences • Women try to marry upward bc this provides primary channel for gaining acces to resources • Having personal control of economic resources doesn't negate pmate preference • Professionally, economically successful women in Us also value reosurcein male o Stronger preference for high earning men than did men who were less financially successful • High status of women correlated positively with their concern w/ potential mate's potential SES contrary socio-structural model/ structural powerlessness hypothesis 2.mere presence of attractive others; mate copying • When a person's attraction or choice of potential mate is influenced by preferences and mating decision of other - mate copying • Women use social info - a man paired w/ attractive and interested women as important cue to his desirability as a mate 3.Effects of temporal context on women's mate preferences • Temporal context matters great deal, causing shifts in preferences depending on whether a marriage parter or causal sex parter is sought • Women tended to slect ment w/ good character traits when choose potential husband more than choose ST • In LT - tended t o choose character > looks 4.Effects of womens mate value on mate preference • Women who are young and more physically attractive have more numerous mating options + can beomce choosier in their selections • Women's self rated attractiveness was linked to attraction to masculine faces o Women who view themselves physically attractive show more pronounced preference for symmetrical male faces + men who display vocal masculinity marked by low pitched voice • Attractive women expressed desire for higher levels of hypohteiszed good gene indicators • Men who are higher in mate value both prefer and seek men who are higher in amte value 5.effects on women's preference on men's behaviour • mate preference establish domains of mate competition in opposite sex • women value resources, m en should compete more • men more likely than women to inflate their status prestige, and income to potential mates o lied more about height n • mere exposure to attractive owmen would activate cognitive adapttion men deisgned to embody the qualities that women want in mate o 1) increase importance men place on own financial success o 2) experiencefeeling more ambitious o 3) produce self desciprtion that correspond to what women want • study: men exposed to young attractive motels rated having a larger income vs older less attractive o men primed w/ attractive images - more creativity, independence, noncomforty so they can stand out

women's mate preference

1.preference of economic resources • males offering resources • lt mate: 1) resources would have to be accruable, defensible and controllable by men during evol history • 2) men ould have to differ from each other in holdigns + willingness to invest those holdings in a women/ children • men invest in wives children w/ provisions to an extent unprecdent • upward mobility + status /reputation 2.preference for good financial prospects • men- desirable but not necessary; women - important but not indispensable • women across all continents all political sys n stuff placed more value than men on good financial prospects (2x as much) • women valued economic ability+ wealth/status • women mor e willing to be mail order brides and do not have diff agendas than other mate seeking women • tremendous value on intelligence in LT mate 3.preference for high social status • cultures have found it important to invent words or phrases to describe men who are high in status • women desire men who command high position bc social staus is a universal cue to control of rsources • women to have solved adaptiveproblem of acquiring resources by preferring men who are high in status 4.Preference for somewhat older men • too old = infertile/ increased risk of genetic abnormalities etc • physicial strength increases in men as they get older peaking in late twenties and early thirties o hunting ability strongest preference for ambition and industriousness • women value ambition = industry more than men too • signs of ability to acquire resources and disdain for men lacking ambition that often leads to resources 5.preferences for dependability and stability • after love - emotional stability / dependeable charcters • 1) reliable signals that reosurces will be provided consistently over time • 2) men who lack dependability and emotional stability provide erratically and inflict heavy emotional and other costs on their mates o self centred, abusive, jealous,inconsiderate etc 6.preference for height and athletic prowess • physical protection can give • taller men = more deisable n muscle lol • physical qualities also contribute to solutions to other adaptive problems such as resource acquisitions and genes for godo health - linked to status, income, symmetrical features, good health 7.preference for good health: symmetry and masculinity • mating someone who is unhealthy - adaptive risks o risk of being deabilitited + greater risk of dying prematurely+ transfer communicable disease 4- infect children imperling their chances of surviing and reproducing • symmetrical - show developmental stability o health cue • another health cue - masculine features (as a result of testosterone/hormones) o preferred masculine looking - high levels of testosterone compromise human immune sys o health males produe more testosterone + developing more rugged masculine looking faces o few respiratory disease love and commitment • love - relatively recent invention is a cue for willingness to commit • fidelity - exclusive commitment of sexual resources to single partner o channeling resource to loved one / acts of reproduction 8.preference for willingness ot invest in children • prolbmes: men sometimes seek sexual variety / may channel to other owmen > children (mating > parental effort) • men evaluate likelihood they are actual genetic father of child + tend to withhold investment from child when they know or suspect children is not their own • study: view men 1) standing alone, interacting w/ child, ignoring crying child, neutral with child, man vacuuming r o women found man intearcing iwthi childmore attractive o 2. Women found man who ignored child in distress low o 3. Man vcuming less attractive than man standing alone o women prefer men who show willingness to invest in children o for men - varying contexts made little difference to men in judgments of how attractive woman as an attractive partner • study: women were accurately detect mens interest in ifnatns by looking photos of facial expression 2) men who women perceived as liking infants more attractive 10.preference for similarity • successful mating requires usstainted cooperative alliances over time • who share similar views - homogamy y- ppl who are similar on characteristics date • daughter choose mates similar to father if high emotional support • strong homogamy for overall mate value w/ 10s mating w/ other 10s; 6s mating with 6s 11.additional mate preference: kindness humor • LT - prefer good sense of humour • Kindness = altruistic proclivities signal possession of abundant resources, willingness to provide resources to owmen, good parenting + partner procliviting qualities, cooperative and non cost inflicting dispostiong • Humor - indicator of good genes , signallign creativity + excellent functioning of complex cognitive skills not impaired by high mutation load • Deal breakers - incest avoidance (inbreeding depression) , abusive, drugs etc • Deep voice = attractive o Signals sexual maturity, larger body size, good genetic quality, dominance, or all the above

ST behavioural evidence

A) Extramarital affairs • men in most cultures pursue extramarital sex more often than do their wives prostitution • men solicited a prostitied - regular for sexual outlet B)hook-up behaviour and friends with benefits • more men will try to initate hooking up + report fwb • women more likely to perceive early stage of romantic relationship

theories of men's ST mating

A) adaptive benefits for men of ST mating • men have achieved increases in reproductive success mainly through increase in # of sexual partners, not thru increase in numbers of children per partner 2)potential costs of ST mating for men • 1) contractin STD • 2) acquiring bad social reputation for LT Mate • 3) lowerin chances their children would survive due to lack of paternal investment • 4) suffering violence at hands of jealous husbands/bf/dads/fams 3)adaptive problems men must solve when pursuing sT mating • problem of partner number or variety - desire for sex w/ large # of women or relaxation of standards for an acceptable st partner, 3) impose iminimum time constraints • problem of sexual accessibility - women who show being prudish, sex inexperienced, conservative, low sex drive = disfavored • problem of identifying which women are fertile - display cue correlated w/ fertility; a maximially fertile woman would have highest probability pregnant • problem of avoiding commitment - women who require heavy investment -> LT therefore should shun these

sexual selection for creative displays

Analyses of artistic production: - Male artists are especially productive during their 20s. - Male artistic success correlates positively with mating success. - Mating motives aroused in men that make them especially creative

other biases in perceptions of steepness and distance

Available energetic resources influence perceptions of steepness. - E.g.: Recent ingestion of glucose slopes seem less steep Anticipated energetic costliness influences perceptions of distance. - E.g.: Heavier backpack distances seem longer -if we have more perceive more available energetic resources or metabolic resources then we estimate things to be less steep -ie. Ppl who consumed energy drink, they estimate slopes to be less steeped compared to other who havent -explanation: if I have more energy, then I am more able to navigate this steep place

sex differences in sexual decision making

Compared to men, women are more risk-averse. (Compared to women, men are more "eager.")

implications for conformity + moral judgment

Costs and benefits of conformity / non-conformity. Implication: When threat of infection is psychologically salient, people are more conformist, and less tolerant of non-conformists -ppl were given opportunity to express an opinion about something, but before giving info subtely about what other majority of ppl expressed -expresing an opinion conforming to majority -moral judgement about people who failed to comply

implication for social interaction

Disease threat and extraversion: (Mortensen et al., 2010) When threat of infection is psychologically salient... People report lower levels of extraversion. People show more reluctant-to-interact movements.

darwinian medicine combating disease

Fever • fever reducing drugs actually prolong disease • those given fever reducing -> more nasal stuffiness + worse antibody • fever, is natural + useful defense against disease, part of our immune functioning iron poor blood • iron is food for bacteria • humans evolved means of staving tshe bacteria • when person gets infection, body produces chemical that reduces blood levels of iron o reduces consumption of iron rich food

dawkins chapter 9

Gamete size and the evolution of divergent sexual strategies • Sex cells of males r smaller n more numerous - they only transport genes as fast as possible to eggs o Can produce millions of sperm, therefore males can have large # of children in small amount of time o Gametes of females are microscopically bigger and have larger food reserves ♣ Require more resources, therefore females are limited o Maleness/femaleness might not exist in some species, primitive difference is the gametes o Isogametes can mate with each other but sperm -> egg • Evolution of divergent sexual strategies o Honest -> larger & larger investment o Exploiters -> smaller and smaller in order to transport as many genes and therefore have more children & more mobile & less invesment ♣ Natural selection favoured this one Sex differences in obligatory parental investment • Mother is already committed as they give birth because they invested resources to reach it to that stage and must invest further for future development • Men are more likely to abandon bc they haven't invested that much (evolutionary pressure) • Genes for deserting first might be more favoured the genes for deserting second Sex differences in mating behavior • Two female strategies are coy + fast o Coy will only mate after extensive courtship o Fast = mate with anyone • 2 male = faithful + philanderer o faithful = court for long period of time o philanderer = will not wait for female, and just mate with others even if they have children • in population with fast females more faithful ones philanderers will arise bc rich in women who will mate with anyone female become more coy to have advantage more coy faithful males will have advantage and increase (a full circle!) Female strategies that reduce likelihood of male exploitation • heman strategy - females get no help from father of their children - out for good genes instead & use weapon of withholding copulation until they come across someone with good genes o evidence of being able to survive older men? o SEXY SON HYPOTHESIS • Domestic bliss strategy -simply looks for males and tries to recognize qualities of fidelities in advance o Lays open for deception tho o Effective deceptions genes can pass on Handicap principle • A gene that makes handicaps such as a long tail will become more numerous in the gene pool because females chose it o Indicates they have good genes because they survived with a handicap!

error management theory

If (within the EEA): Potential to make different kinds of judgment errors; And the different errors were associated with different fitness costs... Then: Natural selection favored the evolution of cognitive biases that minimize the likelihood of making especially costly errors (even if those biases produce more frequent errors of other kinds

smoke detector principle

If: Different fitness costs associated with "false alarm" vs. "miss"... Then: Evolution of cognitive biases that minimize likelihood of the more costly error. (Results in increased likelihood of the less costly error). In context of threats/dangers: Because "misses" were typically more costly than "false alarms," there evolved cognitive biases that minimize "misses" (and this bias produces lots of "false alarms"). Adaptive flexibility: This cognitive bias is flexible and context-dependent. (It occurs especially when people feel vulnerable). -named after the analogy , randy Nesse -our minds are designed like smoke detectors, the blind random selection and retenton processes of natural selection -if there are different costs associated with real life misses and false alarms -there is an evolution of cognitive biases that minimize likelihodod of the more costly erorr - which is often a miss --> increased likelihood of the less costly error (often false alarms)

adaptive flexibility & sex

Impact of sex ratio within local population. Cross-cultural evidence (Stone et al., 2007): When ratio of men:women is higher (men outnumber women)... - Men become even less choosy. - Women become even more cautious and more choosy.

implication for political attitudes

Liberalism: Willingness to embrace change Conservatism: Prefer to maintain existing traditions. Implication: When people feel more vulnerable to infection, they express more conservative sociopolitical attitudes. Example: Disgust and political conservatism. (lots of studies) --real life outbreak of Ebola in the news People were more conservative (Higher values indicate relatively greater support for U.S. Republican Party candidates.) Example: Hand-sanitizer dispenser study (Helzer & Pizarro, 2011)

interactions with skin

Lots of mammals: Fertile females avoid male kin. Humans: Fertile females avoid fathers. -used who this woman talked to the phone as a proxy for avoiding or not avoiding -how many phone calls made to dad vs mom and see if they varied during menstrual cycle -mean number of calls to mom or dad -high fertility = called dad significantly less and called mom significantly more WHY? -might be tied to the fact that they are more likely to be pregnant during high fertility so do not go close to genetically male kin

young male syndrome

Men in their 20s especially likely to engage in risky forms of behavior Risky because illegal (illegal gambling, in prison) Risky because injury/death (street racing, shot, etc.) Male skateboarders showing off: (Ronay & Von Hippel, 2010) STUDY Looking at skateboarders doing tricks at skate park (show-offy behaviour), risk going splat Manipulated whether there was an attractive young female/male watching did they complete the trick or abort the trick? When a woman is watching, male skateboarders... - Are less likely to abort tricks. - Do more tricks that fail. - Do more tricks that succeed.

minimizing commitment after sex

Minimizing commitment after sex: attration reduction effect + avoiding entangling commitments • Men w/ more sex partners sharp decline in how sexually attractive they found their partner after intercourse • Adaptation - attraction reduction effect - motivates hasty postcopulatory departure to minimize investment in any one woman or roving eye w/in context of an existing Lt mateship • Ppl in ST - avoid unwanted commitmens o Women more like;y vs men maintains Closing time phenomenon • When it was closing time, men viewed women as increasingly attractive wheras women didn't o Context specific lowering of standardsa as likelihood of sexual opp starts to drop Sex differences in sexual fantasies and sex drive • Men sexual fantasies contain strangers/ multiple partners o Group sex too • Sex is sheer lsust + physical gratification, devoid of encumbering relaitonsips, emotional elaboration , complicated plots in mens fantasy • Womens - familiar partners ; emotions + personalities are crucial • Sex diff large in gender equal cultures fewer in gender inequality Cues to sexual exploitability • -seeming immature, intoxicated, flirtatious, young sleep wearing skimpy clothing sexual regret • missed sexual opportunities (sexual omission) or sexual actions taken (sexual commission) • men regretted acts of sexual omission vs women regret sexual commission • sexual regret - facilitate acting future sexual opps and avoiding entangling commitments

implication for prejudice

Obvious implications: Avoidance of sick people. Additional implications: Prejudices directed toward people who appear superficially "non-normal." Especially when perceivers feel vulnerable to infection. Implications for prejudice reduction. Smoke detector pinciple - we tned to similar kind of prejudices who appear nonnormal (FAT, DIASBILITY, OLD) Subjective "foreign-ness" as a disease cue: Increased xenophobia and ethnocentrism under conditions in which people feel more vulnerable to infection. Example: Germ salience and immigration attitudes (Faulkner et al., 2004) -want to attrack immigrnats from familiar places v foreign ones Example: Pregnancy and ethnocentric attitudes. (Navarrete, Fessler, & Eng, 2007). -susceptible to disgust + ethnocentric/xenophobic atitudes in first few weeks of pregnancy than later

mating motives and altruistic behaviour

One study: -Presented participants with a variety of behaviours that you might engage in that are altruistic (eg. Help others by conserving water use, help pick up trash, help capture robber, help save drowing person) -How willing would you be to engage in this form of behaviour? -Different forms of helping behaviour (heroic vs non heroic) -Looking at how people's willingness to engage in behvaiour differ whether mating motives were aroused or not non-heroic helping: mative motives led women but not men to non-heroic helping herioc helping: - Men indicated greater willingness to heroic helping when mating motive was activated - Signaling to potential mates that they are awesome altruistic dudes helping behaviour that signals dominance: - eg. Willingness to engage in a debate someone who is advocating a morally wrong issue, stand up and give a speech, doing something for the good of everyone but also able to win debate and signal dominance Results didn't affect women's inclination to do it Did affect men to do it (benefit themselves in the mating game)

differences in mate preferences

Preferences for romantic partners' age, relative to own age. (Research by Kenrick and colleagues) -people would like to hook up with someone between ages of this and that -If u r my age then u r out of my range preferenes for romantic partners: males -no matter what age boys or men are, what their pirzing as a mate is something is has characteristics associated with being fertile -y axis = acceptable age (0 = same age) Compared to women, men generally place a higher priority on physical attractiveness of potential mates. (For men, the physical characteristics that connote "attractiveness" are physical features associated with fertility.) Compared to men, women generally place a higher priority on social status, financial prospects, and traits that connote potential access to (and ability to provide) resources.

Multiple mates as a means of making more genetically diverse offspring.

Problem: 1.Ecological circumstances change; 2.Unpredictable threats to offspring survival. Potentially beneficial solution: Multiple mates. 1.Increased genetic diversity across entire pool of offspring. 2.Increased likelihood that some will survive and reproduce. diversity of disease-causing pathogens -> multi-mate mating strategies among females -> more genetically diverse set of offspring -> greater total reproductive fitness

mating motives and consumer behaviour

Provisioning ability/ Resources STUDY Presented men and women (uni students) list of things they might consider buying (new watch, phone, etc) and asked how much money would you be willing to spend on this item Wanted to see how much men and women were inclined to spend on things that were showy, that might display consumer behaviour Manipulated mating motives Results: Women: arousing mating motives didn't matter, indicated willingness to spend same amount Men: indicating a greater keenness to spend on showy stuff when mating motive was aroused - follow up study: In addition to asking men and women they would spend on conspicuous products (watch, phone), also presented list of less conspicuous products (household cleaner) Results: Women: mating motives didn't matter, just as likely to allocate money in control and manipulative condition - Men: mating motives aroused, strategic keenness to spend money on conspicuous items that ppl can see and signal one's wealth, keen to spend money in more blatant ways -follow up study: money spent on purchase that signal generosity -Interested to see how arousal of mating motives to influence men and women to spend money to convey generosity -Willingness to spend money on bidding on charity item they didn't care about -Spending money that doesn't just signal wealth but also generosity Results: -Women & men: mating motives increased keenness to spend money that signaled a generous giving person

common stereotypes of mating strategies

STUDY Looking at skateboarders doing tricks at skate park (show-offy behaviour), risk going splat Manipulated whether there was an attractive young female/male watching did they complete the trick or abort the trick?

mating motives & creative story-telling

STUDY Study wanted to measure creativity in some way -Used the method of creative story telling -Brought ppt into lab and presented with sets of pictures (ambiguous), and asked ppt to make up a story, then coded by people on how creative they were In experimental manipulation trigger i-n some folks mating motives; control condition no mating motives -Experimental condition: presented with attractive person photo and imagine scenario where they interact with person, building in head a sexual encounter (getting motives aroused) Results: -Vertical axis: how creative stories were -Females: manipulation had no effect whatsoever, control and experimental conditions equally creative -Males: in control condition just as creative as women, mating motive condition aroused their stories were extra creative men using the expression of creativity as a way of showing off to potential imaginary mates

parental investment theory

Sex differences in parental investment. Sex with greater obligatory investment: -More cautious and more choosy (in context of sexual decision-making). Sex with less obligatory investment: -More competitive for access to mates. Male peacocks have extravagant tails that draws attention/shows off; tails evolved to sexual selection pressures, having extravagant tail that consumes resources to maintain and serves as a signal to choosy female peacocks that the male can survive with the tail despite its high maintenance good genes, good qualities Handicapped principle -Male bouerbirds build useful and creative nests (shiny things, colourful, berries, shells, bottle caps) serves to attract females/ show off to females look at awesome nest, mate with me -In humans, men do a lot of stuff (artistic expression, money spending, demonstrating generosity, athletic skills, etc.) that lead to risk taking behaviour show off their qualities as mates to choosy females)

parental investment theory

Sex differences in parental investment. Sex with greater obligatory investment: More cautious and more choosy (in context of sexual decision-making). Sex with less obligatory investment: More competitive for access to mates.

adaptive flexibility in mate preferences

Some examples: Sex ratio and prioritization of physical attractiveness: (Watkins et al., 2012) - When men are perceived to outnumber women, women show increased preference for men with symmetrical faces. Pathogen prevalence and prioritization of physical attractiveness: (Gangestad & Buss, 1993) - In places where disease-causing pathogens are more prevalent, both men and women place a higher priority on attractive mates. -perceived physical attractive is a cue of health, genes, produce healthy offsprings

implication for sexual behaviour

When threat of infection is psychologically salient, people are more inclined to engage in safer sexual behavior. Example: Fart spray and condoms study (Tybur et al., 2011). -WENT IN lab room w/ fart spray v lab room and they would use more condoms

Sexually seductive behavior across the menstrual cycle:

When women are more likely to conceive, they engage in more sexually seductive behavior. 1)STUDY (Strippers tips) - horizontal axis: where the lap dancing women were in menstrual cycle vertical axis: how much money the women made Results -Dotted line were women on the pill; nothing notable -Normally cycling women: the period up to ovulation phase, they made more money Why? Perhaps engaging in more behaviours that men liked; ambiguous 2) clothing choice STUDY Looking at women's clothing choices across their cycle Had women not on the pill, normally cycling women, came into lab twice, two different sessions Asked women to imagine scenario in which they were going to a party and draw what they were going to wear Use coloured pencil to draw on paper doll the outfit Objective measures of how revealing the outfit was and subjective rating of how sexy the outfit was Results Left drawing: women drawing outfit during low fertility phase Right drawing: same women drawing outfit during high fertility phase of cycle Women in more fertile phase indicated an intention to wear something more revealing/sexy Sexual attraction and the colour red (many studies) One finding: men tend to find women more attractive if they are wearing red Normally cycling women more likely to wear red during ovulation Works one way not the other (women don't perceive men wearing red to be more attractive)

mating motives & conformity/non-conformity

Will not follow the crowd because it makes one stand out Being different can make one look stupid or good Extent to which arousal of mating motives leads to increase or decrease in conformity (compared to a control condition): Factual questions -Center line marked at 0 that indicates there's no diff between mating motive condition and control condition -Women showed slight tendency to be a little bit likely to conform -Men especially likely to conform, do not want to look very stupid to factual questions Subjective Questions When mating motives were aroused: -Women especially likely to conform to other people's subjective opinions -Men were more likely to not conform want to set themselves apart, look distinctive


Women are especially likely to regret specific sexual actions. 1.Losing virginity to wrong partner 2.Cheating on past or present partner 3.Letting relationship progress to fast 4.Having unsafe sex 5.Having sex with stranger Men are especially likely to regret specific sexual inactions. MEN 1. too shy to indicate sexual attraction 2. not being sexually adventurous when younger 3. not being sexually adventurous when single 4. not experimenting 5. cheating on past partner

ST Mating psyc for men

a) physiological evidence: testicle size • large testes - evolve as intense sperm competition (alrger advantage) • human females -1.1 male sex partners (10% more than gorillas) • behaviour that leads to sperm competition - females having sex w/ variety of males • humans show higher lvls of sperm competition than monogamous gorillas but lower than promiscusou chimps + bonobos b)variations in sperm insemination • number of sperm inseminated increases when other mens sperm might be inside of wifes tract due to the opp of extramarital sex • increase in sperm inseminated after prolonged separation ensures that his sperm will stand a greater chance in race to get egg by crowding or displacing other ppls sperm c)psyc evidence: desire fore variety of sex partners • lust - motivating force • increased gender equality should result in reduction or elimination of sex differences (only in norwa) • men expressed a desire for larger number of sex partners than women d)time elapsed before seeking intercourse • let time elapse before meeting a desired potential partner + seeking sex intercourse • men and women say would have sex after knowing a desirable potential mate for fie year (men reported more in shorter intervals) • men - willing to have sex after little time has elapsed e)lowering of standards in short-term mating • relaxed standards ensure more numerous potential sex partners • men willing to mate in ST w/ opp sex 4 yrs younger • men require lower level of assets than women in varietyof sex partners f)mate preferences • prefer promiscuity, high sex drive + sexual experience for ST mating • LT - men prefer facial info, ST - body info; not in women

kerick's pyramid

bottom-top: 1. immediate physiological needs 2. self-protection 3. afflifation 4. status/esteem 5. mate qcquisition 6. mate retention 7. parenting -4-5 years old, maybe tat in the bottom stuff that all that matters but as one matures; there is increasingly there is problems of survival but prolems of reproduction -esteem - its about the esteem of others; not self esteem -evolved motivaitonal system associated with parental care and offspring -these can shift in the prioritisation -evolu doesn't rule out subjective emotonal experience; u can start to build ur model of understanding by simply saying about the subjective experience that matter to people

behavioural immune system

evolved physiological mechanisms -also sucks because immune sys does stuff to get parasites off, but in the process of doing it, it also makes it feel pretty crappy -we get a fever when we get a bacterial infection (product of immune sys rather than bacteria) Another set of adaptations: The "behavioral immune system": Functionally-specialized psychological mechanisms... 1.Detect presence of pathogens in environment. 2.Produce "useful" emotional and cognitive responses that facilitated behaviors that were adaptive in the EEA. (But not necessarily useful or adaptive now.) -behaviourally repsonses -gneeral princople: of adaptive flexibility (responses have costs and beenfits; these responses more likely to be produced when the benefits of the response were more likely to happen if they outweigh the cost; this resposnes are especially strong) Two general implications: The behavioral immune system produces responses to many things that pose no actual risk of infection. The behavioral immune system produces stronger responses when people perceive themselves to be more vulnerable to infection.

folk biology

o Folk biology - intuition that living things come in discrete packets that correspond to distinct species that each distinct species has an internal essence that produces its growth, bodily functions, external form, special powers ♣ Ie. Lions have internal essence producing canine teeth + specialized claws to kill u o Core belief - diff members of same species share hidden causal essences = evolved cognitive adaptation

responses to intimate invitations

one condition - I see u around campus wud u like to have dinner -another condition " " would you go to be apartment -another condition "would you go to bed w/ me would u go to my apartment -man asks woman: dinner is better, apartment no, bed no -woman ask mans - dinner lowest

women's short term mating

orgasm in women • women discharge 35 of sperm w/in thirty minutes , if orgasm retains 70% of sperm, jecting only 30; 5 percentn ot large but if repeatedly in woman after woman, could add large slection pressure over time • lack of orgasm ejection of sperm • woman having afaris at time of their menstrual cycle - ovulating • more likely to be orgasmic w/ affair partner

error management and mens' (mis)perceptions of womens romantic interest

worst is if u think they aren't interest but when they are interested Research on mens' (mis)perceptions of womens' romantic interest: (Haselton & Buss, 2000) Because men are "eager" in mating contexts... - Men over-estimate women's romantic interest. - (This happens only when the women are perceived to be plausible mates.)

mens preference for ovulating women?

• 1. Channel courtship seduction sexual behavior toward ovulating women thus maximizing odds of successful fertilize • 2. Save effort by avoiding women not ovulating • they can detect o during ovulation women appear to have healthy reddening of cheeks o womens lightens - they prefer lighter end of the spectrum • 3. During ovulation, women's levels of circulating estrogen increase - decrease in womens WHR • 4. Touched more often if voluating in bars • more attractive during ovulation, wo, feeling more attractive during ovulation, etc • may initate more sexual contact during ovulation (attractive men)

embryo protection hypothesis

• 3 months of preg - women develop pregnancy sickness - heightened sensitivity and a nausceaus reaction to particular foods = morning sickness o this is adaptation that prevents mothers from consuming and absorbing teratogens • toxins occur in variety of plants - how to get valuable nutrients w/o getting toxins • plants signal toxity w/ chems (cabbage, caluflower, broccoli, burssel sourts - get strong tastes from allyl isothiocyanate - bitter and unpleasant and avoid consuming toxins • specific foods distatasteful = coffee, meat, alcohol, veggies • 1/3 women = bread • barbeque - carcinogens/ spoiled met more likely to vomit if consume ( presents toxins from entering mother's bloodstream and passing through placenta to developing fetus) • evidence supporting o foods pregnant women repugnant usually have the highest # of toxins o occurs precisely at time fetus is most vulnerable to toxins o decreases eight week + entirely fourteenth week, coinciding w/ the end of sensitive period fo organ development o women who do not have preoganngy sickness - likely to experience spontaneous abortion • there is some evidence it happens in some traditional societies but need more

disease avoidance hypothesis

• Disgust - adaptation serves defense against microbial attack, protecting people from the risk of disease o Involves feeling nausea/revulsion o Strong withdrawal from stimulus • Hypotheses o 1. Disgust - evoked most strongly by disease-carrying substances o 2.disgust elicitors should be universal across cultures o 3. Disgust should activate immune system ♣ elevated body temp when seing images of contamindated food ♣ ppl disgusted by things like leftovers/moldy foods • ppl don't want to touch feces no matter if its washed • facial expressions from ppl who are blnd • 4. Gender difference: women care for infants protect find things more disgusting o heightened sensitivity to contamination • potential contact w/ ppl w/ poor hygiene n stuff evokes disgust • sexual disgust - specialized adaptation to avoid potentially infected sex partner • disgust evolved to avoid predictable classes of disease conduits that jeopardized survival • some incidences when its advantageous to turn off or suppress digust reaction for fam member o mothers rate their bb's feces as less disgusting than others • cannibalism due to famine


• Neophobia - strong aversion to new foods o Rats sample new and unfamiliar food in small amounts + eat new foods serpately, not together (have opp to learn what makes them sick)

provisioning hypothesis

• bc meat is economical + concentrated food resource, can be transported effectively back to home base ot feed young o far less efficient to transport low calroies over long distances hunting = heavy investment + provisioning men channel toward children • strong male coalitions - large hunting cames (group-on-grou aggression + defense/ ingroup political aliances) • strong reciprorcal altruism + social exchange o store surplus in friends + neighbours • sexual division of labor o men more well suited to hunt n shit • explanation of emergence of stone tool use

evolved standards of physical beauty

• beauty is the adaptations of the beholder • 1) features of physical appearance (full ips, clear skin, smooth sin, clear eyes, lustruous hair, good muscle tone/ fat distribution • 2) features of behaviour - bouncy youthful gait , animated facial expression and high energy level • younger women have longer hair - hair quality correlated w/ subjective judgments of womens' health • skin quality - good genes = unblemished bc absence of parasite • feminitity - facial femininity o higher level of estrogen o high pitched voices , highheels • facial symmetry - developmental stability • facial averageness - 1) ppl may show generalized cognitive preference for thigns easily processed + stimuli match an avg prototype may be easier to process • 2) averageness - marker of genetic + phenotypic quality • leg length - 5% longer than avg = attractive

children's anti predator adaptations

• childrens emotional fears of animals - evolved defense sys; info processing mechanisms to avoid predators • children require 3 cognitive skills o 1) category of predator that motivations to eat prey 2) predictions of predators behaviour 00> understanding death is potential outcome of an interaction w/ predator; permanent + irreversible o get this at age 3-4 • prepared social learning about dangerous animals - learn danger info in single trial w/ no feedback + encode in LTM + recall it vividly week later

fire & cooking

• cooking renders fibrous fruits, tubers, raw meat more digestible, frees up energy reducing costs of digestion + killing of microorganism that could be toxic to humans • invention of fire + ability to cooky provided key evol impetus for evolution of large brains o 1) cooking food provides predictable increase in its net energy value o 2) cooking renders foo dmore easily digestible o 3) human universal o 4) human brain requires tremendous calories to function (and raw stuff don't provide as much) o 5. Exclusively raw food diets, humans fare poorly + lose ability to reproduce • when the intentional use of fire entered ?? - 200,000 yrs ??

theory of senscence

• deterioriation of all bodily mechanisms as organisms grow older • power of natural selection decrease w/ increasing age o gene activated at age 20 thtat weakened immune sys would have greater consequences vs 50 • pleiotropy - phenomenon whereby gene can have two or more effecs o genes boost testosterone in men causing them to be more successful in competing with other men for status early in lfie but elevated testosterone can have negative effect later in life - increasing rate of prostrate cancer • selection for mens success in mate compettion will be favored even if genes have detrimental effect later on • later reproductive events much smaller impact than events occurring later in life • strong selciton for early advantage produces a higher proportion of pleitorpic genes that cause early death • selection most potent early in life bc any events that happen early can affect entire span of person reproductive years • as ppl get older, this weakens • heavy costs cumulate in old age

hunting hypothesis

• ecological change - global cooling producing dramatic increase in open grassland, making plant food scarce + animals attractive for food • hard to get all nutrients from vegetarian diet • human gut - small intestines - proteins broken down + nutrients absorbed vs apes who have large tubes for vegetarian diet • human cannot produce vitamins A +B 12 and found in meet

fears phobias, anxieties, and adaptive biases

• fear = unpleasant feeling arising as normal response ot realistic dangers o distinguished = phobias • marks + bracha 6 ways fear + anxiety can afford protection o 1. Freezing - helps conceal from predator + inhibits aggressive attack o 2/ fleeing o 3. Fighting o 4. Submission or appeasement - when threat is another member o 5. Fright - paly dead o 6. Faint - losing consciousness to signal to an attacker that one is not a threat • fear brings predictable set of evolved physiological reactions o epinephrine - acts on blood receptors to aid blood clotting + sustain a wound ♣ release glucose making energy available to muscles for fight or flight, HR speeds up + increasing blood flow

testosterone & mens strategies

• higher T levels facilitate male pursuit of females + increase after interacting w/ attractive women o drops when succeeds in getting attractive women o men in later stages of relationship has lower T values o 2) longitudinal study - divorced me n who remarry experience a subsequent drops in T levels • men w/ higher t said eys more to having affair

antimicrobial hypothesis

• humans have to eat but eating is dangerous • spices come from plants, - emit unique smells (secondary compounds) o function as defense mechanisms to prevent macroorganisms + microorgnaisms from attack them • spices kill or inhibit growth of microorganisms + prevent production of toxins in food we eat so help humans to solve a critical problem of survivial o avoiding being made ill / poisoned by the foods we eat o most potent - oregano, onion, garlic, allspice - hot climates o cold climate may need less bc less likely to spoil o spices used in meat dishes (more dangerous microorganisms)

solutions to problem of paternal uncertainty

• marriage one solution - seek cues of fidelity/y infidelity • 2 preferences 1) desire for premarital chastity 2) quest for postmarital sexual fidelity • men do value virgins bride more but decline 4 it in importance • cultural variability for preference of each sex for chastity o finance - women who are independent may not care for it • reliable signal of future fidelity - ppl who have been unfaithful in past

specific spatial abilities

• men better at spatial tasks in successful hunting o can find way home w/o getting lose • women will be better at sptail location memory as gathering adaptation v men = navigational abilities, maps o more fine grained discriminations, better memory for tastes • men - mental rotation of obects + navigation through unfamiliar terrain - use astract eclidan directions ( north / south) vs women - central landmarks

body fat, WHR, BMI

• men prefer heavier women during economic hard times o relatively abundant times - skinnier preferences • men consistently prefer female bodies that are heavier in weight than womens perceptions of what men prefer • WHR - .85-.95 before puberty; than later it .67-.80 o Diseases are linked to distribution of fat; lower whr + large pbreasts - 26% higher lvls of ovarian hormone oestradiol - good predictor of fertility + preganancy success o Men fine women w/ low WHR most attractive .70 o Local cultural rage - ment tend t o find WHR that is lower than local average o ST strategy prefers low WHR more • bMI - good indicator, compared to WHR/waist circumstance dk which is better

gathering hypothesis

• men provided critical evolutionary impetus for emergence of modern humans through hunting • stone tools were invented for digging up and gather not hunting • securing plant food thru use of stone tools provided primary evolutionary impetus for emergence of modern human • women with husbands who provide well spend less time foraging vs woman whose husbands provide little • women do not hunt regularly, occupied with pregnancy + dependent children making hunting more onerous, risky, less profitable • gathering doesn't explain high parental investment by human males , doesn't account for emergence of powerful male coalitaional psyc or alliances /sharing o division of labour b/t sexes, emergence of high male parental investment, sharp differences b/t humans + apes

effects of men's mate preferences on women's completion tactic

• ppl perceive acts of appearance enhancement to be more effective mate attraction tactics for women than for men • women more sensitive to mate preferences of men in their interactions involving rivlas or attracting o feel more threatened by "attractiver" woman o lipstick effect - women are primed by cues of economic hardhisp , ramp up their spending on beauty enhancement products • sexual comptetion hypothes- eating disorders are maladaptive by-products of a mate compettion strategy ofpursuing thinnes • !) importance men place on PA 2 ) media images 3_ high levels of health in US intraseual comepttion to appear youthful • mens mate preferences affect nt only their own mating behaviour but mating behaviour of women in their mate competition tactics

evolutionary hangover

• ripest fruits - sugar + ethanol o consuming low levels of ethanol for years thru ripe fruit o ethanol levels in ruit are low • frugivory by-product hypothesis - human penchant for dirnking alcohol is not an adaptation = by produt of adaptive fondness for ripe fruit o unique odor + often associated w/ color + fragrance of ripe fruits o all humans adaptations that favor consumption of ripe fruit o overindulgence of frugivourous adaptations

savana hypothesis

• selectin has favoured preferences, motivationsand decision rules to explore and settle in enviro abundant with resources needed to sustain life while simultaneously avoiding enviro lacking reosurces + posing risksto survival • national enviros preferred ot human made • 3 stages o 1. Selection - encounter w/ habitat or landscape, key decision whether to leave or explore ♣ initial resposnes = highly affective or emotional; open enviros lacking cover are abandoned o 2. Information gathering - enviro is explored for resources + potential dangers ♣ tend to like paths that wind around a bend until they are out of sight and hills promise something lying behind them ♣ places to hide + multiple escape roots ♣ must take cover as darkness falls - see door, as distant from door possible, on location within room toward door opened (protection from aggressors) o 3. Habitat selection - exploitation - another decision about whether to stay in habitat long enough to reap benefits of resources it signal the onset of greens + fruits long absent during winter months ♣ stay long enough to get beenfits? Combating predators and other enviro dangers: fears phobias

most common fears

• specific fears of humans emerge in development at precisely time when danger would have been encountered • spiders evoke greater fear than any other group • crawiling increase risk of contact w/ piders/ dangerous falls, encounters w/ stranger o separation anxiety • animal fears - age 2 when bhild begins more expansive exploration • agoraphobia (fear of public) emerge later as young leave the home base • developmental timing of emergence of fears seem to correspond precisely to onset of diff adaptive problems - diff forms of trheat to survival • adult women more likely than men t odevelop fears = phobia, and also assault robbery, burgulary rape or caraccidents o men are more likely to experience this except rape • people found snakes/ spiders faster than harmless objects o feared stimuli faster o attention bias towards ancestral dangers occur in our perceptions of cdes o approaching vs receding o auditory bias - give margin of safety oto avoid dangerous approaching hazards

show off hypothesis

• women prefer to have neighbours who are show offs - men who go for rare but valuable bonanzas of meat bc they benefit by gaining a portion of it esp in times of shortage • better hunters typiall have more mates + more desirable mates = higher reates of offspring survival • 84% of reosurces acquired by men shared outside immediate fam vs 58 y women • can be considered a rival of provisioning hypothesis o men hunted not to provide for own fams but to gain status benefits of sharing their bounty with neighbours

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