PSYC 3593 Test 1

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Jill develops the theory that students learn better from lectures than from reading. Sam believes that this theory is not very good because it is unclear what Jill means by "better." In other words, Jill's theory lacks: A) precision. B) discoverability. C) parsimony. D) generativity.


On December 20, 1901, which person gave a speech on the psychological aspects of advertising that marked the beginning of I/O psychology? A) Walter Dill Scott B) Kurt Lewin C) Laura Koppes D) Richard Hackman


According to Moore and Hartmann, I/O psychology in Europe: A) did not start developing until the 1950s. B) developed earlier and faster than it did in the United States. C) suffered from a lack of financial and governmental support. D) was hampered by researchers refusing to collaborate with one another.


One of the university-based I/O psychology training programs that emphasized organizational issues rather than industrial issues was the: A) Research Center for Group Dynamics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. B) Human Resources Lab at Carnegie Tech. C) Human Resources Lab at Pennsylvania State University. D) Quality of Work Life Center at the University of Maryland.


Cascio's (1995) research suggests that when laid-off employees are rehired: A) they have lost many of the skills they used to have. B) they earn a lower wage than they were earning at the time they were laid off. C) they are less likely to be laid off again in the near future. D) they experience discrimination from employees who have been working at the company for longer.


Dinah's work primarily involves which area of emphasis? A) organizational development B) training and development C) performance appraisal D) quality of work life


During World War I, the Army Alpha and Army Beta tests differed from previous intelligence tests in that they: A) were composed of multiple-choice questions and could be administered in groups. B) were meant to be administered to one individual at a time. C) rewarded employees for higher levels of intelligence. D) were used to assess personality.


Frederick Taylor's scientific management approach suggested that employees could be motivated to work effectively by means of: A) financial incentives. B) praise and recognition. C) seeing the practical importance of their work. D) a feeling of fairness.


I/O psychologists who work as university professors typically teach in the psychology department or the _____ department. A) business B) engineering C) labor studies D) human factors


In the Hawthorne Studies, researchers were attempting to manipulate _____ to see if it affected job performance. A) light B) noise level C) room temperature D) worker experience


Researchers are using _____ when they start with data and create a theory to explain it; and they are using _____ when they start with a theory and collect data to support or refute that theory. A) induction; deduction B) deduction; induction C) reduction; induction D) induction; reduction


The Hawthorne Studies illustrated that _____ were more important than the physical conditions of work. A) social and psychological conditions B) financial incentives C) leaders D) competencies


The association with which most I/O psychologists affiliate is: A) SIOP. B) JOOP. C) MPA. D) AIOP.


The first PhD in industrial psychology was earned by _____ in 1921. A) Bruce V. Moore B) Walter Dill Scott C) Hugo Munsterberg D) Lillian Gilbreth


The five areas that account for the largest portion of work conducted by I/O psychologists are organizational development, performance appraisal, selection, quality of worklife, and: A) training and development. B) compensation. C) human factors. D) consumer behavior.


The five areas that account for the largest portion of work conducted by I/O psychologists are training and development, performance appraisal, organizational development, quality of work life, and: A) selection. B) compensation. C) human factors. D) consumer behavior.


The five areas that account for the largest portion of work conducted by I/O psychologists are training and development, performance appraisal, selection, organizational development, and: A) quality of work life. B) compensation. C) human factors. D) consumer behavior.


The five areas that account for the largest portion of work conducted by I/O psychologists are training and development, performance appraisal, selection, quality of work life, and: A) organizational development. B) compensation. C) human factors. D) consumer behavior.


The goal of science that involves the manipulation of antecedent conditions to affect behavior is called: A) control. B) explanation. C) prediction. D) disconfirmation.


What employment settings do the largest percentage (over 40%) of I/O psychologists work in? A) universities B) private organizations C) non-profit organizations D) consulting firms


What is one of SIOP's top 10 workplace trends for 2016? A) using social media in recruiting and selecting applicants B) addressing workplace violence C) facilitating intergenerational cooperation D) a lack of competent leadership in the workplace


What is one of the top trends in I/O psychology according to a SIOP article published in 2016? A) the growing importance of innovation and creativity B) bullying and aggression in the workplace C) addressing intergenerational issues D) a lack of competent leadership in the workplace


What is the top trend in I/O psychology according to a SIOP article published in 2016? A) Globalization and the virtual workplace B) Bullying and aggression in the workplace C) Addressing the aging workforce D) Increased physical dangers in the workplace


When Kish-Gephart, Harrison, and Trevino (2010) talk about "bad apples" in terms of organizational ethics, they are referring to: A) characteristics of people who make poor ethical choices. B) characteristics of situations that lead to unethical decisions. C) organizational characteristics that are defined by poor ethics. D) individuals who convince others to make poor ethical choices.


Which of these is a criterion of a good theory? A) usefulness B) empiricism C) entropy D) pseudoscience


Which of these is the key characteristic of science? A) It involves formal and systematic observation. B) It involves the use of laboratories. C) It is performed by professors. D) It results in technological advances.


Which of these occurred during the time period between World War II and the mid-1960s? A) Organizational psychology became a more equal partner with industrial psychology. B) The Army Alpha and Army Beta intelligence tests were administered for the first time. C) Bruce V. Moore received the first PhD in I/O psychology. D) Hugo Munsterberg published The Psychology of Management.


During which time period did I/O psychology begin to expand beyond the academic and military realms into government and private industry? A) pre-World War I B) from World War I through the 1920s C) from World War II to the mid-1960s D) from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s


A doctoral student in I/O psychology will complete his or her training by completing a _____, which will involve reviewing the research literature and designing a study to answer a series of research questions. A) publication B) dissertation C) practicum D) competency exam


A scientist/practitioner is someone who: A) industrial and organizational psychology. B) theory and application. C) leaders and followers. D) SIOP and APA.


I/O psychologists who are mainly concerned with the measurement and improvement of job-related attitudes work in the area known as: A) performance appraisal. B) quality of work life. C) consumer psychology. D) organizational development


Janice, an I/O psychologist, spends most of her time designing tests to help her select new employees, train those new employees, and help managers conduct performance evaluations. Most of Janice's work would fall under the _____ subspecialty of I/O psychology. A) personality psychology B) industrial psychology C) organizational psychology D) selective psychology


One area that is expected to be a focal point for technology use is: A) employee motivation. B) employee selection. C) employee training. D) the creation of organizational development interventions.


One emerging issue in workplace diversity is value differences among: A) people who come from different regions of the United States. B) employees of different generations. C) parents and nonparents. D) telecommuters and traditional workers.


One important implication of downsizing is that: A) organizations will likely expand again and will need to rehire many former employees. B) those who are not laid off will need to handle more diverse jobs and heavier workloads. C) organizations will want to repopulate the workforce with older applicants. D) reverse discrimination will increase.


One reason why the number of traditional jobs for workers and organizations has decreased is: A) a decrease in the number of Generation X workers. B) new technology. C) an increase in the number of baby boomer generation workers D) labor law.


The concern with ethnic and racial differences on selection tests and the fairness of those tests resulted from the: A) need to match military recruits to jobs. B) social, political, and legal climate of the 1960s. C) "flattening" of organizations. D) emphasis of the scientist/practitioner model in I/O psychology training programs


The goal of science that involves learning about how and why a phenomenon exists is known as: A) control. B) explanation. C) description. D) proving.


The subspecialty that involves the study of the assessment, measurement, and selection of people in their jobs is: A) personality psychology. B) industrial psychology. C) performance psychology. D) organizational psychology.


This criterion of a good theory states that it should be practical and help to describe, explain, and predict an important phenomenon. Thus, a good theory must be: A) systematic. B) useful. C) deterministic. D) testable.


What is one of the top trends in I/O psychology according to a SIOP article published in 2016? A) the growing importance of preventing workplace violence B) a focus on developing and coaching employees C) addressing intergenerational issues D) a lack of competent leadership in the workplace


When Kish-Gephart, Harrison, and Trevino (2010) talk about "bad cases" in terms of organizational ethics, they are referring to: A) characteristics of people who make poor ethical choices. B) characteristics of situations that lead to unethical decisions. C) organizational characteristics that are defined by poor ethics. D) particularly egregious examples of ethical lapses on the part of a company.


Which book was written by Hugo Munsterberg? A) The Theory of Advertising B) Psychology and Industrial Efficiency C) The Psychology of Management D) The DSM-IV


Which of these is an important area for an I/O psychologist to be competent in? A) marketing strategies B) research methods C) counseling distressed individuals D) graphic design


Which of these occurred during the time period between World War I and the 1920s? A) Organizational psychology became a more equal partner with industrial psychology. B) The Army Alpha and Army Beta intelligence tests were administered for the first time. C) The Hawthorne studies were conducted. D) The civil rights movement led to a greater focus on fairness and discrimination i


n terms of their educational training, most I/O psychologists have: A) received training from the APA. B) obtained a PhD in I/O psychology. C) earned a PhD from a business school. D) attended graduate school outside of the United States and Canada.


n which areas do more I/O psychologists work? A) quality of work life B) selection C) industrial engineering D) performance management


The goal of science that involves the accurate portrayal of a certain phenomenon is known as: A) control. B) explanation. C) description. D) evaluation.


A recent conceptualization of ethical leadership that focuses on followers' perceptions of leader behaviors as morally right is known as: A) good apples. B) alpha leadership. C) moralized leadership. D) beta leadership.


Dominic, an I/O psychologist, spends most of his time developing leaders, conducting surveys, gauging employee motivation and satisfaction, and ensuring his workers are safe. Most of Dominic's work would fall under the _____ subspecialty of I/O psychology. A) personality psychology B) industrial psychology C) organizational psychology D) counseling psychology


Dr. Le believes that humans behave in orderly ways, and it is possible to detect this orderliness . Dr. Le appears to believe in an assumption of science known as: A) parsimony. B) precision. C) discoverability. D) generativity.


During the mid-1980s through 2000, I/O doctoral programs increased by _____ and master's programs increased by ____. A) 10%; 50% B) 20%; 100% C) 50%; 200% D) 100%; 500%


During which time period did Division 14 of the APA change its name to the Division of Industrial and Organizational Psychology? A) pre-World War I B) World War I through the 1920s C) the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s D) the mid-1980s to the present


Fredrick Taylor's approach to work motivation was known as: A) vocational interests. B) Army Alpha. C) scientific management. D) scientist/practitioner approach.


One emerging issue related to downsizing is that older individuals who are downsized: A) are more likely to receive a leadership position when they are rehired. B) opt not to rejoin the workforce and retire instead. C) take longer to find a new job than younger applicants. D) tend to have a lighter workload when they are reemployed.


One major area that I/O psychologists focus on in their work is quality of work life. Which of these is the BEST definition of what this work might involve? A) These psychologists counsel employees and give them advice on how to deal with problems in their work lives. B) These psychologists work with employees to help them deal with problems in their personal lives. C) These psychologists assess whether employees are satisfied with their jobs. D) These psychologists ensure that managers are using fair measures to assess employee performance.


Professor Sandhurst collects data from employees before developing a theory of job satisfaction. This approach is known as: A) reduction. B) deduction. C) induction. D) postduction.


Shania is an I/O psychologist who spends her time designing surveys that supervisors can use to evaluate their subordinates. She also compiles results from these surveys and provides suggestions to supervisors about how to deal with employees who are underperforming. Shania's work primarily involves which area of emphasis? A) selection B) organizational development C) performance appraisal D) quality of work life


Shuo, an I/O psychologist who works at a large corporation, is in charge of performance management. Which activity would Shuo be most likely to engage in? A) developing an intervention to redesign the organization's structure B) training new employees on how to do their jobs C) designing a performance appraisal measure for managers to use on their subordinates D) assessing employee satisfaction


The Army Alpha test: A) helped determine which soldiers were too traumatized for active duty. B) was used to determine which soldiers had the mental toughness to be successful spies. C) was a mental ability test that helped the army select and place military personnel. D) was a physical ability test that all military personnel had to pass to be considered for combat duty.


The birth of organizational psychology has been viewed by many as marked by: A) World War II. B) Army Alpha and Army Beta testing. C) the Hawthorne Studies. D) the civil rights movement.


The five areas that account for the largest portion of work conducted by I/O psychologists are training and development, organizational development, selection, quality of work life, and: A) compensation. B) human factors. C) performance appraisal. D) consumer behavior.


The scientific philosopher Karl Popper stated that science is really about: A) generating as many theories as possible in order to advance science. B) proving that theories are true based on experimental data. C) ruling out alternative explanations until one explanation or theory fits the data. D) creating new theories, even if no one ever tests them.


Ting believes that if you die in a dream you will also die in real life. Karen points out that if someone dies in his or her sleep we could never find out what happened in the dream. Thus, there is no way to demonstrate support for Ting's theory. His theory lacks: A) precision. B) parsimony. C) testability. D) determinism.


What employment settings do the smallest percentage (4%) of I/O psychologists work in? A) universities B) private organizations C) non-profit organizations D) consulting firms


What is the BEST definition of the scientist/practitioner model? A) Practitioners must be educated by someone who is a scientist. B) Scientists must be educated by someone who is a practitioner. C) Scholars should understand both theory and application in their area. D) Effective scientists will have spent a fair amount of time working as practitioners.


When Kish-Gephart, Harrison, and Trevino (2010) talk about "bad barrels" in terms of organizational ethics, they are referring to: A) characteristics of people who make poor ethical choices. B) characteristics of situations that lead to unethical decisions. C) organizational characteristics that are defined by poor ethics. D) individuals who convince others to make poor ethical choices.


Which of these is LEAST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of industrial psychology? A) employee training and development B) performance appraisal and selection C) work attitudes and behaviors D) job analysis and recruitment


Which of these is a goal of science? A) inquiry B) Internal validity C) description D) discovery


Which of these occurred during the time period between the 1930s and World War II? A) The first I/O PhD was awarded to Bruce V. Moore. B) The Army Alpha and Army Beta intelligence tests were administered for the first time. C) The Hawthorne studies were conducted. D) The civil rights movement led to a greater focus on fairness and discrimination issues.


Who argued that employees should be rewarded for doing their work as efficiently as possible? A) Edward Strong B) John Hawthorne C) Frederick Taylor D) Kurt Lewin


Who wrote the book The Psychology of Management? A) Walter Dill Scott B) Hugo Munsterberg C) Lillian Gilbreth D) Fredrick Taylor


Who wrote the book The Theory of Advertising? A) Kurt Lewin B) Hugo Munsterberg C) Walter Dill Scott D) Lillian Gilbreth


_____ is a research center developed after World War II to continue military-related I/O research. A) SIOP B) Scientific Management C) ARI D) IAAP


Which of these is MOST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of organizational psychology? A) performance appraisal B) selection C) job analysis D) job attitudes


A scientist who believes that behavior is orderly and systematic and does not happen by chance holds the basic assumption of science known as: A) discoverability. B) empiricism. C) descriptivism. D) determinism.


Approximately how many doctoral programs exist for I/O psychology and related fields? A) 20 B) 70 C) 150 D) 220


As a result of the Great Depression and its associated trends of high unemployment and stagnant economic growth, our culture became focused: A) less on the human condition and more on employee testing and training. B) less on employee attitudes and more on efficiency. C) less on worker morale and more on finding the most efficient approach to work. D) less on employee testing/training and more on the human condition.


Based on the unraveling of companies such as Enron, WorldCom, Pfizer and Arthur Anderson, one topic that has received additional attention is: A) stress. B) job performance. C) motivation. D) ethics.


From the mid-1980s to the present, much I/O research has been focused on: A) the human condition. B) scientific management. C) matching military recruits to jobs. D) cognitive frameworks and processes.


Professor Fisk has developed a theory that contains statements that are verifiable by experimentation. The professor's theory has met the criterion for a "good" theory that is known as: A) parsimony. B) precision. C) discoverability. D) testability.


Sean is an I/O psychologist who conducts surveys in his organization to determine what types of things might frustrate or upset employees. His goal is to find ways to help employees feel satisfied and proud of their work. Sean's work primarily involves which area of emphasis? A) selection B) organizational development C) performance appraisal D) quality of work life


Sofia has heard about a theory that suggests that when people are in a group they tend to put forth less effort than when they work alone. She decides to collect some data to see if they support this theory. Sofia is using: A) deduction. B) reduction. C) parsimony. D) induction.


The Hawthorne Studies illustrated that _____ conditions were more important than _____ conditions. A) individual; societal B) societal; individual C) physical; psychological D) psychological; physical


The approach to science that involves starting with a theory and propositions and then collecting data to test those propositions is: A) reduction. B) induction. C) production. D) deduction.


The goals of science include description, explanation, control, and: A) expectation. B) prescription. C) confirmation. D) prediction.


The subspecialty that involves the study of motivation, work attitudes, and the culture of organizations is: A) industrial psychology. B) personnel psychology. C) performance psychology. D) organizational psychology.


The textbook notes that the division between industrial and organizational psychology is somewhat artificial. What is one reason the textbook provides for why this might be a false dichotomy? A) Nobody in the field can agree on what is meant by "industrial" versus "organizational" psychology. B) Few organizations are concerned with industrial psychology topics, so nearly all I/O psychology consultants address only organizational topics. C) When I/O psychologists take their licensure exams, they have to answer questions about both industrial and organizational topics. D) I/O psychologists are trained in both topics, even though they may specialize in one or the other.


The underlying approach to training I/O psychologists is known as the: A) industrial/organizational model. B) consumer/creator model. C) consumer/generator model. D) scientist/practitioner model.


What was one impact the civil rights movement of the 1960s had on I/O psychology? A) At-will employment was deemed illegal. B) Organizations were encouraged to embrace a flatter organizational structure. C) I/O researchers began to focus more heavily on the importance of organizational development. D) There was an increased focus on racial differences on employment tests.


Which of these is LEAST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of organizational psychology? A) leadership B) work attitudes C) motivation D) selection


Which of these is MOST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of industrial psychology? A) leadership B) work attitudes C) motivation D) performance appraisal


Which of these is MOST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of industrial psychology? A) leadership B) work attitudes C) motivation D) selection


Which of these is MOST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of industrial psychology? A) leadership B) work attitudes C) motivation D) training


Which of these is MOST likely to be studied by an I/O psychologist whose emphasis is on the subspecialty of organizational psychology? A) performance appraisal B) selection C) job analysis D) leadership


Which of these is the BEST definition of a competency? A) whether an individual is willing to take a test of his or her skills B) whether an individual popular among his or her peers C) whether an individual has enjoys his or her job D) whether employees have the skills, behaviors, and capabilities necessary to effe


Which of these occurred during the time period between the 1960s and the mid-1980s? A) The first I/O PhD was awarded to Bruce V. Moore. B) The Army Alpha and Army Beta intelligence tests were administered for the first time. C) The Hawthorne studies were conducted. D) The civil rights movement led to a greater focus on fairness and discrimination issues.


Who was often called the First Lady of Management and the Mother of Scientific Management? A) Beverly von Haller Gilmer B) Laura Koppes C) Jan Lewin D) Lillian Gilbreth


_____ discovered that employees could be differentiated for various jobs based on their interests, which led to the development of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank for Men. A) Walter Dill Scott B) James Hawthorne C) Greg Oldham D) Bruce V. Moore


he textbook notes that the division between industrial and organizational psychology is somewhat artificial. What is one reason the textbook provides for why this might be a false dichotomy? A) Nobody in the field can agree on what is meant by "industrial" versus "organizational" psychology. B) Few organizations are concerned with organizational psychology topics, so nearly all I/O psychology consultants address only industrial topics. C) When I/O psychologists earn their required licenses from the American Psychological Association (APA), they must be well-versed in both industrial and organizational topics. D) Most issues faced by organizations encompass both industrial and organizational topics.


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