PSYC 3640 - Job Performance

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what is the difference between Campbell and Coleman/Boreman&Motowidlo model?

- Campbell's model of job performance divides behaviors according to their content - Coleman/Boreman's model of task and contextual performance divides behavior according to their organizational consequences

what are the two types for task performance activities?

- activities that directly transform raw materials to organizational products - activities that service and maintain transformation activities

what are some dimensions of OCB?

- altruism - conscientiousness - sportsmanship - courtesy - civic virtue

what are sources of contamination?

- employees don't have complete control over outcomes - measure captures things that don't have to do with the performance - what the rater thinks of you might impact their rating - occurs when factors irrelevant to the job influence the performance ratings or evaluations

what are the types of job performance measures?

- object measures - judgmental measures - personnel measures

describe the difference between performance and effectiveness.

- performance = expected value of behavior - effectiveness = results of behavior

what are the three types of contextual performance?

- personal support - organizational support - conscientious initiative

what are sources of deficiency?

- raters unable to see all aspects of employee's performance - measure does not capture all behaviors relevant to performance - occurs when the criteria used to evaluate job performance fail to capture important aspects of the job or fail to adequately reflect the full range of behaviors or outcomes relevant to the job

name some ways job performance has been measured?

- sales performance - absenteeism - supervisor ratings - salary - promotion - turnover

what kind of job performances come from Borman and Motowidlo's model?

- task performance - contextual performance

what are some dimensions of CWB?

- theft - destruction of property - misuse of information - misuse of time and resources - unsafe behavior - poor attendance - poor-quality work - alcohol use - drug use - inappropriate verbal actions - inappropriate physical actions

what are the 8 performance components Campbell defines on performance behaviors?

1. job-specific task proficiency 2. non-job-specific task proficiency 3. written and oral communication task proficiency 4. demonstrating effort 5. maintaining personal discipline 6. facilitating peer and team performance 7. supervision and leadership 8. management and administration

match the following to the right answer: a. Criterion Deficiency b. Criterion Contamination c. Criterion Relevance 1. Theoretical Criterion 2. Observed Criterion 3. Mix of both

A. Criterion Deficiency - Theoretical B. Criterion Contamination - Observed C. Criterion Relevance - mix

what does Campbell's model argue? what does Borman and Motowidlo's model argue?

Campbell: wanted to separate desirable job outcomes within an employee's control from those outside an employee's control Borman and Motowidlo: job performance typically appear on formal job description

who created the 3 types of contextual performance?

Coleman and Borman


Organizational Citizenship Behavior; individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization

job performance:

actions or behaviors relevant to the organization's goals; measured in terms of each individual's proficiency. behavior that is valuable to an organization

observed criterion:

actual measure of job performance


attendance is about the norm, does not take extra breaks

civic virtue

attends meetings and functions that aren't required to help the company image


avoids conflicts with other, considers how their actions impact others

contextual performance:

behavior that contributes to organizational effectiveness through its effects on the psychological, social, and organizational context of work

object measures:

count of the result of work (ex. # articles written, volume of memberships sold, # of sales)


counterproductive work behaviors; voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and threatens the well-being of the organization, its members or both


does not spent time complaining about trivial matters, focuses on what's right or on the positive side

are OCB and CWB coincide with each other?

empirical evidence indicates OCB and CWB are separate constructs

judgmental measures:

evaluation of the effectiveness of work behavior (ex. behavioral ratings, yearly performance evaluations, customer satisfaction rating)

what defines good job performance?

good performance is behavior that has an expected value to the organization


helping others who have been absent of having heavy work loads

give an example of personal support

helping, cooperating with, showing consideration to, or motivating others

theoretical criterion:

ideal measure of all relevant aspects of job performance

personnel measures:

measures typically kept in a personnel file (ex. absences, accidents, tardiness)

identify examples of job performance that are job-related behaviors.

meeting deadlines, putting in good work effort, good communication

is OBC formally or not formally rewarded?

not formally rewarded

according to Campbell's model of job performance, what do we have more reasons to be concerned about in terms of measures?

objective and personnel

give an example of conscientious initiative

persisting with extra efforts despite difficult conditions, taking initiative outside of set job responsibilities to accomplish objectives, developing one's own knowledge and skills

task performance:

proficiency with which job incumbents perform activities that are formally recognized as a part of their job

give an example of contextual performance

promoting positive emotions and trust, cleanining up the conference room, professional development activities

give an example of organizational support

representing the organization favorably, showing loyalty to the organization, supporting the organization's mission, or working to make the organization better

what does the Campbell's model do?

separate desirable job outcomes within an employee's control from those outside an employee's control

how does criterion deficiency and contamination relate to job performance?

they ensure the validity and accuracy of job performance measures.

what kind of correlation does OCB and CWB have since they are opposites of each other?

very high, negative correlation

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