Psyc Chapter 9 Motivation & Emotion

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Expectations are based on _____________ and may be rooted in social needs such as the need for ________________ and the need for ______________

achievement and affiliation

Sexual behavior Understanding Human Sexual Behavior Sexual exploration and masturbation being during ___________, and sexual activity typically begins during ______________. o ____________ people engage in sexual activity more often than _________. o Divorce or death of a spouse ____________ sexual activity, especially for women.

adolescences married, singles reduce

SEXUAL BEHAVIOR (physiology plus thought) These factors vary widely from person to person. Sexual activity is also influenced by....

age, gender, religion, and culture

Emotion physiological theory asserts that...

all emotions have under lying basis in the brain and the sympathetic nervous system is responsible

Need: state of physiological imbalance usually accompanied by ____________


Emotion physiological theory James-Lange Theory: physiological arousal occurs first, followed by cognitive interpretation as an emotion; interpretation of an emotion often occurs after a behavioral response is begun b. Cannon-Bard Theory: physiological ____and ______ interpretation occur at the same time

arousal; cognitive

Approach-Avoidance Conflict: facing a single alternative that has both...

attractive and unattractive aspects

Hull's famous ________-_____________ theory (1940s and 1950s) explained physiologically based behaviors such as __________ and ______________

drive- reduction eating; drinking

this theory emphasizes ______ and ______.

drives; need

Extrinsic Motivation: motivation that comes from the... Examples...

outside example mom said you had to go to school

Cognitive Theories:

people use thoughts to determine your goals to achieve them

SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Affiliation and Belonging Seeking the company of others may involve a desire to ___________ or a desire to be ________, to ________ to a group, or to establish ___________ connections.

socialize; accepted; belong; intimacy

this very is not widely accepted toady, as psychologists do not recognize many human behaviors as autonomic. Why is it not recognized?

very few human behaviors are instinct

Gender and emotions why do we assume men experience more anger than women?

we focus on behaviors of men shows more aggression physical

Emotion evolutionary LeDoux: argued that physiological changes in the _______ and _________ _________ occur _______, and subjective interpretation occurs via a different, slower pathway

amygdala and other brain structures occur first

1.Sexual behavior Sex Hormones vs. Sights, Sounds, Smells, & Fantasy o ____________ ("male" hormones) and ____________ ("female" hormones) are present in both males and females, but in differing amounts. o The sex hormones trigger the physical changes of __________, and they are involved in both sexual ________ and _________________ abilities.

androgen, estrogen , puberty , desire, reproductive

Gender and Emotion Display rules allow women more emotional freedom, except when it comes to ________. Likewise, men are restricted in how they can express _______, __________, and ___________. These differences are less obvious in cultures where women have more __________ and __________.

anger, fear, sadness, affection, power , status

SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Affiliation and Belonging Schachter (1959) demonstrated that people seek affiliation when they feel __________ and __________. Recent research on _______ __________ indicates that gaining assistance from others is an effective coping strategy for many types of problems.

anxious, stressed social support

define motivation

any condition that activates or maintains an organisms goal- directed behavior

Emotion cognitive . Lazarus: argued that emotion is determined by our cognitive ____________ of an event or situation


SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Achievement and Mastery _________ plays a role in achievement motivation, and different factors influence achievement motivation in different cultures.


Sexual Behavior sexual orientation Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Kinsey: asserted sexuality ranges along a___, with completely homosexual at one end and completely heterosexual at the other

Hetero: attraction and preference different sex Homo: attraction and preference Same sex Bisexual: attraction to members of both sexes Kinsey: continuum

culture and emotions _____________ children are taught to smile when being scolded by an elder, whereas pouting is accepted among ____________ children.

Japanesse ; American

HUNGER (a physiological need)

While hunger and eating fulfill biological needs for calories (energy), learning and culture are also involved.

the drive theory an explanation of behavior that assumes we are motivated by...

a need to attain, maintain or reestablish some goal to help us survive

Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict: having to choose between...

2 unattractive alternatives

McClelland (1958) showed that achievement motivation is learned at _______, with higher motivation amongst those whose parents stressed _____________ and provided physical _____________ and ___________ for high achievement.


Eating and Obesity More than ___ of Americans are overweight, and about ___% meet the criteria for obesity

1/3 23%

Sexual behavior Understanding Human Sexual Behavior o Most sex research takes the form of sex surveys. o Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues performed the first and most famous sex surveys in the _______ and ________. More recent surveys have indicated sexual attitudes and behaviors have changed over the last half century. Changes include: 1. Vast differences in males' and females' reports of ______________, ___________ sex, and ____________ sex have diminished. 2. People today are more likely to have intercourse.... 3. People today report _________ age of first intercourse. 4. People today express sexuality more ________ and more ________, and have more interest in _______________ sexuality.

1940's-1950's , masturbation, per-marital sex; extra-marital before marriage earlier often; openly ; understanding

Approach-Approach Conflict: having to choose between...

2 attractive alternatives choices or alternative

Sexual Behavior sexual orientation Laumann's study (1994) found ____% of men and ____% of women reported being primarily homosexual, and other studies have revealed similar results.

2.8 1.4

sexual behavior Understanding Human Sexual Behavior ___% of women and ___% of men experience some type of sexual dysfunction, such as inability to experience orgasm, low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, or painful intercourse.

33% 14%

Eating and Obesity: Despite society's emphasis on healthy eating, increased health club memberships, and increased sales of sports equipment...

Americans are more overweight than ever before

Emotion physiological theory Brain research has linked emotional experiences to specific brain regions, especially negative emotions (e.g., fear) and the ___________.


Miller (1940s and 1950s) described 3 basic types of conflict (Fig.9.2, p.385): What are they

Approach-Approach , Avoidance-Avoidance , Approach-Avoidance

1.Sexual behavior who where the famous couple that studied the sexual response cycle? 2. The Sexual Response Cycle o Humans progress through 4 stages when engaging in sexual activity: 1. The ______________ phase: a. Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration b. _________________: increased blood flow leads to engorgement of blood vessels, especially in genital regions c. May last a few minutes or hours 2. The ____________ phase: a. Physical arousal continues to increase b. The changes in the 1st stage continue or increase 3. The ___________ phase: a. Autonomic nervous system activity reaches its peak and __________ _________ occur b. Men can achieve only one orgasm per cycle, whereas women can achieve more than one 4. The _______________ phase: a. The body returns to __________

Masters and Johnson Excitement; vaso-congestion Plateau; Orgasm; muscle spasm resolution; normal

Eating and Obesity Social and psychological explanations emphasize the following: o Food is readily _____________ (24/7) o Portion _______ are larger today than in the past o The average person's diet today is higher in _____ content than ever before - and fats provide double the calories of proteins or carbohydrates o Most Americans do not get enough _____________.

availability size fat exercise

Generally speaking, intrinsic motivation leads to greater success than extrinsic motivation. Why?

because of the personal achievement

Over-justification Effect: after an intrinsically motivated task is rewarded extrinsically, the individual is less likely to perform the task when rewards are removed. Why?

because the rewards have been removed and there is no point in doing this

Learning to Be Hungry: Environmental & Cultural Influences: Humans typically eat __________ they become energy deficient


this theory is based on the _____ perspective, with stimuli such as hunger or pain energizing and initiating goal -directed behaviors


Research on ____________ suggests it is possible (but difficult) to actually alter physiological processes consciously.


1.Sexual behavior Sex Hormones vs. Sights, Sounds, Smells, & Fantasy o The sex hormones are present before _____ o The presence of androgens in prenatal development cause male genitals to develop; their absence causes female genitals to develop


This explanation of behavior emphasizes the entirety of life, human _________, individual _________, and _____-________.

choice and self-worth

1.Sexual behavior Sex Hormones vs. Sights, Sounds, Smells, & Fantasy In humans, sexual behavior is more strongly influenced by the _________ to have sex - not just by hormone levels. Thus, sexual desire can be triggered by a variety of things, including....

choice; smells, sights, sounds, fantasies

Tice and colleagues (2001) found that how we FEEL strongly influences our behavioral choices, arguing that even apparent impulse control problems may more likely be explained as bad choices aimed at making the person feel better. Most researchers argue we CAN change and control our emotional reactions, but....

chose not to do so, and don't know how

Learning to Be Hungry: Environmental & Cultural Influences: Environmental stimuli associated with food may signal us to eat, and many of these signals are learned. Examples?

clock, social stimuli

The idea that changing how you THINK about a situation can change how you FEEL about it is the basis for ___________ Therapy. Indeed, we can change how we _________ about our problems or a situation, and this does change how we _______ about it.

cognitive, think, feel

culture and emotion Individuals in _____________ cultures are more likely to see emotion as reflecting reality, and are more likely to view emotions as residing within relationships rather than within an individual.


____________ occurs when we face competing motives, behaviors, or impulses


Sexual behavior Understanding Human Sexual Behavior The frequency of sexual activity ___________ as adults age, though many older adults report satisfying sex lives. o Teen pregnancy rates have fallen recently, but the rates are still higher in the U.S. than in any other industrialized country. o Risky sexual behaviors continue in our society, and there is a high prevalence of STD's (___ of sexually active teens) and HIV/AIDS

declines 1/6

culture and emotion There are cross-cultural similarities for some emotions, but these emotions vary in __________ or intensity and especially in the ______________ under which they occur.

degree and conditions

Learning to Be Hungry: Environmental & Cultural Influences: Cultural factors influence what are considered __________ and __________ foods

desirable and forbidden king cake

the evolutionary theory considers _____ and _______ to be inseparable

emotion and motivation

Emotion 3. Cognitive Theories - assert that....

emotional experiences are influenced not just by bio but by thoughts

Emotion Evolutionary theory..

emotions are a series of modules called int actions by specific situations many times w/o thought and with adoptive survival advantages

Humanistic theories assert that a person's behavior must be viewed within the context of their _______________ and _________.

environment and values

the five categories of motivation are-

evolutionary, drive, arousal, cognitive, humanistic

Expectancy Theories: focus on people's _______________ about reaching their goals and their need for achievement


Emotion physiological theory James's theory is supported by research that behaviors CAN alter emotions, such as when our ________ ___________ actually provide feedback to the brain that can help us determine an emotional response.

facial expression

Emotion evolutionary Researchers have identified consistency across cultures in the perception of __________ ____________ and emotional ________. However, people's emotions are not always evident from their facial expressions, and there are ___________ variations in which situations elicit which emotions.

facial expressions ; changes; cultural

Learning to Be Hungry: Environmental & Cultural Influences: Food preferences are also influenced by early ________ experiences, ______ pressure, and ____________ ____________. Overweight children are more strongly influenced by food commercials than are children of normal weight.

family, peer , television advertising

Gender and emotions Expressions of emotion ARE influenced by _________... when angry, women are more likely to ____________ their feelings more ___________ and for _________ periods of time; men are more likely to "____________." However, the underlying physiological reactions are the ________ for men and women.

gender, verbalize, intensly, longer, "stone Wall", same

Eating and Obesity Biological explanations emphasize the importance of _________. Indeed the way our bodies distribute fat cells and our metabolism rate are largely genetic.


The Physiological Determinants of Hunger: Hormones involved in weight regulation include: 1. Insulin (pancreas) - allows _____________ to be used by body cells 2. Leptin - produced by ____ cells 3. Cholecystokinin (intestines) - contributes to feeling ______ 4. Ghrelin (stomach) - increases until eating _________ 5. Peptide YY - provides the signal to ______ eating

glucose fat full begins quit

SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Affiliation and Belonging At all stages of the lifespan, personal relationships are important for people's sense of ______________ and _______________.

happiness, well being

SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Achievement and Mastery McClelland (1958) showed that achievement motivation is learned at _______, with higher motivation amongst those whose parents stressed _____________ and provided physical _____________ and ___________ for high achievement.

home; excellence ; affection; rewards

The Physiological Determinants of Hunger: According to _________________ models, maintaining a stable body weight requires that our energy intake and output must be equal.


The ultimate goal of each organism is ______________ - maintenance of a steady state of inner stability or balance; for example, a thirsty animal will seek water to reestablish body fluid balance


when tasty food is present...

humans eat it even if full

Learning to Be Hungry: Environmental & Cultural Influences: Psychological cues may be more important than physiological cues in producing _________ and prompting ___________ behaviors.

hunger and eating

The Physiological Determinants of Hunger: The ______________ is largely responsible for much of this activity: 1. Surgery on or damage to the hypothalamus drastically alters... 2. Imaging studies reveal ____________ activity in the hypothalamus during eating

hypothalamus, eating behaviors, increased

culture and emotion Life satisfaction is more closely related to __________ ____________ in individualist cultures, and to achieving the culture's _______ for happiness in collectivist cultures.

individual happiness; norm

culture and emotion Self-esteem and self-respect are more strongly related to happiness in ___________ than in collectivist cultures


Intrinsic Motivation: motivation that comes from the...

inside- personal enjoyment

Emotion cognitive These theories explain why a specific situation can evoke fear in one person and anger in another - they _____________ the situation differently.


Emotion cognitive . Schachter & Singer: argued that physiological arousal requires a cognitive ____________ (and ________) before it is experienced as an emotion

interpretation/ label

Research on emotional display rules suggests we monitor how we express our emotions based on cultural expectations. However, if emotions have such a strong physiological component, how is it possible to consciously control emotions?

it is in the emotional rules that we keep our emotions in check

Emotion effecting behavior Izzard (1997) identified 10 basic emotions..

joy, interest, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame, guilt

The motivation to seek _________ stimuli is found throughout the animal kingdom


Gender and emotions It is commonly believed that women are more emotional than men, but this is not true for all emotions. Gender stereotypes of emotions are strengthened by __________ ________________ (i.e., we are rewarded for conforming to gender roles and punished when we do not), as well as by human _________ (i.e., we better recall examples of people who DO fit the stereotypes).

opperent conditioning; conditioning; biased

Hebb (1950s) suggested human functioning is most efficient when people are at an ___________ level of arousal, and this idea showed that performance varies according to internal states of arousal (see Fig. 9.3, pg. 387).


This theory asserts that needs or conflict is not necessary for motivated behavior, rather some motivated behaviors are aimed at maintaining ____________ levels of arousal by varying our exposure to ____________

optimum, stimuli

1.Sexual behavior Sex Hormones vs. Sights, Sounds, Smells, & Fantasy o The relationship between sex hormones and sexual behavior is stronger in other species in the animal kingdom... for example, some female mammals are only sexually responsive when fertile ("in heat"). The female animals release _________________ when fertile, and these pheromones trigger sexual behavior in the males.


Arousal: __________ _______________, including the CNS, autonomic nervous system, and the muscles and glands

physical attraction

the three theories of emotions are...

physiological; evolutionary; cognitive

Because such goal-directed behaviors are ______________, these behaviors recur


culture and emotions . People are better at interpreting the emotions of others from the ________ cultural background.


Drive: internal aroused condition that directs us to...

satisfy a need

SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Affiliation and Belonging a. Need for Affiliation: the social need that directs a person to...

seek the company of others(rather that solidarity activities)

Maslow (1970) believed people are naturally motivated to seek beauty, truth, and harmony, and that our ultimate goal is to reach ______-________________: the highest level of psychological development in which we strive to reach our full potential.


SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Achievement and Mastery Need for achievement is also related to ____________ - a person's belief that he or she can successfully engage in and execute a specific behavior.


The Physiological Determinants of Hunger: Some researchers argued our bodies have a weight ___ _______ - a predetermined weight the body maintains. According to this idea, there must be a mechanism that sends signals when the set point is not maintained - so we will increase or decrease food intake. Research does not support this idea.


Sexual Behavior sexual orientation o Most researchers agree _____ ______ is not based on a single sexual experience - or even multiple ones. Furthermore, a person can be homosexual or heterosexual without ever engaging in sexual activities with anyone.

sexual orientation

Emotion evolutionary Cosmides & Tooby: argued the brain has ___________ __________ for basic emotions and that cognition follows the reactions of the brain and body

specialized programs


subjective response, along with physiological change, interpreted a certain way, that often leads to behavioral change

C. SOCIAL NEEDS Need for Achievement and Mastery a. Need for Achievement: the social need that directs a person to strive for...

success and excellence

Sexual Behavior sexual orientation Homosexuals in the U.S. face discrimination, harassment, and even threats; this may explain why homosexual teens have higher rates of....


Learning to Be Hungry: Environmental & Cultural Influences: Food preferences are influenced by biology... humans have an inborn preference for _______ or _______ foods and do not like _________ foods, and genetics influence whether or we like certain ____________.

sweet/ salty butter vegetables

The Yerkes-Dodson Principle: the amount of arousal needed for successful performance of a task depends on...

task difficulty

the drive theory is...

the fixed behavior pattern that occurs in all members of a species w/o learning or principle. Ex: new born baby crying

according to maslow's triangle of needs what needs to be filled first to reach the higher levels of the triangle

the lower levels

Eating and Obesity Causes for obesity include: • Evolutionary theory reports animals who developed large fat stores when food was scarce were more likely to survive when food was scarce; however

this theory does not explain the great variation in body sizes seen today

SEXUAL BEHAVIOR (physiology plus thought) Unlike eating, sex is not physiologically necessary to sustain a person's life. Sexual activity seems more physiological in other species, but in humans many factors contribute to sexuality including...

thoughts past experiences, expectations, emotions and goals

Sexual Behavior sexual orientation o Kinsey's study revealed 37% of men had had at least one same-sex experience, and 10% were primarily homosexual (1948). Many researchers believe these estimates are ______

too high.

Emotion physiological theory Different emotions do indeed appear similar at the physiological level - Cannon called this ________________ arousal. This is why polygraph ("lie detector") tests are often inaccurate

undifferentiated the feelings could be fear or something else that would elevate vital signs

emotional display rules..

unwritten rules about which emotions are appropriate for certain situations

Cognitive theories assert there are different types of motivation for different tasks...

which explains why we are eager to engage in some behaviors but avoid others

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