Psyc Exam #3 CH. 6 Part 1

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why is the Conditioned Response and Unconditioned Response being quite different a problem for Pavlov's stimulus substitution theory?


Steffi wants to teach her son to say "thank you." Every time he says "thank you," Steffi praises him and gives him a hug. What kind of "reinforcement schedule" is this?


what is generalization

after conditioning has occurred, stimuli similar to the Conditioned Stimulus may elicit the Conditioned Response

If the Unconditioned Stimulus occurs before the Conditioned Stimulus, will the animal acquire a Conditioned Response to the Conditioned Stimulus


In contrast to classical and operant conditioning, in which learning occurs only through direct experience, _____ learning is the process of watching others and then imitating what they do.


Does classical or operant conditioning involve acquiring voluntary behaviors due to their consequences

operant conditioning

While _____ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities, _____ reinforcers have no inherent value and only have reinforcing qualities when linked with other reinforcers.

primary; secondary

When an organism learns to respond differently to various stimuli that are similar, it is called _____.

stimulus discrimination

Pavlov thought that, during acquisition, the Conditioned Stimulus became a ____________ for the Unconditioned Stimulus


Behaviors that are followed by consequences that are satisfying to the organism are more likely to be repeated, and behaviors that are followed by unpleasant consequences are less likely to be repeated. This principle, which was first proposed by Edward Thorndike, is called _____.

the law of effect

Define learning

the process by which enduring changes in behavioral potential occur due to experience

define unconditioned response (UR)

the unlearned response to the US ADD EXAMPLE

define conditioned stimulus (CS)

a stimulus that evokes a response because it has been repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus (A stimulus that causes a response that is learned) ADD EXAMPLE

However, sometimes, the Conditioned Response and the Unconditioned Response are quite ______________ from one another


Learning must result from _______


suppose that, while training your dog, you wish to convert the sound of a clicker into a conditioned reinforcer. How would you do this?

1. Have your dog sit in front of you. 2. Next, click the clicker and give a treat. Repeat several times. 3. You know your clicker has become a conditioned reinforcer when you notice a conditioned response, meaning that your dog will automatically look for a treat the moment you click. 4. Now the click has become a cue that a treat is coming and you can start using your clicker to mark behaviors you like so they repeat.

what is an operant chamber (aka Skinner Box//page 257)

A box with a bar (a lever) that an animal presses (or a key [a disc] the animal pecks) to release a reward of food or water. It also has a device that records these responses.

Define Classical conditioning

A type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.

5. What are the various processes in classical conditioning

Acquisition, Extinction, "Rapid Reacquisition", Generalization, & Discrimination

Which of the following is an example of "vicarious reinforcement"? A. Doug wants to avoid detention, so he follows the school rules and does not swear while he is on the playground. B. Lana wants to receive a candy bar, and she knows from reading the rulebook that she will receive one if she earns enough "good behavior tokens." C. Sofia saw Todd receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list, too, because she saw Todd get a reward for doing so. D. Ryan observes Jenna being scolded and sent to her room for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw this, Ryan does not spit out his own carrots, even though he hates them.

C. Sofia saw Todd receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list, too, because she saw Todd get a reward for doing so.

What are the applications of classical conditioning that are discussed on Page 253-254 of the textbook

Drug counselors can advise their clients to steer clear of people and settings that may trigger their drug cravings. Classical conditioning even works on the body's disease-fighting immune system.

Change in behavioral potential must be __________

Enduring (long-lasting)

what happens to the Conditioned Response during extinction

Extinction suppresses the Conditioned Response, but it does not eliminate the Conditioned Response

how could you train an animal to discriminate between the Conditioned Stimulus and other, slightly different stimuli

Need to continue receiving Conditioned Stimulus -Unconditioned Stimulus pairings, but also need to have experiences where stimuli similar to Conditioned Stimulus are NOT followed by Unconditioned Stimulus

Explain Thorndike's research involving cats and puzzle boxes

Thorndike placed cats in a box that had an escape route that they had to find in order to get to the food outside the box. The cat has to step on a peddle and switch a lever to open the box and the reward was the food therefore urging the cat to escape from the box.

what is discrimination

Learn to distinguish between the Conditioned Stimulus and other, similar stimuli

Suppose that, after being stung by several wasps in your life, you now fear wasps because you have learned to associate the sight of a wasp with being stung. In other words, the sight of a wasp is now a "conditioned stimulus" that you associate with being stung (the "unconditioned stimulus"). Then, you notice that wasps can often be found near trash bins. As a result, you begin to fear trash bins, too, because you now associate the sight of a trash bin with the sight of a wasp. This is most clearly an example of _____.

higher-order (or "second-order") conditioning

True/False: Extinction is not Synonymous with forgetting or unlearning


how does the intensity of the Unconditioned stimulus affect the acquisition process

with a more intense Unconditioned Stimulus, acquisition may be faster

Define Unconditioned stimulus (US)

a stimulus that elicits a response without any prior learning. ADD EXAMPLE

define neutral stimulus (NS)

a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning

according to preparatory response theory, the animal learns that the Conditioned Stimulus is a _______________ for the Unconditioned Stimulus, and it performs the _______________ in preparation for the Unconditioned Stimulus


why is learning defined as a change in "behavioral potential"?

Because learning may not always be apparently in outward behavior

how does the preparatory response theory explain classical conditioning

Preparatory-Response Theory - A theory of classical conditioning that proposes that the purpose of the Conditioned Response is to prepare the organism for the presentation of the Unconditioned Stimulus - Ex. Rat can either freeze when light is shown, or jump if it senses a predator

how do primary reinforcers differ from conditioned (secondary) reinforcers

Primary reinforcers involve a reward that fulfills a biological need. Secondary reinforcers are learned and work via association with primary reinforcers.

what are some examples of primary and conditioned reinforcers

Primary-water, food, warmth Conditioned- money

in what ways are classical and operant conditioning similar? How are they different?

Similar: both are forms of associative learning. both involve acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination. // Different: Classical we associate different stimuli we do not control, we respond automatically. Operant we associate our own behaviors -which act on our environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli - with their consequences.

define conditioned response (CR)

The response that comes to be elicited by the Conditioned Stimulus

how was generalization evident in Little Albert's behavior? (recall the video from class, where a baby heard a loud noise after seeing a white rat.)

after the conditioning to make Little Albert fear the white rat, Little Albert became afraid of multiple animals that were small and white.

does classical or operant conditioning involve acquiring reflexive responses to stimuli


Suppose that your pet has learned to associate the sound of an electric can opener with the arrival of its food. This example best illustrates:

classical conditioning

What is rapid reacquisition

if additional Conditioned Stimulus - Unconditioned Stimulus pairings are presented after Conditioned Response has been extinguished, animal will require Conditioned Response more quickly than it originally acquired it.

The term "_____" refers to learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it

latent learning

What is latent learning

learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it

what does an animal experience during acquisition

linkage of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggered the conditioned response.

After watching her father put batteries into her toy phone, Gabrielle is now able to put the batteries in the phone herself without any further instruction from her father. In this example, Gabrielle's father is a(n) "_____."


Suppose that a child has learned to associate pushing a vending machine button with the delivery of a candy bar. This example best illustrates:

operant conditioning

If the Conditioned Stimulus is withheld for a period of time, and then presented again, a previously extinguished Conditioned Response may reappear. This phenomenon is known as "______________ ________________"

spontaneous recovery

In Pavlov's studies on classical conditioning in dogs, "spontaneous recovery" occurred when:

the conditioned stimulus was reintroduced following the extinction of the conditioned response and a rest period

what does an animal experience during extinction

the diminishing of a conditioned response

Review the experiment where some rats began getting food at the end of a maze on Day #11 (after not getting food for the first 10 days) what happened to these rats' performance when food was added?

when the rats started to be given food as a reward at the end of the maze, rats ran the maze as quickly and sometimes quicker than rats that were always rewarded

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