Psyc Exam 4-7

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A real estate agent showed Gavin several pictures of lakeshore property while they were eating a delicious, mouth-watering meal. Later, when Gavin was given a tour of the property, he drooled with delight. For Gavin, the lakeshore property was a


In classical conditioning, the NS becomes a ________ after it reliably signals the upcoming appearance of the ________.


A high school teacher is giving a lecture on sexually transmitted infections to a class of seniors when one of them stands up and says, "I'm safe with my boyfriend. We use condoms." Which of the following responses from the teacher is most likely to be misleading?

Condoms provide complete protection against certain infections such as herpes

Psychics' suggestions that perception can occur apart from sensory input involve claims for the existence of


Which of the following is NOT true about sexual fantasizing?

Fantasizing about sex indicates a sexual problem or dissatisfaction.

Condoms are most helpful in protecting against

HIV infections

Who emphasized that perceptual understanding comes from inborn ways of organizing sensory experience?

Immanuel Kant

Repeated rehearsal of your teachers' lectures and reading assignments leads to lasting memories thanks to the neural process of


Tim, a third-grader, learns the sentence "George eats old gray rats and paints houses yellow" to help him remember the spelling of "geography." Tim is using

a mnemonic technique

Three-year-old Jonathan saw fireworks that were repeatedly followed by loud, fear-producing explosive sounds. The mere sight of fireworks first began to trigger a learned fear reaction in Jonathan during the process of


Many schools use online ________ programs that enable students to work at their own pace.

adaptive quizzing

Ewald Hering found a clue to the mystery of color vision in


The process of transforming air pressure waves into neural messages that the brain interprets as meaningful sound is known as


Implicit memory is to explicit memory as ________ is to ________.

automatic processing; effortful processing

Information about where, when, and how often you ate a meal in the last couple of days is likely to be

automatically processed

John B. Watson considered himself to be a


It's easier to train a pigeon to peck a disk for a food reward than to flap its wings for a food reward. This illustrates the importance of ________ in learning.

biological constraints

Unlike the concept of gender, the definition of people's sex is based only on

biological traits

Which of the following is an example of a respondent behavior?

blushing when embarrassed

Sex hormone levels experienced during the second trimester of prenatal development are most likely to influence a male's sexual orientation in later life because of their impact on

brain development

An involuntary response is to ________ as a voluntary response is to ________.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

When hearing the words "eel is on the wagon," you would likely perceive the first word as "wheel." Given "eel is on the orange," you would likely perceive the first word as "peel." This context effect best illustrates the organizational principle of


A stimulus that acquires reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer is called a ________ reinforcer.


In classical conditioning, generalization refers to the tendency for the conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the

conditioned stimulus

Although Sue Yen sees her chemistry professor several times a week, she didn't recognize the professor when she saw her in the grocery store. This best illustrates the importance of

context effects

It's harder for Alonso to recall the name of a colleague from work when he sees her in a grocery store than at her desk. This best illustrates

context-dependent memory

Some students study hard beginning with the first couple of weeks of a semester because they subsequently receive very good final course grades. This best illustrates that human behavior is influenced by

delayed reinforcers

When Kristy saw her mother and sister running toward her, she quickly recognized that her sister was running ahead of her mother. This best illustrates Kristy's capacity for

depth perception

In their effort to describe the stages of the human sexual response, researchers Masters and Johnson

directly observed people engaging in sex in their lab

Proactive interference refers to the

disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

A split between normal sensations of pain and conscious awareness of pain is called


Source amnesia helps to explain

déjà vu

While wandering through the streets of a foreign city for the first time, Maurice experienced a strange sense of familiarity with the city's landmarks as if he had been in this exact location before. His experience best illustrates

déjà vu

One's sexual orientation refers to a ________ members of one's own sex, the other sex, or both sexes.

enduring sexual attraction toward

Consciously recalling an event that you experienced during your last year of high school best illustrates

episodic memory

A stimulus is any event or situation that

evokes a response

"Women have a natural inclination to be more particular than men about whom they select as a mate because they are more limited than men in the number of children they can have." This statement best illustrates the logic of

evolutionary psychology

Comedian-writer Mark Malkoff reported that his fear of flying faded after he faced his fear and lived on an airplane for 30 days. His reduction of fear best illustrated the process of


Telepathy refers to the

extrasensory transmission of thoughts from one mind to another

Research reports of repression and recovered memories indicate that

extremely stressful life experiences are especially likely to be well remembered

Joshua vividly recalls his feelings and what he was doing at the exact moment when he heard of his grandfather's unexpected death. This best illustrates ________ memory.


We are most likely to imitate the behavior of models if we observe that their actions are

followed by reinforcement

Intrinsic motivation refers to a desire to perform an activity

for the sake of its own enjoyment

Due to the brain's circuitry, memories are likely to be most quickly evoked by exposure to

fragrant odors

With repeated exposure to any erotic stimulus, our emotional response often lessens. This illustrates


Ringing in the ears after exposure to loud music is most likely to be caused by damage to

hair cells

Rebecca was born with cataracts that were not surgically removed until she was 3 years old. As a result, Rebecca is most likely to

have inadequate neural connections in her brain's visual cortex

In an experiment, researchers expose participants to subliminal recordings designed to boost their self-esteem. Based on existing research, you would be correct in predicting that the recordings will

have no more impact on participants' self-esteem than a placebo

We are more likely to remember the words "bicycle, cigarette, and fire" than the words "void, process, and inherent." This best illustrates the value of


Remembering how to solve a puzzle without any conscious recollection that you can do so best illustrates ________ memory.


If you stared at a house as you walked down a street, the trees in front of the house would appear to be moving

in the opposite direction to you, and the trees behind the house would appear to be moving in the same direction as you

Primary reinforcers could best be described as

innately satisfying stimuli

Today's experts typically recommend that surgery for ________ newborns be postponed until their naturally developing physical appearance and gender identity become clear.


Learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it is called

latent learning

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans who responded to a national survey indicated that they thought that transgender people receive ______ social acceptance than gay men and ______ social acceptance than lesbians.

less; less

Compared with the average woman, the average man is ______ likely to suffer depression and is ______ likely to die by suicide.

less; more

Men's sense of hearing tends to be ________ sensitive than women's, and women are ________ pain sensitive than men.

less; more

A flashbulb memory would typically be a

long-term memory

Highly durable memories can often be retrieved from ________ memory into ________ memory.

long-term; working

The fertile females theory has been proposed to explain the transmission of genes that promote

male homosexuality

Female identical twins are more likely to differ in sexual orientation than

male identical twins

Professor Langley emphasizes that premature sexual activity among high school students involves the interplay of alcohol consumption, mass media norms, and teens' underestimation of their vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections. The professor's emphasis best illustrates a reliance on

many levels of analysis

Ebbinghaus found that memorizing familiar words required much less effort than memorizing nonsense syllables. This best illustrates the advantage of

meaningful encoding

The process in which memories registered in the hippocampus are transferred for long-term storage to other regions of the brain is called

memory consolidation

Retroactive interference involves the disruption of

memory retrieval

Diets laden with hormone-mimicking chemicals are suspected of contributing to girls' earlier experience of


Girls who have experienced stress related to father absence, sexual abuse, or insecure feelings of attachment to their parents or caregivers tend to experience ________ a few months earlier than average.


Some research on observational learning would suggest that a televised fistfight may lead viewers to mentally simulate fistfighting thanks to the activation of

mirror neurons

Which of the following are most clearly activated both by picking up a spoon and by simply watching another person pick up a spoon?

mirror neurons

Children often imitate the exact aggressive actions seen on television and online videos. This best illustrates the impact of


The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior is called


On extended visits to foreign countries, you would be most likely to observe

more men than women in political leadership positions

More women than men report having had at least one same-sex contact, even though males' homosexuality rate exceeds the female rate. This is best explained by the fact that compared with men, women's sexual orientation is

more variable and less strongly felt

With respect to their leadership style, men tend to be ________ directive and ________ democratic than women.

more; less

Homosexual men tend to have ________ homosexual relatives on their mother's side of the family than on their father's side. The maternal relatives of homosexual men produce ________ offspring than do the maternal relatives of heterosexual men.

more; more

In late adolescence, teen girls tend to spend ______ time than their male counterparts on social networking sites. As adults, women tend to take_______ pleasure than men in talking face to face.

more; more

In response to a hurtful stimulus, ________ initiate neural impulses leading to the sensation of pain.


Color constancy refers to the fact that

objects are perceived to be the same color even if the light they reflect changes

Dan and Joel, both 4 year old, have seen all the Spiderman movies. Joel's mother recently found the boys standing on the garage roof, ready to try jumping across to the next roof. What best accounts for the boys' behavior?

observational learning

The sense of smell is known as


Males have ________ and females have ________.

one X chromosome; two X chromosomes

Pigeons have been trained to correctly spot breast tumors by means of

operant conditioning

The ability to process the pitch, loudness, melody, and meaning of a song at the same time best illustrates

parallel processing

Recognizing an odor as the familiar smell of apple blossoms is an example of


Just prior to awakening Chinua from a hypnotic state, the therapist told him that during the next few days he would feel nauseated whenever he lit a cigarette. Chinua's therapist was attempting to make use of

posthypnotic suggestion

After hearing the sound of an ambulance, you may be more likely to interpret a friend's brief coughing spell as a symptom of serious illness. This best illustrates the impact of


Which of the following represents the first of three steps basic to all sensory systems?

receiving sensory stimulation

Humans experience the longest visible electromagnetic waves as the color ________ and the shortest visible waves as ________.

red; blue-violet

Isa has spread false rumors about a classmate in order to ruin his reputation. Her behavior best illustrates

relational aggression

Opponent-process cells have been located in the

retina and the thalamus

Memories are primed by

retrieval cues

The taste sensation umami is most likely to attract us to foods that are

rich in protein

Recalling the stunning visual images of a Broadway musical and holding them in working memory would most clearly require activation of the

right frontal lobe

Pavlov's studies of classical conditioning were most clearly valuable because they provided the young discipline of psychology with a model of

scientific methodology

The original Atkinson-Schiffrin three-stage information-processing model introduced distinctions among

sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory

A problem that consistently interferes with a person's ability to complete the sexual response cycle is called a

sexual dysfunction

Female orgasmic disorder is a form of

sexual dysfunction

Faulty memory for how, when, or where information was learned is called

source amnesia

After his last drinking spree, Fakim hid a half-empty liquor bottle. He couldn't remember where he hid it until he started drinking again. Fakim's pattern of recall best illustrates

state-dependent memory

The retention of encoded information over time refers to


A loss of an encoded memory as a result of a gradual fading of the physical memory trace best illustrates

storage decay

Sensory receptor cells that project antenna-like hairs are located within

taste buds

Although Max is genetically male, his penis was unusually small at birth. This condition most likely resulted from his body's insufficient production of ________ during his prenatal development.


Fifteen-year-old Juan is experiencing an increase in the hormone ________, which causes his sexual arousal to ________.

testosterone; increase

One's sexual orientation refers to

the direction of one's sexual attraction

B. F. Skinner's work elaborated what E. L. Thorndike had called

the law of effect

After falling in love with Jill, Derrick verbally exaggerated how much he had liked her the first time they ever met. Later Derrick's memory of his first impressions of Jill became increasingly more positive. This best illustrates

the misinformation effect

Which of the following poses the greatest threat to the credibility of children's recollections of sexual abuse?

the misinformation effect

After painful medical procedures, people's memory snapshots tend to overlook

the total duration of the pain associated with the procedure

Desensitization has been found to be an important factor contributing to

the violence-viewing effect

One of the major drawbacks of using physical punishment to change children's behavior is that

their punished behavior is often suppressed but not forgotten

Many sexually active American teens fail to avoid pregnancy because

they fail to talk openly about birth control with their parents, partners, and peers.

Our capacity for perceptual constancy even as illumination and retinal image change illustrates the importance of

top-down processing

The process by which our sensory systems transform stimulus energies into neural impulses is called


By releasing more serotonin, the sea slug makes certain neurons more efficient at ________ the signals necessary to learn a classically conditioned association


In Pavlov's experiments, the taste of food triggered the dog's salivation. Salivation to the taste of food was a

unconditioned response

Asking potential partners for a date is most likely to be reinforced on a ________ schedule.


When Adam observed his sister being scolded after she hit another child, Adam also discontinued hitting other children. This best illustrates the impact of

vicarious punishment

A cold metal belt buckle that touches side-by-side cold and pressure spots on your stomach is most likely to trigger a sense of


The integration of new incoming information with knowledge retrieved from long-term memory involves the activity of

working memory

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