psyc final

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Which is the best example of a nonnormative life event?

Forty-five-year-old Delbert starts college

Children whose parents divorce are more likely to experience what in their own relationships?

Higher risk of divorce.

Which of the following are abilities of children during the concrete operations stage? I. classification III. conservation II. second order thinking IV. hypothesizing

I and II

Which of the following is an example of assimilation?

Jan calls every four-legged animal "doggie."

Four children are sorting their leaf collections. Which one is demonstrating the ability to decenter?

Jeff, who separates his leaves into four piles: smooth and small, smooth and large, rough and small, and rough and large

Nguyen was "trained" to solve conservation tasks, whereas Kim learned conservation "naturally" through his experiences. According to Piaget,

Kim's concept is more complete than Nguyen's.

Which of the following group of adolescents is likely to be viewed least favorably by peers?

Late-maturing males

Which statement best captures George Vaillant's view of development?

Life requires a constant series of adaptations.

Recent research studies suggest which of the following about male and female friendships?

Male and female friendships are more similar than once thought.

Which of the following is accurate concerning the consequences for low-birth-weight infants?

Many low-birth-weight infants have neurological limitations for the first couple of years of life.

Brenda seems to be having difficulty dealing with the death of her husband, who died several months ago. What is the best advice you can offer?

Mention that there are support groups for people who have suffered loss.

A behaviorist would emphasize the role of which of the following in acquiring language?


Which type of study essentially combines the longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches to examine age changes?

Sequential study

Four toddlers are in a play group. Each of them has recently uttered her first word. Which one has an expressive style of speech?

Sheila, whose first word was "good"

Whatever you are aware of at this moment (hopefully this question) is in which part of your memory?

Short-term memory

Which of the following would not be considered a broadly focused theory?

Skinner's behavioral theory

The most significant achievement for an adolescent is the development of

an identity.

a child who is currently being toilet trained is most likely in which of Freud's psychosexual stages


An individual who has integrated behaviors traditionally thought to be exclusive to one sex or the other is said to be


Which of the following accounts for young children's tendency to believe that everything is alive?


What is the condition known as placenta previa?

This is when the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix blocking birth.

Infants who respond to parental teaching efforts with lack of interest, which ultimately discourages the parents, are most likely exhibiting which attachment pattern?


When ten-month-old Laurel is separated from her mother, she shows no signs of anxiety, and when her mother returns, Laurel responds by ignoring her. Based on these observations, Laurel would most likely be classified as having a(n)

anxious-avoidant attachment

Charles gets anxious when he senses that his father is going to leave. When his dad returns, he clings to him as he sobs. Charles most likely has a(n)

anxious-resistant attachment.

What is the most important function of the adolescent peer group?

To provide a support base outside of the family

Four mothers whose infants are in a play group walk out of the room for a few minutes and then come back in. Which one of their infants displays an anxious-resistant pattern of attachment?

Tracy, who would not be comforted in her mother's absence and is now angrily hitting at her mother with her tiny fist.

Which of the following would have the strongest effect on the need to confront one's own death?

Twin's death

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about using medications during labor?

Using either a general or a local anesthetic before delivery increases recovery time for both the mother and the chilD.

Which of the following best illustrates the Lamaze method of childbirth?

Xavier assists Camille with breathing and relaxation during labor.

The surgical procedure for the removal of the baby from the mother is referred to as

a caesarean section.

A newborn would be best able to see

a moving object

Karen has a long-term debilitating illness from which she will eventually die. She requires round-the-clock care of a less sophisticated but necessary type. She does not have any caretakers available at home. Karen seems to be a candidate for

a nursing home.

All of the following are suitable reasons for using caesarean section except

a previous caesarean delivery.

The Apgar scale is

a rating system used to determine the physical health of the newborn.

If caregivers feel that they've done all they could to make the last few weeks of a loved one's life comfortable, their response to the death of that loved one is likely to include

a sense of relief.

After watching the movie Ghandi, Terrance declared that Ghandi operated from Kohlberg's sixth stage of moral development. Terrance believed that Ghandi determined what was good on the basis of

a set of personalized, general moral principles.

Compared with the parents of a son, parents of a daughter are more likely to reward her for being


Parents socialize their children's identities by reinforcing ______ among girls and reinforcing ______ among boys.

accommodation, assertiveness

Franklin has had a crippling disease for several years, and he knows he will eventually have a painful death from the disease. Therefore he has begun to hoard extra medication and plans to someday take it all to end his life. His physician suspects this stockpiling of medicine but has not said anything. Franklin is planning to commit

active euthanasiA.

If a teacher were to design a curriculum based on Jean Piaget's principles, the teacher would emphasize

active manipulation.

A legal document specifying what medical care can be given in the event the person becomes unable to make or communicate his or her decision is called a(n)

advance directive

Physical abuse in early childhood is linked to _______ in adolescence and adulthood.


Which of the following is true of recessive genes?

They are often blocked by dominant genes.

Since Della was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor that will kill her within a year, she has been going to church regularly praying that if the tumor goes away, she will give half of her substantial fortune to the church. Della is exhibiting what Kübler-Ross calls


In a well-designed experiment, the control group should

be equal to the experimental group before the experiment

Which of the following is NOT a factor found in good, long term marriages?

being high SES

Emotional stress during pregnancy is associated with all of the following except

better resilience and adaptation to noise and stress in infancy.

"Sandwich generation" refers to a middle-aged adult's position

between the needs of two adjacent generations.

Studying moral development in children by using upper-middle-class suburban five- to ten-year-olds who attend Sunday school would most likely be considered a(n)

biased sample

Research suggests that failure to thrive is due to

both physical and psychological factors.

One of the differences between breast milk and infant formula is that

breast milk provides some immunity to disease.

Daniel Levinson viewed the process of development as involving

building of a life structure.

Young children's tendency to attend to only one thing at a time is referred to as


According to Jean Piaget, conservation refers to the belief that

certain properties of an object remain the same in spite of changes in the object's appearance.

Reciprocal determinism holds that

change is a result of the mutual interaction between a person and the environment.

a developmental theory is one that focuses on

changes in human behavior

Compared to normative life events, nonnormative life events

are less predictable for timing.

In naturalistic research, a scientist attempts to study behavior

as it normally occurs

A positive correlation means that

as one variable increases, the other variable increases

Professor Pepper found a positive correlation between the amount of soft drinks pregnant women drink and birth weight of their children. Dr. Pepper can conclude that

as soft drink consumption increases, birth weight increases.

The emotional bond that forms between the infant and primary caregiver during the first year is called


The pattern of parental authority most associated with better adjusted adolescents is


When responding to the Adult Attachment Interview, Emily gives a detailed account of her childhood relationship with her parents which she acknowledges to have been of great importance and includes both positive and negative experiences. Emily's relationship with her parents would probably be classified as


Metacognition is

awareness and understanding of how thinking and learning work

The constructivist philosophy is based on the assumption that

children need to actively interact with their environment in order to learn

Being able to group together objects on the basis of a shared physical characteristic is referred to as


Dennis is a member of a closely knit group with four other members who share activities and exclude others. Dennis's group is a


Makelati does not know she is dying, but her family does. This is considered

closed awareness.

Compared with girls, boys tend to have more _______ but less _______ friendships.

numerous; intimate

The cross-sectional study method allows the researcher to

observe persons of different ages at one point of time

Emma was sexually abused by her uncle. She is likely to have all of the following symptoms except

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

One of the biggest fears about permitting physician-assisted suicide is that

older adults who are suffering from depression will end their lives instead of seeking help.

All of the following are risk factors for SIDS except

older maternal age

The term phoneme refers to

one of the basic sounds of a language.

What term refers to the ability to apply rules learned in one situaion to other similar situations?


Freud's stages of psychosexual development are, in chronological order,

oral, anal, phallic latency, and genital

Which characteristic is typical of fathers of securely attached infants?


Recasting refers to the tendency for

parents to repeat back to a child in a slightly different form

The second stage of labor is characterized by

complete dilation and birth.

The germinal stage begins at

conception and ends at two weeks.

Adolescent egocentrism differs from the egocentrism found in preschoolers in that adolescent egocentrism

concerns abstract thoughts and problems.

During the rapprochement phase of individuation, an adolescent

conditionally accepts parental authority.

When Pavlov trained the dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell, when the dogs salivated to the bell, the salivation was the _________.

conditioned response

Gladys notices that every time she shows her two-month-old infant a bottle before feeding, the infant starts sucking even before the bottle is in his mouth. The sight of the bottle is acting as a(n)

conditioned stimulus

Suzy and Anita are playing with modeling clay. Each of them has received the contents of one can of clay. Anita rolls out her modeling clay into a snake, at which point Suzy yells, "Hey, you got more than I do!" Suzy apparently is unable to understand

conservation of mass.

Object permanence is the belief that objects

continue to exist even when you can't see them

In Karen Ann Quinlan's right-to-die court case, the Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled in the parents' favor for

continuing ordinary care but not extraordinary measures.

In an experiment looking at the effects of television on aggression, one group of four-year-olds watches "Power Ranger" cartoons, and another group does not watch television. What is the name for the group that does not watch television?


Which of the following words best captures the essence of the experimental approach?


Marcia's classification system for identity is based on the presence or absence of

crisis and commitment.

Which of the following studies is most susceptible to problems associated with cohort differences?


When Dr. Gnapoor studied the ability of students in the first, third, and fifth grades of Morgantown Elementary School to do moral reasoning so that she could compare the three groups, she was conducting a(n)

cross-sectional study

Because he is securely attached, when his mother leaves to go for the night, two-year-old Jamal will

cry for a short while, search for his mother, and then allow the sitter to comfort him.

The basic sounds of a language are referred to as its


How a speaker adjusts his or her utterances to the needs and expectations of different situations and speakers is termed


Late life suicide is harder to ____ and harder to ____ than younger suicides?

predict; prevent

Mothers tend to orient boys to see emotions as

problems in need of a rational solution.

The three main functions of funerals do not include

providing an ending point for the experience of grief.

According to Vygotsky, the role of the parent in cognitive development is

providing help in stating problems and hints about their solutions.

Chuck is going through a number of striking changes in both primary and secondary sex characteristics because Chuck is experiencing


Polygenic traits are traits that are

determined by the combined influence of a number of genes.

Frick and Frack are identical twins. Differences between their behaviors can most likely be attributed to

differences in genetics.

When responding to the Adult Attachment Interview, Steve fails to recall details of his childhood relationship with his parents. He just calls his childhood "okay" and at times seems to idealize his upbringing. His adult attachment pattern is probably


All of the following are normative life events except


The dying patient and his family find that anger, self-recrimination, and depression are common. They also seem to be trying to experience lots of events that they have been putting off, including a trip to Disney World and a vacation at the beach. Recently the patient visited his lawyer and updated his will and edited his directives for medical care. One might conclude that they are

doing grief work

How are men likely to express their feelings to their female partners?

doing things for them

Breast feeding has been associated with a lower chance of what kind of infection in infants?


The statement "When I'm driving home at night with my parents, the moon follows me to my house." is an example of


inability to take on the point of view of others


The inability to see things from another's point of view is called


What stage of prenatal development is most susceptible to teratogens

embryonic stage

Which of the following is NOT a facet of postformal thinking

engaging in logical thought.

Compared to other toddlers, Jake was late to label himself as a boy. Consequently, Jake will probably

exhibit less gender-stereotyped play.

In an experimental study, the __________ group receives the treatment but the __________ group does not.

experimental; control

Identity diffusion represents a

failure to achieve a stable identity.

Many middle-aged adults report that the death of their parents

gave them a greater sense of personal maturity and responsibility.

When asked by her father, Marlene says, "I'm a girl, and someday I'll be a mommy." This statement demonstrates that Marlene understands

gender constancy

What are the three factors of gender development in order of appearance?

gender identity, gender preference, and gender constancy Correct

Children tend to especially reinforce each other's _______ play activities.


Which of the following of Erikson's stages of development result in the virtue of care?

generativity vs. stagnation

All of the following are true concerning the influence of parents on gender differences in preschoolers except that parents

give more warmth and affection to girls than to boys.

Compared with the loss of younger children, parents who lose an adult offspring to death experience less

guilt for failure to protect.

Which of the following is true? Women who breastfeed:

have a lower risk for ovarian cancer

Leslie is growing up with an abusive mother but with a supportive, nonabusive, authoritative grandmother. Compared with other abused children, when Leslie grows up, she's more likely to

have greater insight regarding her abuse.

Compared to drawbacks in the last two trimesters, first-trimester disruptions tend to

have more serious consequences.

Two-year-old Savita has a secure attachment pattern. It is likely that when Savita gets older, she'll

have positive social relationships with her peers.

All of the following would be part of Mexico's El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) fiesta except

having the priest hold exorcism rituals.

The positive thing about parent-teen conflicts is that they

help to establish the parent's authority.

Throughout her pregnancy, Collette occasionally had a small glass of wine with her dinner. Her friend Amalie drank 3-4 glasses of wine every day during her pregnancy. We would be more likely to see Fetal Alcohol Effects in Amalie's child because the exposure to alcohol was

high in intensity and long in duration

In marriages where both partners are satisfied with the division of labor, we can expect

higher levels of marital happiness.

Clarence has just been admitted to hospice. He will most likely spend most of his remaining days


The study in which individuals report on their activities and emotional states whenever their electronic pager is beeped found that

home created stress for mothers and relieved stress for fathers.

Sixty-five-year-old Roger has just dieD. This most likely occurred at


What is often found in long-term marriages even during disagreements?

humor and positive emotions.

every time six-month-old muhammad is hungry, he cries until he is fed. According to simgund freud, the source of this behavior is the


Older children usually don't freak out when dad shaves off his beard because they understand


The most common identity statuses of junior and senior high school age are

identity foreclosure and identity diffusion.

In Erikson's theory, adolescence is the time when young people are faced with the crisis of

identity versus role confusion.

A recessive gene will be expressed

if matched with another recessive gene

When an adolescent goes through the process of developing a unique identity that is distinct and separate from all others, this is called


It has been observed that when an infant begins to talk, parents also begin to simplify their language by making sentences shorter, adding pauses, and using simple words and phrases. This form of language is referred to as

infant-directed speech.

A child's ability to form the plural of nonsense words such as "wug" suggests that young children

infer grammatical rules from many experiences taken together.

If labor does not progress because the contractions are too weak, a physician is likely to

inject the mother with the hormone oxytocin to induce labor.

Current views of attachment stress the

interactive nature of the social relationship.

The notion that parents who abuse their children do so because, based on their experiences, they have an unbalanced and distorted view of children is termed the

internal working model.

In the Buddhist and Hindu culture, "bardo" refers to the

interval between death and rebirth.

According to Erikson, the crisis in early adulthood involves the establishment of


Because school-age children are in the concrete operations stage, they tend to learn best when lessons

involve "hands on" demonstrations and examples

according to erikson, personality development

involves a lifelong process of conflict mastery

The worried newborn mother asked the nurse about a fine, downy hair that covered her baby. The nurse, replied, "Often babies are born with this temporary hair. It's called


Euthanasia in the Netherlands is

legal under specific guidelines.

Al is running a study to examine the effects of accordion polka music on stress levels in teenagers. The researcher measures the stress level in a group that has heard the polkas for a half hour and compares their stress level to a group that has not heard any polkas. In this study, the independent variable is

listening to polkas

Anticipatory grief is more likely to occur if the loved one has a

long-term illness and is not cognitively alert.

The form of memory that has unlimited capacity to store new information is called

long-term memory

If you study moral development by following a group of five-year-olds over a period of ten years by measuring their moral behavior and concepts each year until they are fifteen you are conducting a(n)

longitudinal study

Good prenatal care significantly reduces the rate of

low birth weight and preterm delivery.

Shorter maternity leave is associated with what?

lower quality of mother-infant interactions

Hemophilia is more prevalent in

males because it is a sex-linked, recessive trait.

The onset of female sexual maturity is signaled by the


The idea of a midlife crisis persists, in part, because

midlife crisis is persistently displayed in the media as being normative.

Radical changes within the personality associated with the adult's reexamination of goals, priorities, and life accomplishments as the midpoint of life is passed are called the

midlife crisis.

Mitosis differs from meiosis in that

mitosis produces cells with twice as many chromosomes.

Having acquired 2 languages equally well during childhood generally produces

more cognitive flexibility in thinking.

Pam and Guillermo are expecting their first chilD. Given no other information, Pam and Guillermo are

more likely to have conceived a boy than a girl.

One reason infant mortality rate in most European countries is lower than the rate in the United States is that

most European countries provide free prenatal care and have generous work leave laws.

Which of the following relationships between middle-aged adults and their aging parents is typically the closest?

mother and daughter

An adult with a dismissing attachment pattern is likely to have relationships that are described as

not valued or important

According to Erikson's second psychosocial stage, a child fails to achieve autonomy if the child had

too much supervision

Children who are breastfed for six months are less likely to become obese..


What do women consider the most important characteristic in a love relationship?


Which of erikson's psychosocial stages corresponds most closely to sigmund freud's oral stage

trust versus mistrust

The human sperm contains

twenty-three chromosomes.

The most effective method for studying the importance of heredity on certain personality traits would be

twin adoption studies.

One of Sara's cells is undergoing the process of mitosis; she will ultimately produce

two cells with forty-six chromosomes each.

Approximately how old will Billy be when he can accurately label himself as a boy?

two years

A baby who scores between 4 and 7 on the Apgar at one minute

usually needs some immediate special medical attention.

When survivors of patients who used either hospice or a hospital setting were asked about the experience, survivors of those who used hospice were more likely to

view the staff as "being like a family."

Compared with middle-aged men, middle-aged women tend to view themselves as

younger than their chronological age.

At conception, the ovum and sperm combine to form a


What is formed at the moment of conception?


The movement that the fetus makes around five months is called


In the last days of life, the home of a hospice patient might resemble a(n)

quiet park

Homophobia appears to be

quite strong during adolescence.

The notion that genotype can set limits on phenotype is termed

range of reaction

Compared to someone who is formal operational, a postformal thinker is likely to be better at solving

real-world problems.

Young children's tendency to believe in monsters is likely due to


Which of the following is not a synonym of the other three words?


The attachment with nonmaternal caregivers is

relatively independent of the mother-infant attachment

The ability to redo a problem mentally and go back to its beginning is called


When a child knows that a sandwich that's cut in 2 has the same amount as a whole sandwich because you can take the 2 halves and put them back together to make 1 sandwich, she is demonstrating


When Ahmad was learning how to tie his shoes, his mother would provide him a lot of guidance, showing him where to put his fingers and how to manipulate the laces. She slowly let him take over the different steps as he became more adept at tying his shoes. Now Ahmad can tie his shoes by himself. His mother was using _____


In Piaget's theory, organized patterns of behavior that allow infants to explore their environment are called


When tested by the Strange Situation, which kind of attachment pattern do the majority of infants show?


In Helson's longitudinal study of college women, she found one normative personality change by middle age to be increased was


The meanings of the words of a language are referred to as


According to Piaget, infants learn about the world around them using what?

sensory perceptions and motor skills

While playing with a box of buttons, Carl demonstrates classification when he

separates the buttons by size.

One of the difficulties for a young child acquiring syntax is that

some rules apply widely and regularly, whereas others apply narrowly and exceptionally

What one word best describes personality across the adult years?


Because Angela was born deaf to deaf parents, when she gets to the age at which hearing babies start to babble, she'll probably

start to babble using gestures.

Dr. Huggins is running a study to examine the effects of accordion polka music on stress levels in teenagers. The researcher measures the stress level in a group that has heard the polkas for a half hour and compares their stress level to a group that has not heard any polkas. In this study, the dependent variable is

stress level

The normative-crisis model of development assumes that

successive stages are increasingly complex and more fully developed.

Friendships play an important role in early adulthood because

support from friends helps in becoming less dependent on parents.

Kohlberg's preconventional level most closely corresponds to Gilligan's

survival orientation

Deferred imitation is evidence that a child is capable of

symbolic representation

The appearance of true object permanence also represents the first sign of

symbolic thought.

The cognitive achievement that marks the start of the preoperational period is the appearance of

symbolic thought.

The rules for ordering and relating elements of language are referred to as


During the preschool years, the most dramatic changes in language development are found in


An eight-year-old is more likely than a four-year-old to realize how long it will be until his next birthday because he has a better understanding of

temporal relations.

persons who spend much time in the depression stage of dying are likely to feel

that they have much unfinished business.

One of the most important factors in adolescent adjustment to divorce is

the adolescent's parents' ability to resolve their conflicts.

Studies of father-infant attachment patterns have found that

the range of patterns is similar to that of mother-infant attachment

Studies of deaf and hearing-impaired children's language acquisition suggest that

their use of sign language parallels the development of verbal language in hearing children.

What is true about most teenagers and their parents?

they mostly get along

Mikki and Loma have identical genotypes. This means

they share the same genetic potential.

People who have the most satisfaction in their jobs have jobs with

time discretion and intrinsic rewards.

Which of the following sentences represents an overgeneralization?

"I wented to the mall."

Robbie's mother cuts his sandwich in half and his little sister's into four quarters. Because Robbie has not yet mastered reversibility, he might say

"She got more than me"

What percentage of American women breast feed their children at 6 months of age?


What percentage of American adults report that they would not want life support systems used if there was no hope for recovery?


Which of the following would a doula probably do?

Assist the new mother in adjusting to breastfeeding

Fran realizes that within a few days she will die and has a certain calm about herself even though a month ago she ranted about the unfairness of her death. Fran has reached which of Kübler- Ross's stages of dying?


At breakfast, Mom poured four-year-old Adam's orange juice into a tall, thin glass and seven- year-old Marsha's orange juice into a short, wide glass. Given that there is actually the same number of ounces in each glass, what is likely to occur?

Adam will think he has more juice.

Which of the following might be most useful in reducing sleeping problems for young children?

Adopt more regular daily routines

Which is an example of assimilation?

Allison refers to all birds as "birdie"; when she saw an airplane she pointed to it and said "birdie."

Glen, who has been told that he will die in less than three months, repeatedly says, "Why me? Why not someone else, like that good-for-nothing brother of mine?" Glen is in which of Kübler-Ross's stages?


Which of the following is an example of accommodation?

Anya thought that all short humans were children until her mother told her about midgets.

Which of the following ranks first as a source of marital conflict for middle-aged couples?


Of the following sounds, to which would we expect an infant to show a preference?

A parent reading to them

Which of the following would American society view as warranting the greatest grief response?

A father's response to the sudden accidental death of his three-year-old son

Which of the following is an example of motherese?

A mother speaks to her child in short, concrete sentences and a high pitched tone.

Which of the following best illustrates a primary circular reaction?

Bart repeatedly opens and closes his hanD.

Which of the following accurately describes the current perspective of developmental psychologists regarding the relative influence of nature and nurture

Both are important and intermeshed dynamically in the lives of children

Which of the following would be the most likely recommendation by health officials about breast feeding?

Breast feed whenever possible for the first year

An infant gains control of head movements before being able to sit up. This illustrates which principle?


Which of the following is more typical of boys' talk than of girls' talk?

Changing the topic.

Which of the following is most effectively detected through the use of amniocentesis?

Down syndrome

Which pattern of attachment is most associated with risk for developing behavior problems in the future?


What is the earliest stage during which the heartbeat exists?


Nurture refers to

Environmental conditions

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the placenta?

Exchanges of oxygen and nutrients occur through the process of osmosis in the placenta,

What method should you use if you are interested in determining cause and effect?

Experimental method

Which of the following is associated with a lower risk for SIDS?

Having infant sleep on its back

The desired fetal presentation during the final weeks of pregnancy has which part of the body nearest the cervix?


Six-week-old Erin smiles and actively interacts with anyone around. She doesn't seem to show any strong preferences but instead likes everyone. In which phase of attachment is Erin?

Indiscriminate sociability

Which of the following theories assumes a strong role for maturation?

Information-processing theory

Which theory considers the mind to be comparable to a computer?

Information-processing theory

Nature refers to

Inherited characteristics and tendencies

Which of the following children is least likely to be abused?

Isabel, who is hyperactive

Which of the following is a major advantage of a cross-sectional study as compared to a longitudinal study?

It can be done rather quickly and easily

The major advantage of a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study is that

It can look at changes within individuals, as well as between individuals

Which of the following is true about genetic imprinting?

It is most often temporary and often not passed on to the next generation.

Jasmine, in her first trimester of pregnancy, is most likely to have which of these symptoms?


Which of the following statements accurately reflects American attitudes about euthanasia?

Nearly 70 percent respondents in a survey approve of euthanasia and assisted suicide being legal.

What is the main difference between negative reinforcement and punishment?

Negative reinforcement strengthens behavior, whereas punishment suppresses behavior.

Physician-assisted voluntary euthanasia might be prosecuted in

New York.

What is the difference between a stepfamily and a blended family?

One parent has biological children in a stepfamily, and two parents have biological children in a blended family.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of postformal thinking?

Placing emphasis on abstract relationships

During which phase of individuation does an adolescent believe she can do no wrong and there is some reckless behavior?

Practice and experimentation

Professor Sandwick is interested in studying human attachment in one-year-olds. Which technique would this professor most likely use to assess quality of attachment?

The Strange Situation

Which of the following is likely influenced by genetically control systems in the brain

The ability to distinguish among speech sounds

During the first year, brain development is characterized by

neurons connecting with other neurons.

After a couple has had their first child, the level of marital satisfaction typically


In a negative correlation, as one characteristic increases, the other characteristic


Beth, who is terminally ill, repeatedly claims that there must be a mistake in the medical tests. Beth is in which of Kübler-Ross's stages?


Which type of theorists believe that most behavior and characteristics are the result of genetic inheritance?


Bailey is an older adult who wishes to take his own life. He plans to use a method that is unlikely to be detecteD. Therefore, Bailey is most likely to

neglect to take his essential medicine.

Which of the following is most likely to bring two people together?


Compared with couples with children, long-term married couples without children report

slightly higher closeness.

A morpheme is defined as the

smallest meaningful unit of a language.

Research by van Ijzendoorn found that parents' AAI attachment classification

was positively related to their own infants' attachment classification.

By definition, punishment always

weakens a behavioral response.

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