Psyc102 - Test 3

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_______ is a long-standing connection or bond with others.


During the elementary school stage (ages 6-12), children begin to compare themselves to their peers to see how they measure up. They either develop a sense of accomplishment or they feel inadequate when they don't measure up. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

industry vs. inferiority

Once children reach the preschool stage (ages 3-6 years), they are capable of originating activities and asserting control over their world through social interactions and play. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

initiative vs. guilt

When children develop theory-of-mind (TOM), they can recognize that ________.

others have false beliefs

________ development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness.


Elroy decided not to cheat on the exam because he would fail the class if he was caught. What stage of moral development does this exemplify?


According to Abraham Maslow, the highest need is ________.


Asa is buying a gift for his mother, an overbearing woman who is difficult to please. When a clerk asks him who he is shopping for he replies, "my smother" instead of "my mother." What does this exemplify?

Freudian slip

Who developed social-cognitive theory of personality?

Albert Bandura

_________ is figure that exists in our collective unconscious across cultures and societies

An archetype

What was the main idea behind Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

An individual's personality develops throughout the lifespan.

Who proposed that people have a locus of control?

Julian rotter

Who suggested that men have womb envy because they cannot give birth?

Karen Horney

Who believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages?

Lawrence Kohlberg

The ________ Inkblot Test employs a series of symmetrical inkblot cards that are presented to a client by a psychologist in an effort to reveal the person's unconscious desires, fears, and struggles.


18-month-old Gordon learned the schema for apples. When Gordon sees tomatoes at the grocery store, he says, "Look mommy, apples!" His mother tells him that the food he sees at the store is a tomato, not an apple. He now has separate schemas for tomatoes and apples. This exemplifies ________.


Many cultures have stories about a hero who goes on a quest, such as Hercules, King Arthur, and Gilgamesh. What would Carl Jung say this exemplified?

an archetype

Kim believed he failed his math class because the test was too hard, passed his psychology class because the professor passed every student in the class, and didn't get the internship because the manager didn't like him. Julian Rotter would say that Kim has ________.

an external locus of control

Jessica believes that she succeeds in high school because she works hard, earned a place on the basketball team because she practices constantly, and cooks well because she takes cooking classes. Julian Rotter would say that Jessica has ________.

an internal locus of control

If parents are too lenient in the ________ stage, the child might become messy, careless, disorganized, and prone to emotional outbursts.


Marcy is 15 months old, and her father is insensitive and inattentive her needs. Marcy reacts to him the same way she reacts to a stranger—she doesn't care if he leaves the room and when he returns she is slow to notice or react. What kind of attachment is this?


The continuous development approach views development as a ________.

cumulative process

Ina can no longer read the street signs, but she refuses to admit she needs glasses to drive. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


Crawling, walking, writing, dressing, naming colors, speaking in sentences, and starting puberty are all examples of ________.

developmental milestones

Theorists who view development as ________ believe that development takes place in unique stages.


People in early adulthood (20s through early 40s) are ready to establish emotional closeness and maintain relationships with others. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

intimacy vs. isolation

Ingrid is energized by being alone, speaks slowly and softly, and avoids attention. Carl Jung would call her a(an) ________.


Which of the following is not a developmental issue children face during the preoperational stage?

object performance

Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify?

object permanence

According to Sigmund Freud, an adult who smokes, drinks, overeats, or bites her nails is fixated in the ________ stage of psychosexual development.


Dr. Grimes conducts a ________ by requesting that his patient respond to ambiguous stimuli, thus revealing hidden feelings, impulses, and desires.

projective test

________ development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships.


After Mike does not get the job he interviewed for, he moves back in with his parents and spends his days playing video games. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


During Jean Piaget's ________ stage, the world is experienced through senses and actions.


Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the new lifespan development category called emerging adulthood?

younger average age for marriage

What does nurture refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

environment and culture

Hans and Sybil Eysenck viewed people as having two specific personality dimensions: ________.

extroversion/introversion; neuroticism/stability

Eli seeks attention, acts first while thinking later, and prefers verbal communication. Carl Jung would describe him as a(an) ________.


________ development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.


The ________ refers to the common psychological tendencies that have been passed down from one generation to the next.

collective unconscious

During the ________ stage, children understand events and analogies logically, and they can perform simple mathematical operations.

concrete operational

________ is a state of being in which our thoughts about our real and ideal selves are very similar.


Stage theories hold that the sequence of development is ________.


Which statement summarizes the main idea of reciprocal determinism?

Our behavior, cognitive processes, and situational context all influence each other.

What is the main idea of the behavioral perspective on personality?

Personality is significantly shaped by the reinforcements and consequences outside of the organism.

Which of the following examples illustrates understanding conservation?

Scott knows that one piece of pizza cut into two slices is the same amount as cutting the same piece of pizza into three slices.

____________ is our level of confidence in our own abilities


One-year-old Ainsley learned the schema for trucks because his family has a truck. When Ainsley sees trucks on television, she says, "Look mommy, truck!" This exemplifies ________.


Which term refers to the adjustment of a schema by adding information similar to what is already known?


Early maturing girls are ________.

at a higher risk of depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders

Which parenting style is most encouraged in modern America?


As toddlers (ages 1-3 years) begin to explore their world, they learn that they can control their actions and act on the environment to get results. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

autonomy vs. shame/doubt

After age 65, most people are attempting to assess their lives and make sense of life and the meaning of their contributions. What is the primary developmental task of this stage?

integrity vs. despair

In a(an) ________, developmental psychologists collect a great deal of information from one individual in order to better understand physical and psychological changes over the lifespan.

case study

Annaliese knows that her friend is paying an online service to write a term paper. This bothers her, but she knows that if she tells the teacher everyone will think she is a snitch. She decides her friends' approval is more important, so she says nothing about the cheating. What stage of moral reasoning does this exemplify?


Grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon are all examples of ________ motor skills.


The traits openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are key components of the ________.

five factor model

Children in the ________ stage can use abstract thinking to problem solve, look at alternative solutions, and test these solutions.

formal operational

When people reach their 40s, they enter the time known as middle adulthood, which extends to the mid-60s. This involves finding their life's work and contributing to the development of others through activities such as volunteering, mentoring, and raising children. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

generativity vs. stagnation

What does nature refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

genes and biology

How can parents help their children achieve high congruence?

giving them unconditional love

Balancing, running, and jumping are all examples of ________ motor skills.


________ describes a proportion of difference among people that is attributed to genetics.


Tammy has a positive view of challenges: She views them as tasks to be mastered. She develops a deep interest in and a strong commitment to becoming a good teacher. When she doesn't pass her first teaching praxis, she quickly recovers and works to overcome the setback. Albert Bandura would say Tammy has ________.

high self-efficiency

As the "third force" in psychology, ________ is touted as a reaction both to the pessimistic determinism of psychoanalysis and to the behaviorists' view of humans passively reacting to the environment.


Sigmund Freud suggested that people who are dominated by their ________ might be narcissistic and impulsive.


Adolescents (ages 12-18) experiment with and develop a sense of who they are and what roles they want to play. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

identity vs. confusion

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective test ________.

in which people are presented with ambiguous images

The concept conservation refers to ________.

knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added

According to Freud, during which period are sexual feelings dormant as children focus on other pursuits, such as school, friendships, hobbies, and sports?


Dan avoids applying to college because he doubts he can succeed. He is working a retail job, but he tends to focus on the things he does wrong. In fact, he has almost no confidence in his abilities, and when he experiences a setback at work he is ready to quit. Albert Bandura would say Dan has ________.

low self-efficacy

________ skills refer to our ability to move our bodies and manipulate objects.


Carissa's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this?


In the ________ stage, children use words and images to represent things, but they lack logical reasoning.


It is hard to tell how Guy's father will respond to Guy. Sometimes he is responsive to Guy's needs, but he is just as likely to ignore Guy. At 18 months old, Guy clings to his father, but he is just as likely to reject his father if his father tries to play with him. Guy becomes angry when his father leaves, and Guy is difficult to comfort even after his father returns. What kind of attachment is this?


Umberto is a one year old, and his mother is sensitive and responsive to his needs. He is distressed when his mother leaves him, and he is happy to see her when she returns. What kind of attachment is this?


________ theorists attempt to explain our personality by identifying our stable characteristics and ways of behaving.


Between birth and one year, infants are dependent on their caregivers; therefore, caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's needs help their baby to develop a sense of the world as a safe, predictable place. According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

trust vs. mistrust

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