PSYC121: Abnormal Psychology (Quiz)

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_________ is defined as irrational and persistent fears of certain objects or animals - way out of proportion to the threat posed. Central features of phobia are (1) fear and anxiety directed at a limited set of stimuli (2) contact with stimuli elicits intense fear, anxiety, and avoidance behavior (3) fear and anxiety are unreasonable and excessive such that interferes in a person's daily functioning. Some phobias are also mentioned to be derived from evolutionary basis.


________ phobia is derived when excessive and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which embarrassment or negative judgement from others might occur. Social phobic fears that others will detect their anxiety by observing signs of somatic distress (e.g. blushing) and exposure provokes intense anxiety or panic attack. They are likely to avoid typical situations or endured with great distress such as making conversation; speaking, drinking, performing, writing in front of people; meeting new people; attending social gatherings; talking on the phone.


Responses to trauma are best understood as __________ rather than a single disorder - ranging from a brief reaction that gets better by itself and never qualifies for a diagnosis, to classic or simple post-traumatic stress disorder, to the complex syndrome of prolonged, repeated trauma (Herman, 1992). PTSD's critical condition can be diagnosed one month after trauma and specify as Delayed Onset if onset of symptoms is at least six months after the stressor. PTSD often persist more than three months.

a spectrum of conditions

Worry related disorder is comprised of general anxiety disorder (GAD), __________ and OCD.

adjustment disorder

Latest research using brain imaging has revealed that spiders activate both the fear modules in the brain as well as those areas dedicated to processing ___________. These areas of the brain are found to be parts of the primitive areas of the brain.


Sufferers of GAD tend to believe that worrying is ________ means of avoidance or/and preventing occurrence of negative consequences. Onset tends to be _________- many report being anxious since childhood. Course of suffering tend to be chronic but with fluctuations in response to current level of life stress. One of most prevalent but least well understood anxiety disorders.

effective, insidious

Some psychological theories suggested that phobias are acquired through learning from the __________ via (1) classical conditioning, (2) operant conditioning and (3) social learning.


Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)'s features are re-experiencing events in memories or nightmares which may include flashbacks similar to dissociate states lasting minutes to hours. People with this type of disorder are likely to deal with distress and anxiety by internal or external avoidance (emotional numbing). Trigger patterns are __________ and __________ autonomic arousal and can affect sleep, mood, concentration, hyper-vigilance, exaggerated startle response. Disturbance is likely to last for at least one month.

general, persistent

Four subtypes of OCD are (1) contamination/washing (2) __________ (3) pure obsession - 25% report obsessions without any compulsions or rituals (4) hoarding

harm obsession/checking

OCD usually begin from early adolescence to mid-20s with typically earlier onset in male is 13-15 years and female is 20-24 years. OCD may cause severe ____________, resulting in job loss and disruption of marital and other interpersonal relationships. High co-morbidity of OCD are anxiety depression, sleep disturbance, eating disorders, and tic disorders.

impairment in functioning

Concerning phobias, hypotheses from __________ proposed that phobias should be traceable to an original learning experience, should centre on situations/objects that are potentially harmful and should be possible to condition and decondition phobias artificially.

learning theory

In most cases of OCD, irrationality of thoughts are recognized and attempted to ignore or suppress thoughts by __________ them with other thoughts or actions. Most common obsessional content areas include dirt and contamination, aggression, inanimate-interpersonal objects or behaviors (e.g. locks, orderliness), sex and religion. ___________ designed to prevent occurrence of a future event or to neutralize aftereffects of events (e.g. washing hands, cleaning, repeating acts, checking, counting). OCD is the most chronic course of anxiety disorder.

neutralizing, compulsions

OCPD tends to be __________, _________ and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification). They are unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value and reluctance to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things. Their personality also shows rigidity and stubbornness.

overconscientious, scrupulous

Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization or schedules to extent that the major point of the activity is lost. This disorder shows _________ that interferes with task completion. Excessive devotion to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships, are also parts of OCPD's dysfunctional behaviors


Generalized sub-type of social phobia is more severe and most __________ of anxiety disorder and can lead to inability to work, complete education, lack of career advancement, poor productivity, and severe social restrictions. This type of phobia is usually begin in late adolescent around the age of 13 to 20 year, and likely to be chronic disorder. ___________ are more likely to be diagnosed with social phobia in epidemiological studies. However, in treatment samples, social phobia is equally distributed across gender.

prevalent, woman,

Genetically, all of us are not equally phobic because variations in the _________ transporter gene modulates selective attention to threat. We all have this gene but some (_____%) have a truncated version which lead these people to be more likely to develop phobias. Phobia is developed when genetic vulnerability and aversive experience are mixed psychologically.

serotonin, 20

Within panic is included of (1) Panic disorder, (2) __________ and (3) ___________. The main features of PD is recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, with panic attacks are sudden episodes of fear involving distressing physical sensations and fear of dying, losing control or going crazy. PD also involves worry about future panic attacks and behavioral strategies to prevent feared consequences.Relative to General Anxiety Disorder, the object of threat is narrower and related to bodily sensations and their associated contexts (internal and external).

specific phobia, social phobia

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by intrusive and distressing thoughts, urges, and images coupled with repetitive behaviors aimed at decreasing the discomfort caused by these obsessive thoughts. - Obsessions are __________, _________ or ________ that persistently intrude in the mind, despite being unwelcome and causing anxiety. - Compulsions are _________ that are irresistible and carried out in a repetitive or ritualistic manner in response to an obsession or according to rigid rules.

thoughts, images, or impulses, acts

Usual onset of symptoms of PTSD is a few days after the event. Some recover without treatment (50% natural remission by 2 years) within months/years but some may have significant impairment of social and occupational functioning. About 20% people with PTSD recover as a result of treatment. Generally ________% remain symptomatic for 3 years or longer with greater risk of secondary problems.


__________ responding occurs in GAD. The essential features of GAD are excessive worry about a number of difficult life events or activities (e.g. work, school), worry is difficult to control and is associated with symptoms of motor tension and vigilance such as restlessness or feeling on edge, being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability muscle tension, sleep disturbance. The features must be present for at least 6 months to be called GAD.

Broadest threat

__________ is a direct learning of fears and can be traumatic experiences such as bitten by a snake and false alarm such as have a panic attack in a lift. Phobias can be learned through _________ by observing fear in another (e.g. parent) and hear about danger from another. Through __________, anxiety response is elicited by approaching phobic object/situation. In OC, retreat from phobic object reduces anxiety. Some may unwittingly reinforce avoidance.

Classical conditioning, Social learning, Operant conditioning,

____________ is a concept developed to take into account those traumatic situations that were/are chronic and this type of disorder could be seen in concentration camp survivors, chronic sexual/physical abuse and chronic domestic violence.

Complex PTSD

____________ is harmful psychological dysfunction, the breakdown of cognitive, behavioral and emotional functions in individuals and lead to distress or impairment. The disorder is statistically rare and involve the violation of social norms.

Psychological disorder

Some specific phobias are: _________, __________, __________ and__________ . Fears are nonrandomly distributed - some are far more prevalent than others. The DSM-IV differentiates four major types of specific phobias: (a) animal (b) natural environment (phobia of dark or height) (c) blood-injection-injury type (dental phobia etc.) and (d) situational type (elevators etc.)

Scotophobia - fear of darkness, Ophidiophobia - fear of snake, Arachnopobia - fear of spiders and Phobophobia - fear of phobias

Basic symptoms of OCD according to ___________ are (1) aggression, sexual and religious obsessions with checking compulsive behaviors (2) symmetry, ordering, arranging, and repeating compulsions (3) contamination obsessions with washing and cleaning compulsions and (4) hoarding and saving behaviors


Some symptoms of PD are:

Palpitations, rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling or shaking, sensations of shortness of breath or smothering, feelings of choking, chest pain and nausea

___________ disorder is made up of panic, worry and trauma.


____________ or _____________ symptoms found in PTSD are: attempting to avoid situations that remind the sufferer of the trauma, feelings of detachment or alienation, loss of interest in activities in which the person previously had interest or inability to feel affection or emotion in ways the person had previously experienced them.

Avoidance numbing

___________ is a behavioral disorder of the elderly. The cardinal features of this condition include extreme self-neglect, domestic squalor, and tendency to hoard excessively. This is associated with self-imposed isolation, refusal of help and marked indifference or lack of awareness. This syndrome has been referred to as senile breakdown, social breakdown, senile squalor syndrome, and messy house syndrome.

Diogenes syndrome

Hoarding is "acquisition of, and _________ to discard, worthless items, that appear to others to have no value" as defined by Frost and Gross (1993). Hoarding is often a symptom of ___________, dementia and mental retardation and can be found in non-clinical populations. Hoarding is most commonly associated with OCD.

Hoarding, schizophrenia

___________symptoms of PTSD are: difficulty concentrating or remembering; hyper-vigilance or easily startle and may seem constantly on guard; insomnia and other sleep disturbances; or irritability or outbursts of anger. Follows exposure to specific traumatic event in which person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with actual or threatened death or serious injury or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror in an individual with PTSD. Examples of traumatic events can be combat experiences, rape, assault, observe serious injury of another person.


Biological explanation of phobias focus on evolutionary basis. Seligman (1971)'s theory "biological preparedness" stated that fear of harmful animals and situations would provide an evolutionary advantage and therefore be passed on by ___________. And for evidence, most people were said to rate as most fearful those animals which move unpredictably and are slimy. Cook and Mineka (1990) found it easier to condition monkeys to fear toy ________ than cuddly teddies. Ohman (1996) found it easier to condition humans to fear snakes rather than flowers.

biological preparedness, natural selection, snakes

Person with complex PTSD have difficult regulating emotions, including symptoms such as persistent sadness, suicidal thoughts, explosive anger or covert anger, which is characteristics of passive-aggressive behavior. Variation in ___________, such as forgetting traumatic events, reliving traumatic events, or having episodes of __________ (one feel detached from one's mental processes or body) are found. Changed in ___________, such as a sense of helplessness, shame, guilt, stigma, and a sense of being completely different from other human beings and varied changes in the perception of the perpetrator such as attributing total power to the perpetrator or becoming preoccupied with the relationship to the perpetrator including a preoccupation with revenge are also seen in individual with this type of disorder. __________ in relations with others, including isolation, distrust or a repeated search for a rescuer and loss of or changes in, one's system of meanings, which may include a loss of sustaining faith or a sense of hopelessness and despair are often found in as symptoms of complex PTSD.

consciousness, dissociation, self-perception, Alternations

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