psyc1300 chapter 5

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True or false: Stimulus generalization occurs when one responds only to the original conditioned stimulus.

False; this is discrimination

In Pavlov's work, he found that dogs would salivate to various _____, such as seeing someone who usually brings food enter the room or a cabinet door opening. Multiple choice question. actions stimuli responses


Operant conditioning is better than classical conditioning at explaining _____ behaviors. Multiple choice question. voluntary involuntary respondent


What is learning? any permanent change in behavior brought on by education any temporary change in behavior brought on by education any permanent change in behavior brought on by experience any temporary change in behavior brought on by experience

any permanent change in behavior brought on by experience

Ivan ____ was the researcher who originally described classical conditioning.


___ punishment occurs when a behavior decreases when it is followed by a stimulus. Multiple choice question. Classical Negative Neutral Positive


Ratio schedules of reinforcement tend to create a _____ response rate compared to interval schedules. Multiple choice question. slower higher equal


A child sees her lunch box and then feels hunger pangs. In this example, the hunger pangs are a(n) UCS. UCR. CS. CR.


True or false: When 3-year-old Maddy calls out "grandma" and reaches to hug every gray-haired, older woman she encounters, Maddy is demonstrating stimulus discrimination.

False; this is generalization

True or false: In his experiments involving conditioning, Pavlov extinguished a dog's conditioned response of salivating to a bell by conducting sessions in which he rang the bell but did not give the dog food.


In classical conditioning, extinction occurs when _____. Multiple choice question. reinforcement is absent reinforcement is presented the conditioned stimulus is absent the unconditioned stimulus is absent

the unconditioned stimulus is absent

The reason that chimpanzees cannot learn to speak English is because Multiple choice question. they are unable to comprehend language the way humans can. they lack the vocal chords of a human. there is no motivation for them to do so.

they lack the vocal chords of a human.

A(n) _____ stimulus produces a response without prior learning. Multiple choice question. conditioned differential primary unconditioned


In Watson and Rayner's experiment with little Albert, they paired a loud noise with a white rat. Although Albert had not initially been afraid of the rat, after only seven pairings of the loud noise with the white rat, Albert began to fear the rat, even when the loud noise was no longer sounded. In this experiment, the loud noise is an example of a(n) _____. Multiple choice question. unconditioned response conditioned stimulus unconditioned stimulus conditioned response

unconditioned stimulus

Unlike classical conditioning, operant conditioning typically involves _____ responses. Multiple choice question. involuntary voluntary


Most people find that they learn better by listening to audio instructions. watching a model. both of these. neither of these.

watching a model.

Generalization occurs when learning that occurred in one setting is _____ in other similar settings. Multiple choice question. not observed unlearned exhibited


When a previously conditioned response decreases and eventually disappears, _______ has occurred.


A(n) _______-interval schedule of reinforcement is a schedule that provides reinforcement for a response only if a fixed time period has elapsed.


The pattern of partial reinforcement in which responses are regularly reinforced after a set period of time has passed is called a _____ schedule. Multiple choice question. fixed-ratio (FR) variable-interval (VI) fixed-interval (FI) variable-ratio (VR)

fixed-interval (FI)

Observational learning is learning that occurs when we _____. Multiple choice question. understand our surroundings model others become self-aware

model others

What part of the brain controls or modulates learning? the cerebral cortex the subcortical structures the cerebellum the cerebral lobes

the subcortical structures

When a dog salivates upon tasting food, the salivation is called the _______ response.


A cold wind blowing in my face makes me shiver. In this example, shivering is a(n) ________.

unconditioned response

When a dog salivates after having food placed in its mouth, the salivation is called the _____. Multiple choice question. conditioned stimulus unconditioned response conditioned response unconditioned stimulus

unconditioned response

Which of these was the neutral stimulus (NS) in Pavlov's original experiment? Multiple choice question. Bell Dog Meat powder Salivation


When considering Pavlov's dogs, how would you permanently extinguish the association between the bell and food? Multiple choice question. By ringing the bell and then never providing food By ringing the bell and then providing food occasionally By ringing the bell and then providing food each time By never ringing the bell

By ringing the bell and then never providing food

What is a conditioned stimulus? Multiple choice question. A stimulus that produces a response without prior learning An unlearned response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus A previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits a learned response

A previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits a learned response

The idea that consequences of a behavior can increase or decrease the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated is referred to as which of the following? Multiple choice question. Classical conditioning Law of effect Habituation Extinction

Law of effect

___ is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. Multiple choice question. Adaptation Learning Evolution Habituation


___ conditioning occurs when organisms learn from the consequences of their behavior. Multiple choice question. Associative Classical Observational Operant


What is the definition of learning? Multiple choice question. A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about through experience The process by which a neutral stimulus elicits a response after being paired with a non-neutral stimulus Strengthening voluntary responses depending on consequences

A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about through experience

What is an unconditioned stimulus (US)? Multiple choice question. The learned response to a learned stimulus that occurs after repeated pairings A stimulus that produces a response without prior learning An unlearned response that is automatically elicited by a certain stimulus A previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits a response

A stimulus that produces a response without prior learning

How did Pavlov discover classical conditioning? Multiple choice question. Accidentally after discovering that dogs salivated to various stimuli such as a food dish or a door opening After a lot of effort evaluating many animals in their natural habitat Through studies of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli

Accidentally after discovering that dogs salivated to various stimuli such as a food dish or a door opening

___ involves the initial learning of the stimulus-response link. Multiple choice question. Generalization Extinction Discrimination Acquisition


Positive punishment is which of the following? Multiple choice question. Addition of a stimulus to increase behavior Removal of a stimulus to decrease a behavior Removal of a stimulus to increase a behavior Addition of a stimulus to decrease a behavior

Addition of a stimulus to decrease a behavior

Which of the following describes spontaneous recovery? Multiple choice question. An extinguished conditioned response reemerges. A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. A conditioned response dissipates over time.

An extinguished conditioned response reemerges.

What is an unconditioned response? Multiple choice question. A previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits the learned response after being associated with unconditioned stimulus An unlearned response that is automatically elicited by an unconditioned stimulus A stimulus that produces a response without prior learning A learned response to the conditioned stimulus that occurs after the pairing of a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus

An unlearned response that is automatically elicited by an unconditioned stimulus

__________ conditioning refers to a form of treatment that involves repeated pairings of a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus to change an association.

Aversive or Averse

Which theory of learning discounts the importance of such mental activities as thinking, wishing, and hoping and focuses solely on observable actions? Multiple choice question. Learning Behaviorism Associative learning Classical conditioning


_________ reinforcement is the removal of a stimulus after a behavior to increase the frequency of that behavior, whereas __________ reinforcement is the presentation of a stimulus after a behavior.

Blank 1: Negative Blank 2: positive

In Pavlov's original experiment, the bell began as a _____ stimulus and by the end became a ___ stimulus.

Blank 1: neutral, neutral stimulus Blank 2: conditioned or conditioned stimulus

A slot machine that on average gives a reward after a certain number of plays but on an unpredictable basis is an example of a(n) ____-____ reward schedule.

Blank 1: variable Blank 2: ratio

Unlike positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement is the removal of a stimulus after a behavior to _____ the frequency of that behavior. Multiple choice question. decrease neutralize increase


Which of the following are components of observational learning, according to Bandura? (Select all that apply.) Multiple select question. Spontaneous recovery Motor reproduction Generalization Reinforcement Retention Attention

Motor reproduction Reinforcement Retention Attention

_______ punishment is when a behavior decreases when a stimulus is removed.


________ conditioning is a form of associative learning in which the consequences of a behavior change the probability of it occurring.


Which of the following are types of conditioning where association are learned? (Choose every correct answer.) Multiple select question. Operant Cognitive Negative Classical

Operant Classical

What behavior do rats engage in while in a Skinner box? Multiple choice question. Perform a behavior to receive food Run through a complicated maze Play with other rats

Perform a behavior to receive food

In classical conditioning, the weakening of the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is absent is known as ___.


Lori used to rush to her infant son and pick him up every time he cried. Lately, she has stopped rushing to him, and he has decreased his crying. According to the principles of operant conditioning, this is due to _____. Multiple choice question. generalization extinction reinforcement discrimination


A bird learns to peck a red disk and not to peck a green disk. This would be an example of _____. Multiple choice question. stimulus overload stimulus generalization stimulus association stimulus discrimination

stimulus discrimination

Lesli is driving her six-year-old daughter to ballet when another car cuts them off. Lesli lets out a string of curse words at the driver. From out of the back seat, her six-year-old, Robyn, repeats the vulgar phrase. Why do you think that Robyn has engaged in this behavior? Lesli is probably a bad parent. Lesli has probably been allowing Robyn to play with children who are a bad influence on her. Robyn watched her mother curse in the car and is replicating her mother's behavior. Robyn is likely trying out sounds that have no meaning to her as a stage of language development.

Robyn watched her mother curse in the car and is replicating her mother's behavior.

______ of reinforcement are timetables that determine when a behavior will be reinforced.

Schedules or Schedule

________ modification is the use of operant conditioning to change human behavior by analyzing and adjusting the rewards and punishments in a particular setting.


_________ is a theory of learning that focuses solely on observable behaviors, discounting the importance of mental activities such as thinking, wishing, and hoping.


With which of the following would social learning theorists agree? Animals are unable to learn by observation and imitation. Observational learning is an effective way to learn a skill. Adults learn best by reading written directions. Gender roles are unable to be learned by observational learning.

Observational learning is an effective way to learn a skill.

Simone saw her coworker, Riley, talking with their boss, James. Riley complained that she had a "splitting headache." James sympathized that he, too, gets terrible migraines, and told Riley to go home early. Which of the following is most likely to occur? Simone will feel bad for James that he doesn't understand that Riley took advantage of him. Simone will likely tell James that she has a headache in the future so she might get to go home early. Riley will likely tell Simone that her headaches are a "learned behavior" from working with James. James will probably tell Simone that she should go home early, too, because she was observing the behavior that occurred.

Simone will likely tell James that she has a headache in the future so she might get to go home early.

Benny decides to teach his fish to swim to the top of the fishbowl. Currently, his fish swim to the top of the bowl only after he feeds them. Benny uses a flashlight to shine light in the bowl before sprinkling in the fish food. After a week, when Benny shines a light in the bowl, the fish swim to the top of the tank whether or not he has sprinkled in food.

Unconditioned Stimulus- fish food Unconditioned Response- swim to the top of the tank Neutral Stimulus- light from the flashlight Conditioned Stimulus- light from the flashlight Conditioned Response- swim to the top of the tank

What is a neutral stimulus? a stimulus that doesn't cause a response of interest unless it is associated with a UCS a stimulus that becomes the UCR over a period of conditioning a stimulus that causes the UCS if there have been enough trials for them to become associated anything that causes a reflexive response

a stimulus that doesn't cause a response of interest unless it is associated with a UCS

Learning that occurs when we make connections, or an association, between two events is known as _____ learning. Multiple choice question. classical observational associative behaviorism


The form _________ of learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which the subject has an automatic inborn response is called classical conditioning.


Dennis is watching his friend, Mike, play a video game to learn how to get past a difficult spot on this level. Just as Mike is approaching the important combination of moves to beat the boss, Dennis's phone rings and he looks away from the screen to see who is calling. Which of the following processes did Dennis just miss in learning how to win at this level? attention retention motor reproduction reinforcement


The unconditioned stimulus _____. Multiple choice question. automatically causes a response, each time it is presented occasionally causes a response, at least 50 percent of the time is the same as the unconditioned response

automatically causes a response, each time it is presented

The ________ was the neutral stimulus in Pavlov's original experiment.


When the structure of an organism's body inhibits what the organism can learn, it is called a _______ constraint.


Sometimes real estate agents will provide freshly baked chocolate chip cookies at open houses in hopes that potential buyers will associate the smell of the cookies with positive feelings about the house. In this case, they are applying _____ conditioning techniques.


The form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which the subject has an automatic inborn response is called _____ conditioning

classical or classic

Learning involves observable behaviors; however, it also involves _____ factors, which involve understanding the thoughts of the learners. Multiple choice question. shaping cognitive self-regulation self-monitor


Schedules of reinforcement are specific patterns that show a reinforced behavior in a different situation. determine when a behavior will be reinforced. determine when extinction will occur. show appropriate response to stimuli.

determine when a behavior will be reinforced.

Unlike positive punishment, negative punishment _____. Multiple choice question. increases the frequency of a behavior involves removing a stimulus reduces the frequency of a behavior involves adding a stimulus

involves removing a stimulus

Unlike positive punishment, negative punishment _____. Multiple choice question. reduces the frequency of a behavior involves removing a stimulus involves adding a stimulus increases the frequency of a behavior

involves removing a stimulus

Learned information stored cognitively in an individuals memory but not expressed behaviorally is called _____ learning. Multiple choice question. long-term latent reinforced short-term


Jared, a first grader, works harder in school so that he can get a prize from the teacher's treasure chest at the end of the week. In this case, the teacher is using _________ conditioning to help Jared improve.


Steven has been fired twice for being late. In his new job, he has never been late. The consequence of being fired would be considered _____. Multiple choice question. reinforcement generalization punishment extinction


A variable _______ schedule reinforces a behavior after an average number of times but on an unpredictable basis.


In operant conditioning, if one wants a high rate of responding, a _______ schedule should be utilized.


When a rat enters a Skinner box, it has to learn to press a lever to get food. At the very beginning of this process, it is rewarded with food when it is in the vicinity of the lever. Then it is rewarded when it touches the lever, and so on. This technique of rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior is _______.


True or false: A variable-interval schedule is a timetable in which behaviors are rewarded an average number of times, but on an unpredictable basis.


________ in operant conditioning means responding appropriately to stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be reinforced.


Which of the following is likely to be a conditioned (secondary) reinforcement? Multiple choice question. Water Food Money Electric shock


Which two of the following are secondary reinforcers? Multiple select question. Money Food Praise Sex

Money Praise

Which of the following is NOT a schedule of partial reinforcement? Multiple choice question. Variable-ratio Fixed-ratio Variable-interval Ratio-interval


_________ is the process in operant conditioning by which a stimulus or event following a particular behavior increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated.


Negative punishment is which of the following? Multiple choice question. Removal of a stimulus to increase a behavior Addition of a stimulus to decrease a behavior Removal of a stimulus to decrease a behavior

Removal of a stimulus to decrease a behavior

True or false: Acquisition in classical conditioning is the initial learning of the stimulus-response link.


True or false: Aversive conditioning is a form of conditioning that repeatedly pairs a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus.


True or false: Shaping can help teach a child who is struggling to produce language by first reinforcing the production of sounds, then by only reinforcing simple words.

True; Shaping is reinforcing successive approximation of a desired behavior.

Applied behavior analysis or _____ modification is the use of operant conditioning principles to change human behavior. Multiple choice question. behavior employing punisher applied


Although latent learning is unreinforced, it is stored ______ in the observer's memories. Multiple choice question. emotionally actively consciously cognitively


In Pavlov's work on classical conditioning with dogs, the bell became a(n) _____ because it was originally neutral but it became paired with the UC (food). Multiple choice question. conditioned stimulus conditioned response unconditioned stimulus

conditioned stimulus

When the red light is on, the pigeon does not peck on the disk because it has learned that food will only be presented when the green light is on. This is due to _____. Multiple choice question. extinction discrimination generalization


The pattern of partial reinforcement in which reinforcement requires a set number of responses is called a(n) _____ schedule. Multiple choice question. fixed-interval (FI) variable-ratio (VR) fixed-ratio (FR) variable-interval (VI)

fixed-ratio (FR)

The term used to describe learning that is not reinforced and is not reflective immediately in behavior is _________ learning.

latent or implicit

When removal of a stimulus in response to a behavior increases the frequency of that behavior, _____ is said to have occurred. Multiple choice question. negative punishment negative reinforcement positive punishment positive reinforcement

negative reinforcement

The sudden reappearance of an extinguished response is called spontaneous _______.


Both positive and negative punishment _____. Multiple choice question. result in extinction increase the frequency of a behavior involve removing a stimulus reduce the frequency of a behavior

reduce the frequency of a behavior

Punishment is a consequence that _____. Multiple choice question. has little effect on behavior reduces the frequency of a behavior increases the frequency of a behavior

reduces the frequency of a behavior

Earning an "A" in a course is an example of a(n) _____ reinforcer.


The term for reinforcers that are learned by association is _____ reinforcers. Multiple choice question. unconditioned primary secondary


Every time second-grader Sarah raises her hand in class and gives the correct answer, her teacher gives her a sticker. Receiving a sticker increases the likelihood of Sarah's participation. This is an example of _____. Multiple choice question. the law of effect classical conditioning extinction observational learning

the law of effect

The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are reinforced after time periods of different duration have passed is called a _____ schedule. Multiple choice question. fixed-ratio (FR) fixed-interval (FI) variable-ratio (VR) variable-interval (VI)

variable-interval (VI)

Every time Max, the family dog, sits on command, he receives a treat. The treat would be considered _____. Multiple choice question. shaping reinforcement conditioning punishment


Tiffany usually fastens her seat belt so that the buzzing sound will stop. This would be considered negative _________.


True or false: Operant conditioning involves associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus.


Which of the following are considered primary reinforcers? (Select all that apply.) Multiple select question. Points Food Water Praise

Food Water

The consequences of an action influence the frequency with which that action is displayed in the future. What does this describe? Multiple choice question. Classical conditioning Discrimination Habituation Law of effect

Law of effect

Which of the following is a variable-ratio schedule? Multiple choice question. Sam is reinforced every third time he puts his toys away. Sam is reinforced every two to 10 days for putting his toys away. Sam is reinforced once a week for putting his toys away. Sam is reinforced every two to five times he puts his toys away.

Sam is reinforced every two to five times he puts his toys away. a- fixed ratio b- variable interval c- fixed interval

What learning process is exhibited by the following: In teaching a child to walk, the child is rewarded first for crawling, then for standing up, and then for taking his or her first step? Multiple choice question. Modification Shaping Classical conditioning Generalization


Which of the following refers to rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior? Multiple choice question. Classical conditioning Contingency Shaping Modeling


Even though his owner has a ring tone on his cell phone that sounds like a door bell, Buster, the family dog, only barks when the door bell rings and not when the phone rings. This is an example of which of the following? Multiple choice question. Stimulus discrimination Stimulus generalization Stimulus overload Spontaneous recovery

Stimulus discrimination

Pavlov's dogs would salivate at the ring of a bell but not at the chime of a clock. What concept is this an example of? Multiple choice question. Shaping Extinction Stimulus generalization Stimulus discrimination

Stimulus discrimination

In Pavlov's original experiment, the conditioned stimulus (CS) was the _____. Multiple choice question. salivation to the meat powder dog meat powder bell


A _____ schedule reinforces a behavior after a set number of behaviors. Multiple choice question. variable-ratio variable-interval fixed-interval fixed-ratio


In classical conditioning, the tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response know as _____. Multiple choice question. discrimination generalization recovery shaping


In operant conditioning, __________ means performing a reinforced behavior in a different situation.


A Skinner box is a chamber with a highly controlled environment that was used to study _____. Multiple choice question. classical conditioning processes with laboratory animals behaviors of laboratory rats in running mazes operant conditioning processes with laboratory animals

operant conditioning processes with laboratory animals; Skinner developed theories of operant conditioning and tested them in Skinner boxes, small chambers that delivered reinforcement or punishment for selected behaviors.

Innate reinforcers that satisfy biological needs (food, water, sex, etc.) are called _____ reinforcers. Multiple choice question. secondary unique conditioned primary


An unlearned stimulus-response connection, such as blinking when air is blown into someone's eyes, is considered a ________.


The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are reinforced after time periods of different duration have passed is called a _____ schedule. Multiple choice question. variable-ratio (VR) variable-interval (VI) fixed-interval (FI) fixed-ratio (FR)

variable-interval (VI)

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