Psych 101 Ch 2

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Alphonse suffered a stroke, resulting in a lesion in his temporal lobe. The healthcare worker assisting Alphonse in his recovery might be concerned that Alphonse's _____ has been affected.


Antidepressants such as Prozac and Zoloft cause the neurotransmitter serotonin to remain in the synapse longer than it normally would. Prozac and Zoloft are among a class of antidepressants that inhibit the process called:

on the right half of his body

Brandon, who was shot on the left side of his head, suffered paralysis and loss of sensation:

positive ions flood into the cell

During an action potential:


Elena's roommate has diabetes, a disorder related to the hormone insulin. As a result, Elena knows that her roommate's difficulty regulating blood sugar is related to the


Having spent many months in a war zone, Brandon encountered more than his fair share of fear-provoking near-death experiences. In dangerous situations like Brandon experienced, the _____ is activated and the nervous system orchestrates a whole-body response (racing heart, sweaty palms, and so on), as well as an emotional reaction (fear).


In a Rollerblading mishap, Wendy fell down and injured the back of her head. An injury in this region of the brain could interfere with Wendy's sense of:

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

In order to study the function of a brain, behavioral neuroscientists sometimes use _____, which involves injecting a radioactive tracer into the bloodstream of a patient.

electroencephalogram (EEG)

Later in the course, students will learn about the different patterns of electrical activity in the brain that occur in the different stages of sleep and dreaming. Given that researchers studying sleep look at electrical activity in the brains of their subjects, what technique are they using?


Leia is preparing for a quiz tomorrow morning, so she notes that _____ is released by the adrenal glands.


Physical exercise may boost _____ in the brain, leading to improved mood.


Prior to her hemispherectomy, Christina was extroverted, easygoing, and full of energy. After her operation, Christina became more introverted and passive. The transformation of Christina's personality may be a result of many factors, including the loss of her right _____ lobe.

Neurons in the spinal cord cause Sebastian's hand to withdraw without his brain's help.

Sebastian was preparing to cook his lunch when he activated his sensory pathway by accidentally touching a hot pan with his bare hands. Which of these explanations accurately describes the science of what happens next?

cell body

The _____ is where the nucleus, which contains DNA, can be found in a typical neuron.

frontal lobe

The brain injury suffered by 19th-century railroad worker Phineas Gage allowed psychologists to learn about the functions of the brain's:

make up the majority of the cortical surface.

The brain's association areas:

brain and spinal cord

The central nervous system consists of the:

cerebral cortex

The part of the brain responsible for higher order thinking such as decision making is the:


There is a _____ correlation between the touch sensitivity of a body part and the amount of somatosensory cortex devoted to that part.

superior temporal sulcus

Using MRI technology, researchers studied the brains of Facebook users. They were interested in an area called the _____ that is thought to be important for detecting socially meaningful movements such as hand gestures and eye shifts.

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