PSYCH 101 - Psychology Chapter 1 & 2

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Modern Perspectives: Psychology Today (5 total)

1) Neuroscience 2) Psychodynamic 3) Behavioral 4) Cognitive 5) Humanistic

List 3 benefits of using animals in psychological research

1) we can study some things more easily in animals 2) large numbers of similar participants can be easily obtained 3) we can look at generational effects more easily in animals because of the shorter lifespan

What is the scientific method?

1. Make observation 2. Ask question 3. Hypothesis (Operational definition: translating hypothesis into specific testable procedures) 4. Make a prediction based on hypothesis 5. Do the experiment to test prediction 6. Analyze the results 7. Hypothesis correct or incorrect 8. Report results

Correlational Research (Descriptive Research):

2 variables interacting, are 2 variables associated? Y-Criterion Variable X-Predictor Variable Who will succeed in university? High school GPA (predictor) College GPA (criterion) Correlational coefficient (r) Positive correlation- variables in same direction (+,+) or (-,-) Negative correlation- variables in opp. directions (+,-) 0=no correlation -1.00 or +1.00 HIGH correlation (.4 is considered high)


A prediction or guess that can be tested. If a hypothesis is correct, it becomes a theory

Participant Observation (Type of Descriptive Research)

A researcher engages in same activities as people being observed, inserting themselves in situation Ex: Extremist groups, terrorist cells

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between a theory and a hypothesis?

A theory is broader than a hypothesis

Reticular formation

Activates other parts of the brain to produce general bodily arousal

Modern Perspectives (5): Humanistic

All of us have the capacity to seek fulfillment, drive to succeed and drive to be better, all people will strive for basic needs *Conscious choices

Animals in Research

Animals are used in 7% of psychological studies, avoid exposure to unnecessary pain or suffering

Laboratory Observation (Type of Descriptive Research):

Animals or humans in a lab, highly controlled setting, one way mirror, like criminal minds Advantages: Control over environment Disadvantages: Artificial setting may result in artificial behavior

In negative correlation (r=-)

As the value of one variable increases, the value of the other decreases

A person wants to study effect of attractiveness on willing to help with math problem

Attractiveness: INDEPENDENT Willingness to help: DEPENDENT

"It is behavior that can be observed that should be studied, not the suspected inner workings of the mind" This statement was most likely made by:

BEHAVIORAL perspective

Pavlov, Watson

Behaviorism Reflex could be learned, phobias could be learned

John Locke (17th century)

Believed children were born with minds like blank slates

How can an understanding of the nervous system help us find ways to alleviate disease and pain?

Biofeedback is a procedure by which a person learns to control internal physiological processes, by controlling involuntary processes, people can relieve anxiety, tension, migraines, headaches etc

How do researchers identify the major parts and functions of the brain?

Brain scans take a "snapshot" of the internal workings of the brain without having to cut surgically into a person's skull. Major brain scanning techniques include EEG (electroencephalogram), PET (positron emission tomography), fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation imaging)

The group that receives no treatment is called the


What are the major parts of the brain and what behaviors are they responsible for?

Central Core: Medulla - heart, breath Pons - muscles Cerebellum - balance Reticular formation - sudden awareness Thalamus - sensory messages Hypothalamus - homeostasis Cerebral Cortex: Motor Area: voluntary movement Sensory Area: thinking, speech, memory Limbic System: eating, aggression, reproduction, pain/pleasure

When asked to define "popularity," Brianna offers, "It's when everyone likes you." Chrissy suggests, "It's basically the number of friends you have." How do the two girls' definitions differ?

Chrissy's is an operational definition, Brianna's is not

What are the subfields of psychology?

Clinical, counseling, behavioral neuroscience, health, social, personality, evolutionary, behavioral genetics, clinical neuropsychology, cognitive, cross-cultural, educational

Driving to work one day, Owen suspects that drivers talking on their cell phones pay less attention to the road than do other drivers. This hypothesis would most likely be tested by a ________ psychologist.

Cognitive (higher mental processes)

Which of the following subfields of psychology matches with its description?

Cognitive psychology examines the relationship between the nervous system and behavior. Developmental psychology examines how people grow and change from conception through death. CORRECT Experimental psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease. Clinical psychology focuses on the consistency in people's behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person from another.


Controls bodily balance


Coordinates and integrates muscle movements

Descriptive Research

Designed to investigate patterns of behavior in a person or group. Explains phenomenon, usually 1 variable, can be qualitative or quantitative

Survey Research

Directly asking a sample of people questions about their behavior , Disadvantage: People may lie

Case Study

Doing an in-depth investigation of a person or small group, Disadvantage: Researcher may not be able to generalize to a population at large

Dr. O'Malley is informing participants before he begins the experiment that their participation is completely voluntary and that they can stop taking part at any time. Dr. Hensley is providing a detailed explanation of the study to participants who have just completed participating in the study. Which of the following statements is true?

Dr. O'Malley is obtaining informed consent from his participants. Dr. Hensley is debriefing her participants.

Make an inference (Descriptive Research):

Draw a conclusion, must use a representative sample, large population with small sample within population, large sample size, random selection

Electrodes placed around the skull record the electrical signals transmitted through the brain


Which brain-scanning technique below is CORRECTLY matched with its description?

EEG- records the brains electrical activity with electrodes

In nature/nurture issue, nature refers to heredity, and nurture refers to


Modern Perspectives (5): Behavioral

External behavior, what you can see, B.F. Skinner,


FACT BASED: Idea or set of assumptions that explains observations and allows someone to make predictions. Theories aren't facts but they help explain facts.

A study has shown that men differ from women in their preference for ice cream flavors. This study was based on a sample of 2 men and 3 women. What is wrong w this study?

Far too few participants. Without a larger sample, no valid conclusions can be drawn about ice cream preferences based on gender

William James (1842-1910)

Father of American Psychology, inspired by Darwin- natural selection shaped both body and MIND

Identify the lobe of the brain in which the motor area is located.

Frontal lobe

Inhibitory is to excitatory what ________ is to ________.

GABA, glutamate

The statement "in order to study human behavior, we must consider the whole of perception rather than its component parts" might be made by a person subscribing to which perspective of psychology?


Max Westheimer

Gestalt- sensation perception, people seek out patterns, The whole is different from the sum of its parts

"My therapist is wonderful. He always points out my positive traits. He dwells on my uniqueness and strength as an individual. I feel much more confident about myself- as if I am reaching my potential.


To test this explanation, a researcher must state it in terms of a testable question known as


Modern Perspectives (5): Neuroscience

How people function biologically, how the functioning of our body affects our hopes and fears, behaviors are not so much our choice, biologically determined to behave a certain way

Social Psychology (subfield)

How thoughts, feeling, actions are affected by others

External Validity:

How useful is a study for many types of people or situations

Alyssa predicts that caffeine will improve her participants' performance on a visual tracking task. Alyssa has formed a(n)


Naturalistic Observation (Type of Descriptive Research)

Individual describes behaviors in a natural setting. Goal is to gather information about what is happening Ex: Jane Goodall researched chimps in Tanzania Advantages: Detailed, realistic picture of behavior Disadvantages: Observer effect, observer bias

American Psychological Association (APA)

Informed consent (procedures and risks, voluntary application, nature of the study), deception must be justified, right to withdraw at any time, debriefing has to follow, confidentiality

Lassandra takes a sip of cola. "Sweet... cold, wet, tingly... slightly bitter," she reports. Lassandra is


Ethics in Psychological Research

Involving human participants- have to submit IRB (institutional review board) - weighs benefits of conducting study

Which of the following is true of evolutionary psychology?

It considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.

Naturalistic Observation

Looking at behavior in its true setting without intervening in the setting, Disadvantage: People's behavior can change if they know they are being watched.

Benefits to using animals in psychological research:



Maintains breathing and heartbeat

Regarding mirror neurons, which of the following statements is ACCURATE?

Mirror neurons are involved in empathy, language acquisition, and speech perception.

Modern Perspectives (5): Psychodynamic

Modern version of psychoanalysis, behavior is motivated by inner conflicts, dreams/slips of tongue etc. as indicators of how someone is feeling, Freud studied subconscious behavior

How do you become a psychologist?

Most have a doctorate (PhD - doctor of philosophy) or PsyD (Doctor of psychology) PhD is research degree, PsyD is focus on wanting to treat disorders

Surgeon places electrode on your brain and stimulates it. Your right wrist twitches- which part of the brain did surgeon stimulate


just as electrical wires have an outer coating, axons are insulated by a coating called the _________

Myelin sheath

The ______ is the fundamental element of the nervous system


Experimental Research

Only way to establish causality is with experiment. Experiment: At least 2 groups be compared - experimental (receives treatment) - control (no treatment) IV: Experimenter manipulates DV: Influenced by IV IV changes DV, but DV can not change IV

By locating radiation within the brain, a computer can provide a striking picture of brain activity


What's the word for a false treatment with no active ingredients or chemical significance?


Ethical research begins with the concept of informed consent. Before signing up to participate in an experiment, they should be informed of


Jeanne's therapist asks her to recount a violent dream she had recently, in order to understand the unconscious force affecting her behavior. Jeanne's therapist is working from ______________ perspective


Modern Perspectives (5): Cognitive

People are like communicators, information in/analysis/info out, eye-witness testimony, input-process-output

Sigmund Frued

Psychoanalysis Subconscious plays a role in day to day behaviors


Purpose of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors *James

Ramona is a woman. Stefan is a man. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding potential differences in the corpus callosum between these two individuals?

Ramona's corpus callosum is larger than Stefans

Threats to Experimental Validity:

Rid of biases such as participant expectations, experimenter expectations

How do the 2 halves of the brain function interdependently?

Right and Left hemispheres- each controls opposite side of body Left: verbal tasks, reasoning, speaking, reading Right: spatial perception, pattern, emotional expression

Wundt described psychology as the study of conscious experience and called it __________


Surveys (Description Research)

Self-report, most common type of descriptive research Disadvantages: Lying, need to make sure your sample is representative


Sensation perception, people seek out patterns in sensory information *Westheimer

In the peripheral nervous system, the _________ division controls voluntary movements whereas the _______ division controls organs that keep us alive and function without our awareness

Somatic - voluntary Autonomic - involuntary

Difference between structuralism and functionalism? (Encounter bear in woods)

Structuralism: Where does the fear you feel occur in the mind? Functionalism: Why do you feel fear?

OLD PERSPECTIVE: Structuralism

Structure of thoughts, feeling and behaviors *Wundt

Case Study (Descriptive Research)

Study of one person in great detail Advantage: Lots of detail Disadvantage: Cannot apply to general population

OLD PERSPECTIVES: Psychoanalysis

Subconscious mind *Frued

The gap between two neurons is bridged by a chemical connection called a _________________


An explanation for a phenomenon of interest is known as

THEORY Theory = detailed explanation from many successful experiments from a hypothesis

Deception is one way experimenters can eliminate participants expectations True or False?


Race is a biological concept, not a psychological one. True or false?


Which of the following is a trend in the near future of psychology?

The branches of psychology are likely to be increasingly influenced by neuroscientific approaches

Which of the following is true of evolutionary psychologists?

They are interested in how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance.

Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of glial cells? Multiple Choice They nourish nerve cells. They communicate messages within the nervous system. They help repair damage that might occur to neurons. They provide nourishment to neurons.

They communicate messages

Which of the following is an argument presented by psychologists adhering to the behavioral perspective of psychology?

They contend that the only legitimate source of information for psychologists is behavior that can be observed directly

Why are control groups included in experiments?

To ascertain cause and effect relationships

Deception is one means experimenters can use to try to eliminate participants' expectations. True or false?


Clinical Neuropsychology (subfield)

Unites the areas of neuroscience and clinical psychology, focusing on the relationship between biological factors and psychological disorders

Archival Research (Type of Descriptive Research)

Using data, documents, records etc to prove hypothesis Ex: Using newspaper articles to prove when a public emergency happens, the more people watching, less likely one of them will help

Clinical Psychology (subfield)

a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

Archival Research

a. Examining existing records to test a hypothesis. Disadvantage: Data might not exist or be unusable

Sensory is to motor what ________ is to ________.

afferent and efferent

Ethical research begins with the concept of informed consent. Before signing up to participate in an experiment, participants should be informed of: a) the procedure of the study, stated generally b) the risks that may be involved c) their right to withdraw at any time d) all of these

all of these

The ________ areas are considered to be the site of higher mental processes such as thinking, language, memory, and speech.


Which of the following structures is especially important for carrying messages received by the dendrites to other neurons?


Alison has developed an interest in the ways in which the biological structures and functions of the body affect behavior. She will most likely become a(n)

behavioral neuroscientist

The central nervous system is composed of the _____ and the _______

brain, spinal cord

The brain and the spinal cord constitute the ________ nervous system.


Evolutionary Psychology (subfield)

controversial, how is behavior influenced by genetic inheritance by ancestors, having had an adaptive or survival value which you no longer have CONTROVERSIAL - genetics, tendency for violence, beauty standards, trans people

Neurons receive information through their ______ and send messages through their ________

dendrites (recieve), axons (send)

After a long run, Aaron sometimes experiences a feeling of euphoria, a "runners' high," reflecting the activity of neurotransmitters called _______


The emerging field of ______ studies ways in which our genetic inheritance predisposes

evolutionary psychology

This technique provides a 3D view of the brain by aiming a magnetic field at the body


Wilhelm Wundt (17th century)

first psych lab in the world, Germany 1879, developed structuralism, biggest accomplishment: proving psychology could be experimental science

A synapse is a _____


Health Psychology (subfield)

how outside world/environment/cultural influences etc. contribute to well-being

Behavioral Neuroscience Psychology (subfield)

how the brain and nervous system determine behavior, biological basis of behavior

Which of the following parts of the brain maintains homeostasis and produces and regulates vital behavior such as eating, drinking, and sexual behavior?


In an experiment, a researcher manipulates the participants' exposure to a stimulus. Exposure is a(n) _______ variable


Early psychologists studied the mind by asking people to describe what they were experiencing when exposed to various stimuli. This was known as ________


Cross-Cultural (subfield)

investigates the similarities and differences in psychological functioning in and around various cultures and ethnic groups

Counseling Psychology (subfield)

less severe problems: workplace issues, couples counseling, educational/social career adjustments etc.

A ________ is a protective coat of fat and protein that wraps around the axon.

myelin sheath

Double-blind studies

neither the investigators nor the subjects are aware of who is receiving the treatment

Endorphins are one kind of ________, the chemical messengers between neurons


An experimenter is interested in studying the relationship between hunger and aggression. She decides that she will measure aggression by counting the number of times a participant will hit a punching bag. In this case, her OPERATIONAL definition of aggression is

number of times they hit a punching bag


observable behavior *Pavlov, Watson

Each hemisphere controls the ______ side of the body


Which of the following hormones produces an urge in new mothers to nurse newborn offspring?


Arif's heart rate and respiration are slowing, and his dilated pupils are contracting. His _______ nervous system has become active.


A placebo minimizes ________; a double-blind procedure minimizes ________.

participant expectations, experimenter expectations

A false treatment, such as a pill that has no chemical properties of active ingredient, is known as a _____


If you put your hand on a hot piece of metal, the immediate response is pulling it away. This is an example of _________


In order to study mind and behavior, psychologists

rely on the scientific method

Which of the following parts of the brain extends from the medulla through the pons and is made up of groups of nerve cells that can immediately activate other parts of the brain to produce general bodily arousal?

reticular formation

Nonverbal realms, such as emotions and music are controlled primarily by the _____ hemisphere of the brain, whereas the _________ hemisphere is more responsible for speaking and reading.

right, left

Amy is conducting a survey of dating attitudes and behaviors among young adults as part of her master's thesis work. Amy distributes questionnaires to 200 randomly selected students enrolled in an introductory psychology course at her university. The 200 students constitute Amy's ________. The people whom she assumes her results will generalize are termed the ________.

sample, population

Psychology is defined as the

scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

The two major divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the ________ and ________ divisions.

somatic, autonomic

Behavioral Genetics (subfield)

studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior and how our environment may influence whether we actually display such traits

Cognitive Psychology (subfield)

study of higher mental processes

Maria saw a young boy run into the street and get hit by a car. When she got to the fallen child, she was in a state of panic. She was sweating, and her heart was racing. Her biological state resulted from the activation of what division of the nervous system?


Educational Psychology (subfield)

teaching and learning processes, such as relationship between motivation and school performance

Internal Validity:

the extent to which a study establishes a trustworthy cause and effect relationship between IV and DV

What is psychology?

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Marisol is trying a new treatment for severe depression. Brief magnetic pulses are sent through her brain. Marisol is undergoing

transcranial magnetic stimulation

Doctors Chase and Sanborn are conducting an experiment on the effects of caffeine on memory. Participants are randomly assigned to a caffeine or a no-caffeine group; their recall of items on a word list is later assessed. Which pair below correctly names and identifies the variables in this experiment?

word recall—dependent variable; caffeine—independent variable

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