Psych 10+11

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Aaron, a 23 year old, has an intellectual disability. Although not fully self-supporting, he earns some money by working in a sheltered workshop. He has been able to master basic skills equivalent to those of a second-grader. Aaron's intelligence test score is most likely between a) 20 and 34, b) 35 and 49, c) 50 and 69

35 and 49

Who would have been the LEAST enthusiastic about relying on eugenics for the improvement of human intellectual functioning? a) Lewis Terman, b) Francis Galton, c) Plato, d) Alfred Binet, e) Charles Darwin

Alfred Binet

Who identified the personality types used to classify people in the Myers-Briggs Type indicator?

Carl Jung

Who wrote the book "Hereditary Genius?" a) James Flynn b) Francis Galton c) Robert Sternberg d) David Wechsler e) Alfred Binet

Francis Galton

intelligence is measured by EIGHT abilities -kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, verbal, spatial, and mathematical


After Adam had been asleep for about an hour and a half, his heart began to beat faster, his breathing became fast and irregular, and his closed eyes began to dart back and forth. Adam was most likely experiencing ___________.

REM sleep

intelligence is measured by ONE general ability


Intelligence is measured by TRIARCHIC theory -analytical, practical, creatove


Object assembly, picture arrangement, and block design are three performance subtests of the: a) WAIS b) Stanford - Binet c) TAT d) SAT e) GRE


In what type of scenario is the median a more appropriate measure of central tendency than the mean?

When there is an outlier

The minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50% of the time is called the _________.

absolute threshold

The distribution of intelligence test scores among _______ Americans is represented by the normal curve.


Robert Sternberg distinguished among three intelligences. What were they?

analytical, creative, and practical

The extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body is a(n) ______.


The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion of

behavioral consistency

An integrated understanding of Elsas consistent positive attitude in terms of her supportive peer relationships, her calm temperament, and her perceived internal locust of control best illustrates a__________

biopsychosocial approach

According to psychoanalytic theory, boys' fear of ________ is most closely associated Oedipus complex


Researchers found that 40 percent of people focused on repeating a list of challenging words failed to notice a change in the person speaking. This best illustrates _________.

change deafness

As you enter the student center, you can smell the cookies baking. The scent causes you to salivate. Your salivation is best explained by __________.

classical conditioning

Alyssa wants to graduate Summa Cum Laude because she believes she is obligated to her family to do her best. Alyssa's attitude best exemplifies __________.


As the lights go out in the movie theater, you still perceive your date's shirt as blue. This phenomenon is explained by __________.

color constancy

Freud suggested that a boy's identification with his father during the phallic stage illustrates the process of a) unconditional positive regard, b) free association, c) collective unconscious, d) self-transcendence, e) conflict resolution

conflict resolution

Implicit learning and implicit memories best illustrate the importance of ____________.


Contemporary psychologists are least likely to agree with Freuds belief that: a) conscious awareness of our own mental processes is very limited b) defense mechanisms help protect individuals from anxiety c) conscious and gender identity form during the process of resolving the Oedipus complex

conscious and gender identity form during the process of resolving the Oedipus complex

Intelligence tests are most likely to be considered culturally biased in terms of their a) content validity, b) predictive validity, c) normal distribution, d) reliability, e) factor analysis

content validity

As men progress through middle adulthood, they experience a _______ in sperm count and a _______ in testosterone level.

decrease; decrease

when people refuse to believe or participate in painful realities


Children who grow up in a orphanage may suffer delayed intellectual ________ due to a deprived environment.


If an animal salivates to the sound of one bell but not others, this illustrates ____________.


shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person, redirecting anger toward a safer outlet -taking anger out on bat


One component of _____________ involves predicting accurately when feelings are about to change.

emotional intelligence

The social-cognitive perspective is LEAST likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of a) unconscious motives, b) personality traits, c) genetic influences, d) the collective unconscious, e) environmental influences

environmental influemces

Leptin, a hunger-dampening protein, is secreted by a) endocrine glands, b) the stomach, c) fat cells, d) the hypothalamus

fat cells

Name something that is likely to be reinforced on a variable-ratio schedule.


On the day he is to be interviewed for a prominent college, Arthur wakes up with a splitting headache. During the interview, he feels no pain. Thirty minutes later, he is again aware of the intense pain. Arthur's experience is best explained by the ____________ theory.

gate-control theory

Rats conditioned to sniff to stimulation of the head also begin to sniff when stimulated on the paw or belly. This best illustrates ___________.


A sea slug learns to withdraw its gill after repeatedly being squirted by water. After repeated squirting, the withdrawal response lessens. What term would learning theorists use to describe this reaction?


After sleeping for about an hour and a half, Betty enters a phase of paradoxical sleep. She is likely to a) have very relaxed muscles, b) talk in his sleep, c) have slower brain waves, d) be easily awakened

have very relaxed muscles

Which personality theorists have most clearly been credited with encouraging the popular belief that a positive self-concept is the key to happiness and success.

humanistic theorists

Which theorists have been criticized for underestimating the human predisposition to engage in destructive and evil behaviors?

humanistic theorists

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, what are the three parts of the personality?

id, ego, and superego

The id ego and superego develop

in order

Research indicates that Head Start programs a) fail to produce even short-term improvements in participants' mental skills, b) contribute to dramatic long-term gains in participants' intellignece test scores, c) increase the school readiness of children from disadvantaged home environments.

increase the school readiness of children from disadvantaged home environments

Alfred Adler was a neo-Freudian who coined the term

inferiority complex

What do we call the self-reflective observation of one's own sensations and feelings?


According to Freud, understanding how the id, ego, and superego interact is essential to grasping the nature of

motivational conflict

Sensory adaptation helps us to focus our attention on what kind of stimuli?


Experiencing a green afterimage of a red object is most easily explained by what theory?

opponent-process theory

The process by which we select, organize, and interpret sensory information in order to recognize meaningful objects and events is called _________.


When people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others ex. Want to steal, so tell worker that other people look like they're gonna steal


Free association is central to the process of


self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions ex. Sheena drinks beer because she's in the bar so what else is she gonna do


Parents who disguise hostility toward their children by becoming overly protective of them are very likely using the defense mechanism of

reaction formation

the ego unconsciously makes unacceptable impulses look like their opposites ex. Hating women because of being rejected


When an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage ex. Calling mommy from college when something stressful happens/ sleeping with teddy bear


Mateo claims that he is intellectually gifted because he "possesses" an IQ of 140. He is most clearly committing the error known as ___________.


Mistakenly concluding that because an older person forgets things, he must have Alzheimer's disease, best illustrates the impact of...

representativeness heuristic

banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness; underlies all other defense mechanisms


As a student at Berean, you are much more likely to view your school as superior to other schools. This tendency to see your group as superior is most likely fueled by ________.

self-serving bias

Compared with when they were only 20 years old, 60 year olds a) spend less time in Stage 1 sleep, b) spend less time in deep sleep, c) spend more time in paradoxical sleep, d) complete the sleep cycle more slowly, e) complete REM rebound more often

spend less time in deep sleep

Erik Erikson's theory predicted that adolescents are focused on forming a stable identity. This focus may explain why adolescents are especially prone to the ________ effect.

spotlight effect

When people re-channel their unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable activities -like to cut animals up, so becomes a surgeon


According to psychoanalytic theory, what part of the personality strives to be the best version of the self and do the right/better thing?


Freud suggested that the _____ develops through the process of identification


If psychologists discovered that more intelligent parents have smarter children than less intelligent parents, this would demonstrate that ____________________________________.

the intelligence of parents and children is positively correlated

After suffering a trauma, people commonly report an increase in a) sleep apnea, b) narcolepsy, c) latent content, d) threatening dreams

threatening dreams

Andrew is quiet, pessimistic, anxious, and moody. In terms of the Eysencks' basic personality dimensions he would be classified as a) internal-impulsive, b) external-dependent, c) unstable-introverted, d) manic-depressive, e) passive-aggressive


After learning about his low score on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Grant complained, "I don't believe that test is a measure of intelligence at all." Grant's statement is equivalent to saying that the WAIS lacks a) standardization, b) validity, c) reliability, d) factor analysis, e) a normal distribution


Research on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) suggests that it may have limited value as a predictor of future job performance. Such criticisms question this assessment's


Precocious 12 to 14 year old college students with unusually high levels of _______ intelligence are most likely to retrieve information from memory at an unusually rapid speed.


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