Psych 1101 - Chapter 11

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Rogers proposed that the self is divided into two parts, the real self and this.

Ideal self

Which term refers to universal themes that exist across cultures and societies?


Which of the following countries tends to score high on collectivism?


Which approach to studying personality seeks to evaluate the cultural validity of Western ideas about personality?

Cultural-comparative approach

According to Sheldon, which somatotype is anxious, self-conscious, and quiet?


Which of the following describes the focus of humanism?

How healthy people develop

Back in 370 BC, Hippocrates suggested that personality traits and temperaments are explained by four of these.


Of the Big Five personality traits, which trait is characterized by the tendency to have many interests?


The Rorschach Inkblot test is an example of this type of personality test.


Tom has great difficulty with substance abuse, and drinks when alone. However, when Tom is around his friends, he often verbally praises the virtues and importance of abstinence. According to Freud, Tom's behavior illustrates this defense mechanism.

Reaction Formation

Bandura proposed this term, which refers to the notion that cognitive processes, behavior, and the environment all mutually influence each other.

Reciprocal determinism

According to Freud, if parents wean a baby from a bottle too early, an individual may develop a personality that includes which behaviors?

Smokes, drinks, and/or overeats

According to research, which of the following is valued in Asian cultures?

Social harmony

________ theorists attempt to explain our personality by identifying our stable characteristics and ways of behaving.


Which of the following is responsible for arranging personality temperaments along two major axes?

Wilhelm Wundt

According to Hippocrates, which of the following was associated with a choleric temperament?

Yellow bile from the liver

Hans and Sybil Eysenck viewed people as having two specific personality dimensions: ________.

extroversion/introversion; neuroticism/stability

The long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways are known as ________.


An early science that tried to correlate personality with measurements of parts of a person's skull is known as ________.


A personality assessment in which a person responds to ambiguous stimuli, revealing unconscious feelings, impulses, and desires, is a ________.

projective test

Your level of confidence in your own abilities is known as ________.


Which projective test requires participants to tell a story based on a picture?

Thematic Apperception Test

According to the Eysenck's theory, people who score high on neuroticism tend to be ________.


In Albert Bandura's social-cognitive theory, behavior refers to ________.

anything an individual does that can be punished or rewarded

The Oedipus complex occurs in the ________ stage of psychosexual development.


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