Psych 121 final

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Rhonda just learned that her neighbor Patricia was involved in a car accident at a nearby intersection. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error may lead Rhonda to conclude:

"Patricia's recklessness has finally gotten her into trouble."

Which of the following is NOT an ethical principle for psychological research?

Avoid any deception

Which two brain structures are involved in the formation and storage of implicit memories?

Cerebellum and basal ganglia

Which early movement of psychology investigated how our minds help us adapt to the world around us?


Which of the following professionals is NOT a mental health practitioner?

Industrial organization psychologist

Jim absolutely hates cats. His new girlfriend has two cats that she adores, and Jim has been spending a lot of time at her apartment. Which of the following activities will not reduce his cognitive dissonance?

Jim continues to date his girlfriend, but his feelings about cats do not change.

Jeremy and Monique were working on a group project with their classmate Steve. Jeremy complained "I can't believe Steve didn't show up again. He is such a slacker." Monique responds, "Actually, I think his mom has been really sick, and he has been trying to help her as much as he can." How would a social psychologist describe this situation?

Monique was making a situational attribution; Jeremy was making a dispositional attribution.

Caroline has dementia and can no longer remember the name of her grandchildren. She is experiencing which type of amnesia?


Ellie lost a swim race to Matt. When they were each interviewed afterward, Ellie expressed that she would have won had she not had a cramp in her side. Matt expressed that he won because he trained hard and is lucky to be naturally fast. Both Ellie's and Matt's beliefs could be the result of __________.

Self-serving bias

You are walking down the street and accidentally walk into another person, spilling their coffee all over them. The person calls you a clumsy idiot. You explain that the sun was in your eyes and couldn't see them coming. This is an example of _________________.

The actor-observer bias

__________ is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are tallied.

The double-blind study

Many African American citizens are distrustful and wary of the medical establishment based on what study conducted by the U.S Public Health Service between 1932 and 1972?

Tuskegee syphilis experiment

Which of the following events will most likely become a flashbulb memory

Your wedding day

Which brain structure plays an important role in processing emotions, especially strong emotions like fear?


Julianna was in an accident that left her unable to form new long-term memories. What type of amnesia does Julianna have?


Fill in the blanks to complete the correct order of the structures and processes associated with Atkinson and Shiffrin's three-stage model of memory: sensory memory, __________, __________, elaborative rehearsal, __________.

attention; working memory; long-term memory

A detailed description of a particular individual being studied or treated is called a __________.

case study

Correlations do not show __________.

casual relationships

To increase the capacity of short-term memory, you can combine small bits of information into larger meaningful units. What is this strategy called?


Hannah asks Jen to babysit her daughter for five hours on both Saturday and Sunday. Once Jen declines, Hannah asks her if she would babysit for four hours on Saturday. Jen agrees to do it. This example demonstrates the _______________ technique.


Isaac asked his therapist to implant memories that he loves to exercise and prefers vegetables over potato chips. This issue of whether therapists should use psychological techniques to mislead their clients is inherently a(n) __________ one.


A researcher wants to know whether eating chocolate makes people nervous. Some participants are given two bars of chocolate to eat, and some are given no chocolate at all, and then all of the participants are tested for nervousness an hour later. In this experiment, the participants who eat the chocolate are in the __________ group, while the people who did not eat any chocolate are in the __________ group.

experimental; control

"Children who watch violent cartoons will become more aggressive." According to the scientific method, this statement is most likely a __________.


The technique of studying several different concepts or mixing information from different chapters during the same study session is called __________.


In order to assess the influence of self-esteem on interpersonal attraction, researchers either insulted or complimented college students about their physical appearance just before they went on a blind date. In this research, the dependent variable consisted of:

interpersonal attraction.

You are shopping for a used car and you see one you like. The salesperson tells you the cost is $14,300. You agree to this price. He goes inside the store to get the paperwork done and comes back out and says the price he originally quoted didn't include the tires. With four tires, the cost is actually $15,000. You still agree to buy the car at this new, higher price. You were a victim of which technique?


Independent variable is to dependent variable as __________.

manipulate is to measure

Shania needed to remember to pick up seven items at the grocery store. She didn't want to write it down so she made up a story in her head imagining herself walking through her house and visualizing each item in a different room in the house. This is called the __________ technique.

method of loci

When you watch dogs play in the park, or watch how your professors conduct their classes, you are engaging in a form of __________

naturalistic observation

According to the connectionist model of memory, memory is viewed as a __________.

neural networks

The famous patient known as H.M. developed anterograde amnesia after having his temporal lobes removed. This led to him no longer being able to create __________ memories, but his __________ memory remained functional.

new memories, long term

If psychologists discovered that people who live at the poverty level have more aggressive children than do wealthy people, this would clearly indicate that:

people's economic status and the aggressiveness of their children are negatively correlated

The first step in any scientific investigation is __________.

perceiving the question

_______ is defined as forgetting that occurs when previously stored material interferes with the ability to remember similar, more recently stored material.

proactive interference

Iconic memory is a type of __________ memory and handles our __________ senses.

sensory, visual

When a new concept or behavior is learned, repeated, and practiced, there is a __________ change in the neurons, which often involves the growth on new receptors


Jana conducts a study in which she calls participants and asks them questions about their opinions. She is conducting a __________.


In order to study some effects of alcohol consumption, Dr. Chu tested the physical coordination skills of 21-year-old men who were first assigned to drink a beverage with either 4, 2, or 0 ounces of alcohol. In this study, the independent variable consisted of:

the amount of alcohol consumed

Evolutionary psychology might suggest that certain cognitive strategies and goals are built into the brain because __________.

they help humans adapt to their natural environment

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