Psych 303

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IV Groups that help establish covariance

Control - intended to represent no treatment also known as the placebo group when participants given treatment with no effect Treatment - the one given treatment

Within groups concurrent measures

participants exposed to all levels of an independent variable at the same time

Post/ pretest design

tests DV before and after exposure to IV

Post test design

tests the DV only after exposure to IV

Selection Effects

type of confound occurs when the kinds of participants of one level are systematically different than those of another level and results differ than they would if it werent the case

Expirimental IV

the manipulated variable. I looks like 1 (first in time) always on the x axis in a graph.

Experimental DV

the measured variable. how a participant acts on the measured variable depends on the dependent variable. always on the y axis.

Situation noise

the situation in which data is collected changes the variablility

Preventing Instrumentation threats

use post test only make sure pre and post tests are equivalent use manuals/standards for behaviors

Reasons for null effects

variables dont covary study not designed well enough

Noisey Data (error variance)

variance within the groups is less= smaller difference between groups therefore more similarity between groups, smaller the effect size variablity comes from measurement error, individual differences and situ

Temporal Precedence

when a variable is manipulated, temp precednce established because you know the causal variable lead to the effect v diff than associations

Insensitive measures

when it comes to dependent measures it if condmperable to hold fjb

Order Effect

when the order that the variables are given in effect their results eating apple and then chocolate(which is sweeter)


Indicated by a difference in means between two groups levels of IV's can help establish a comparison requires manipulation of groups (3 types of IV's)

Individual Differences

Individual differences can effect results solutions are to test lots of people or change the design

Do all experiments need a control group?


Reasons for no within group difference

Noise: unsystematic variablility skews the data within groups

Causal claim terminology

causes influences, affect, makes, result in,

Solutions for measurement error

choose reliable (test retest, interrater and internal) forms of measurement measure more things

Types of within group design

concurrent measures repeated measures

Weak manipulations

how researcher operationalized the variables might be reason for null effects

Within-groups design

only one group of participants where each participant is presented with all levels of the IV

Testing threat

order effect because participants have taken test more than one time and therefore know what to expect

Demand Characteristics

Participants guess what the study's about and change behavior in expected direction

Placebo effects

Participants improve because of the drug/ treatment the beleive they are receivining

Instrumentation Threats to Internal Validity

- when a measuring instrument changes over time - when a coder for behavior changes standard of judgement - when different pre/post tests are used and they are inaccurate

Internal Validity

-ability to rule out alt explainatns (confounds) -must ensure that the IV manipulated was the one that caused change in DV

control variables

-any variable the experimenter holds constant on purpose -levels same for all participants -allow researchers to eliminate alt. explanaitions (internal validity)

Ceilings Floors and DVs


Ceilings floors and Iv's


Observer Bias


Within groups repeated measures


three rules of causal claims

1. Covariance 2. Temporal Precedence 3. Internal Validity

Design Confounds

2nd variable that varies systematically along with the iv and is an alt explanation for result

Solution to testing threat

Avoid pretest Use two different but similar tests Use comparison group

Threats to internal validity

Design confound, unsystematic variability, selection effects,


Expirimental group changes over time due to an external even that effects all or most of the group

Regression to the mean

Group whose scores are extreme at pretest due to random events will become more average at posttest

Which is better

Postest fine when random assignment guards agains selection effects. Also better when you dont want subjects to know what you are testing for or know subjects will just answer the same after Pretest good when you want to be extra sure that your IV is effecting DV


Researchers manipulated (even if thats assigning people to either a control or experimental group) one variable and measured another

Reasons for no between groups difference

Weak manipulations Insensitive measures Ceiling and floor effects

Ceiling and floor effects

all scores of IV groups on DV are squeezed together either on the high end or the low end

Independent-groups design

different groups of participants placed into different levels of ivs aka Between subjects design or between groups


occurs when ppl with extreme scores on prestests drop out of the study, making the overall average lower or higher comparison group similar

measurement error

factors that inflate/deflate person's true score ex person sloutching when measuring height

Random assignment

guards against selection effects all participants have and equal chance of being in each group

Two Independent group designs

post test design only pretest posttest design

Matched-groups design

researchers measure groups on traits that apply to DV, then use those smaller groups to randomly assign participants to levels of IV used when random assignment too random and cant guard against traits that effect dv and evenly distibute participants with this trait amongst groups.

Systematic and unsystematic variability

systematic variability is a confound, its change result in or have an effect on, the outcome unsystematic is something that effects the DV but not consistently can obscure differences in DV but not a confound

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