psych chapter 12

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1. Gender is the: a. characteristics of people as females or males. b. biological aspects of being female or male. c. set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should act, think, and feel. d. behavior that is considered appropriate for females or males.

Answer: a

21. With regard to gender stereotyping, recent research shows that parents: a. continue to interact differently with sons and daughters, often fostering behaviors that reinforce traditional gender roles. b. interact nearly equally with sons and daughters, often promoting autonomy and self-reliance. c. often favor daughters and more heavily promote their intellectual development. d. often favor sons and socialize them to be more obedient and responsible.

Answer: a

29. Whereas male traits are generally instrumental, female traits are: a. expressive. b. aggressive. c. externalizing. d. assertive.

Answer: a

34. When reviewing factors related to school achievement, such as class participation, attention, and academic success: a. females are superior to males. b. males are superior to females. c. there is no difference between males and females. d. females outrank males in the area of class participation only.

Answer: a

39. Men are likely to engage in helping behavior when: a. there is perceived danger, and when they feel competent to do so. b. a personal problem exists, or a child is involved. c. visuospatial competence is required. d. a potential personal benefit is evident.

Answer: a

51. Older women from ethnic minority groups warrant special attention because they often face triple jeopardy in: a. ageism, sexism, and racism. b. physical exhaustion, anxiety, and shame. c. a lack of confidence, education, and financial security. d. guilt, confusion, and mental disabilities.

Answer: a

55. Which of the following is a finding of Robert Michael's extensive interview study regarding Americans' sex lives? a. Americans' sexual lives are more conservative than portrayed in the media. b. Single people have sexual intercourse more often than married couples. c. Adultery is more prevalent than previously believed. d. Women think more often about sex than men do.

Answer: a

58. Which of the following is true? a. All people have similar physiological responses during sexual arousal. b. Lesbians and gay men have similar physiological responses during sex but these responses are different than those of heterosexuals. c. Lesbians, gay men, and heterosexuals all have different physiological response during sex. d. Lesbians and heterosexuals have similar physiological responses during sex but these responses are different than those of gay men.

Answer: a

64. Joe has contracted a virus that is destroying his body's immune system. Joe has: a. AIDS. b. herpes. c. syphilis. d. gonorrhea.

Answer: a

73. How many college freshman women report having been date raped or having experienced an attempted date rape at least once? a. 2/3 b. 1/3 c. 1/2 d. 1/4

Answer: a

97. The midlife transition in which fertility declines in men and women is known as: a. climacteric. b. menopause. c. perimenopause. d. HRT.

Answer: a

25. According to gender schema theory, gender typing occurs when a child: a. understands that sex is constant. b. forms a concept of what is appropriate for males and females. c. identifies with a same-sex parent. d. imitates the behavior of men or women.

Answer: b

31. Males, following a stressful event, will experience: a. slower heart rate and reduced levels of cortisol. b. faster clotting and higher blood pressure. c. reduced levels of rational thought. d. increased feelings of guilt and shame.

Answer: b

32. Compared with the male brain, which of the following is characteristic of a female brain? a. one part of the hypothalamus involved in sexual behavior is larger b. smaller in size but has more folds and surface area c. an area of the parietal lobe that functions in visuospatial skills is larger d. areas involved in emotional expression show less metabolic activity

Answer: b

53. Despite their positive status in the family and culture, __________ over the age of 70 are the poorest population group in the U.S. a. African-American men b. African-American women c. Latinos d. Latinas

Answer: b

75. Which of the following is NOT a typically reported consequence of sexual harassment in women? a. increase in disordered eating. b. lowered self-esteem. c. psychological distress. d. physical illness.

Answer: b

91. Sandra wants to reduce her teenage daughter's risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. Which of the following will be most effective? a. Buy her a box of condoms and explain how to use them. b. Maintain a close relationship, have open discussions about sexuality, and supervise her activities. c. Go with her to the gynecologist to secure a prescription for a birth control device. d. Hope for the best. Parental involvement has little correlation to adolescent sexual behavior.

Answer: b

94. Sex education programs that emphasize contraceptive knowledge result in which of the following? a. increased rate at which adolescents engage in sexual intercourse b. reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections c. reduced risk of adolescent pregnancy, but not as low as students who receive abstinence-only education d. increased HIV risk behaviors

Answer: b

104. The primary factor that determines whether a woman will have an active sex life during middle age is: a. health. b. time. c. having a spouse. d. sexual drive.

Answer: c

76. Which of the following statements regarding sexuality in children is true? a. Children who engage in sex play are more likely to have psychological disorders as adults. b. Children who engage in sex play are more likely to have sexual adjustment issues in adolescence. c. Child sex play is common. d. The main surge in sexual interest takes place in elementary school.

Answer: c

81. According to a recent national study, what percentage of U.S. high school seniors were currently sexually active? a. 10% b. 20% c. 49% d. 55%

Answer: c

9. Which of the following describes congenital adrenal hyperplasia? a. A condition in males caused by a lack of androgen receptors in their cells. b. A condition in which males are missing a penis. c. A condition in females caused by enlarged adrenal glands that produce abnormally high levels of androgens. d. A condition in which a child is born with both male and female genitals.

Answer: c

96. What percent of emerging adults report not having sex at all in the last year or only having sex a couple of times? a. 10% b. 15% c. 25% d. 40%

Answer: c

10. What is androgen insensitivity? a. A condition in males caused by a lack of androgen receptors in their cells. b. A condition in which females are missing ovaries. c. A condition in females caused by enlarged glands producing high levels of androgens. d. A condition in which a child is born with both male and female genitals.

Answer: a

103. Middle-aged, Paul and Abby do not have sex as often as they did when they were younger. This is MOST likely because they: a. are focused on their careers and family. b. are not as healthy as they once were. c. do not find each other as attractive as before. d. have reduced sexual drives due to hormonal changes.

Answer: a

17. Social cognitive theory attributes psychological differences between men and women to: a. observation and imitation, rewards and punishment of gender-related behavior. b. the degree of success with which one navigates certain discontinuous psychosocial crises. c. the degree of identification with the same-sex parent. d. naturally selected historical roles.

Answer: a

42. Which of the following is a likely reason that boys may find it difficult to learn the masculine gender role? a. Male role models are less accessible to young children. b. Boys fight against the well-defined requirements of masculine roles. c. The masculine role has become so flexible, that boundaries are difficult to distinguish. d. Boys are inept at picking up social information from their environment.

Answer: a

48. Report talk involves sharing information, while rapport talk involves: a. making a personal connection. b. networking in business. c. advising and mentoring. d. gender stereotyping.

Answer: a

5. Pat's 23rd pair of chromosomes is XY. Pat is a: a. male. b. female. c. carrier for fragile X syndrome. d. child with Down syndrome.

Answer: a

65. Which of the following is true? a. Most people living with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa. b. Approximately half of all new HIV cases around the world occur in 20 to 30 year-olds. c. Female-male sexual contact is now the most frequent AIDS transmission category. d. Deaths due to HIV/AIDS have remained stable in the U.S.

Answer: a

69. Coercive sexual activity directed at someone with whom the victim is at least casually acquainted is: a. date rape. b. consensual sex. c. sexual harassment. d. sexual dysfunction.

Answer: a

7. Which of the following pairs is correct? a. androgen/male sex characteristics b. testosterone/female sex characteristics c. estrogen/male physical characteristics d. cortisol/male physical characteristics

Answer: a

79. Which of the following statements regarding male and female adolescent sexual behavior is accurate? a. Nearly the same percentage of girls and boys participate in oral sex from the age of 15 to the age of 19. b. Girls engage in sexual behavior about one year earlier than boys. c. A majority of girls and a minority of boys are virgins at the age of 15. d. A majority of boys and a minority of girls who are sexually active are also married.

Answer: a

8. __________ are sex hormones produced both by the testes and adrenal glands. a. Androgens b. Testosterones c. Estrogens d. Estradiols

Answer: a

84. What percentage of U.S. high school students report using a condom the last time they had sex? a. 61% b. 50% c. 39% d. 21%

Answer: a

85. Which of the following 16 year-old girls is MOST likely to become pregnant? a. Amy who is a Latina b. Kelly who is an African-American c. Joanna who is a non-Latina White d. Lilly who is an Asian American

Answer: a

86. Although adolescent contraceptive use is increasing, the United States continues to have one of the highest __________ rates in the industrialized world. a. adolescent pregnancy b. STI infection c. HIV d. infant mortality

Answer: a

90. Which of the following factors is the MOST common negative result of being an unmarried adolescent mother? a. disruption in education b. social stigma attached to both the mother and child c. decreased fertility associated with having a child at a young age d. high rate of divorce when the mother eventually decides to marry

Answer: a

93. Which of the following accurately describes the sexual activity of most individuals during emerging adulthood? a. sexually active and unmarried b. sexually active and married c. sexually inactive and unmarried d. sexually inactive and divorced with children

Answer: a

100. What is the hormonal change that is associated with males in middle adulthood? a. slight increase in testosterone b. slight decrease in testosterone c. slight increase in androgen d. marked decrease in androgen

Answer: b

101. Potential negative effects of hormone replacement therapy include which of the following? a. increased risk of stroke b. increased risk of heart attack c. increased risk of diabetes d. increased high blood pressure

Answer: b

102. Tony has been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. His doctor is likely to treat him with: a. Rogaine. b. Viagra. c. cognitive restructuring. d. Prozac.

Answer: b

11. What is a pelvic field defect? a. A condition in males caused by a lack of androgen receptors in their cells. b. A condition in which males are missing a penis. c. A condition in females caused by enlarged glands producing high levels of androgens. d. A condition in which a child is born with both male and female genitals.

Answer: b

18. Which theory of gender emphasizes the role of peers in gender typing? a. psychoanalytic theory of gender b. social cognitive theory of gender c. gender schema theory d. evolutionary psychology

Answer: b

20. Observation, imitation, and rewards and punishment are facets of which gender theory? a. psychoanalytic b. social cognitive c. gender schema d. evolutionary psychology

Answer: b

26. Research indicates that stereotyped gender roles are more psychologically constrictive for: a. girls. b. boys. c. children from nuclear families. d. children from single-parent families.

Answer: b

40. Hyde's meta-analysis found all of the following gender differences EXCEPT: a. males have better motor skills than females. b. males are better at math than females. c. males masturbate more than females. d. males are more physically aggressive than females.

Answer: b

43. Chad is upset, but actively refuses to show his emotion. According to William Pollack, Chad is: a. affirming the gender intensification hypothesis. b. following the "boy code." c. engaging in gender role transcendence. d. likely to internalize his emotion and become depressed.

Answer: b

46. According to Miller, much of female development includes: a. unconscious development of masculine traits of assertiveness and power wielding. b. active participation in the development of others. c. deliberate fostering of independence and separate "I-ness." d. reinforcing masculine trait development in male peers.

Answer: b

49. Pablo feels pressure to be a strong, independent provider. His wife, however, complains that he is not sensitive enough. Pablo is experiencing: a. gender stereotyping. b. role-strain. c. role discontinuity. d. role conflict.

Answer: b

56. Which of the following statements regarding current-day knowledge about sexual orientation is correct? a. If homosexual males receive androgen therapy, sexual orientation is likely to change. b. No firm answers are available as to why some individuals are homosexual, whereas others are heterosexual. c. Sexual orientation is most likely due to environmental factors. d. Today it is most acceptable to view sexual orientation as a polar opposite—homosexual or heterosexual.

Answer: b

59. What advice about bicultural identity would psychologist Laura Brown give to a gay or lesbian couple? a. Isolate yourselves as a couple and avoid contact with other people. b. Maintain contact with both the gay community and the heterosexual mainstream. c. Develop a circle of gay and lesbian friends and avoid frequent contact with heterosexual people. d. Develop a circle of heterosexual friends and avoid strong associations with the gay community.

Answer: b

6. What general class of sex hormones primarily influences the development of female physical sex characteristics and helps regulate the menstrual cycle? a. androgens b. estrogens c. testosterones d. cortisols

Answer: b

60. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) affect approximately __________ U.S. adults. a. 1 in 3 b. 1 in 6 c. 1 in 10 d. 1 in 25

Answer: b

63. Marc's doctor informs him that he has an incurable sexually transmitted disease. Which disease does Marc have? a. gonorrhea b. HIV c. syphilis d. chlamydia

Answer: b

70. Recovery from rape depends on all of the following EXCEPT: a. social support. b. whether or not they knew the rapist. c. the victim's cognitive abilities. d. psychological adjust prior to the assault.

Answer: b

71. What percentage of female rape victims suffer some form of sexual dysfunction? a. 35 % b. 50 % c. 65 % d. 80 %

Answer: b

82. Attention problems and lack of self-regulation are __________ linked to sexual risk taking in adolescence. a. emotional factors b. cognitive factors c. physical factors d. social factors

Answer: b

88. Although pregnancy rates in the United States remain high, they fell to a record low in 2004. Reasons for the decline include which of the following? a. increased attendance of abstinence only programs b. fear of STIs c. increased college admissions d. all of these

Answer: b

95. Fifty-year-old Denise complains of nausea and fatigue, and her doctor notes a sharp decrease in estrogen levels. What is MOST likely happening to Denise? a. thyroid malfunction b. menopause c. metabolism failure d. prediabetes

Answer: b

12. Studies following XY children with pelvic field defects indicate that: a. socialization of an individual most strongly influences gender identity. b. the physical presence of sex parts most strongly influences gender identity. c. prenatal exposure to androgens most strongly influences gender identity. d. parents' level of distress and coping style have a strong influence on psychological adjustment of these children.

Answer: c

14. Which developmental approach argues that different environmental pressures in primeval times forced the separation of gender roles? a. behavioral b. social c. evolutionary d. cognitive

Answer: c

15. The idea that women show an adaptive preference for choosing long-term mates who can provide their offspring is an expression of: a. environmental design. b. behaviorism. c. natural selection. d. social learning.

Answer: c

19. The psychoanalytic theory purports that gender typing occurs: a. before birth. b. because of biology. c. unconsciously. d. in response to rewards and punishment of imitation behavior.

Answer: c

2. __________ is one's sense of being male or female. a. Gender role b. Sex c. Gender identity d. Gender

Answer: c

22. Social cognitive therapists characterize the playground for elementary school-aged children as: a. cognitive vacation. b. social theatre. c. gender school. d. stereotyped role confinement.

Answer: c

28. Dr. Barlow displays pictures of 10 individuals and asks students to match them with a list of occupations. Unwittingly, the students align traditionally male jobs with pictures of men and traditionally female jobs with pictures of women. This is an example of: a. sex discrimination. b. gender role attribution. c. gender stereotyping. d. gender constancy.

Answer: c

3. Gender role is the: a. social and psychological dimensions of being female or male. b. biological aspects of being female or male. c. set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should act, think, and feel. d. behavior that is considered appropriate for females or males.

Answer: c

33. Comparing the math abilities of males and females shows that: a. most males outperform most females. b. most females outperform most males. c. there is no significant difference between the sexes. d. there are significant differences between the sexes in calculus only.

Answer: c

35. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Girls earn better grades in school than boys. b. Boys are more likely to be assigned to remedial education classes than girls. c. Boys participate more in class than girls. d. Girls are more attentive in class than boys.

Answer: c

37. Tammy is a fifth grade student who frequently spreads rumors about her least favorite classmates. This behavior is an example of: a. high self-regulation. b. physical aggression. c. relational aggression. d. gender stereotyping.

Answer: c

38. A gender difference that appears early in development and across cultures is that, compared to girls, boys are more: a. emotional. b. intelligent. c. physically aggressive. d. verbally assertive.

Answer: c

44. Psychological and behavioral differences tend to increase during adolescence because of increased social pressures to conform to traditional gender roles. This is: a. traditional gender role development. b. an example of gender role scripts. c. the gender-intensification hypothesis. d. the development of gender stereotypes.

Answer: c

50. Which of the following statements regarding the male role in society is accurate? a. Most men belong to a large system of same-sex mentors. b. Men have more positive role models than women. c. The traditional male role puts men at higher risk for health problems. d. The evolutionary drive to reproduce encourages the development of close, reciprocal relationships with women.

Answer: c

52. As men grow older, there is a continuing trend that older men __________. a. become more masculine. b. become more physically aggressive. c. become more nurturant. d. become more sexist.

Answer: c

61. Which of the following STIs is caused by a virus rather than bacteria? a. gonorrhea b. syphilis c. genital herpes d. chlamydia

Answer: c

67. Male rapists share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: a. they want to hurt their victims. b. they are angry at women in general. c. they were abused as children. d. aggression enhances their sense of power.

Answer: c

72. What percentage of college men admit to forcing a woman into a sexual act? a. 25 % b. 33 % c. 50 % d. 75 %

Answer: c

77. Which of the following is positively correlated with increased sexual behavior in adolescents? a. curiosity and sexual play in childhood b. strict parental values against premarital sex c. viewing sexually explicit TV shows d. participation in extracurricular clubs and activities

Answer: c

92. Programs that aim to reduce adolescent pregnancy, such as Taking Care of Business and Health Bridge: a. focus on the negative consequences of teen pregnancy. b. emphasize abstinence. c. result in less cases of teen pregnancy. d. teach career planning skills and avoid sex-related material.

Answer: c

105. Mr. Martin is 84 years old and has no major health problems. Sexual function in someone as old as Mr. Martin is: a. about the same as it was when he was in his 50s. b. possible but hampered by the lower blood pressure of most older adults. c. possible but typically hampered by limited circulation in the sexual organs. d. possible, although it may be more difficult for Mr. Martin to gain an erection and have an orgasm.

Answer: d

106. The notion that very old adults have no sex life is: a. true because sexual interest disappears by age 75. b. true because physical changes and impairments prevent intercourse. c. not true because sexual sensitivity and ability increases with age. d. not true because sexual ability may decline but is possible throughout the life span.

Answer: d

13. Researchers have found links between hormone levels and certain behaviors. Which of the following is a documented correlation? a. High levels of estrogens are linked with aggressive and sexual behavior. b. Violent criminals have above-average levels of estrogens. c. High levels of cortisol are correlated with sexual behavior during puberty. d. High levels of testosterone are linked with aggressive and sexual behavior.

Answer: d

16. Dr. Estrada attributes gender differences to the possibility that women's lower-status positions in society have encouraged them to become more cooperative and less dominant than men. Her view most closely matches: a. cognitive developmental theories of gender. b. psychoanalytic theories of gender. c. evolutionary psychology. d. social role theory.

Answer: d

23. Critics of social cognitive theory argue that it pays too little attention to the roles of the child's own mind and understanding. These critics support a(n) __________ approach to gender theory. a. autonomous b. psychoanalytic c. antisocial d. cognitive

Answer: d

24. Paulo unconsciously knows what it means to be a boy. He interacts with others, chooses activities, and interprets information in accordance with this cognitive representation of "maleness." This is an example of which gender development theory? a. social cognitive b. psychoanalytic c. psychosocial d. gender schema

Answer: d

27. Broad impressions and beliefs about females and males are termed: a. sex differences. b. gender self-concepts. c. gender-esteem evaluations. d. gender stereotypes.

Answer: d

30. Females are most likely to be stereotyped as expressing more warmth and sensitivity, whereas males are most likely to be stereotyped as expressing more: a. sadness and regret. b. humor and rhetoric. c. shame and sympathy. d. aggression and independence.

Answer: d

36. The 2007 National Assessment of Education Progress reports: a. boys score significantly higher in math and science than girls. b. girls score significantly higher in math and science than boys. c. boys score significantly higher in reading and writing than girls. d. girls score significantly higher in reading and writing than boys.

Answer: d

4. Gender typing is the: a. social and psychological dimensions of being female or male. b. biological aspects of being female or male. c. set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should act, think, and feel. d. process by which children acquire the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are considered appropriate for being female or male in a particular culture.

Answer: d

41. Gina loves to play rugby, and Josh is enrolled in ballet lessons. What is the likely reaction of their peers? a. Peers will not react significantly to either individual. b. Peers will reject both individuals' behaviors. c. Peers will accept both individuals' behaviors. d. Peers will accept Gina's interest and reject Josh's choice.

Answer: d

45. According to the gender-intensification hypothesis, what is a likely result of adolescent boys attempting to be viewed as more masculine? a. They obsess about academic achievement and reward. b. They form exclusive, male peer groups and minimize interaction with females. c. They take body bulking steroidal supplements. d. They engage in risk-taking and rebellious behavior.

Answer: d

47. Charlie disputes Helen's complaint that they never talk. "What do you mean? I just gave you my work schedule and evening plans for the week." Charlie engages in __________, whereas Helen desires __________. a. gender stereotyping; gender transcendence b. role strain; role ease c. rapport talk; report talk d. report talk; rapport talk

Answer: d

54. Kyle and Angie have decided to wait until they are married to have sex. They hold to: a. nontraditional sexual script. b. romantic script. c. traditional gender role script. d. traditional religious sexual script.

Answer: d

57 A person's sexual orientation MOST likely is determined by a combination of: a. personal preference and social conditioning. b. family history and religious affiliation. c. genetic and hormonal factors. d. genetic, hormonal, cognitive, and environmental factors.

Answer: d

62. Which of the following STIs is caused by bacteria rather than a virus? a. HPV b. AIDS c. genital herpes d. chlamydia

Answer: d

66. Condoms are least effective against the spread of: a. HIV b. syphilis c. chlamydia d. herpes

Answer: d

68. One of the best predictors of getting an STI is: a. heterosexual behavior. b. homosexual behavior. c. asking a partner about his sexual behavior. d. having sex with multiple partners.

Answer: d

74. Sexual harassment includes which of the following? a. sexist remarks b. physical contact c. sexual assault d. all of these

Answer: d

78. Santiago waited until he was married to have sex. Which of the following did NOT influence his decision to wait? a. high self-regulation b. religious affiliation and involvement c. future aspirations d. popular TV shows and commercials

Answer: d

80. An adolescent's sexual identity involves all of the following EXCEPT: a. activities. b. styles of behavior. c. indication of sexual orientation. d. strong sexual arousal.

Answer: d

83. Emily's parents want to protect her from early participation in sexual activity and should actively support which of the following? a. disallow discussions about sex b. opposite-sex friendships c. dieting d. spirituality

Answer: d

87. Which of the following countries has the highest rate of teen pregnancy? a. France b. Sweden c. Canada d. United States

Answer: d

89. Arial is fifteen years old and pregnant. Which of the following factors is the MOST likely contributing factor? a. Arial doesn't have many close friends. b. Arial gets average grades in school. c. Arial watches a lot of television. d. Arial is the daughter of a teenage mother.

Answer: d

98. A recent large-scale study of American women found that most postmenopausal women reported: a. debilitating depression and irritability. b. embarrassing hot flashes. c. regret that they no longer had their period. d. no severe physical or psychological problems related to menopause.

Answer: d

99. Which of the following is NOT an alternative to HRT? a. nonsteroidal medicine b. acupuncture c. exercise d. all of these

Answer: d

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