Psych Death/Dying Final

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Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) are:

A medical order signed by a health-care professional

After Sally's husband died suddenly in his early 40s, she was very angry with God and found it difficult to accept what had happened. Sally was very devout and had supported her church for many years. Her anger is:

A normal reaction

Throughout young and middle adulthood, the highest death rates occurred among:

African Americans

According to Kelly and her colleagues, near-death experiences include:

Awareness of remote events not accessible to the person's ordinary senses The experience of being out of the body and viewing events going on around it as from a position above Enhanced mental processes at a time when physiological functioning is seriously impaired

In Buddhist thought, evil is found in:

Birth Death Dissociation from the pleasant

The belief in reincarnation or rebirth is maintained by:


Death certificates are necessary for:

Collecting life insurance Investigation of crime Disposition of property rights Receiving death benefits

Which of the following interventions would not be helpful for someone contemplating suicide?

Encourage the person to be alone in order to focus on personal solutions to problems.

Issues for Critical Reflection #17, "Violent Incidents and Our Security," in the eighth edition of Death & Dying, Life & Living shows:

Essential insecurity about our being can lead to overwhelming anxiety Society can do more to protect its members from killings like this Total security from tragedy is an illusion

According to Kalish, there is a relatively low level of fear of death among older adults because older persons:

Have been able to live a long, full life May view their lives as having less value than the lives of younger persons Have undergone a socialization process through which they repeatedly experience the deaths of others

Western religion often associates an afterlife with the concept of:

Heaven and Hell

Theorists say suicidal behavior is complex because it involves three central elements. These are:

Helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness

Imagine a 28-year-old married woman with two children who is brain dead from a car accident. Without her written consent, authorization to donate her kidneys will be sought from:

Her husband

Some ancient Greek views of an afterlife included __________.

Immortality of the soul

Which of the following is the best description of "adolescence"?

It is defined at its onset by leaving and returning home.

Before Jeff's dad died of a blood infection after heart surgery, Jeff offered to stay with his dad one day while his mom went shopping. While his mom was gone, Jeff opened a window to get some fresh air. The next day, Jeff's dad was readmitted to the hospital with a fever and soon died. Jeff believed he was responsible for his father's death. This story teaches us that:

It would be important for Jeff to know and understand the cause of his father's death.

Research on adolescent bereavement has shown that adolescents with high self-concept scores are likely to experience:

Less depression, fear, loneliness, and confusion

Which of the following variables is most likely to be associated with difficulties for an adolescent who is coping with bereavement?

Low self-concept

"Immortality" in the Jewish and Christian scriptures:

May refer to a diminished life style after death Often refers to what continues from oneself through one's children Is sometimes associated only with divine beings May be given only to certain human beings

According to Blos, late adolescence is the period when adolescents typically _________.

None of these

If a person believes that death is a "wall," __________.

None of these

Older adults in our society who are contemplating suicide are _________.

None of these

The African beliefs discussed in Chapter 19 in the eighth edition of Death & Dying, Life & Living portray the afterlife as:

None of these

An example of an altruistic suicide is:

None of these?

Studies have shown discrimination against older adults who were brought in to hospital emergency departments in critical condition as well as in end-of-life care. Efforts to eliminate or minimize such discrimination have come from:

Organizations such as AARP Recent developments in geriatric medicine and gerontological specializations in other health care fields The hospice philosophy

Much higher rates (rising with age) of male than female suicides among older adults appear to be associated with:

Previous dependency on a now-deceased female caretaker Social isolation The impact of an unwanted layoff or retirement on those whose identity had previously been greatly dependent on their vocational roles

According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, near-death experiences __________.

Provide conclusive evidence of the existence of an afterlife

Hinduism has often associated death with the concept of:


Indicators that might serve to warn of the danger of adolescent suicide include:

Remarks by adolescents that things would be better if they were no longer around

Which of the following is not a "myth" about suicide?

Suicidal persons are mentally ill.

When Krishna says we cast off our bodies at death just as we cast off old worn out coats, he:

Supports the notion of the transmigration of souls

By contrast with the views of Socrates, another ancient Greek notion of an afterlife is that:

The kingdom of the dead is a dreary, unhappy place

Homicide in adolescence is a phenomenon:

Usually associated with firearms

To face one's mortality is to recognize the significance of such questions as:

Why was I born? How are life and death related? What is the meaning of my having lived? Where there is death, is there no life?

An attempt to explain suicidal behavior as arising from inherited factors is __________.

a biological explanation

According to Durkheim, egoistic suicide is associated with __________.

a condition of underinvolvement or underintegration of an individual in his or her society

The phrase "holographic will" is used to describe _________.

a document that is handwritten and unwitnessed

According to Socrates, death is __________.

a good thing

Older adults have been described as "forgotten grievers" in relationship to the death of _________.

a grandchild

Cries for help" on the part of a suicidal person should be __________.

addressed immediately

A process of systematically stereotyping and discriminating against people because they are old is called _________.


Reports of near-death experiences typically involve __________.

an out-of-body experience or sense of detachment from one's physical body

Not talking down to older adults and not assuming deafness or incompetence on their part can help them most directly to _________.

be reassured that their lives still have value

Noppe and Noppe argued that adolescent understandings of death may be influenced by ambiguities or tensions from _________.

biological maturation and sexual development

The completed suicides of Ernest Hemingway and Sylvia Plath differed most notably in __________.

deliberateness or intentionality

Many scholars now agree that the principal task in early adolescence is to achieve _________.

emotional separation from parents

Older adults can be helped to find resolution for old conflicts and achieve a sense of meaning in their lives by _________.

encouraging reminiscence of times past

Feifel's portrayal of death as a door or a wall is meant to help us __________.

evaluate death

For young adults who are coping with life-threatening illness and dying, sexuality is _________.

expressed in many thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Behaviors of a suicidal person often include __________.

giving away of cherished objects changes in sleeping patterns changes in eating habits having a period of calmness following agitation

Studies have shown that physician/patient conversations about death-related issues can _________.

increase knowledge without diminishing hope

Claims on behalf of the legitimacy of rational suicide are generally founded on __________.

individual autonomy and self-determination

The Harvard Committee's criteria (1968) on determination of death apply to _________.

individuals in an irreversible coma

In Buddhist thought, death can be an evil because __________.

it may lead to rebirth into another life of suffering

How one thinks of the meaning of death __________.

may affect how one thinks about the morality of euthanasia may affect how one treats dying persons may affect one's beliefs about suicide, but not necessarily in an obvious way is likely to be related to philosophical or theological beliefs

To have no external behavioral or physiological signs of life __________.

may be taken as evidence of being "clinically dead"

Sigmund Freud provided a psychological explanation in which suicide is seen as

murder turned around 180 degrees

If one believes that death is a "door," then __________.

one's attitude toward death will be influenced in some - not necessarily any obvious - way

The phrase "sandwich generation" describes _________.

pressures on adults from older and younger generations

The Chinese Yin/Yang symbol __________.

suggests that life and death are not simply opposites is an image portraying the notion that wherever there is life there is also death symbolically opposes the notion that life and death are direct contraries to each other suggests that death never completely overcomes life

Federal and state estate taxes are best described as _________.

taxes on the transfer of property from a decedent to his or her beneficiaries

In relationship to organ donation, "first-person consent" means _________.

that an individual over 18 can make a legally binding decision to donate upon death

In preparing a living will, the competent decision maker is _________.

the author

According to Lifton's account of symbolic immortality, "natural immortality" refers to __________.

the continuation of one's life in the physical world around us

In terms of the deaths of someone else experienced by adolescents, studies have found that many adolescents in the U.S. have encountered _________.

the death of a friend or peer who was roughly their own age the death of a loved one the death of a parent

Survivors of suicides must cope with tasks related to __________.

the death of someone to whom one has been close a death due to a non-natural cause a death perceived to have been avoidable a sudden death

Parental bereavement among adults represents _________.

the death of the bereaved person's future

Data on suicide may be inaccurate because __________.

the deceased person's intention is unclear family members resist attempts to label the death this way some want to protect family members from guilt and stigma

Suicide is most simply defined as __________.

the intentional killing of oneself

The "NASH" system has to do with _________.

the manner of death

To say that the soul is "essentially" immortal means that __________.

the soul by its very nature cannot die

If an unmarried individual dies without a will or any qualified heir, his or her estate passes to _________.

the state in which the person lived at the time of death

Difficulties experienced by adult parents in coping with neonatal and other infant deaths are primarily associated with _________.

the untimeliness of the death

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